2002-06-17 RM Exhibits27.22.1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER WHEREAS, there are numerous creeks, streams and swamps located throughout the county that have large amounts of debris, and WHEREAS, this debris is, in part, an accumulation of debris from Hurricanes Fran, Bonnie and Floyd over the last several years, and WHEREAS, this debris is creating problems for landowners and the citizens of New Hanover County, and WHEREAS, restrictions have been established by the Division of Water Quality, Division of Environmental Natural Resources, U.S. Wildlife Services and Army Corps of Engineers that restrict the clean out of these creeks, streams and swamps. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby request the federal and state representatives to review the laws that áre so stringent in correcting this serious problem in our creeks, streams and swamps and to introduce or amend any legislation necessary to allow for the clean out of hurricane debris from our creeks, streams and swamps in order to preserve the land from current and future flooding. /l~ day of r-:. ' 2002. 7d {tn., . Chairman, Boa~~: Commissioners ATTEST: ()? './J</~ "'-../~he Board 27.22.2 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR REMEDIAL DESIGN AND REMEDIAL ACTION AT THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT BURN PIT SUPERFUND SITE LEGISLATIVE PURPOSE/INTENT: New Hanover County, the City of Wilmington, and Cape Fear Community College ("Respondents") have been identified as potentially responsible parties for the clean up of the New Hanover County Airport Burn Pit Site. The United States Environmental Protection Agency issued to the Respondents a unilateral order for remedial design' and remedial action, and the Respondents have attempted to comply with the order to avoid the potential assessment of costs and penalties. The Respondents entered into a contract with Richard Catlin & Associates, Inc. ("Catlin") dated April 18, 1994 under which Catlin agreed to oversee and perform the remedial design and remedial action for the site. The EP A has approved an amendment to the record of decision for the site to permit the use of air sparging to clean up residual contamination. The Respondents entered into an amendment to the Catlin contract dated October 23, 2000, to provide for the implementation of air sparging and to revise the fee schedule for the project. The amendment provided that the Respondents and the contractor would attempt to arrive at a mutually agreeable price for the construction of the air sparging system and the operation and maintenance thereof after the EP A's review of the remedial design. The EP A has approved the final design for the project and Catlin has provided a final estimate of construction costs and operation and maintenance costs for the first two years of the operation of the system. The estimated cost for the construction and installation of the system is Three Hundred and Forty Thousand Two Hundred Twelve Dollars and 11/00 ($340,212.11). The estimated operation and maintenance cost including monitoring of the air sparging system for the first year is estimated to be Twenty Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Dollars and 45/100 ($29,720.45) and Eighteen Thousand Four Hundred Ninety One Dollars and 55/100 ($18,491.55) for the second operating year. The estimated electrical operation cost for each year is Thirteen Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Two Dollars and 02/1 00 ($13,462.02). It is estimated that the operation and maintenance cost for any additional operating years shall be similar to the second year operating cost adjusted by a four percent (4%) inflationary increase. It is in the interest of the County to authorize a second amendment to the Contract to set forth the cost of constructing and operating the air sparging system as set forth above. The County's share of the cost shall not exceed twenty five percent (25%). · 4" r" .,. ~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL vÊJ5 BY THE NEW BANoVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS THAT: The Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and Clerk to the Board are hereby authorized to execute a second amendment to the agreement for remedial design and remedial action with Catlin & Associates consistent with the above terms and conditio V 1d ()1;O· Ted Davis, Jr, Chairman Adopted this the 17th of June, 2002 ATTEST: 02,: d~ "-~lerk 051002L/2ndAmdBurnpitlU 27.22.3 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2001 ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS 'TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENAL TIES CHARGED CLEANING LIENS CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 05/31/02 AD VALOREM $ 102,139,092.11 3,735,207,33 642,005.35 $ 105,232,294,09 10,872,50 76,705.65 6,076.00 $ 105,325,948.24 - 103,624,782,89 $ 1,701,165.35 98,38%* BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOT AL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED $ 3,698,729,73 94,823.99 748,135,77 $ 3,045,417.95 1,177,946.96 $ 1,867,470,99 38.68% RENTAL VEHICLE TAX COLLECTIONS ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS $ MAY 2002 21,752,35 $ 200,287,87 1,876.25 f<..1:t ~.,/2.,. ?J CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ITEM NO. MOTOR VEHICLE $ 8,718,465.43 19,872.50 126,156.22 $ 8,612,181.71 .00 ,00 ,00 $ 8,612,181.71 7,046,330,64 $ 1,565,851.07 81.82%* FISCAL YTD 226,532.85 2,371,762,09 15,137.75 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTON, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $168,542,832.30, THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGI RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, PA TRICIA J. RAYNOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 97,13% \ 27.22.3 CONSENT AGENDA OATE:_________ ITEM NO.______ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 04/30/02 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2001 -....-..-------------- ORIGINAL TAX lEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL lEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES ..-----..-- REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY, .$ CHARGES ADDEO LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR~EGI G JULY R~ECTFULLY SUBMI~~, :-y c:"~m t : ~ ~. w '\J ..,0vI" PATRICIA J. RA~NOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ---_...-....__..._--~ S 252,312.09 938.74 3,638.19- ------------~-- S 249,612.64 .00 ..----...---.......--- --.-------..--...... $ 2,576,105.53 147,667.41 77,777.22- _....-_...._-~_..,...... $ 2,645,995.72 2,422.38 --------------- .$ 2,648,418.10 2,602,386.38- ---_....---- ------ $ 46,031.72 98.26%* .$ 249,612.64 190,136.82- ------------......,.. .$ 58,875.62 76.41:¥* 85,819.45 3,,270.73 ______~!z~l!:~~- .$ 59,170.35 18,332.81- ....-------------- $ 41,437.54 30.67= 1, 2001. * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 96.38= 27.22.4 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the Jackson Beverage Company of Wilmington, North Carolina has a 1982 Chevrolet 12-Bay Body diesel truck, valued at $1,200.00, vehicle identification number 1 GBM7D 1 Y8CV 109231, and desires to donate the vehicle to New Hanover County to supplement the County Fire Department Rescue Program; AND WHEREAS, the County Fire Chief has inspected the truck and has determined. the truck would be an asset to the Fire Rescue Program; , AND WHEREAS, a budget amendment for accounting purposes only, is required to record , the value of the donation and said budget amendment is attached as part of this resolution; AND WHEREAS, the County Manager, the Finance Director, and the County Fire Chief recommend acceptance of the truck and approval of related budget amendment;' 'NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the 1982 Chevrolet 12-Bay Body diesel truck, valued at $1,200.00, vehicle ,identification number IGBM7DI Y8CVI09231 be accepted as a donation from Jackson Beyerage Company, the budget amendment be adopted, and that the County staff is directed to process, any required documents to consummate the trånsaction. ' This 17th ~ay of June, 2002. íL{Jµ0v, . Chairman, Boa~~ounty Commissioners Œ~/~ CI~o the Board 27.22.5 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION :MICHAEL F. EASLEY Division of Hi2:hwavs L YNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR June 17, 2Œ02 . SECRETARY Mr. Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Dear Mr. Davis: Subject: 2002-2003 Secondary Roads Construction Program As required by General Statute 136-44.5, before July 1 each calendar year, the Department of Transportation shall make a study of all state-maintained unpaved roads in order to determine the unpaved mileage in each county and the total in the state. Each county's allocation is d.etennined by dividing the total allocation by the statewide mileage times the number of miles in each county. Secondary road construction allocations are based upon the amount of revenue generated by the gasoline tax. The final total will not be known until the end of the current fiscal year, ending June 30, 2002. Should there be a significant change in the county allocation, we will inform you of any adjustment in the Secondary Road Construction Program for 2002-2003. Based on an unpaved mileage of approximately 2.22 miles in New Hanover County, compared to unpaved miles statewide, the secondary allocation is estimated at $46,000.00 that is expected to be approved at the July Board Meeting. The priority lists were updated this past winter. The lists are based on a paving priority rating system having two paving priorities in each county, one for rural roads and one for residential/subdivision roads. The Board now requires a separate listing of roads for each county showing the roads which have been previously skipped over for paving because the right-of-way was not available. Although these roads will not be shown on either of the two paving priority lists, provisions have been made for any such road to be reinstated to its prior position at such time as right-of-way becomes available, or as soon' thereafter as reinstatement can be administratively accomplished. A copy of the paving priorities and the list of roads with unavailable right-of-way is attached for your reference. Wilmington Division 124 Divisi6r1 Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401, PHONE (910) 251-5724 IC New Hanover County Commissioners Page 2 In compliance with our Board's direétives, while addressing overall county needs, we submit the following proposals for the expenditure of estimated secondary road construction funds for New Hanover County, for the period through June 2003. This proposal will be presented in a public hearing at your regularly scheduled meeting on June 17,2002, at 9:00 A.M. as follows: Estimated July 01, 2002 Total Allocation Highway Fund $22,000.00 Highway Trust Fund $24,000.00 $ 46,000.00 Spot stabilization, paved road improvements, replacement of small bridges with pipe, safety projects, etc. Estimated Cost = $ $ 6,000.00 40,000.00 SUBDIVISION ROADS Priority # IF (S) SR 133 7M - Marathon Avenue Grade, Drain, Base, Pave & Erosion Control From End of Payement to End of System Length - 0.89 miles Estimated Cost = $ 40,000.00 $ Note: This is a continuation of funding from previous fiscal year TOTAL MILEAGE: 0.89 A copy of this proposed program is posted on the bulletin board at the courthouse for public revie'Yv. This program is subject to availability of funding, right of way, and environmental reVlew. WILMINGTON DIVISION 124 Division Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403, PHONE (910) 251-5724 II New Hanover County Commissioners Page 3 We wish to point out the amount used in the cost of each of these priorities is an estimate and is subject to variations due to inflation, cost of materials, equipment rate changes, and so forth. We appreciate the opportunity to meet with you, the Board and the public, to present this ,program. Recommended deviations from this submission by the Board of Commissioners must be in compliance with General Statute 136-44.8. In the event right of way for any of the proposals above is not available, it is our plan to proceed with the next priority in line uritil right of way is acquired and funds allocatecLare expended. You will be notified of any changes in this program: In addition, at the end of each calendar year, you will be presented a detailed report of work accomplished and funds expended. Yours very truly, Tilson er, Board of Transportation /øÇ--- H. Allen Pope, PE Division Engineer HAP/DRC/drc WILMINGTON DIVISION 124 Division Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403, PHONE (910) 251-5724 , Ie:< SRIQ' RATING UNPAVED SECONDÞ.RY RÔADS * SUBDIVN * COUNTY 2S NEW HANOV " SiR PRTY SID NAME LENGTH HOM PIH SCH CH BS IN RF #B B/R TRÞ.F 1337M 1F Y MÞ.P'U.!l..THON Þ.VE .89 38 Y 228 2619 2F Y HERMITAGE DR I .12 5 Y 30 1461 3F Y CHESTER AVENU .04 1 N 10 NUMBER ROADS: 3 TOTAL MILES: 1.05 PAGE 01 T/F T/pTS N 494.2 N 290.0 N 260.0 (F) INDICATES FROZEN TOP 10 PRIORITY AS REQUIRED BY GS 136-44.7(B) SRIQ RÞ.TING UNPAVED SECONDARY ROP-.DS * RURAL * COUNTY 25' NEW HANOV PAGE 01 SiR PRTY SID NAME LENGTH HOM PIH SCH CH BS IN RF #B BIR TRAF T/F T/pTS 1408 IF N PROSPECT CEME .30 3 N 30 N 60.0 1385 ' 2F N SÞ.MPSON STREE .43 1 N 10 N 20.0 1318 3F N BLUE CLAY ROA .11 N 6 N 6.0 NUMBER ROADS: 3 TOTl\,L MILES: 0.84 (F) INDICATES FROZEN TOP 10 PRIORITY AS REQUIRED BY GS 136-44.7 (B) SRIQ SIR - 1534 RÞ.TING UNPAVED 2RTY SID NAME Y SONDEY ROAD NUMBER ROADS: 1 SECONDARY ROADS *HOLD-LIST* COUNTY 25 NEW HANOV PAGE 01 LENGTH HOM P IH SCH CH BS IN RF #B B/' R "'D7\"" I I lrv-.£: T F T PTS . 3 3\ 3 4 Y 2 0 4 N 8 3 2 . 2 TOTAL MILES: 0.33 (F) INDICATES FROZEN TOP 10 PRIORITY AS REQU-1RED BY - . GS 136-44.7 (B) /3 ' , I + ~ o (¡ ',7 / ~ . '0 ~. - , ~ <ò " I I I, I I I I / / / / \..1""11'':: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ø :' ~&{ ,/ --.'\\ :~~ "" \ = ~V~¿ /rQ/"\; J ( '¡ I. i \ i \ ' , \ '-..... ë!l " " J ',::1þf:Þ'" - :(~- <:Yf-£'-C; . , 1 \JI . - ';co ,,-, ) \'-_ ~ .' ~" ":'.'~'-'-\) \,' (~ '- ~",,·'t ' , I . , --:, '. " ~ I_~.~~-:.~'" ,...h.:. _ \\ . .~---~----------~--- - , / " N \ ¥ s ENLA,RGEJ MUNiCiF,~,~ AND SûEURE,;N AREAS NEW HANOVER COUNTY /L/ 27.22.6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 56, Utilities, Division 9, Fee Schedule, Appendix B,be amended as follows: Division 9. Fee Schedule. Appendix B I. §56-37(b)(3)(a). Water usage charges: Change Table as follows: TABLE INSET: Gallons, per 1,000 gallons Charge $1.60 $1.35 $1.10 0-45,000 45,000 - 562,500 Over 562,500 II §56-37(b)(3)(b). Minimum bimonthly water charges: Change to §56-37(b)(3)(b). Bimonthly water base rates: Change Table as follows: TABLE INSET: Post-it" Fax Note 7671 TOWry1;f Co./Dept. ~X )..1.).2.~ Fax # ' Date I #01 ~ pages From Co, Phre"Ý/7 /0 ~ Fax (1 . .Jh ;;:, \';, Water Meter Size (inches) Base Rate 5/8" and 3/4" $4.50 I" $6.00 1 V2" $12.00 2" $20.00 3" $30.00 4" $60.00 6" $120.00 8" $240.00 III. §56-315(b). Basic user charges (user fees). User fees consist of the sum of fixed fee plus gallonage rate as follows: Change to §56-315(b). Basic user charges (user fees). User fees consist of the'sum of the base rate plus gallonage rate as follows: (1) Residential bimonthly (single-family). (a). Metered rate option. The metered rate option is applicable to 5/8" ,3/4"andl" water meter sizes. Change Table as follows: TABLE INSET: Water Meter Size (inches) Base Rate Rate per 1,000 gallons $2.87 $2.87 1" $16.50 $20.00 5/8" and 3/4" IV. (b). Flat rate option. Bimonthly flat rate of $52.00 with a maximum of four bedrooms, $4.00 for each additional bedroom. Change to (b). Flat rate option. Bimonthly flat rate of $58.00 with a maximum of four bedrooms, $5.00 for each additional bedroom. !' . . V. (2) Nonresidential bimonthly. Change Table as follows: TABLE INSET: Water Service Size (inches) Base Rate 5/8" and 3/4" $30.00 1" , $56.00 1 1/2" $108.00 2" $168.00 3" $304.00 4" $498.00 6" $980.00 8" $1930.00 Rate per 1 ,000 Gallons $2.87 $2.87 $2.87 $2.87 $2.87 $2.87 $2.87 $2.87 Except as specifically herein amended, Chapter 56 shall remain in full force and effect. Adopted June 17,2002. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ¡;~C1~ Board of Commissioners \.. 27.22.7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 2002-03 BUDGET ORDINANCE 1è:l:t 2 2--.. ~ 7, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, in regular session assembled: Section 1 : The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of New Hanover County government and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2002, and ending June 30, 2003, according to the following summary and schedules: Summary General Fund New Hanover County Schools Fund Emergency Telephone Fund Room Occupancy Tax Fund Environmental Management Fund Total Budget GENERAL FUND Estimated Revenues $195,821,814 65,406,709 400,000 2,835,500 13,681,728 $278,145,751 Fund Balance Appropriated $0 1,000,000 o o º $1,000,000 Total Appropriation $195,821,814 66,406,709 400,000 2,835,500 13,681,728 $279,145.751 Section 2: That for said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund the following: Function Current General Government Human Services Public Safety Economic & Physical Development Cultural & Recreational Education Contingency Transfers Debt Service Debt Service Total Appropriations - General Fund Appropriation $18,861,751 56,704,759 ,27,660,000 229,020 7,198,965 69,179,118 350,000 2,417,780 13,220,421 $195,821,814 Section 3: It is estimated that the following General Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2002, and ending June 30, 2003, to meet the foregoing General Fund appropriations: Revenue Source Ad Valorem Taxes Sales Tax (Art. 39) Sales Taxes (Art, 40 & 42) Other Taxes Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Other Revenues Transfer In/Water& Sewer District Transfer In/Emergency Telephone Fund ABC Revenue Total Revenues - General Fund Amount $117,204,000 17,108,704 12,131,066 6,517,970 32,637,355 7,755,019 777,700 104,000 400,000 1,186,000 $195,821,814 NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS FUND Section 4: In accordance with G,S, 115C-429 (b), the following appropriations are made to the New Hanover County Schools Fund. The budget resolution adopted by the New Hanover County Schools Board of Education shall conform to the appropriations set forth in the budget ordinance for current expense and capital outlay. Once adopted, such ordinance shall not be amended without the prior approval of the Board of Commissioners if the cumulative effect of such amendment would be to increase or decrease the amount of County appropriation allocated by purpose, function, or project by 25 percent or more, CateQorv Current Expense Capital Outlay Debt Service Contribution to School Pension Fund Total Appropriation - New Hanover County Schools Fund Appropriation $47,411,979 3,033,894 15,210,836 750,000 $66,406,709 Section 5: It is estimated that the following New Hanover County Schools Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2002, and ending June 30, 2003, to meet the foregoing Public Schools Building Capital Fund appropriations: Revenue Source 'Transfer In/One-Half Cent Sales Taxes (Art 40 & 42) Transfer In/General Fund Appropriated Fund Balance Total Revenues - New Hanover County Schools Fund Amount $5,451,346 59,955,363 1,000,000 $66,406,709 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE FUND Section 6: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Emergency Telephone Fund the sum of: $400,000 Section 7: It is estimated that the following Emergency Telephone Fund will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2002, and ending June 30, 2003, to meet the foregoing Emergency Telephone appropriations: Revenue Source 911 Surcharge Total Revenues - Emergency Telephone Fund Amou nt $400,000 $400,000 ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX FUND Section 8: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Room Occupancy Tax Fund the sum of: $2,835,500 Section 9: It is estimated that the following Room Occupancy Tax Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2002, and ending June 30, 2003, to meet the foregoing Room Occupancy Tax Fund appropriations: Revenue Source Room Occupancy Tax Charges for Services Total Revenues -Room Occupancy Tax Fund Amount $ 2,802,000 33,500 $2.835,500 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT FUND Section 10: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Environmental Management Fund the sum of: $13,681,728 Section 11: It is estimated that the following Environmental Management Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2002, and ending June 30, 2003, to meet the foregoing Environmental Management Fund appropriations: Revenue Source Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Other Revenues Total Revenues - Environmental Management Fund Amount $270,000 13,321,728 90,000 $13.681,728 ~ GENERAL FUND Section 12: There is hereby levied in the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, the rate of 69 cents on each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation of taxable property as listed as of January 1, 2002, for the purpose of raising the revenues from the curren.t year's property tax as set forth in the foregoing appropriations. Such rate is based on an estimated total appraised value of property for the purpose of taxation of $17,000,000,000 with an assessment ratio of 100 percent of appraised value, Estimated collection rate of 98 percent is based on a fiscal year 2001-02 collection rate of 98 percent. Section 13: The Board of Education shall supply the County on a monthly basis an accounting of its expenditures for school facilities maintenance and renovations, exclusive of those authorized under the bond issue on the County Bond Issue, in a format established by the County Commissioners. Section 14: The Board of Education shall notify the County in writing of any changes made to their planned capital fund expenditures. The notification should include: (1) nature of the change, (2) reason for the change, (3) dollar amount of any expenditure change, by planned project, and (4) plans for, and estimated cost of, completing planned project in the future, if completion as originally anticipated will not be possible. Section 15: Copies of this Budget Ordinance shall be furnished to the County Manager and the County Finance Director of New Hanover County, North Carolina, to be kept on file by them for their direction in the collection of revenues and the expenditures of amounts appropriated. Section 16: That appropriations herein authorized and made shall have the amount of outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 2002, added to each appropriation as it appears in order to account for the payment against the fiscal year in which it is paid. ADOPTED, this 17th day of June, 2002. (')?~V~ '- c;~~ the Board /00 71:1 ." Ted Davis, Jr., rman Board of County Commissioners 27.22.8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SPECIAL FIRE DISTRICT 2002-03 BUDGET ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, in regular session assembled: Section 1: The following amount is hereby appropriated for the operation of New Hanover County Special Fire District and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2002, and ending June 30, 2003: $3,981,247 Section 2: It is estimated that the following Special Fire District revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2002, and ending June 30, 2003, to meet the foregoing Special Fire District appropriations: Revenue Source Ad Valorem Taxes Sales Taxes Other Taxes Other Revenues Total Revenues - Special Fire District Fund Amount $3,041,200 762,047 82,000 96,000 $3,981,247 Section 3: There is hereby levied in the Special Fire District Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, the rate of 5 cents on each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation of taxable property as listed as of January 1, 2002, for the purpose of raising the revenues from the current year's property tax as set forth in the foregoing appropriations. Such rate is based on an estimated total appraised value of property for the purpose of taxation of $6,090,000,000 with an assessment ratio of 100 percent of appraised value, Estimated collection rate of 98 percent is based on fiscal year 2001-02 collection rate of 98 percent. ' Section 4: Copies of the Budget Ordinance shall be furnished to the County Manager and the Finance Director of New Hanover County, North Carolina, to be kept on file by them for their direction in the collection of revenues and the expenditures of amounts appropriated, Section 5: That appropriations herein authorized and made shall have the amount of outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 2002, added to each appropriation as it appears in ' order to account for the payment against the fiscal year in which it is paid, ADOPTED, this 17th day of June, 2002. &Æ~~~an Board of County Commissioners (ß;.;,V ~ - CI ~ to the Board 27.22.8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT 2002-03 BUDGET ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the New Hanover County, North Carolina, Water and Sewer District in special session assembled: Section 1: The following amount is hereby appropriated for the operation of New Hanover County Water and Sewer District and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2002, and ending June 30, 2003, according to the following schedule: Section 2: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Water and Sewer District Fund the sum of: $12,287,690 Section 3: It is estimated that the following Water and Sewer District Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2002, and ending June 30, 2003, to meet the foregoing Water and Sewer District Fund appropriations: Revenue Source Charges for Service Operating Transfer/One-Half Cent Sales Taxes (Art 40 & 42) Interest Appropriated Fund Balance Total Revenues - Water and Sewer District Fund Amou nt $9,600,000 1,942,319 193,000 552,371 $12,287,690 Section 4: Copies of this Budget Ordinance shall be furnished to the Finance Director of the New Hanover County, North Carolina, Water and Sewer District, to be kept on file by him for his direction in the collection of revenues and expenditures of amounts appropriated. Section 5: That appropriations herein authorized and made shall have the amount of outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 2002, added to each appropriation as it appears in order to account for the payment against the fiscal year in which it is paid, ADOPTED, this 17th day of June, 2002, ~y/~ CI~to the District Board -. ""'''''''''' ~"'\~OV£1l d"', § ~~oooo...oooo 00 0t,;.'.... I ~ ..- .... 1.\ ~ I ...... - f 0 - . :_ .:'Z: :)I!: ·l: ": :\\ .:- ...~ .,...,: ~ ~iiií&(~r 000 c:" ~ ~ .,A-..... ..~.... tff'...'*' ~"'ð ........ ~~...' """ .eWER 0'" ",..... I",....""",' í?ill:v:j4G- Robert G, Greer, Chairman Water and Sewer District \