2001-05-07 RM Exhibits26.28.1 Bank of America Certified Copy of Corporate Resolutions Opening and Maintaining A Safe Deposit Box ~~VLHano.Y..e.L-C.o_un.t_Y=Cß.P_e.J:.e~u_s eum N<iine of Corporation / Governmental Entity !. the undersigned, hereby certify to Bank of America, N.A., Wilmington NC (City/Banking Center) (State) Chairman am the. ~of thè New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners ,that I duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina and that the following is a true copy of resolutions duly adopted by the Board of Directors of said Corporation at a meeting duly held on the , a corporatii) ( 2g~H~mental day of .' at which a'quorum was present and acted throughout, and that such resolutions are in full force and effect and have not been amended or rescinded. _ I, Resoh'ed, that a safe deposit box (which term shall as used in this and the following resolutions include safe deposit boxes and saf!:"deposit compartments in any number) be opened and maintained in the name of this Corporation with Bank of America, N.A., '" :" ' . . . _Wilming.tQD (City/Banking Center) NC (State) , and that any one of the following officers or employees of this Corporation Ruth Haas Pat Melvin Timothy Bottoms Barbara Rowe be and they hereby are authorized to have accèss from time to time to the safe deposit box in the vaults of Bank of America, N.A., Wilmington (City/Banking Center) NC (State) , rented in the name of this Còrporation. subject to the rules and regulations of said Bank of America, N.A.; and 2. Further Resolved, that said Bank of America, N.A. Wilmington NC (City/Banking Center) is hereby authorized and requested to grant access from time to time to said safe deposit box in accordance with the foregoing resolution; and (State) 3. Further Resolved, that the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of this Corporation shall certify to said Bank the names of the persons who are at present authorized to act on behalf of this Corporation under the foregoing resolutions and shall provide specimens of their signatures, and shall from time to time hereafter. as changes in the personnel of said officers and employees are made, promptly certify such changes to said Bank together with specimens of signatures required by such changes, and said Bank shall be fully protected in relying on such certifications of the Secretary or Assistant Secretary until superseded in writing, and shall be indemnified and saved harmless from any claims, demands, expenses, loss, or damage resulting from, or growing out of permitting access to said safe deposit box by or honoring the signature of any officer or employee so certified, or refusing to permit such access or to honor any signature not so certified; and, . 4. Further Resolved, that the foregoing resolutions shall remain in full force and effect until written notice of their amendment or recission shall have been received by an appropriate employee of said Bank who is in a position to implement the notice and that receipt of such notice shall not affect any action taken by said Bank. prior thereto; and, . 5. Further Resolved, that all safe deposit transactions by any of the officers or employees of this Corporation on its behalf, and in its name, with Bank of America, N.A. prior to delivery to said Bank of a certified copy of the foregoing resolutions are, in all respects, hereby ratified, confirmed, approved and adopted; and, 6. Further Resolved, that the Secretary or Assistant Secretary be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to certify these resolutions to Bank of America, N .A. and that the provisions thereof are in conformity with the Charter and By-Laws of this Corporation. 61·14-0483NS8 5-t999 · ) further certify that the following are the names and titles of the present principal officers of this Corporation! Gove rnmen tal En t i ty Ted Davis, Jr. Robert G. Greer Julia Boseman WilliamA. Caster Nancy H. Pritchett Chairman, New Hanover County Board-of County Commissioners Vice-Chairman, New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners Commissioner, New Hanover County Board'of County Commissioners Commissioner, New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners Commissioner, New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners In Witness Whereof, I have here~nto sub ribed my name and affixed the seal of this Corporation, this JÄ..> . 7 day of) ~ 00) ¿--;--¡ _ . (Corporate) . ~AA' J 0, (Seal) 'ÆI.QfM~~J( Chairman, New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners 26.28.2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE , US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS TO TAKE RAPID ACTION ON APPROVAL OF PERMIT FOR DREDGING TO RELOCATE MASON INLET (TO RESOL VE PROBLEMS OF INLET INDUCED EROSION OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND FIGURE EIGHT ISLAND BEACHES) WHEREAS, New Hanover County, a county of the State of North Carolina, is the location of the properties negatively affected by the southerly migration of Mason Inlet; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution on September 8, 1998, approving the formation of a coalition of Homeowner Associations known as the "Mason Inlet Preservation Group" (MIPG) and to support the efforts of developing an inlet management plan to relocate and stabilize Mason Inlet; and WHEREAS, on February 15, 1999, the New Hanover County Board of Cornmissioners voted unanimously to assume sponsorship of the inlet relocation project; and WHEREAS, on April 19, 1999, the New Hanover Co.unty Board of Commissioners voted to assume the initial financial responsibility for the project under the provisions of the North Carolina General Statue 159, which permits the county to take on a capital improvement proj~ctand upon final completion, assess the benefited property owners for the cost of the project; and WHEREAS, on August 30, 1999, a'pplication for the inlet relocation project was submitted to the US Army Corps of Engineers by New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, the initial Environmental Assessment (EA) and project design for the inlet relocation was submitted to the Corps in October 1999 by A TM, the engineering consulting firm employed by New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, A TM and the county engineering staff have worked continually with the Corps and other appropriate agencies to respond to all request for additional data over the past 18 to 20 months, including the preparation and submission of a more d~tailed EA; and WHEREAS, the temporary wall of sandtubes that are currently protecting property from destruction by the migrating inlet must be removed in December 2001, by order of the CRC; and " WHEREAS, if the inlet relocation project is not allowed to proceed during the Summer of 2001 (prior to the removal of the sandtubes), property destruction will surely occur and a terrible environmental disaster will follow which will be most damaging to the wildlife species and very costly to correct. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and understood that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners knows of no logical reason for the inlet relocation project to be delayed any further. Based on all available information provided to N.ew Hanover County and from the above accounting of actions taken during the permit application process, there is no apparent substantive reason for the Corps to delay the issuing of a project' permit. Therefore, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, by adopting this resolution, does hereby request the US Army Corps of Engineers to take immediate action to issue a permit that will allow the completion of this project during the Summer months of 2001. ADOPTED this 7th day of May 2001. Attest: ()!l ~~~ d '-- ~~ the Board wlli0, Ted Davis, Jr.,\~irman 26.28.3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OSTEOPOROSIS PREVENTION MONTH MAY 2001 A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, osteoporosis is a debilitating bone-thinning disease in which the skeleton becomes so fragile that the slightest movement can cause a bone fracture. Osteoporosis affects 28 million Americans, '80 percent of whom are women. It takes a terrible human toll of death, pain, impaired mobility, and disruption of dailyactivìties. Its vìctims lose their independence, and their families share in the heartache; an WHEREAS, osteoporosis stands as a foremost problem in women's health issues. The disease is more prevalent among women, and has risk factors and interventions which are different for women. Because of generally lower income and lack ofhe:µth care reimbursementfor necessary testing, women encounter significant fractures associated with osteoporosis is greatly increased; and ' WHEREAS, one out of every two women and one out of every eightmen over the age of 50 will suffer an osteoporosis related fracture; and WHEREAS, building peak bone mass during childhood and young adulthood is critical to reducing the change of developing osteoporosis later in life and a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet rich ,in calcium and regular exercise can help prevent osteoporosis; and WHEREAS, methods do exist to detect the disease before fractures occur and people will take preventive action to reduce their risk of osteoporosis if they are informed;' and WHEREAS, the American public is called upon to observe National Osteoporosis Prevention Month, May, 2001, with appropriate programs and activìties; NOW, THEREFORE, THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COlvíMISSIONERS does hereby proclaim the month of May 2001, as Osteoporosis Prevention Month, and urges all civic, scientific, medical, educational, voluntary, governmental, and health care organizations and professionals to recognize the importance of osteoporosis prevention with education and information programs and activities for the citizens of New Hanover County. ' Adopted this the Jh day of May, 2001. (U-'d~~ "-~~ Harrell, Clerk to the Board Q" ~ Il Q ..~~ / ii, (þ)fJtli' ,II, ~~ . .' , I ',,_ ,~'. ~. :C:'" '~.. Ted DaVIs, Jr., Chæ an - "II':. ~..= .~; :t...~,iI.:~ '...~ :....-"!.~~~ ¿~~:~:~'';'' ~,'7:"~':'-' ",' ~ <:-.."., . ..,........ \~1T~' 26.28.4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMATION National Association of Letter Carriers Food Drive Day in New Hanover County WHEREAS, on the second Saturday in May, letter carriers in more than 10,000 cities and towns across the country will' deliver much more than mail when they walk and drive along their postal routes; and WHEREAS, letter carriers will collect the goodness and compassion of their postal customers as they participate in the ninth annual National Association of Letter Carriers Food Drive; and WHEREAS, last year, 82,000 pounds offood was collected in our area and distributed to food banks, food pantries, churches and feeding programs in New Hanover, Brunswick and Pender Counties; and WHEREAS, as a community, we have the opportunity to increase the amount offood donations to those poor, elderly or young people of our region who go hungry; and WHEREAS, this effort is also supported by the many volunteers ITom the Girl Scouts, local businesses, Cape Fear Area United Way, United States Postal Service and National Association of Letter Carriers who will help sort and process the many tons of donated foods; and WHEREAS, all that citizens will need to do to support the food drive is to place a box or can of non-perishable food next to their mailboxes before their letter carrier delivers on Saturday, May 12; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the New Hanover County Board of J Commissioners hereby proclaims May 12, 2001, as National Association of Letter Carriers Food Drive Day in New Hanover County, North Carolina, and urges citizens to join the effort and help their less fortunate neighbors by donating to this important community service project. Adopted this the 7h day of May, 2001 1d ßwQ,·, . Ted DaVIS Jr., Ch an [Attest] '" '..ð / rx?_' V;y~ ~~ell, ·Clerk to the Board . . ¡z...' .",~/..·., ", ,"O!.' "'1 rl :..'.. " ......" -.1"'. ',. 't' "~I~':'J,6! '..~ " ~·~..t.l~i\ ~.: Ji~! I J' ~~ 1',;..Z'þ:S;...¡.;....: ~ : ~"-~ "..' ''9.' .-" ,. .....' ..,,:j,,~ . .~,~:'~';"~:"'''" ";'I"~'I' ~~~',. L .:~."""~",, ';O-//¿"~?I "~"O :'!!!!.!':!~,~.~,~~ ~~:" ~,~:,:.t:'q"n"'\"'\.1I..1,:," ..... W~,.,. :'(,1('1'".,,,,,·,.;,. 26.28.5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION In Support of YWCA Interracial Dialogue Study Circles WHEREAS, the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) seeks to eliminate racism, thus improving racial equality, and WHEREAS, the YWCA of the Lower Cape Fear, Inc. seeks to reach this goal by providing a diverse community-wide network whose vision is to improve the understanding and acceptance of differing races and cultures throughout the Cape F ear area, and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover CountyBoard of Commissioners supports the YWCA and other community organizations working together to improve race relations and eliminate racism by encouraging community members to engage in Interracial Dialogues known as YWCA Study Circles. This the 7th day of May, 2001 1d flßt¡,'n. ~ Ted Davis, Y~hairman [Attest] (;f2n". ,\/~ 'L'~eUarrell, Clerk to the Board 26.28.6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF NEW COUNTY, ADOPTED OCTOBER 18,1965 (A-306, ROAD STUB IMPROVEMENT) THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Subdivision Ordinance Regulations of the County of New Hanover adopted October 18, 1965, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: Add the following language to section 41 (7) (h) 1, Public Streets ( in bold) If the streets are public, stub streets shall be constructed in accordance with the minimum requirements of the NCDOT. Such improvements shall extend into the stub street no less than the full width of the intersecting right-of-way. Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 7th May, 2001 f1.vQ¡~Q:n Attest: rW ~"V/ ~ ~o the Board