2000-08-31 Special Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING WITH THE BOARD OF EDUCATION PAGE 152 AUGUST 31, 2000 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a joint meeting with the New Hanover County Board of Education on Thursday, August 31, 2000, at 6:00 p.m. in the Rachel Freeman Elementary School, 2601 Princess Place Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman William A. Caster; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Commissioner Buzz Birzenieks; Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; Commissioner Charles R. Howell; County Manager, Allen O’Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Members present from the Board of Education were: Chairman Edward B. Higgins; Steven M. Bilzi; Debbie Keck; Andy Wells; and Nancy Wigley. Chairman Caster and Chairman Higgins called the respective boards to order. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED PLAN FOR USE OF ATHLETIC FIELDS AND FACILITIES A lengthy discussion was held on the use of athletic fields and facilities throughout the county. County Manager O’Neal presented a copy of a lease agreement between New Hanover County and the New Hanover County Board of Education adopted October 7, 1986, for use of athletic fields at John T. Hoggard High School. He advised at that time both boards felt it would be an advantage for the fields to be shared, and he read the following section from the lease agreement: The County desires to develop said area described in Exhibit A as public athletic fields and park area for the citizens and residents of New Hanover County with the Board of Education having the use of these facilities from time to time as agreed upon by the parties. County Manager O’Neal explained that over the years, fields have been built and shared. During the past year, problems have been experienced with use of athletic fields because of the school construction projects, particularly at Hoggard High School where some fields could not be used by soccer teams due to the construction of the stadium. This has created a problem throughout the community, and it is important for the scheduling problem to be resolved. Dr. Shearin explained with continued growth in the number of soccer teams, it will be impossible to provide an adequate number of fields. This sport is played in the spring and fall, which increases the use of existing fields. With the number of complaints received from the various groups in need of fields, he would suggest developing a procedure for better communication between the School System and New Hanover County Parks Department in scheduling events. A lengthy discussion was held on scheduling problems that have been experienced at Hoggard High School due to construction of the new stadium. Vice-Chairman Greer explained that the County and City constructed athletic fields at Hoggard High School, and at that time a 25 year lease agreement was prepared between New Hanover County and the Board of Education for use the fields as agreed upon by both parties. When construction began on the Hoggard Stadium, it was understood that no fields would be lost. This information was presented to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and to the Board of County Commissioners. When soccer teams went to practice and were told that the fields were not available, they become quite upset. The Commissioners have received hundreds of calls and the Soccer Association has appeared before the Board in desperate need of playing fields. He urged the members of the School Administrative Staff to work with the New Hanover County Parks Director in scheduling fields. He stressed the importance of keeping these groups informed ahead of time about a construction project that will eliminate the use of a field so they will not be caught off guard. Further discussion was held on existing fields at the Dorothy B. Johnson Elementary School and completion dates for athletic fields at Eaton Elementary School, Veterans Park and Ogden Park. Mr. Eddie Anderson advised that the Hoggard Athletic Complex would be completed in September. He also agreed with the idea to develop better communication between the School Staff and County Parks Director regarding the scheduling of facilities. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING WITH THE BOARD OF EDUCATION PAGE 153 AUGUST 31, 2000 Mr. Steven Bilzi stated as a member of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, he feels that scheduling is the key to resolving the problem. With the number of groups in need of fields, it will not be possible to make every group happy, but the fields can be scheduled in an equitable manner without giving priority to one group. The soccer teams cannot be singled out and given priority over other established programs, such as the Pop Warner League. He urged the School System and Parks Department to work out an efficient scheduling procedure. Chairman Higgins agreed with the statements and he stressed the importance of scheduling all available fields. He stated that fields are available at Dorothy B. Johnson, but it appears that none of the soccer teams want to use the fields. Mr. Bilzi recommended forming a committee among members the School and County Staff to meet and develop a scheduling system to inform all groups about the use of fields and athletic facilities. With the number of fields needed, it will be a challenge for Board of Education and County Commissioners to meet these needs. Vice-Chairman Greer advised that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board feels that a web page should be established for all parks facilities so anyone can see when a field is scheduled or a park facility is being used. He suggested placing both county and school athletic fields on the web page to better inform the public. Ms. Debbie Keck urged everyone to recognize that a period of change is occurring for the betterment of the community with the construction of new athletic fields and facilities by New Hanover County and the School System. It is important to see the progress being made and to keep the public informed about the use of fields. When the on-going projects are completed, the citizens will be proud of these new facilities. Commissioner Birzenieks referenced the number of unfunded mandates being placed on local governments and stated it is imperative for the elected officials to approach the N. C. General Assembly to request legislation to allow local governments to impose a one-cent local option sales tax. The estimated revenue generated from this tax in New Hanover County is $17 million annually. This funding would greatly assist the County and School System in providing school buildings and athletic facilities. Commissioner Davis agreed and stated that a one-cent local option sales tax could be implemented with a designated use, sunset clause, and food exclusion. He stressed the importance of alleviating the tax burden now being placed on property owners living in New Hanover County. In concluding the meeting, both boards agreed that a system of scheduling for use of athletic fields and facilities could be developed by County and School Administrative Staff. It was also concluded that the one-cent local option sales tax should be a legislative goal. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Caster and Chairman Higgins adjourned their respective boards at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board