2000-11-27 Regular Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 298 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session Monday, November 27, 2000, at 9:00 A.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, NC. Members present were: Chairman William A. Caster; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Commissioner Buzz Birzenieks; Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; County Manager, Allen O’Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Commissioner Howell was absent due to a trip out of town. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Deputy County Manager Andrew J. Atkinson gave the invocation. Commissioner Davis led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Caster announced that time had been reserved to allow the public to present an item that was not listed on the Regular Agenda or to comment on an item listed on the Consent Agenda. He requested all persons speaking to limit their remarks to three minutes. Mr. Steve Vosnock requested the Board to deny Mr. Robert G. Greer, Chairman of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, from participating in meetings or decisions made regarding a request from Pender County for an initial 1,000,000 gallon per day discharge in New Hanover County wastewater treatment plants. He referenced the number of residents living in New Hanover County who are desperately in need of sewer and stated to accept this request from Pender County will only benefit a few politicians and a few wealthy landowners while denying tax paying residents their rights to sewer. In closing, Mr. Vosnock questioned whether the County Attorney can guarantee the residents of New Hanover County the legality of such a decision if a decision is made to approve the 1,000,000 gallon per day discharge from Pender County. The Board of County Commissioners and County Attorney can be assured that acceptance of this request will result in a lawsuit. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Caster requested the Board to remove the minutes for the Regular Meeting of November 13, 2000 from the Consent Agenda and from the Water and Sewer District Agenda. The sets of minutes will be presented for approval on December 4, 2000. Chairman Caster also referenced Consent Agenda Item #14.3, which is approval of a budget amendment to implement the Pay and Classification Plan that will become effective the first pay period in February 2001. Commissioner Davis requested further discussion of Consent Agenda Items 8, 15, and 16. Vice-Chairman Greer requested discussion of Consent Agenda Items 16 and 14.3. Discussion of Consent Agenda Item 8, Adoption of Resolution to Expedite Bid Process of Mason Inlet Project Commissioner Davis referenced the proposed resolution and asked if this was a request to circumvent receiving three bids for the Mason Inlet Project. He questioned how New Hanover County can be assured that the best price is received for the project without competitive bids. Chairman Caster explained that the project will be placed for bid and stated if three bids are not received, the County will be able to award a bid without having to rebid the project. Due to the need to comply to the turtle nesting season and the time frame of the dredging project, the County does not have time to rebid the project. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 299 Assistant County Manager Weaver explained that if all bids should come in at an unreasonable price, the Board would have the right to reject all bids received. Discussion of Consent Agenda Item 15, Review of Compensation for Boards and Commissions Commissioner Davis requested an explanation of why this item was placed on the Consent Agenda and stated he was not ready to vote on this issue. After commenting on placing this item on the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Birzenieks requested removal of this item for further discussion and stated that he felt the compensation for some boards needed to be adjusted. The Board agreed to remove this item from the Consent Agenda for discussion at the end of the meeting. Discussion of Consent Agenda Item 16, Reclassifications of Positions in the Sheriff’s Department Commissioner Davis spoke on understanding that sufficient funding was in the budget for the proposed reclassifications and asked if this item would be discussed as part of the Sheriff’s budget for FY 2001-2002. County Manager O’Neal explained that money is available in the current budget to implement the reclassifications and the entire budget for the Sheriff’s Department will require further review as is done with all departments. Vice-Chairman Greer asked if the deputies are included in the Pay and Classification Plan. Deputy County Manager Atkinson responded that all deputies are included in the Pay and Classification Plan. The proposed reclassifications are moving personnel from one position to another position as part of an organizational process. Discussion of Consent Agenda Item 14.3, Pay and Classification Plan Vice-Chairman Greer referenced the Pay and Classification Plan which indicates a cost of $3.5 million for implementation in next year’s budget, and he asked if this means that the $1.8 million included in this year’s budget will be added to this amount for the total cost of implementing the new plan. County Manager O’Neal responded that the cost for implementing the new pay plan will be the total of both figures at $5.3 million. Vice-Chairman Greer referenced the fact that during the FY 2001-2002 budget process, a deficit of $3.5 million will have to be overcome when preparing the budget. Chairman Caster called for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer, to remove the minutes as requested by the Clerk to the Board, remove Consent Agenda Item 15, and approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED by a 3 to 1 vote. Commissioner Davis stated for the record he voted no because he was opposed to Consent Agenda Item 8. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes The Board deferred approval of the minutes until the December 4, 2000 meeting. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 300 Acceptance of Hurricane Floyd Disaster Relief Monies for the Elderly and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #01-0077 - Department of Aging The Commissioners approved acceptance of Hurricane Floyd Disaster Relief monies for the elderly in the amount of $2,625 and approved the associated budget amendment #01-0077. The Department of Aging is eligible to receive this money to assist persons who experienced hardship as a result of Hurricane Floyd. Money may be used for shelf stable meals, housing repair, case management and other disaster related gap-filling services that are not covered under federal funding sources. The Department of Aging will identify elderly persons suffering from the Hurricane Floyd loss and use the money appropriately to provide assistance. No County match is required for the grant. Budget Amendment #01-0077 - Aging/Nutrition-Congregate ADJUSTMENTCREDITDEBIT Aging: Aging Title IV Disaster Relief Grant$2,625 Contracted Services$2,625 Explanation: To budget additional funds received from the Aging Title IV Disaster Relief Grant to assist senior Hurricane Floyd victims. No additional County funds are required. Authorization for the Health Department to Submit a Grant Application to North Carolina Childhood Asthma Management and Control Interventions The Commissioners authorized the Health Department to file a grant application in the amount of $23,000 to the N. C. Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, Women’s and Children’s Health Section for a North Carolina Childhood Asthma Management and Control Intervention grant. This opportunity is available to counties who already have a viable Asthma Coalition/Task Force and are willing to work to create a comprehensive, coordinated system of care for children with Asthma. The grant funds will be used to increase the part-time Healthy Homes Nurse position to full-time so that service can be provided to children with asthma in private homes. The County Manager was authorized to accept the grant if awarded and to approve the necessary budget amendment. Approval of Transfer from General Fund Contingency Funds for Installation of Manual Generator Transfer Switch at Department of Aging and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #01-0076 - Emergency Management Department The Commissioners approved Budget Amendment #01-0076 to transfer $22,200 from the General Fund Contingency funds to augment grant funds allowing New Hanover County to install a Manual Electrical Transfer Switch (MTS) at the Department of Aging. While this building is not suitable for an evacuation shelter for hurricanes, it is ideal for use as a recovery center, alternate feeding site, and special needs coordination center, all of which would be essential following a disaster. More importantly, should the County be threatened with an ice or snow storm with a potential loss of power, this facility would be invaluable as a “re-warming” shelter and hot food service center for the community. A contract is presently in place for design and construction; therefore, a change order will be needed to complete this project. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 301 Budget Amendment #01-0076-Non-Departmental/Contingencies/Emergency Management ADJUSTMENTDEBITCREDIT Non-Departmental: Contingencies$22,200 Emergency Management: Project Impact-Schools Retrofit$22,200 Explanation: To transfer funds from Contingencies to be used with the remaining grant funds in the Manual Electrical Transfer Switch (MTS) project to install a manual electrical transfer switch at the Department of Aging. Approval of Designated Agent for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Buyout The Commissioners approved appointment of Dave Weaver as the designated agent responsible for the administration of the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. Acceptance of Tax Collection Reports Through October 31, 2000 The Commissioners accepted the following Tax Collection Reports through October 31, 2000, as submitted by the Collector of the Revenue, Patricia J. Raynor: New Hanover County Fire District New Hanover County Copies of the Tax Collection Reports are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXVI, Page 20. Release of Values - Tax Department The Commissioners approved Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusions for the following taxpayers: Bradley, Bernice$20,000 Buckhout, Alice Y.$20,000 Cardwell, Willie T.$20,000 Fales, James E. Carolyn G.$20,000 Garcia, Sharon D.$20,000 Jones, Velma B.$20,000 King, Drucille W.$20,000 Koshock, Roy$19,800 Norton, Diane Diggs$20,000 Richardson, Nancy$ 4,450 Smith, Letha Mae Life Estate$20,000 Vereen, Rosanna$20,000 Weeks, Walter F.$20,000 The Commissioners released the following taxpayers from late listing penalties because they showed certification of listing during the regular listing period: Baccari, Greg$ 60.69 Brewington, Shirley$ 4.04 Clayton, Donald W.$ 6.73 Convenient Vay Lor Store$ 43.54 Everhart, Bruce Leo$ 39.38 Exxon Corporation$5,126.14 Garner, Walton W. Donna$ 15.41 Ho Fred Kam Wah Rebecca Y.$ 6.01 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 302 Howe, Paul M.$ 74.75 Scelzi, George$ 96.88 Winston, John H.$ 10.39 The Commissioners approved delinquent applications for exemption from the property tax for the following organizations: Cape Fear Habitat for HumanityR04806-006-036-000 R05509-017-017-000 Wilmington Korean Baptist ChurchR07110-001-158-000 Adoption of Resolution to Expedite the Bid Process for the Mason Inlet Project The Commissioners adopted a resolution to expedite the bid process for the Mason Inlet Project. The General Statutes require three (3) bids to initially open a construction project without re-bidding. To avoid any delay that would result from an insufficient number of bidders, this resolution exempts the Mason Inlet Project from the three (3) bid requirement. The exemption is desired to protect property and minimize disturbance of wildlife by promptly undertaking work in an appropriate season. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXVI, Page 20. Approval of New Hanover County Health Department Fee Policy Changes The Commissioners approved changes to the New Hanover County Health Department Fee policy as recommended by the Board of Health. The changes involve the following: ? Assigning fees to four codes which have not been previously used ? Adjustments to in-house lab fees. ? Deletion of handling fee for some referred labs. Approval of Waiver for the County’s Audit Requirement for Year Ended June 30, 1999, for Wilmington Harbor Enhancement Trust, Inc., (WHET) The Commissioners granted the Wilmington Harbor Enhancement Trust, Inc. (WHET) a waiver for the FY 1998-1999 audit report requirement. This consideration is consistent with other agencies that have been granted a wavier when a small of amount of funding is received from the County. The County’s outside agency contract contains the requirement that any funded agency must provide an annual audit if the contribution is over $5,000. Since WHET is not financially able to hire a firm to conduct the audit and the agency is comprised of a small membership which donates money for supplies and one part-time employee, it is felt that this waiver should be granted, particularly when the $8,000 contribution from the County in FY 1998-1999 was used specifically to assist with building floating docks on the river front. Approval of 2001 Operating Schedule for Airlie Gardens The Commissioners approved the 2001 Operating Schedule for Airlie Gardens as recommended by The Airlie Gardens Foundation, Inc. at its October 10, 2000 meeting. Approval of Film Industry Site Fees for Airlie Gardens The Commissioners adopted the following Film Industry Site Fee Schedule for Airlie Gardens as recommended by the Airlie Foundation Finance Committee. The assessment and collection of fees are to be immediately implemented. ? $1,750 per day of production ? $250 per day of pre- or post-production ? Reimbursement of direct expenses NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 303 Adoption of Resolution to Add Roads in Ogden Pines Sections I and II and Wyck Farm Way to the N.C. Highway System The Commissioners adopted a resolution to add roads in Ogden Pines, Sections I and II and Wyck Farm Way to the N.C. Highway System. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXVI, Page 20. Approval of Budget Amendment #2001-18 - Sheriff’s Department The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: Budget Amendment # 2001-18-Controlled Substance Tax ADJUSTMENTDEBITCREDIT Controlled Substance Tax$18,574 Interest$ 3,700 Capital Project Expense$22,274 Explanation: To increase budget for additional revenue received in October, 2000 and to budget interest earned on the fund. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as deemed necessary by the Sheriff. Approval of Budget Amendment #2001-19 to Increase the Budget for Contribution from Landfall Foundation for Artwork in Northeast Branch Library The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: Budget Amendment #2001-19 - Northeast Branch Library ADJUSTMENTDEBITCREDIT Contribution from Landfall Foundation$2,000 Capital Project Expense$2,000 Explanation: To increase the budget for contribution from the Landfall Foundation for artwork in the Northeast Branch Library. Approval of Budget Amendment #01-0075 to Transfer Funds Within the General Fund to Implement the Pay and Classification Plan The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: Budget Amendment #01-0075-Various ADJUSTMENTDEBITCREDIT Non-Departmental: Pay and Classification Plan Reserve$1,866,236 Commissioners' Office: Salaries and Wages $ 28,467 County Manager: Salaries and Wages$ 31,044 Human Resources: Salaries and Wages$ 9,309 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 304 (Budget Amendment continued) DEBITCREDIT Budget: Salaries and Wages$ 4,593 Risk Management: Salaries and Wages $ 2,500 Finance: Salaries and Wages$ 7,623 Information Technology: Salaries and Wages$ 52,624 County Attorney's Office Salaries and Wages$ 22,663 Board of Elections: Salaries and Wages$ 33,311 Register of Deeds: Salaries and Wages$ 17,483 Vehicle Management: Salaries and Wages$ 18,089 Property Management: Salaries and Wages$ 57,713 Sheriff - Administration: Salaries and Wages$252,959 Sheriff - Jail: Salaries and Wages$266,019 Emergency Management: Salaries and Wages$ 16,866 Courts - Domestic Violence Unit: Salaries and Wages $ 6,139 Inspections: Salaries and Wages$ 57,674 Cooperative Extension Services: Salaries and Wages$ 19,387 Airlie Gardens: Salaries and Wages$ 39,155 Health - Personal: Salaries and Wages$353,338 Veterans Services: Salaries and Wages$ 2,151 Social Services: Salaries and Wages$302,039 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 305 (Budget Amendment continued)DEBIT CREDIT Human Services Transportation: Salaries and Wages$ 3,500 Human Relations: Salaries and Wages$ 29,199 Aging - Senior Center: Salaries and Wages$ 32,081 Library: Salaries and Wages$129,701 Parks: Salaries and Wages$ 36,028 Museum: Salaries and Wages$ 31,348 Courts - Criminal Justice Grant: Salaries and Wages$ 3,233 Explanation: To transfer funds within the General Fund to implement the Pay and Classification Plan effective pay period January 23, 2001 - February 5, 2001, pay date February 15, 2001. Funds were included in the FY 2000-2001 Budget at adoption to implement the pay plan during the year. Cost of funding the plan for a full year in FY2001-2002 will be $3.5 million. In the County's other funds, funding is available for implementation of the plan due to position turnover. Reclassifications of Positions in the Sheriff’s Department The Commissioners approved the reclassification of the following positions in the Sheriff’s Department: ? Reclassify a deputy position to Chief Deputy. This position will be second in command to the Sheriff and will report directly to the Sheriff. During any absence of the Sheriff, the Chief Deputy will be designated by the Sheriff to assume command of the Sheriff’s department for whatever period is specified by the Sheriff. ? Reclassify 18 positions which have been added to accommodate the growth rate of the County to Corporal from Assistant Corporal. These employees have assumed the title and responsibility of the Corporal position without commensurate compensation. ? Reclassify a Deputy Sheriff position to Detective. This position will be used for child abuse investigations on the Community Child Protection Team. This reclassification was requested by District Attorney John Carriker. ? Reclassify Deputy Sheriff to Sergeant in the Emergency Response Team. ? Reclassify a Corporal to Sergeant in the School Resource Officer program. ? Reclassify a Sergeant to Lieutenant in the Detective Division Technical Section. ? Reclassify 12 Acting Detective positions to Detective. These reclassifications will not increase the overall number of positions in the Sheriff’s Department and any increase in salaries due to these reclassifications will be covered by the current budget. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 306 ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION HONORING THE CAMERON FAMILY FOR SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY Chairman Caster read resolutions in honor of Mr. Bruce Barclay Cameron, Jr. and Mr. Daniel David Cameron for their significant contributions to the economic, educational, health and cultural lives of all New Hanover County residents. He requested a motion to adopt the resolution. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer, to adopt the resolution as read. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Caster presented the resolution to Mr. Dan Cameron and expressed grateful appreciation to him and the Cameron family for the many contributions given to the community over the years. Mr. Dan Cameron spoke about his father who believed in serving his community and stated that it had been a pleasure for his brother Bruce and himself to continue this service. A round of applause was given to the Cameron Family. RECOGNITION OF FEMA PROJECT IMPACT AWARD WINNERS DEBBIE REED AND DR. STEVE MEINHOLD Chairman Caster reported at the 2000 FEMA Project Impact Summit, New Hanover County Project Impact Coordinator Debbie Reed and Dr. Steve Meinhold of UNCW were recognized with national awards for their outstanding work in FEMA’s “Project Impact”. Ms. Reed who works in the New Hanover County Department of Emergency Management, was honored with the ‘Project Impact Outstanding Mentor’ award, and Dr. Meinhold received the ‘Outstanding Academic Leader in Support of Project Impact Communities’ award. In addition to helping make New Hanover County more disaster resistant, Ms. Reed has shared her expertise with individuals, organizations and government agencies around the country. Dr. Meinhold is recognized as a national leader in promoting Project Impact principals and was the Chairman of the 1999 and 2000 Hurricane Expo committees. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Caster read and presented the awards to Ms. Reed and Dr. Meinhold and expressed appreciation to them for bringing this honor to New Hanover County. Vice-Chairman Greer noted that Ms. Reed and Dr. Meinhold received this recognition on a national level, which is quite an honor to New Hanover County. Ms. Debbie Reed spoke on it being a pleasure to be the Project Impact Coordinator in the community and stated that she accepted the award on behalf of the community partners which have been the force behind this being such a successful program. PRESENTATION OF SERVICE AWARDS County Manager O’Neal requested the following employees to step forward to receive service awards: Katrina L. RobinsonFinance Department5 years Nancy A. RyanHealth Department5 years Anthony W. Williams Health Department5 years Carl C. BottomsHealth Department 5 years Beverly R. BucknerHealth Department 5 years Wendy K. MarshallCape Fear Museum5 years Mary A. FisherSheriff’s Department5 years Michael K. WallaceSheriff’s Department 10 years Judy L. WardSheriff’s Department 15 years NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 307 Beverly S. Tetterton-Opheim County Library 20 years On behalf of the Board, Chairman Caster presented service awards to each employee and expressed appreciation to them for their quality of work and team effort given to New Hanover County and its citizens. RECOGNITION OF NEW COUNTY EMPLOYEES County Manager O’Neal requested the following new employees to stand and be recognized: Michael Stophel, Fire Services Thomas Lawrence, Health Department Kelly Johnson, Health Department Peter Kenny, Parks Department Shelton Wade, Property Management Philip Peterson, Property Management John Scheckler, Sheriff’s Department David Carter, Sr., Sheriff’s Department Jessica McSwain, Social Services Julia Widerman, Social Services Roxanne Paluso, Social Services Barbara Egerton, Social Services Robin Johnson, Social Services Charlotte Rollins, Health Department On behalf of the Board, Chairman Caster welcomed the new employees to County government and wished them success in their new positions. ACTION DEFERRED ON THE REQUEST BY THE MAYORS OF CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH REGARDING USE OF THE ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX FOR THE LOCAL SHARE OF BEACH RENOURISHMENT Chairman Caster reported that due to financial restraints, the N. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources has reduced its share of funding the beach renourishment project from 75% to 50% which has increased the local share from 25% to 50%. Mayor Ray Rothrock and Mayor Betty Medlin have requested the Board to pay the local share of the renourishment project planned for early next year from the Room Occupancy Tax. After discussion of this item by the Board at the Staff meeting, it was felt that this request should be heard by the Port, Waterway, and Beach Commission with a recommendation presented to the Board of County Commissioners before rendering a decision. Chairman Caster asked if the Board wanted to defer action on this item. Consensus: After discussion of the need for this request to be reviewed, it was the consensus of the Board to defer action on the request until a recommendation has been received from the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission. PRESENTATION BY PARKS AND GARDENS TASK FORCE Mr. Jack Bragg, Chairman of the Parks and Gardens Task Force, reported that the Task Force was appointed by the Board of Commissioners to explore and discuss all issues, options and concerns for reorganizing both the Parks Department and the Cooperative Extension Service, which presently includes the Arboretum and Airlie Gardens. The purpose was to optimize efficiency and effectiveness of management. The Task Force met seven times, including holding two public forums, and the following options were voted on by the group: Majority Opinion (seven of nine members voted in favor of this option) ? Form a new department consisting only of Airlie Gardens. ? The Arboretum will stay with the Cooperative Extension Service. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 308 ? The Parks Department will remain unchanged. Minority Opinion (two of nine members voted in favor of this option) ? Form a new Department of Gardens consisting of Airlie Gardens and the Arboretum. ? The Cooperative Extension would remain a department but without the Arboretum or Airlie Gardens. ? The Parks Department would remain unchanged. Regardless of the option selected by the Board of County Commissioners, the following items should apply: ? It is recommended that the proposed reorganization be done immediately, and a workload study be performed as soon as possible after that reorganization. Results of the study, pending lack of legal constraint, may result in recommendations to reduce administration staff through attrition or to shift administrative staff. It is recommended that the workload include the following: space considerations, staffing needs, and funding needs. ? Both options require the addition of a new department. The Task Force is concerned that the public may have the perception that the County bureaucracy is growing. ? The Task Force recognizes the tremendous value of the Master Gardner Program. The Master Gardener and similar Cooperative Extension Service educational programs will be welcomed by the County at County facilities regardless of the organizational option chosen. ? Concerns about allocation of office space and coordination of meeting space must be immediately addressed in a fair and objective manner. Scheduling of meeting space can be administered by the Cooperative Extension Service in compliance with County policy. ? An audit of budget, equipment and materials must be performed prior to reorganization. ? The County’s Information Technology Department needs to evaluate existing hardware, software, and connections for CES/Airlie/Arboretum staff and make necessary improvements for efficiency. ? Legal and personnel work will be required to make certain that necessary staffing allocations and modifications to grants, by-laws, and similar instruments are performed. ? It is important that staff in different departments continue to cooperate fully until the workload study is complete. In closing, Mr. Bragg expressed appreciation to Assistant County Manager Patricia A. Melvin for performing an outstanding job as facilitator of the Task Force. Commissioner Birzenieks referenced the fact that the future of Airlie Gardens lies with providing a quasi-independent board, and he recommended allowing the Foundation Board to become an Authority or develop a relationship with the County similar to New Hanover Regional Medical Center. The County should subsidize Airlie Gardens until it becomes independent at which time it will be able to operate on its own. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED to approve the Majority Opinion. Commissioner Davis asked whether approving the Majority Opinion would prevent the volunteers of the Arboretum and Airlie Gardens from working together. County Manager O’Neal said there should be no problem with the volunteers working together NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 309 for the betterment of both the Arboretum and Airlie Gardens. He also referenced the word “Authority” and stressed the importance of everyone understanding that an Authority must be established through enabling legislation. Commissioner Birzenieks noted that New Hanover Regional Medical Center is not an Authority, but it is an independent organization. Vice-Chairman Greer agreed with the concept of the Airlie Foundation Board of Directors having its independence, but spoke in opposition to forming an Authority. Chairman Caster called for a second to the motion made by Commissioner Birzenieks. SECONDED Vice-Chairman Greer the motion to approve the Majority Option. Upon vote, MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 0. the Chairman Caster, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to the members of the Task Force for the time and effort given to serve in this capacity. He requested the members present to stand. A round of applause was given to the members of the Task Force. Ms. Anne VanAmerongen, President of the Master Gardener Association, expressed appreciation to the Board for agreeing to allow the Arboretum to remain with the Cooperative Extension Service. The Master Gardener Association, the Arboretum Foundation, Airlie Gardens Foundation Board, and the Cooperative Extension Service have been given a powerful charge by the Board of County Commissioners in making each one of these groups function in a manner that will make the County proud of these organizations. Ms. Wanda Canada expressed appreciation to the Board for voting for the Majority Option. BREAK Chairman Caster called a break at 9:40 A.M. until 10:00 A.M. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION CONCERNING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY CHAPTER #3 Ms. Sandra Criner, Chairman of the Cape Fear Museum Board of Trustees, reported on the history of the proposed resolution and stated that a year ago, the Cape Fear Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy #3 (UDC) offered the Museum notebooks and documents dating back to the Civil War which showed how the Museum was established. The UDC #3 requested the Museum to accept the documents under joint ownership. After in depth discussion, the Museum Board of Trustees decided it was not permissible to jointly own the artifacts. The UDC #3 then asked the Museum Trustees who owned the artifacts that had already been donated by UDC #3. In an effort to resolve the issue of what artifacts are owned or loaned, a resolution has been prepared to define the donated artifacts by the UDC #3, the materials already donated, and what artifacts will be donated in the future. Ms. Criner referenced the resolution forwarded to the Board and requested one change in the third paragraph to read as follows with the change indicated in bold type: Cape Fear Museum and the Cape Fear Chapter UDC #3 have agreed to enter into an agreement whereby they will establish a policy of joint ownership of all papers and artifacts contributed by the Cape Fear Chapter UDC #3 which are now held by the Cape Fear Museum and of all such objects which the Cape Fear Chapter UDC#3 might wish to place with the Museum in the future. In closing, Ms. Criner stated that the purpose of the resolution was to allow for the Cape Fear Museum to have control of these artifacts, not the Cape Fear Chapter UDC #3. If the Museum should NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 310 want to dispose of these objects, the artifacts would have to be returned to the Cape Fear Chapter UDC #3. This was a main concern of the UDC #3. In the last paragraph of the resolution, the free admission to the Museum to members of the UDC #3 has been removed. Discussion was held on the composition of the resolution. Assistant County Attorney, Holt Moore, explained that the resolution was basically a joint ownership situation which is an exception from policy, but is legally acceptable. Mr. Donald Patience, a member of the Museum Associates and Museum Board of Trustees, referenced the Collection Policy of the Cape Fear Museum and stated this policy clearly notes that only unconditional gifts will be accepted. When the Board of Trustees voted on the resolution, Carole Jackson, Vice-President of the UDC #3 abstained from voting and it was not a unanimous vote. He expressed concern for defining joint ownership and suggested clearly defining this issue before taking action on the resolution. Ms. Carole B. Jackson, a member of the Museum Board of Trustees and a member of the UDC #3, reported that in 1896 the ladies of the UDC #3 decided to save confederate items, artifacts, uniforms, and other items being lost at that time. It was determined that the best way to save these items was to form a museum. The ladies were offered a small case by the Wilmington Light Infantry and a collection was started. The Cape Fear Chapter of UDC has minute books that date back to 1896 which reflect lists of items collected from local families, such as items that belonged to General Whiting. This group of ladies formed the foundation for the Museum Collection. In 1918 when World War I began, the items were sent to Raleigh for safe keeping. In 1928, the items that could be located were returned to Wilmington. Since that date, the UDC #3 has been trying to retrieve the remaining items in the collection. Since the collection began in 1896, it did not belong to the County. The Museum now has a policy of exclusive ownership. This means that the Museum cannot hold any items without exclusive rights to ownership. There is no documentation to show ownership of the UDC #3 collection. The UDC #3 has minutes that show ownership of these items which resulted in establishment of the Museum. In closing, Ms. Jackson stressed the importance of the Board understanding that ladies of the UDC #3 consider this collection as their museum because it was started by the Chapter. It is the desire of UDC #3 to remain partners with the Cape Fear Museum. The Chapter is trying to find a way to work with the Museum through an agreement of joint ownership. Chairman Caster informed the Board that the Museum Associates would be holding a retreat next week and he recommended deferring action until this resolution has been discussed and comments have been presented to the Board. Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to postpone action until after the retreat so the proposed resolution can be discussed among the Museum Trustees and the Museum Associates to see if an agreement can be reached. PUBLIC HEARING ON WORK FIRST ELECTING COUNTY PLAN FOR 2001-2003 BIENNIUM Chairman Caster opened the Public Hearing. Director of Social Services, Wayne Morris, reported that on August 21, 2000, the Board of Commissioners designated the Work First Success Council as the planning committee for the Work First Plan. This group of seventeen representatives of various agencies, the faith community and the business community also involved additional community representatives in various subcommittees. The plan was finalized on November 2, 2000, and was presented to the Board of Social Services on November 15, 2000, where it was unanimously recommended that the plan be presented to the Board of County Commissioners to hear public comments and approve the plan so it can be submitted to the N. C. Department of Health and Human Services. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 311 New Hanover County has an excellent record in the success of the Work First Program. Two months ago, the State of North Carolina released a report card for the past two years, and New Hanover County received three A’s and one B. During the period of July 1997 through July 2000, the case load was reduced by 48%, which represents a reduction in clients from 1,700 to fewer than 900. The State goal for working adults is 230 and New Hanover County placed 497 clients in jobs. The retention goals for clients not returning to welfare was 85% and New Hanover County has 94% of its clients not returning to the system. Discussion was held on drug screening. Commissioner Davis requested Director Morris to comment on this issue. Director Morris explained that screening is required for all new clients. The Southeastern Center provides a qualified substance abuse professional who is housed in the Department of Social Services building. This process has been successful in identifying potential problems. The client is required to cooperate with every step of the screening process or be terminated from the program. Chairman Caster asked if anyone from the public would like to comment on the plan. No comments were received. Chairman Caster closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer, to approve the plan as presented and submit the plan to the N. C. Department of Health and Human Services as the 2001-2003 Work First Plan for New Hanover County. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED BY a 4 to 0 vote. PUBLIC HEARING ON (1) INSTALLMENT FINANCING WITH BANK OF AMERICA FOR FINANCING OF PRELIMINARY FUNDING FOR THE JAIL EXPANSION PROJECT (2) FILING APPLICATION WITH THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION, AND (3) APPROVAL OF ASSOCIATED BUDGET AMENDMENT#01-0078 FOR DEBT SERVICE PAYMENTS FOR THIS YEAR Chairman Caster opened the Public Hearing. Finance Director Bruce T. Shell reported on the jail expansion and stated that bids were advertised and received with the low bid received from Bank of America to finance $10,000,000 of the projected $52,000,000 for the new Jail on Blue Clay Road. The objective is to fund expenses as laid out by the expediters and the needs for the coming year. There will be no early pre-payment penalty, and Bank of America offered a variable rate with a cap at 5.75%. The following bids were received as follows: Lending InstitutionFixed RateVariable Rate Wachovia6.319%6.24% FUNB6.52%6.21% Bank of Americanone5.554% BB&T6.07%none Other factors such as prepayment penalties, loan processing costs to be charged by the lending institution, and costs related to escrow agreements were considered in the evaluation of the proposals. Staff recommended award of the bid to Bank of America. Chairman Caster asked if anyone from the public would like to comment on the financing with Bank of America. Mr. Steve M. Vosnock, a resident of 1109 Marathon Avenue, Castle Hayne Road, expressed concern for clearing 33 acres of land on the Blue Clay Road site when no decision has been made by NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 312 the Board on whether to construct an Administration Building. He also requested an explanation of how the $10,000,000 of funding would be spent. Finance Director Shell responded that the funding would be spent on architect fees, design fees, and early construction costs such as footings and preliminary construction on the Blue Clay Road site. Deputy County Manager Atkinson explained that clearing was being done to accommodate the footprint of the original design of the Jail Facility project, which includes the Administration Building and stated there is very little difference in the amount of land to be cleared with or without an Administration Building. Mr. Vosnock asked what was being constructed on the Blue Clay Road site. County Manager O’Neal responded that the Board of County Commissioners granted authorization to move forward with clearing the site, construct the new Jail Facility and associated support functions for the jail. Staff has also been directed to separately design the administrative space so a decision can be rendered at a later date. Mr. Vosnock stated it was clear that nobody had any idea of what is being constructed on the site; therefore, this project will probably end up costing more than the projected $52,000,000. He strongly objected to the manner in which this project has been handled and the site selected for the new jail facility. Chairman Caster closed the Public Hearing and called a break from 10:45 a.m. to 10:50 a.m. Chairman Caster reconvened to Regular Session and called for a motion to adopt the resolution. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to adopt a resolution approving the financing with Bank of America for preliminary funding for the jail expansion project, authorize the County Manager and Finance Director to act on behalf of the County, and approve associated Budget Amendment #01-0078. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 4 to 0. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXVI, Page 20. Budget Amendment 01-0078 - County Commissioners/Appropriated Fund Balance/Non- Departmental I/Installment Lease Payments ADJUSTMENTDEBITCREDIT County Commissioners: Appropriated Fund Balance$300,000 Non-Departmental Installment Lease Payments$300,000 Explanation: To budget debt service payments that will be due in FY-2001 for the jail expansion project. Because of the urgency of the expansion, installment financing will be used to provide preliminary funding. The loan will be paid off at a later date by the issuance of the Certificates of Participation. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 313 ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION (1) AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF INSTALLMENT FINANCING AGREEMENT AUTHORIZED BY SECTION 160A-20 OF THE NC GENERAL STATUTES, (2) APPROVING INSTALLMENT FINANCING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS, AND (3) APPROVING ASSOCIATED BUDGET AMENDMENTS Chairman Caster opened the Public Hearing. Finance Director Bruce T. Shell requested the Board to adopt a resolution authorizing the filing of an application for approval of the installment financing agreement. He informed the Board that the temporary financing for Airlie Gardens in the amount of $10,200,000 was included in permanent financing. This is a $28,700,000 debt issue of which $10,200,000 is refunding resulting in $18,500,000 of new debt. The components of the financing are as follows: ? Financing for the Judicial Building Expansion ? Financing for water and sewer lines in the Wilmington-Hanby Beach area ? Refinancing of an installment obligation to the First Union National Bank, the proceeds of which will be used to acquire Airlie Gardens. ? Financing for a bag house at the WASTEC Facility for an incinerator exhaust system. The Board is being requested to adopt the resolution, and to approve refinancing agreements and associated budget amendments. Chairman Caster asked if anyone would like to speak. Ms. Rita Currie, a resident of New Hanover County, spoke on the benefits of financing with banks in the state and asked if the bids were received from North Carolina banks. Vice-Chairman Greer informed Ms. Currie that all bids were received from banks in the State of North Carolina. Chairman Caster closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to authorize the Finance Director to file an application for approval of the installment financing agreement authorized by Section 160A-20 of the N. C. General Statutes, approve installment financing, authorize the execution and delivery of documents, and approve the associated budget amendments. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 4 to 0. Budget Amendment # 2001-20-Wilmington/Hanby Beach Sewer ADJUSTMENTDEBITCREDIT COPS Financing$94,929 Capital Project Expense$94,929 Explanation: To increase COPS proceeds to $5,015,000. Budget Amendment #2001-21-Judicial Building Capital Project ADJUSTMENTDEBITCREDIT COPS Financing$222,415 Capital Project Expense$222,415 Explanation: To increase COPS proceeds for the Judicial Building to $11,825,000. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 314 Budget Amendment # 01-0080-Cooperative Extension/Airlie/Non-Departmental ADJUSTMENTDEBITCREDIT Cooperative Extension/Airlie: Installment Loan Proceeds$10,395,000 Non-Departmental: Principal On Bonded Debt$10,191,419 Bond Service Charges$ 203,581 Explanation: To budget the proceeds from Certificates of Participation to be issued to pay off the existing loan on Airlie from First Union National Bank. Budget Amendment # 01-0081-WASTEC-Administration ADJUSTMENTDEBITCREDIT WASTEC-Administration: Installment Loan Proceeds$1,530,000 Other Improvements$1,498,000 Bond Service Charges$ 32,000 Explanation: To budget the proceeds from Certificates of Participation to be issued to upgrade the WASTEC baghouse to meet environmental standards. This item was approved in the FY-2001 budget. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER MIDDLE SOUND ACCESS GRANT CONTRACT Chairman Caster opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director Dexter Hayes presented slides showing the water access on the northern side of Howe Creek at 2639 Middle Sound Loop Road and reported that New Hanover County has been notified of a grant award in the amount of $100,000 to acquire this neighborhood access. The site will provide pedestrian access, a canoe/kayak landing, and limited parking. No boat ramp is proposed, and a portion of the site already provides water access for several adjacent property owners. Funds for the completion of this project are derived as follows: Division of Coastal Management Waterfront Access program$100,000 Clean Water Trust Fund Grant$100,000 County Cash Match from Fund Balance$ 75,000 Planning Director Hayes noted that wetlands are located on the site and there is an existing drainage pipe which will be removed with funding from the Clean Water Trust Fund grant which will allow for treatment of the stormwater discharging into Howe Creek. The lot is owned by Mr. Joseph Johnson and the contiguous property owners have been notified about the possibility of purchasing the access. Chairman Caster asked if anyone from the public would like to speak. Mr. Richard Carter, a resident of Middle Sound Loop Road, urged the Board to favorably consider approval of the grant because the paddling community needs a safe access. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 315 Mr. Larry Hunt, a nearby neighbor, referenced the cost of the access at $300,000 and stated if this was not a buildable lot, the price could be excessive. He also expressed concern for increased traffic if a reasonable number of people use the site. Ms. Ellen Mooney, a resident across the street from the access, read a letter from her husband, Tim Mooney who is favor of the property if the following issues are addressed: 1. It is questionable that a driveway could be legally constructed to provide access to this property. Barren Inlet Creek bisects the road frontage and it has historically been designated a “jurisdictional water of the United States” and, as such, the impact of any activity on the public interest must be evaluated in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency guidelines pursuant to Section 404(b) (1) and other applicable sections of the Clean Water Act. If the intent is “foot traffic only” this would not be a problem. 2. The sight distance and speed limits on Middle Sound Loop Road could prohibit the safe ingress and egress of vehicle traffic to and from the property. 3.There could be an adverse impact on property values if vehicle or foot traffic were to increase. 4. The unrestricted and historical use of the land owned by the members of the Barren Inlet Landing Association could be severely impacted by public use of adjoining land and the value of this land could be impacted accordingly. 5. There must be total assurance that a “Conservation Easement” restricting any paving or building on the property would be a part of the deed. In concluding her remarks, Ms. Mooney requested the Board to consider a buffer on either side of Howe Creek to protect the wetlands. Mr. Charles Jones, a resident of Barren Road, reported that a meeting was held with the Barren Homeowners Association, and they voted in favor of the water access; however, the Association would like for the County to acknowledge the 30 foot access and control parking that could block the access. Mr. Robert Roush, a resident of a neighborhood near the water access, stressed the importance of setting aside a piece of land that serves as a habitat for wildlife. He requested the Board to purchase the site. Ms. Annie Britt, a resident of 6732 Barren Inlet Road, said if the parking is addressed, she would not be totally against the proposal. Mr. Dave Boynton read a letter from his mother, Ms. Mary Louise Boynton, informing the Board that she was in favor of the County purchasing the access site so this property can remain in its natural state. She would also like a guarantee that no noise or picnicking is permitted. Ms. Karen Johnson, owner of the property, informed the Board that the land was buildable; however, she and her husband have decided the land would provide an access for people to enjoy who do not have water access. Ms. Rita Currie, a resident of the area, expressed concern for the noise that could be generated from the access as well as having to put in fill dirt to provide a driveway to the access, which is not good for the wetlands. Chairman Caster expressed concern for the access and parking. He also noted that Mr. Mark Murphy from Queens Point is in favor of the project. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 316 Discussion followed on the access. Planning Director Hayes stated the access will be very limited and the drainage will have to comply to conservation conditions. With the need for access in this area, it would benefit the area to accept the grant to acquire the property. Chairman Caster closed the Public Hearing. Chairman Caster requested that a plan be prepared for the site. Planning Director Hayes responded that if the property is acquired, it will be a number of years before any improvements are made to the site. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks, to accept the grant and proceed with acquiring the property and approve the associated budget amendment. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED by a 4 to 0 vote. Budget Amendment #2001-15-Tidal Creeks Water Quality Project ADJUSTMENTDEBITCREDIT Water Quality Enhancement Strategy: Public Beach Access Program$100,000 Transfers In/General Fund$ 75,000 Capital Project Fees$175,000 County Commissioners: Appropriated Fund Balance$ 75,000 Non-Departmental: Transfer To Other Funds: Transfer To Clean Water Management$ 75,000 Explanation: To budget a $100,000 grant award received for a Howe Creek neighborhood access (northern side) on Middle Sound Loop Road. The Tidal Creek Watershed Management Advisory Board and the Clean Water Trust Fund have also awarded $100,000 since the site will provide water quality protection and preservation of the wetlands. New Hanover County's required cash match will be $75,000. Final cost will be based upon an appraisal. MEETING CONVENED FROM REGULAR SESSION TO HOLD A MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Chairman Caster convened from Regular Session at 11:20 A.M. to hold a meeting of the Water and Sewer District. Chairman Caster reconvened to Regular Session at 11:50 A.M. VICE-CHAIRMAN ROBERT G. GREER EXCUSED FROM THE MEETING Due to a prior appointment, Vice-Chairman, Robert G. Greer was excused from the meeting at 11:52 A.M. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Appointment to the Library Advisory Board Chairman Caster announced that one unexpired term needed to be filled on the Library NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 317 Advisory Board and that six applications have been received. He opened the floor to receive nominations. Commissioner Birzenieks nominated Jane L. Freeman. The nomination was seconded by Chairman Caster. Vote: Upon vote, the Board voted 3 to 0 to appoint to Jane L. Freeman to fill the unexpired term of C. Lynn Kozik on the Library Advisory Board with the term to expire August 31, 2002. Appointments to the Plumbing Board of Examiners Chairman Caster reported that two vacancies needed to be filled on the Plumbing Board of Examiners; one for a Master Plumber and one for a Journeyman Plumber. Three applications have been received and one applicant, David Kent Woodbury, is eligible for reappointment and desires to be reappointed. Commissioner Birzenieks nominated David Kent Woodbury for reappointment. Chairman Caster seconded the nomination. Vote: Upon vote, the Board voted 3 to 0 to reappoint David Kent Woodbury to serve on the Plumbing Board of Examiners as the Master Plumber with the term to expire December 1, 2003. Chairman Caster opened the floor to receive nominations to fill the Journeyman Plumber position. Commissioner Birzenieks nominated Steve M. Miller. The nomination did not receive a second. Chairman Caster nominated Tim Fuller. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Birzenieks. Vote: Upon vote, the Board voted 3 to 0 to appoint Tim Fuller to serve as the Journeyman Plumber on the Plumbing Board of Examiners with the term to expire December 1, 2003. Appointment to the Zoning Board of Adjustment Chairman Caster announced that one vacancy needed to be filled on the Zoning Board of Adjustment and that three applications were received with one applicant, Larry W. Flowers, eligible for reappointment. He opened the floor to receive nominations. Commissioner Birzenieks nominated Larry W. Flowers for reappointment. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Davis. Vote: Upon vote, the Board voted 3 to 0 to reappoint Larry W. Flowers to serve a 3-year term on the Zoning Board of Adjustment with the term to expire December 1, 2003. DISCUSSION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 15, COMPENSATION FOR BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Commissioner Birzenieks advised that the ABC Board has not received an increase in compensation since 1985. With annual sales of $17,249,904, the present compensation is considerably lower than Cumberland County with sales of $11,943,578. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED to increase the monthly compensation for the members from $100 to $200 per month and increase the compensation for the Chairman from $150 to $250 per month. Chairman Caster suggested reviewing the other committees and boards to determine if mileage or compensation should be provided to these appointed groups. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 318 Substitute Motion: Chairman Caster made a SUBSTITUTE MOTION to increase the compensation not to exceed $3,000 for the Chairman and $2,400 for the members and allow the ABC Board to decide on the amount of increase since the compensation is funded from the ABC Budget. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED by a vote of 3 to 0. Chairman Caster suggested that the issue of compensation for other Boards and Commissioners be addressed at a later date. ADDITIONAL ITEMS Resolution from the City Council Directing the City Manager to Consult with the City Council on Capital Project and to Confer with the County Manager on the Feasibility of Joint Projects Chairman Caster requested the County Manager to review the resolution from the City and place this item on a future agenda. Change in Meeting Dates Chairman Caster requested the Board to consider changing the December 11, 2000 meeting to December 18, 2000 to allow the newly elected Commissioners to attend the School for Commissioners being offered by the Institute of Government on December 11-13, 2000. He also requested the Board to change the January 2, 2001 meeting to January 8, 2001 and the January 15, 2001 meeting to January 22, 2001. Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus to change the meetings as requested by the Chairman. The meeting schedule will be amended and placed in the Star-News. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis to adjourn. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED by a 3 to 0 vote. Chairman Caster adjourned the meeting at 12:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board