2001-05-21 RM Exhibits26.29.1 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS"after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m., on the 26th day of April, 2001, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmin~ton, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for hurricane preparedness and severe wmter weather services for the Emergencý Management Department, Bid # 01.,0234: Availability Fee; Aggreko, Inc. R&K Generators $14,900.00 $31,231.00 AND WHEREAS, the contract will ensure that pre-selected generator units, will be available to County on an as needed basis and if generators are needed, contract establishes weekly rental rates for each type of unit; County will pay a yearly availability fee to have the pre-selected generators available during hurricane and severe winter weather season; AND WHEREAS, the Emergency Management Director, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Aggreko, Inc., a foreign corporation organized under the laws of the state of Louisiana, the lowest responsible bidder, rental proposal availability fee of fourteen . thousand nine hundred dollars and no cents ($14,900.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 110-433-4330-3700 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contractfor hurricane preparedness and severe winter weather services for the Emergency Management Department, Bid # 01-0234 be awarded to Aggreko, Inc., availabil,ity fee of fourteen thousand nine hundred dollars and no cents ($14,900.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute contract # 01-0234A, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 21st day of May, 2001. (SEAL) . ~~ Qn~ Commissione~ 26.29.2 CONSENT AGENDA OATE:___~_~___ ITEM NO.~..;._~_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COlLECTIONSTHRU 04/30/01 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2000 ---~---~-~---~--~--~--- ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDEO LESS ABATEM.ENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES ----------- REAL"ESTATE AND CHARGES ADDED LESS"ABATEMENTS AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ---------------- ---_._----------- $ 2,457,386.25 117,724.82 50,209.68- ---------..------- $ 2,524,901.39 2,385.24 --------------- $ 2,527,286.63 2,479,151.41- --...-----------.. $ 41,535.22 98.12%* $ 226,342.65 616.55 2,620.84- --------------- $ 224,338.36 .00 ---------------- $ 224,338.36 172,257.03- ------------------ $ 52,081.33 16.18%* PERSONAL PROPERTY $ TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONSTC DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 19,021.28 2,983.31 6,284.84- -----.----------- $ 15,119.75 39,888.51- __________411~___ $ 35,831.18 52.68% JULY 1, 2000. THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING RESPECTFULLY SUB~ITTED'~ (~ . "en """ 6.4 "')0/ I '..-y- è",..,rñ ( , I... . _ V PATRICIA J. R YNOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE J * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 96.38% 26.29.2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 4/30/01 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2000 ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED AD VALOREM $ 87,123,902,08 3,662,875,11 801,648,99 $ 89,985,128,20 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENAL TillS CHARGED CLEANING LIENS CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 8,562.50 68,290,58 ,00 $ 90,061,981.28 - 88,170,692,72 $ 1,891,288,56 97,90%* BACK TAXES REAL EST ATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTST ANDING BALANCE PERCENT AGE COLLECTED R.:fÞ .:¿ G, ò ~ cr, òl CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ITEM NO, MOTOR VEIDCLE $ 7,015,697.39 14,488,73 81,755.22 $ 6,948,430,90 .00 ,00 ,00 $ 6,948,430.90 - 5,228,638.59 $ 1,719,792,31 75,25%* $ 3,454,677,32 94,661.21 261,516,07 $ 3,287,822.46 1,382,520,08 $ 1,905,302,38 42,05% APRIL 2001 FISCAL YTD $ 17,932.75 $ 17,932.75 155,207,91 2,184,864,53 276,00 17,805.84 RENTAL VEIDCLE TAX COLLECTIONS ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTON, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $137,125,697,68. THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2000, ~~ECTFULL Y SUBMITTEA A. , -¥,~C;(., <v. · \J'"'~~ PATRICIA 1. RAYNOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE . * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENT AGE - 96,28% 26.29.3 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, at a duly called meeting of the governing body of New Hanover County held in accordance with all applicable legal requirements, including open meeting laws, on the 2151 day of May, 2001, the following resolution was introduced and adopted: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A MASTER INSTALLMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT (NEW HANOVER COUNTY CONTRACT # 01-0334), EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE NO, 1 AND RELATED INSTRUMENTS, AND DETERMINING OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. AND WHEREAS, the governing body of New Hanover County desires to obtain certain 'equipment (the "Equipment") described in Equipment Schedule No. 1 to the Master Installment Purchase Contract (Collectively, the "Agreement") with SunTrust Leasing Corporation, the form of which has been available for review by the governing body of New Hanover County prior to this meeting; AND WHEREAS, the Eqùipment is essential for the County to perform its governmental functions; AND WHEREAS, the funds made available under the Agreement will be applied to the . acquisition for the Equipment in accordance with such Agreement; AND WHEREAS, County has taken the necessary steps, including those relating to any applicable legal bidding requirements, to arrange for the acquisition of the Equipment; AND WHEREAS, County proposes to enter into the Agreement with SunTrust Leasing Corporation substantially in the form presented to this meeting; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: It is hereby found and determined that the terms of the Agreement in the form presented to this meeting and incorporated in this resolution are in the best interest of New Hanover County for the acquisition of the Equipment Section 2: The Agreement and the acquisition and financing of the Equipment under the terms and conditions as described in the Agreement are hereby apþroved, The Chairman of the Board, the Vice-Chairman, the County Manager, the "Deputy County Manager, the Assistant County Manager, the Finance .'.. .., '~'-- ,.. Director, the Deputy Finance Director, and the Assistant Finance Director of New Hanover County and any other officer of New Hanover County who shall have power to execute contracts on behalf of County be, and each of them hereby is authorized to execute, acknowledge and deliver the Agreement with any changes, insertions and omissIons therein as may be approved by the officers who execute the Agreement, such approval to be conclusively evidence by such execution and delivery of the Agreement. The Clerk and the Deputy Clerk to the Board of New Hanover County, any other officer of the County who shall have power to do so be, and each of them hereby is authorized to affix the official seal of New Hanover County to the Agreement and attest the same, Section 3: The proper officers of New Hanover County be and each of them hereby is, authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all papers, instruments, opinions, certificates, affidavits and other documents and to do or cause to be done any and all other acts and things necessary or proper for carrying out this resolution and the Agreement. The undersigned further certities that the above resolution has not been repealed or amended and remains in full force and effect and further certifies that the Agreement executed on behalf of New Hanover County is the same as presented at such meeting of the governing body of New Hanover County, excepting only such changes, insertions and omissions as shall have been approved by the officers who executed the same. This 21'1 day of May, 2001. (SEAL) 1ita~~60 Chairman, Board of County Commissioners 26.29.4 Bank of America . BANK OF AMERICA, N.A, THE "BANK") Certified Copy of Unincorporated Association Resolutions. Opening and Maintaining Deposit Accounts and Services Name ofUnïncorporated ARsociation New Hanover County for Tareic McCarty I, the undersigned, hereby certify to Bank of America N. A. ,that I am the Secretary/Assistant Secretary and the designated keeper of the records and minutes of New Hanover County for Tareic McCarty ,an unincorporated association whose' principal addreRs is in the State of North Caro lina (the "Association"); that I have full authority to manage, represent, sign for and hind the Association, that the following is a true copy of resolutions duly adopted by the governing body of said Association at a meeting duly held on the day of , at which a quorum was present and acted throughout or adopted by the unanimous written consent of the governing body; and that such resolutions are in full force and effect and have not been amended or rescinded, 1. Resolved, thàt Bank 0 f Arne rica, N. A. (the "Bank") is hereby designated as a depository of the Association and that deposit accounts and/or time deposits (CDs) be opened and maintained in the name of this Association with the Bank in accordance with the terms of the Bank's Deposit Agreement and Disclosures and the applicable rules and regulations for such accounts; that anyone of the following Authorized Representatives of this Association: Bruce T. Shell Name Finance Dirictor Title Julianne M. Griffin Deputy Finance Dírprtnr Title Narne Barbara D. McClure Assistant Finance· Director Title " ) Name Name Title is herehy authorized, on behalf of this Association and in its name, to execute and to sign any application, deposit agreement, signature card and any other documentation required by the Bank to open said accounts; to sign checks, drafts, notes, bills of exrb, Itn;¡-'! ar~(>pt;H:!:f'g timf' d...pn"it; 'CD,,) or other orders for payment of money; to endorse checks, drafts, notes, bills, time deposits (CDs) or other i""tr"¡::I'.,'¡~'" ,J}'~'II.¡ :,\!' i!;!loj h,\' tla,. ,\.·..."ii.tion for deposit with Bank or for collection or discount by the Bank; to accept drafts, acceptances, and other instr';"...:1' ",lmý,;I~",~;;I;,:~ iï\; B!h:i<., :" pi ,,'.. ",'.Iers with the Bank for the purchase and sale' of foreign currencies on behalf of this Association; to execute and ,¡,.j, " ~.r ,:111, "r..,:¡h':¡,\;,; ill '"" '" "'1"1'", .. :1I!I'eement and to make transfer" or withdrawals by electronic transfer on behalf of the ASBOciation; to obtain an acc··.."" 0: ':~', .:i, "i,~,"! :1.',li ',I~ hi'l~ ',I i. ,I. i :!II!!.,:II,.. .1 card, code, or other means of access to the Association's accounts) that may be used for the purpose of initiatin:! ":"':.' I' .)1' :e,,;Ü',i<!: ',! ~'an~",~r.. ,\ ,,,...., I' i"lI agrees and acknowJedge~ that neither the Electl'onic Funds Transfer Act (15 U.S.C, 1693 et seq,) nor Regulation ¡.; ,) '1 C ~~ [i Pllr~: l.05I',;r!':'/iIWI ;"11" .' ") any such acceSR device]; to establish and maintain a night deposit relationship; to execute and deliver a wire' r'I""- ';:·:;;~;':"';;"~I.1 "!I'~;I';!;"~ "l'h'''~' II' ", appoint or delegate! from time to time ~uch persons who may request, wires of funds; to enter into any agreemem- ......,' h : im Bal:k "',I"~.lil(r;r''''I-I..:: I>y Bank of various Treasury Management services to this Association as such Authorized Representative may determine, in his or her sole discretion, and to sign any and all documents and take all actions required by Bank relative to such Treasury Management services or the performance of the Association's obligations thereunder, and that any such Treasury Management agreement(s) shall remain in full force and effect until written notice to terminate gi ven in accordance with the terms of any such agreement shall have been received by the Bank and that such termination shall not affect any action taken hy the Bank prior to such termination; to rent or lease a safe deposit box from Bank, to execute the rental agreement or lease, to enter the safe deposit hox and to terminate the rental agreement or lease; to take whatever other actions or enter into whatever other agreements relating to the accounts 01' investment of funds in such accounts with the Bank and to execute, amend, supplement and deliver to Bank such agreements on behalf of the Association upon such terms and conditions as such Authorized Representative may deem appropriate and to appoint and delegate, from time to time, such person(s) who may be authorized to enter into such agreements and take any other actions pursuant to such agreements in connection with Raid accounts that the Authorized Representative deems necessary; and to waive presentment, demand, proteBt, and notice of protest or dishonor of any check, note, hill, draft, or other instrument made, drawn or endorsed hy this Association; and 2, Further Resolved, that the Bank be and is herehy authorized to honor, receive, certify, payor exchange for money orders or other inBtruments all inBtrurnentR signed in accordance with the foregoing resolutions even though such payment may create an overdraft or even though such inst}'UIlltmts may he drawn or endorsed to the order of any Authorized Representative signing the same or tendered by such Authorized Representative or a third pm·ty for exchange or cashing, or in payment of the individual obligation of such Authorized Representative, or for deposit to such Authorized Representative's personal account and Bank shall not he required or be under any ohligation to inquire as to the circumstances of the iSRuance or use of any instrument Rigned in accordance with the foregoing re"olutions or the application or di"position of such instrument or the proceeds thereof; and, further, that the Bank is authorized to honor any instructionB regarding withdrawals, orders for payment or transfer of funds whether oral, hy telephone or electronic means if such withdrawal, orders or transfer are initiated by an Authorized Representative; and 3, Further Resolved, that the Bank he and is hereby requested, authorized and directed to honor and to treat as authorized, checks, draftR orother orders for the payment of money drawn or purportedly drawn in this Association's name, including those payable to the individual order of any person whose name appears thereon as signer thereof, when bearing or purporting to hear the facsimile signature of an Authorized Representative authorized in the foregoing resolutions and Bank shall be entitled to honor, to treat as authorized, and to charge this Association for such checks, drafts, or other O)"ders regardles" of by whom or hy what means the actual or purported facsimile signature thereon may have been affixed thereto, if such signature re"emhles the facsimile specimen duly certified to or tiled with the Bank hy the Secretary or ASE'istant Secretary or other officer or an Authorized Repl'esentative ofthis Association or if such facsimile Rignature resembles any facsimile signature p'reviously affixed to any check, draft, or other order drawn in the Association's name, which check, draft, or other order was accepted and paid without timely objection hy the Association, therehy ratifying, the use of such facsimi Ie Rignature; and the Association hereby indemnifies and hold" the Bank harmless against any and alllosB, coBt,damage'or expense suffered or incurr'ed hy the Bank arising out of or in any way related to the misu"e or unlawful or unauthorized UBe by It perBOn of such facsimile signature; and Of),¡. ,SOIIM ¡¡·ISS9 NNC 4, Further Resolved, that endorsements for deposit may be evidenced by the name of the AS80ciation being written 01' starilped on the check or other instrument deposited, without designation of the party making the endorsement, and Bank is authorized to ôupply any endorsement on any instrument tendered for .deposit or collection; and 5. Further Resolved, that the Secretary or Assistant Secretary or other duly authorized officer ofthis Aôsociation ôhalrcertify to the Bank names and ,¡ignatureô ofperôonô authorized to act on behalf ofthiô Asôociation under the foregoing reôolution,¡ and ôhall from time to time hereafter, a,¡ changes in the identity of said Authorized Representatives are made, immediately report, furniôh and certify ôuch changeô to Bank and ôhall submit to Bank a new account signature card ret1ecting such change in order to make such changes effecti ve and Bank shall be fully proted:ed in rt!lyi~g on .' such certitìcations and sJlall bt! indemnified and saved harmleôs from any claims, demands, expenses, loôôes, or damages resulting from, or growing out of: honoring the ôignature of any Authorized Repreôentative ôo certified, or refuôing to honor any ôignature not ôo certitìed; and 6. Further Resolved, that the foregoing resolutions ôhall remain in full force and effect and the authority herein given to all of said persons ôluùl remain irrevocable as far as Bank is concerned until thrt!e (3) business days after Bank iô notified in writing of the revocation of such authority and that rt!ceipt of such notice shall not affect any action takt!n by' the Bank prior thereto: and . 7. Further Resolved, that all transactions by any Authorized RepreSentative, officer or employee of this Åösociation on its bt!half and in its nàme with Bank prior to the delivery 'to Bank. of a ct!rtified copy of the foregoing resolutions are, in all rèspects, hereby ratified, confirmed, approved and adoptt!d; and 8, Further Resolved, that the Secretary or Assistant Secretary be and hereby. is, authorized and dire(.-ted to certify these re~lutions to Btutk and that the provisions hereof are in conformity with the Articles of Aô80ciation, Charter, Rules and Bylaws of this Asôociation, In Witness Whereof and intending to~' d the Association, I have hereunto subscribed my. name as the of this Association, thi~,)';(.. day of ..,..,...., -4 Dð I , . .. . / . 21f{;J1~D Chairman, New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners Chairman S"'~l'"t'wy Bank Infonnation Date Banking Center Name Associate's Name AS80ciatt!'s Phont! Numbt!r 26.29.5 New Hanover 'County Board of Commissioners The Decade of the Nurse Proclamation Whereas, registered nurses have as their utmost concern the health and well being of the citizens of New Hanover County, often placing their patients' needs above their own; and Whereas, registered nurses advocate for proper health care for citizens when those citizenS cannot speak för themselves; and ' Whereas, registered nurses respond to the needs of individ~als and communities experiencing illness and injury by helping them manage these adversities to the best of their ability; and Whereas, registered nurses practice as skilled, caring professionals in the service of healtIl promotion and disease/injury recovery and prevention; and Whereas, registered nurses provide care based on a unique body of nt!Ising thèory andskiHs while integrating knowledge horn medicine, socíology, physics, biolqgy, chemistry, pharmacology, . anthropology, education, business administration, and psychology; and Whereas, registered nursespracHce with the.necessary scientific, research, ànaIyt:ical thinking, policy making, resource management, and advanced technical expertise; and Whel'eas, there are over 1,970 registered nurses and 388 licensed pr~ctical nurses in New Hanover County, comprising the County' s largest health care profession; and Whereas, New Hanover County's populaHon is both growing and growing ölder, intreasing fhe need for more registered nurses to care for these ciHzens; , Nòw, Thel'efore Be It Resolved, thaUhe New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim the years of 2001-2010, as the Decade of the Nurse in New Hanover County, and urges all residents to join the Board in acknowledging the full scope of registered nursing expertise and skills in the advancement of health. Furthermore, the Board encourages tIle young people of New Hanover County to consider the nursing profession as apowerful career option, Adopted this the 21'¡ day of May 2001 . AU",~' . if ~ ~ Rn"~ W (l(ì .. TetD~~s, Jr" Ch~n 26.29.6 RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, New Hanover County recognizes the North Carolina State Ports Authority as an important part of the economic infrastructure for the State of North Carolina, and WHEREAS, New Hanover County wishes to promote regional economic development activity; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County recognizes the North Carolina State ports Authority is responsible for the creation of approximately 80,000 jobs statewide; and WHEREAS, new Hanover County recognizes the North Carolina State Ports Authority is responsible for State tax revenues in the amount of approximately $300 million per year; and WHEREAS, the County wishes to improve and enhance the Port of Wilmington as a deep water port for continuing local, state, and world commerce; and WHEREAS, the County wishes to provide all citizens with opportunity for jobs and economic advancement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Cor:unissioners that the County hereby requests the North Carolina General Assembly provide $22 million for the Wilmington Harbor Deepening Project for fiscal year 2002, This project money, to be matched by federal funds, will allow the deepening of the Wilmington Port from thirty-eight feet to forty- two feet and will allow the North Carolina State Ports Authority at Wilmington to better serve the State of North Carolina and port customers. Adopted this the 21 st day of May, 2001 1d~~k I v Ted Davis, Jr" Chairn1an ATTEST: (}/." -,V ~ ~ "--(,-&;;:; Harrell, Clerk to the Board