2002-04-01 RM Exhibits27.17.10 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the founding of Wilmington College in 1947 by the citizens of New Hanover County, resulted in what is now the University ofNorth Carolina at Wilmington; and WHEREAS, the University of North Carolina at Wilmington is a greatly respected institution of higher learning and a community asset bringing academic as well as, athletic honors to our region; and WHEREAS, campus athletics are an important part of the over-all campus experience and through the years, UNCW has developed numerous highly successful teams; and WHEREAS, the 200J -02 UNCW Men's Basketball Team won the Colonial .Athletic Association Regular Season Championship; and WHEREAS, the 2001-02 UNC\V Men's Basketball Team also won the Colonial Athletic Association Tournament; and WHEREAS, the 2001-02 UNCWMen's Basketball Team proceeded to the NCAA . ( Championship Tournament, where they won their first round game, which was the first post- season tournament victory in the University's history; and WHEREAS, Coach Jerry Wainwright and the team hªve achieved these success~s while bringing positive recognition to the University through their academic achievement, exceptional sportsmanship, and their clean and respectful demeanor both on and off the basketball court. NOW, TjIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to congratulate Coach Wainwright and the 2001-02 UNCW Men' sSeahawks on a successful season and the honor'they bring to the University of North. Carolina at. Wilmington and the citizens of New Hanover County. Adopted this the first day of April 2002 . (¡ o~~r\ . Ted Davis, Jr., ChailfJ 27.17.11 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD O}?':cOM:Mí:~SIONERS . '.' .' :>'.:; \' .. ?::·~'j~f;;~~:;. PROCLAMATION J 0 : :j..\,., .;~ . . ". ;·,.···,'//~;;::c7:.· . ~.)~.~I,J,~;:~.~ . . ",,' . ~ ..··1 :..' .~~ " . '. . . , . .' . . <..>:,p.;,". \..;:tjt-;:, .' WHEREAS, the terror attacks on September 11, 2001, spotligh~~t.~e. work county officials do ·24 hours a day 365 dåys a year and "::::'?~\""¡,,~:i\~Æ<:~t . '.:' .' .:;:" . ";;;·:~';':'rg~6i;(··d~: t¡~¿ WHEREÂS, Counties are thè' first to respond to. ~~~igenê}L atioñS.~ an( are primarily:'. reSPOh~i?::~.~or PI~~20~ dls~ters; and :.>':::<:". :'~?::~?7i~}®fl}>" .. ' ,'. ,~~:.;~::~~".,:. .,.' ,ü:. : . ... WHEREAS, thère ~è\066 counties in the Ucited $t~t~s~:/rolled}vely' rcspò~lsiblc for the w~lI- ,}~:l".~eing..·i;~~re..t~:~t!&J~lli~~ Ame~~ans, .\~!!.l"'.;fr~~~~~{~Y '~:~~; . /. 'VHE~ÂS,. in th~sl~e~ and try~g times, Në~,HarlciV~r:t~qûríty will continue to safeguard our way of liflánd réIjiai~:t.!g¡lant· prot~Ctors.ofoUr.'Citiz.~n~;;àrid . ...... ···,;;~'\:;i:~Si~,¡,).:jt:iA~«[:.;:·.··.:::::·...¡;rJ . .}:' WHEREAS, CountYg9ve~~,6ts àre~h~fitizén's local government voice, providing solutions that bring communiti~stoge.tb~r,.i'. . ..:.:. _ , . {^'.' ~ ::. .-" ,-:'" , .~ , '., . >NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hailover County Board of COIiuni~~ioners does' he;eby 'dèclan~> the week.of April 7-13, 2002 to be National County Government Week in New Hanover Co~~tý:'iiìres~)gí{iÚ()rí'(;rthc Icadership. iI1l10\'¡¡tiol1 antI valuable service provided to our citizens. "':"\~:!'::, ,'.~~ '" .. ;<H¡~: ,~~tc"};\: '-;'.' è.;:· .. . AdoptedthÌs,thé isld~yof April 2002. ...."I ., ' , ~':",: New] lal10ver CounLy !ioar~ oCCommissiol1crs " .. .,,'... ~ . \~~\~. '.J :.'~~':;.;~; ',' ;I..:;'~~'" : ~ , ~''''~Ii:!:..''''''''':.~'''oII: ." -;Þ. .:.:.: . :,~:.r~ "~, '=r . f'Ò':<: '.~ ':":-..':.,:::~~ ~'A, ,:-... ..... .....".../" qz;~~fei.d T~~ff!tl ;~i~¡¡' .... . ~:.t.n,;·:;; ~;"t.~r. t. ···¡qfl{fti;;~:: ."'.:', .,. ,:,,;;'.. . (J ,>,:::.r,: ;.:~:. -: . . """ . ~. , ,'-:, , , '.., ~. ~ . . '. '. ",' .... . . .' . . . ',~ ",.: ,"'- ;';.:. '.' ":' . . .':.'~. ':":~ ~ . . ", .': . . . :i _: : .' '= ..... . ~, . . .. '.' ". "," .... ,..' ..:. /':::':J:",:' ....,;::;¡;::;..;::,' '. :'~:"',<:y,::.:-\::-' ::',";' ., . ""~~¡,~J.;~:~.:.,; .. ,,- . '. <'.:..::..:,:.:";::"~_:':"":..'.::.::.:..;...:.:;,....:.!,......'"~:.:.':.". .~\~ ,", .: - . - . . . . .." ~.....:... .:: :. .': ';:.. ',".. . I . .. . .' . , 27.17.12 NEW HANOVER cOUNTYBOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A PROCLAMATION APPRECIATION WEEK FOR COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES EMPLOYEES APRIL 21-27, 2002 WHEREAS, dedicated men and women in the New Hanover County Department ofSociaI Services provide services and support for thousands of our citizens; ånd ' WHEREAS, these Social Services professionals accomplish many goals in their life's work; they provi~e financial and medical assistance for those unable to meet basic needs; protect children, older adults and the disabled; guide the needy toward self-sufficiency througþ education and job placement; offer services to children, older adults and the disabled that enhance their quality oflife and provide administrative support for program operations; and ,- WHEREAS, these Social Services professionals are dedicated to improving the quality of life for the citizens of this County. They also strive to improve the delivery of services and to operate social services programs as efficiently and effectively as possible; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners proclaims the week of April 21-27, 2002, (tAP P RECIATION WEEK FOR COUNTY DEPARTMENTS OF SOCIAL SERVICES EMPLOYEES" in New Hanover County, and urge our citizens to recognize these professionals and commend them for their effor,ts. Adopted this the 1 sl day of April, 2002. ld f)~Q~mnnan Attest: rYlA·.v,,7 ~A ~k~ the Board ~ 27.17.13 NEW HANOVERcOUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . ; ,PROCLAMATION ' .. " " ~., .. ~ (. ~ , ' .' ,CHILD ABUSE PREVÉNTION :MONTH '. .', ,. .", " ", ';'. .,-",.-¡".:?-.,:"';,,,''', .' . APRIL 2002 '.. <..,', :,' . :, :Mf;'ih::;," :.~:~,:t ~ ",;.. ~ -f ..'\-:.... . ' : ('WHÈREAS, Child Abtlseé0l1.tinues,at near record ievels;~éro'ss oUr~ation and our State, and "." ,. ' '. " .' ' ,,:'~::). ".. .1..- , , ", " . ~ _ 4 . .... :< ~ c', , .' " "., . '.,'VHEREAS, ApriI20~~ha.~.~èe?);rocIaimed Child ~hùse.;~.~~~en~i.g~.~~.~th in North Carolina, and :.'.;':. ....i " >-<>,?": :,: c. " , '.~:~',;~~.;;. >::::;¿1'~~~ :}:..../~~: , WHEREAS~'beyond : tþë:Ja,quly 'Ùriit, the effects of Cþild; Ab~,sé~ãte Înost immediately. felt in neighboih~ods aJ1dco~~~sM~s; ~? .... ... .:" ...... H{{~;~m7f;t .iJj ,.. ·~~;Äl'/'· ;.:;,:;1(". . WHEREAS; Child Abuse;liké other crimes and social p¡'oblems~'destrôyslthé}rän:quilitY;~0ffàinïlie's~"·;;:;!.ff<;:'(j. '- .' ,-' ' . "J '. ._ " "- . ,,'-".' A'\'-"":;'_:"':~) ~'^",,~',if<');"~'¿';;:,-7-",''<'-' ,', ¡~\ .". _.-,.;~..,!~:,,~..,~:,...~,,;-,.;.-:c._; .'. ..__ neighborhoods' and còfumunities and robs childreri:oftheir childhoó&huld hèidhborho'ods of.thëir':'~:f,·::·:,:·.;: ,"¡al\tY;an?,~ ·..·.Ú~&~~~>'(C ,,' . . "~;?~7'{;\:'::~!"'" . - .' .·"·~Æ~:·f§t: WHEREAS~ the family~';uQi(,isthe,."þuiìding, ,bl9dé pfthèL'community, and healthy families makè'%W!t;;~~( :0', ' healthy commuruties:'~;l{~~~i*i~~~~t;s~;.Sjj}'Y· "",. '", WHEREAS, the most~'ff~~ti~~jÒ(ÛJi9~~äfd l(j~~l solutions and there are within our community, professionals of all discip!ihes'~n~:V6tq~1~ers from all walks oflife dedicated to the amelioràtion of effects of child abuse;': >':¿f . ,. , ',:: iW~{\::/,';:,,;;:·/,<:,¡::,Ù.::-<,' "i:" '", _, .. ",:...~ . ' , . "~' ';' ',' ; ".1"~._':.".,':'~ ... \',:t,~'-j¿~'~" :" ~, . ,~./"~.,~.."",,,~.,¡j'~,,',,1,'./; ,:':>; , ", ':~- :'p ,.- t"'..~ '" ~ ,-,+~1'~\0; .~~. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVE])' TÌIAT~thÚNew. Hanover County Boardof)~/' -';¿i{~} ~ ..... ." ,...- '..(t ",.,;, '. ;A>"\['k.'-I ' . . . "\..-:tt~":I;' 0;:, '::.t'j.,f:-:j.-· ~ Commissioners proclaims the month of ApriI2002;as CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH:,,,·· ,.;J!,,,1:·.. and . " .' '\~}:f<;'(":;'~"":~'" ' , . . " . '. . '. . . '...../: ....,~~,;..J-~..~...:.,:._., ", . , . . , . :~< '~>~"., ',' _:: "~...;;:.," '-~. ~:':':-:i;/)->¡'~~ ,> \; . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the New Hanovef CountY\ßo*~èlJ:Òf- Co/mnissiol1ers docs pledge and asks ourci~izens,public and private, profession~(~~d.vql.Ïl:~tdê?itðr·~cdoublc lheir Cf1(1rtS . ;'. to obliterate the soèiafproblem of child abuse from our 'fam.ilies;,our /lciL!,hborhoods and our.", . "~,,, ¡ ( '",... :-. 't'~:;~"-. - ,':. . commuruty, ".'-" " .':"" ~'. ... .. ':': '.' Adopted:this the first day of April 2002 , " Ted ATTEST: " " ' '. ' .',', . ~ . ;.. on . 27.17.14 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the US EnvironI1}ental Protection Agency (USEP A) has issued emission guidelines for small municipal waste combustors in accordance with Title 40 U. S. CFR Part 60 (BBBB) to be implemented no later than December 31,2005; and WHEREAS, W ASTEC's Units lA and 2A are small units by definition; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Department of Environmental Management negotiated with the North Carolina Department of Air Quality as a portion of Air Permit #5151Rll to be in compliance with small waste combustor regulàtions by December 31, 2004; and WHEREAS, carbon ~njection systems and a Noxout system for Units lA and 2A are necessary to meet the new emission guidelines; WHEREAS, North Carolina State Senate Bill 312, AN ACT TO: (1) AMEND CERTAIN LAWS RELATING TO THE CERTIFICATION OF WELL CONTRACTORS AND TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM CIVIL PENALTY, PENALTY THAT MAY BE ASSESSED FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE WELL CONTRACTORS CERTIFICATION ACT. OR THE WELL CONSTRUCTION ACT; contained an amendment '(3) REQUIRE THAT SOLID WASTE THAT IS TO BE INCINERATED IN CERTAIN INCINERATORS BE VISUALLY INSPECTED IN ORDER TO PREVENT THE INCINERATION OF WASTE THAT MAY NOT BE -" L{\ WFULL Y INCINERATED; WHEREAS, Section 3.4 of Senate Bill 312 requires eXIstmg small municipal waste combustion units to achieve final compliance with the Federal rules no later than 1 March 2003; WHEREAS, W ASTEC had previously prepared to budget for the installation of the carbon injection and Noxout systems for Units lA and 2A in fiscal years 2003 and 2004 so as not to create a financial burden on the citizens of New Hanover County; and ... "',! !; WHEREAS, Senate Bill312 now requires that the systems be budgeted and installed in fiscal year 2003; and WHEREAS, this will create an additional financial hardship upon the citizens of New Hanover County in a fiscal year that is already impacted by the withholding of State funding; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners not to increase the financial burden upon the citizens of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to comply with the small municipal waste combustor regulations by the deadline of December 31,2004, as previously negotiated with the Division of Air Quality; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that it is the desire ofthe Board to have the North Carolina General Assembly rescind Section 3.4 of Senate Bill 312 during the 2002 Session of the General Assembly, Adopted this the 1st day of April, 2002. & flf\ Ted Davi~'i~~an ATTEST: G(d~"dd y~ '-Cí€7;;e Board . 27.17.15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED ' OCTOBER 6, 1969 A-315,01/02 . THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: Revise: . Section 50.5 Table of Permitted Uses R-20 R-15 R-I0 0&1 B-1 AI Recycling Facilities: (l/3/89) Small Collection S S S S - - - Large Collection S S S S Processing S ADD: The Following Underlined Text and Remove Strikeout Toxt Section 69.13: Recycling Facilities The following site requirements shall apply to the location of small and large collection facilities and processing facilities as defined in Section 23, These locational requirements for recycling facilities are designed to: (1) Maintain aesthetic quality and visual character while reducing litter. (2) Promote the availability of recycling sites while promoting the sound conservation and re-use of valuable resources, (3) Establish a review procedure which ensures collection and processing facilities are designed to maintain sanitary site conditions, reduce land use conflicts and to promote harmony of development. 69.13-1: Permits - These facilities may be located by riç¡ht in some zoninç¡ districts and by special use permit in other zoninç¡ districts, Before any collection and/or processing facility is established, when applicable a special use permit must be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, and a building permit shall fiffit-be obtained from the Director of Inspections for New Hanover County in accordance with the following criteria: (1) Collection Facilities - A small collection facility shall be permitted by Special Use Permit in the 13..:..- 20, R-15, R-10, 0&1, and by right in the_B-1, B-2, SC, A-I, PD, 1-1 and 1-2 Districts, subject to the district requirements and the following: '(a) The facility may not exceed 500 square feet in size, ~.., ~- (b) The facility shall be limited to receiving only paper, glass, metal and plastic recyclable products, (c) The facility may be located on a host tract, provided it does not occupy needed parking of the principal use, (d) The facility shall be set back at least ten (10) feet from any street right-of-way and provide street yard plantinqs in accordance with section 67-10 (e) The facility shall be located am: . at least one hundred (100) fifty (50) feet from aU- ~ residentially zoned property line. (f) The facility shall be buffered from adjacent residential lots or districts in accordance with section 67-4, (g) No power-driven equipment is allowed except collection trucks, (h) Containers shall be constructed of durable, waterproof and rustproof materials, (i) No material storage outside the container is allowed, CD Signs: The storage container may have an identification logo not exceeding 10 square feet. (k) At least one (1) parking space shall be designated for attendants, (1) The name, address, and phone number òf the organization and/or persons' responsible for pick':ups and maintenance of the facility shall be displayed on the container. The site must be monitored daily to maintain sanitary conditions, (m)The facility shall not reduce the landscaping required for any concurrent use, (n) A site plan shall be submitted illustrating the above before a permit can be issued by the Inspections Departme~t. (2) Large Collection Facilities - These facilities may be located by riqht in all industrial districts, the B-2 Business District and by special use permit in the B-1, 0&/, R-20 and R-15 districts subject to the district requirements and the following standards: (a) The facility may be larger than 500 square feet and on a separate property or tract of land, (b) Facilities permitted by special use permit shall be limited to receiving only paper, qlass, metal, and plastic recyclable products. The site must be mónitored daily to maintain sanitary conditions, (c) The facility and its appurtenant uses shall not be located closer than one hundred (100) feet to any residentially-zoned property line, All landscaping shall be in accordance with Section 67 of this Ordinance, (d) All loading and outside storage shall be to the side and/or rear of the building, Storage or loading conducted on the side of the building shall be screened from view from the adjacent right-of-way, All exterior storage shall be in containers or under shelters which are covered and secured, No outside storage shall be visible from the residentially-zoned property, '......' ... (e) The facility may not operate between the hours of 7:00 p.m, and 7:00 a,m, when adjacent to residentially-zoned property, (f) A site plan illustrating the above shall be submitted before an occupancy permit is issued by the Inspections Department. (3) Processing Facilities - Processing Facilities may be permitted in the 1-1 and 1-2 Industrial Districts and by special use permit in the A-I Airport Industrial District, subject to the district requirements and the following: (a) The facility and its appurtenant uses shall not be located closer than one hundred and fifty (150) feet to any residentially-zoned properties, (b) The facility shall meet the applicable setback requirements of Section 69,11 and landscaping requirements of Section 67, ' (c) Power-driven equipment is permitted, (d) All loading ancf exterior storage shall be to the side or rear of the building, Storage or loading conducted on the side of.the building shall be screened from view from the adjacent right-of-way, All exterior storage shall be in containers or under shelters which are covered and secured. It shall not be visible to residentially zoned property, (e) The facility shall not emit dust, smoke fumes or vibrations detectable on adjacent properties, (f) A site plan shall be submitted illustrating the above items to the Inspections Department before a building permit is issued, (1-03-89) Adopted the pI day of April 2002. ~ D{k!;(l~irman Attest: ~~,V( XLtc ~C~k¡; the B:.'r{dM