1999-08-24 Special Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 27 MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING WITH THE BOARD OF EDUCATIONPAGE 447 AUGUST 24, 1999 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Special Meeting with the New Hanover County Board of Education on Tuesday, August 24, 1999, at 6:30 p.m. in the Auditorium/Cafeteria of Sunset Park Elementary School. Members present were: Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; Commissioner Charles R. Howell; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Chairman William A. Caster; County Manager, Allen O’Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Commissioner Birzenieks arrived late because of a New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees meeting. Members present from the Board of Education were: Mr. Edward B. Higgins, Jr., Chairman; Mr. Donald Hayes, Vice-Chairman; Mr. Steven Bilzi; Mr. Oscar Graham; Ms. Deborah Keck; Mr. James A. Wells; Ms. Nancy Wigley; Dr. John Morris, Superintendent of Schools; Dr. Norman Shearin, Deputy Superintendent; and Ms. Lois Basiliere, Staff. Chairman Caster and Chairman Higgins called their respective boards to order. Chairman Caster announced that no formal agenda had been prepared and he led discussion on the following issues: ? Soccer Fields: Due to many complaints received from soccer associations about the lack of playing fields, the County Commissioners are interested in developing the fields at Eaton Elementary School as soon as possible. With the amount of money invested by the County to acquire the additional land for the Eaton school site, it is essential for both boards to reach a consensus on the lease agreement regarding the use of the fields so development work can begin. A lengthy discussion ensued on the placement of the school buildings on the Eaton site, and the need to have the playing fields ready by Spring 2000. Further discussion was held on the soccer fields at Ogden Park and Veterans Park. It was concluded that more space will be needed for athletic fields given the constant increase in the number of students and athletic programs. Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of both boards to request the County Attorney and School Board Attorney to work together in preparing a 3-year lease with a 120-day cancellation clause for use of the five (5) fields at Eaton Elementary School. Four fields will be restricted for game venues only and one (1) field will be designated as a practice field for the New Hanover County School System. A schedule reflecting the use of the playing fields by the Schools will be given to the County, and the Parks Department will develop a schedule around this use. The County Attorney and School Board Attorney were requested to work together to determine liability for the use of the fields by the County and School System. Both attorneys were requested to prepare the lease agreement as soon as possible to have the playing fields ready by Spring 2000. ? Veterans Park: Facilities Director, Edward Anderson, showed a video prepared by Boney Architects on the development of Veterans Park. Emphasis was placed on the need to develop community athletic facilities in conjunction with school construction so fields will be available for the schools and community. County Manager O’Neal reported that New Hanover County budgeted $650,000 for the initial design work to develop athletic fields at Veterans Park. With the amount of funds expended to develop playing fields at Ogden Park and Castle Hayne Park, it was not possible to budget more funding in the current fiscal year. Additional funding will be appropriated for development of soccer fields at Veterans Park during the next fiscal year. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 27 MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING WITH THE BOARD OF EDUCATIONPAGE 448 AUGUST 24, 1999 ? Legion Stadium: Discussion was held on the need to continue to work with the City for the use of this facility. Chairman Caster noted that a meeting of the Legion Stadium Advisory Committee has been scheduled in November and this matter will be discussed. ? Future School Bond Referendum: Discussion was held on the need to schedule a future school bond referendum to renovate existing schools and provide more space to accommodate the growing student population. Dr. Morris suggested not waiting too long before scheduling another referendum because many of the existing schools need to be renovated in the near future. Chairman Caster reported the County Commissioners have instructed Staff to proceed with holding a greenspace bond referendum to be placed on the ballot in May 2000. The purpose of the bond issue will be to acquire greenspace for development of parks, soccer/athletic fields, and other natural spaces. He stressed the importance of receiving support from the community when presenting a bond referendum because some counties have recently experienced failure of bond issues. ? Generator Switches for School Shelters: Discussion was held on the need to provide generator switches to school shelters during emergency events. Dr. Morris said it was his understanding that a manual transfer mechanism would be in place before the hurricane season to connect the generators to each school shelter and to large food freezers. He inquired as to when the project would be completed. County Manager O’Neal advised that County Staff has been working with the Health Department and CP&L to temporarily provide the necessary wiring to the existing main switchboard through a manual transfer at each of the four emergency shelters, which will work to provide lighting and air conditioning to the shelters if electrical power fails. This mechanism will be in place for the next storm event. Chairman Higgins stressed the importance of the County continuing to work toward installing generator switches so large generators can be used to provide adequate power to the shelters and prevent the loss of food in school freezers. ANNOUNCEMENT OF GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONIES Ms. Diane Avery announced that groundbreaking ceremonies would be held on the following dates: Rachel Freeman Elementary SchoolSeptember 17, 1999, 10:00 a.m. Veterans Park October 12, 1999, 10:00 a.m. QUARTERLY MEETING SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1999 After discussion of the joint meetings being of benefit to both boards and respective staff members, it was the consensus of the boards to schedule the next meeting on Tuesday, November 30, 1999, at 6:00 p.m. in the Media Center at John T. Hoggard High School. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Caster and Chairman Higgins adjourned their respective boards at 8:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board