1999-11-15 Water & Sewer NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 2 REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 15, 1999 PAGE 540 ASSEMBLY The District Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District met in Regular Session on Monday, November 15, 1999 at 1:02 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: District Commissioner Buzz Birzenieks; District Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; District Commissioner William A. Caster; Vice-Chairman Charles R. Howell; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O’Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Greer called the meeting to order. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Greer announced that time had been reserved to allow anyone from the public to present an item that was not listed on the Regular Agenda. He requested all persons speaking to limit their remarks to three minutes. No items were presented. UPDATE ON THE STATUS OF THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION Mr. Alex Monroe, Project Manager with McKim & Creed for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion project, informed the Board that Vice-Chairman Howell was a member of the team that interviewed the firms to be used for the project. He presented the following report. The Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion project is comprised of three areas: (1) conveyance and systems that collect and bring wastewater to the treatment facilities; (2) treatment facilities; and (3) the permitting process. During the past several years, the permitting process has become more stringent. The EPA views the Cape Fear River as being impaired and has placed strict limits on the effluent discharges from facilities with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits that discharge wastewater into the Cape Fear River. In order to address this issue, the City and County decided to develop a Master Plan for all facilities because of the growth that has occurred in the last ten years. The main issues in developing a Master Plan are service areas, plan evaluations, and new NPDES limits. Due to the growth that has occurred, there is an urgent need to upgrade and increase the capacity at the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant. Items such as effluent reuse and construction management will be studied. Increasing capacities at the Wastewater Treatment Plants will involve developing accelerated schedules, phasing of evaluations, and phasing of construction. Also during the Master Plan process, a review will be made of existing conditions, future service areas, future needs, selection of alternatives, new cost-effective analysis, and development of an implementation plan. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 2 REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 15, 1999 PAGE 541 A list of existing services areas was presented as follows: Area A - County area adjacent to the City and Wrightsville Beach. Area B - Middle Sound Loop area. Area C - Castle Hayne area. No service areas will extend beyond Snow’s Cut. Wrightsville Beach was considered as part of the Master Plan because the Town discharges its wastewater to the City and this amount of flow was needed in developing the plan. Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant Service area. Southside Wastewater Treatment Plant Service area. The impact of annexation has not been incorporated as part of the Master Plan, but this item can be included in the plan at a later date. Population figures and demographics for individual service areas were presented. These figures have been broken down into 158 sub-basins within the service areas. The population figures from 2000 to 2020 were used in developing the Master Plan. When comparing these figures to State projected figures from 2000 to 2020, the figures used in the Master Plan are higher. The State historically has under estimated the population. It is more desirable to err on the high side instead of the low side when estimating flow amounts for the plan. A majority of growth is occurring in the County, and Areas B and C are expected to experience a heavy growth rate in future years. The proposed build-out for New Hanover County is 2035. With this type of growth, a phased expansion will occur. In studying land use projections, it is anticipated that Area C will experience industrial growth. Retail, office, and institutional will occur in Area A. The total wastewater flow summary includes a reserve capacity that has been broken down as follows: ? The Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant will have a total flow of 20 million gallons per day by 2020. ? The Southside Wastewater Treatment Facility will have a capacity of 16 million gallons per day. ? A reserve capacity will be incorporated into the plan for commercial, industrial and domestic flows. After working with City Engineer Hugh Caldwell and County Engineer Wyatt Blanchard, NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 2 REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 15, 1999 PAGE 542 it was decided that the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion should be completed as soon as possible. Under the normal construction schedule, the permitting for the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion should be completed by December 1, 1999. The design process, regulatory review, advertising, and bidding process should be completed by August 2000. This is an accelerated schedule for construction. The City and County will have to determine the increment of flow for the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant in the near future. The expansion should be completed by 2003. Under the worst case scenario, the permitting process could add an additional three to six months. In closing the presentation, Mr. Monroe stated that an effort has been made to accelerate the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion project so the overall project will be back on schedule by the end of November. All delineations and demographics have been completed for all sub-basins which will be developed into a computer model and tied into the GIS program to allow the City and County to update data. Chairman Greer asked if a meeting with the City Council and District Board was needed to determine the capacity of the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant. Mr. Monroe responded that a regular meeting of the Advisory Team, comprised of the McKim & Creed Project Manager, City Engineer and County Engineer, has been scheduled near the end of November when costs and evaluations on the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant have been completed. At that meeting, discussion will be held on expanding the plant to 12 million gallons per day capacity without modifying the force main from the wastewater treatment plant. If the line has to be paralleled, it will cost approximately $4,500,000 to $6,000,000 to re-lay the line and parallel that line down to the Cape Fear River. The existing line can carry 12 million gallons per day capacity, which will reduce the expansion cost because existing equipment can be used. Chairman Greer expressed concern for dealing with this project for a number of years, and he urged all parties involved to move forward with expansion of the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant. He offered the services of the District Board if any item needs to be addressed during the process. Mr. Monroe agreed with Chairman Greer and stated that every effort is being made to move forward with the project. He noted that McKim & Creed experienced a late start because of negotiations with the contract and that by the end of November, the overall project will be on schedule. Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Mr. Monroe for the status report. APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO PROVIDE SEWER SERVICES TO A PORTION OF AVON COURT IN THE KINGS GRANT SUBDIVISION County Engineer Blanchard reported that Staff received a request from seven homeowners NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 2 REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 15, 1999 PAGE 543 and one church to extend a sewer collection line to serve a portion of Avon Court. These homes experience septic tank failures after a significant rainfall, and the Health Department has confirmed this fact. Since this area is located adjacent to the Ogden Outfall, which was recently completed, Staff recommends approval of the request. The estimated cost to construct the sewer line is $57,250, which will be paid out of the Water and Sewer Operating Fund. Motion: District Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Caster, to approve the request to provide sewer to a portion of Avon Court and authorize Staff to proceed with constructing the sewer line at an estimated cost of $57,250 to be paid from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT Motion: District Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Caster, to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Greer adjourned the meeting at 1:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the District Board