2002-09-16 RM Exhibits27.27.1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 08/31/02 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2002 ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED AD VALOREM $ 104,590,762.69 182,871.82 16.616.60 $ 104,757,017.91 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED CLEANING LIENS CHAR.GED TOT AL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENT AGE COLLECTED . .00 *.¡33,867.98 1 .00 $ '104,790,885.89 '142.923.84 $ 104,047,962.05 .71%* BACK T At'ŒS REAL EST ATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATE1vlENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTST ANDING BALANCE IJERCENT AGE COLLECTED $ 4,109,991.72 34,404.57 .4L243.25 $ 4,103,153.04 735.272.96 $ 3,367,880.08 17.92% RENT AL VEHICLE l' A.X COLLECTIONS ROOMOCCUP ANCY TAt\: COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLEÇTIONS AUG .2002 25,394.18 494,974.37 1,220.62 $ 72-Jd:-."l7.-:J. 7. I CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ITEM NO. MOTOR VEHICLE $ 2,329,699.11 6,835.56 18.796.64 $ 2,317,738.03 $ .00 .00 .00 2,317,738.03 1,244,449.97 1,073,288.06 53.69%* $ FISCAL YTD $ 46,802.54 914,277.69 6,410.62 TOT AL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILMD'JGTON, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $5,116,628.08 THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR B~EG..INN. ING JULY 1, 2002. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, "",~.J)--; ( ',~. ,~. {2~:- '-(jr'¡"--' PATRICIA 1. RA'Y'NOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 1.86% 27.27.1 CONSENT. AGËNCA . C A 1E : . . . . . -:---_._----- IT EI" NC.__,:,,___ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS CDLLECTICNS THRU Oe/31/02 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2002 ~~~a~u~~~~~"~_'~_q~~~~~~~ ORIGINAL 'TAX LEVY PER SCROll DISCOVERIES ACCEO LE S.) A E Ai E :'~ E NT S InIAL 1AXES'CHARGfD LISTING P~NAlTIES C~ARGEC . T GT ALL E V Y , ' .COLLECTIONS. TO CATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE. COLLECTED H," C K TAXES . øoot':$,I,Ij:,q·.~~ ¡I;!A.-'~..·-JIi1t,'.n REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL ÞROPERTY $ 'CH,4RGES ADDEO l f: S SA;: ATE~! EN T S. TO T ¡'.. L T þ, XES' 0 IJ E CDllECTIONS IOCATE OIJTSTAl\fI¡\)GBALANCE PERCEN1AGE COLLECT~D' THIS REPORT IS FOR fISCAL CTFUlLY SUBMITTED, .' ·r:ì . . C:>.. :':"'"\, .~ \ t..<". '.,\' , . P:\ T ¡{ leI i\ ,J. RA Y N (] R ClJlLECTCR. cr: REVENUE . . YEAR PEGIN¡\ING ..~. . * COr48INEO COLLECTION i?ERCENTAGt:... ,1\ C V ALe R EM .... ~;ØI ~ :..-w-. fJI4 ,. .. 'II1II ¡,¡of, -:WI:U .... ! 2,679,~7??2 1 o ., 3 6"1 " }. 7, 623.(¡5'" -..QQ;fI ?M I.. -;oQ .'uø__" PII 0II/iII.... :'h'I.... t 2.,675,9:20.04 9 6 9. é.4 ~.....'oa;l_t.lØj,_,;.~ 0"......- _Pl....,ISiM-.¡.g-.9I';. ! 2~676,a89.éB t . 15 'f S 54 .2 8~ -m *:I1ft...........WJ'!!;:,Ø ~..;ItIíI i ¡ ,'ßI_... $ 2,660,935.40 f . .. 60'J~* 93.,980..41· . 1,5 2EJ. 1q 1 , 500 .. 7 9"" \.ri,"~"''''wt ~._ "'1:&;,1 _ 411'~4_ ~'þ\t Ij urí t 9"1007..61 1 6, 4 1 9. 39,·" \WIll .-,/,1W I.;W """~;W,f ~ '¡;1¡5 '::.0.;& "* ]1.1.... '*'1_ ..:tt;_ t ¡. 82,,38B.42 . 16..5e;~ J U LV 1, .2 0 C.2 " 2..08Y. l"OTOR vEhICLE .MiØ-_._'"!' 11M.,....... .....___~..._ 7 5., 7 0 5 . 1 2 :¡ £ J -. ~ .-iC-.¿lj 611.b5';'· IilWna......". 1___.... *'..... _..... 'I*I...1:'4fi t 75 , 4 5 ¿.' 7 '5 eGQ 'u'''''I* ~ I"'. "'II ,!WI ....... ~ * _.·.."'11 15,456.75 4 L, 2 9é~ O~.. ¡¡') "!'d --'"fill 0'. ,wa.=q, atoll '4:"* ....,~':- .3't,16C.69 . 54.rn* 27.27.2 NE\V HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COM1VIISSIONERS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PREVENTION PROCLAMATION W HE R EAS, domestic violence transcends all ethnic, racial and socioeconomic boundaries, weakenin, the \'ery core of our community; and WHEREAS, the effects of domestic violence are far-reaching, forcing battered women and theirchildrel to seek safe shelter, law enforcement prosecutors to expend valuable resources and families and friend to grieve at the loss of Ii fe; and WHEREAS, 8GG adults and children sought safe shelter or counseling at the Wilmington Domesti¡ Violence Shelter and Services in the year 2001: and WHEREAS, the Wilmington Domestic Violence Shelter and Services, Inc. works toward the eliminatiol of violence and oppression against \vomen and their children and provides emergency support and service for victims and survi\ors of domestic abuse: and WHEREAS, on \Vednesday, September 4.2002. Gladys Br:-anL an employee ofNe\v Hanover Count; for more than two decades. was killed in an actor domestic violence, e\:hibiting to all her co-workers ant friends the prevalence of domestic violence and its consequences: and WHEREAS, many other women throughout New Hanover County and the United States End themselve: in abusiv'e relationships and need t~ find. security and an end to their physical and mental attacks; I . . NOW, THE'REFORE,BEIT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioner: refuses to tolerate domestic violence in alpy form and \\'¡shes to create asociety that promotes strong values [asters a safe and. loving home environm'ent for ever:' Carriily: and encourages our citizens to redouble thei elTor1s to obliterate the problem of domestic violence from our làmilies, our neighborhoods and ou communi!\·. . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners proclaim October 2002, Domestic Violellce Awareness !vlo/ltl1 in Ne\\' Hanover County TeTii.sQJ} 27.27.3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COl\lIMISSIONERS PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation annually organizes a statewide fall roadside cleanup to assure clean and beautiful roads across our State, and to preserve a sound environment for the generations to come; and " WHEREAS, a fall "Litter Sweep" roadside cleanup has been planned for September 16-29, 2002, to give government agencies, civic and professional organizations, churches, schools, businesses, families and concerned citizens the opportunity to· partner with the Department of Transportation in its goal of clean .and beautiful roadsides by organizingcommunityc!eanups in all 100 counties across the State; and WHEREAS, the grand natura! beauty of our State and our County and a clean environment are sources of great pride for all North Carolinians, attracting tourists and aiding in recruiting new industries; and WHEREAS, all New Hanover County residents are encouraged to show their pride in the appearance of our community by working during this period to heIpclean up public roads and properties; , NO W, THEREFORE BE IT PR(JCLA/¡Y1ED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the week of September 14-29, 2002 be designated as "Litter Sweep!" in New Hanover County, and all citizens are encourag,;d to take an active role in making their communities cleaner and more beautiful. Adopted the 16th day of September, 2002 ~4~~E~O" ' ,..';~~.. """", /.." ·.'í,-~·?· ."; \i~.,~¡!..".;> ...../. >- .I!'·~/i/; : ë"', ~/ ~.,. . ··I/.~'<II';'d~,&':..~·.~C¿:' ~~.., \ .. ". .., r", ,."1'..- ~7.:-"\\ ,.", .:\ .~ j,;~~:'j.':::..:~4-~"'~ ~~"\ .,,:.'.:¡¡Ii; :.. . '/":' >." .':1.1',' ...... ! ';} ..~~;;:.-?-¡ ~ I ,~~(~~/~·:··:~::;::~V ·,§o ~".'..- ,...... ("")..ç; · "':::':i.~~::~?~tv::' .r' ~:r~¿r~~ 1d QJ;). Ted Davis, Jr., Cnalrman ..,. _. _-'_J -. ...~..... ,4',,-- _ ." ... _'k" ...... 27.27.4 NEW HANOVER CODNTY BOARD OF COlVIlVIISSIONERS RESOLUTION WHEREAS, positive youth development focuses on what matters to youth as opposed to asking what is the matter with youth and is vita! to the continued healthy growth of any community and; WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners seeks to empower positive youth development through the application of its resources and expertise by endorsing the research-based 40 Developmental Assets approach and its emphasis on youth as resources not . . as problems; and WHEREAS, itis important to provide opportunitie~,recognitionand affirmation for youth and to raise public awareness aboutthe 40 Development Assets message; and \\:HEREAS, Cape Fear Youth DevelopmentVision,lnc. wascreélted to advocate for positive youth development and to initiate a research-based approach to training and assessment based on the 40 Developmental Assets; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners endorses Cape Fear Y òuth Devè!opment Vision,. Inc. and promotes the Deve!opmental Assets Model.as a too! for positive youth development and requests County departments, community organizations and thegeneraJ public to become aware of these assets and to make positive youth development their genuine priority. Adopted the 16111 day of September, 2002 (¿ DOßO Ted Davis, Jr., Cha'ìfíÇ,an Cf)- ~~\ /~ .~ .......L~~ Harren, Clerk to the Board 27.27.5 NE\V,HANOVER COUNTY BOARD' OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUtION ,. WHEREAS, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has ruled that inclusion of the phrase "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance constitutes a violation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution; and .' ~ ..:>,...... .' ."'.,.. ';., :.' ...r.'··~·'·"'\1 "^'<^_~,,~'" -, ''''7'''' ..' ¡" WTiF:'R<t~.~.. . 1. '¿~i~i~'lí,as" hee!1.&RP~al~d t¿{thc LJi~ited,. ~t'~'í';s Supreme Court; and ,....,.;~~,.,..+ ,"". ~" ".~'::'. '." .:>',.:' '. .... '\. ".j'" //,:;,~:,\,,:,.;.'.,".:~ <;.~.~~:;¡::~,}/{! . :.... c""";" ~'-":;\'. /':';~~'.,~ I:~:RI:~.\~. l ¡epl:~.·.,¡!se "~lI1der God~~~~f¡~~72/ 'a" ;'f¡thèJ~le"dge of Allegiance sinCe being - .. ... ¿ .e"aC~c,:1 Þ;"'(~~;;i:~,~a::~~lr\ cc,!:~~,,:~šm'}r~,\·i. ;t')'~iP----' . /-" 'VnF.RF.XS~n:{1¿iU%(';~\.~of,;tþe phiáse"iµ¡fi:I~[;qJ~"~\: PI,edge of Allegiance represents. a <u,î¡ ryingbeli~fïn the Alrhightl~hd tll?I~,~ì~:~~'tItW\~:ß'~ ,;; ¡, \ i-rtÓ s~and as one nation under: God> withollrTeq~.iriligobsetvánce' ofa::~ '1'\'\:I!i\.' d\'li\)I1iili;lIi,HI ù..r'set ofréI!giousbeliefs; .. .... ...... .' ..... .... .' '.. . ">·<ê>::·:\I::;:,~,:;;~9;:·.,,,:...:<~.::::· '.:!\" \.:..~...\\; .......... '. . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby expresses support for efforts undertaken in Federal Courts and in Congress to assure that the phrase "under God" remains a part of our Nation's Pledge of Allegiance; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this Resolution be sent to North Carolina's Congressional delegation as well as to other officials as deemed appropriate by this Board. Adopted the 16th day of September, 2002.' \ j . . ""." :"t F-: '", "'~~1 ,.' . .. '~ " ~/ ~",...-'/r ',~\:,. ... D·····@:.· ''1; '"'. ,t" - ". ..' . ~ ,. ~"':, ", " -. :~-¿¿'~:"<",:,:,""~-'-':' :" ,- '.,,- ,,:~;' fill:, ~.' u" .>' .... Ted~.~'\rlspr¡,::GI:Úll Ìnan' , .. 0; 0,,_. ." r;r; . V ~_ _ ~~ariell, Clefktothe Boárd' .' ," '.,: . . .:: :,/. ., -- ; -~ (.' ;. ", ,. >~ 27.27.6 Resolution of the New Hanover County Boa."d of Commissioner"s Concerning the Statewide 2002 Drought WHEREAS, water is a finite resource which is integral to the well being of the state; and WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina is experiencing the most severe drought in modern times affectirigthe entire state from the mountains to the coast; and WHEREAS, the prospect for the a1leviation of drought conditions in the near future is bleak; and WHEREAS, state and local governments have a responsibility to takea!J possible steps 'to conserve water and to make plansto mitigate the effects of this severe water shortage on the citizens of North Carolina; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has a special responsibility as a provider of water services; coordinator of municipal water services, interconnecror of municipal water systems and provider of pub1ichealth services and disaster relief activities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: A. New Hanover County pledges to fully cooperate with municipal, state and federal agencies in dealing with the severe drought. . B. A copy of this resolution be provided to the Governor and our legislative delegation. Adopted the 161h day of September, 2002. ,d~".' .,y.}·$~C'p .' ~~~i::rii·:\, . ......$'..... .., -Z-,... "" .~.. .I'I!... -,¡tflri1 't - .....,. . ~·~~~~..I 0:::- ~i~:·:·;:t·::..:····~,~·..~.>~~~ . '<:,?,l".~:;.;'.:,:,:.'" 1""Jo.:,~,~ "'''~''~':~~,~: .-, ,: . ,:, :""" 7d(J~Q' '" Ted DavIs, Jr., Ch ' man . \/'~.~ F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board 27.27.7 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, one hundred eighty thousand dollars ($180,000,00) is needed to cómplete the 1996 original construction ofKure Beach Project; AND WHEREAS, there is fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) remaining in the 2001 Carolina Beach Renourishment Project and there is forty thousand dollars ($40,000.00) remaining in the 2001 Kure Beach Renourishment Project; AND WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina will commit to provide ninety thousand dollars ($90,000.00) towards the 1996 original construction ofKure Beach Project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Countý Commissioners of New Hanover County that contingent upon the State of North Carolina approving to commit ninety thousand dollars ($90,000.00) towards the 1996 original construction ofKure Beach ProjeCt, the County approves the transfer of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) remaining in the 2001 Carolina Beach Renourishment Project and forty thousand dollars ($40,000.00) remaining in the 2001 Kure Beach Renourishment Project to the 1996 original construction ofKure Beach Project. This 16th day of September, 2002. (SEAL) 'fUmº~Ù~nty COmnUssioners --- 27.27.8 RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO AUTHORIZE A LAWSUIT TO RECOVER REIMBURSEMENT AND RECEIPT OF REVENUE DUE THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEING ILLEGALLY WITHHELD BY THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, the 641 towns, cities and counties of North Carolina have long depended on tax revenues to which by law they are entitled upon collection by the Secretary of Revenue; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly until now has historically held local governments harmless by appropriated reimbursement when one or more local revenue sources is diminished or eliminated; and WHEREAS, local government revenues for FY 2001-2002 were withheld illegally for FY 2001-2002 by the Secretary of Revenue and it appears the Governor will order the Secretary to withhold FY 2002-2003 local revenues due to be paid beginning September 15, 2002 and otherwise; and WHEREAS, no administrative remedy exists to correct the illegal conversion of the local revenues and a genuine controversy exists about proper interpretation of the law as to ownership of the local tax revenues, and enactment of the pending clarifying legislation favoring local governments will likely not be enacted; and WHEREAS, the General Court of Justice is the sole, proper and independent branch of government to make a final legal determination of the rights of the respective parties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, hereby authorizes its attorney to retain Boyce & Isley, PLLC, of Raleigh, North Carolina at a cost not to exceed $1,000.00 with all other fees, costs and expenses of litigation, if any, paid on a contingency basis not to exceed ten percent (10%) of any total monetary recovery by settlement or judgment or as may be ordered by the Court. An exception to this retainer agreement is if the North Carolina General Assembly should adopt legislation that will result in New Hanover County receiving its reimbursements and revenues, no contingency will be paid to Boyce & Isley, PLLC; this retainer agreement will be null and void; and New Hanover County will not remain in the lawsuit. Outside counsel will agree to prosecute a civil action in Wake County Superior Court to have declared the legal rights of local government to recover past tax revenues and reimbursements withheld and to enjoin withholding of future tax revenues as above set forth. Adopted this the 16th day of September, 2002. (SEAL) .: