2002-09-03 RM Exhibits27.26.1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COM-MISSIONERS PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, in the year 2002, the month ófSeptember is declared National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month; and WHEREAS, in the year 2002, approximately 198,000 men in the United States wìlllearn that they have prostate cancer,-and across the nation prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed non-skin cancer in men; and WHEREAS, approximately 31,500 men will lose their lives to this disease this year, and one in six men in the nation are at risk of prostate cancer during their lifetimes; and WHEREAS, in the year 2002 in North Carolina 5,600 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, and 900 wiII die from it; and WHEREAS, about 25percentqf prostate cancer occurs in men under the age of 65, during their prime years at work; and WHEREAS, at any age prostate cancer devastates families through loss of income, partnership and support; and WHEREAS, prostate cancer leaves too may parents, women, childrenand other family members without the man they love; and WHEREAS, AfricanAmericanfamiliesarc disproportionately affected and African American men in North Carolina . have one of the highest prostate cancer mortality rates in the world; and WHEREAS, prostate cancer has accountcd on average for 15 percent of the nation's cancer burden and -IS percent of mé1le cé1ncer.deaths, yet it has rcceived on average only about 5 percent of the funds this nation commits to cancer research: and WHEREAS, research suggests that .mencould reduce their risk ofjprostate cancer mortality if they followed recommended screening guideIinesincluding examination by a health,care provider; and WHEREAS, increased 3warenessand use of early detection practices by men are essential to controlling prostate cancer: . NO W, TH.ER EFORE, BE· IT RESOLVED, by the New Hanover County Board of Cómmissioners that the month of September, 2002 be proclaimed National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in New Hanover County, and that all men and theirfamiliesareencouraged tobecoineaware of their own risks of prostate cancer, to talk to their health care . providers about prostate cancer, and when appropriate, be screened for the disease. ~f¿f!J~na" Adopted this the 3rd day of September, 2002 Cjt1~J Y~d~ '-.... ~~_ Harrell, Clerk to the Board .J-