2000-03-15 Special Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 27 MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING WITH WILMINGTON CITY COUNCILPAGE 857 MARCH 15, 2000 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a joint meeting with the Wilmington City Council on Wednesday, March 15, 2000, at 5:30 p.m. in the Coast Line Convention Center, Room B, 501 Nutt Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioner Buzz Birzenieks; Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr; Commissioner Charles R. Howell; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Chairman William A. Caster; County Manager, Allen O’Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Members present from the Wilmington City Council were: Mayor David Jones; Mayor Pro- Tem Katherine B. Moore; Councilmember Frank S. Conlon; Councilmember J. C. Hearne, II; Councilmember Sandra Spaulding Hughes; Councilmember Laura Padgett; Councilmember Charlie Rivenbark; City Manager, Mary M. Gornto; City Attorney, Tom Pollard; and City Clerk, Penelope Spicer-Sidbury. Chairman Caster and Mayor Jones called their respective Boards to order and welcomed everyone present. Mayor Jones commented on the importance of the meeting and he welcomed input and involvement from the County Commissioners and City Councilmembers on the consolidation issue. Reverend James Fredlaw gave the invocation. ADOPTION OF JOINT RESOLUTIONS Chairman Caster advised that the following resolutions have been prepared for the governing bodies to consider and adopt: 1.Resolution of Support for the Wilmington Harbor Project to Deepen the Cape Fear River Navigation Channel. 2.Resolution of Congratulations to the University of North Carolina at Wilmington Men’s Seahawks Basketball Team for Winning the Colonial Athletic Association Championship. 3.Resolution of Support for the Legislative Revenue Commission’s Insurance Issues Committee to Conduct a Study and Draft Legislation to Identify Alternative Ways to Provide Homeowner’s Insurance Coverage to Coastal Residents. Resolution of Support for the Wilmington Harbor Project Councilmember Frank Conlon advised that the proposed resolution of support was in response to a letter received from Mr. Erik Stromberg, Executive Director of the N. C. State Port, who has solicited support from both governing bodies for the Wilmington Harbor Project that will yield economic and environmental benefits for the citizens of the State of North Carolina. Councilmember Conlon introduced and read the resolution of support for the Wilmington Harbor Project to deepen the Cape Fear River Navigation Channel from 38 feet to 42 feet; support of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Finding of No Significant Impact for the draft environmental assessment; and request the Wilmington District of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to proceed on schedule under the existing plan. Mayor Jones called for a motion to adopt the resolution. Motion: Councilmember Conlon MOVED, SECONDED by Councilmember Padgett, to adopt the resolution as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Caster called for a motion to adopt the resolution. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 27 MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING WITH WILMINGTON CITY COUNCILPAGE 858 MARCH 15, 2000 Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Howell, to adopt the resolution as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXVI, Page 4. Adoption of Resolution to Congratulate the University of North Carolina at Wilmington Men’s Seahawks Basketball Team Mayor Jones requested Councilmember Rivenbark and Commissioner Birzenieks, two avid supporters of UNC-W Athletic Department, to introduce and read a resolution of congratulations to the UNC-W Men’s Seahawks Basketball Team for winning the Colonial Athletic Association Championship and proceeding to the NCAA Tournament for the first time. Councilman Rivenbark and Commissioner Birzenieks introduced and read the resolution of congratulations. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Councilmember Laura Padgett to adopt the resolution of congratulations. Upon vote, the resolution was adopted UNANIMOUSLY by both governing bodies. Councilmember Conlon requested the City Manager to fax the resolution to the Men’s Basketball team that evening so the team will receive the resolution before the first game of the tournament. Mayor Jones announced that the City and County plan to have some type of event for the Men’s Basketball team when they return from the tournament. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXVI, Page 4. Adoption of Resolution of Support for Identifying Alternative Ways to Provide Homeowner’s Insurance Coverage to Coastal Residents Mayor Jones spoke on the importance of the provision of homeowner’s insurance to residents living in coastal North Carolina. He introduced and read a resolution of support for the Legislative Review Commission’s Insurance Issues Committee to conduct a study and draft legislation prior to the opening session of the 2001 N. C. General Assembly to identify alternative ways to provide homeowner’s insurance coverage, particularly wind coverage, to coastal residents. Mayor Jones requested a motion to adopt the resolution. Motion: Councilmember Conlon MOVED, SECONDED by Councilmember Padgett, to adopt the resolution as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Caster called for a motion to adopt the resolution. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Howell, to adopt the resolution as presented. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXVI, Page 4. PURPOSE OF MEETING Chairman Caster spoke on meeting several times with Mayor Jones to arrange a joint meeting for both governing bodies to consider a process for consolidating the two governments. He emphasized the importance of moving forward with this issue because of the amount of interest in the community. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 27 MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING WITH WILMINGTON CITY COUNCILPAGE 859 MARCH 15, 2000 Mayor Jones commented on the consolidation issue and he stressed the importance of remaining on neutral ground during the process so a reasonable well thought-out plan can be developed to consider consolidating City and County governments. He stated before beginning the meeting he would like to recognize the City Manager, County Manager, City Attorney, County Attorney, City Clerk, and Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners as the people who work daily to manage the operation of the two governments. He requested a round of applause for these employees. Mayor Jones introduced Dr. Becky Porterfield, Associate Dean, UNC-W Cameron School of Business, and advised that she would serve as the facilitator of the meeting. Dr. Porterfield expressed appreciation for the opportunity to serve as the facilitator and advised that her job would be to keep the group focused on the agenda and to comply to the established time frame. Dr. Porterfield noted that Mayor Jones and Chairman Caster have indicated that the purpose of the meeting is to consider the process to be used for the performance of a consolidation study. She requested each elected official to briefly comment on what he or she feels should be the purpose of the meeting. ? Councilmember Conlon noted that he felt the purpose of the meeting was not only to consider studying consolidation, but to consider gradually merging departments or allowing the existing governments to remain unchanged. ? Councilmember Rivenbark referenced past efforts on trying to consolidate the two governments and stated the primary question asked by the citizenry was the amount of money that will be saved by combining the two governments. He said if a study is performed, it should prove that consolidation will save money and provide the most efficient method of government for all citizens, consider merging of City and County departments, and determine if it would be better to allow the existing governments to remain unchanged. ? Mayor Pro-Tem Moore stressed the importance of preparing a well thought-out plan that will identify where a savings will be realized from combining the two governments because this is of major concern of the citizens. ? Commissioner Birzenieks spoke on the definition of consolidation being one legislative body to replace the City Council and Board of County Commissioners under one government. He asked if all members of both governing bodies agreed with this concept. The following responses were received: ? Councilmember Rivenbark responded that if a consolidation plan is developed to clearly show a savings by forming one government, he would be in favor of the concept. ? Councilmember Conlon responded that consolidation by definition is consolidation of the two governments; however, this is only one of three items that should be studied. The other two are merging departments or doing nothing at all. At this point, the instruction given to the study group should be to evaluate the merits, benefits, and problems of consolidation and merging departments. The charge to the group should be specifically defined to study other alternatives. ? Chairman Caster agreed with Councilmember Conlon and stated that the group should study the alternatives of functional consolidation. ? Vice-Chairman Greer spoke on being in favor of consolidation and stated if the members of the two governing bodies are not earnest about a consolidated government, he did not want to go through the process because a tremendous amount of work will be placed on both staffs of the City and County. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 27 MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING WITH WILMINGTON CITY COUNCILPAGE 860 MARCH 15, 2000 ? Mayor Jones noted that a study of consolidation should not relieve both governing bodies of the responsibility to allow the administrative staffs to study what departments can be merged during the consolidation study period. This process will allow merging of some departments to occur before consolidation is finalized, which will be beneficial to both governing bodies. He stated if consolidation is found to be the best form of government, he would be glad to give up the Mayor’s position to accomplish this goal. ? Mayor Pro-Tem Moore spoke on being a supporter of consolidation with two caveats: (1) cost savings; and (2) the plan should include some form of district representation. ? Commissioner Howell stated that he simply supports consolidation to provide one governing body for all citizens living in New Hanover County. ? Councilmember Hearne stressed the importance of developing a plan that will clearly show the following items before he would support consolidation: (1) money will be saved; and (2) the government will operate more efficiently. ? Councilmember Hughes spoke on pros and cons of consolidation and stated that she would support consolidation if the following items are addressed: (1) merger of some departments in the near future; (2) how certain services and agencies, such as the Cooperative Extension Service, will be grandfathered into the consolidation effort; (3) some form of district representation; (4) a written statement showing the cost savings under a consolidated government, and (5) involvement of the citizenry during the consolidation process. ? Councilmember Padgett advised that a primary purpose of the meeting should be to begin conversation among the members of the two governing bodies to address many issues that have not been dealt with in the past. There is value in studying consolidation as done in the past, but the process must be improved. A quicker process would be to begin with how some departments can be merged, which will make the consolidation process easier. Chairman Caster stressed the importance of everyone understanding that if a study group is established this does not mean that functional consolidation cannot occur as soon as possible. Dr. Porterfield summarized the remarks received as follows: 1.Consensus of both governing bodies to study consolidation in some context. 2.Merger of some departments. 3.Four members feel that cost savings should be a factor. 4.Two members feel that district representation should be a factor. 5.Three members suggested beginning with early mergers and functional development. 6.One member commented on establishing the method by which services provided by other agencies will be included in the consolidation plan. Councilmember Rivenbark expressed concern for committing to any time constraints and he suggested that elected officials of both governing bodies meet in a room to openly discuss the many items that have to be considered before the purpose of the study can be decided. He reiterated the importance of not rushing into this issue. Dr. Porterfield presented the following options to consider for developing a plan: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 27 MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING WITH WILMINGTON CITY COUNCILPAGE 861 MARCH 15, 2000 1.Form a subcommittee to contract with an entity or person to review the consolidation issue from all parameters to specifically define the plan in terms of analysis, not in terms of implementation. 2.Meet in a room for a period of time to discuss the issues and prepare a working outline for the plan as suggested by Councilmember Rivenbark. 3.Start with the working outline and decide if the subcommittee should contract with an outside source. Mayor Jones advised that several meetings will have to be scheduled for the governing bodies to decide on how the process should begin. Chairman Caster asked Councilmember Rivenbark if he was willing to establish a team of 8 to 10 citizens living in New Hanover County to study the consolidation issue. Councilmember Rivenbark strongly objected to rushing into appointing a committee at this meeting and stated that he attended the meeting to discuss a study of consolidation. Chairman Caster commented on the many qualified and talented citizens living in the City and County and stated that he felt there was a possibility that both governing bodies would agree to establish a committee to study the issue at this meeting. He referenced the last consolidation plan and stated due to time constraints with the proposed annexation, the committee was backed into a corner in trying to complete the plan. The plan was not the best of documents, but the Committee placed themselves under this time constraint. Councilmember Rivenbark stressed the importance of everyone understanding that annexation has nothing to do with consolidation. He said to rush into a consolidation plan because of annexation was not a good reason. Councilmember Conlon cautioned against the members of both governing bodies beginning to stake out positions. He advised that in 1984, he voted for consolidation, and in 1995, he felt more passionate about consolidation. After learning more about the complexity of the two governments and the difficulty in attaining a consolidated government, he is no longer passionate about consolidation. On April 20, 1999, the City Council adopted a resolution to jointly meet with the Board of County Commissioners to discuss a study of consolidation. On April 22, 1999, a letter was written to the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners suggesting that we find a body of people who are professional public administrators or professors of public administration, none of whom have any interest within the boundaries of New Hanover County, to study consolidation. He suggested appointing a committee that can objectively study the issue to show where dollars can be saved and where dollars cannot be saved. It appears that everyone present wants a study to determine if consolidation will save money, but there is disagreement about the method to use in achieving this goal. An objective study by objective people without bias will produce the answer for the governing bodies. Mayor Pro-Tem Moore commented on what the next step should be, and she expressed concern for continuing to meet on the consolidation issue unless both governing bodies can agree on establishing a study group. If both bodies cannot agree on a study group, the elected officials should move to another issue. If both bodies are interested in the consolidation issue, we need to decide on the process to be used to form the study group. Councilmember Conlon referenced the resolution already adopted by the City Council and noted that the two members opposed to the resolution were no longer on the City Council. Mayor Jones suggested forgetting the past and focusing on deciding if both governing bodies are willing to establish a study committee. Dr. Porterfield summarized the following consensus of the two governing bodies: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 27 MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING WITH WILMINGTON CITY COUNCILPAGE 862 MARCH 15, 2000 1.Consensus on the idea of analyzing consolidation. 2.How should this analysis be performed: (1) a potential working group from within the community; or (2) a neutral study group to be defined. Vice-Chairman Greer spoke on being opposed to having all members of the study group from outside the boundaries of New Hanover County. He agreed to the appointment of a group comprised of local citizens and professionals from other areas. He also referenced the past study, and stated that a plan will never be developed to satisfy every elected official serving on the two governing bodies. As the process continues, a plan will be submitted for consideration by both governing bodies and one elected official will make a change that will not be satisfactory to another elected official. Eventually, the individuals who did not get the changes they recommended will vote against the plan and no progress will be made. If both governing bodies decide to establish a study group to analyze the consolidation situation, this should be for a short period of time. Then when the analysis is presented, the governing bodies can vote to see if they really want to proceed with a study of consolidation. During the last study, a tremendous amount of time and energy was spent in preparing the plan, and there is no need to go through this process if both bodies do not want to consolidate. Councilmember Conlon noted that if any progress is made in studying the issue, it will be worth the effort. Vice-Chairman Greer said that he had reservations about some of the Councilmembers because he felt they would never support consolidation. Councilmember Conlon responded that the statement made by Vice-Chairman Greer was the exact reason why an objective presentation should be prepared by objective people. He stated as a member of the City Council, he has been opposed to an issue and when the facts were presented, he has reversed his opinion. He pledged that if an objective study is presented recommending consolidation, merging departments, or not changing the existing governments, he would support that recommendation. Dr. Porterfield requested the group to focus on the purpose of a consolidation plan. Councilmember Padgett stated that any plan presented to the voters must contain enough information for the voters to determine if they should vote for or against consolidation. Commissioner Birzenieks spoke on the number of details that will have to be addressed which will require a great deal of study. He stated that if any of the elected officials are opposed to having a single legislative body, it should be known so everybody will not be wasting their time. Councilmember Conlon responded that if a single legislative body does not save money and create a more efficient government, it would be a disservice to the citizens for this form of government to be approved when a more viable option may be to merge departments or allow the existing governments to remain unchanged. Dr. Porterfield paraphrased Commissioner Birzenieks’ remarks by saying that both governing bodies need to assess whether they will agree on establishing a study group. Councilmember Rivenbark reported during the last consolidation effort, the citizens wanted to know up-front if money would be saved and how the details would be addressed. This information was not provided to the public, and the plan was defeated. Chairman Caster stated there are people in the community who are philosophically and fundamentally opposed to consolidation. He noted that Commissioner Birzenieks was asking if any elected official siting at this table was opposed to the concept of consolidation because a great deal of time can be wasted on this matter if there is too much opposition among the elected officials. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 27 MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING WITH WILMINGTON CITY COUNCILPAGE 863 MARCH 15, 2000 Councilmember Hearne responded that no one sitting at the table has said they are philosophically opposed to one governmental unit; however, this question cannot be answered until other issues are addressed. Mayor Jones requested a show of hands of persons sitting at the table that are opposed to one governmental unit if the study shows it is the most efficient form of government. No hands were raised. Dr. Porterfield commented on hearing an early consensus to form a neutral study group and she requested the group to define the meaning of a neutral group. The following responses were received: Councilmember Rivenbark noted that if two large corporations decided to merge, the CEO’s would not select 10 people to prepare the plan unless they had working knowledge of the companies being merged. Therefore, the study group should have some representatives from both City and County Staffs as well as objective representatives from the N. C. Association of County Commissioners and League of Municipalities. Dr. Porterfield respectfully noted that an initial study group should not invite employees because they would not be neutral by virtue of their employment. She asked if anyone at the table was opposed to using a neutral study group. Vice-Chairman Greer suggested appointing a combination study group of representatives from the Institute of Government, the League of Municipalities, the N. C. Association of County Commissioners and qualified citizens instead of staff members. This appointment procedure would remove the elected officials and members of staff from the process. Mayor Jones commented on the expertise of representatives from General Electric, Dupont, Corning, accounting firms, and persons who have worked in mergers and stated these people can be tapped as a community resource for the study group. Commissioner Birzenieks advised that the City Manager and County Manager have just informed him that, in their opinion, the League of Municipalities and N. C. Association of County Commissioners will not get involved in this type of study. Chairman Caster stated that a neutral group should not involve elected officials. He suggested appointing a citizens group with an outside facilitator who has expertise in this area. Councilmember Conlon said the study committee should be comprised of professional public administrators and professors of public administration. Resumes should be submitted from these professional groups to the City Council and Board of County Commissioners. A meeting would be scheduled for the two governing bodies to review the resumes and select the members to serve on the study group and to decide the specific tasks that should be assigned to the group. This means that the instruction to the group would reflect the wishes of the Board of County Commissioners and City Council. Mayor Pro-Tem Moore recommended a 2-step approach: (1) contact professionals to look at the viability of consolidation, such as the Institute of Government, universities, or consulting firms, to present pros and cons of consolidation with nothing to lose or gain; and (2) review the facts presented to see if a study group should be appointed to study consolidation. Councilmember Rivenbark stated it was a crying shame that the 12 elected officials could not perform the study; however, he would support the recommendation to appoint a group to study the viability of consolidation. He said if the study shows that one unified government will be more efficient and save dollars in the long run, he would not be opposed to the idea. During the study period, the governing bodies should consider merging various City and County departments. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 27 MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING WITH WILMINGTON CITY COUNCILPAGE 864 MARCH 15, 2000 Councilmember Hughes commented on the idea mentioned by Mayor Jones regarding top notch corporate organizations and stated there is a difference between merging a commodity and merging a service. She suggested looking at a top notch corporate organization that has merged a service. Mayor Jones stated that he was referring to people with the background and ability to look at an organization to determine if there is a duplication of costs. The key issues are cost savings and the provision of better services. Commissioner Birzenieks recommended appointing a representative from the Chamber of Commerce. Councilmember Padgett stated since the Chamber of Commerce has already publicly taken a stand on consolidation, she did not feel that a Chamber representative could be neutral. Councilmember Conlon stated if a corporate member is appointed to the group, there could be a subtle perception that this member would feel his or her company could benefit in some way from the consolidation effort. He urged both governing bodies to appoint members to the study group from outside the boundaries of New Hanover County. Councilmember Rivenbark noted that regardless of the members appointed to the study group, whether a representative from the Chamber of Commerce or another organization, the plan presented will have to meet the expectations of both governing bodies before it is approved. Councilmember Conlon stated that an outside group will have to contact people within the county to prepare the plan; however, this group will listen in an objective manner, which will produce an unbiased study. Commissioner Davis agreed with Councilmember Conlon and stated an unbiased study should be performed for the citizens and taxpayers to feel the study is neutral. With the passionate feelings about this issue, he would be in favor of appointing an outside group that has no contact with the City of Wilmington or New Hanover County to conduct the study and draw conclusions and recommendations based upon research. Mayor Pro-Tem Moore agreed with Commissioner Davis and Councilmember Conlon and stated the study must be objective and should be performed by people outside of the area. Once the study is received, it can then be reviewed by the two governing bodies. Mayor Jones commented on the need to have a consensus of the group and asked how many elected officials would be in favor of hiring an outside group to perform the study. All elected officials agreed but Vice-Chairman Greer and Commissioner Birzenieks. Dr. Porterfield requested Vice-Chairman Greer and Commissioner Birzenieks to express their reasons for opposing the hiring of an outside group. Vice-Chairman Greer stated that local representatives should be part of the study group because it is their community. The group does not have to be comprised of all local members, but the people living in this community have the right to decide on their own destiny. Mayor Jones stressed the importance of everyone understanding that regardless of what group performs the study, several public hearings and meetings will have to be held throughout the community to receive public input. Councilmember Rivenbark asked if the elected officials would be involved in the process. Mayor Pro-Tem Moore stated that she was voting for Step 1 of the study to see if consolidation is economically feasible without any involvement of the elected officials. Step 2 will NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 27 MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING WITH WILMINGTON CITY COUNCILPAGE 865 MARCH 15, 2000 begin when the findings of the study are discussed, at which time the elected officials will become intricately involved in the process. Dr. Porterfield noted that the elected officials will be involved with selecting the outside firm to perform the study and providing direction and the specific requirements for the study. Commissioner Birzenieks spoke on being opposed to outside consultants because they are not familiar with the community and they do not understand the issues. The County has a tremendous number of talented people living in the community who truly want the best form of government for residents living in the City and County. Commissioner Birzenieks stated in his former career, he had seen highly paid out-of-town consultants provide reports that were followed and disasters were created. Mayor Jones responded that he felt holding numerous public hearings to receive input from the public would avoid the type of situation described by Commissioner Birzenieks. Commissioner Birzenieks responded that fundamentally he sees this as a very unique opportunity for the citizens of New Hanover County and City of Wilmington to construct the government they want for the future. There are very few counties in the country that have this opportunity. Councilmember Conlon responded that many counties have tried to consolidate but have not found it worthwhile. Vice-Chairman Greer advised that the University of North Carolina has a school known as the Institute of Government that deals solely with government issues. Since this school is in place and charges only travel expenses, he would suggest contacting the Institute to provide input on how to conduct the study. Councilmember Conlon agreed with Vice-Chairman Greer and stated that the Institute of Government should be the first entity contacted instead of an outside consultant because they are experts in government. Dr. Porterfield requested a show of hands from the elected officials in favor of contacting an independent agency, such as the Institute of Government. Councilmember Padgett asked if the elected officials have agreed on the use of an outside entity with no clarification as to whether this will be a paid consultant, university group, or the Institute of Government. Vice-Chairman Greer stressed the importance of everyone understanding that both governing bodies will finally have to decide on whether to move forward with the consolidation effort. A school, such as the Institute of Government, can be requested to perform a study and present the facts on the pros and cons of consolidating the two governments. Mayor Jones stated that both governing bodies should agree upon a concept. Commissioner Davis recommended taking the following steps before making a decision: 1.Contact the Institute of Government to see if they are interested in performing the study. 2.If the Institute of Government is interested, both governing bodies should be informed about the process to be used in performing the study. 3.Inform the Institute of Government what both governing bodies expect from the study. 4.If the Institute of Government is not interested in performing the study, contact an outside private consultant group. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 27 MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING WITH WILMINGTON CITY COUNCILPAGE 866 MARCH 15, 2000 Dr. Porterfield requested the elected officials to agree on the concept of using an undefined outside agency to conduct the study. Chairman Caster called for a motion. Motion: Commissioner Davis MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Howell, to agree on the concept of using an undefined outside agency to conduct a study on the feasibility of consolidation. The MOTION CARRIED by a 3 to 2 vote. Vice-Chairman Greer and Commissioner Birzenieks voted in opposition. Mayor Jones called for a motion. Motion: Councilmember Conlon MOVED, SECONDED by Councilmember Laura Padgett, to agree on the concept of using an undefined outside agency to conduct a study on the feasibility of consolidation. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Commissioner Howell asked if the last plan was so flawed that it could not be revised to address questions asked by the citizens. Councilmember Padgett responded that she felt the last plan was carrying too much baggage. Councilmember Conlon noted that the 1984 plan was a much more detailed plan and stated that he had copies of both plans. Dr. Porterfield reported that both governing bodies have agreed on studying the feasibility of consolidation that will be conducted by an outside agency. She advised that the next steps will be to determine the approach for identifying the outside agency and develop steps for merging some City and County departments. Discussion followed on the need to hold another meeting within the next 30 days. Mayor Jones suggested requesting the City Manager and County Manager to work on a convenient date and expand the amount of time to at least three hours. Chairman Caster requested staff to contact the Institute of Government before the next meeting to see if they are interested in performing the study. After further discussion, both governing bodies agreed to request the City Manager and County Manager to select a convenient date for the elected officials to meet in April, expand the time frame to three hours, and contact the Institute of Government to see if they are interested in performing a study on the feasibility of consolidating the two governments. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Jones expressed appreciation to Dr. Porterfield for facilitating the meeting and to everyone present for taking time to attend the meeting. He requested a motion to adjourn. Motion: Councilmember Conlon MOVED, SECONDED by Councilmember Padgett to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Caster requested a motion to adjourn. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 27 MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING WITH WILMINGTON CITY COUNCILPAGE 867 MARCH 15, 2000 Chairman Caster and Mayor Jones adjourned their respective boards at 6:55 p.m. Sincerely, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board