2001-03-26 RM Exhibits26.25.8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 02/28/01 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2000 ~-----~~--~-~--------~- ORIGINAL TAX lEVY PER SCRDll DISCOVERIES ADDEO LESS ABATEt1ENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED· ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED CLEANING lIENS CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES ________ø_·... REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDEO LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS. TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED ROOM OCCUPAÑCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE lICENSE COLLECTIONS AD VALOREM __"___,_Ul_"'___~_ $ 87,123~902.08 3,652,564.53 736,550.61- --..----..-----..- $ 90,039,916.00 .00 69 818.77 ~ .00 ___.._____....-.c:r___ $ 90,109,794.77 86,193,656.89- ~..._---------_..... $ 3,916,137.88 95.65%* $ 3,454,677.32 82,640.19 256,646.71- ___..81___......___.... $ 3,280,670.80 1,244,606.22- ---... ----,-.--.-- $ 2,036,064.58 37.94% FEB 2001 .._______a..-a_c&a_ 89,537.80 68.75 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFfICE FOR CITY OF WILMINGTON! WRIGHTSVIlLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH TO DATE - $lJ2,063,926.46. THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, ~ECTFUlLY SUBMITTED, '~(~I:tw ~ ~A~"o/ PATRICIA J. ~~OR ~ COLLECTOR OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 94.61% -.----- - - - . C<6. -<.£ 8' CONSENT AGENDA DATE: --------- ITEM NO.______ MOTOR VEHICLE ---.----...-...--- $ 5,493,056.71 9,825.49 64,648.07-- ..------,_..'_..._--~ .$ 5,438,234.13 .00 .00 .00 ---..--------.....-- :$ 5,438,234.13 4,205,942.58- ----------.-.-.. $ 1,232,291.55 77.3:4%* FISCAL YIO ..-------.....---- 1,912,731.50 11,027.34 NEW HANOVER COUNTY, BEACH AND KURE 2000. 26.25.8 CONSENT AGENDA DATE:~~___..:.___ ITEM NO...:._____ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 02/28/01 ÇURP.ENT TAX YEAR ~ 2000 -"-~~--~---~-----~---~- ORIGINAL TAX lEVY PER SCROll DISCOVERIES ADDEO lESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ..~.._..__tiII......____ ------...---...--- LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COllECTED BACK TAXES __...._____:as REAL ESTATE AND PERSoNAL PROPERTY $ CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COlLECTIONS,TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTÄGE COllECTED THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2000. $ 2,451,386.25 117,047.14 48,278.58- CI.........__..._____ $2,526,154.81 2,408.30 ....._.....'a_..__~___~ .$ 2,528,563.11 2,422,224.81- $ 179,064.16 491.09 2,171.52- _.._-----------~ $ 177,383.73 .00 .....-......------..--- $ 117,383.73 142,504.02- _ _ ,-.. .... .. --- --...... ..----.,.--.-.----= $ 106,338.30 95.79%* $ 34,819.71 80.34%* 79,021.28 2,386.06 6,233.69- --------------- $ 75,173.65 36,278.62- ...---------.....--- $ 38,895.03 48.26% ~~PECTFUllY SUBMITTED, '~(,-rY\ f: ~ ~. ~"O,/ PATRICIA J. R~YNOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLlECTIa~ PERCENTAGE - 94.78% 26.25.9 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road( s) Description: Patsy Lane and Buddy Road WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System, NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the road(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners 6fthe County of New Hanover at a meeting on the . 26th day of March, 2001 WITNESS my hand and official seal this theA¿ ~ daYOf~/ 2001, ~~ ~.\/Y~ -/ '" él~ the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Fonn SR-2 Please Note: Forward directly to the District Engineer, Division of Highways, resolute,wp 26.25.9 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description: Dirt Road Adjacent to Murrayville Business Park WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the road(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICA TE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of ·New Hanover at a meeting on the 26th day of March. 2001 . day of ~ WITNESS my hand and official seal this the cII¿~ 2001. a~~~ ~ Cler..( to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Fonn SR-2 Please Note: Forward directly to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. resolute.wp 26.25.11 Resolution NEW HANO"VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMlYllSSIONERS Urging Priority Support For The Convention Center Development Team Funding Proposal WHEREAS, numerous attempts have been made to build a Convention Center in the Wilmington area ave] the paSt 30 years; and WHEREAS, conclusive research and analysis has shown that the construction of a Convention Center ir our community will draw regional and national convention groups; and WHEREAS, a Convention Center will help fill the slower tourism Shoulder Season for the entire county; and WHEREAS, regional competitors in the convention and tourism industry are expanding and enhancing their convention capabilities and New Hanover County convention and meeting business is being eroded to these expanded facilities; and . I; WHEREAS, it is projected that there will be significant and diverse economic benefits resulting from the Convention \Senter including the creation of approximately 1200 new jobs and an economic benefit to the region in the amount of almost $60 million; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That The New Hanover County Commissioners will work with the Convention Center Development Team, the Legislative delegation, and the elected boards of the four municipalities to develop an acceptable funding method. Adopted this the 26th day of March, 200L éX2'->'</~~ / '-~~7 Harrell - Clerk to the Board of Commissioners \_- . ¡-...-. . .. .' .' - -'~ .--::':·.-::_~'-j':..'J:::.r~:¡:;:""...:~~;·::-:·'".·_".'.-, '::.;', ";;:::.':..' ._..:::-....;.;;::.~.:J':;;.~-=-~--:;ç;:.-~-:;:..'"7:.:..'.;-.;.:.....,..:..:.;.-..::..:.t::-.~~~:. ~:.~." 26.25.10 RESOLUTION ·WHEREAS the Town of Kure Beach North Carolina, and ·the Town of Carolina Beach, North Carolina, have requested to straighten the boundary lines òn Alabama Avenue by moving the.boùndary line . between Kure Beach a.nd Carolina Beach from the· center line of Alabama Avenue to the Southern edge of theexistingpavemènt of ,Alabama Avenue on the West side of Highway u.s. 421; and on the East side of Highway u.s. 421 move the bo.undary line between Kure Beach and Carolina Beach to the Southern edge of the public beaoh· àccesEI ·as shown upon.attaèhed,map hereto; a~d . . . ' " . , W,HEREAS the Town·of CarC;;lina Beach in consideration of changing· the Northe.rn boundary line of Kure Bèach as described above have agreed to join ina legislative· bill with the Town of 'Kure Beacb;intbe North Carolina General Assembly to remove 'from it ann~Xed ter:ritory ,1n 'Carolina Beach the followinglot,B formerly in Wilmington Beach'beinq lots 9r 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 arid 16 in Block 14 as shown on a map of Wilmington Beach recorded· ,in Map Boo~ 2., ¡Page· .30 to the Town . of Kure Beach; and ' WBB~AS the' .two' beach communities above are exchanginq property by Notice asrE!quired by North Carolina General Statute § 160A-271 bypòsting a'ten (10) day noticefand the Town of Kure· Beach will remove from its teiritqrythe lànd fro~· the center ,of Alabama Avenue to the soùthern edge of the pavement of Alabama Avenue and the territory desoribèd upon the map of the beach . access of· Alabama AveÌlUÐ tò Carolina Beach; and ' WHEREAS bO,th beach communities held ajointPublié Hearing at the regular Town Council meeting for Kure Beach at the Rure. Beach Town Hall at 7:00 p'.m. on Marc;h 20, 2001; to obtain public comments whioh were favorable; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Town.Council of Kure Beach and the Town Coúncil of Carolina Beach afte~ holding a joint Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. qn March 20, 2001, a~ the Town Hall of Kure Beach the Town Councils of Kure Beach and Carolina Beach are'· resolved that the,exchange of property between the two Towns as set out is fair and equitable exchange of, property above a,nd ·as ' shown on the attached description and survey map. subject onlY,to the. approval of the North Carolina General Assembly. . , " Adopted this the 20th day òf March, 2001. L3iM'~li~a~~"?f " . ~~\)I~tt- . I')¿M...- . RaY-R~rock, Mayor,·"òw~f ~~~ Xure Beach Carolina Beach 26.25.10 ROBERT H. GOSLE & ASSOCIATES LAN/:) eUAV!....Oft5 - LAND PL.^NNS:~5 ., I ftO"~RT t'f. ~O$J..EE: PLS MANL,-,:Y· Q. GAR~ PLS D08, ..t JON~.JR. PLS . S t 3 CHf!ST'NUT ,~A~ET WILMINGTON.Ne. .&ð40r T~LEflHòNE '1 (). 7e3·' .4. 'FAXe1o-'G2'&'"~ , . Legal description of the proposed Kure Beach-Carolina Beach Town Limit Line, New Hanover County, North Caro1ina. ~eglnn~nl eta ~oi~t .1t~in therl¡ht of w~y of Alabama Avenue (~O.OJ I'i¡ht _of WAY) that 1s looat!d South 16 do.ree", ,26 minutes 55 second, We:lt ~ 9.0' ftom. poJl\t on the center l1n. ~t Al~bama Averiueand boingin 11newith the western i..þtof·wa, line 01, Spot Lane ('O.~J r..ht ot wa,).Said þ~fht ot bealnnlna havini North cat61ina 8tidcoo~dln.te8: ,'Nørtb .' 9~470.218, ·E..t ~ 2332283;941 (Nad 83)~ Said ~ent.~ Jin,·poln~ b.in& located So.th 34 degrees 53 mlnut.. 40 . a o,conds last: - '90~~ 55' from NCGS ,"OCEANII wit 1\' Not'tb Caro J Ina ï~td cOo.t'dinat.,,: North ., 1'00851.163, Eaet £: 33'¡9622..414 (.Had' ~~) which 15 located South 21. delroee 33· minutes .. fecond,~ ' ,West -.9931-49'- (¡riel ,distance) frDm NCO~ "WI-LDLIFE" with ~ò.t.th Cato.llr~a ,rid coordinates: North zs 110087.641, last. ·2~3327',.J3S (N64 83). Runnln, thenGefromsaid folntot . bé,lnnl~. South 73 ðelteea 33 min~tes OS seconds We.t ~ 1,'~',:OOÞ to an_· il"on I'od o,n,th. cepterllne of Sn,àpp.r Lane; tbeneecontinuing thea.me cOUr~et 'o~th 73de¡ftes 33. .CIt~nut"40'.~eoonds Weat - '1';00" to an iron roeS, t'1ì.nco Sd~Jb 16 d.gre~, 2~ mín~tes '3.teço~d, We~t - 36.00' to an i~Ob rt¡)d! t~encG South 1,3' degre.e '~3 mln,utc~ OS seconds ,8a~t . - ,40".46 to the Mean Low Water Line or 'tho Atlantic Oce~n.": 26.25.12 New Hanover County Board of Comomissioners Resolution , WHEREAS, the New Hanover Còunty will receive a $400,000 ..~ 'u. . Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to assist in promoting viable communities, "by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment ,and:,: - ' expanding economic oppo~ties, prj.ncipally for persons of low and moderate income"; and .. " WHEREAS, the New Hanover Co'urity Board of Commissioners provides,:: . . for and eñcourages citizèn participation b·y persons of low and moderate income:, .::, ',~ " who are residents ofsluni and blighted af,eas and areas in which CDBG fund~ ar~" ..'. proposed to be used in low and moderate income neighborhoods as ~efined ,by"~: -:',' ,. New,Hanover, County; and .. '. ,.. ' . WHEREAS, all citizens are prõv'i~ed with timely and reasonable accesÚo.> local meetings, infòrmation, and records regarding New Hanover County's' '.,~' proposed and actual use of CDBG funds;'~d . ',. , ., .. .' , , WHEREAS, the County sh~ll provide technical assistance to groups, . representative of very low, low, and moderate income persons that request ,such: assistance; and , , , ";C" ..... ,.... ....,:: " . - . . .' . WHEREAS, a Selection Committee shall serve as a mechanism for', ':~.:."~'~':~:. , providing éontinued citizen i?volvement and participation in the CDBG Prog~àm, . ::,. .. .and shall provide reports and,updates to the New Hanover County Board of "":',:' ;. Commissioners and pro~ide, inp~t in establishing policies' and selecting the 'hocies'·: . to be assisted according to CDBG regulations and local prioritie~; and ,'"" ' .',",' . . . ..:~. ~ . WHEREAS, , New Hanover County'shall provide for publichearings'to '. ,',{ _ obtain citizen(s) cOrnrrlentsand respond to questions and próposals at all stáges:of. the CDBG program; including at a minimum,:the development of needs, the·, '~, ,. . review of proposed activities and program performance, which hearings shall be. ." ' :' : . held 'after adequate notice, at times and locations accessible to potential 'and acÍuã(, beneficiaries, and with accommodations for the handicapped; and '1' . '.' '- . . ., ~ ; þM' .... ~~ ...... <' '... . WHEREAS, New Hanover County shall provide for a timely'written ,. .._. response to written grievances and complaints within ten calendar days; and' , '>::':::' . .," ' :', ' .... . . .,'. t.. . . ., ':: WHEREAS, New Hanover County shall identify how the need of non:::· :~::.''',' . English speaking residents will be met in the event of public hearing where a'~':·~,:,;' ... significant number of non-English speaking residents can reasonably be expecÙ:id',:" ,# ) ,.,.- " "', ' . "-, . . to participate; and '."' ".' ,.'o{'. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the adoptions of the New Hanover· County Citizen Partièipation Plan in accordance with Section ,1002 òf the North , Carolina CDBG Regulations (4NCAC19L). ... Adopted this the 26th day of March, 2001. ()2',~~/ ~~ "-/~ to the Board . '. ","- ";','. .. ,- .... '" .-' . .~ {b¡iJ f) . Ted Davis, Jr., chl~~ . ..' ,', -' .¡' :--~ .