2001-06-04 RM Exhibits 226.30.1 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER SCHOOL BONDS-GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS SERIES 2001 $42,000,000 ~~,"',¡'~~srjMMAJ.tYNõTiŒ--;':'~~~1 {.."::'<: ':: '/~~ll;:~~:~:»: .' :'.:': .: . .NLW·HANOV;:·R·" i" . . ,. . NOHI: "(MOLlNA .;:..... ....... : 542;J::Q:~;~)\) . ::~";' ! '. C..{inp·"al 01;11(;c:i~ ¡ön ·S("~'~o'Ò¡ "I ..': '~~;;,;~;:~1~~:, :~~~:;:;~I~~::r~~' ;~: ..! {~!(J~ \".ill· he, I'r:-~ (,lve\.1¡~()Y,"1 .,!,!'~.! : oc.ÒI" (·:6"Vt:.~nÚ11C'rlt I " (:orr:rm:jr.j1on of~· .. Nurth:,·: ~.r'Fo!i:Iù·.'.(11 :i:rj. ~:~~lce".·(Î,J . ~'H'··.5(,i1boit';'(i· i.!Ù;¡:i:ng;·, .I~.t.. I lam.. lil:!' Nortri:.' Sr.I:i!ibur.y, 5U'ee::. i~c1i('iqb,', i ,': 2) c~~·::.; l~~~'~,I~.i:I'~:~ :.' :,~~?;fc?¿·~~.;:·: f,.1·1.. 'Norrti' ·.CalOllna·1 :~~;t··I~,I~J. '·jv::}~·!", f ~/; 2~:·~·~1: . ":', ".:.>j ;.·c;"LJ(-'I·I.:;!(1~) ~·(J,t;·(\ r.J;é·nC'Q ¡j"·'i ~ m,mlic 'dl,·'5dlc(.imie ami í I . ~}Iit.u,: }HI)':;ù.lci. da·y., t,o:., ~.il.f¡: i t" i::'=! :-1. ,c.:>(~~ (?i·, ~ fl(I::IOilow:nq: ¡" ~,·I"::~)f'\US.. ·Ci::lhø'. \;()i.m:y .:of r· t f\c,'~Y '.. tli:I,~lOvC'r; ;.~. Nor I ~'1 I. ~ (':i:Hol1nù: ':·:ialpd··'JLJ ':e ,~:.,.I t " ~~.;(;1 ': r ~:t~ ~'~ ~: I~! .~'},~~ :: ~).IJ!':..~~' I I".. Iv·...I{ "qnl.\" P,iO.:· I ~ rp~ti~i~IP~ll~!1), . . ,.i~nqt.:ù¡¡y, '1 t~~,~J.n~.~ ~~~¿Ó~;'CI:C~!g!)~~2~ÓG~} .·:'i'.':; r ~'..' 1(\ :1('] C) p'H IIJC')I'J('" ... .... · """'A"()'()/,,' "';, .. .' I: ¡ . :..... ':.:; :',) '2,o.L.'.). dlld.. . i ¡ .'·;i;·:r;~(;;:):;~:)';¡~·~·:;';L;,·:· ::::1 j ·r:~:!.:>~;;;·~:;i: ;;~~:ÔgY~~:.Ji. i·: ¡j ¡ 11Ie.¡ lo··tl'w,bOi'd~· mùy bc';"I~ i : ().I;~t.LlI,I~~e~l:,: ~,:91.n:., ,~.~:~~. ~~).( ~.I.I·.I ;, :..CJ..V( r.ll.H: .. ,C\)'-¡.IIIIS~,:CJn '1: : ',<,9 ~.9.'E{) ~~) :~~)Oì.·! cÙ:h¡ bid '1: · :r'usl bc~ slJb·','i~f(~(1 on· i:I ,'1' · bid rOI:r~:'!11 I.h(~ Not·ic!' oj'. ~ i ::,:':" ;:~:I:~2·~:·:,¿~:~·;t~~;E~·T:·'11 ;, ,.: .;.. ,,'''COMMISSION..I¡' ('.', iHcJ.iÎ:'¡q~'·::'\Iel,~ti.Cd~o!ina.:! ;.." .': ..'..~...:..:': .HIJf¡e~1'M;·'lliqtJ'·~11 ; i...,::'. ·5c~c.:r~~të:Hy.~)t ~lIe·; : . ...... ...... c.ommlsslOn:1 Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of Said County and State, DIANE P. KEENAN Who, being duly sworn or affirmed, according to the law, says that he/she is CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MANAGER of THE WILMINGTON STAR-NEWS, INC., a corporation organized and doing business under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, and publishing a newspaper known as WILMINGTON MORNING STAR & SUNDAY STAR-NEWS in the City ofWiJrnington SUMMARY NOTICE OF SALE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER NORTH CAROLINA $42,000,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2001 Sealed and electronic bids will be received by the Local Government Commission of North Carolina at its office in the Seaboard Buildi was inserted in the aforesaid newspaper in space, and on dates as folJows: 6/10 Ix And at the time of such pubJicationWilmington Star-News was a newspaper meeting all the 'equrrenrents ond qualific,tioŒ prescribed b~7 ~~ Title: CLASSIFI~Jj> ADVER. MGR \ Sworn or affirmed to, and Aubscribed before me this J ~ % day of 0J.V'\E: , A.D., L DC)\ In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year aforesaid. My commission expires 21A ~ '~t;'YPubliC day of ll\i ,20~ Upon reading the aforegoing affidavit with the advertisement thereto annexed it is adjudged by the Court that the said publication was duly and properly made, and that the summons has been duly and legalJy served on the defendant(s). This day of MAIL TO: Clerk of Superior Court