2001-03-12 RM Exhibits26.25.1 RESOLUTION NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, North Carolina cities and counties have a tradition of promoting the highest ideals of good government and accountability to the citizens of this state; and WHEREAS, fiscal responsibility is consistently demonstrated by each unit of local government . developing and adhering to a budget balanced between revenues and expenditures for the services . demanded by the public; and WHEREAS, a major revenue source used to maintain these balanced budgets has been the reimbursement of revenues lost due to actions of the North Carolina General assembly that have consistently eroded the tax bases of these local governments; and WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of North has acted to deprive the cities and counties of North Carolina of rightfully obligated revenue from the inventory tax reimbursement as well as other revenue sources, thus penalizing local governments for the State's fiscal problems; and . WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly has refused to allow cities and counties the ability to raise revenues from a broad-based menu of sources mandating that local governments rely on the property tax as their main source of revenue and thus continually burdening homeowners with ever increasing property tax bills, while others pay little of the cost of protecting, preserving and promoting public health, safety, and education THEREFORE, The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Hereby Resolves to respectfully request that the Governor ofN orth Carolina, Michael F. Easley, immediately release any and all funds previously obligated to North Carolina's cities and counties, pledge never again to act to deprive the citizens of this state of the local governments' services or to promote higher property taxes, and further, that members of the North Carolina General Assembly act immediately to authorize each and every local government in North Carolina the authority to enact a broad-based approach to financing necessary public services by enacting a menu of revenue sources including, but not limited to, a local sales tax of up to one (1 %) percent. This action will restore balance to the state and local partnership that has served the citizens of North Carolina for the past 225 years and restore the faith of city and county officials, as well as our citizens in the Governor and the North Carolina General Assembly. Adopted this the 12th day of March, 2001 hi, a; rA' Ted Davis, Jr., cha"irfuan 26.25.2 RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, pursuant to G.S. §65-3, the County Commissioners are required to take possession and control of all abandoned public cemeteries to establish property boundaries; and to preserve such sites, as appropriate; and WHEREAS, an examination of tax records and historical sources indicate that the cemetery situated at 626 Confederate Drive/Delgado Cemetery, Tax Parcel No. R05480-010- 002-000 is abandoned within the definition of the statutes, without any ascertained record owner,and without any person or entity maintaining said site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby accept possession and control of the above-referenced cemetery . as required by law. This Resolution is directed to be recorded in the Registry of Deeds. This the /of M, day of ~~ , 2001. ~ew anover County ; a~ - " .{iavls, Jr., iOan NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY Teresa P. Elmore I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, Ted Davis, Jr., sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this & day of fIIl.cttdv , 2001. ~~ jJ~ ~ Notary Public My commission expires: f,...... ~~~^;;~:~_......_~F~c-¡;~----l ~ ~ .~ N~~aH~~~V~Rh~ôrt~TY' . .) ) -- TERESA P. ELMORE i l!"1Y .?O~~sion Expires 4/19/03 ) ~~--.......-..-~_1 26.25.3 Bank of America ~ Unincorporated Association Signature Card ,. BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. (THE "BANK") -.:-~ ,.. .. ~ccount Number 000650763904 Account Type Full Analysis Business Checking Account Title NEW HANOVER COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT CIVIL COLLECTIONS ACCOUNT o Temporary Signature Card Name of Unincorporated Association NEW HANOVER COUNTY Tax Identification Number 56-6000324 By signing below, the above named Association agrees that this account is and shall be governed by the terms and conditions set forth in the following documents, as amended from time to time: (1) the Deposit Agreement and Disclosures (2) the Business Schedule of Fees, and (3) the Miscellaneous Fees for Business Accounts, and the Association further acknowledges the receipt of these documents. Substitute Form W-9. Certification, Under penalties of perjury. I certify thatl (1) The number shown on this form is the correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me). and (2) I am not subiect to backup withholding because I (A) I am exempt from backup withholdin! l. or (B) I have not been notified by thelntemal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subiect to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (C) The IRS has notified me that I am no longer subiect to backup withholding. Certificationln$hVctions . You must cross out item (2) above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because of underreporting interest or dividends on your tax return. (See also IRS instructions for Substitute Form W-9 in the Deposit Agreement and Disclosures). o Exempt (check if applicable) The Internal Revenue Service does not require your consent to any provision of this document other than the certifications required to avoid backup withholding. ~~R~:JZr ~~. ~, 1l1(1~' / ' 4, M;::¡rk W, Vincent & ;ii:¿ ~ I/J--' ~ VVX/ 5. Michael Wallace . ~.t.taa I, the tr~~r~I},d,IhëreJlcÞÆfyo(B that I am the Secretary or Assistant Secret - e ssociation named !.biv', person(s) currently empowered to act under the Association's resolutions authorizi~t is coun~the other . specimen signature set forth opposite the name of each person IS true and genuine, an th S sti ute For This I;:¿ day of fV1 ~ ,:;.. at; I. ~' 'Lh' 1 . jtiifii . t¥ alrman, ew a ver County Board of County OITIffilSSlOners Name (typed or printed) 1. lfJlt¥ ¥: ~€gfl Julianne M. Griffin 2, 3. Barbara D. McClure (3) that the ATM/Deposit/Check Carel Request Provided that the account referenced above is eligible to receive automated teller machine cards and/or Check Cards, I (as authorized by the resolutions which authorize this account) heMby request the issuance of such cards to any of the authorized signers on this account. Signature Title Bank Infonnation Date Ballking Center Name Associate's Phone Number Associate's NalIle 95-14-9016M 6,1999 NNC Bank,OfAmerica .. t ;- B~,:!,:' lF AMERICA, N,A. !THE "BANK") t" ,; ( Certified Copy of Unincorporated Association Resolutions _ Opening and Maintaining Deposit Accounts and Services Name nfVnihcorporated Association NEW HANOVER COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Chairman Bank of America "1(;YYy'YYXYYYXYX¥YYYYY I, the undersigned, hereby certify to ,that i am the~Y>'"^'l'!tliet;ffM'Oe~and the designated keeper of the records and minutes of New Hanover County , an unincorporated association whoRe principal a~dre"" is in the'State of North Carolina (the "Association"); that I have full authority to manage, represent, sign for and hind the Association, that the followi ng i,; a true copy of resolutions duly adopted by the governing hody of said Association at a meeting duly held on the day of , at which a quorum was present and acted throughout or adopted by the unanirr....u" written con"ent of the governing hody; and that such resolutions are in full force and effect and have not been amended or rescinded. 1. Resolved, that Bank of America, N. A. (the "Bank") is hereby designated as a depository of the Associatiün and that depolO'it acc"unts and/or time deposits (CDs) be opened and maintained in the name of this Association with the Bank in accordance with the term.. of the Bank's Deposit Agreement and DisclosureB and the applicable rules and regulations for such accounts; that anyone of the follòwing Authorized Representatives of this Association: Bruce T.' Shell Name Julianne M. Griffin Fin;:¡nrp Director Title Deputy Finance Director NilEårbara D. McClure Title Assistant Finance Director NU~rk W. Vincent Title Sgt-NHC Sheriff's Dept Nathan R. Johnson Major-NHC Sheriff's Dept NaMichael Wallace Titl"Sgt-NHC Sheriff's Dept. is 1~~Jhp~J11ål,Je<¡}~01 behalf of this Association and in its name, to execute ancftô~~jì1HÿwþíìcJ¡¡Jdtt,1dtUi~9..~~Snt, signature cal'd Ilnd any other documentation required by the Bank to open said accounts; to sign checks, drafts, notes, bills of exchange, acceptances, time depoBits (CDB) or other orders for payment of money; to endorBe checks, drafts, notes, bills, time deposits (CDs) or other instrumentB owned or held by this ABsociation for deposit with Bank or for collection or discount by the Bank; to accept draftB, acceptanceB, and other instrumentB payable at the Bank; to place orderB with the Bank for the purchase and sale of foreign currencies on behalf of this Association; to execute Ilnd deliver an electronic fund trllnsfer,; agreement and to make transfers or withdrawals by electronic transfer on behalf of the Association; to obtain an acceBS device (including but not limited to a card, code, or other means of acceBS to the ABBociation'B accounts) that may be used fôr the purpose of initiating electronic.fund transfers [As..ociation agree.. Ilnd Ilcknowledges that neither the Electronic Fund.. TranBfer Act (15 V.S.C. 1693 et Beq.) nor Regulation E (12 C.F.R. Part 205) are applicable to any such access device 1; to establish and maintain a night deposit relationship; to execute and deliver a wire transfer agreement and to requeBt., or'to appoint or delegate from time to time Buch persons who may request, wires of funds; to enter into any agreements with the Bank for the provision by Bank of ' various Treao;ury Management serviceB to this Aso;ociation as such Authorized Representative may determine, in his or her sole discretion, and to sign any and all documents and take all actions required by Bank relative to such Treasury Management services 01' the performance of the Association's ohligations thereunder, and that any such Treasury Management agreement(s) shall remain in full force and effect until written notice to terminate given in accordance with the termB of any such agreement shall have been received by the Bank and that such termination shall not affect any action taken hy the Bllnk prior to such termination; to rent or lease a safe deposit box from Bank, to execute the rental agreement or lease, to enter the safe deposit box and to terminate the rental agreement or lease; to take whatever other actions or enter into whatever other agreements relating to the' aecounts or investment of funds in Buch accounts with the Bank and to execute, amend, o;upplement and deliver to Bank such agreements on behalf of the Association upon such termo; and conditions as such Authorized Representative may deem appropriate and to appoint and delegate, ii'om time to time, such person(s) who may be authorized to enter into such agreements and take any other actionsþursuant to such agreementB in connection with said accounts that the Authorized Representative deemB necessary; and to waive presentment, demand, protest, and notice of protest or dishonor.of any check, note, hi!!, draft, or other instr!lIYlent made, drawn or endorsed by thiB Association; and 2. Further Resolved, that the Bank be and iB hereby authorized to honor, receive, certify, payor exchange for money orders or other instruments all ino;truments signed in accordance with the foregoing resolutions even though such payment may create an overdraft or even though such instruments may be drawn or endorsed to the order of any Authorized RepreBentative signing th~ same or tendered by such Authorized Rep¡"esentative or a third party for exchange or cashing, or in payment of the individual obligation of such Authm'ized Representative, or for deposit to such Authorized Representative's personal account and Bank shall not be required 01' be under a'ny obligation to inquire as to the circumstances of the issuance or use of, any instrument signed in accordance with the foregoing resolutions or the application or disposition of such instrument 01' the proceeds thereof; and, furthe,', th¡Ü the Bank is authorized to honor any instructions regarding withdrawals, orderB for payment or transfer of funds whether oral, hy telephone or electronic means if such withdrawal, orders or transfer are initiated by an Authorized Representative; and 3. Further Resolved, that the Bank be and is hereby requm;ted, authorized and directed to honor and to treat as authorized, check.., drafts orother order" for the payment of money drawn or purportedly drawn in this Association's nar¡¡,e, including those payable to the individual order of any person whof'e name appears thereon as signer thereof, when bearing or purporting to bear the' facsimile signature of an Authorized RepreBentative authorized in the foregoing resolutions and Bank ..hall be entitled to honor, to treat as authorized, and to charge this Association for such checks, drafts, or other orde¡'s regardleBs of by whom or by what means the actual 01' purported facsimile signature thereon may have been affixed thereto, if such signature resembles the facsimile specimen duly certified to or tiled with the Bank by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary or other officer or an Authorized Representative of this Association or if such facsimile signature resembles any facsimile signature previously aftixed to any check, draft, or other order drawn in the Association's name, which check, dJ·aft, or other order was accept~d and paid without timely objection by the Association, thereby ratifying the use of such facsimile signature; and the Af'sociation hereby indemnifieB and holds the Bank harmless against any and all loss, COBt, damage or eKpense suffered or incurred by the Bank arising out of or in any way related to the misuse or unlawful or unauthorized use by'a person of such facsimile signature; and O()·11,H011M 6·19\1\1 NNC 4, Further Resolvecl, that endorsements for deposit may be evidenced by the name of the Association being written 01' stamped on the check'ilr other instrument deposited, without designation of the party making the endorsement, and Bank is authorized to supply any endorsement on an~ instrument tendered for deposit or collection; and . "'·1 ) 5. Further Resolvecl, that the Secretary or Assistant Secretary or other duly authorized officer of this Association shall certify to the Bank names and signatures of persons authorized to aet on behalf of this Association under the fOl'egoing re80lutions and shall from time to time hertHoifter, as changes in the identity of said Authorized Representatives are made, immediately report, furnish and certify such changes to Bank and 8hall 8uhmit to Bank a new account signature card refleeting such change in artier to make such changes effective and Bank shall be fully proted:ed in relying on such certifications and shall be indemnified and saved harmless from any claims, démands, expenses, losses, or damages resulting from, 01' growing out of, honoring the signåture of any Authorized Representative so certitied, or refusing to honor any signature not so certified; and 6. Further Resolvecl, that the foregoing resolutions shall remain in full force and effect and the authority herein given to all of said persons shall remain i~revocable as far as Bánk is concerned until three (3) business days after Bank is notified in writing of the revocation of such authority and that receipt of such notice shall not affect any action taken ,by the Bank prior thereto: and 7. Further Resolvecl, that all transactions by any Authorized Representative, officer or employee ofthis Association on its behalf and in its name with Bank prior to the delivery to Bank of a certitied copy of the foregoing resolutions are, in all respects, hereby ratified, confirmed, approved and adopted; and 8. Further Resolvecl, that the Secretary or Assistant Secretary be and hereby is, authorized and du'ected to certify these resolutions to Bank and ' that the provisions hereof are inconformity with the Articles of Association, Charter, Rules and Bylaws of this Association. " In Witness Whe~of an'd intending to bind the Association, I have hereunto subscribed my name as the _ of this Association, this I 2:- day of ~, ~ I ' Chairman ~ Chairman. New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners Bank Infonnation Date Banking Center Name Associate's Name Associate's Phone Number 26.25.4 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description: Huntington Forest Subdivision (File 969-N) WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System, NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the road(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria, CERTIFICA TE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 12th day of March,2001 WITNESS my hand and official seal this the b10;L, day of ~..) 2001, "c;\/' ~_ Cl rk to the Board Ne anover County Board of Commissioners Fonn SR-2 Please Note: Forward directly to the District Engineer, Division of Highways, resolute,wp 26.25.5 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Sheriffs Department has a 1992 Chevrolet Caprice law enforcement package car, Vehicle Identification Number IGIBL5371NR139880, that is currently insufficient for the Sheriff s operation; AND WHEREAS, the New Hanover Regional Medical Center has a 1994 Ford F350 Type 1 ambulance, Vehicle Identifications Number IFDKF37M2RNA43705, that is currently insufficient for the Medical Center's operation; AND WHEREAS, the County and the Medical Center desire to exchange vehicles without monetary consideration as provided in General Statute 160A-274; AND WHEREAS, pursuant to General Statute 160A-274, the County Board of Commissioners is authorized to approve such transfer upon such terms and conditions as it deems wise, with or without consideration; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the 1992 Chevrolet Caprice law enforcement package car of the Sheriff s Department, Vehicle Identific,ation Number IGIBL5371NR139880, be exchanged with the 1994 Ford F350 Type 1 ambulance of the Medical Center, Vehicle Identifications Number IFDKF37M2RNA43705, without monetary consideration and that the County staff is directed to process any required documents to consummate the transaction. This 12th day of March, 2001. (SEAL) 1d [1U/n. , Chairman, B6~f County Commissioners ATTEST: ()2~~v/ /I~ 'Cí~the Board 26.25.6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the American Red Cross Cape Fear Chapter builds on a tradition of 92 years of faithful service to the Cape F ear area by vividly demonstrating its relevance during times of need, whether for an entire community or one family in a community, and 'by providing education to prevent,prepare for and respond to emergencies to help save lives; and WHEREAS ,President Franklin D. Roosevelt first proclaimed March as Red Cross month in 1943, and chapters across the country have traditionally used this time ", to remind people of the great good that is being done by the 1.3 million volunteers and 4.5 million blood donors associated with the American Red Cross, who aid in responding to 70,000 disaster incidents a year, helping 106;000 families, and who help provide a safe and adequate blood supply¡ and ' WHEREAS, the Red Cross is the nation' spremier humanitarian organization that assists millions of people ona daily basis in more than 3,000 hospitals and 145 military installations around the globe and also provides 12 million people instructions in lifesaving , techniques, ranging from first aid and CPR to -water safety and safe boathandling¡ NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners proclaims the month of March 2001 as AMERICAN RED CROSS MONTH in New Hanover County and urges our citizens to demonstrate support for the Cape Fear Chapter and tobecom:e actively involved in furthering the humanitarian mission of our American Red Cross. Ado ted this the 12th day of March 2001. t:L fJ4l~ JQ , Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman \/~~ Lu °e F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board 26.25.7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 A-307,03/01 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County ofN ew Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: Section 104-3 A temporary building permit may be issued by the Building Inspector for a period not exceeding six (6) months during alterations or partial occupancy of a building pending its completion, A temporary bulding permit may be issued by the Building Inspector for a period not exceeding one (1) month for bazaars, carnivals, religious revivals, side shows, concerts, or sporting events. Such temporary permit may require such conditions and safeguards as will protect the safety of occupants and the public, as well as the concurrence of the Airport Authority for these uses in the AI district (3/12/01). Revised Table of Permittéd Uses AI Circuses, Carnivals, Fairs & Side Shows of no more P Than 30 days Duration per Year Section 2, Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants ofthe County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption Adopted the 12th day of March 2001, Attest: fta*Q~an ~~,,\/ 4~.tL ....... ~~~ to the Board