2002-08-05 RM Exhibits27.24.1 INTRODUCED BY: Allen O'Neal, County Manager DATE: August 5, 2002 RESOLUTION AUTHORlZING CONVEYANCE OF V ACANT LOT TO CAPE FEAR HABITAT FOR HUMANITY RESOLVED: i I I The New Hanover County Commissiòn hereby approves the conveyance of the following lot to Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity for the construction of a single family owner-occupied residency. 1. ,__ __ __ ..__ 0_ Parcel Number *3117-16-82-8732.000 Address 1207 S. 2nd Street Size 40' x60' 2. The conveyance shall be subject to the condition that the lot be used to construct a single family owner-occupied residency for low to moderate income citizen in accordance with requirements adopted by resolution on April 19, 1994. 3. The deed for conveyance for the lot shall not be delivered until ten days after notice of the conveyance has been advertised, as required by G.S. 160A-267. 4. Conveyance is subject to approval by the Wilmington City Council for their ownership share in the property. ' Adopted at a regular meeting on.::S hiLt~. , 200~ ('f!)! V N~ ~erk to the Board New~OVn. unr.G¡.,ard of Commissioners /1d (¿Jaw\ ' Chai *Jointly owned with the City ~I 27.24.2 North Carolina Governor's Highway SafetY: Program LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL RESOLUTION i Form GHSP-02-A I (To be completed, attached to and become part of Form GHSP-02, Highway:Safety Project Contract.) , J , I ' WHEREAS, the NEW HANOVER COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT , (herein called the "Agency") (THE APPLICANT AGENCY), ' has completed an application contract entitled' SAFE ROADS TRAFFIC ~ PROJECT and that THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER (herein called the "Governing Body") (THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE AGENCY) has thoroughly considered the problem identified and has reviewed the project ¡as described in the contract; I THEREFORE, NOW BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVÈR (GOVERNING B09Y) , MEETING ASSEMBLED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON IN OPEN , NORTH CAROLINA THIS ~ hlDAY OF /It:t.:J k&r- ,20 I~AS FOllOWS: 1: That the project referenced above is in the best interest of theGoverni~g Body and the general I' 'public; and . ! I , 2. That NEW HANOVER COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT be authorized to file, on b,ehalf of the (NAME AND TITLE OF REPRESENTATIVE) I ' Governing Body, an application contract in the form prescribed by the ~overnor's Highway Safety Program for federal funding in the amount of $ 3050. to be made tD the ,.' (FEDERAL DOLLAR REQUEST) Governing Body to assist in defraying the cost of the project described ir the contract application; and .. I 3. That the Governing Body has formally appropriated the cash contributio'n of $ 6650. , (LOCAL CASH APPROPRIATION) as required by the project contract; and : 4. That the Project Director designated in the application contract shall furnish or make arrangement for , , other appropriate persons to furnish such information, data, documents and reports as required by I ' ;.. ' , I the contract, if approved, or as may be required by the Governor's High¥/ay Safety Program; and , I 5. That certified copies of this resolution be included as part of the contract referenced above; and I 6.' That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. DONE AND ORDERED in òpen meeting by Íi.- {)ouJ(\. : , ~.. . . / (C~SON,",,(ORJ ATTESTED B ~ ~ 7V~, . DATE ejl1/ð (CLERK) ~) 27.24.3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 56, Utilities, of the New Hanover County Code be amended by the addition of a new division to Article II, Water Services as follows: Add a new section to be designated: Division 2. Water Emergency Management for Users of District Water. Section 56-40. Declaration of Water Emergency. i The County Manager or his authorized representative is authorized to declare that a water emergency exists. Depending on the severity of the emergen~y, voluntary (Stage 1) and mandatory (Stage 2 and Stage 3) staged water use restrictions as described in this article shall be imposed upon water customers. The declaration ~hall be made by a public announcement through one or more media sources, such as print, radio, television or internet, at the County's election. This ordinance applies only to persons using water provided by the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District'and does not preclude use of private wells. I Section 56-41. Staged Water Use Restrictions. Stage 1 - Water Conservation Alert. A Stage 1 water emergency may be declared in the event of an immediate water shortage or when there are three (3) consecutive days when water demand exceeds eighty (80%) percent of the water production capacity. Water production capacity shall be defined as the maximum volume of water that meets state and , federal standards that the water treatment process can ptoduce during twelve hours within a twenty-four (24) hour period. Water production capacity can vary depending on system component reliability and raw Water conditions. During a declared Stage 1 water emergency the following volunta"ry water conservation practices shall be encouraged: ' (a) (b) I Inspect and repair all faulty and defective parts bf faucets and toilets. , , Use shower for bathing rather than bathtub and limit shower to no more than five (5 ) minutes. ' I (c) , Do not leave faucets running while shaving, brushing teeth, rinsing or preparing food. I (d) , , Limit the use of clothes washers and dishwashers and when used, operate fully loaded. Operate dishwashers during non-pei'3k demand hours of 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.. ; ! t I I I I I Do not wash down outside areas such as sidew~lks, driveways, patios, etc.. i Install water saving showerheads and other de~ices. Use disposable and biodegradable dishes wh¿re possible. ¡ I ,Install water saving devices in toilets such as e;arly closing'flappers. I I Limit hours of water-cooled air conditioners. ¡ ¡ I I I ¡ . Stage 2 - Water Shortage Man'datory Conservation. , A Stage 2 water emergency may be declared in the eyent of an immediate water shortage or when there are two (2) consecutive days when water demand exceeds ninety (90%) percent of the water production capacity.! Water production capacity 'shall be defined as the maximum volume of water th1at meets state and federal standards that the water treatment process 'can produc~ during twelve hours within a twenty-four (24) hour period. Water production cap~city can vary depending on system component reliability and raw water conditions) During a declared Stage 2 water emergency the following activities shall be prohiþited: I Watering lawns, grass, shrubbery, trees, flo~er and vegetable gardens except by hand held hose, container, or drip i~rigation system. A person who regularly sells plants will be permitted to use water on their commercial stock. A golf course may water their greens. State, County and City licensed landscape contractors may water by hand held hose or drip , irrigation any plants under a written warranty. ¡ ¡ I Filling swimming or wading pools, either newly constructed or previously drained. Make up water for pools in operation will be allowed. . ~ . 1 ¡ Using water-cooled air conditioners or other eRuipment, in which cooling water is not recycled, unless there are health or safety concerns. I (d) Washing any type of mobile equipment includinà cars,trucks, trailers, boats, or airplanes. Any persons involved in a business Of washing motor vehicles may continue to operate. I (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) U) (k) (I) (m) I Limit lawn watering to that necessary for plant sLrvivaL Water lawns before during non-peak demand hours from 10 p.m. t? 8a.m.. I Water shrubbery the minimum required. Watef shrubbery before,the peak demand hours of 8 a.m. or after 10 p.m.. . j Limit vehicle washing. Do ,not fill swimming or wading pools. Section 56-42. (a) (b) (c) (e) Washing outside surfaces such as streets, Idriveways, service station aprons, parking lots, or patios. (f) Washing the exterior of office buildings, homes, or apartments. (g) Using water for any ornamental fountain, pool, pond, etc. (h) Serving drinking water in food establishments such as restaurants or cafeterias, unless requested to do so by a customer. (i) Using water from a public or private fire hydrant for any reason other than to suppress a fire or other public emergency or as authorized by the County Manager or his authorized representative. : U) Using water to control or compact dust. (k) Intentionally wasting water. (I) Commercial and industrial water customers shall achieve mandatory reductions in water usage through whatever: means are available. A minimum reduction of twenty (20%) percent shall be the target, however a greater target reduction percentage may be required depending on the severity of the water emergency. Compliance with the reduction target shall be determined by the County Manager or his authorized representative. Variances to the target reduction may be granted by the County Manager or his authorized representative to designated public health facilities. Section 56-43. Stage 3 - Water Shortage Danger Mandatory Conservation. A Stage 3 water emergency may be declared in the event of an immediate water shortage or when there is one (1) day when water demand exceeds one hundred (100%) percent of the water production capacity. Water production capacity shall be defined as the maximum volume of water that meets state and federal standards that the water treatment process can produce during twelve hours within a twenty- four (24) hour period. Water production capacity can vary depending on system component reliability and raw water conditions. During a declared Stage 3 water emergency the following activities shall be prohibited, in addition to activities prohibited under Stage 2: (a) Watering lawns, grass, shrubbery, trees, and flowers. (b) Washing motor vehicles at commercial car wasil establishments. (c) Watering any vegetable garden except by hand held hose, container, ordrip irrigation. (d) Commercial and industrial water customers shall achieve mandatory reductions in water usage through whatever means are available. A minimum reduction of fifty (50%) percent shall be the target, however a greater target reduction percentage may be r~quired depending on the severity of the water emergency. Compliance with the reduction target shall be determined by the County Manager or his authorized representative. Variances to the target reduction may be granted by the County Manager or his authorized representative to designated public health facilities. (e) I n the event that the prohibition of the activities listed above is not sufficient to maintain an adequate supply of water for fire, protection, all use of water for purposes other than maintenance of public health and safety shall be prohibited. Residential water use shall be limited to the amount necessary to sustain life through drinking, food preparatio~ and personal hygiene. ~ I Section 56-44. Compliance Plan During Stage 2 and Stage 3 Emergencies. The County Manager or his authorized representative may require that commercial and industrial water customers prepare plans detailing measures to be taken by them to achieve mandatory reductions in daily water usage during Stag~ 2 and Stage 3 emergencies. Such plans shall be completed within sixty (60) calendar days after receipt of notice to prepare them. Section 56-45. Penalties for Violation of Mandatory Restrictions. (a) Violations of the mandatory restrictions set forth in this article may be punished by a civil penalty to be recovered in the nature of a debt of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars for the first violation, One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars for the second violation, and One ,Thousand Five Hundred ($1,500.00) Dollars for the third and subsequent violations. Violations may also be punished as a misdemeanor under G. ~. 14-4. (b) This article may be enforced by anyone or more bf the remedies authorized by G. S. 153A-123. ' Section 56-46. Authority to Discontinue Service. Water service may be temporarily discontinued for failure to comply with mandatory restrictions in this article. All applicable penalty fees may be applied in the event of such service suspensions. In the event of continued noncompliance with this article, removal of meter and service will be deemed proper and service will be discontinued and tap fees and deposits will be forfeited: I I i Section 56-47. Appeal by Customers of Penalties and Termination of Service. . I ¡ Any User who receives a penalty and/or has service1terminated as a result of violations of the mandatory restrictions in this article ma'y appeal upon notification to the County Manager or his designee. The County Manager or his designee shall be the final decision maker for appeals. ! Section 56-48. Adoption and Enforcement of Article by Public or Private Water Systems. ! I Public or private water systems purchasing water from' New Hanover County shall adopt and enforce this entire article as a conditi0'l of water service. Upon declaration of a water emergency, the public or private ¥later systems shall enforce the appropriate water use restrictions for the level of d!3c1ared emergency. Section 56-49. I Termination of Restrictions. : A water emergency declaration will expire when the County Manager or his I authorized representative determines that the condition which causes the emergency has been abated. The expiration or cancellation of a water emergency declaration shall be publicized. ! I I Except as specified referenced herein, the existing provisions lof Chapter 56 shall remain in full force and effect. ¡ , This the 5th day of August, 2002. 1 ! i NEW HANOVER COUNTY I -(; à1w n\ Ted Davis! Jr., Ch~~n Board of Commissioners i I I I I I I [SE 27.24.4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ()?.~'('/~ '- ~~ the Board I The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North C:arolina, does hereby ordain that the New Hanover County Code be and is amended as follows: : , Chapter 53. Traffic and Vehicles. Article II. Operation of Vehicles in Dune Area: i Article II, Operation of Vehicles in Dune Area, Chapter 53-36, Enforcement, is amended by deleting the existing subsection (c). I I I Except as specified referenced herein, the existing provisions bf Chapters 38 and 53 shall in full force and effect. i , I I NEW HANOVER COUNTY I rd r;1/~J., Ted Davisl Jr., '~rman Board of Commissioners i , I I I i I a. remain This the 5th day of August, 2002. [SEAL" 27.24.5 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS· ORDINANCE IN THE MATTER OF NAMING AN UNNAMED ROAD TO DEER CREEK LANE It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that consideration has been given to the naming of Deer Creek Lane losated near the 1300 Block of North Kerr Avenue on the east side extending SOO feet in length. A public hearing was held on Monday, August st\ 2002, at which time all p~rsons were heard on the question of whether or not the naming would be in the public interest; and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was transmitted to all residentlowners and prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said road, and published on the Star News local newspaper, and the Board of County Commissioners is ¡of the opinion that , said road in New Hanover County should be renamed and the renarhing of same is in the public interest, the description of which is delineated on the attache;d exhibit. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDAINED AND DECREED that the above described road is hereby named Deer Creek Lane. . I , I IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ordinance ~e recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carþlina, and that notice of the action taken by the Board of County Commissioners be trans'mitted to the , , postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, the North Carolina B~ard of Transportation and to any city within five (5) miles of said road in accordance wit~ N.C. General Statues I lS3A.240. j I j I I 'I j 1M (JhQ. .i Ted Davis, Jr., aiI111'an I ¡ I I i Adopted this the Sth day öf August, 2002 Attest: ()Q~.~/\ y( ~ ~;;k to Board 27.24.5 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, IN THE MATTER OF ASSIGNING STREET HOUSE NUMBERS DEER CREEK LANE ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that 'consideration has been given to the assignment ofhmise numbers o~ Deer Creek Lane, located near the l300 block of North Kerr Avenue, numerical rang~ 4300-4399. WHEREAS, ready and accurate identification of developed! property is important for the delivery of general County services, for the operation of commercial enterprises, for the response of emergency and public safety vehicles, and for tije convenience of the general public; and ¡ ¡ WHEREAS, a comprehensive and systematic property n~bering system is an efficient means of identifying property within the County; and i WHEREAS, such a system will promòte the health, safety, 'and welfare of the' citizens of New Hanover County. ¡ I THEREFORE, it further appearing that a public hearing wa:s held on the 5th day of August, 2002, at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not' assigning house numbers would be in the public interest, and it furt;her appearing that notice of said h~aring was prominently posted in at least two (2) loþations along said street, that notice of the time, place and subject matter of the heariI1-g was prominently posted at the Courthouse, and published in a newspaper of general ,circulation in the County. ¡ I t NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordained and decreed that the above House Number Assignment be made. I,' I It is further ordered that a copy of this ordinance be transm~tted to the postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, to the Board of Transportation, ~heriff s 911 dispatcher and to any city within five mile of said road in accordance with N.C. General Statues ·153A-240. '! I Adopted this the 5th day of August, 2002. t £; I . ..T~QQ~~ , I I , ^'..-.O" 27.24.6 Resolution of Intent to Close a Portion of Nassau Road Sedgefield Development Whereas, a petition has been filed pursuant to NCGS 153-1-241, requesting the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County to close the follo1wing described , portion of a road; i I I Beginning at the southeastern corner of Lot 76, Sedgefield Subdivision recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 31 of the New Hanover County Registry, the~ce from said point along the western right of way line of Nassau Road 400 feet north to the , I northeastern corner of Lot 10, Sedgefield Subdivision recordedlin Plat Book 7, Page 31, thence east from said point 60 feet to the northwestern corner of Lot 67, Sedgefield Subdivision recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 31, thencJ from said point I along the eastern right of way line of Nassau Road 400 feet south to the southeastern I corner of Lot 77, Sedg~field Subdivision recorded in Plat Book V, Page 31, thence from said point west 60 feet to the point of beginning which is the southwestern corner of Lot 76, Sedgefield Subdivision. Resolution of Intent to Close a Portion of Nassau Road Sedgefield Development ". .-;1[";;::;';-;";", Now, Therefore, be it resolved that this Board is considering closing a portion of Nassau Road to public use and that a public hearing on this questiob will be held on the I 3rd day of September, 2002, at 6:00 p.m. in the Assembly Room of¡the Old County Courthouse at 24 North Third Street in Wilmington at which time the Board will hear all interested citizens and make a final detennination as to whether the I road shall be closed. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the New Hanover ¡County Board of Commissioners on the 5th day of August, 2002. ~. ~d~~D~an Attest: ".' 27.24.7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the Wilmington Rotary club was founded April15, 1915, and was the second Rotary Club in North Carolina and Charter Number 150 in the United States¡ and - , . . " . I, , WHEREAS, "service above self" continues tobe the motto of Rotary International¡ and I WHEREAS, Past Rotary District Governor Hennan Blizzard !has lived Rotary's motto since his joining the club in 1956¡ and WHEREAS, Herman Blizzard served as the wilmington Rotary Club's President in 1975-1976, District Governor in 1982-1983, numerous years asa me61erof the club's Board ' of Directors, and was Rotarian of the Year in 1979-1980¡ and WHEREAS, Hennan Blizzard has document~d the history of Rotary from its earliest beginnings through the collection oflocal, state, and international Rota& memorabilia including . minutes, news clippings, banners, and other artifacts; and WHEREAS, thecollectionlmown as "Hennan's Archives" wïll be pennanentlyhoused in the Special Collections section of the wïllïam Madison Randall LJJrary at the University of North Carolina at wilmington; , NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL \lED, that the N i Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim Tuesday, August 6, 2002, as Rotarian Herman Blizzard Day in New Hanover County. ADOPTED the $thday .of August, 2002. I ' I I j , , ' , /" /l ,(1) , 1M :RJût» ~ · Ted Davis Jr., Chainnan, , j ! ¡ i I I, =L