2001-11-05 RM Exhibits27.11.1 RESOLUTON of NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . 'WHE~AS, on Nove~ber.18th, from 6 - 9 p.mo, West?eJd ~hoPP~!1gt<?Wn Independence will . , host Westfield Works Wonders, an annual corporate charity eveií(ànd ":;~ ,""" ' ., ':" · , ,,' .., , .. ", , ',', ")~é~~ _' '~~~!:,:" '~~;''';;;;:.'' '. , WHEREAS, last year nationwide 39 Westfield malls generáted$ì:;.6~ínilf¡Ón,d'~lláfS' .for::~~Ú, 1,000 different non-profit or~~izations, and , ";'¡iJ~~":'" '~'i~}~ WHEREAS, If¡tyeÍlr l~c~Ìl{Ó'ler45 chariti'es participated and more than $57,000 was generated for non-profit orgimfzàtions in the Wilmington area, and WHEREAS, New HanoverOçôrtnty is pleased to endorse Westfield Works Wonders as a charity . : extravaganza that'~ill sÚpporf over 54 local,'::~~on-profit organizations, . . ;':I::J,: ',·"l~t::Ji:):: . _ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that New';tIånovcr CoÜntyl.:onllnissiOllcrs do hereby pr6ClairIi Nö,:,ember 18th, 2001 Westfield Work.s~·Wondcr~"d~:Y'i;~',t'J·~\\ Ha~~)v~r COlln,l)' and salute the non~profit groups who participate to enhaÌ1cetheît¡'~er.ylcè'¡i() th~ entil"~ co'mrminil)'. . ,,- "·'1fh·i.·;·~¡;~~~ ' '" ,. Adopted this the 5th day of November, 2001 \~;:2~t· \¡ : .. '" ; . ATTEST "":." /'f'\Q ~cI'· ~-,~ " Ted Da,vis, Jr., Chao an . ".~'- '.:;~::~,: .-. . : .,.':.~,~ . ,,\~. '" aJA'nv/ ~ ~G; Harrell, Clerkto the Board , . \ " 27.11.2 A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby resolves: WHEREAS, transportation is a major barrier for Work First clients of the Department of Social Services; and WHEREAS, existing public transportation is often insufficient to address the work and daycare needs of Work First individuals for whom the lack of adequate transportation poses a significant barrier to gainful employment; and WHEREAS, the County desires to facilitate arrangements so as to assist non-profit group(s) in providing used donated vehicles to Work First clients; and WHEREAS, eligible Work First clients would sign promissory notes to cover the cost of insurance, car outfitting, title and tags; and WHEREAS, the County anticipates entering into an arrangement with Engine Angels, a non-profit corporation, to receive vehicle donations and convey title to eligible recipients, with Engine Angels and Cape Fear Community College performing necessary repairs; and WHEREAS, donation of reparable County surplus vehicles will promote program objective by helping build an inventory of vehicles for distributiono NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that reparable vehicles designated as surplus in the ordinary course of County disposition of personal property be made available without cost to Engine Angels, County staff is authorized to convey title upon securing the Board of Commissioners' authorization for disposition of specified vehicles. Following transfer, vehicles capable of being made operational in a cost efficient manner will be transferred to low income families in need of employment transportation. Should what was anticipated to be a "reparable" vehicle not be capable of being made operational in a cost efficient manner, the surplus vehicles may be sold by Engine Angels, with that non-profit retaining the proceeds for program purposes. Upon approval of the New Hanover County Property Management Director, surplus vehicles conveyed to Engine Angels may be stored on County property until readied for distribution. Adopted this the 5th day of November, 2001, v [SEAL] ~p~ Deputy Clerk to the Board