1996-06-03 Water & Sewer NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 2 REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 3, 1996PAGE 304 ASSEMBLY The District Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District met in Regular Session on Monday, June 3, 1996, at 11:11 P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: District Commissioners William A. Caster; Robert G. Greer; William E. Sisson, Jr.; Vice-Chairman Sandra Barone; Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the District Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Mathews called the meeting to order. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Mathews inquired as to whether anyone from the public would like to present an item not listed on the agenda. The following item was presented: Discussion of Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County for Joint Use and Joint Expansion of the City's Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant County Manager O'Neal reported at the regular meeting of the Wilmington City Council on May 21, 1996, the Council approved the joint City/County Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant agreement with deletion of Section 10.5, which requires the establishment of an authority or district within eighteen months for operation of the expanded plant. He advised that the District Board can approve the agreement with deletion of Section 10.5 as recommended by the City Council, disapprove the agreement, or hold further discussions with the Wilmington City Council about this issue. He advised that the City Council may be willing to review alternative arrangements after January 1997. Motion: Vice-Chairman Barone expressed concern for trying to work with the City without ever reaching an agreement and MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Greer to abandon the efforts with the City for joint use and expansion of the City's Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant and authorize Staff to proceed with construction of a Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant by the District. A lengthy discussion was held on the amount of money that would be saved by jointly expanding the City's Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant in lieu of the District constructing a separate Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant as originally planned. County Manager O'Neal stated he did not have the exact figures with him, but he would estimate a savings of approximately $4,000,000 to the District under a joint effort. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 2 REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 3, 1996PAGE 305 District Commissioner Caster and District Commissioner Sisson reported on discussing this matter with Councilmembers Harper Peterson and Laura Padgett. After discussion, it was felt there was a tremendous amount of confusion about the intent of the Commissioners when including Section 10.5 in the agreement. Once this was explained to Councilmembers Padgett and Peterson, they did not appear to be opposed to the concept of creating an authority or similar entity to operate the expanded Wastewater Treatment Plant. District Commissioner Sisson questioned whether the City Staff was accurately communicating with the members of the City Council. He expressed concern for never being able to reach a joint agreement with the City on issues of significant importance. Chairman Mathews recommended having Staff to further discuss this matter with the City to be sure the City Council understands the intent of the Board regarding Section 10.5 before taking action. Substitute Motion: District Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Caster to defer action on the agreement until July 1, 1996, in order to provide time for Staff to discuss Section 10.5 with the City to see if an arrangement can be negotiated to provide for the establishment of an authority or similar entity to operate the jointly expanded Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant. District Commissioner Greer requested District Commissioner Sisson to amend the MOTION to state that if a satisfactory proposal is not submitted by July 1, 1996, the District will move forward with constructing the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant. Vice-Chairman Barone reported she would support the substitute motion if the motion was amended as requested by District Commissioner Greer. Amended Substitute Motion: District Commissioner Sisson MOVED to defer action on the interlocal agreement until July 1, 1996, to provide time for Staff to discuss the Board's intent of Section 10.5 so the City Council will understand the request for creating an authority or similar entity to operate the expanded plant. If a satisfactory proposal is not submitted by July 1, 1996, the District will move forward with constructing a separate Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant. District Commissioner Caster stated he could not SECOND THE MOTION because he felt the City was being offered an ultimatum, which he would not support. District Commissioner Sisson WITHDREW THE AMENDED SUBSTITUTE MOTION. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 2 REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 3, 1996PAGE 306 Original Substitute Motion: District Commissioner Sisson MOVED to defer action on the agreement until July 1, 1996, with Staff contacting the City to explain the intent of the Board when requesting inclusion of Section 10.5, which requires the creation of an authority or similar entity to operate the jointly expanded Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant. This item will be reconsidered by the District Board on July 1, 1996. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: District Commissioner Caster District Commissioner Greer District Commissioner Sisson Chairman Mathews Voting Nay: Vice-Chairman Barone APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: District Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Caster to approve the minutes of May 20, 1996, as presented by the Clerk to the District Board. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT Motion: District Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Greer to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews adjourned the meeting at 11:24 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the District Board