Agenda 2009 09-21AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse v 24 North Third Street, Room 301 r Wilmington, NC ~r. J ~ ' TED DAVIS, JR., CHAIRMAN • JASON R. THOMPSON, VICE-CHAIRMAN ~ ~ ROBERT G. GREER, COMMISSIONER • WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • JONATHAN BARFIELD, JR., COMMISSIONER ~ , BRUCE T. SHELL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • SHEILA SCHULT, CLERK TO THE BOARD t d ~ ~ L ~ . SEPTEMBER 21, 2009 9:00 A.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.) INVOCATION (The Reverend Dr. Thomas C. Barnett, Rector, St. John's Episcopal Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Vice-Chairman Jason R. Thompson) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Second Reading Approval of Solid Waste Franchise for Vanessa Harrison-Locklear d/b/a Trash-It-Now 3. First Reading Approval of Solid Waste Franchise for Job-Site Container Co., Inc. 4. Approval of New Hanover County Personnel Policy Revisions 5. Approval to Submit a Grant Request to the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) to Support County Efforts on Preparedness 6. Approval of Grant Application for the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) for Conservation Project Support 7. Approval of Release of Tax Value 8. Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments ESTIMATED RE LAR A E DA ITEM F B I E TIMES GU G N S 0 USN SS 9:10 a.m. 9. Presentation of Employee Service Awards and Introduction of New Employees 9:25 a.m. 10. Consideration of Disability Awareness Month Proclamation 9:30 a.m. 11. Consideration of Fire Prevention Week Proclamation 9:40 a.m. 12. Consideration of Big Sweep Day and Fall Litter Sweep Proclamations 9:55 a.m. 13. Public Hearing: North Carolina Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2009 Community Revitalization Program 10:10 a.m. 14. Consideration of DHS/FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Station Construction Grant Application 10:20 a.m. 15. Committee Appointments NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 10:35 a.m. 16. Additional Items Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna VI/L1/L.VVI County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 10:45 a.m. 17. ADJOURN Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna VI/L1/L.VVI NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: September 21, 2009 CONSENT ITEM: 1 DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman Davis CONTACT(S): Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes from the following meetings: Agenda Review meeting held on September 3, 2009 Regular Session meeting held on September 8, 2009 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/14.1/14,ki 1-0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: September 21, 2009 CONSENT ITEM: 2 DEPARTMENT: County Attorney PRESENTER(S): Kemp Burpeau CONTACT(S): Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney SUBJECT: Second Reading Approval of Solid Waste Franchise for Vanessa Harrison-Locklear d/b/a Trash-It-Now BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County requires a County issued franchise to collect solid waste. Pursuant to Section 44-55 of the New Hanover County Code, the applicant has provided information about her business organization, equipment, personnel and financial plans. The Environmental Management Director has no objection to the franchise request. The initial franchise period will run for seven years. The first reading was unanimously approved September 8, 2009. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize franchise award. Upon award, the franchisee will provide certificates of insurance, agree to not bring outside waste into the County, and to haul all waste to a County designated facility. ATTACHMENTS: Trash-It-Now COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 2-0 Trash-It-Now trash-it-now@hotmail. com Business Name: Trash-It-Now Owner: Vanessa Harrison-Locklear, Sole Proprietorship 2601 Rothbury Way Wilmington, NC 28411 Phone: (910) 471-3302 Additional Contact: Billy Locklear, Supervisor Phone: (910) 471-3318 Physical Address: 10 Sheridan Dr Wilmington, NC 28401 Equipment using: • 1988 International Garbage Truck • 96 gal plastic trash cans Board of Commissioners Meeting noi~ i i~nno Vl/L11/L1VVI 2 - 1 - 1 Number of Employees: 3 • Billy Locklear (Driver)- Class A licensed 0 3-4 years experience in Residential Solid Waste Collection • Jason Wilson (Helper) • Exbar Martinez (Helper) Operations: • Residential Only (County areas) Hours of Operations: • 5-6:30 am until complete Insurance: • Commercial General Liability Insurance 0 500,000 -1 million (will purchased upon 15t approval) • Commercial Liability Auto Insurance 0 100/300/50 Financial Statements: Not Applicable: New Business- all monies are currently out-of-pocket to get started. Remarks: This is a small company, family owned and operated. There is only one truck to start. Once business starts to grow, more trucks will be purchased. We plan to have a max of 5 trucks in three years. If any further documentation is needed, please contact Billy Locklear. Board of Commissioners Meeting noi~ i i~nno Vl/L1/L.VVI 2-1-2 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: September 21, 2009 CONSENT ITEM: 3 DEPARTMENT: County Attorney PRESENTER(S): Kemp Burpeau CONTACT(S): Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney SUBJECT: First Reading Approval of Solid Waste Franchise for Job-Site Container Co., Inc. BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County requires a County issued franchise to collect solid waste. Pursuant to Section 44-55 of the New Hanover County Code, the applicant has provided information about the business organization, equipment, personnel, and financial plans. The Environmental Management Director has no objection to the franchise request. The initial franchise period will run for seven years. A second reading is required for final franchise award. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize franchise award. Upon award, the franchisee will provide certificates of insurance, agree to not bring outside waste into the County, and to haul all waste to a County designated facility. ATTACHMENTS: Job-Site Docs COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 3-0 ~ ~ Ta: Kena. Bu~peau pA~ September 2, ~~49 P From: Karin Fiscella ~A~ . o~r~ Re: Jo~Site Container Ca., Inc. I a~n atta~chin information about Job-side ~on#~a~n~ Company, a~ per our precious Gom~aunica~ons; 1 a c of the Articles of Incorporation which indicate the official name, address, ~ } aPy and status as a co man with respect to ow~aership ' there are 1Q00 . ~ ~ shares. Kann ~xscelia owns 51 ~ shares and John A. F~aella owns 490 shares. (Z}Job-Site owns the following vehi~es I~enworth 1~oD ~20Q~} 1NKD~~F~~ 1J8?2834 Kenwcnth T3o0 ~2~~~} ~NI~MI~7~6YM852614 lnternatiQnal 4300 ~~aaG} 1 ~ 4~H31 SG31 ~3}Nomb~ of employees--- we employee one drier, Robert Beeson. John Fiscella, a stockholder ofthe corporation and it's president, also drives, when needed 4 B 'ence of licant in solid a collec~on 'The owners have ma~atained ~ } $PP this business far over four years in Brunswick County, v~ere we cofiect, tr~aaspott, and dispose of solid wash. 5 vo ies of the balance sheet for ~o4S and the profit ~ loss day. for p ~~8 and 20D9 yearMto~ate are at~ched. The balance sly shows the oa~npany's net worth. Please let me know whether this infonaation is suffiicient T~nak you Karim FisGella Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI Z-d 3 -1-1 dtt:V6 60 ~o deS 77~~ ~~e Feed: 7f.00~ 3:53:00 ~ F~aine Niarsba0 North Csmalina Spry at Stye C~005~QG~3 State of Nerth ~uroliaa D~epart~t of the ry of Sate A~'~I~~ES ~N~alt~~R~l'~t~N eneral Statutes of l~or~ Carolina, the t~~ersig' hereby Pursuant tIo ASS-~-~2 of the G boon. 't these ~ticles of Incarparadan far the purpose of fornung a business corpora subnu e of the av radon is: ~~B-+5I'~E ~~NTA~N~~ G~.~ Il~~. 1, 'i'he nam ~ number of shares the corparati~ is authorized to issue is:1,00~ 2. The These shams shah be: ewer o ar bj a. ~ all of one class, designated as co~nman stock; ar -into classes or series within $ class as provided iri the gttached b, dxvxded . hedui with the infarmadon required by N-~•~•S• Section ~5-G-0] . sG es s ~d of the initial registered ofllce of the corporation is: ~ 3. The s~eet cadres tY Dumber and Street: 37ot I~alrfie~d Way i Cade: Saath rt, Narth Caro 261 County: Btu~swidc City, State, ~ p Fa • erred ~ tie street addrrss, of the initial registered office is: 4. The n~ address, Post mice Box ~ t ~ ~ Saa~p Narth Carolit~ ~84b1 5. The Warne of the iaitYal registered agent is: John ~hcel~ 6, Pnnci o#~iice inform ~~ostse~ect eether a or b~) a~ X 'f he corporation bas a principal once. and coon of the p~ingpal o#~ioe of the corpora is: 'f he street address ty Number aad suet: 3?al F~rfie~d ~aY South rt, I~arth C.aro~a 2~d61 County: Braanswick C~ty~ State ~tp Code' pQ -._~r - ~ s Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI , E 3 -1- 2 dtrb:V0 60 40 deS w ~~~t ~rddr ~ ~l Brent fna~r ~ S'tA~d~'S~, O~the pl'~Cipa~ once of The m~u ~ ~ ~ tfie corpora~vr~ is: Pert Box 1~XZ Sport, Nordx Canna X461 b. 'The oorpor~ion does ~t have a princi a~iice. Air! other ~sions, vrrhich dte corporation eie~ to it~ud~ are ached. 7. Y i~ 8. Tie nar~ae aid address Qf each incorporator is a~ fotiows: James R. 3r. P~E~ATTE, P~A3"CE AND C~A~~B~LL, PLL~ Post ice Box 10969 a Sonthpo~t, N ~arouaa ~846~ aa~tic~es will be ef~ectiwe upon filing unless a date a~ndlor tune is specified. 9. This the day of Jaly, 2005. i tune James R. Prevatte,lr., Incorporator . aT Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI .V@d 3 -1- 3 dgti:ti0 60 ~o deS Sep 4~ 49 44:45p p15 1', I~li• f .r 1{~•+1~~~, ~1i r~~ ti 5 i'~ , .,r ~11~ lq~,~~}~~~%C~yy ~r . • .y ~ i i +IT~f"~ :i !er ~l 'r~ w~ 1~ ~~K i.l.,l~ri 1 ; ti.•`~.'~ ~ ~~+tr.!!!!j, / r' 4 r r r' 1.• rMn f' ~ 1 i f„. ly''~'r~~ ~ ~i { 7r~~ Jr 7 tiiC?: f .t i`•~~"wi?{, I~mt3 S~ {r.~f w.'~'rL.`r.,f,~t~r•~+ •7r` •1{ ~~ryF ice. 3' '•r~~••„' yN 1 WJ I ~ j . 1 ~ ~`r Mr ~►/ry al ♦ .51.~~:,ti~,"NI~F,M"`d~~~~' ~~~"~r I ijl' y`l'ZL.• 7~•. 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W r s Ya _ v's!', ~ 7SNR i ~r 6 , x ~ y~ j, RP`"`'.~ra=".~rc~l, • y ~n .y,~ l~~Y'+e'~r/. e R • e~ n f. t . + 1 ~ pr 'L s ~ i `-11 ~ 0+^ La ! ~ ti fL' :.i I .°1~~.4 . kr ~ Y-0,: ,,y,lf , ' . •r.. ~ •1•l.:+■~ ~ ~ wy y ~ c21yy'' i 1~~. r dye. p~ ~ ~e'y.~~ y~~a~, r~ ~e ':11 r~:•'~~ • -t 'T•y+`„ ,11-~r« t .'S' ir"~ i G,~ T Lit ~r h ~ I ! ~r r%. r ' ~ .RJi * ~ "'h{!i •irw 1'~~~~L~ t ~ S vT~, ~1~..1' 7. • •y+ y,y~.Yy . ~ rh r' t ~y~' i 1.}~ x .a ~ ~,~~''1~~ ~ 1 r~~~ . r ' ~1...II~~#~~ y J I I w~~ Fa ~ 'W,;~. i l r ~ " r}` f.r ~ } _ `~r ky~ . ~ 1 . • • ' ~ ~ B~`c~of ~'mmissloners N e ting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 3-1-4 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: September 21, 2009 CONSENT ITEM: 4 DEPARTMENT: Human Resources PRESENTER(S): Andre' Mallette, Assistant County Manager CONTACT(S): Andre' Mallette SUBJECT: Approval of New Hanover County Personnel Policy Revisions BRIEF SUMMARY: The proposed personnel policy revisions constitute an overhaul of the manual to update its format, organization and language from the original document, approved in 1977. The revisions will hopefully improve readability so that both supervisors and employees may use it as a helpful reference. Some of the subject matter has been rearranged for better flow of information and search logic. Also, the revisions contain some of the practices developed over the years which have become policy. Generally, the revisions do not represent substantive changes. However, there are some notable changes: Article 6 -Conditions of Employment - adds a policy on solicitation for donations; Article 8 -includes a section on performance management and the informal coaching of employees with performance or conduct deficiencies as distinguished from formal disciplinary corrective action. It also includes the elimination of "verbal warnings" and the "employee consultation memo" from the progressive disciplinary process to be replaced by the "disciplinary action memo" to eliminate some of the confusion about verbal and written disciplinary actions; Article 9 -rearranges the subject matter and combines the appeal and grievance procedure into the same article; Article 10 -reinstates the benefit of continued health and dental coverage for elected officials once they leave office as authorized under Senate Bill 468. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request consideration and approval of the proposed policy revisions and recommend that they become effective upon approval. ATTACHMENTS: Revised Policies Revised Policies Revised Policies Revised Policies COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: The item was withdrawn. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 4-0 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ ARTICLE 6 CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT 6.0 Purpose and This Article describes the working conditions and workplace Applicability environment employees should expect and the expectations held for of this Article employee conduct. It applies to all employees, except as described herein. 6.1 Workweek For payroll purposes, the workweek established for New Hanover County employees is the seven-day period from Tuesday through Monday. Generally, the standard operating hours and scheduled work hours for County employees is Monday through Friday, B:OOam - S :OOpm. However, other work schedules are created for some departments or operations. When the activities of a particular department require some other schedule to meet work needs, the County Manager may authorize a deviation from the normal schedule. For reasons of curtailment of work or lack of funds, the County Manager, in consultation with the Board of County Commissioners, may institute changes to work weeks, days and hours of operation of County offices, work schedules, and the number of hours employees maybe scheduled to work, for as long as the County Manager deems necessary. The County Manager, in consultation with the Board of County Commissioners, may implement a furlough plan. 6.2 Breaks County employees maybe granted a ten (10) minute break in the morning and afternoon (except where the duties and responsibilities of the j ob prohibit such), at which time they may leave their workstations to pursue personal interests. Breaks are not required by any employment law; rather, this provision is simply County policy. 6.3 Gifts and No official or employee of the County will accept any valuable gift, Favors whether in the form of service, loan, thing or promise from any person who to the employee's knowledge is interested directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever in business dealings with the County. No official or employee will accept any gift, favor, or thing of value that may tend to influence that employee in the discharge of duties. No official or employee will grant in the discharge of duties any improper favor, service, or thing of value. 6.4 Solicitation The County fully supports the efforts of employees to raise funds for Purpose and charitable causes and non-profit organizations, as long as these Applicability activities do not conflict with conducting County business during regular hours of operation. Therefore, a policy has been developed with respect to soliciting donations on County property or time. This Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 1 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 4-1-1 i.; 4 ~ ,New Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ policy applies to all employees. 6.4.1 Solicitation Employees shall not use the County e-mail system to broadcast Policy solicitations for donations to a charitable cause ornon-profit organization, unless with prior approval by the County Manager. However, employees may use the County Intranet site to do so. Soliciting donations for charitable causes ornon-profit organizations within an employee's department is allowable with prior approval of the department head. Soliciting donations from employees in other departments must be approved by the County Manager or his designee. Soliciting, taking and delivering orders, receiving payments and related activities shall not interfere with the employee's work or the work of others. These activities should be restricted to employee breaks and lunch times. There maybe some fund-raising campaigns endorsed by the County which maybe exempt from the prohibitions in this policy. 6.5 Political Every employee has a civic responsibility to support good Activity government by every available means and in every appropriate Restricted manner. Employees may join or affiliate with civic organizations of a partisan or political nature, may attend political meetings, may advocate and support the principles or policies of civic or political organizations in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the State of North Carolina and in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the United States of America. However, no employee will: a. Engage in any political or partisan activity while on duty (In addition to normal work, the words "on duty" shall be understood to include attendance and participation in functions where political candidates or parties are endorsed if County funds are used for expense of traveling or membership in such organization.); b. Use official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election or a nomination for office; c. Be required as a duty of office of employment or as a condition for employment, promotion, or tenure of office to contribute funds for political or partisan purposes; d. Coerce or compel contributions for political or partisan purposes by any other employee of the County; or e. Use any supplies or equipment or "funds" of the County for political or partisan purposes. Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 2 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-2 i.; 4 ~ ,New Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ County employees in certain federally-aided programs maybe covered by the Hatch Act as amended in 1975. This Federal Act, in addition to prohibiting (b), (c), and (d) above, also prohibits candidacy for elective office in a partisan election. Any violation of this section shall be deemed improper and shall subject such employee to dismissal or other disciplinary action by the appointing authority. 6.6 Outside The County recognizes that sometimes an employee maybe Employment employed outside of the County. However, the work of the County Purpose and will take precedence over other occupational interests or employment Applicability and this policy provides guidelines for appropriate outside employment. This policy applies to all County employees. 6.6.1 Outside Employees may work in outside employment, if the employment is Employment properly requested and approved and it does not conflict with the Policy employee's County job. Outside employment is self employment or any employment for salaries, wages, tips or commission other than the position held with the County. 6.6.2 Outside Any employee considering outside employment shall report to the Employment responsible supervisor his/her intentions prior to the beginning of the Procedures job, occupation or self employment. The responsible supervisor shall review the outside employment and assure that it does not: a. Coincide or conflict with hours of scheduled work with the County; b. Conflict with job responsibilities or affect the employee's ability to perform satisfactorily at in the County j ob; c. Cause an employee to arrive late for, or leave early from, any scheduled shift or work hours in the County j ob; or d. Constitute a conflict of interest with the County. The supervisor will then forward the request through appropriate routes to the Human Resources Director (or elected official), who will review the request for potential conflicts of interest or liabilities with the County in general and give final approval (or denial). Failure to seek approval for outside employment as outlined above or to maintain such employment when not approved shall be cause for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. If attendance or work performance is determined to be compromised by outside employment, approval for outside employment maybe withdrawn. Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 3 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-3 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ 6.7 Prohibited Persons employed by New Hanover County may not serve on any Board, board, committee or commission established by resolution or State Commission or statutes in the agency or department for which they work and receive Committee wages. Prior to accepting such an appointment, the employee must Service terminate his/her employment with the respective agency or department. 6.8 Patents and The County has a legal interest in all inventions of County personnel Copyrights that are conceived or first actually produced as a part of or as a result of County research activities within the scope of the inventor's employment by the County, and activities involving the use of County time, facilities, staff, materials, or County information not available to the public. 6.8.1 Patents and County personnel who, either alone or in association with others, Copyrights make an invention in which the County has or may have an interest Employee shall disclose such inventions to the County Manager in writing. Responsibility The inventor will be notified in writing of the decision of the County Manager as to whether the County will accept the invention for patenting or licensing. If the County chooses neither to file a patent application or otherwise make available commercially nor to dedicate to the public an invention in which it asserts its rights, the invention at the County Manager's discretion, may be released in writing to the inventor. As to any invention in which the County has an interest, the inventor, upon request, shall execute promptly all contracts, assignments, waivers or other legal documents necessary to vest in the County or its assignees any or all rights to the invention, including complete assignment of any patents or patent applications relating to the invention. 6.8.2 Patents and County personnel may not sign patent agreements with outside Copyrights persons or organizations which may abrogate the County's rights and Prohibitions interest as stated in the Patent Policy or as provided by any grant or contract funding the invention, nor without prior authorization use the name of the County or any of its units in connection with any invention in which the County has an interest. 6.8.3 Patents and If the inventor believes that the invention was made outside the Copyrights general scope of his or her County duties, and if the inventor does not Waiver of choose to assign the rights in the invention to the County, the County Rights inventor shall, in the invention disclosure, request that the County Manager determine the respective rights of the County and the inventor in the invention, and shall also include in the disclosure Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 4 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-4 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ information on the following points: a. The circumstances under which the invention was made and developed; b. Whether he or she requests waiver or release of any County claims or his or her representation that the County has no claim; c. The extent to which he or she would be willing voluntarily to assign domestic and foreign rights in the invention to the County if it should be determined that an assignment of the invention to the County is not required under the Patent and Copyright Policies. 6.9 Employment of Members of an immediate family will not be employed at the same Relatives time if such employment would result in an employee directly or Limitations indirectly supervising amember ofhis/her immediate family. Immediate family is defined for the purpose of this section as wife, husband, mother, father, daughter, son, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter, grandson, mother-in-law, father-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, half sister, half brother, stepmother, stepfather, stepson, stepdaughter, stepsister, or stepbrother. 6.10 Safety New Hanover County will provide a safe and healthful working place for all employees in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. The County Manager will insure a safe and healthful working place for all employees, through proper administration, implementation and enforcement of the provisions of these regulations. The Manager may appoint a Safety Officer to plan and recommend a continuing program of safety that adheres to all applicable Federal, State, and local laws, codes and regulations pertaining to employee safety. It shall be the responsibility of every employee of the County to display a positive attitude toward safety and injury prevention by following all safety rules and regulations established in the County's Safety Program. The employee will report all accidents and unsafe conditions to his immediate supervisor. Accidents are to include all unplanned occurrences, whether or not employee injury was involved. 6.11 Physical All sworn law enforcement officers and firefighters will be required Examinations to have a physical examination to determine fitness-for-duty prior to employment and maybe subj ect to subsequent evaluations during employment. 6.12 Identification The County's badge system serves a dual purpose: to provide Badge Policy identification and to provide access to specific buildings or areas when the doors are locked to the general public. Consistent with Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 5 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-5 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ established procedures, appropriate badges are issued to employees, board and committee members, and certain visitors. All employees are required to wear issued badges while in an official working capacity, including visiting other departments. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. A lost or stolen badge must be reported immediately to the Human Resources Department so that it may be deactivated. Employees failing to adhere to this requirement will be subject to disciplinary actions. Employees maybe charged for replacement badges. Any exception to the provision of this policy must be approved by the County Manager. 6.13 No Smoking In addition to the significant risks of smoking to smokers, there is Purpose and increasing scientific evidence that passive smoke is linked to a Applicability variety of negative health consequences. The regulation and control of smoking in buildings and vehicles owned or leased by New Hanover County is a matter of vital concern, affecting the public health, safety, and welfare of all persons employed by or transacting business with New Hanover County. This policy covers all employees and other persons in County buildings or vehicles. 6.13.1 No Smoking Smoking is not permitted in any county-owned or leased buildings or Policy vehicles, or in certain restricted areas outside of buildings near entrances or equipment. Smoking may be permitted on approved breaks in areas outside of buildings designated by the County Safety Officer. 6.13.2 No Smoking The provisions of this policy shall be enforced by management Enforcement personnel. Any reports of questionable practices or violations shall be taken seriously and referred to the County Safety Officer for resolution. Retaliatory actions against a complainant will not be condoned by New Hanover County, and should be reported to the Human Resources Director. 6.14 Purchasing County employees are prohibited from purchasing any surplus county Surplus personal property of monetary value, whether purchased by the County County or donated to any representative or department of the County. Property This restriction applies to all auctions and other sales events. Prohibited 6.15 Respectful New Hanover County recognizes its responsibility to build and Workplace maintain a respectful workplace, where all employees and citizens Policy- enjoy an environment in which the dignity and self respect of every Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 6 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-6 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ Purpose and person is valued and which is free of offensive remarks, material or Applicability behavior. This policy establishes a standard for appropriate workplace conduct. This policy covers all County employees, including regular, temporary, contract workers, volunteers, and anyone else on County property or engaged in County business with a County employee, whether or not on County property. Violation of this policy by any individual will be subject to appropriate corrective action. Violation of this policy by a County employee may lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 6.15.1 Respectful It is the policy of New Hanover County to maintain a professional Workplace and respectful work and public service environment. The County will Policy not tolerate disrespectful behavior by or towards any employee or other individual by employees, visitors or vendors. This policy provides for: a. Fostering a workplace which values diversity; personal dignity; courteous conduct; mutual respect, fairness and equality; positive communication between people; collaborative working relationships; b. A reporting/complaint procedure for any individual who experiences or witnesses behavior prohibited by this policy; c. A response procedure for supervisors who become aware of behavior prohibited by this policy; d. Accountability for violations or enforcement failures through appropriate disciplinary actions; e. Actions by the County to heighten employees' and supervisors' awareness of workplace violence issues, including domestic violence as it relates to the workplace. This policy prohibits disrespectful behavior, including but not limited to, the following: a. Offensive and inappropriate remarks, gestures, material and behavior; b. Grouping or isolating; c. Yelling; d. Belittling; e. Reprimanding in the presence of others; f. Aggressive or patronizing behavior; g. Embarrassing or humiliating behavior; h. Damaging gossip or rumors; i. Covert behavior, i.e., inappropriately withholding information, undermining, underhandedness; j . Unlawful discrimination or harassment as defined by federal and state laws; Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 7 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-7 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ Employee Responsibilities: a. Treat others with respect; b. Set an example by respecting the dignity and human rights of all employees and members of the public; c. Recognize and refrain from actions that offend, embarrass or humiliate others; d. Raise disrespectful conduct with the employee displaying it or with a person in authority as soon as possible; e. Do not make allegations of disrespectful behavior that are frivolous or vindictive; f. Make every effort to resolve respectful workplace, where possible in an informal manner. Supervisory/Management Responsibilities: a. Supervisors and managers are responsible to immediately act upon any situation involving disrespectful behavior. They will: b. Promote awareness of this policy; c. Recognize and address actions that offend, embarrass or humiliate others; d. Treat each situation as a serious matter; e. Manage the situation towards a resolution between the parties if possible, with a view to correcting behavior and preserving long term working relationships; f. Ensure that there are no reprisals against employees making a complaint or participating in an investigation; g. Provide support to employees who are experiencing the effects of disrespectful behavior; h. Inform employees of Employee Assistance Program services; i. Consult with Human Resources if the situation cannot be resolved. 6.15.2 Respectful An employee who believes he or she has been subj ected to a Workplace violation of this policy and who has either opted not to try to Policy personally resolve the situation or who has been unsuccessful in Procedures- attempting a resolution should report the violation immediately to his Reporting or her supervisor. If the employee's supervisor is the source of the Violations alleged policy violation, or if the employee's supervisor does not respond to the report in a timely and appropriate manner, the employee should contact the Human Resources Department. 6.15.3 Respectful New Hanover County will promptly and thoroughly investigate any Workplace verbal or written report of a violation of this policy, and will respond Policy to the reporting employee or other individual regarding the results of Procedures- the investigation, except that specific personnel actions taken may Investigating not be revealed. The investigation will be kept reasonably Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 8 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-8 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ Reports of confidential; however, it may be necessary to confront the employee Violations who has allegedly violated the policy concerning the allegation. 6.15.4 Respectful Any employee found to have acted in violation of this policy shall be Workplace subject to appropriate corrective and disciplinary actions, up to and Policy including dismissal. Any visitor or vendor found to have acted in Procedures- violation of this policy shall be subj ect to responsive action as Corrective determined appropriate by the County, up to and including being Actions removed from the workplace and being prohibited from returning in the future. 6.15.5 Respectful New Hanover County will not tolerate retaliation or intimidation Workplace directed towards any employee or other individual who makes a Policy verbal or written report of a violation of this policy or serves as a Procedures- witness to a violation of this policy. Any individual who retaliates Retaliation against or intimidates an employee making a report or a witness shall to subj ect to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. 6.16 Unlawful The County is committed to maintaining a work environment free of Workplace discrimination and harassment where all employees are free to devote Harassment their full attention and best efforts to the job. Harassment, either Policy intentional or unintentional, has no place in the work environment. Purpose and Accordingly, the County does not authorize and will not tolerate any Applicability form of harassment of and by anyone based on race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age or disability. This policy covers all County employees, applicants or other individuals in the County workplace. 6.16.1 Unlawful In accordance with employment discrimination law, the County Workplace prohibits any supervisor, employee, agent or customer of the County Harassment from harassing or otherwise discriminating against any individual on Policy the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age or Statement disability. Nor shall any supervisor, employee, agent or customer of the County make unsolicited or unwanted sexual advances of a verbal or physical nature toward another employee, applicant for employment or any other individual. Personnel decisions (including decisions affecting hiring, promotion, work assignments, disciplinary actions, receipt of benefits, or participation in organization-sponsored programs) shall not be based on an individual's protected status, or submission to or rejection of any act of sexual harassment. Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 9 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-9 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ All complaints of unlawful workplace harassment, including sexual harassment, will be investigated promptly and where necessary, immediate appropriate action will be taken to stop and remedy any such conduct. Any supervisor, agent or employee found in violation of this policy is subj ect to disciplinary action, including dismissal. Unlawful workplace harassment is unwelcome or unsolicited speech or conduct based on race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age or disability that creates a hostile work environment. 6.16.2 Unlawful Sexual harassment is defined by EEOC guidelines as "unwelcome Workplace sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or Harassment physical conduct of a sexual nature," where one or more of the Description of following occur: Prohibited a. Submission to sexual advances is a term or condition of Conduct employment; b. Submission to or rej ection of sexual advances is used as the basis for making employment decisions; c. Such verbal or physical conduct, explicit or implicit, interferes with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. The term "harassment" includes, but is not limited to, offensive language, j okes or other verbal, graphic or physical conduct relating to an individual's race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age or disability which would make a reasonable person experiencing harassment uncomfortable in the work environment or which could interfere with the person's job performance. Sexual harassment may be overt or subtle. Sexual harassment does not refer to behavior or occasional compliments of a socially acceptable nature. It refers to personally offensive behavior. Some examples of behavior which may constitute sexual harassment are: making unwelcome sexual flirtation, advances, request for sexual favors, or other verbal, visual, physical conduct of a sexual nature creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment by such conduct as: sexual innuendo or sexually suggestive comments, including, but not limited to, sexually oriented picking, teasing, or practical jokes; jokes about gender-based traits; foul or obscene language or gestures; subtle or direct pressure or requests for sexual activities; unnecessary touching of an individual, such as pinching, patting, brushing up against another body; graphic verbal comments about an individual's body or appearance, sexually degrading words to describe an individual; the reading or display of sexually suggestive or revealing words, objects or pictures; or physical assault. Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 10 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-10 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ 6.16.3 Unlawful The following procedures are written to encourage individuals who Workplace perceive instances of unlawful workplace harassment, including Harassment sexual harassment, to use the County's internal procedures to resolve Complaint the situation and/or complaint without fear of retaliation. Once a Procedures complaint is received, the County has an obligation to thoroughly investigate the complaint and take appropriate action. a. The complaining party should report, orally or in writing, any instances of perceived unlawful workplace harassment, including sexual harassment, to his or her supervisor, department head, and/or to any member of Human Resources staff. b. The supervisor or department head to whom the complaint is made shall notify the Human Resources Department within three (3) business days of the complaint. c. The Human Resources Department will receive the written complaint and any supporting evidence and/or documentation or cause a written complaint to be made from interviewing the complaining party. d. The Human Resources Director shall notify all concerned parties that a complaint has been filed. e. The Human Resources Director will assign the complaint to a Human Resources staff member who will immediately begin to investigate the complaint. f. The investigation will consist of interviewing all concerned parties, including the complaining party, the alleged offender(s) and witnesses, and gathering any other relevant evidence or documentation. g. The Human Resources Director will take appropriate interim action, if necessary. h. The investigation shall be completed and a report given to the Human Resources Director within fifteen (15) business days of the receipt by the Human Resources Department of the written complaint, unless an extension is granted by the complaining party will make a determination as to the resolution of the complaint and will notify the concerned parties of the determination. i. Individuals found in violation of this policy shall be subj ect to disciplinary actions, up to and including dismissal. The Human Resources Director will determine appropriate disciplinary action and will notify the employee in writing of the determination, the effective date, the reason therefor, and the employee's appeal rights under this Article. The written notification shall be sent to the employee's home address by certified, registered mail. Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 11 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-11 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ All complaints and subsequent investigations will be held in strictest confidence. 6.16.4 Unlawful Retaliatory actions against the complaining party and his/her Workplace witnesses will not be tolerated by New Hanover County. Complaints Harassment of retaliation will be immediately investigated and appropriate action No Retaliation will be taken by the Human Resources Director. 6.16.5 Unlawful If the employee wishes to appeal the Human Resources Director's Workplace determination and disciplinary action and if the employee has Harassment successfully completed the introductory period, he or she may, within Complaint five (5) business days after receipt of the determination, appeal in Determination writing to the County Manager. The appeal must be received by the Appeal County Manager's Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on the fifth day. Procedures The appeal must contain the employee's response to the charges, a response to the disciplinary actions taken, the remedy desired and any other pertinent information or evidence. If the appealed disciplinary action is dismissal, the County Manager may grant a hearing with the employee. Otherwise, the County Manager will review the contents of the file prepared by the Human Resources Director and the contents of the employee's appeal. If the appeal does not involve a hearing, the County Manager will render a decision, which includes the basis for the decision and evidence relied upon, within five (5) business days after receipt of the appeal and will send the decision to the employee's home by certified, registered mail. The decision of the County Manager will be final. In the event a hearing is held, the appealing employee and the Human Resources Director will both be present and have the right to be represented by counsel. Either party may request the presence of any person(s) who will provide information to assist the County Manager in making a decision. The names of such persons, including the name of counsel hired by the employee, and how each is related to the case, shall be submitted to the County Manager no later than five (5) business days prior to the hearing date. The County Manager will reserve the right to limit the number of persons to appear. The County Manager will render a decision, which includes the basis for the decision and evidence relied upon, within five (5) business days after the hearing and will send the decision to the employee's home by certified, registered mail. The decision of the County Manager will be final. Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 12 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-12 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ 6.16.6 Formal Although employees are encouraged to pursue resolution through Harassment these internal procedures available to them, whether they do or not, Charge they retain the right to file a formal charge of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). 6.17 Workplace New Hanover County is committed to providing a workplace which Violence is safe, secure and free from violence. Workplace violence includes, Policy- but is not limited to, intimidation, bullying, threats, physical attacks, Purpose and domestic violence, or property damage committed by County Applicability employees or other individuals against County employees while on County property or while in the performance of their duties. These kinds of behaviors will not be tolerated and, if they occur, will be appropriately addressed in accordance with this policy. Also included in this policy, are proactive provisions to heighten awareness of violence in the workplace, including domestic violence, and to provide guidance for employees and management in recognizing and appropriately responding to these issues. This policy covers all County employees, including regular and temporary employees, contract workers, volunteers, and anyone else on County property or engaged in County business with a County employee, whether or not on County property. Violation of this policy by any individual will be subj ect to appropriate legal action. Violation of this policy by a County employee may lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 6.17.1 Workplace This policy provides for: Violence Policy a. A reporting/complaint procedure for any individual who Statement experiences or witnesses behavior prohibited by this policy; b. A response procedure for supervisors who become aware of behavior prohibited by this policy; c. Accountability for violations or enforcement failures through appropriate disciplinary actions; d. Actions by the County to heighten employees' and supervisors' awareness of workplace violence issues, including domestic violence as it relates to the workplace; e. Supporting victims of workplace or domestic violence; f. Fostering a climate of trust and respect among workers and between employees and management; and g. When necessary, seeking advice and assistance from outside resources, including threat assessment; psychologists, psychiatrists and other professionals, social service agencies, and law enforcement. Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 13 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-13 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ This policy prohibits any acts of aggression or violence from any individual while on County property or against a County employee acting as a representative of the County, whether on County property or not. These acts include but are not limited to: a. Any act or threat of bodily harm or property damage, including subtle or implied threats to an individual or his or her family, friends, or associates. (A threat is the expression of an intent to cause physical harm or property damage as would be perceived by a reasonable person, without regard to whether the party communicating the threat has the present ability to carry it out; whether the threat is subtle or overt in nature; or whether the expression is contingent, conditional or future). b. Fighting or other physical altercations. (A physical altercation is unwanted or hostile physical contact such as fighting, hitting, pushing, shoving, throwing objects, grabbing, touching or any unwanted physical contact.) c. Unauthorized possession or use of any weapon or caustic/dangerous chemicals, whether concealed or visible, on County property, except by sworn law enforcement officers or other employees as required to perform their j ob duties. d. Use or threat of use of weapon on/in County property. (A weapon includes, but is not limited to, firearms, explosives, caustics/chemicals, ammunition, knives or other dangerous or deadly weapons.) Use of other items as weapons, such as a tool or furniture, is also prohibited. e. Use of language which would be regarded by a reasonable person as likely to invoke violence. f. Repeated following of another individual, known as "stalking" or threatening another person with the intent to place the other person in reasonable fear ofhis/her safety. g. Making harassing or threatening phone calls, letters or other forms of written or electronic communications. h. Intentionally damaging or threatening to damage County or employee property. 6.17.2 Workplace Employees have the responsibility to adhere to this policy and its Violence Policy established preventive practices and to report violent or threatening Employee behavior or other warning signs, following procedures established by Responsibility this policy. Any employee who experiences or witnesses any acts, conduct, behavior or communication which is in violation of this policy, must immediately contact either his/her supervisor, department head or the Human Resources Department, and if necessary, local law enforcement. Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 14 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-14 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ Employees should not try to handle a violent or potentially violent incident. When reporting an imminent threat and/or act of violence, an employee should first secure his/her own safety, contact local law enforcement and, if possible, alert persons in the immediate area. Employees threatened, assaulted or attacked, while on official duty in the field, shall immediately report such incidents to local law enforcement and their supervisor. If anyone commits a violent act or makes a direct threat while on County property, the person will be asked to leave by a supervisor. Should the person refuse to leave, local law enforcement should be contacted to assist in removing the person. Any employee who violates the workplace violence policy will receive appropriate disciplinary action which may include dismissal. Employees who have information about workplace violence, but do not report it in accordance with this policy, will be subj ect to appropriate disciplinary action which may include dismissal. The County will not tolerate retaliation against an employee for reporting instances of workplace violence. Incidents of retaliation should be reported to the Human Resources Department immediately. Every effort will be made to protect the safety and anonymity of anyone who comes forward with concerns about a threat or act of violence. 6.17.3 Workplace Supervisors and managers will support the County's policies created Violence Policy to provide work environments that are safe from violence, threats and Supervisory/ harassing/aggressive behavior. To that end, they shall: Management a. Inform all employees that workplace violence or other abusive, Responsibility aggressive or disruptive behavior in any form will not be tolerated in the workplace. b. Be aware of any patterns or changes in employee behavior which could pose a concern for the workplace. Such behavior should be documented by the supervisor for the record. Changes in behavior should be addressed with the employee after consultation with Human Resources. c. Be alert to the possibility of workplace violence on the part of former employees, citizens or others. d. Offer support to victims of workplace violence, which includes domestic violence. e. Be aware of the location and telephone numbers of community resources available in responding to any actual or potential workplace violence, including domestic violence. The County intends to publish, maintain, and post in locations of high Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 15 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-15 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ V1Slblllty, a list of resources for survivors and perpetrators of domestic violence. f. When aware of a threat or imminent danger of violence to an employee, immediately notify that employee of the danger and notify law enforcement or the Human Resources Department. g. Notify law enforcement or the Human Resources Department when they receive a notice or complaint of workplace violence or if they suspect that these acts are occurring or have occurred. h. Take all threats seriously. Failure to appropriately respond to complaints or observed threat or imminent danger situations may result in disciplinary action which may include dismissal. i. Maintain appropriate confidentiality for the victim. 6.17.4 Workplace To respond to an event of actual or threatened workplace violence, Violence the County will use athree-level plan of action. The Human Response Resources Director or his designee will serve in the lead role and will assemble others as needed. Level l: Threats When an individual states or implies a threat of violence, the employee(s) who received or observed the threat shall immediately alert a supervisor. The supervisor, as soon as possible, should notify and consult with the Human Resources Director, his designee or the County Safety Officer. The supervisor will then document the incident and any actions taken, a copy of which will be forwarded to the Human Resources Director or his designee. Level 2: Danger is imminent An immediate threat of violence shall be reported in accordance with the policy set forth above. After law enforcement personnel have been called to secure the location, the supervisor will contact the Human Resources Director, his designee or the County Safety Officer. The Human Resources Director or his designee will conduct an investigation of the incident and determine what other actions are needed. Level 3: An act of violence which results in injuries or death When a violent act occurs in the workplace, the first priority will be to attend to the immediate danger and injuries. The first response to Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 16 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-16 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ an actual act of violence is to contact appropriate emergency response personnel. As soon as possible, the supervisor on location will contact the Human Resources Director, his designee or the County Safety Officer. The Human Resources Director or his designee will be responsible for coordinating the administrative investigation of the incident and determining what other resources are needed for the County to respond to the incident. The County's response will include assembling resources to address employee needs and media requests. Details of the administrative investigation will be kept confidential unless prohibited by law. 6.17.5 Domestic The County shall not discharge, demote, deny a promotion, or Violence discipline an employee because the employee took reasonable time Victim off from work to obtain relief under Chapter SOB (domestic violence Workplace order of protection) or Chapter SOC (civil no-contact order for Issues nonconsensual sexual contact or stalking). An employee who is absent from the workplace to obtain such relief shall follow the department's usual leave request policy or procedure, including advance notice to the employee's supervisor, unless an emergency prevents the employee from doing so. Management may require documentation of any emergency that prevented the employee from complying in advance with the department's usual leave request procedure, or any other information available to the employee which supports the employee's reason for being absent from the workplace. Consistent with the County's usual leave policies, employees may apply available personal or sick leave to obtain medical, counseling, or legal assistance to address problems relating to workplace or domestic violence. Depending on the circumstances, employees who are victims of workplace or domestic violence may also need special accommodations or adjustments to their work schedule or location in order to enhance their safety. Management shall use their discretion to accommodate these requests and needs whenever possible and appropriate. 6.18 Weapons in The County believes it is important to establish a clear policy that the Workplace addresses weapons in the workplace. All persons who enter County property are prohibited from carrying a handgun, firearm, knife, or other weapon of any kind regardless of whether the person is licensed to carry the weapon or not. The only exception to this policy will be police officers, deputy Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 17 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-17 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ sheriffs, security guards or other persons who have been given written consent by the County to carry a weapon on the property. Any employee disregarding this policy will be subj ect to immediate dismissal. 6.19 Alcohol and New Hanover County is committed to the goal of an alcohol and drug Drug Free free workplace. This commitment is based on the belief that it is the Workplace County's responsibility to maintain a safe and healthy working Policy- environment for employees and a productive, effective workforce for Purpose and the citizens of the county. This policy is intended to comply with all Applicability applicable federal and state laws governing anti-drug and alcohol programs, including those adopted by the U. S. Department of Transportation (DOT), and is designed to safeguard employee privacy rights to the fullest extent of the law. This policy covers applicants and all County employees to include regular employees, temporary employees and contract employees. Under federal guidelines, certain classes of employees are subject to special actions, such as random testing. For the County, these classes include employees in safety-sensitive positions. The Human Resources Director will maintain a comprehensive list of these positions subject to special actions, but generally the list will include, but is not be limited to, sworn law enforcement officers; detention officers; firefighters; employees who are responsible for testing and treating water, raw sewage or wastewater; employees who handle hazardous materials in large quantities; employees who operate, maintain, or provide direct supervision of the operation or maintenance of heavy equipment or any vehicle requiring a CDL to operate; or employees who may independently work closely with or transport children. 6.19.1 Alcohol and This policy provides for: Drug Free a. Assistance in treatment and rehabilitation for employees who Workplace notify an appropriate authority in their department or in the Policy Human Resources Department of an abuse problem prior to being discovered. In such cases, medical plan coverage is provided for both inpatient and outpatient treatment of employees who have County medical insurance coverage and the use of accrued leaves maybe approved for treatment and rehabilitation purposes. b. Training and guidelines for employees and supervisors. c. Drug and alcohol abuse testing: pre-placement; post-accident; reasonable suspicion; random; and return-to-duty and follow-up. d. Accountability for violations or enforcement failures through appropriate disciplinary actions. Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 18 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-18 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ This policy prohibits: a. The unauthorized use, consumption, possession or storage, manufacture, distribution, dispensation or sale of alcohol, controlled substances, illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia on County premises or any County work area, in County vehicles, or while on County business. b. Reporting to work or working while under the influence of illegal drugs, non-prescribed drugs or alcohol, on County premises or any County work area, in County vehicles, or while on County business. c. The use or possession of alcohol or illegal drugs off County premises and while not on duty where such conduct could likely have a direct and material adverse impact on the County's interests, including public image. d. Conviction of selling illegal drugs or of possession with intent to sell illegal drugs at any time or place. Conviction of any criminal drug or alcohol statute at any time or place-for some positions, to be evaluated on aper-case-basis for relevancy to j ob. e. Failure to notify the County of any arrest or conviction under any criminal drug or alcohol statute by the next work day following the arrest or conviction. f. Failure to notify the employee's supervisor, before beginning to work, that the employee is taking prescription Drover-the-counter drugs which may interfere with the safe and effective performance of duties. g. Refusal to immediately submit to an alcohol and drug test when requested by a supervisor, in accordance with this policy. h. Failure to adhere to the requirements of any drug or alcohol treatment program in which the employee is enrolled as a condition of continued employment. i. Tampering with or obstruction of a drug or alcohol test being administered by or for the County. 6.19.2 Alcohol and The Human Resources Director is responsible for administering this Drug Free policy and ensuring that employees are informed of the County Workplace policy during the new employee orientation. The Human Policy- Resources Director, under the direction of the County Manager, will Responsibility approve and be the focal point for the selection of new employees and for disciplinary measures to betaken with current employees based on guidelines described in this policy. Any confidential information on substance abuse maybe communicated by the Human Resources Director to the proper authority on a need-to-know basis. Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page 19 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-19 i.; 4 ~ ,New Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ A list of positions designated to be safety-sensitive for special actions, such as random testing, will be maintained by the Human Resources Director and will be made available upon request. Alcohol and drug free workplace issues in the Sheriff's Office will be the responsibility of the Sheriff. The Sheriff will be responsible for reporting tests results as required to the North Carolina Sheriff's Education and Training Standards Commission on employees holding certification from that Commission. Department directors are responsible for the proper application of the procedures in their departments and for holding supervisors accountable for the daily implementation of the policy. Department directors and supervisors shall be responsible for identifying abuse-related behavioral and performance problems, following the proper referral for testing, and taking appropriate disciplinary measures. Failure to take action when the supervisor has reasonable cause to believe an employee is impaired while at work will result in disciplinary action being taken against the supervisor. If in doubt about what action to take, the supervisor should consult with the department director, the Human Resources Director or the County Safety Officer. It is also the supervisor's responsibility to protect the privacy, confidentiality, and dignity of employees by minimizing the number of employees who learn of suspicions involving a co- worker'spossible substance abuse or actions taken against that employee. As a condition of employment, all employees are responsible for knowing and following the requirements of this policy. Employees are expected to report for work and perform their j obs in a sober condition, free of any illegal drugs or alcohol, or abuse of any legal prescribed or over-the-counter drugs. Employees shall inform their supervisor if they are taking or intending to take any prescribed or over-the-counter drugs or other substance which might impair their ability to satisfactorily and safely perform their j ob. They need not give the supervisor specific medical information, but rather simply inform the supervisor of the impact on j ob performance to allow the supervisor to evaluate and determine the appropriate course of action. 6.19.3 Employee An employee who voluntarily reveals a substance abuse problem to a Voluntarily supervisor before being notified to be tested, before testing positive Reveals for substance abuse and before other discovery of a substance abuse Substance problem, may voluntarily enroll in a drug or alcohol rehabilitation Abuse Problem program and is encouraged to use the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to do so. Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page ZO Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-20 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ An employee who voluntarily notifies his supervisor of a dependency maybe granted a medical leave in accordance with County policy on leaves of absence to undergo an agreed-to certified rehabilitation program which requires the employee to be absent from his duties. Return to work will be authorized upon certification to the Human Resources Department of successful completion of the program and a negative test result. Return-to-duty and follow-up: Employees who have voluntarily removed themselves from their j ob duties and have voluntarily undergone and successfully completed treatment for drug or alcohol abuse must submit to and furnish a negative test result prior to returning to duties. The return-to-duty test may involve both drug and alcohol tests, if the treating substance abuse professional indicates a multiple-substance abuse problem exists. These employees will also be subj ect to random, unannounced tests six (6) times a year for a period of up to two (2) years, as a condition of continued employment. Positive results on a test will result in immediate dismissal with no opportunity for reemployment. 6.19.4 Enforcement- To enforce this policy, drug/alcohol tests maybe administered as Drug/Alcohol follows: Testing a. Pre-employment: Applicants accepting a conditional offer of employment in any position will be required to submit to a test before being hired. Failure to submit to a test or a positive test will exclude an applicant from being hired. Applicants who test positive will not be considered for employment with the County for two (2) years after the test date and then only when they have presented acceptable proof of successful completion of a rehabilitation program and they pass apre-employment drug/alcohol test. b. Job Changes: Employees accepting a promotion, demotion or transfer to any position will be required to submit to a test before the personnel action can be completed, just as applicants are subject to pre-employment testing. Failure to submit to a test or a positive test will result in termination of employment with the County. Recruitment advertisements include the requirement for pre-employment drug screening so that applicants know of this requirement before applying. When the hiring department makes a conditional offer to a candidate, it arranges for the candidate to be tested. The Human Resources Department receives the results and notifies the hiring department. Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page Z1 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-21 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ c. Reasonable Suspicion: Employees maybe required to submit to a test if reasonable suspicion of illegal drug use or drug/alcohol use/abuse exists. "Reasonable suspicion" is a belief based on objective facts sufficient to lead a reasonable person to suspect an employee is impaired and incapable of satisfactorily and safely performing assigned duties and responsibilities. It is a quantity of proof or evidence that is more than just intuition or strong feeling; it must be based on facts. Facts supporting a reasonable suspicion determination include, but are not limited to, any one or more of the following: direct observation of prohibited drug or alcohol use; slurred speech; irregular or unusual speech patterns; impaired judgment; marijuana or alcohol odor; uncoordinated walking or movement; unusual or irregular behavior such as inattentiveness, listlessness, hyperactivity, hostility or aggressiveness; apattern ofexcessive absenteeism, tardiness or deterioration in work performance; a pattern of unexplained preventable accidents or information based on specific, objective facts that an employee has caused or contributed to an accident at work while under the influence of alcohol or drugs; a report of alcohol or drug use by an employee while at work by a credible source; possession of alcohol or drugs; evidence an employee is involved in the unauthorized possession, sale, solicitation or transfer of alcohol or drugs while working or while on the County's premises or operating a County vehicle, machinery or equipment; arrests, citations and deferred prosecutions associated with drugs or alcohol. When there is reasonable suspicion, the supervisor shall: 1. Arrange for another supervisor to verify reasonable suspicion, if possible. 2. Confront the employee privately about the performance/behavioral issues, stating suspicions, and allow the employee to state a reasonable explanation. A second party, preferably a supervisor, should be present. 3. The supervisor will inform the employee that a reasonable suspicion testis an obligation and refusal to submit to it will result in termination. If the employee agrees to take the test, the employee will be informed that s/he is suspended with pay and will be notified whether or not and under what circumstances s/he will be allowed to return to work. 4. The supervisor will transport the employee to the appropriate testing facility. The sample should be taken as soon as is practicable from the time the employee is suspected, but no later than two (2) hours following the determination of reasonable suspicion. If the test is not administered within Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page Z2 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-22 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ two (2) hours, the supervisor must document the reason(s) that the test was not properly administered. If the employee refuses to take the test, he or she will be immediately placed on administrative suspension without pay and scheduled for a pre-dismissal hearing with the department director. If the testing is not done within two (2) hours due to some reason other than the employee's refusal, the following should occur: The employee shall not be allowed to remain on duty until negative test result is obtained or 24 hours have elapsed following the determination of reasonable suspicion. d. Random: Employees in designated safety-sensitive and security- sensitivepositions will be subject to random, unannounced drug and alcohol screening. The Human Resources Director will develop and maintain a list of j obs approved for random testing. The rate of random selection for drugs and alcohol will be a percentage of the annual average employee base. Every employee in the pool has an equal chance of being chosen each time a random selection is made. When an employee is required to submit to random testing, s/he will be notified verbally by a supervisor. Failure to submit to testing will result in termination of employment. e. Post-accident: Employees will be tested following anon-the job accident or other occurrence that involves one or more of the following events: a fatality, a serious injury to an employee or other individual, substantial damage to vehicles or other property, or if the employee receives a citation under state or local law for a moving traffic violation arising from the accident. Employees may also be tested after aseries ofminor on-the job accidents or injuries as determined by the department director or County Safety Officer. Following such an accident, the employee must immediately notify the supervisor and must submit to a test as soon as is practicable. The supervisor is responsible for transporting the employee to the appropriate testing facility. If a test is conducted by a law enforcement officer at the scene of the accident, the employee is required to immediately contact his/her supervisor to report the test result and to provide the supervisor with the name, badge number, and telephone number of the law enforcement officer who conducted the test. If the employee is hospitalized for injuries, arrangements will be made for the testing to be conducted at the medical facility to which the employee has been admitted. Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page Z3 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-23 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ Post-accident tests will be administered as soon as possible, but ideally not more than eight (8) hours after the accident. An alcohol test should be administered within two (2) hours of an accident. If unable to test within (2) hours, the supervisor must document the reason(s) for the time delay. If the test is not performed within eight (8) hours, the supervisor will cease attempts to administer the test and will document the reason(s) why the test was not conducted. The employee must refrain from consuming alcohol for eight (8) hours following an accident or until the alcohol test has been completed, whichever comes first. The employee must remain available for drug and alcohol testing or it will be considered a refusal, unless the employee is seriously injured. 6.19.5 Surrender of If an employee is observed using a suspected substance, the Drugs, supervisor may demand that the employee surrender the item and Paraphernalia related paraphernalia. 6.19.6 Transportation Any employee who is unable to drive safely or is in need of medical to Medical assistance will be transported by a supervisor to a medical facility or Facility or to his/her home, as appropriate. If the employee refuses, s/he will be Home advised that local law enforcement authorities will be notified that an employee who seems to be "under the influence" is trying to leave the premises. 6.19.7 Alcohol and When there is reasonable suspicion, the County reserves the right to Drug Free search employer-owned items used by employees (e.g., desks, Workplace lockers, vehicles, equipment, etc.) and employees should not expect Policy- privacy in these containers. Search efforts maybe conducted by the Inspections employee's supervisor or department director and a minimum of one and Searches (1) individual in a management, administrative or Human Resources position. Law enforcement officials and department directors will be notified in appropriate cases. 6.19.8 Alcohol and Employees may appeal disciplinary actions resulting from violations Drug Free of this policy in accordance with the County employee appeal policy. Workplace Employees covered by the State Personnel Administration must Policy- follow state and agency disciplinary appeal policies. Employee Options Employees will be given an opportunity to seek assistance through the County's Employee Assistance Program (EAP), or another drug and alcohol rehabilitation program approved by the County. However, involvement in these programs after the fact of a violation will not influence the disciplinary action taken. The employee is Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page Z4 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-24 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ eligible for this benefit for a limited period of time following termination. 6.20 Personal Use Employees may use certain tools and equipment for their own of County personal use while on County premises. Under no circumstances may Equipment this be done off County premises, or without prior management approval. In addition, employees may only use County property when they are on a non-paid break or during a scheduled time when not actively working such as a day off or after returning to work from home. While using County equipment for your personal use, the County will not be liable for personal injuries resulting from such use. The employee is responsible for any and all liabilities for injuries or losses which occur, or for the malfunction of equipment. The employee is responsible for returning the equipment or tools in good condition, and will be required to pay for any damages that occur while using the equipment or tools for personal projects. 6.21 Polygraph Upon approval by the County Manager, an employee accused of Examination misconduct may be required to submit to a polygraph examination during the County's investigation of the allegation. Prior to the administration of the polygraph examination, the affected employee must be informed: • That the questions will relate specifically and narrowly to the performance of official duties; • That the answers cannot be used against the employee in any subsequent criminal prosecution; and • That the penalty for refusing to participate in the polygraph exam is dismissal. 6.22 Attendance Employee's attendance is extremely important to the success of County services. The County expects employees to strive for perfect attendance and to arrive for work on time. However, it is understood that, on occasion, an employee may not be able to come to work or may need additional time before arrival. Sickness and other emergencies cannot always be anticipated and may require an employee to miss all or part of the work day. Employees who cannot report to work as scheduled must notify their immediate supervisor as soon as possible, but not later than thirty (30) minutes after the employee's regularly scheduled starting time. Employees must let their supervisor know for how long they will be out and when they expect to return or, as the case maybe, arrive for work. Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page Z5 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-25 i.; 4 ~ ,New Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ Excessive absences, or lateness and excessive patterns of absences or lateness may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. If an employee is absent from work for three (3) consecutive days without notice, the County will consider that the employee has voluntarily resigned his or her position. Established: May 1977 Article 6 -Conditions of Employment Page Z6 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-1-26 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ ARTICLE 8 PERFORMANCE, DISCIPLINE 8.0 Performance As the County policy is to award pay increases based on j ob Management performance, the Performance Management Process (PMP) was Purpose and implemented to provide the structure for comprehensive, defensible, Applicability and consistently-applied performance evaluation of all regular (non- temporary) employees. Another value of the PMP is that, in some cases of performance deficiencies, it may provide opportunities for pre-disciplinary j ob performance coaching and corrective action through which disciplinary action maybe avoided. The Sheriff, Register of Deeds, Board of County Commissioners, Board of Elections, Department of Social Services, and Health Department may or may not elect to use the PMP and its tools in performance management and evaluation. 8.1 Performance The County administers a performance management process (PMP) Management encompassing a full cycle of work planning, performance monitoring Policy and feedback throughout the j ob performance review period, and performance evaluation. Every regular employee must receive a minimum of one performance evaluation in each fiscal year, regardless of whether or not merit funding is available. Although not required for temporary employees, department heads may use the PMP or some sort of performance evaluation method to evaluate the performance of temporary employees for determination of continued employment. 8.1.1 Performance When the process is done in accordance with the PMP principles and Management guidelines, employees and their supervisors work together to Procedures establish performance expectations and how performance will be measured at the beginning of the performance review period and performance feedback is given throughout the review period so that there are no surprises at the time of the performance evaluation. The PMP manual provides the procedures, guidelines and tools for employees' and supervisors' use in all phases in the process. The PMP manual maybe found on the Human Resources Department Intranet site. A supervisor may use the coaching methods provided in the PMP as an informal, early-on alternative to disciplinary action in some cases of j ob performance deficiencies. These coaching sessions should establish the corrective actions needed to meet expectations and the time frame for improvement, as well as the consequences for failure to meet the expectations, and they should be documented and maintained in the supervisor's file for the employee. Established: May 1977 Article 8 -Performance and Discipline Page 1 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-2-1 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ 8.2 Disciplinary An employee who does not respond to informal coaching efforts by Actions- the supervisor regarding performance or conduct deficiencies, or who Purpose and is cited for a serious infraction, maybe subject to more stringent Applicability actions by the supervisor. The action(s) taken can be to give a disciplinary warning or to suspend, reduce pay, demote or dismiss the employee if the nature and seriousness of the failure in work performance or personal conduct warrant such action. The County attempts to provide a uniform administration of disciplinary actions and guidelines. However, the following procedures are designed so as not to restrict operating personnel and, in no way, guarantee an employee a right to continued employment. This policy applies to all County employees, with the exception of elected officials and of employees of the Department of Social Services and Health Departments who must follow the State personnel policies. Regular (non-temporary) employees who have satisfactorily completed their introductory period have certain due process rights, as described in this policy. 8.2.1 Disciplinary Normally, the more stringent disciplinary actions of suspension, Actions- salary reduction, demotion, or dismissal will be preceded by a Policy warning. However, employees maybe suspended, have their salary reduced, or be demoted or dismissed without prior warning or other disciplinary action having been given to the employee, if the nature and seriousness of the failure in work performance or personal conduct warrant it. Disciplinary actions must be documented using a Disciplinary Action Memo or a memorandum, and must be presented to the affected employee. Whether or not the employee signs the document, the supervisor should give the employee a copy and advise the employee of any applicable appeal rights. 8.2.2 Failure in The following causes relating to failure in the performance of duties Performance are representative of, but not limited to, those considered to be of Duties adequate grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal: a. Inefficiency, negligence or incompetence in the performance of duties; b. Careless, negligent or improper use of County property or equipment; c. Discourteous treatment of the public or other employees; d. Absence without approved leave; e. Habitual improper use of leave privileges; f. Habitual pattern of failure to report for duty at assigned time and place; g. Guilty of gross misconduct or conduct unbecoming to a public officer or employee; Established: May 1977 Article 8 -Performance and Discipline Page 2 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-2-2 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ h. Participation in any action that would in any way seriously disrupt or disturb the normal operation of the agency, institution, department or any segment of local government; i. Trespassing on the home of any public official or employee for the purpose of harassing or forcing dialogue or discussion from the occupants; j . Willful damage or destruction of property; k. Willful acts that would endanger the lives and property of others; 1. Possession of unauthorized firearms or lethal weapons on the job; m. Brutality in the performance of duties; n. Refusal to accept a reasonable and proper assignment authorized by a supervisor (insubordination); o. Acceptance of gifts in exchange for favors or influence; p. Betrayal of confidential information to unauthorized persons; q. Engaging in incompatible employment or serving a conflicting interest; r. Taking part in a political activity that is restricted by Article 6 of this personnel manual. 8.2.3 Failure in An employee maybe disciplined for causes relating to personal Personal conduct detrimental to County service. The following causes related Conduct to failure in personal conduct are representative of but not limited to those considered to be adequate grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal: a. Fraud in securing appointment; b. Conviction of a felony or of a misdemeanor which would adversely affect performance of duties or the entry of a plea of "no contest" to either; c. Misuse of County funds; d. Falsification of County records for personal profit or to grant special privileges; e. Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or narcotic drugs or partaking of such things while on duty or while on public property, except that prescribed medication may be taken within the limits set by a physician so long as medically necessary. 8.2.4 Disciplinary Disciplinary warnings shall be documented and shall set forth the Warning points for which the employee has received the warning; the corrective action that must take place; the dates of any previous performance discussions with the employee; and any other pertinent information. A copy of the warning must be forwarded to the Human Resources Department by the department head to be filed in the employee's personnel folder. A warning may result from any kind or class of conduct related or unrelated, constituting failure in performance of duties or in personal conduct at any time during Established: May 1977 Article 8 -Performance and Discipline Page 3 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-2-3 i.; 4 ~ ,New Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ employment, and are not limited to those listed in this Article. Cumulative Disciplinary Warnings An employee who receives three (3) disciplinary warnings for failure in performance of duties and/or failure in personal conduct, during any consecutive three (3) year period shall receive by the department head a disciplinary action of one or a combination of the following: suspension, a salary reduction, demotion, or dismissal by the department head. The three (3) warnings may result from causes related or unrelated, constituting work and/or conduct that is unsatisfactory. 8.2.5 Disciplinary A suspension without pay for apre-determined period of time maybe Suspension used as the appropriate disciplinary measure to correct work performance or personal conduct deficiencies. A disciplinary suspension is documented as a disciplinary warning with the added disciplinary action of suspension without pay. 8.2.6 Disciplinary A salary reduction without demotion or reclassification to a lower Salary position classification may be used as the appropriate disciplinary Reduction measure to correct work performance or personal conduct deficiencies. The amount of reduction should be contingent on the severity of the offense or deficiency and is determined by the department head in consultation with the Human Resources Director. This disciplinary action is documented as a disciplinary warning with the added disciplinary action of a salary reduction. 8.2.7 Disciplinary A demotion to a lower position classification may be used as the Demotion appropriate disciplinary measure to correct work performance or personal conduct deficiencies. Employees demoted for disciplinary or performance-based reasons should expect to have their salary reduced, the amount of reduction contingent on the severity of the offense or deficiency and to be determined by the department head in consultation with the Human Resources Director. A proposed demotion which necessitates the reclassification of aposition must be approved by the Human Resources Director and County Manager. The demotion will be documented as a warning with the added disciplinary action of demotion. 8.2.8 Dismissal Failure in Performance of Duties An employee who continuously fails to achieve the performance levels established and communicated by the respective supervisor(s) faces the possibility of dismissal as the appropriate disciplinary Established: May 1977 Article 8 -Performance and Discipline Page 4 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-2-4 i.; 4 ~ ,New Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ action. Dismissal for performance deficiencies will normally be preceded by prior warning, but, in the case of a serious infraction, may result from one incident. Failure in Personal Conduct Dismissal of an employee charged with failure in personal conduct may be preceded by prior warning, but, in the case of a serious infraction, may result from one incident. 8.2.9 Pre-dismissal The following activities must precede dismissal of any County Hearing employee who is in a regular (non-temporary) position and has satisfactorily completed the introductory period: 1. The department head or designee shall provide the employee with a written notification of the date, time and place of a pre- dismissal hearing. The notification should include that dismissal is being considered as a disciplinary action and the proposed effective date. 2. If not included in the pre-dismissal hearing notification, at the pre-dismissal hearing the department head or designee must issue the employee a written notice of the charge(s) against the employee allow the employee to respond to the allegation(s). At this hearing, the employee may present any response to the charges or the proposed disciplinary action. The employee may not have a representative or attorney present at this hearing. 3. The department head will consider the employee's response, if any. Based on the results of the hearing, the department head, in consultation with the Human Resources Director, may elect to dismiss the employee as the appropriate disciplinary measure; impose less stringent disciplinary actions; suspend the employee without pay pending further investigation; suspend the employee with pay pending further investigation; or take no further actions against the employee. 4. The department head will notify the employee in writing of the determination within three (3) business days but not less than one (1) business day following the pre-dismissal hearing. The determination must be signed by the employee or sent to the employee's home address by certified, return receipt mail. The notice shall contain a statement of the reason(s) for the determination and the employee's appeal rights. Established: May 1977 Article 8 -Performance and Discipline Page 5 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-2-5 i.; 4 ~ ,New Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ 5. If the department head elects administrative suspension pending further investigation, pursuant to the results of further investigation and in consultation with the Human Resources Director, that department head may, within fifteen (15) working days following the pre-dismissal hearing: dismiss the employee as the appropriate disciplinary measure; impose other disciplinary actions, as deemed appropriate; or reinstate the employee and, if necessary, award back pay for any period of interim suspension without pay. 8.2.10 Administrative In some cases it may be determined that the removal from the Suspension workplace of an employee would be in the best interest of the employer or the employee. Possible reasons include, but are not limited to, to avoid undue disruption of work, to protect the safety of persons or property, or for other serious reasons. Also, such a suspension may be used to provide time to investigate, establish facts, and reach a decision concerning an employee's status or it may be appropriately used to provide time to schedule and hold apre- dismissal hearing. Administrative suspensions may be directed with or without pay as described below in Subsections (a) and (b) of this Section, but shall not be used for the purpose of delaying an administrative decision regarding the employee's work status pending the results of a civil or criminal court matter involving the employee. (a) Administrative Suspension without Pay The department head, in consultation with the Human Resources Director or designee, may suspend an employee without pay for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) working days (unless an extension is granted by the Human Resources Director) during the internal investigation of that employee on any presumed violations of established internal policies or procedures; provided that such violations may, if proven, form the basis for disciplinary action. Suspension without pay must be preceded by a review of available evidence and a determination that such evidence comprises sufficient grounds to suspend without pay, pending the results of further investigation. Sufficient grounds are defined as: • Demonstrated evidence that the employee's presence and actions will cause undue disruption of work or pose a threat to the safety of persons or property; or • The evidence compiled during a preliminary investigation, including that offered by the concerned employee, is substantial enough to assume that the results of further internal investigations will prove the employee's guilt. Established: May 1977 Article 8 -Performance and Discipline Page 6 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-2-6 i.; 4 ~ ,New Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ (b) Administrative Suspension with Pay The department head, in consultation with the Human Resources Director or designee, may suspend an employee with pay for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) working days (unless an extension is granted by the Human Resources Director), during the investigation of that employee on any presumed violations of established internal policies or procedures if the following conditions exist: • Available evidence is not substantial enough to suspend without pay; • The employee's presence in his/her usual work environment causes undue disruption of work or poses a threat to persons or property for reasons not attributable to any actions by that employee; • Efforts have been made to place the employee in another position for the duration of the investigation. When an employee is in administrative suspension status, he or she is expected to be available to participate in any ongoing investigative activities and fully cooperate with the investigation. The employee may be expected to surrender all County property, as deemed necessary, during the period of suspension. Also, the employee shall not contact department employees during their working hours or disrupt department operations in any way. Non-cooperative or disruptive actions may subj ect the employee to disciplinary action. Established: May 1977 Article 8 -Performance and Discipline Page 7 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-2-7 i.; 4 ~ ,New Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ ARTICLE 9 -APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES 9.0 Employee The purpose of this policy is to ensure that corrective and disciplinary Appeal of actions for performance or conduct deficiencies are consistent with Disciplinary the County disciplinary policy. Actions- Purpose and This policy applies to all regular (non-temporary) employees who Applicability have successfully completed the introductory period, with the following exceptions: • Employees in the offices of the Sheriff and of the Register of Deeds, elected officials who by North Carolina General Statutes have full authority in personnel decisions involving employees in their respective departments; • Employees of the Department of Social Services and the Health Department who come under departmental and State appeal/grievance policies; • Any employees who are appointed by the County Commissioners whereas, in such appointments, the Board has full authority in personnel decisions over them; • The Elections Director who is appointed by the Board of Elections which has full authority over the position in personnel decisions; or • Employees who report directly to the County Manager. 9.1 Employee This policy provides a procedure whereby eligible employees maybe Appeal of heard and disciplinary actions maybe reviewed for validity and Disciplinary consistent application of applicable County policies. Actions- Policy For purposes of this policy, the term "business days" refers to weekdays on which the County is open for regular business. Exceptions are weekend days, County holidays or other weekdays County offices are deemed "closed" for regular business. 9.1.1 Appeal of An eligible employee who wishes to appeal a suspension, salary Suspension, reduction, demotion or dismissal may, within five (5) business days Salary after the disciplinary action and after notifying his/her department Reduction, head in writing of his/her intentions, appeal the action in writing to Demotion or the Human Resources Director. If the employee is a department Dismissal head, he/she may appeal the action in writing to the County Manager. The appeal must contain the response of the employee to the charges, a response to the disciplinary actions taken, the remedy desired by the employee, and any other pertinent information. Established: May 1977 Article 9 -Appeals and Grievances Page 1 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-3-1 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ The Human Resources Director will assign the appeal to a staff investigator to determine the merit of the action. Within fifteen (15) business days after receipt of the employee's notice of appeal, the staff investigator will make a recommendation to the Human Resources Director regarding the disposition of the appeal, and the basis for the recommendation and evidence relied upon. The Human Resources Director reserves the right to further investigate any issues raised in the appeal. The Human Resources Director will make a written recommendation to the County Manager within five (5) business days after receipt of the staff investigator's recommendation. The recommendation to the County Manager will include the specifics of the charges, the investigator's findings and the basis for the recommendation. The Human Resources Director will also notify the employee by certified mail to his/her home address of the recommendation to the County Manager within five (5) business days after receipt of the staff investigator's recommendation. Unless a hearing is requested, the County Manager will render a final decision within five (5) business days after the deadline for requesting a hearing. The decision will be sent to the employee's home by certified mail. 9.1.2 Appeal At the request of the appealing employee, the County Manager will Hearing conduct a hearing in the matter of suspension, salary reduction, demotion or dismissal. A request by the employee for a hearing shall be made within five (5) business days after receipt by the employee of the recommendation of the Human Resources Director. In the event a hearing is held, the appealing employee and his department head will both be present and have the right to be represented by legal counsel. Either party may request the presence of any person(s) who will provide information that will assist the County Manager in rendering a decision. The names of all such persons shall be submitted to the County Manager no later than five (5) business days prior to the hearing date. The County Manager will reserve the right to limit the number of persons to appear. The County Manager will render a decision, which includes the basis for the decision and evidence relied upon, within five (5) business days after the hearing and will send the decision to the employee's home by certified mail. The decision of the County Manager will be final. All hearings provided for herein shall be conducted during working hours. Established: May 1977 Article 9 -Appeals and Grievances Page 2 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-3-2 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ 9.1.3 Appeal of a An eligible employee who wishes to appeal a disciplinary warning Disciplinary may within five (5) business days after the disciplinary action, and Warning after notifying his department head in writing of his intentions, appeal the action in writing to the Human Resources Director. The appeal must be delivered to the Human Resources Department no later than 5:00 p.m. on the fifth day. The appeal to the Human Resources Director must contain the response of the employee to the charges and the remedy desired by the employee. The Human Resources Director will assign the appeal to a staff investigator to determine the merit of the action. Within fifteen (15) business days after receipt of the employee's notice of appeal, the staff investigator will make a recommendation to the Human Resources Director regarding the disposition of the appeal, and the basis for the recommendation and evidence relied upon. The Human Resources Director reserves the right to further investigate any issues raised in the appeal. The Human Resources Director will render a decision within five (5) business days after receipt of the staff investigator's recommendation. The decision will be sent to the home of the appealing employee by certified mail. The decision of the Human Resources Director is final. 9.1.4 Failure to If the appealing employee fails to comply with the procedures and Comply with time limits established herein, the Human Resources Director may Appeal dismiss the appeal. Procedures 9.1.5 Department Department heads covered by this policy may appeal disciplinary Head Appeal warning, suspension, salary reduction, demotion, or dismissal in of Disciplinary writing to the County Manager within five (5) business days after the Action disciplinary action. The appeal must contain the response of the department head to the charge(s), a response to the disciplinary action(s) taken, the remedy desired by the department head and any other pertinent information. The County Manager will schedule a hearing as soon as is practicable. At the hearing, the department head shall have the right to be represented by legal counsel and may request the presence of any person(s) who will provide information that will assist the County Manager in rendering a decision. The names of all such persons, including the name of legal counsel hired by the department head, and how they are related shall be submitted to the County Manager no later than five (5) business days prior to the hearing date. The County Manager reserves the right to limit the number of Established: May 1977 Article 9 -Appeals and Grievances Page 3 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-3-3 i.; 4 ~ ,New Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ witnesses to appear at the hearing. The County Manager will render a written decision within five (5) business days after the hearing, which shall include the basis for the decision and the evidence relied upon. The decision of the County Manager will be sent to the home of the department head by certified mail. The decision of the County Manager is final. 9.1.6 Failure to If the appealing department head fails to comply with the procedures Comply with and time limits established herein, the County Manager may dismiss Appeal the appeal. Procedures 9.2 Grievance- It is the policy of the County to foster the kind of work environment Purpose and that supports the efforts of all employees to provide quality services Applicability to the citizens of New Hanover County. Accepting the inevitability of disagreements between employees and their supervisors, the purpose of this policy is to provide internal procedures whereby such disputes or employee concerns about treatment or conditions of work may be rapidly, fairly and consistently addressed. This policy may not be used to appeal a disciplinary action; the appeal policy should be used instead. This policy applies to all regular (non-temporary) employees, with the following exceptions: • Employees in the offices of the Sheriff and Register of Deeds, elected officials who, by North Carolina General Statutes, have full authority in personnel decisions involving employees in their respective departments; • Employees of the Department of Social Services and Health Department who come under departmental and State grievance policies; • Any employees who are appointed by the County Commissioners whereas, in such appointments, the Board has full authority in personnel decisions over them; or • The Elections Director who is appointed by the Board of Elections which has full authority over the position in personnel decisions. 9.2.1 Grievance Eligible employees may use the employee grievance procedure to Policy resolve a complaint based upon an event or condition which affects the circumstances under which the employee works, allegedly caused by misinterpretation, unfair application, or lack of established policy pertaining to employment conditions. Established: May 1977 Article 9 -Appeals and Grievances Page 4 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-3-4 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ This grievance procedure does not apply to the following issues: • Disciplinary actions covered by the Appeal Policy; ~ Complaints of workplace harassment covered by the Unlawful Workplace Harassment Policy; • Personnel actions which do not represent any harm to the employee, such as assignment to another position or location wherein the employee does not suffer any loss of pay; • Downgrades which occur as the result of reorganization. This procedure is to be used internally only and does not confer upon either supervisor or employee any remedies other than those specifically contained herein. All parties involved in a proceeding within the purview of this policy shall be protected from reprisals for such involvement. Parties engaging in any form of retaliation will be subj ect to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 9.2.2 Grievance When an employee or group of employees has a grievance, the Procedure following successive steps are to betaken. The number of days indicated at each level should be considered as the maximum number of days unless provided otherwise and every effort should be made to expedite the process. However, when mutually agreed upon, time limits given below maybe extended. If the grieving employee does not follow the timelines for successive steps, it may be considered as a withdrawal of the grievance and the grievance maybe dismissed accordingly. For purposes of this policy, the term "business days" refers to weekdays on which the County is open for regular business. Exceptions are weekend days, County holidays or other weekdays County offices are deemed "closed" for regular business. 9.2.3 Grievance The employee must present the grievance in writing to the immediate Procedure supervisor within ten (lo) business days of the event or within ten Step 1 (l o) business days of when the employee learns of the event. The grievance must contain a brief but clear description of what issues the employee wants addressed. It must also contain a clear description of the remedy the employee is seeking. If the grievance does not contain both a clear description of the issues and the remedy sought, the supervisor may ask for clarification and may delay the response timeframe by the number of days it takes the employee to submit the requested clarification. The supervisor should and is encouraged to consult with any County employee or officer deemed necessary to reach a correct, impartial and equitable determination and shall give the employee a response as soon as possible, but within five (5) Established: May 1977 Article 9 -Appeals and Grievances Page 5 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-3-5 i.; 4 ~ ,New Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ business days of receipt of the grievance. The grievance and supervisor's response shall be reported in writing to the department head and to the Human Resources Director. If the issue is resolved at this step, the supervisor or department head shall convey in writing to the Human Resources Director the terms of such resolution. The employee shall sign off on this document, indicating agreement to the terms described. If it is not resolved, the supervisor or department head shall convey in writing to the Human Resources Director the reason(s) it was not resolved. All written documentation pertinent to the filing and resolution of the grievance shall be maintained in a separate grievance file in the Human Resources Department. 9.2.4 Grievance If the grievance is not resolved during Step One and the employee Procedure wants to pursue it to the department head, the employee must file the Step 2 grievance in writing to the department head within ten (l o) business days of receipt of the response by the supervisor in Step 1. The department head shall render a decision within a maximum of ten (lo) business days of receipt of the grievance. If the issue is resolved at this step, the supervisor or department head shall convey in writing to the Human Resources Director the terms of such resolution. The employee shall sign off on this document, indicating agreement to the terms described. If it is not resolved, the supervisor or department head shall convey in writing to the Human Resources Director the reason(s) it was not resolved. All written documentation pertinent to the filing and resolution of the grievance shall be maintained in a separate grievance file in the Human Resources Department. 9.2.5 Grievance If the grievance is not resolved during Step 2 and the employee wants Procedure to pursue it to the County Manager, the employee must, within ten Step 3 (lo) business days of receipt of the department head's response in Step 2, submit a written request to the department head to forward the written grievance to the County Manager. In the request, the employee shall list the names of all employees he would like to be heard by the County Manager. The department head must forward the employee's written grievance to the County Manager within a maximum of three (3) business days from receipt of the employee's request. The County Manager shall arrange a time to hear the employee or group of employees as soon as is practicable, and the department head and employee will be notified of the date of the scheduled hearing. The County Manager shall determine the hearing procedures and who will be present during any part of the hearing, but basically the hearing will consist of an opportunity for both the employee(s), supervisor(s) and department head to be heard and the County Manager to ask questions to clarify issues. In the hearing, the employee must produce evidence justifying or otherwise supporting Established: May 1977 Article 9 -Appeals and Grievances Page 6 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-3-6 i.; 4 ~ ,New Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ the allegations made in the grievance. Supervisors and the department head defending the charges at the hearing will be given the right to examine all evidence determined as relevant by the County Manager. The hearing is an internal procedure and neither party may have legal or other representation. The County Manager will make a decision as to an appropriate resolution and will notify the employee of his decision within five (5) business days of the hearing by certified mail to the employee's home address. The County Manager's decision is final. No determination of any grievance will in any way conflict with any County policies, resolutions, or ordinances, or with any state or federal statutes applicable thereto. Established: May 1977 Article 9 -Appeals and Grievances Page 7 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-3-7 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ ARTICLE 10 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 10.0 Benefits In addition to providing the benefit of paid leave, the County seeks Policy- to enhance employees' total compensation by adding other Purpose and benefits of value so that the County can attract and retain qualified Applicability employees to provide County services. Unless expressly excluded, covered employees include those individuals who hold regular (non-temporary) positions, including employees appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and elected officials. Retirees from County service are eligible for insurance and other benefits as described herein. 10.1 Benefits Policy The County shall provide group medical, dental and other insurance programs and benefits to its employees, employees' dependents and retirees. These provided benefits are subj ect to the approval of the Board of County Commissioners on a yearly basis. 10.1.1 Medical and While employed, regular (non-temporary) employees who are in Dental full-time or part-time positions at a minimum of 20 hours/week Insurance and who receive a W2 form for annual tax filings and elected Eligibility officials are eligible for group medical and dental insurance coverage. Individuals who are issued 1099 forms for annual tax filings are not employees. 10.1.2 Medical and New Employee Enrollment: Eligible employees are first eligible Dental for enrollment for medical and dental coverage as a newly hired Insurance employee. They are offered coverage and must enroll or waive Enrollment coverage at that time. Employees and their dependents are subject to a waiting period for medical pre-existing conditions unless proof of prior coverage which meets specific HIPAA guidelines are submitted for enrollment. Open Enrollment: Employees are given the opportunity annually during open enrollment to make changes in their medical and dental plans. 10.1.3 Medical and Coverage takes effect in accordance with the dates established Dental annually and set forth in the New Hanover County Payroll Insurance Schedule. This is generally the first day of the month following the Effective Date employee's 30tH day of employment, not to exceed 60 days. 10.1.4 Medical and Eligible covered employees may enroll their eligible dependents Dental for coverage. Eligible dependents include: Insurance a. The employee's spouse, under a legally valid, existing Dependent marriage with a person of the opposite sex; Established: May 1977 Article 10 -Employee Benefits Page 1 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-4-1 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ Coverage b. The employee's unmarried children or the employee's spouse's unmarried children up to age 26 who are the employee's legal dependents; c. The employee's children or employee's spouse's children including newborn children from date of birth, stepchildren, adoptive children from date of placement in anticipation of adoption, foster children from date of placement in a foster home (as defined by North Carolina law), and children for whom medical benefit coverage is required under a court or administrative order, and as determined eligible by the insuring corporation; d. The employee's unmarried child who is mentally or physically handicapped and incapable of self support, who maybe covered under the program regardless of age if the condition existed and coverage was in effect upon attainment of the limiting age. 10.1.5 Medical and Medical and dental insurance rates are established annually by the Dental insurance companies and must be approved by the Board of Insurance County Commissioners. Rate changes are effective August 1 Sr of Rates each year, which is the beginning of the benefit year. New Hanover County and the employee share the cost of medical and dental insurance coverage. A schedule of rates is established annually and set forth in the New Hanover County Benefit Rate Schedule. 10.1.6 Medical Retiring employees will be subject to the policy provisions in Insurance for effect on the date of their retirement. Employees may qualify for Retirees continued coverage under the County's group medical insurance program, as outlined in this section as long as their required portion of the monthly premium is timely paid to the County. Employees may maintain the type of coverage in effect at the time of retirement; however, at age 65 they must obtain primary coverage through the Federal Medicare plan (Parts A & B), which will become primary, and the County's medical insurance plan will assume secondary responsibility for covered medical services. Retiring employees must make an election to continue or terminate coverage at the time of their retirement. If they waive the right to continue coverage at the date of retirement, they may not elect coverage at a future date. The only exception to this rule: When a retiree's spouse is an active County employee, the retiree may choose to become a dependent under the spouse's certificate. When the retiree loses eligibility under the spouse's certificate, Established: May 1977 Article 10 -Employee Benefits Page 2 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-4-2 i.; 4 ~ ,New Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ he/she may at that time exercise the retiree insurance options that were available at the time of retirement. 10.1.7 Dental Retiring employees may qualify for continued coverage under the Insurance for County's group dental insurance program, as outlined in this Retirees policy, as long as the retiree makes timely premium payments and until the termination of such policy by the covered individual or the County. Employees may maintain the type of coverage in effect at the time of termination. 10.1.8 Medical and An employee must meet the requirements of one of the categories Dental detailed below in order to qualify for continued coverage under the Insurance County's group medical and dental insurance programs: Requirements a. A regular employee who retires under one of the provisions of for Continued the North Carolina Retirement System, and who has at least Coverage five (5) consecutive years of service with New Hanover County immediately prior to retirement is qualified for continued coverage under this section. b. A firefighter or sworn law enforcement officer who becomes totally and permanently disabled from his/her j ob, as approved by the North Carolina Retirement System's Medical Review Board, and whose disability is the result of an accident while performing his/her duty as such needs only one (1) year of creditable service for continued coverage under this section. c. An employee appointed directly by the Board of County Commissioners who retires under one of the provisions of the North Carolina Retirement System, with at least five (5) consecutive years of service with New Hanover County immediately prior to retirement is qualified for continued coverage under this section. d. A County Commissioner elected to serve at least 1 o years, which do not have to be consecutive, is qualified for continued coverage under this section. Creditable service with the North Carolina Retirement System may include service earned for each month the employee works and contributes, service earned through accumulated sick leave, military buyback, withdrawn service restored through a buyback, creditable service transferred from another system which falls under the umbrella of the North Carolina State Treasurer's Office, or any other type of creditable service recognized by the North Carolina State Treasurer's Office. The service need not be continuous. 10.1.9 Medical and A regular employee or an employee appointed by the Board of Dental Retiree County Commissioners, the Sheriff or the Register of Deeds who Rates retires from New Hanover County based upon the eligibility criteria for any type of retirement established by the North Established: May 1977 Article 10 -Employee Benefits Page 3 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-4-3 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ Carolina Retirement System will pay for continued coverage according to the following schedule. NOTE: The County's contribution towards the retiree's insurance premiums is based on a set amount or percentage of the cost of individual coverage. Qualifying individuals choosing to cover eligible dependents will pay any additional cost to cover their eligible dependents. a. Qualifying individuals with at least five (5) but less than fifteen (15) years of creditable service will be allowed to continue coverage and will pay 100% of the total cost for coverage. b. Qualifying individuals with at least fifteen (15) years but less than twenty (20) years of creditable service will pay 75% of the total cost for individual coverage. c. Qualifying individuals with at least twenty (20) years but less than twenty-five (25) years of creditable service will pay 50% of the total cost for individual coverage. d. Qualifying individuals with at least twenty-five (25) years but less than thirty (30) years of creditable service will pay 25% of the total cost for individual coverage. e. Qualifying individuals with at least thirty (30) years of creditable service will pay the prevailing payroll rate for individual coverage. f. Employees appointed directly by the Board of County Commissioners who qualify under this policy, will be allowed to continue individual coverage based on the rates and criteria established under this policy. g. County Commissioners elected to serve at least 10 years, which do not have to be consecutive, will pay 50% of the total cost for individual coverage, plus any additional cost for dependents. At age 65 they must obtain primary coverage through the Federal Medicare plan (Parts A & B), which will become primary, and the County's medical insurance plan will assume secondary responsibility for covered medical services. h. Employees who do not meet the County's established criteria for continued coverage must pay the entire cost of the group medical and dental insurance premiums, plus any administrative fees that might be imposed, for the period allowed by the provisions of the plan contractor any legislative mandates governing the continuation of group health and dental insurance benefits (COBRA}. i. When a qualifying individual who retired on or after August 1, 2003 deceases and there are dependents covered under the Established: May 1977 Article 10 -Employee Benefits Page 4 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-4-4 i.; 4 ~ ,New Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ qualifying individual's plan at the time of the qualifying event, the dependents losing coverage because of the qualifying event shall be offered continuation coverage for the period allowed by any legislative mandates governing the continuation of group health and dental insurance benefits (COBRA). 10.1.10 Medical and Participants must pay all premiums by the first day of the month Dental for which coverage is in effect. New Hanover County bills Insurance participants monthly and allows a thirty (30)-day grace period for Premium payment. Nonpayment or late payment will result in irrevocable Payment cancellation. Participants receiving continuation coverage under COBRA provisions will be billed by a third party administrator contracted to administer the county's COBRA program. The Third Party Administrator allows a thirty (30)-day grace period for payment. Nonpayment or late payment to the third party administrator will result in irrevocable cancellation. 10.1.11 Continued Eligible employees who do not qualify for continued coverage Medical and under the County's group medical and dental insurance programs Dental will be afforded continued coverage in accordance with the plan Insurance contractor any legislative mandates governing the continuation of COBRA group medical and dental insurance benefits (COBRA). 10.2 Retirement At successful completion of the introductory period, regular Benefits employees shall be enrolled in the North Carolina Local Government Employees' Retirement System (NCLGERS) and begin to earn creditable retirement service credit. Sworn law enforcement officers shall be enrolled in the North Carolina Law Enforcement Officers' Benefits and Retirement Fund. Contributions to the appropriate retirement system are deducted from the employee's pay checks and contributions are also made by the County, at a rate determined by the State Department of the Treasurer, Retirement Systems Division. Employees already enrolled and actively participating who transfer to County service will be enrolled immediately upon employment with the County. 10.2.1 Retirement After one year of creditable service, employees are eligible for a Benefits- death benefit. Should an eligible employee die while actively Death of employed, the designated beneficiary(ies) will receive a single Employee lump-sum payment which equals the highest 12 consecutive months of salary during the 24 months preceding death, but no less than $25,000 and no more than $50,000. This benefit is also paid if death occurs within 180 days of the last day for which an Established: May 1977 Article 10 -Employee Benefits Page 5 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-4-5 i.; 4 ~ ,New Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ employee is paid a salary. 10.2.2 Retirement After five years of creditable service in the NCLGERS, employees Benefits-- are vested for purposes of retirement benefits in accordance with Vesting the eligibility requirements established by the State Department of the Treasurer, Retirement Systems Division. 10.3 Supplemental All regular employees are eligible to participate in any Retirement supplemental retirement plan offered by the County, such as the Plans 457 Deferred Compensation Plan or the 401(k) Supplemental Retirement Income Plan. All employee contributions are voluntary. As required by State law, the County contributes 5% of gross salary to the 401(k) Plan for qualified sworn law enforcement officers. For non-law enforcement positions, the County does not make a contribution. 10.4 Other The County offers other a wide array of group insurance plans and Insurance Plans benefits. For some, the premiums are paid by the County; for and Benefits others, the premiums are paid by the employee. The offerings are subj ect to change each benefit plan year and, therefore, it is not practical to list them in this policy. Current insurance plans and benefits listings and details can be found on the Human Resources Internet or Intranet website. 10.5 Employee Eligible employees and retirees may participate in the County's Wellness wellness program, access the on-site clinic, and receive on-site flu Benefits and tetanus immunizations. 10.6 Workers' County employees are covered by the North Carolina Workers' Compensation Compensation Act and maybe eligible for Workers' Benefits Compensation benefits as a result of all injuries arising out of and in the course of employment. An employee has a responsibility to timely report any such injury to his or her supervisor or to the County safety officer. 10.7 FICA The County, to the extent of its lawful authority and power, has extended social security benefits for its eligible employees and eligible groups and classes of such employees. 10.8 Unemployment County employees maybe eligible to receive unemployment Insurance benefits once their employment with the County ends, provided Benefits they establish a claim and are not disqualified by the Employment Security Commission under the conditions outlined in GS 96-14. Established: May 1977 Article 10 -Employee Benefits Page 6 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-4-6 i.; 4 ~ NeW Hanover County Personnel Policies & Procedures ~ ~,vv ~ //I l"III I., ~ -_A / y~ ~ This is a benefit paid by employers. Established: May 1977 Article 10 -Employee Benefits Page 7 Last Revised: September 21, 2009 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 4-4-7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: September 21, 2009 CONSENT ITEM: 5 DEPARTMENT: Library PRESENTER(S): Harry Tuchmayer, Library Director CONTACT(S): Harry Tuchmayer & Alice Sheridan SUBJECT: Approval to Submit a Grant Request to the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) to Support County Efforts on Preparedness BRIEF SUMMARY: The Library wishes to submit a grant request to the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) to support county efforts on preparedness. The Library and Emergency Management will work together to acquire and distribute information to the community on preparing for weather and other emergency situations. The grant request is for $5,000 to purchase informational items to be distributed to people on the Special Needs Registry, those receiving home health or oxygen services and the community at large. The NN/LM agency is part of the National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health outreach service to communities. This is a single event and requires no match and no additional staff. The Library has been successful in the past in receiving grants from this agency. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval to submit grant request. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 5-0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: September 21, 2009 CONSENT ITEM: 6 DEPARTMENT: Museum PRESENTER(S): Ruth Haas CONTACT(S): Ruth Haas SUBJECT: Approval of Grant Application for the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) for Conservation Project Support BRIEF SUMMARY: Cape Fear Museum seeks grant funding to enable conservation of three of the most significant objects in the collection. If funded, we will contract with a certified textile conservator to treat (1) the 34-star 1861 United States flag displayed at the Wilmington meeting that considered secession; (2) the 1864 2nd National Confederate "Stainless Banner" that was stitched by the ladies of Wilmington to fly over Fort Fisher; and (3) the dress uniform of General Whiting, Confederate commander of the Cape Fear Military District. These items are among the most valuable objects in the Museum collection, are intimately connected with the history of our region, and they cannot be exhibit until they are conserved. The projected cost for this project is $54,510. The grant request is for $27,250. The Museum match is $27,260. In kind staff salaries will be $5,500 of the match. To date, $15,000 has been raised in private dollars in support of this project. More private fundraising is expected, however, sufficient funds are available in restricted reserve accounts and annual budgets of Cape Fear Museum Associates and the Museum to fully comply with the match requirements, especially since this is a project that will occur over a two-year period. If grant funds are awarded, project would begin July 1, 2010. Any remaining match requirements not yet committed would be considered with the FY 10-11 budget process. A similar item was approved last year but the grant application was denied. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve submittal of the application for the 2010 IMLS Conservation Project Support Grant. ATTACHMENTS: Conservation Project Flyer COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 6-0 a e ea r useu m onserva ion ro ec 1982.21.1 1981.68.1 1861 United States Flag 1864 CSA 2nd National "Stainless" Flag 95-123 hours ~ $135 hr = $13-16,000 95-123 hours ~ $135/hr = $13-16,000 Materials = $ 650 Materials = $ 650 ~ g . , .p ~ ~ W I n t. l ,I iu ~ n, i i ~ ~ i. 1~~ ~ ~ { } ~ FF ~ r'M ~v, 'S. . M1~' w 'W ~1~ dlt ~ .~I'~II^ r. '.1 f4 i~rS ~e U,~ .N IY f ~i -6s~\'~ ~ - w~~.:. i +a ~f sib ~Ge, v ~ ~ ~ ~ N Wu u~.., IM 1981.81.3 ~ . ~ Ll ~I ~ ~~i General Whitin 's Uniform g 102-123 hours 135 hr = 14-16 000 C~ $ ~ $ r ~ ~ ~ Materials = $ 500 { 3 ~°~1 CONSERVATIONTOTAI ~ 'd A V ~ ~ ,c Staff Inkind $ 5,500 t, m I`t,, la bo r tots I 46 310 $ I ~ k:; • I Materials $ 1,800 ~t Shi in 900 pp g Pro'ectTotal $54 510 1 Board of C 6-1-1 Matchin the Grant g I_ = 27,250 CAPE FEAR MUSEUM C M = 27,260 Staff Salaries 5,500 a,.~ Private Donations k, '~c `i V..Y ~ 4 n ~~I r~~~~6 ~i ~L~ Cash In Hand 16,000+ N~ 4~~ ~ ~ left to raise 5 750 Y } i., .~x ~~9~ 5 d ~ ,t ~ Guaranteed match reserved: - Restricted Escrow 9 500 p of t ~r t ~ m ~ E ~ u ~ o- ~,-0, ~ ~ L t ti s ~ r r ~ ' ~ ~ I, ~,r n!'~, ' r WHY CONSERVE? , ~ rv u ~ x t 1~u iw~iit~~ _ > > , A w ; ,p "^u;+~~',;~~~v! I~I~~ , To reserve h~stor . ~ ~ ~ p y ~~,u~ To rotect va I ue. ° ~ ,k p ~A ~ ~ xr, pi 4 aya~~~~j, ~ i ~e,• To share with communit . ~p ~~~;~~~~k v ~ r I, k; Il~ Board of Commissioners Meeting 09/21 /2009 6-1-2 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: September 21, 2009 CONSENT ITEM: 7 DEPARTMENT: Tax PRESENTER(S): Roger L. Kelley CONTACT(S): Roger L. Kelley SUBJECT: Approval of Release of Tax Value BRIEF SUMMARY: Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior CitizenlDisability or Veterans' Exclusion (applications and letters explaining late listing available upon request): Alton, Mary L. $ 55,165 Boyd, Geraldine 31,216 Carter, Linda M. 52,693 Currin, Charles 45,000 Dudginski, Patricia 86,578 Fleming, Lois 45,000 Ford, Gerald W. 76,840 Jones, Alice 29,982 Mallette, Renee 45,000 Parchuke, Francis 45,000 Parham, Necie 45,000 Perry, Jane 165,402 Ritchie, Nancy 214,556 Rose, Susan M. 70,951 Schwartz, William 130,834 Shivers, James C. 45,000 Simpson, Clinton L. 45,000 Spivey, Ruby 289,750 Tucker, Paul 57,867 Tyson, Mary A. 45,983 Walker, Gregory 45,000 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 7-0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: September 21, 2009 CONSENT ITEM: 8 DEPARTMENT: Budget PRESENTER(S): Cam Griffin CONTACT(S): Cam Griffin SUBJECT: Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments BRIEF SUMMARY: The following budget amendments amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. 10-043 - Budget/General Fund 10-046 -Health 10-042 -Sheriff's Office/Property Management 10-050 -Sheriff's Office 10-051- Sheriff's Office 10-052 -Senior Resource Center 10-053 -Senior Resource Center 2010-14 -Finance RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adoption of the ordinances for the budget amendments listed in the summary above. ATTACHMENTS: B/A 10-043 B/A 10-046 B/A 10-042 B/A 10-050 B/A 10-051 B/A 10-052 B/A 10-053 B/A 2010-14 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 8-0 AGENDA: September 21, 2009 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 10-043 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 10-043 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Sheriff s Office, Parks, Social Services, Property Management Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Sheriff sOffice/Uniform Patrol: Miscellaneous Pa Taxable $8,499 Parks: Ca ital Outla - E ui ment 10,428 Social Services: S ecial Child Ado tion 121,308 Pro e Mana ement: Maintenance and Repair -Building and Grounds - 8,579 Judicial Buildin Capital Outlay -Other Improvements -Judicial 3,321 Buildin Maintenance and Repair -Building and Grounds - 54,368 Parkin Deck Capital Outlay -Other Improvements -Jail Water 16,874 Filtration S stem Maintenance and Repair -Buildings and Grounds - 86,398 Health De artment Total $309,775 Revenue: Decrease Increase General Fund: A ro riated Fund Balance $309,775 Total $309,775 Section 2: Explanation To carry over unencumbered funds from FY08-09 to FY09-10 as follows: Sheriff s Office: $8,499 - to provide security for school events. Funds were received but not expended in FY08-09. Funds will be needed in FY09-10 to provide adequate security at school events. Parks: To carry over funds generated from the sale of equipment in FY08-09 to offset equipment purchases in FY09-10. Asset Net Asset Net Description Sale Description Sale Carson $2,262.55 New Holland $1,669.63 Tandem Axle MC 28 Trailer EEGER $1,577.13 John Deere $3,526.19 BEEVER 2150 Utility CHIPPER Tractor Gravely $1,392.13 Promaster 400 TOTAL $10,427.63 Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 8-1-1 Section 2: Explanation (continued) Social Services: The Special Child Adoption funds being rolled over from FY08-09 to FY09-10 are federal dollars used to expand and enhance adoption services to find homes for children eligible for adoption. Monies are used for various purposes including educational programs for prospective adoptive parents, creation of life books for children in foster care, etc. Property Management: Funds are recommended to be carried over to fund the following projects that were begun in FY08-09 but will be completed in FY09-10: Judicial Building Beams project, Parking Deck repairs, Jail Water Filtration System and Health Department HVAC replacement project. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 10-043, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2009. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 8-1-2 AGENDA: September 21, 2009 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 10-046 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 10-046 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Health Department/Safe Kids Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Health De artment/Safe Kids: Su lies $500 Total $500 Revenue: Decrease Increase Health De artment/Safe Kids: Grant Safe Kids Halloween 2009 $500 Total $500 Section 2: Explanation The New Hanover County Health Department has received a $500 grant for Safe Kids' Halloween 2009. These funds will purchase items promoting pedestrian safety, such as, reflective trick or treat bags, safety activity coloring books, stickers and information for parents and drivers. No County matching funds are required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 10-046, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2009. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 8-2-1 AGENDA: September 21, 2009 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 10-042 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 10-042 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Sheriff sOffice/Detention and Property Management/Detention Center Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Sheriff sOffice/Detention: Contract Services $10,851 Pro e Mana ement/Detention Center: Contract Services $10,851 Total $10,851 $10,851 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total Section 2: Explanation To transfer funds from Property Management to Sheriff s Office to more closely align contracts. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 10-042, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2009. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 8-3-1 AGENDA: September 21, 2009 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 10-050 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 10-050 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Sheriff sOffice/Administration Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Sheriff sOffice/Administration: Contract Services $73,266 Posta e Ex ense 6 Total $73,272 Revenue: Decrease Increase Sheriff sOffice/Administration: Federal Grant JAG for LODIS Pro'ect $73,272 Total $73,272 Section 2: Explanation To budget a Department of Justice 2009 JAG Grant award for the LODIS (Local DNA Index System) project. The total award of $146,531 is a joint allocation for the city of Wilmington and New Hanover County, to be shared equally. On July 6, 2009, the Board of Commissioners authorized the Sheriff s Office to submit a joint 2009 JAG application with the city of Wilmington for funding for the LODIS project. There is no local match requirement; the grant award is 100% federal funds. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 10-050, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2009. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 8-4-1 AGENDA: September 21, 2009 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 10-051 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 10-051 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Sheriff sOffice/Uniform Patrol Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Sheriff sOffice/Uniform Patrol: Ca ital Outla -Motor Vehicle $5,995 Total $5,995 Revenue: Decrease Increase Sheriff s Office: Miscellaneous Revenue: $5,995 Total $5,995 Section 2: Explanation To budget insurance proceeds of $5,995 for a totaled vehicle. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 10-051, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2009. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 8-5-1 AGENDA: September 21, 2009 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 10-052 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 10-052 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Senior Resource Center/Senior Center Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Senior Resource Center/Senior Center: Title 3D Health Promotion $1,000 Total $1,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Senior Resource Center/Senior Center: Grant -State -Title 3D Health Grant $1,000 Total $1,000 Section 2: Explanation To budget $1,000 of additional Health Promotion grant funds received for Fiscal Year 2009/2010. Grant monies will be used to pay for health promotion /evidenced based activities at the Senior Center. A required match of $112 is included in the Senior Resource Center Adopted FY2010 budget. There is no requirement to continue the program after grant funding ends. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 10-052, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2009. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 8-6-1 AGENDA: September 21, 2009 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 10-053 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 10-053 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Senior Resource Center/Senior Center Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Senior Resource Center/Senior Center: Contract Services -Outreach $1,470 Total $1,470 Revenue: Decrease Increase Senior Resource Center/Senior Center: Grant -State -HCCBG $1,470 Total $1,470 Section 2: Explanation To budget a FY2010 reduction in Home and Community Care Block Grant funding (HCCBG) of $1,470 eliminating funding for the purchase of Depends and other medical supplies. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 10-053, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2009. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 8-7-1 AGENDA: September 21, 2009 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2010-14 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2010-14 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Smith Creek Park Department: Finance Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Ca ital Project Ex ense -Construction $113,592 Ca ital Project Ex ense -Utilities $15,000 Total $128,592 Revenue: Decrease Increase Interest on Investments $78,592 Fees - Bid De osit $35,000 Transfers in from Ca ital Project $15,000 Total $128,592 Fund: Parks and Recreation Bonds Department: Finance Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Ca ital Project Ex ense -Northern Re Tonal Park $15,000 Transfer to Ca ital Project $15,000 Total $15,000 $15,000 Section 2: Explanation Appropriate revenues from interest income of $78,592 and $35,000 from bid deposit fees. Transfer $15,000 from the Parks Recreation Bonds for additional cost for underground utilities for the Smith Creek Park Project. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2010-14, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, is adopted. Adopted, this day of , 2009. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/L1/L.VVI 8-8-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: September 21, 2009 REGULAR ITEM: 9 DEPARTMENT: Human Resources PRESENTER(S): Bruce T. Shell, County Commissioners CONTACT(S): Libby Moore SUBJECT: Presentation of Employee Service Awards and Introduction of New Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: FIVE (5) YEARS Winslow Floyd, Inspections Kyle Johnson, Sheriff's Office Jodi Kerwin, Health Department Jennifer O'Keefe, Environmental Management Stephen Pollock, Sheriff's Office TEN (10) YEARS Gina Bombolino, Engineering Lynn Davis, Sheriff's Office Joyce Hatem, Health Department Tangy Jones, Department of Social Services FIFTEEN (15) YEARS Ethel Stanley, Department of Social Services Kathryn Strickland, Public Safety Communication TWENTY (20) YEARS Shirley Lloyd, Health Department TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEARS William Bullard, Property Management Thurman Newkirk, Environmental Management NEW EMPLOYEES Lee Ann McWilliams, Health Department Janet Hewlett, Health Department Viola Leatherman, Health Department Roxann Taylor, Health Department Amanda Stanley, Health Department Danielle Kurman, DSS Melissa Artz, Public Safety Beth Moore, Public Safety Matt Langley, Public Safety Michele Brooks, Public Safety Tim Launhardt, Public Safety Penny Johnson, Public Safety Matthew Hook, Sheriff Katie York, Sheriff Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 9-0 Jesse McCubbins, Sheriff Daniel Carapezza, Sheriff Benjamin Grubbs, Sheriff Phillip Miller, Fire Services Scott Brown, Fire Services Trevor Alger, Fire Services Robert DeRosa, Fire Services Ervin Myers, Fire Services Brian Theiss, Fire Services Jordan Nail, Fire Services David Brock, Fire Services RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Present service awards and recognize new employees. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Presented service awards and recognized new employees. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 9-0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: September 21, 2009 REGULAR ITEM: 10 DEPARTMENT: Human Resources PRESENTER(S): Gloria Garton CONTACT(S): Carl A. Byrd, Sr., Public Affairs Officer SUBJECT: Consideration of Disability Awareness Month Proclamation BRIEF SUMMARY: Carl Byrd has submitted the attached proclamation for the Board's consideration to designate October 2009 as Disability Awareness Month in New Hanover County. Gloria Garton, Executive Director of the DisAbility Resource Center, will be present to receive the proclamation and share information on events scheduled for Disability Awareness Month. A press release about planned activities is also attached. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the proclamation. ATTACHMENTS: Disability Awareness Month Proclamation Disability Awareness Month Press Release COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/14.1/14,ki 10-0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DISABILITY AWARENESS MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, during Disability Awareness Month, we reaffirm our commitment to ensuring that our Nation's promise extends to all our citizens; and WHEREAS, millions of Americans live with disabilities, and many other Americans will become disabled at some point in their lives; and WHEREAS, to integrate people with disabilities more fully into every aspect of life, our country is working to advance greater freedoms at work, in schools, and throughout communities; and WHEREAS, by expanding employment opportunities and fighting false perceptions that hinder people living with disabilities from joining the workforce, we can uphold America's moral values, strengthen our economy, and make America a more hopeful place; and WHEREAS, to recognize the contributions of Americans with disabilities and to encourage all citizens to ensure equal opportunity in the workforce, the U. S. Congress has designated October of each year as "National Disability Employment Awareness Month." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that October 2009 be recognized as "Disability Awareness Month" in New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 21St day of September, 2009. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna VI/L1/L.VVI 10-1-1 MEDIA ADVISORY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 25, 2009 CONTACT: Gloria Garton, Executive Director TELEPHONE: 910-815-6618 A Celebration Of Disability and Diversity Disability Awareness Month will include various activities designed to recognize social and cultural contributions made by people with disabilities, and to increase awareness of the changes still needed to create equal opportunities and an inclusive environment. October is typically recognized as Disability Awareness Month. In particular the annual celebration heightens awareness of the contributions of Americans with disabilities to both our workforce and our society. During this month we pay tribute to the accomplishments of both men and women with disabilities whose work helps keep the nation's economy strong and by reaffirming their commitment to ensure equal opportunity for everyone in America. The effort to educate the public concerning issues related to disability and employment began in 1945 when Congress enacted Public Law '176 which declared the first week of October as, National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week.' The year 1962 found the word, Physically,' being removed in order to acknowledge the employment needs and contributions of persons with all forms of disabilities. Twenty-five years later, Congress expanded the week-long recognition to a month, changing the name to National Disability Employment Awareness Month. The month of October finds people in America recognizing the value of persons with disabilities in employment. July of 2009 fii ~,~y~ , found the percentage of people with disabilities in the labor n ~ , ~ ~ ~ `~q- force at twenty-three, compared to the rate of seventy-one ~ . ~P. ~ point eight for nondisabled persons in America. There is much ~ Eto be done in relation to people with disabilities where r~~ ~ w.••. d~'`j. ~ ~ , employment is concerned, this much is plain, and awareness of ~ ~s ~ , ~ ~ ~s ° disability issues in relation to employment is crucial. g d- ' i ~"~tl :i The theme of this year's National Disability Employment Month uF~ is designed to capture the vital role that expectations play in Erg ~ ~ RS w , ~ ~ ~,r~~ ~ E ~ ~~~rd of Commissioners Meeting ~tloL~r rw ,~~n:... V l/ L 1/ LVV I NOW 10-2-1 our successes as individuals as well as a society. It is important that we ensure, as a nation, that both people with disabilities and their employers expect that they will fully participate in our workplaces. People with disabilities offer awide-variety of skills and abilities to employers, with a level of loyalty that cannot be surpassed. Expectations are not enough. People with disabilities must also have the opportunities available to us to work. We need access to a complete range of employment choices in order to maximize our talents and abilities. With both opportunities and choices available to us, people with disabilities will have the ability to maximize the many talents we have in American society. We will have the ability to contribute to the economy and build the communities we live in. Disability awareness is all about cultural and educational awareness as well as appreciation. Our intentions are to provide hands -on educational awareness about people with disabilities. The more informed people are we hope more of those barriers slowly go away. DisAbililty Resource Center invites the public to come out and kick off disAbility awareness month with the Port City Spokesman's Wheelchair Basketball Tournament. The tournament will take place at the Wilmington YMCA on Saturday and Sunday, September 26th and 27th. The Spokesmen are two time National Champions and are great fun to watch!! On Saturday, September 26th at Noon the Honorable Mayor Saffo and other celebrities will join in the fun and officially launch the month long celebration. Throughout October, disAbility Resource Center will offer hands on awareness and educational activities to all the local schools. They can provide guest speakers and activities to educate youth of all ages on various disability related issues. On Wednesday, October 21St, disAbility Resource Center, Vocational Rehabilitation Services and the Mayor's Committee for People with Disabilities will host the Disability Employment Reception at Thalian Hall at 1:00 pm to recognize the great accomplishments of the individuals with disabilities working within our community and the organizations that employ them. Please be sure to check their website (r®_P__® w-~ in early October for the full list of events!! If you would like more information, please contact Gloria Garton at 910.815-6618. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 10-2-2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: September 21, 2009 REGULAR ITEM: 11 DEPARTMENT: Fire Services PRESENTER(S): Donnie Hall CONTACT(S): Donnie Hall or Meg Langston SUBJECT: Consideration of Fire Prevention Week Proclamation BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County Fire Services, in conjunction with all other providers in New Hanover County, would like to proclaim October 4-10, 2009 as Fire Prevention Week. The theme this year is "Stay Fire Smart! Don't get Burned". RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt proclamation to recognize October 4-10, 2009 as Fire Prevention Week in New Hanover County. ATTACHMENTS: Fire Prevention Week Logo 2009 Fire Prevention Week Proclamation COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/14.1/14,ki 11-0 I~ ~~Imlluuui , i ~ r w ~ ~ "~r~ i ~i ■ r _ . 11~ i ~~u~y~, 1 y i ~ i i ~ i L a NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FIRE PREVENTION WEEK 2009 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, New Hanover County is committed to ensuring the safety and security of all those living in and visiting our state; and WHEREAS, fire is a serious public safety concern both locally and nationally, and homes are the locations where people are at greatest risk from fire; and WHEREAS, roughly 3,000 people die as a result of home fires and burns, more than 200,000 individuals are seen in the nation's emergency rooms for burn injuries; and WHEREAS, thermal burns outnumber scalds nearly two-to-one, but for children ages five and under, scalds outnumber burns roughly two-to-one; and WHEREAS, cooking is the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries, while heating equipment and smoking are the leading causes of home fire deaths; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County's first responders are dedicated to reducing the occurrence of home Tres and home fire injuries through prevention and protection education; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County residents are responsive to public education measures and are able to take personal steps to increase their safety from fire, especially in their homes; and WHEREAS, residents who have planned and practiced a home fire escape plan are more prepared and will therefore be more likely to survive a fire; and WHEREAS, the 2009 Fire Prevention Week theme, "Stay Fire Smart! Don't Get Burned" effectively serves to remind us all of the simple actions we can take to stay safer from fire during Fire Prevention Week and year-round. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that October 4-10, 2009 be recognized as "Fire Prevention Week" in New Hanover County and that all the people of New Hanover County are urged to protect their homes and families by heeding the important safety messages of Fire Prevention Week 2009, and to support the many public safety activities and efforts of New Hanover County Fire Rescue. ADOPTED this the 21st day of September, 2009. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna V111/LI/LV1VI 11 - ~ - 1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: September 21, 2009 REGULAR ITEM: 12 DEPARTMENT: Environmental Management PRESENTER(S): Jennifer O'Keefe, Keep America Beautiful of New Hanover County CONTACT(S): Jennifer O'Keefe SUBJECT: Consideration of Big Sweep Day and Fall Litter Sweep Proclamations BRIEF SUMMARY: Big Sweep and the Fall Litter Sweep are community cleanups that benefit all citizens of our county. Last year, 561 volunteers participated in Big Sweep on our waterways and hundreds more participated in Fall Litter Sweep on our roadsides. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt proclamations. ATTACHMENTS: Big Sweep Proclamation Big Sweep Press Release Big Sweep Flyer Fall Litter Sweep Proclamation COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Both proclamations were approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 12-0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BIG SWEEP 2009 DAY PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, New Hanover County is rich in natural resources and beauty; and WHEREAS, water is a basic and essential need for all life; and WHEREAS, trash fouls our waterways as well as our landscapes; and WHEREAS, every citizen should contribute to keeping our environment clean and healthy by working together to preserve clean water and the natural beauty of our surroundings; and WHEREAS, North Carolina Big Sweep is a statewide community effort to retrieve trash from North Carolina's waterways and landscapes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that September 26 be recognized as "Big Sweep 2009 Day" in New Hanover County, and does further hereby urge every citizen to do his or her part to restore the beauty and function of our beaches, lakes, streams, and rivers by volunteering in the Big Sweep event. ADOPTED this the 21St day of September, 2009. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna V11l/LIl1LV1VI 1~ - 1 - 1 For Immediate Release August 1, 2009 Wilmington, NC. What happens to litter? In a county surrounded by water like New Hanover, chances are good that it ends up in the ocean fairly quickly. Once it's in the ocean, it doesn't just disappear. Sharp objects cut feet and items entangle or choke animals, but many items are washed out to sea where they break down into small pieces, putting toxic chemicals into our waters. Litter doesn't just go away when it's out of sight and on Saturday, September 26, hundreds of volunteers throughout New Hanover County will gather for Big Sweep, an annual cleanup of our waterways. Big Sweep is North Carolina's component of the International Coastal Cleanup that involves approximately 90 countries and 55 states and territories. The event will be held at gam at Wrightsville Beach at Johnnie Mercer's Pier, Carolina Beach at the Boardwalk Gazebo, Kure Beach at the Pier, and Greenfield Lake at the boathouse. Volunteers are needed! Refreshments will be provided and volunteers will receive a coupon for half off admittance to the Cypress Festival, held September 26 at the Greenfield Lake Amphitheater from 11 am to 8pm to benefit Cape Fear River Watch, Inc. Please come to Big Sweep prepared to be outdoors and wear sturdy closed toe shoes and clothes that can get dirty. Big Sweep began as a beach sweep in 1987 and is now an annual statewide event. Since its inception, more than 192,000 volunteers have retrieved over six million pounds of debris from North Carolina's waterways. For more information, please call Keep America Beautiful of New Hanover County at 798-4404 for more information, or log on to v. i s Contact: Jennifer O'Keefe Keep America Beautiful of New Hanover County 3 002 Highway 421 North Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 798-4404 office (910) 798-4408 fax ® v® wvvvv.nhcgov.com Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 12-2-1 An annual cleanup of our waterways m r 2 h m Se to e 6t at 9a Wri htsville Beach @ Gaze~o at ohnn Mercer's Pier J y . Carolina Beach @ Boardwalk Gazebo Kure Beach @ Kure Beach Pier Greenfield Lake r~~►~ @ Boathouse near the main parking lot BRING sturdy shoes and clothes that can get dirty. Bags and gloves will be provided. INFO Keep America Beautiful of New Hanover County 798-4404 or jeokeefe@nhcgov.com Big Sweep is a part of the International Coastal Cleanup. For more info visit www.oceanconservancy.org Board of Commissioners Meeting noi~ i i~nno Vl/LI/LVVI 12-3-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FALL LITTER SWEEP 2009 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation organizes an annual spring statewide roadside cleanup to ensure clean and beautiful roads in North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the Fa112009 LITTER SWEEP roadside cleanup will take place September 19 through October 3, 2009, and encourages local governments, communities, civic and professional groups, businesses, churches, schools, families, and individual citizens to participate in the Department of Transportation cleanup by sponsoring and organizing local roadside cleanups; and WHEREAS, Adopt-A-Highway volunteers, Department of Transportation employees, Department of Correction inmates, and community service workers, local government agencies, community leaders, civic and community organizations, businesses, churches, schools, and environmentally concerned citizens conduct local cleanups during LITTER SWEEP and may receive certificates of appreciation for their participation; and WHEREAS, the great natural beauty of our state and a clean environment are sources of great pride for all North Carolinians, attracting tourists and aiding in recruitment of new industries; and WHEREAS, the cleanup will increase awareness of the need for cleaner roadsides, emphasize the importance of not littering, and encourage recycling of solid wastes; and WHEREAS, the fall 2009 LITTER SWEEP cleanup will celebrate the 21St anniversary of the North Carolina Adopt-A-Highway program and its 5,750 volunteer groups that donate their labor and time year-round to keep our roadsides clean; and WHEREAS, the LITTER SWEEP cleanup will be a part of educating the children of this great state regarding the importance of a clean environment to the quality of life in North Carolina. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that September 19 -October 3, 2008 be recognized as FALL LITTER SWEEP in New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 21St day of September, 2008. NE~U HANOVER COUNTY Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 12-4-1 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: September 21, 2009 REGULAR ITEM: 13 DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Wanda Coston CONTACT(S): Wanda Coston and Dorothy Smaldone SUBJECT: Public Hearing: North Carolina Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2009 Community Revitalization Program BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County will submit a grant application for $850,000 to $1,000,000 in Community Revitalization grant funds, a program administered by the North Carolina Department of Commerce's Division of Community Assistance (DCA). A CDBG Community Revitalization project's purpose is to restore a designated residential area as delineated by a distinct boundary of property lines or streets. The project area for New Hanover County's Community Revitalization application is the Fulton Avenue neighborhood in Castle Hayne and the application deadline is September 30, 2009. The primary activity undertaken by the County is the provision of housing rehabilitation or housing demolition and replacement for low and very low income residents (at or below 50% of the HUD area median income) of Fulton Avenue. The second activity will be the provision of public water service to all neighborhood residents, with income eligible residents receiving assistance for initial utility hook up and service fees. Drainage improvements will be the third activity supported by Community Revitalization Grant funding. In order to comply with the terms and conditions set forth in the CDBG grant requirements, the County must conduct a public hearing to solicit input concerning the designated project area activities prior to submission of the 2009 application. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: a) Request that Commissioners conduct the public hearing in accordance with the CDGB requirements and authorize County Planning staff to finalize and submit the 2009 Community Revitalization application to the DCA for consideration. b) Request that Chairman sign the CDBG Application Summary Form and other relevant forms in the grant application. ATTACHMENTS: Budget COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 13-0 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Conducted public hearing. Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 13-0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ Q O O O O O O O O O ~ O O O O O O O O O ~ o 0 0 0 000 0 0 _ ~ ~ ~ o°o a°o °o~°o ~ ~ _ _ _ _ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ Q ~ ER Efl bg bF} ~ ffl ~ 0 ~ V Q ~ o0 o O o 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O {f} ER {f} {f} ~ N O r 'Q ~ ~ N _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 M M +r V Q ~ O O O O O O O O ~ O O O O ff} ffl Efl b9 ~ O In f~ N d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ N = +r V Q d ~ O O O O O O O O O ~ ~ O O O O O O O O O 3 ~ V O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O m ~ E}} O In O ~ lf) ER {f} f}} V ~ ~ 6g N Ef} a ~ ~ ~ m 'o Q a L a c 0 ~ N ~ i d d ~ Q ~ ~ C ~ O..-. 3 ~ V C C C~ Q~ N ~ ~ ~ N ~ p N ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O C ~ C ~ ~ ~ O U ~ ~ ~ ~ d .C ~ ~ O N .L ~ O ~ ~ ~ N ~ W ~ ~ ~ 3 oa ~ C~ c c~ c~ C m c~ U ~ > ~ m C~ c~ U 3 o m a a m 0~ a~ a ~ O L ~ 0~~ N~ c 0~~~ 0 Board of Commissioners Meeting 09/21/2009 13-1-9 0 0 0 ~ p o C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p = a Q 0 ~ o ~ o _ 0~ ~ E ~ o Q a~ °o °o = a~i ~ ~ ~ ,o M M +r V Q O ~ O O ~ O V N d ~ M ~ dg i ~ N = +r V Q d O ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 O O O O 3 ~ V O m ~ ~Nv~ c"~~N N w w w w a ~ ~ ~ m 'o Q a L a ~ O Q N N y., ~ U~ ~ L ~ C ~ N ~ ~ Q N ~ ~ ~ mU o a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n i ~ ~ ~ a E ~ J c Q U o c o0 ~ c~ ~ U c E ~ G ~c ~ k ~ Q .N ~ ~ c W ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ t~ a J ~ a~ _ ~ ~ _ =w ~ ~ UO ~ ~ z~ Board of Commissioners Meeting 09/21/2009 13-1-20 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: September 21, 2009 REGULAR ITEM: 14 DEPARTMENT: Fire Services PRESENTER(S): Donnie Hall CONTACT(S): Donnie Hall or Frank Meyer SUBJECT: Consideration of DHS/FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Station Construction Grant Application BRIEF SUMMARY: The existing New Hanover County fire station located at 7375 Market Street, known as the Ogden Station #61, was constructed in 1968 as an all volunteer station. Due to changes over the years and the introduction of paid personnel, the building was altered to include sleeping quarters in the mid 1990's. Today, this building used 24 hours a day, is in need of extensive repair and does not adequately allow for separation of male and female employees. The building only has one full bathroom, and no laundry facilities due to an inadequate well. It is proposed that New Hanover County Fire Services rebuild this station on the existing site. The new station would be approximately 12,122 square feet with two apparatus bays. The proposed design incorporates an updated kitchen and dining room, ten individual bedrooms, a day room, training room, minimal office space, and sufficient bathrooms for staffing of both male and female employees. This project has been stalled in recent years due to budgetary constraints but there is an immediate need at this time for roof repairs to maintain the integrity of the structure. The estimates received for these repairs are approximately $40,000 and the building only becomes more maintenance intensive as it continues to age and deteriorate. The DHS/FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Station Construction Grant, if awarded, would provide $3,737,141 in Federal Funds that would require a New Hanover County Contribution of $300,000. The total budget for the proposed construction of $4,037,171 to replace the current Ogden Fire Station facility will increase our staffing ability to respond to fire, rescue, and medical emergencies in and around our community. The match can be appropriated from the Fire Service District Fund Balance if the grant is awarded. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval to apply for the DHS/FEMA Assistance to Firefighter's Station Construction Grant. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 14-0 This page intentionally left blank. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: September 21, 2009 REGULAR ITEM: 15 DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chairman Davis CONTACT(S): Sheila Schult SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Vacancies exist on the following Boards and Committees: Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board Board of Examiners of Electricians Juvenile Crime Prevention Council New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments. ATTACHMENTS: Info and applications COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: The following appointments were made: Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board: S. Ryan Estes was appointed to the At-Large (Community based alternative program/Eckerd Youth Alternatives) Category; Samuel J. Randall, IV was reappointed to the Criminal Defense Attorney Category; Mary Springer was appointed to the At-Large Category. Board of Examiners of Electricians: Charles A. Harrell was appointed; Michael Pulley was reappointed. Juvenile Crime Prevention Council: Deshon Montrael Barfield was appointed to the Student (under age 19) Category; Henry L. Batts, Jr, was reappointed to the At-Large Category; Hattie Cooper-McIver was reappointed to the At-Large Category; Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 15-0 William A. Crews, Jr. was reappointed to the At-Large Category; Ryan Estes was appointed to the At-Large/Youth Program Nora Henry Hargrove was appointed to the At-Large/Asst. Public Defender Category; Ryan Tunstall was reappointed to the Parks and Recreation Rep. Category. New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees: Michael Boggio was appointed; Helen Rogers Lofton was reappointed; Richard McGraw was appointed; John S. Monroe was appointed. Board of Commissioners Meeting na~~ ~ ~~nna Vl/LI/LVVI 15-0 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY BOARD Minimum Required Members: 10; Current Membership: 10 Terms: 3 years, expiring 9/30/12 ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS CATEGORY REAPPOINTMENT S. Ryan Estes At-Large (Community based alternative program/Eckerd Youth Alternatives) Samuel J. Randall, IV Criminal Defense Attorney X Mary Springer At-Large Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications Board of Commissioners Meeting n9i~ i i~nn9 15-1-1 NEIN HANOVER COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY BOARD Members: A county board or amulti-county board shall consist of not less than 10 members; and shall, to the greatest extent possible, include the following: county commissioner, county manager or designee, superior court judge or designee, district court judge or designee, district attorney or designee, criminal defense attorney, public defender, county sheriff or designee, chief of police or designee, probation officer, community service coordinator, 1 member from each of the following: mental health, public health, substance abuse, employee training, community-based corrections program, victim services program, member of business community, member of community who has been a victim of crime; and at-large members including persons who are recovering from chemical dependency or are previous consumers of substance abuse treatment services. Terms: 3-year terms Regular Meetings: Meetings are 4 times a year at 11:00 a.m. ~3r~ Friday of month} in the Conference Room of the Office of Juvenile Justice,138 N. Fourth Street. Statute or Cause Creating Task Force: NC General Assembly established Criminal Justice in 1994. G.S. 143B-273.10, County Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Boards} Purpose: The purpose of the advisory board is to develop community-based solutions to the problems of rehabilitation and punishment for criminal offenders. The goals will be to reduce recidivism, to reduce the number of probation revocations, to reduce alcohol and drug dependency among offenders and reduce the cost of incarceration now being paid by counties and the State. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Business Community First 1124105 9130108 David L. Miller Second 9122108 9130111 105 S. 5t~ Street Wilmington, NC 28401 772-2058 ~H} 262-4983 ~W} Criminal Defense Attorney Unexpired 2l15108 9130109 Samuel J. Randall, IV 200 Georgia Avenue Carolina Beach, NC 28428 office Address: 324 Village Road Leland, NC 28451 294-2505 ~H} 253-5124 ~W} Mental Health Unexpired 9120104 9130105 Sonja Dougl Robinson First 9119105 9130108 3433 R ncy Drive Second 9122108 9130111 Wil ' gton, NC 28412 one: 763-3391 Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-2 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY BARD TERM aF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Victim of Crime First 9120104 9130107 George E. Tilley Second 11/19/07 9130110 1134 Harbour Drive, #203 Wilmington, NC 28401 793-9352 ~H} 251-6185 ~X-220} ~W} At-Large Members: Alex Dale First 9122105 9130111 1312 Legacy Lane Wilmington, NC 28411 681-0365 4H } 794-4806 Donald Vau icklos ~ First 2118108 9130111 501 Mars aks Drive • Wilmi ton, NC 28411 6 -2299 ~H} 663-3116 ~W} Frankie Roberts First 9117101 9130104 P.O. Box 401 Second 9120104 9130107 Wilmington, NC 28402 Third 11119/07 9130110 793-4736 ~H} 762-4636 ~W} Gregory H. Stone First 1124105 9130108 618 Wild Dunes Circie Second 9122108 9130111 Wilmington, NC 28411 681-0996 ~H} Agency Representatives: County Commissioner Appointed 12/15/08 Undesignated Jason R. Thompson 443-0876 ~C} Count Mana er's Desi nee First 6122109 9130112 Assistant County Manager Chris Coudriet 798-7184 District Attorney's _Designee First 6122109 9130112 Assistant District Attorney Janet Coleman, Chair 341-1403 District Court Judge First 6122109 9130112 Chief Judge J. H. Corpening, II 341-1129 Division of Communit Corrections First 6122109 9130112 Assistant District Manager Brien H. Campbell 251-5757 Revised: 9131009 Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-3 New Hanover County 23Q Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION suite l75 Wilmington NC ?8403 Telephone: (910) 798-7149 Fax:{9]0)798-714 BoardlCommittee; Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board Name: Mr. S. Ryan Estes Home Address: '715 North 4th Street, Unit 301, Wilmington, NC 28401 (Street) {City) {Zip Curie) Mailing Address if different: E-Mail Address: Res tes @ eckerd , org Home Phone: Fax; Cell: 336-926-2896 Business: 910-588-4404 Years Living in New Hanover County: 6 Years Male: ~ Female: Race: White Age: 29 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the comrnunity) Employer: Eckerd Youth Alternatives (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign hislher position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation: Program Director Professional Activities: Recently completed MSW at UNC-Chapel Hill Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on this boardlcommittee? Strong committment and advocacy for marginalized and under-served populations. Experience with the juvenile justice population Conflict of interest: ff a board member believes he /she has a conflict or potential convict of interest an a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his I her respective board during a public m eeting. The m emb er should state the nature of the conflict, detailing That he/she has a s eparate, private or m onetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself I herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Substance abuse and mental health needs for instutionalized populations. Enhanced funding for this population. Qualifications for serving: 3+ Years of management experience with a leading national non-profit, Master of Social Work, Committment to the growth and success of New Hanover County Other municipal or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: N/A List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Clinton Howlett, 910-431-2498 ~u~. ~ 4 ~QO9 2. Ted Wisniewski, 910-588-4404 BD. 0~ C€~N'MISSI~N~RS 3. Sarah Dobens, 910-431-2906 Date. July 4 , 2009 Si nature: _ _ - g applications are kel}t nn file for 18 months Llse reverse side for additional cr}mments Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-4 an s es 715 N 4t" Street, Unit 301, Wilmington, NC 28441 336.926.2896 REstes@eckerd.org Educational Background Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC -May 2002 Bachelor of Arts, Psychology Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill -May 2009 Master of Social Work, Adolescent Health and Mental Health focus Work & Volunteer Experience Fckerd Youth Alternatives, Elizabethtown, NC December 06 -Present Program Director Responsible for the daily operations of a residential therapy facility for sixty clients. Serves as the supervisor for twenty direct-care staff and liaison with heads of other departments. Designs and leads an extended wilderness tripping program. Ensures training program focusing on motivational interviewing, therapeutic crisis intervention, and strength-based care, Develops client goals and treatment plan reviews. Responsible for licensure requirements, state contracts, and awareness of fiscal management. Juiy 05 -December 06 Master Counsei<or/Teacher Ensured the successful operation of a residential facility on a daily basis. Responsible for the supervision and training of counselors from wake-up to bedtime five days per week. Assisted in the development of treatment plans, scheduling, crisis intervention, and other administrative responsibilities. December 02-June 05 Caunselor/Teacher ~ Senior Counselor Fostered a therapeutic living environment for residential clients. Monitored and documented growth based on treatment plan goals. Assisted in meeting all daily living needs for twelve clients. Habitat for Humanity-Forsyth Affiliate, Winston-Salem, NC April Ol-Febuary 03 Development Associate intern Generated over 22K in annual Holiday fundraiser. Produced and oversaw a marketing campaign, identified and attained new donors, and tracked funds in database software. Assisted in volunteer maintenance and orchestrating of Collegiate Challenge. Alpha Phi Omega: National Service Fraternity, Winston-Salem, NC September 98 -May 02 Executive Leadership Positions Maintained various leadership positions in a local chapter of a national service fraternity. Secured new funding, helped nearly triple membership, and generated over 2,400 service hours as the service vice president. Personally completed b00 service hours with a variety of local non-profit organizations. S ecial Skills and Attributes Proficient in speaking, reading, and writing Spanish. Certified in low ropes elements focused on group dynamics. Prof dent in Internet research, data base maintenance, Microsoft Word, Power Paint, and Excel. Currently certified in Therapeutic Crisis Intervention, ARC First Aid, CPR, and Basic Water Rescue. Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-5 New Hanover County ?3D Government Center 1)ritc Board of Commissioners CUMM~TTEE APPL~CAT~4N suite 175 Wilmington, "~'elephone: {91 U ~ ~ 1 a~~ BoardlCommittee: Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board Name: Samuel J. Randal]., IV Home Address: 200 Georgia Ave Carolina Beach 28428 (Street) (Cite) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: E~Maii Address: NCCRIMLAW@YAHOO. COM Home Phone: 910 294-2505 Fax: 910 253-5127 Ce[l: Business: 910 253-5124 Years Living in New Hanover County: 14years Male: Female: ° Race: White Age. 38 (litformation for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the communit}) Employer: The Randall LAw Firm, PC (A person currently employed by the agency or department t'arwhich this application is made, must resign hislher position with Ne►v Ilanover {'uunt~ upon appointment, in accordance with Article V[, Section 4 of the New H anover County Personnel Policy.) Attorney Occupation: Professional Activities: Life Member NACDL, Member NCATL Volunteer Activities: Cub Scouts Why' do <<ou wish to serve on this boardlcommittee? Give Back to the Community Conflict of Interest: !f a board member believes he /she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the ot~~er members of his i her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or rnonelary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting an the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? _ Qualifications far serving: Board Cerified Specalist in State and Federal Crimial Law. Crimial Defense Attorney for 9 1/2 years ~ ~ ~ Qther municipal or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: N/A ~ ~ 'I i I ~ 1= ~ ~ ~V - list three local personal references and phone numbers: 1 John Green 910 343-8433 ~~A"d~~;rR ~ Clarke Speaks 910 341-7570 ~ John Beals 910 383-0009 Date: ~ - ~ U~ ~ Signature: ;11~plicatiuns are kept nn t'ile for 18 months [l r erse side t'or additional comment Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-6 ~Z~ ~~1 ~ ~ ~ , NEW HANDVER CDUNTY BDARD DF CDMMISSIDNERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 r ~ Wilmin ton NC 28403 y g - CDMMIT~EE APPLICA TIDN t~_ - Telephone (91 DJ 798-7149 FAX (9 9 D) 798-1945 f ~ ~~J La ~ ~ j ~ ~ / a ~ i ~ ~ Board/Committee: ~ ` ~ r f ~ ~ f'7 ~ ~ d L~ f 1 ~ ~d r ~ g Name: ~ ~ ~1 ~ E Mail.' Home ~ ` o~ ~ D ~ ~ ~ Address. ~ ~ ~ j (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: (City) (Zip Cadel • ~ r - l ~ ~ ~ Fax: Cella Business: Home Phone. Years living in New Hanover County: Male: Female: Race: Age: (information for the purpose of assuring across-section of the community) Employer: (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V1, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.l Dccupat~on. - D 'L r r1, ■ ! . r ■ ~ / ~ ~ 1. Prof ss►ona Act v!t►es: ~ 1f ~ + ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l~ ~ ~-F ~ S j~ ~ ~ n ~ ~~S ~a ~ a ~ ~ . VolunteerActivities: ~ ~ ~ ~1 a ' ~ ''v t ►1 ~ ~ r ~c ~~n a~1~~ ~ ~ ■ do ou w►sh to serve on fh►s board/committee. ~ ~ ~ Gl Y Y ~C. ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ Conflict of Interest: If a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potentr'al co flict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse hi self/herse fmm voting on the matter. What areas of concern would ou like to see addressed 6 this committee? ! I ' ~ ~ ~ Y Y ~ ti r,., ~ /r r Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C C ~ ~l Qualifications for servin : ~ l~ ~ ~ . ' ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ i ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ _ ~ l ~ - n,~ ~ ~ n Dther municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serer"ng: List three local personal references and phone numbers: ~ i ~ r~ . ~ ~ s ~ B F~ ~ ~ C ~ o ~ _ ~ J t ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ ~ ~g Date: Signature Applicsfions are kept an file for 18 months Board of Commissioners e ti (19/21 /2(19 n~.............. _1.. i_ _ ...f.~:..:.....,. ~ ' "Casef usC Ivvwrsl5LlWUa IMF auuluunal wu►nrCrica 15-1-7 ~~CO~ n r z,' n~ ~N'~?~-I" Cb R ~ -~o a n J~'~ ~ ~~e. m ~1EC~f ~ ~InC~ ~XiS~-PncE G~ ~d~~ ire S~~r~-}' P- r'~n~~~a~ o-F ~U~ mi ndS ~Ct-~ S~~-i ~U ~ ~l ~ S-~~~~ ~ 6 ~a~'~~ £ ~ ~ v~ c~ I~ D SP n~ w~ II o~ n1 any /.~'i~ ~aS h~ ~ ~ ~~~c Dorn h~-{ c~uet~~~~c~ ~K~- '~~-F C~jn~inaJ ~e~~s InS~a c,I ~1~v~-~ P s ~~n ~ornes rnn~~ s~ ~ ~~~~d~~~ a -~c~,e Sulu-~-~on, S-~~ ~u~-s~~~ ~ti~ S~ n~-~On~ s ~ n ~ dES~ ~ ~ rr~ ~f c~f~ `f~- 9~ ~ Board of Commissioners Mcc[ing f19 J I ?f114) 15-1-8 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF ELECTRICIANS VACANCIES: 2 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT Charles A. Harrell X Michael Pulley *Vacancies have been advertised for two months with no new applications received. Mr. Pulley has agreed to serve athird /two-year term, if the board so desires. Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications Board of Commissioners Meeting n9i~ i i~nn9 15-1-9 NEIL HANOVER COUNTY BOARD of EXAMINERS of ELECTRICIANS Number of Members: 5 consisting of: 1 Chief County Electrical Inspector 2 independent Electrical Contractors 1 Nominated by Power Company 1 Electrical Contractor Nominated by the County Division of N.C. Association of Electrical Contractors Regular Meetings: Meetings are held as required, usually on the third or fourth Wednesday every two months at 9:00 a.m.. in the office of the County's Chief Electrical Inspector in the County Government Center. Compensation: None Terms: two years -may be reappointed S#atute or Cause Creating Board: New Hanover County Cvde, Chapter 5, Section 5-132 Brief on the Functions: The primary purpose of this Board is to issue certificates of competence to Journeyman Electricians and Apprenticeship cards to new electrician helpers. The Board establishes minimum Journeyman standards and issues certificates to those passing a written examination. Generally, recognition is given to Journeyman certificates issued by other jurisdictions. TERM of OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY APPOINTMENT EXPIRATIGN Charles A. Harrell Electrical First 8113101 911109 65?3 Murrayville Road Contractor Wilmington, NC 28411 191-1910 ~H} 395-0717 ~W} Michael Pulley Electrical First I 105 911101 P.G. Box 10382 Contractor econd 81131 911109 Wilmington, NC 28404 190-9081 ~ H } 198-1280 ~W} G. F. Hal! NC Assoc. 424 Bayshore Drive Nominee Wilmington, NC 28405 Dale Sutton Power Progress Energy Company P.n. Box 1110 Nominee Wilmington, NC 28402 Staff Support: James R. Shivar 8101 Chief Electrical Inspector File: (Electricians New Hanover County Inspections Dept. B1C #9 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 ?98-7205 Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-10 Aug 03 07 09:10a Charles & Kim Harrell 9103951108 p.1 nvu-UG-cuUl~JAV uc, rx~ l~fl~.► I~N~11~~iu~~n~ ~x~ iY4, ~lU Jy~ ~~1~~ U~7/~~1 N~~V g~i10Y~~ c~~11~ 230 aovemmerit Center t)ti4e ~fc~~~~o~~ co~t~rr~~ a►~P~cAT~or~ su~u,~s Wil~nsDg~n,>~C 2Ad~3 r~ltptiane: X910) 798.1119 Fax' (9I D) 74a•ri o~ ~aandlL'am~~: Board of Examiners of Electr~ci~aws Name; Charles A, Harrell Hone ~ , Add s< t~'e~) fah) t7ap Code) N~ding Address d difl'ertrlnt: E-Ma~Addre~~; ~ ~t ~ e~ e C ~r c C Gt. ~ ~ , r Y Home Plane: ~ Fax: ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ Ce[f: d'~ ~ 3 ~ 8usfnes~: ~ Q Yel~l"s L1M1'tl~g IA r Neer Sanavelr Cant~j►: Mak: ~ Fetrele: Race: e~ [are ~t~ fv pnrpoee •i iort~ ~ cra ~s uctlsa al Ike mapilyj ~ ~ . n Em a I~ ~ ~ ~ ' 1~' ~~r l' ~ C~_5 ~ (A en ~ c~tlJ t~mlfley+ed by t1t >~tat~ rf ie~rl~t fir Which ttil: ~~iiC~ ie ■~~t, ~iM raipr htVp ~re1~rn MV Nt~r R avy dt C oa~lr upa~ ~pafalAept, is au~ltte rrlli► Mtitk V~, Scttlao 4 0~ flu New N tt~~rer Covaa ?errM~el P~lic7 QCG'4'~tl~; ~ .f ' Prafessianat Activitira~: R//J/ ~ Volunt~r Acdvities• ~ ~ ~ b do eu wish to strvc on this baardkvmni~tce? ~ ~ t~t~~ (.t, ~C~~vw~~c Conllkt of hrt~re x e IoKd rue er ae(prQa h lrlts f►es i c~nrtisfct or patentie nfllc cf inlerRSl as a pert ~rler iss~i, Oi61 ~rem~u sho~ldsfa~e ~rlialfo the alter mem Dvr~ of has f Avr respecf;re bard daring ~ pu4lic m erli~p, ?`AR momt►e~ should alto fhe arwie of tAe coatlacl, do[aiAaQ thQr Aa/81se has a ssp~r~le, ~JVela pr rnonets!y Infardal, sithu darrcl or andire~i, is fete Issvo valor cansider~tioR. ; h9 f?B~I~DIr eAoufd then excr~se hirrrreU l heraeft from yDf~g an the milter. 'What at~eas of trnrlcern waaid yaei like to see. sddrossed bx this comipittl~e? Quatifit~itions ~'vr ser~iag: ~ ; -i ~ 1 ~ 4tber inletieipai ar county boardslcommittees aei which you are acrving: L' List #h~ree ~oc~ personal references and p6aoe eumhets: " '1 ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~i r ~ f Date. ~ S~gnature• A~~Ikitta~ >wrehept e~ life for l8 mantles n:trcterx ddcier adlitlat~l ratn~tent~ Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-ll 0~I29~2005 13.09 19106866959 LANEY ELEC, PAGE 01 New mover Coro~y Bosr~ of Co~p~onere GO EE APP~CA'~~N 320 Cboetnnt Street Aovm 30~ ~ilm~gw~a,NC 11401-4083 ~'/lep~6nfie (910y ~4i.7~1y 1~~ (9a4) 34 i~130 Hovr~ICaoano~ttee: ~ Nnmc: ' H~o®e • ~ ' aaar~~. ~ l2 MNWMI9ni~~~~~. ~9treety (Clh'1 (dip Code) Mode` Aadr~~a ~f di;~~reot: ~lomc FhoAe: ~ ~ Eu~~ne~alWvrk Phoae: ~ Xaur~ L~vie~ ~e ~ Nt~► Huaover Co+ootj►: ~ ~v~~: ~ Femele: Ance: ~ • ~ (1~lo~~dta ter ~e pvN~re rf ai~an~.~ ~ eras eo~e~ o~tltt o~drtlryf ~ ~ E®ployer: {A ~lersei c~rreatEy ar~~loyed by tba f~~ote~ er deperfseat iorrrb~~cb ~t tppll~itlen Is mete, m,ut re~i=w hi~lhe; poeltlp~ Mltb~ Nt~v Htpovet Coudty Kpot o~p+IA INIMI ~,1~ ~tcoraerce w~tM ~rtkk V~~ Sced/■ l o! tlk i~drr H.avrer C aaaty Pe non~ae~ l~olky,) Job ~tk: P~rofe~elpu~ ,Act~vf tic.: ~ ` 1 ~ ~ ~s ~~r~ vol~ehvr Activitle~; Wby do yn+u wish to serve m tb,is boo~rdlcommdttae? A4 ~DC~~ ~~~C~~IG4~ +~Ql~1n~~1►~ r Canllldt a1~hn/t p / hOAr'd member /allbres A~ / eA/ frp/ / conllW Or poftrttir~ conAlct of fdfehe~ pR / p/fYlCt~ltl' N/~d, lhrt memper aAauf~efa4 Info Aollil101A/ O~AtI mom Arn pl Alt / her rsraecNw• /acrd darrfp / pueNc mo•tir~. Ths n~en+bar sAeuld /fAh tA/ A/tI1f~A of M/ COnAicf, defefJlnQ tMt Ae%Af AA/ f //p/1f!/, p~lr/~f~A or mOnstery inleratf, sifhsr dlreof ar 11IdJ►t~Ct, lq 0►e iewr vndrr cnnstdereNon. Tne prypA►p/~ tADald them excwe Rimerl►/ Aereelllrom vafinp Drr the metMr. WM~tt orewa of coaixrq would you uht to soe oddresscd by tb~~~ ~on~mtttee? Qao~A~o~io~ fvr aorvie`: ~ ~ . Other municipv or coudhy bonrdslcommittees oq wf~f~h you ire servieg: List three lo~l p~odol refereece~ o~d phoa! ■usber3: 1 ~ . " Z 4 3 Dote: Q Slgnvtuxe: Alpllcalios~ are dept oa ~bk 1~ vel~H~ Flo r'e ride !sr id~i~N~e1 te~Aefon Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-12 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL Membership limited to no more than 26 (currently 19 members) (Up to 7 vacancies) Terms: 2-years, expiring 9/30/11 Categories: At-Large, Business Community, Juvenile Defense Attorney, Parks and Recreation representative, Student ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICATION CATEGORY REAPPOINTMENT Deshon Montrael Barfield Student (under age 18) Henry L. Batts, Jr. At-Large X Hattie Cooper-McIver At-Large X William A. Crews, Jr. At-Large X Ryan Estes At-Large/Youth Program Charlotte Noel Fox At-Large/Attorney Nora Henry Hargrove At-Large/Asst. Public Defender Jake Hunt At-Large Mary Springer At-Large Ryan Tunstall Parks and Recreation Rep. X Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications Board of Commissioners Meeting n9i~ i i~nn9 15-1-13 NEVI HAN~VER COUNTY JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTIaN COUNCIL Members: Representatives from the following categories: school superintendent or designee, police chief or designee, sheriff or designee, district attorney or designee, chief court counselor or designee, AMHIDDISA director or designee, DS5 director or designee, county manager or designee, substance abuse professional, member of faith community, county commissioner, Z under age 18, juvenile defense attorney, chief district judge or designee, member of business community, health director or designee, United Way ar other non-profit member, parks and recreation representative, and 7 at-large members appointed by County Commissioners. Limited to no more than 26.} Terms: Z-year terms Changed from 3 year terms to reflect requirements of General Statutes} 9146 Regular Meetings: Meetings are held 7 times per year at 12:30 p.m. ~3~a Friday bi-monthly} in the Conference Room of the Office of Juvenile Justice, 138 N. Fourth Street, Wilmington, NC. Statute or Cause Creating Task Force: NC General Assembly established JCPC on 12121198. Purpose: The JCPC is to assess, prioritize and identify ways to meet needs of youths who are at-risk of delinquency or who have been adjudicated, undisciplined, ar delinquent; identify community risk factors; recommend allocation of state funding far youth programs that address these risk factors; and evaluate the effectiveness of these programs. TERM ~F OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPaINTMENT EXPIRATION Business Communes First 9122108 9130110 Joe Miller 7103 Centallion Court Wilmington, NC 28411 338-1826 ~H} 196-1022 ~W} Faith Community Unexpired 9120104 9130105 Son}a Douglas Robinson First 9119105 9130108 3433 Regency Drive Second 9122108 9130110 Wilmington, NC 2841 Z Phone: 763-3391 Juvenile Defense Attorne First 9118106 9130105 Ruchadina L. Waddell Second 9122108 9130110 5145 Lamppost Circle Wilmington, NC 284D3 395-4210 ~ H } 772-6400 ~W} Parks and Recreation Re resentative First 61181D7 9130149 Ryan Tunstall 453 Drake Court vilmington, NC 28403 341-0057 ~W} Under Age ~8 Student First 7121108 913011 D Nicholas Scarff 121 Braxio Lane Vilmington, NC Z84o9 350-3608 ~H} Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-14 JUVEN[LE CRIME PRE1lENTION COUNCIL ~CONT.~ TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Alma Sanc First 9118105 9134108 5509 Gr nville Loop Road, #Z 14 Second 9122108 9130110 Wil ' gton, NC 25409 ~ Q 3 -1919 ~H} Members-at-Large First 8114106 9130!09 Henry L. Batts, Jr. ~ Diamond Drive Castle Hayne, NC 28429 ~ 515-9648 ~ H } Hattie Cooper-McIver ~ First 8114106 9130109 Pine Haliow Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 193-2022 ~ H } 341-3211 ~UV} William Austin Crews, Jr, First 8114106 9130149 5386 New Centre Drive, Apt. C . Wilmington, NC 28403 262-8199 ~ H1W} Glenn v11. Drew First 9122108 9134110 1421 Coker Court ~ Wilmington, NC 28411 581-0463 4H} 410-0645 ~C} Alice J. Haynes First 9122108 9130110 7401 Dachshund Court Wilmington, NC 28411 395-4252 ~H} 352-6713 ~C} George E ley first 9120144 9130101 1134 rbour Drive, #203 Second 9111101 9130109 W' ington, NC 28401 93-9352 ~H} 251-6185 ~~-220} X0111} Dolores M. isms First 9120104 9130101 3113 J heeler Drive Second 9111101 9130109 Wi ington, NC 28409 52-1150 ~H} 341-5851 ~vv} County Commissioner Appointed 12/15108 Undesignated Jason R. Thompson 5as-581 ~C} Agency Representatives: County Manager's Office: Chris Coudriet DSS: Olvanda Marino District Attorney: Lillian Salcines Bright Health Department: Ellen Harrison Judge Of District Court: Judge JH Corpening Juvenile Courts: Robert Speight Sheriff Department: Michelle Guarino Mental Health: Judy Hall v~lilmington City Police: Melissa Budd Schools: Dr. Rick Holliday Substance Abuse Center: Jane A. McDonald United Way: Angel Funk oar o ommissloners eetmg RPVIGP!'~' ~~1 ~~?nng (19/21/2(19 F~lP~ l.IC:PC~ n~ln~ ~ ~v . ~vvv.. v~ . v~ r vv ~ ~~v ~ ! v v■ v v vi vv New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION wi']mingron, NC 2$40 Telephone: (9101 798-7l~9 Fax; (910}798-ri=ll BoardlCommittee: ~ Name: ~ Ir' ~ ~ ~c~rl Home jy/~- 1E ~ Address. d ~ ~ ~ {Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: E-Mail Address: Nome Phone: ~~d r~~ d~~~v~ Fax: Cell: ~v~~~~~~~ Business: Years Living in New Hanover Coun Male: ~ Female: Race: / Age: (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Employer: ~ ~ ~ ~ Q (A person cu rre t ~ employed by the agency o r depar t t'ar which this app ication is made, ust resign hislher position with N etiv H anover C ounh~ upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the l~e~v Hanover County Personnel Policy.) occupation: ~ r Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities, ~ [IJ ~ ~G ~ ,l 1 ~ by da you wish to s rve on th' boardlcommittee? ~ ~ ~ r X Conftlc f lrtterest: 1f a board member believes he / she h s a onilict or potential conflict of interes a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his /her respective board during a public meetr'ng. The member should state the nature a the confNct, detailing that he/she has a separate, private ar monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself /herself from voting on fhe matter, What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? ~Jf..[~1'~'' ~ Qual~f~cat><ons for servrn r r~- ~the municipal or count baardslcommi tees on whic you are serving: ~ ~ ~ !V List three local personal references and phone numbers: r r ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ o ~,r ~s Date: ~ Signature: r Applications are kept on lice for 18 months Use re~lerse side f r additional cam menu ~ ~ ~ oar o Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-16 NF~V f~~4NDUF1~ 1,~QIJ~I~"Y ~~H~~ ~ ~~~~~~3~3~V~C~~ 32~ ~Ches#nu# Streef, Room 3f~ Wilmington, hIG X8401-4Q93 ~ ~~A Telephone j51D) 341-7145 FAQ ~91s0) 3~ 1-413 ~ 1 ~Boardl~ommitlee: ~ ~ ~ ~ e a ~ f ~ y ~ ~Orc ~c~~ ~J Name: ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ t Home Address: ~ ~ ~ ~,4, ~ ~ ff ~ ~ I~. C.y ~ ~ ~Straet~ {City) (gip Code) >~1'ailing Address if different: ~ ~ (city) (.gip ~Cod~e) m Home f'hane; f ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~s►ness Rhone. I~ Years living ~n ~ New ffanvver ~oun#~: L~~ lYlale: ~ Female: Race: ~ ~ A e: (lnformaf►on .for the ;nt►raase .or ~,ssur:.~;g a cross-section of tfie community) Fm~~~yej (A person currently employed ~y tf~e egenc~r ~r r~epartmen.t for ~►hicir tf~is appficaticn ~s ~nads, ~rnust resign.~hislher position with New Hanover ~Caunty Upon appointment, sn ~eccordance with Article ~Yl, Sec. 4 ~f the ~Neyv H~nn~er ~~Coun~y personnel ir'o~cy.) Job ~i#le• Professional Activitie~~ . R ~ Lfow s Volunteer ~4cti~rities. v ~ Why do you wish to ~er-va on .thin ~baar~/eomrni~tee? ~~l' " ~ ~ ~~~`~c~e~ d ~s ~ . Conl~ct of lntenst; !f a board memberbelieves ~fae%h~e:tias a cnrrflict r patenfre! conflicf Hof inte► st ~n a par#~icular Issue, that~mern6er a1►au! $ta#e this belief #o the other members of hi~/her,resp~ti~ve:board durir~g,a public rr~e#ing. The mBmbar sfa~la~state the nature of the conflict, e!etailir~ that~he/sh~`has a sepsrai~, pri.vete ar monetary tnter~rt, ei#herdirect cr lr~dir.~ect, in the ~SsUe under consideration. 7~he rnember should .then excuse ~hir~self~herself fr~am quoting inn the matter. What araaS ~of concern ~roul~d you like -ta see .addressed h~ this ~ornrnittee? ors ~ c t~ ~ ~ Qualilicalions for se~rir~g: ~Dther municipal ar counfy hoards~comrnit~ees ors ~vhic~h you are serving: three l~cat personal references ar~~d ,hone numbers: ~~~t 3 7~~`~ 3. ~~~v~~~v e Date: Signature Applications ere fr~pt on f<le for 18 months Board of Commissioners Meeting ! - - r- - - -{-~=y- - ~ r . (19/21 /2(19 15- 1 17 NEW HANOVER CO. n of i`nmmigttnmroc r n r~ ~ r., Ne~v Hanover County Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION ~ J~~. 2 ~ z~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 30S Wilmington,NC 28401.4093 Telephone: (910) 798-7149 Fax: 798-7145 ~~~~~14~~ ~Q C~f~~~~ISS~~~i~RS BoardlCommittee: Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Name: Hattie Cooper-McIver Home Address; 4612 Pine Hollow Drive Wilmington NC 28412 (Street) (City) (Zip Cade) Mailing Address if different: Home Phone; ~ 910 ~ 7 93-2022 BusinesslWork Phone: ~ 910 ~ 341-3217 Years Living in New Hanover County: 24 Male: _ Female: ' Race: Black Age; 96 (Information for the purpose of assuring a crass section of the community) Employer: Wilmington Housing Authority (A person currently employed by the agency or department far which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Section Q of the New Hanover County Personnel Poticy.} Job Title; Chief of Family Self Sufficiency/Resident Services Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities; Senior Project Observer, Church fundraising committees , Mentoring Why do you wish to serve on this boardlcommittee? To assist the committe members in finding resources grant writing, partnerships to create activities for the youth in our community. Conflict of lnterest !t a board member believes he /she has a conflict or potential convict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his /her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monefary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself /herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? More youth programs are needed and collaboration with the judicial system for alternative measures to incarceration. Background in criminal justice, mother of two teenager daughters and Qualifications for searing: working with youth living in low income housing qualifies me to identify barriers. Other munici al or count boardslcommittees on which ou are servin ;Loan Review Committee, DMC Task Force P Y Y g Committee, Youth Policy Council Meeting ~Youthbuild USAF. List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Catrecia McCoy-Bowman, 341--3217 2. Jahn Ranalli, 798-6475 3. Rev. Terry Henry, 251-$772 Date: July 25, 2006 Signature: Applications are kept on file for 1$ months Use reverse side far additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-18 NEW HAN4VER CnUNTY `ou~T,. Yr ,~k~ ~ k r E4ARD 4F CaM1V1fSS14NERS x 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 CQMMI T TEE A PPLI CA TION ~~~~~itsrifz.`~~ Telephone (91 Ql 798-7149 FAX (91 of 798-7145 Board/Committee: ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ Name: ~ r ~ ' 1 ~ ~ ~ b*Mail.• Home ~ ~ ~ lie / ~ ~ ~ C v~~ Address. ~ ~ L (Street) (City) (Zip Code1 Mailing A ddress if different : I ~ (City) (Zip Code) Home Phone: ~ ~ Fax: Cell: Business: w~ Years living in New Hanover County: f v' Male: Female: Race: ~ Age: (Information far the purpose of assuring across-section of the community) Employer: r~ ~ ~ (A person currently employed,by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Palicy.l nccupa tiara: ~ - l~c.~f~ Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: rn d~c~'f~ ~ ~ ' ~ / ~ ~ t Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? ~ ~ ~ ` ~_nr ► ~ ~ ~ .ter-- Conflict of Inter If a board mem er elieves he/she has a nflict ar potential conflict of intere an a particular issue, that member sh Id state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct ar indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting an the matter. What areas of concern would ou like to see addressed b th►s committee. Y Y Qualifications for servin : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ g ~ ,r.. _ I E ~ Dther mu icipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: fist three local personal references and phone numbers: { ~ ~ 3. ~ ~ jj ~ ' ~ ~ . ~ / r Date. !lIYYYJJJ r Signature Ap cations re kept on file for ~8 monfhs Please use reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-19 New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION w;,min~ p~,NC zs4a~ Telephone: (910) 798-7149 Fax: (910)798-7145 BoardlCommittee: Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Name: Ryan Estes ' Home Address: 715 North 4th street, Unit 301, Wilmington, NC 28401 (Street} (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: E-Mail Address: rester@eckerd.org Home Phone: 336-926-2896 Fax; Ce[~: Business: 910-588--4404 Years Living in New Hanover County: ~ Male: ~ Female: ;Race: White Age, 29 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community} Employer: Eckerd Youth Alternatives , Inc . (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign hislher position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation; program Director Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: Coastal Horizons, Salvation Army Why do you wish to serve on this boardlcommittee? Ihave worked with this population for 10 years, and feel this is a worthwhile effort to ensure better care Conflict of Interest: !f a board member believes he /she has a conflict or potential confict of interest an a particular issue, thaf member should state this belief to the other members of his /her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself /herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Addressing substance abuse treatment needs, and applying for more federal and state funding Qualifications for serving: Master of Social Work from Chapel Hill; Seven years of working with New Hanover at-risk youth, familar with evidence based practices for multiple needs Other municipal or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: N/A List three local personal references and phone numbers: Mr. Ted Wisniewski 914-316-2638 ~~V 3 1. 2 Ms . Sara Dobbens ~ --L~~ ~ ~ b BD. 0~ COM SS[~NER~ 3. Mr. Clinton Howlet 10-431-2498 Date: Signature: Applications are kep n file for 1 months Usc re a side for additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-20 ~ ~ 715 N 4th street, Unit 301.;Wilmington, NC 28401 336.92b.289b REstesC eckerd.org Educational Back round Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC -August 199$- May 2002 Bachelor of Arts, Psychology Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill -August 2006 -May 2009 Master of Social Work Work & Volunteer Ex erience Eckerd Youth Arternatives, Elizabethtown, NC December 06 -Present Program Director Respansible far the daily operations of a residential therapy facility for sixty clients. Serves as the supervisor for twenty direct-care staff and liaison with heads of other departments. Designs and leads an extended wilderness tripping program. Ensures tra~nmg program focusing on motivational interviewing, therapeutic crisis intervention, and strength-based care. Develops client gaals and treatment plan reviews. Responsible for licensure requirements, state contracts, and awareness of fiscal management. July 05-December 06 iVlaster Counseror/T'eacher Ensured the successful operation of a residential facility on a daily basis. Responsible for the supervision and training of counselors from wake-up to bedtime five days per week. Assisted in the development of treatment plans, scheduling, crisis intervention, and other administrative responsibilities. December 02- June 05 Caunselorfl'eacher & Senior Counselor Fostered a therapeutic living environment for residential clients. Monitored and documented growth based on treatment plan goals. Assisted in meeting all daily living needs for twelve clients. Habitat for Humanity-Forsyth Af~diate, Winston-Salem, NC Apri101-September 02 Deveroprnent Associate intern Generated over 22K in annual Holiday fundraiser. Produced and oversaw a marketing campaign, identified and attained new donors, and tracked funds in database software. Assisted in volunteer maintenance and orchestrating of Collegiate Challenge. Alpha Phi Omega: Nationar Service Fraternity, Winston-Salem, NC September 98 -May 02 Executive Leadership Positions Maintained various leadership pasitions in a local chapter of a national service fraternity. Secured new funding, helped nearly triple membership, and generated over 2,000 service hours as the service vice president. Personally completed 600 service hours with a variety of local non-profit organizations. S ecial Skills and Attributes Proficient in speaking, reading, and writing Spanish. Certified in low ropes elements focused on group dynamics. Proficient in Internet research, data base maintenance, Microsoft V~ord, Power Point, and Excel. Currently certified in Cornell's Therapeutic Crisis Intervention, American Red Cross First Aid and CPR. Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-21 New Hanover County ?30 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION wiEltmin7tc~n 1vc ~s4c)3 ~clcphonc: (910} 798-7149 Fax: (910) 79t3-7145 Juvenile Crime Prevention Council BoardlCommittee: V ~ e. bYh~Y I Name: Charlotte Noel Fox Home Address: 1504 Old Lamplighter way, Wilmington, NC 28403 (Street} (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different; 701 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 E-Mail Address: cnfox@ec . rr . com Home Phone: 3 95 4 7 9 8 Fax: Ce[[: Business: 815 0 0 8 5 Years Living in New Hanover County: 4 Male: Female:... Race: White Age: 33 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community°] Lmplnyer: Craige & Fox, PLLC (A person currristly employed lry the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upun appointment, in accordance with ~~,rticle VI, Section 4 of the Ncw Flano~~cr County Personnel Policy.) Attorney occupation: Professional Activities: North Carolina Bar Association, New Hanover County Bar Association Volunteer Activities: NC Coastal Land Trust Why do you wish to serve an this boardlcommittee? Ihave beef defending juveniles for the past four years and would like to be involved with providing for their needs post adjudication Conflict of lnteresf: tf a board member believes he /she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his /her respective board during a public m eeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration, The member should then excuse himself / herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Unavailability of Programs, Lack of Knowledge of Defense Attorneys of available programs Qualifications for serving: Defending Juveniles for 4 years, Working closely with Court Counselors Other municipal or county boardslcommittees an which you are serving; None c. ~ ~ ~ List three local personal references and phone numbers: APR 2 ~ 208 1, Frances Goodman- 509 1201 Kathy Babb- 200 7032 ~~w ~lA"1~V~f~ 3. Robin Robinson-763 3374 Date: r V U Si nature: g Applications arc kept on file far 18 months Else reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-22 0910112005 16:~3 FRS 5103436427 NHC PlJBLIC SEFEN6ER ~ 4021002 ~e'~V HaooYer COr~nty Z34 Gnvernmons Cel+lor Dr;yo ' ' ears C~MMIT~LL A~PLICA'~0~' suite 175 ~QS~d 0~ C41q~11~910 Wllmhl~tall, NC ~~~~3 Te;lepbone: (910} 79d•7149 Flx;(910)741.71d5 BoardlCommittee: _U~ ~ ~ r J erne: , Va ~ r~ 0 U ~ Home ~ d AddressF ~ ~j ~ ~ Cil (7l~r Cptlo} ~5traat) ~ Moiling Addr~~s i~ dliYereet: E-Nisi Addre9:~: ~ ' r ~ ~ ~ ome Phone; r la r~ ] Fox; ~ y 3'~O Z~ ^ Cell: (p ZD ~ ~ Business: - 0 N Years Lir►~ng iu ~~Ir: ~ aaee; ~ Agr: 1Vew Kanaver c.ou~nty. r~~l~. re (In~ortn titian for the purpwe of fresurln~ ~ craaz ~eetinn of chr cant mun ity~ f - ~ Employer: ~ ~ d . ~K sr i (p person errrenlly employed by the ngeaty o r department inr.rh~e6 cii,e ipplla~tian it made, >ti+1,~ec rasl~n hlalher pA~itian ~r~th Net ~anavar Counsy by0n ~ppalnlrttant, In Nctdrtl~lltw rrllh Artirla VI, sa4tlnu d r~l' lila Na+Y HIIhtlMar CUUhI,y 1`artonnol irulicy~) Oaaupation: S 5 ~ ~ ~ Vrofessianxl Aetlvitlrs: • Volunteer Activities: 'VV~ do vu wish to serve on this boardleomlu~ttCe? / L r y r CoR~~lat o (1AIOI41t, M tl anuQ rRvmbar baba tar h1 / lA1 rtos A CattlNat or poto of EOAflrC[ of InfvrDct an a po~tlrUl~r letue, M9 f memdor should rcr~ta RAra bolleHo fhv tllhAt rnemeera o~ rtla / hd~ roapealrfi board durfn~ o publlr m aetJnp The mer~oor ~nauld stele the nbture el tna eonrllci, calelllnQ rho! lid/she not d ~aAarolQ, prlrl[0 ar mOtfet6ry rnr~re9t, ellrtsrdlrac' or indiroPl, in [AB 18que trndorcanaidertl~io►1. Tne m9tn8vrshould than ersuae hlm8elf / rtvr;alf from rvtinp or, the matter. Whit areas of concern would yQ+u like to see addressed by this cammittee? F r~`C ~ ualifications for serving; ~ ~ ~ ~j~ 77 /~6 Q ~ ~ Otl7cr municipal oir county boardslcarnmirkros on which yvu are serving: ~ SEP 1 X049 List thr4c local personal rcfnrcriees and plionr numbers, VIEW H~NOV~~ C~. BD. DMM 5 ~ 3. ~V C ~ ~ h1"r ate: ~ • / r ~ SignKture: ll Uoe rcvcr~c si r fnr orlrlitianyl mmente Applicaliana arN krp[ 011 Ale far ~p month: ~ Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-23 New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION s°'xe 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone: (9L0) 79$-7149 Fax: (910) 798.7145 BoardlCommittee: V ~ ~►~J ~i ~ ~ 1►}~'i4~ ~L Nance: ~I~tC~ ~ ~T Home Address: Z L 1, - C. ~ ~ t~~u~c ~ ,~C T~o~ ~#'0 ~ {Street) (City) (Zip Code) MaiIin Address if different: ~ ~ ~ a • ~~D~►T ~ ~t~v ~ 3~ ~ ~ ~ I g E-Mail, Address: Y`C~~ r ~1r ~ ~ Home Phone: ~~~L q~ti ~ Fax: Cep[: ~Otiti 3 Business: 5 Years Living in New Hanover County: _ X ~ Female::~.~~..~~ Race: f~ G~ ~ Age: ~ Male. ~ (Information far the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Employer: V~ t t.t~, nl ~ ~ ar•] SU,r~1 ~D~- {A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign hislher position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec#ion 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) occupation. ~ ~ ^s~' Professional Activities: ~►c.~ ~t~++~~5 LC,~ ~ ~ A~t~ ~ M,QR G~ Volunteer Activities; ~a►wt.~4 why do you wish to serve on this boardi`comrnittee?' t-~~ ~ ~61~ ~~~~ri~~ l~ T~ ~ ~ ~~tC~ h~0 ~~~v ra ~~►iR. ~1V~41~ ~R~'S ~Ip'~rS(9 ~ Wd~lup C.f~l~ ~"U lar(~ '~b~ Con !~f lr~~~ b~~d rb / she has a conflict or potentr'a1 canflr'cf of interest on a particular issue, that member should state thr's belr'ef to the other b f h s e p b u b c m ef~ng. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indr'rect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself /herself Pram voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? ~R~~ ~~y Qualifications for serving: I~ ~yr~ ~ ~ ~V t~ d ~ Ct7~l~ ~ ~C. ti P~o~tA -~flutl~ d~ A~.j t'~la'C►~r~S Other municipal or county boardslcammittees on which you are serving: ~S ~iA~.5+15 ~ List three local person~],references and p one num er • 'R~p. C.~~,o~ ~ ~?5~~5 ~J l.. ~ rE.,. ~tu, a a ~ ~ ~o ~t~ i ~ ~ i 7 2. ~ r~~ ~N~a~ e~ 3~ ~ ~ ~o ~ 3. tC~C. " ~v~6G~ v45 ~R. Uhl ~.r~~ ~ T Date: l~ ~ Signature: Applications are kept on fife for i$ months reverse side for additional cam t SEP ~ 9 ZOOS Board of Commissioners Meeting NSW H~NiIV~~ CO. (19/21 /2(19 15- 1 - 24 Im "M BD. Of COMMISSIONERS r: , ~ ~ ~ , NEW hfAN~VER COUNTY -.1,~ BOARD DF CDMMISSIDNERS ~~~r~y~~` ~L4~ -ti 230 Governmen ~ Center Drive, Sure 9 75 Wilmington, Nc 28403 C DMMI 'TEE A PP~.1 CA ~'1 Dl ~l ~ Telephone (91C~ 798-7749 , ~ ~ ` ~ M ~ ~ .~l FAX (910J 796-1945 1 71 ~ ~ ~l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"~1~~~ ~ , r ~ 1 ~ ~ b ~ ~ , Board/Commlttee. 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ Name: ~ ~ ~ ~1 Ci _ E Mail: Hame ~ ~ ~ Address. ~ ~ ~ ' ► 1 (Street) lCity) t (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: (City) 1Zip Code) Home Phone: ~ d ~ r ~ ~ Fax: CeII: Business: Years living r'n New Hanover County: Male: Female: Race: ~4ge: (lnfarmation for the purpose of assuring across-section of the community) Employer: (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, 5ec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy,) ~ f r Occupation. - ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ s. Prof ssional Act v~t~e Volunteer Acfivities: r1 a ~1 ~ ~ J ~ r~~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ - . mmrttee? i ~ U ~ ~ h y do you w►sh to serve an this board/co ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ c~ G ~ r~~~~° Canflicf of Interest: If a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential co flirt of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members ofhis/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. 7'he member should then excuse hi self/hersei from voting on the matter. t ~ e addressed b this committee? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' What areas of concern would you Irke to se y i _ ,rte r ,.i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / _ w 1 Qualrfications for serv g t ' _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Other municipal or county boards/committees an which yvu are serv►ng: ~i ~5 4_f ~ list three local persona! references and phone numbers: ~ E~ ~ {n ~ - ~ ~ ~fo r, y ' ~ 1 ~ {/l ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z. ~ ~ ~ l 3. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Date: Board of Co~~~i~r r ~ /1..nl;nofinnr era irQnf nn fil~+ fnr 1R mnn!`hs (19/21/2(19 ' nfl~.rr►c.ouvr,.. wi+ nvJ... ..+v .v• J 15- I - 25 Please use rever side fvr additional comments A E ~u~ n . z,' 'f~'~ ~ ~-I- Cc F ~ -fie ~ n m ~~l`~E-Fh~t' ~x~-P~i~~~~ f~R ~~1~i~'~~a~ ~s h~,u~t~nl-~ ~t1d ~~^U~-~'~ , ~~~r ~ r~ S-~,I-~ ctn ~ ~~11~?-Fh~.~ C~ N cl v~ SPrv~ n~ w 11 n~ any /~'i~ ~aS h~ ~ ~ ~~~c.. ~ 'Urn ~~l ~~uP~v~h~c~ `rn~E -V~~~ t~-t" (,t'j~~inaJ ~1 ~ S `i h c~:~ t~ ~10rn~S o~n c~ 5~~~~s~ 1ns~e~ c~ ~ ~i ~ d ~ c~ a -~n~, ~ s~lv.~-, ~ n, S-~ ~ ~ ~ir-s ~ ti~ J ~G, ~ > ~ nrn~. -I~n~ s ~n c~ c~ES~ ~ reef c~~f °I-~-~- ~~~b(~~~ , may"` Board of Commissioners Mcc[ing f19 J I ?f114) 15-1-26 i E New Ha~~over County 23o Nlarkztplaoc ~r;~~ Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE A~'PL~CATIQN suite !7s w~ln,in~~~, rrC 2s~o~ Telephone: (910) 79$-7149 1~~ax~ (9!U) 798.7145 ~ r ; BoardlCommittee: ~ -e.r~ ~ ~ ~ ~r~ ,N1 ~ v'e d►'~ ~ ~ fG~~'~=tT~r ~,`~~~I~ I s Name: ~ "~t ~ Home ~ Aclclress: q ~ r 1 ~Strcet} City ~2tp Code? Mailing Address if different; I✓-Mail Address: 1 ~ n y , a'~! ~r r~~U~S~ ~ ~C. ~ Home Aho~e. ~ ~ C ° ~ r c Fax, Ce[[. 1a ~m o 2 3`~ ~us~ness. X10 3~ v Years Living in New fCanover County: Male:..... Female: Rice; ~ ~ ~~r~~~~ q e; g R {InfarmAtion for the purpose of asaurin~ a tress section of the community) Em Iv er: ~ r rl,~ ~ person c rently ernplt~}'cd by tl~e a~;c or department frir which this application is made, must resign l~islher position with New ttanuver County upon xppaintn~ent, ire accc~rda~ce with Article 1'!, Section ~ aF the Yew Hanover County ~'erso~nel Poiicy.) 8 I # 4cc~lpatiarl: ~C1~2~~ 'v~ Tr~ ~ ~c.~`r~N ~ ~r f ~ Professional Activities: D ~ ~~a ~ ~ ~C-a~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Volunteer Activities: ~ .r'-~v~ P~~2 f Why da you wish to serve on this bc~rdlcarnmittee? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~i~~,~_......~,._`~~,~ ~Us~c-r ~ ~ Cor,ft►ct oilnt~resr ~a poard member believes he /she has a cOnfdct ar pat tat corrtltctofint est on 8 particularissve, that member shouldstate this belletto fhb Other mere hers of his / her ~espectivs board du~tng a public rn eeting, Fhe member Shpuld State the nature of the cbntttct, dataitlnQ that he/she has a separate, prr'vate or monetary 4 iRtarast, either direct or indirect, in the Issue under considerailorr. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voiing an the matter. What areas of concern would ou tike to see addressed b this committee's _p Y y / ~~~1 r~r,~J r`~'S~V~G".~S ~ 1~/N9 ~ ~S r~' !A j~, r ~vL~tf~ ar'k' ~ ~ 2~ ~r~ ►V ~ ~ e~~ t ~e r~ ~ ~c,P~1~1~.+11 ~ ~A-~ L7t7 N Gc~r ~ • ~ ~ Qualificatia>El<s for serviug:.L ~ ~ ~vo~,~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i~r~ ~Q~ ~ c Gtr ~ ~S a.~" rt,1 I' ~ ~a~ t l 'vrtil : ~ I r ' ~ ~ b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C Other mutlicipai or county boarcislcom~r~ittees or! which you are serving: ,~,r , , r~ ' List tlllree local personal references anc~ phone t;><umbers: ~~w ~~~~~~f~~co i Date: _ ~ / Signature: ~ . Applications arc kept an fik far 1$ ~~~antlxs tise reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-27 RYAN ~'NEA~TUNSTALL X53 Drake court IN~~mington, North Carolina X8403 Phone 491 409»2139 work ~ o~ ~ ~ ~ ~oo~ ~ Dear Madamf5ir; Please accept this letter and my accompanying resume as expressed interest in obtaining a position with your council, As my resume and application reflects, I have much experience and insight in the area of recreation, mentoring and community outreach. This experience is primarily in but not limited to inner city, at~risk communities. ~ also feel that the hands on experience as well as the administrative experience and the will to take the initiative to go beyond the usual expectations are characteristics that are much needed to begin making a significant difference in the lives of our youths, I am looking to utilize my skills in a position that will maximize my training, experiences and education, as well as hopefully enhance the communities we serve in New Hanover County. 1 am sure that i can help make a great contribution to our county and would welcome the opportunity to meet and discuss this with you all personally. Should you have any need for additional information, or if you would like to arrange an interview, please contact me at your convenience. Thank you for your time and courtesy in reviewing this material and also for your forthcoming response. Sincerely, yon CJ. Tunstall Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-28 RYAN ~'NEAL TI~N~TA~~. 453 Drake Court Wilmington, North Carolina ~~403 Phone 4a9W2~ 39 Work ~9~ o} 3~1-~D57 WORK H 1STORY CITY of WI~.MINGTON _ Community Development Division Community Center Section Wilmington, North Carolina X910} 34~-5838 )uly 2DOb through Present Position: Recreation Manager ~lnterim~ Recreation Coordinator Duties, C~verSee the daily operations and administration of the City of Wilmington`s Community Centers. Managing the day~to-day operations of a recreational facility, which include direct supervision of staff; recreation and after-school program planning implementation and evaluation; facility management and oversight; budget preparation and fiscal monitoring; development of policies and procedures; public relations and collaboration with other agencies and organizations to include assessing community needs 'VERIZON WIREEE55 Wilmington, North Carolina ~-8aa-3b7-5b90 )une 2aa5 through )une 20ab Position: Customer Service Representative Duties; Assist customers via the telephone in various requests from Service activations to terminations, primarily utilizing several computer systems to facilitate the different actions necessary for the job, I~ED~x ~INKOS Wilmington, North Carolina X91 a} 703w4b1 ~ Apri12o05 through Present Position: Production Operator Duties: Responsible far producing various print orders and graphic design salutians, receiving and logging order instructions directly from clients, contacting customers via telephone, fax and a-mail to insure accuracy of final output, quality control to insure clients are completely satisfied with final product, CITY of ORLANDO Iramilies, Parks & Recreation Loch Haven Park Neighborhood Center, Northwest Community Center and Hankins Park Recreation Site Orlando, Florida t4o~}24b-2259 )uly 2oa0 through March zo05 Position: Regional Recreation Center Manager ~lnterim} Regional Recreation Specialist Duties: Promoted facility usage; Revenue generation and bookkeeping; Hired, trained and supervised new and returning facility employees, Submitted yearly budget proposal; Customer Service interaction (continual}, oversaw and assisted in the building of new facilities on site while assuring safety of participants; Create, plan, coord'::Hate, implement, evaluate and report on year round educational, cultural and recreational programs for adults, youths and senior citizens; Supervise and/or assist in operational, maintenance and programming activities of a regional recreation facility in alC aspects from budgeting to dayta-day operation of community center complex as well as supervise and train staff --create schedule and Submit payroll far 4a+ staff members; Process the hiring of staff members; Developed and implemented a new facility rental process; Qrganize and oversee fitness room; Assure the facility iS properly maintained; Compile all statistical attendance data; Purchase supplies and equipment; Collect, receipt and deposit center and program fees; Process check requests and refunds; Maintain Strang professional relationships with community and business leaders, area School officials, government and nonwprofit agencies and faith-based organizations in the area. Managed the Special Needs Programming for the City of Urlando 4Physically, Mentally and Emotionally Disabled Citizens} Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-29 QRANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL ~-Evans High School Orlando, Florida (40~} 522~340o ext. 2204 October 2003 through March 2005 Position: Freshmen and Jr. Varsity Boys' Head Coach, Varsity Boys' Basketball Assistant Coach Duties: Responsible for running daily practices, overseeing youth during games and practices, developing daily practice plans and game plans, checking on academic progress, and assisting in the area of academic tutoring. METROPOLITAN OR~.ANDO URBAN LEAGUE Orlando, Florida July 1999 through July 2000 Position: Program Specialist Duties: Implemented Positive ~.ife Choices program for inner-city youths; Facilitated workshop for small groups, organized community~wide events as well as one on one mentaring, CENTRAL Fi.ORIDA PaIICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE Orlando, Florida April ~ 992 through July ~ 999 Position: Program Coordinator Duties: Planned and implemented annual educational, cultural and recreational programs far young adults and children ages 5 through 1 ~ years old in economically disadvantaged communities; Compiled statistical records far many various audits; Assisted in the grant writing process; Solicited business for sponsorships; Supervised activities, volunteer staff as well as employees; Organized and oversaw computer lab and tutorial program; Served as appositive male role model and amentor tosingle-parent youth; Evaluated participants' behavior and educational progress and counseled them; Counseled delinquent juveniles on probation andlor community service; Promoted activities through news media and personal appearances. CENTRAL for DRUG FREE LIVING -Midnight Basketball Orlando, Florida April 1994 through October ~ 995 Position: Recreational Supervisor Duties: Supervised recreational center and subordinate employees; Insured ail participants adhered to the program rules and regulations; Organized and arranged guest speakers; Assured all safety rules were strictly followed. FIVE-STAR TEMPORARY ~ ECC International Orlando, Florida October 1990 through November 1991 Position: Engineering Aide Duties: Drawing Mechanical Documents of the C-17 aircraft for the U.S. Air Force. Drawings using manual boards as well as computer aided drafting. Responsible far ail documentation, insuring it coincides with actual aircraft parts. EDUCAT~~DN Greensboro College -Greensboro, North Carolina •1983-1985 Music Composition (Piano JazzJGospel} University of Central Florida -Orlando, Florida •19861987'• Communication and Creative Writing Valencia Community College --Orlando, Florida 1994-1996• Associate in Arts Degree GENERAL and CaMPUTER T~AINlNG CPR, First Aid and AED instructors certification ~ Supervisory training • FL High School Coaches certification ~ Basketball officiating * Florida Recreation and Parks Association member • FL CDL's Class C « Music piano) Theory, Writing and Teaching • Creative Writing • Class Software ~ 5implex Payroll Software • Computer operating systems Windows 95-XP, Apple OS X + Microsoft Word, Excel, Access ~ Internet Explorer, MS Publisher Adobe Acrobat, Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign ~ Digital Video Recording and Editing ~iMovie & Final Cut Pro} ~ Audio Recording and Editing ~Protvols 6 & Cakewalk) ~ Web page Design aeferences available upon request Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-30 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES 4 VACANCIES TERMS: 3 years, expiring 9/30/2012 ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT Barbara H. Biehner Michael C. Boggio Suresh C. Gupta Michael S. Jones Helyn Rogers Lofton X Robert H. McCall Richard McGraw Dawn R. McKernan John S. Monroe Ronald H. Woodruff Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications Board of Commissioners Meeting n9i~ i i~nn9 15-1-31 NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER BGARD 4F TRUSTEES Number of Members: 12 plus 4 ex-officio members County Commissioner, Chief of Medical Staff, Past Chief of Staff, and Chief of Staff Elect anon-voting} Terms: Three years effective September 1993}; May serve up to a maximum of three consecutive terms effective 8113101}. Regular Meetings: Fourth Tuesday, each month at 5:00 p.m. at the Medical Center. Committees of the Board average one meeting per month each. Trustees serve on committees as appointed by the Baard's chairman. Statute or cause creating Board: Charter or Articles of Incorporation issued by the Secretary of State, dated May 26,1967. Brief on Functions: Takes responsibility forthe operation of a large public hospital through the establishment of policy and the deciding of major questions on finance, scope of services, facilities, future directions, etc., and through evaluating quality and costs. TERM 4F OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Carl D. Brown Unexpired 1121103 9130104 121 Chimney Lane First 9120104 9130107 Wilmington, NC 28409 Second 1011510? 9130110 313-1206 ~H} 362-7004 ~W} Lawrence S. Clark First 9116102 9130105 6804 Hardscrable Court Second 9119105 9130108 Wilmington, NC 28409 ~ Third 9122108 9130111 195-0818 ~ H } 962-1612 ~W} John D. Fuller Unexpired 812104 9130105 8100 Thornblade Circle First 9119105 913010$ Wilmington, NC 28411 Second 9122108 9130111 681-0162 ~H} 615-6115 ~W} Ronald J. Isyk Unexpired 9!19105 9130101 812 Oyster Landing First 10115101 9130110 Wilmington, NC 28405 256-9041 ~H} Patricia L. Leonard First 9111101 9130104 1108 Carolina Beach Avenue, North Second 9120104 9130101 Carolina Beach, NC 28428 Third 10115101 9130110 458-3463~H} 962-3117~W} Helyn Rogers Lofton First 9115103 9130106 11l Avant Drive Second 9118106 9130109 Wilmington, NC 28411 395-1992 ~H} Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-32 NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES PAGE ~ TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Nancy S. Marks First 9111101 9130104 125 King Arthur Drive Second 9120104 9130107 Wilmington, NC 28403 Third 10115/07 9130110 256-3446 ~H} John Pace First 9122108 9130111 825 Inlet View Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 350-024$ ~H} 612-9776 ~C} Bruce M. rout ~ First 717103 9130106 y 8109 azio Drive Second 9118106 9130109 ' ington, NC 28411 86-3301 ~H} S Ivia H. Ro ree l~. ~ First 9118106 9130109 v 1960 Hil oro Road Wil ' gton, NC 28403 -4483 ~H} David B. Sims, Jr. First 9116102 9130105 2516 Shandy Lane Second 9119105 9130108 Wilmington, NC 28409 Third 9122108 9130111 313-1423 ~H} 791-8016 Gayle Pric an Velsor Unexpired 9117101 9130103 6434 nnwoad Road First 9115103 9130106 W' ington, NC 28409 'Second 9118106 9130109 50-0250 ~H} 256-1231 ~W} Ex-Officio Members: Chief of Medical Staff, Past Chief of Staff, Chief of Medical Staff Elect, County Commissioner Representative: Robert G. Greer ~Appt.12104} Jack Barto, Jr., President and CEO, NHRMC, 49108 P.O. Box 9000, Wilmington, NC 28402-9000 File: INHRMC 343-7040 BIC #20 Revised: 9/24/2008 Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-33 New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Wilmir~gton,NC ~s4o~ Telephone; (910) 798.7149 Fax: (910) 798.7145 Board~Commuttee: New Hanover Regional Medical Center Name; Barbara H, Biehner Home Address: ~ x1 Buckeye Drtve I~ilmington 28411 (Street) (City) (Zip Cnde) Mailing Address if different, same E-Mail Address: biehnerbC uncw.edu Home Phone: 910`x$1 `0939 Fax: 910-962-351' Cell: 91x`795-7584 Business: 910-962-3471 Years Living in New Hanover County: 4 Male: Female; Race: Caucasian Age: 52 (Inform anon for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the cammnnity) Employer; University of North Carolina Ul~ilmington (A person currently employed by the agency or department fnr which this applicatinu is made, must resign hfslher pnsitian with New Hanover Cnunty upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Occupation: Executive in Residence, Director of External Programs Professional Activities: Faculty,Carneron Schaal of Business, Health Care Advisor for two ergs, Volunteer Activities: CCL Tennis Committee, Chair; CA Canine volunteer, UNCW Seahawk Board mem Why do you wish to serve an this boardlcommittee? lspent over 30 years in health care management and have experience in, and insight into, the challenges health care institutions are facing Conflict of interest a board member believes he /she has a conflict or potential conflict of interesf on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his /her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, defailir~g that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interes#, either direct ar indirect, in the Issue under considers#ion. 1'he member should them excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter, What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Delivery and financing of health care are changing with the national agenda, providers need to continue tv meet comunity needs Qualifications for serving: indepth understanding of health care, hospital operations and the trole of hospitai]system boards gained from 2x# yrs in executive positions in health care* Other municipal or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: none currently, previous experience yn Chamber Board, Airport Commission, Red Cross Boards, Arts Council *see resume enclosed r List three local personal references and phone numbers: Ron Isyk 256-9047 Z. Larry Clark 962-7672 3. Jim Flechtner 332-6669 ~~w ~Afi1~ti~E~ CO. Date: August 10, 2009 Signature: Applications are kept on file fnr 18 months - Use reverse si a far additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting a 15- 1 - 34 ~r . BARBARA HUETTIG BIEHNER 101 Buckeye Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 X910} b81-D939 h X910} 795-75$4 c (910} 9b2-3071 w Biehnerb a~uncw.edu EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Successful development of leadership skills since first positron as a hospital vice president to greater roles as G~~, G~4 in not-for-profit hospitals and Senior 1/r'ce president with afor-profit specialty pharmacy company. Strong experience with academic organizatr'ans through hospitals' teaching affiliations as wet! as business school position. Significant human resources management and project management throughout career. . ~oRK HISTORY Inde endent Advisor o21~9 to resent Selected project work with health care related organizations as requested. Currently working with Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus Ohio and Proficient Learning, LLC. Work with Nationwide focuses on the development of regional reference laboratory businesses with other leading children's hospitals. Work with Proficient Learning includes developing training materials and programs for pharmaceutical sales organizations for hospital based sales executives. Universit of North Carolina V1lilmin ton 1114G to resent Cameron School of Business, Director, External Programs and Executive ~n Residence Administrative position for business school to further develop external programs and relationships while holding faculty position with teaching responsibilities. Also currently working in a voluntary capacity for UNCW Women's Varsity Tennis team and The Seahawk Club Board of Directors to promote university athletics and further their fundraising capabilities. Responsibilities include: • Administratively responsible for the Cameron Executive Network ,over 150 retired executives who support the school and the students through mentoring, resume assistance, guest lecturing, and other volunteer capacities which utilize their experience and knowledge of various industries and careers • Coordinate annual Business Week activities, which provides exposure for current students to various careers and learning lessons through presentations and small group sessions with industry leaders • Through the Dean's Executive Advisory Board, staff External Programs Committee and leadership of the subsequent development of internships and employment opportunities for business school students • Provide oversight for public relations, marketing and promotion including the development of branding opportunities and external communication collateral Barbara Biehrter Board of Commissione~s~eeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-35 • Developing stronger alumni involvement by enhancing Cameron Alumni Association participation and network opportunities with the School • Faculty position, teach Business Efl~ics and Basic Cornmunicafions Skills for Business along with guest lecturing opportunities within School of Nursing • Participate in numerous school and university committees Mount 41ive Colle a INilmin ton NC 1106 to resent Adjunct Eacutty Satellite branch far college which focuses on nontraditional students desiring to complete their undergraduate degree while working full time. Qualified to teach courses in core program as well as courses in the Health Care Management Program. Accredo Health lnc. Mem his TN 1102 -10105 Senior Vice President, Corporate Ventures and Services Senior officer responsible for partnership operations, partnership development, strategic planning, human resources, corporate purchasing and property management and community foundation afthisfor-profit specialty pharmaceutical distribution company which was acquired by Medco Health Solutions in August, 2045. • Responsible forfour partnerships totaling $85M net operating revenue annually in hospital partnerships. Developed local operations to address regulatory concerns • Leader of all facility renovations and construction projects, space planning and real estate management for over forty locations. Achieved savings in excess of $1.2 million in year one through lease negotiations • Initiated first corporate foundation to better position Accredo as a corporate citizen in the community. Developed and implemented grant funding process with almost $5000,000 in grants funded since inception • Responsible for Human Resources with over 2,000 employees in 40+ locations including benefits administration, compensation, training and recruiting • Also responsible for Corporate Purchasing, Implemented first corporate~wide travel management contract, office supply contract, among others. Annual savings of $2M+ • Responsible for annuallstrategic planning for entire organization • Actively involved in successful integration of acquired companies • Active participation during integration of company into Medco which resulted in elimination of position Bon Secours-Hol Famil Re Tonal Health S stem Altoona PA 1198 -1102 Chief Executive C]f~cer Senior officer responsible far the mission and operations of the local facility. Responsible to the Board of Directors as the operating executive in charge of management functions of the hospital as well as the long term strategic plan for operational growth and stability. Accomplishments included: Barbara Biehner Board of Commissione~se~eting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-36 • Recognized leader of $166M annual operating budget for 18o bed, acute care facility with geropsychiatric, rehabilitative and skilled care units • Led turnaround from $2.1M annual operating deficit to $1.1M operating income in highly competitive market • Increased market share by 25°/o through development of improved medical staff relations, new programs and new managed care contracts • Increased EBDITA over 50°/o through growth in business and cost management; Focused service line development to concentrate limited resources -including successful implementation of open heart program. • Developed regional partnership with tertiary provider, including leadership of implementation team and ongoing liaison role Child Health Cor oration of America Shawnee Mission KS ~l91-1198 Senior Manager, Consulting Division Instrumental in the development of the Consulting Division within CHCA, utilizing extensive operations and planning experience from previous positions. This corporation represents the leading children's hospitals across the country. Responsible for building practice and managing successful completion of concurrent engagements. Projects include strategic planning, operations re-engineering, managed care strategy development, ambulatory business planning, physician incentive compensation plan development. Highlights include: • Managed care initiatives such as case rate pricing in preparation for capitation, market position, payer strategy development • Physician incentive compensation work plan, including case studies, compensation survey, implementation guidelines and educational program; facilitated meetings of member institutions for presentation of plan and documents • Operations re-engineering work including cost reductions initiatives, consolidation of services, downsizing recommendations • Role required strong professional relationships with management, physicians, and board leadership • Subcontracted for 1 year to merge two hospitals for Henry Ford Medical Center and Bon Secours Health System in Grosse Pointe, Michigan Arkansas Children's Hos ital Little Rock AR 9195 - 2191 Executive Director, Children's Healthcare Services, Inc. Director, Children's Health Network, Inc. These positions were created in partnership between Arkansas Children's Hospital, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences faculty and community physicians. Responsible for managed care network development. Significant accomplishments included: • Development and implementation of initial business plans for physician hospital organization, Children's Healthcare Services, and medical services organization, and Children's Health Network, which set the stage for their successful future • Analysis of business lines, including developmental pediatrics, home health, primary care centers, and ambulatory operations Barbara Biehner Board of CommissionerBs~~~eting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-37 • Development of template for other hospitals in the regionlstate to develop pediatrics capabilities appropriate for their communities • Active negotiations of new managed care contracts along with renewals, instrumental in negotiating first contract with Arkansas Blue Cross covering over 400,000 pediatric lives Children's Hos ital of The Kin 's Dau hters Norfolk VA 2189 ~ 3195 Chief operating Uf~cer and Senior Vice President, C~KD President, Spectrum Unlimited, inc. Chief operating officer of 185-bed regional pediatric hospital with 1,700 employees and a professional staff of 500 physicians. President offor-profit alternate site company. Responsibilities included $13DM annual operating budget. Served as CEO during transition period. Significant accomplishments included: • Implemented downsizing to establish competitive edge in managed care environment through 50°/° reduction in vice president level and 40°/° in mid- management level • Improved quality while reducing operating costs through extensive work redesign effort to prepare for fixed-fee environment -achieved 10°/° reduction in expenses • Retooled existing facility for ambulatory focus, including development of outpatient treatment unit, outpatient observation, emergency services and expanded ambulatory services to serve over 100,000 patients annually • Formulated and implemented ambulatory business development strategies • Directed program planning, equipment planning and design of 35D,OOD SF facility expansion and renovation of 94,000 SF within existing facility; completed $4DM construction project and $15M equipment and furnishing acquisition under budget and ahead of schedule • Active participant in the creation of Physician-Hospital organization, served as member of Board of Directors and led committee development • Furthered interrelationship with community physicians through establishment of Network for Pediatric Care, worked extensively with professional staff and Eastern Virginia School of Medicine • Established collaborative relationships within region through networks which included education and patient care continuum • Directed all planning and marketing functions within system, such as strategic planning process • President offor-profit alternate site company, operations included day care centers, full service home health, joint venture durable medical equipment company; off-site ambulatory operations, and after hours immediate care center • Performed duties of CE4 in his absence and during nine-month transition period Children's Hos ital National Medical Center Washin ton DC 3181- 2189 Vice President, Planning and Business Development Responsible for planning, marketing, business development and managed care contracting. Responsibilities included the development and oversight of all C~PN's, design and implementation of annual and strategic planning processes, analysis of new Barbara Brehner Board of Commission~r~~~eting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-38 4 ~ business o portunities and development of business plans for ail alternate site p . services, such as home health and satellite services along with negat~ation of all contracts, leases, joint ventures and managed care contracts. Business opportunities included regional network development through Centers for Market Gpportunity. Bon Secours Health S stem Inc, Columbia MD 9185 - 3181 Director, Corporate Development Directed cor orate-wide strategic, long~range planning process, along with oversight of p business plans. Developed, gamed approval, and assisted ~n implementation of six local facility strategic plans, as well as corporate plan. Managed system involvement ~n laps involving presidents, senior vice presidents, religious sponsors, consultants and p . local faculty senior management. Lead acqu~sit~on analysis of nursing homes including project leadership, analysis of retirement centerlelderly care center, ambulatory sur ery center, primary care centers, alternate delivery systems strategies, and 9 physician practice acquisitions. Alliance Health Services Cor oration Norfolk VA 4183 - 9185 (Now Sentara Health System) Acting President (5/85 to 9/85) Assistant Administrator (4/83 to 5/85) Directed establishment of new corporation to develop and operate alternate site services. initial responsibilities included development of personnel policies and procedures, employee handbook, benefit structure and annual budget. Directed operations, including start up and line management of all divisions, home care, outpatient rehabilitation, outpatient diagnostics, infusion therapy centers, immediate care centers, drop-in child care centers and air ambulance services. Chesa eake General Hos ital Chesa Bake VA 918 -4183 Assistant Administrator Responsible for line management of numerous hospital departments including: materials management, anesthesia, social services, infection control, communications, medical library, volunteers, emergency medicine and health education and health promotion. Provided leadership in areas of strategic and Tong-range planning, marketing and public relations. Successful completion of several key Certificate of Need applications which positioned organization for growth and enhanced market positioning. EDUCATION AACSB Bridges Program, developing Business School lnsfructors, Certificate, o5io~ Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia 918 Masters Degree in Health Administration, Graduate Division of Business Administration Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 6179 Barbara Biehner Board of CommissionerP~Ieeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-39 F + EDUCATIt~N AACSB Bridges Program, Developing Business School instructors, Certil~cate, 0510? G®orgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia 9181 Masters Degree in Health Administration, Graduate Division of Business Administration Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 6119 Bachelor of Arks in Psychology with strong concentration in Natural Sciences GUEST LECTUREiPRESENTATIONS UNCW School of Nursing, Guest Lecturer 44147 and 14108 Blair County Chamber of Commerce, Key Note Speaker 04141 UNCW Business Week Presenter 43106 PRC~FESSIGNAL AFFILIATIaNSNGLUNTEER RGLES Seahawk Club Board of Directors, member 2046 to present ProPapa Missions America, Board member, 2001 to 2009 Country Club of Landfall, Tennis Committee, member 20d~, Chair 2007 to present American College of Healthcare Executives, Diplomat 1989 to present C~a Committee, 2002 through 2404 Greater Memphis Arts Council, Board of Dr'rectors, 2002 to 2407 Chair, Mosaic allocations Committee Memphis Business Group on Health, Audit committee member 2003, Board of Directors, 2004 and 2405 Memphis Community Development Partnership, Board of Directors, 2004 to 2406 Leadership Memphis, Class of 2003, Admissions Committee Chair, Secretary, Board o~ Directors, 2004 to 2047 Blair County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, member 1998 to 2401, chair elect 2401 Blair County Airport Authority Board of Directors, member, 2044 and 2401 Pennsylvania Economy League Board of Directors, member, 2400 and 2001 American Heark Association,lVorthwestRegional Board of Directors,1995 to 1997 and Southeast Board of Directors,19S3 to 1985, Chair ~ 985 AWARDS AND RECGGNITION 2000 and 1999 Pennsylvania's Business Central's Tap 100 Mvst influential People 1994 Modern l-lealthcare Magazine's Up and Comers 1983 Virginia Young Business Woman of the Year Barbara Biehr~er Board of Commission~~eting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-40 New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATUN suite 175 Wilmington, NC 284x3 Telephone: (910) 798-7149 Fax: (910)798-7145 BoardlCommittee: New Hanover Regional Medical Center -Board of Trustees Name: M~.chael C . Boggio Home Address: 7324 Cotesworth Dr., Wilmington, NC 25405 Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: E-Mail Address: ~oggio@ oldnorthstatewealth . com Home Phone: 910-794-9494 Fax; 910-549--3805 Ced[: 9iD-62D-3333 Business: 91D-509-380D Years Living in New Hanover County: x0 Male: ~ Female: Race: Caucasian Age: 42 (Information fur the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Employer; Old North State Wealth Management (A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign hislher position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vi, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Poiicy.) pccu ation: partner /Chief Investment Officer /Senior Wealth Manager P Professional Activities: Co-Chair The UNCW Institute for Tax & Investment Planning VvlunteerActivities: March of Dimes; Circle of Friends at The Children's Museum of Wilmington Why da you wish to serve on this boardlcommittee? T° give back to the hospital that has served my family well on numerous occasions; To offer sound st®wardship during tough financial times Conflict of interest: f a board member believes he /she has a conflict or potential cont7ict of interest on a particular issue, that member shor~ld state this belief to the other members of his /her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should Then excuse himself I herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed »y this committeery Finances ; proposed changes to the health care system by the Federal Admin. could dramatically affect profitability at NHRMC. Qualifications for serving: 19 years experience in finance ~ investments; Chief Investment Officer of independent RIA firm; MBA in Finanee Univ.of Denver Uther municipal or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: none ~ ~ List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Ron Isyk Chair, Board of Trustees NHRMCy X9101 256-9047 NSW #~~NqV~~ ~Q. Tom Looney ~Fmr, board member: UNCW, Cape Fear Academy, & VisionAlR) - ~91D1 262-4679 ,Jason Thompson New Hanover County Commission®rj- ~910y 793-146D Date: August 27, 2009 Signature: Applications are kept on ale for 1$ months "~""r ~ r ad rt~o al comments Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-41 New Hanauer County 23D Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone: {410) 748-7144 Fax: {910) 798-7145 BoardlCommittee: New Hanover Regional Medical Center Name: Suresh C. Gupta Home Address: 3204 Shadow Court Wilmington 28409-2527 (Street) {City) {Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: ~ ~ ~ ~ vc. . E-Mail Address: gupta25@hotmail . com Home Phone; (910) 395-6145 Fax; ~9I0) 362-5272 Ce[!. 4910y 20D-3488 Business: (910y 675-5272 Years Living in New Hanover County: "21 Male: ~ :Female:. 'Race: Asian Age, 61 {lnfarmation for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community} Employer: GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy {A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign hislher position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Senior Licensing Engineer Occupation: u~ Professional Activities: ~n.t~ ~ti ~ Volunteer Activities: Member Asian Pacific American Forum, Member Human Performance Council-GE - r- ~ • Wh do ou wish to serve on this boardlcommittee? ~ S ~ ~ JP y y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ll Ste' ~ ~ Q h c~'~ ~ Conflict of Interest: >f a board member believes he /she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that memo r should state this betiefto the other members of his /her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself /herself from voting on the matter. ` What areas of concern would ou like to see addressed by this committee? ~ ~ y ~ Qualifications for serving: ~~•n~" ~ ►r+~ ~a Other ma~nicipal ~r caus~ty boarrlslcommittees on which you are serving: None List three local ersonal references and hone numbers: ' p p ~ •S ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ Date: ~ C1 c7 Signature: Applications are kept an file far months U reside for additions commen s sEP - s Zoos Board of Commissioners Meeting ~f~~OV£R CQ. (19/21/2(19 B~. 0~ CDMMfSSI(~N~RS 15-1-42 New Hanover County 230 Governmenk Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION wi~mm7t n,NC ~s44~ s Telephone: (910) T9$-7149 Fax: (414} 798.7145 BoardlCommittee: New Hanover Regional Medical Center Soard of Trustees Nance: Michael S . Jones Hnme Address: 2220 Splitbrook Ct Wilmington 28411 (Street) (City) (Zip Code} Mailing Address if different: E-MailAddress: Scott.Daphix~G~aail.com Hume Phone: Fax: Ce[[: 9io-352-3469 Business: Years Living in New Hanover County: 34 Male: ~ Femme: Race: W Age: 34 ~lnformation for the purpose of assuring a cross section otthe community) Employer; Interact Public Safety Systems (A person currently employed by the agency or depart®ent for which this application is made, mast resin hiafher position with New Hanover CoNnty upon appoint®ent, in accordance with Artiste YI, Sec#ion 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.} Qccupat~on: operations Director/Director of Field Engineering Professional Activities: Chairman NHC ZBA, Publie Safety Consultant Volunteer Activities: American Red Cross, Active volunteer at St Mark School Why do you wish to serve on this boardlcammittee? There have been great changes at the hospital rec®ntly, I want to make sure it continues and to address some emergency areas 1®ft out. Conflict of lntarast: ~ a board member believes he /she has a confect or potential contrict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to itie other members of his /her respective board during a public m eating. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either dr'rect or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should than excuse himself /herself from voting an the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Emergency management, professional recruitment, public services, staying competitive with comparable hospitals in the region Qualifications for serving: 12+ Years working in public safety, emergency and health management, 34 years in NHC, ties to the regions medical personnel, experience w/ NHC Health Dept IT Other municipal or county baardslcommittees on which you are serving: New Hanover County ZHA ending in Dec 2049 List three local personal references and phone numbers: i. Joe and Debbie Rochelle ~910y 686-8232 Roberto Mayol (910 352-4258 ~Ew ~A~ouER CD. 3. Tom Parris ~910y 471-8668 BD. OF G(~MMfSSIDN~RS Date: September 1, 2009 Signature: Applications are kept on cite for 18 ®onths se reve de or additions! cum meats Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-43 ~t~1NNA~ID'VF~R C~[l~TY BQ,4~ DF C~MMISSIC~NE~S 3~o Cheslnuf ~o-eec, Room 3a~ C~~1Nl~TTEE APPi.lGA T1C)N Wrlming#on, f►!C Z844i~4D93 Telephone (9~4) 34i-T~49 FAX (910) 34 f-4134 • Boar~l~COltrn r~ Name: Dome Address.' cadet ' (Sfreef) (cltY~ ~p Marl►ng Address if dif~'. fc~l ~p . Busr'ness Phone: Home Phone. ~ Years Irving in Race: NewNanover counfjr. Sex: (Information far dre parpose of ass~rtng a cross~ssction of the cammunlty} [A pars currently employed by the agency ar department far which this application !s made, must resign hlslher position with New He ver County upon appointment, in accara[anc8 with Artlcie V!, ec. 4 ai` the New Hanover County Persannei PoiFcy.) R Job Trtle.~ . P~o~esslonal Acwrfles. ~/olunf+eer' Acfivifies: y ~Y Y~ wr'sh io serve on his boarai'1cArnmr'tfee? f Whaf areas of'ooncern wocrldyou like ~ see addressedbydris vommittee? Qualrlrcatians fi~rserving: ~rermunicipa! or counfy boardslcomn~fees on which y~au are servin and hone numbers. ~ Three local personal rences p ~ ~ i _ ~ 3 4 •y~ ~ 3. Rafe: ~ Sig ..G Applicafions are kepi an file for 98 m ~ U Use reverse side f ada~tiona! cormnents N~~V ~A~~Y~R CO. Board ~~~9~~~~~~ 15-1-44 wh do ou wish to serve on this boardlcommittee? i feel that my thirtywfive years of experience as a healthcare professional, along with my continued interest in the healthcare industry would be of value to the board, I will be able to take my experience and apply the principles that were so ingrained in me to ensurethe continued success of NHMC. 'What areas of concern would ou like to see the board address? l think the most important area of concern Ito everyone} would be to keep with the hospital's Mission Statement by focusing on ways of providing cost efficient, quality healthcare. I would also like to see new ideas and suggestions for services that would emphasize the teachings of wellness and preventative care. b Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-45 July 24, 2006 New Hanover County Commissioners New Hanover County Clerk's Office 320 Chestnut Street ~lilmington, North Carolina 2840 Attention: Teresa Elmore Dear County Commissioners: It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I offer my sincerest thanks and appreciation fox the opportunity that you have afforded me to serve on the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees for the past three years. My time and experience spent on this Board has been invaluable to my life's quest and contributions as a citizen of this community. ~ am respectfully requesting and in hope, that the County Commissioners of New Hanover County, will see fit to reappoint me for a final three year term. Your support and endorsement of my bid would be a tremendous honor and necessity forme to continue to serve the community and hospital organization. My thirty five years of employment and service as a Nursing Manager gave me first hand knowledge of the medical, professional, and ethical issues that the institution faces on a daily basis. I know what it takes to plan, initiate, and complete tasks and insure that the mission of the hospital is carried out. My passion and devotion to improving our healthcare facilities and services to people from all walks- of-life is evident by my commitment to the Board. My Board attendance has been higher than 90% at regular meetings and a full 100% for all committee and sub-committee meetings called or convened. I have also served as the liaison to the Foundation for the past two years. In closing, I want you each to know how eternally grateful i am for your trust and confidence in me in times past, present, and future. ~ am very optimistic and enthusiastic about the future of this stellar institution therefore, I pledge my continued commitment and service to the people of New Hanover County, the off cers, staff, and clientele of New Hanover Regional Medical Center. Sincerely, Helyn R. ofton Board Member /Candidate w~l ~ cc: Jack Barto, CEQ, New Hanover Regional Medical Center ~L ~ ~ ~0~6 J NEW ~#~NQ1~'ER GOERS 1 ] 7 AVRNT DRIVIJ Q~ ~~MM~~~I~ a~14f~~~~15~@1~~r~ I~~~>a~ L I N A 2 8 41 1 (19/21 /2(19 15-1-46 09/11/2009 01:23 PM Progress Energy ERO 910 256 ]245 2l2 ~ x_ ~ New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners C~N~Ni~TTE~ AP~'LICATI4N 5~'`` "5 wilm~gron, NC 28403 Tclcphoo~: (914) 798-7 l49 Fax:{9lD)798.71a5 ~ r BaardlCornmittee; Name: Halnc Address: (Street} (City) (Zip adt} Mailing Address if dil~'erent: E-Mail Address: Home Phone; ~ ~ Fax: ~ ~ [eld; ~ ~ Business: Q►~ Years Living in New Hanover Coun#y: ~ Male: Female:._J Race: ~ Age: (iefartnatien far the prrpeie alereurin~ a crot~ aetline of t1t commrnityy Entpioyer: ~A person turrtntly a ployed by the a~ee~ or dt r Went for which thi: eppilcptiaa ii taede, Mnat rtai~n hislher po~itioa with New ?fs~erer County upac eppantnent~ in actordtnce with Article'V1, Seetioe 4 of the New HinaverCoaaty PanoDnel Policy.) ~ccupetion: Professional Activities: P ~ x Sr Volunteer Activities: ~~*~a~~ ~Vhy do you wish to serve on this bosrdlcornmittoe? Canfrlct v/ Mterist~ I a board member belleuea Ae ~ SAe Ana a cannc~r or patent ~ caa~tlct or etfens~ an a perrkular Issue, rhaf merabor shooed orals thts bel~erto ~e Other membero al Als ~ her rospactive board drlrln4 a ou6llc maerrnp. 1`he member ~houtd stirs rAe nelUre of the ConrliCl, dateihna rAel h~he has a separate, private or monetary ►nrerest, either d►rrcr or indirect, Irt the +ssue under conaldereNan. The member should then eacuae Aimaetf / harselr front votlnp an the matter. ~ ~ ~hstt areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Qualifications for nerving: ~ . ~ Cther municipal or county baardslcornmittees an which you are serving: ~rf`~ ~rw ~ • ~ r List three iQCal personal references and phone numbers: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r r ~ Date: Signgture: Applicatiam are kept on Silt for 1tf utonth~ use reverse a dt irianrtl cornr~enti Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-47 New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Telephone: (910} 798-'1149 Fax: (910) 798-'1145 BoardlCommittee: New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees Name: Richard McGraw Home Address:2016 Graywalsh Drive Wilmington 28405 (Street) (City} (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: E-Maid Address: rmcgraw2 ~ ec . rr , com Nome Phone: 256-4335 Fax: Ceti: 251-6346 Business: Years Living in New Hanover County: 15 Male: ~ Female: Race: causasian Age: 71 (Information far the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community) Employer: Retired (A person currently employed by the agency or department far which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Section 4 of the New H anover County Personnel Poliey.) Occupation:Corporate Executive in Pharmaceutical, Airlines and Telecommunications Business, Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: NHRMC Foundation Board; Coastal Horizons Board; Landfall Fdn. Board Why do you wish to serve on this boardlcommittee:~ I have a strong desire to help improve the delivery of health care in the community Conflict of lnterest~ ~ a board member believes he /she has scan/kct or potential conflict of interest an a particular issue, that member should state this belie/to the other members o/ his I her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the con/list, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, either direct arindirect, in the issue under consideration. The membershauld then excuse himsel//herself Pram voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committees Finance and Strategic Planning Qualifications for serving: Health Care experience; I was appointed to this board in 2000 but could only serve for four months before being callded to duty in the Pentagon in 2041 Other municipal or county baardslcommittees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. George Rountree 7633404 1. David Jones 520-4312 NE4V fd~N . F COMM~SSId!V~RS .William McMillan 256-5082 . Au ust 20, 20oe ~ ~ Date. g Signature. Applications are kept on 61e far 18 months Use rev' se side for additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-48 N ` ~ r New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION suite 175 Wilmington,NC 28403 Telephone: (910) 798-7149 Fax; (910) 798-7145 BoardlCommittee: ~ Name: ~ C ~,IV ~ Home Address: ~ a ~ D ~D p L_.O C.~ ~ 1 N 1~ N (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: E-Mail Address: rYl G ~"1 °L. r Y~ Q~ ~ ~ C e„ t Home Phone: -1 ~ ~ • ~ Fax: Ce[[: ~ ~ • • ~ Business: ~ ~ ~ D ~ ~ ~ Years Living in n Male: Female: 'Race; A e: ~ Ntw Han.utr C.u ty. g (information for the purpose of assuring a cross section of the community} Employer: ~ (A person currently employed by the a ency ar department for which this application is made, must resign hislher position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Section 4 of the New H anover County Personnel policy.) 4ccupatxon: _ ~aC.-~ ra.L. ~ ~ aLe.r~•~- u 7l C ~ SS o c , -firs- S~..hoa L m i r7 ~ S~fra-E~ ~ P rofessional Activities; n ~ Sc~ I s m. vtCe hr~51"aL~n~ - J~hi v r ~e o~ D f Wi /~~~n ~ ~'°SP a t a.l Ga~1a„r , Volunteer Activities: Cam 1VlC• v ` ~ ~ , ' CFM G~a~'°"'"~~' VD ~ ~r~~ e r ~ C o a5~-~, e I c~ s s i c, C~ i lal run's tY1► c~ sou m r~eclrin~ ~ r! enz~ ~ o S-t Why do you wish to serve on this, boardlcomrnittee? ~ ' at ~ ~ r D ~ da.~5 I h 2oC] ~1~ a ~ d. m Ch ~ 10l reh ~er~ N1 C - L~ ~afi'e n r ~ ~ o t-Yt~ . ~ am a ~n u nc~ a~.f', N+ v ~ r er ~ 1C- ~ v~ So r GL~~ c,~n,.n~ --~a he ~ C on t; nt.~.n. -~o ~ecorne, w o r~ onflict of 1nt rest: If a board member believes he /she has a onflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state ibis beliefto the other C1 members of his /her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private or monetary interest, eifher direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself /herself from vofing an the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this cornmittee:~ 1 ~ ~Cru`~e,~t ~ wa~.Qd~ c~.~. ~ N~ Rm c c.~•t-~'~ ~z. ,'f~ r~~~-~~, ~ -,fir' ' ' ati G~ r`5 ~f-~ro~ c cx. U . Quahfieat~ons for serv<ng. ~~-~-Do~.~.~-w ~ ~ . hc~L arnaz ~ C4 r~e o~~t 111H~ C o c..r-,t ~ ~ ~o r mer ~c~,.~`~,~- ~ 10 ~ ~ ay 5 ~ f ~~n at Q.~ ~ ~ Vb ~ n ~e.~. ~ ~ a~ rt, G~, a.~ c3Y1 ~ d.Qcs. ~ m rEt~ Q ~ G a a.. ~ o ~ d L~ro •-~e.. ° • ~ ~,,c c>~st ~r ths, h.os~a ~•t a~L ~ I ~ s h~,c~. , n Gam- Gc. r t-~ L~• c.~b ~►n ~v , Other municipal or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: n~-''s ate'? ~ a~ r List three local personal references and phone numbers: sEP z ~ooo 1' ~ I ~ qCv ~ - ~C~ r q 3 • LTtl1~ ~ - r .I ~ Of COM~1iSS1~N~RS Date; ~ ~ Signature: Applications are kept on file for 18 months Use reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-49 mow. r Y Dawn R. Mcl~eNnan 5500 Toddla Caurt Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 (910) 793-9049 dawnmckernan c~~~ahoo. coin C ~ S ~ P ~ 2D0~ August 31, 2009 ~Ew N~~~{~~'~R CO To whom It May Concern: Attached please end my application for appointment to the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees. Serving the hospital would be a great honor forme, as I was a patient for 10$ days in 2007, and know that the quality of care that I received could not have been better at any leading medical center across the nation. I cannot say enough positive things about my lengthy stay, and even worked with the hospital staff to write an article for the Star News regarding life In the ante partum department. My family has also experienced amazing healthcare at NHRMC. My children twins}were born prematurely, spending more than a month in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. I know that the quality of care that they received saved their lives. Feeling Indebtedness to give back, I have made a conscious effort to serve the hospital through financial sponsorship for each annual hospital gala, by serving on the gala committee, and participating as a member ofthe NIC-U advisory. My goals for service on the Board are to help make decisions that continue the legacy of outstanding care that I received, and to continue to build the reputation that attracts the best and brightest health care professionals, As a public educator, I also know that a strong reputation at a medical facility attracts industry-which in turn provides fiscal resources and tax revenue for the community at large. Thank you for your kind consideration, I would find it a privilege to be able to serve. i erely, awn cKernan Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-50 Aug 2~ ~9:D~a p,~ ~~~~"TE~ ,Ai'F~,iC~TI~~ $oardl+~o~nmittee: ~aar~ of Txustees N ~ carne: rahn ~.1~onrae 32~ ~rad~E~r Dl~ve ~~~,XII~tOn, E~tna~l: i~an~e phone: 9 ~ 0~? ~9-3 ~ ~ ~ : dell : ~ ~ ~-~7D~~ ~ 13 ~eaz~ Living ~,'~ew Hano~re~ ~ouaty: ~►ppm~. 3 t Nia~o--~-Race: Cauea~aan age: 7~ Emp~a~rer: ~aralina Fa~~ex and Light ~ampan~ ~Fxo,~ress Enemy ~~etired~ Eieet~c ~ti~ity E~ecnnve: Vice ~es~.ent of stern Reivo. ~w'ilmington~; dice 'resident of ~peciaJ. Frv~ ects ~~a~e~,gh~ Pxofessionai A.cti~ri~es: fee attached bra. volunteer Ac~~rities: fee attached bio. '~1hw d~a you wish to serve an s baardlevmxnittee~ Tv learn mare abont the over a~erat~ons of the derv Hanover Regional I~iedi Ce~.tex and to share m~ s~i~~slta~ents to help make ~t a amore e;~.cient and effective Medical tenter. ~y expexien+ces nth the tools and techniques a~ Tata1 C~t~lit~ Mana~em.er~ may be helpful to the Baaxd. ~t~hat aareas of concern. would you ~x~e to see addressed by ~s eamrnittee? i. He~zb ~a~ hosts an~nr .Heath ~a~ ~efoz~n Fatie~t ~~rel Satisfaction Recruitrne~nt and ~tetentiun a~ Highly ~uaii~ied doctors, staff and workers, ~uaii~ieanans for s~rvi~ag: fee attached biv. ether municipal ar caun~y boars/corn~ittees an whicia yvu are ser~.ng. See at~ehed boo, List thxee Iocal pexsonal refe~nces and phone .numbers: ~ay1e fan ~lelsa~ 41 ~,~~~~~b~~ bounty Com.ra~ssioner R~be~ `~I~abby'' Gxee~ 91 D-G8f~-1 ~D3 Robed "~~ab" ~'ar~►ic~~--~ ~ 5 d9- ~ 43 Charles ells-~ i D-7~i2-$5 Del Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-51 ~5 a~ o~:o~~ p.~ Jahn 5. Mor~r~e, Jr. 325 Bradley Drive SlVilmington, Idpr~ Carolina 2344 (9't8) ~g9~-3113 . ~1~18~ 478-~11~ 5a.nfv~d Centrat Fligf~ ~~h~rl tradcr~~ 19~ta # ~ioe President of Senior Class ~ A~onograrn flub--~-La'~er~ ~n #hrea spvrts~footba!# ~vn ofl~nse played tai! iaacic; an defense played safety and punt returner}, basketball forward position} and baseball Pitcher and thi~d- haseman} Rest Defensive Player in Basket~lt ire 195 and Must valuable Player in 1855. famed an Ail State Basketball Player by the Charlotte Observer in 1955. • Recehred the #itaf Fleisher Power M~mori$I Outstanding Athlete A~uard-195G Uf!tC Chapel Hill ~raduats 198 ~ B.S. degree in industrial Relativrt$ * Ru#hn Dv~ Pre~denl 1951--10 • Ruffin Dorm infra-Murat Marrager 1~?-19Bfl U NC Intra~l`~lural iWlanager ol: the Year 1 g5G ~raduete ~11~ork, Advertising, 19B1, East ~ro>:ina Ur~~rersity, ~reenvllle, tVC FAME i~Y • Married to hlancy G. Campbell~erealith Graduate with Honors in Math-Reti~:d from New Hanover igh 5ohoal Taught 18th • F~ughter-~-C~#hia ~Ivr~rae Koonce-~c~rmer hank Virg President, 4~tsiness development l~lanager far AAI end currenlty house wile and rnather to Katherine ~f 8} and Bellamy ~5~ Husband dander Koonce ,Reel Estate Broker vuith lr~treaaas#el Realty and Developer o~ Marsh aa~s de~reiopment Son Alexander "Sand' Il~onme•--Rea(F.~tate Broker with Caldwell Seacoast Realty-wife, Clara and son Campbell ~4} BAC~i~ROl1NB SUNINIARY • Retired ele~ric utility executive 38 years pars in varioos leadership positions with Carolina Power ~ Light Co., including: Sales ~ Mlarketing * Area ~ and asirit~t Ope~rativns Manac,~:r Administrative Assis#ar~ ~ CEO ~ Departnrtent Head for Cor~ervatiQn and Load Management Department Head fOr Total Quaiit~r ~ Voe f~resident Eastern Regiar~ r ~i~ Presidert Special Proje~s. Extensive e~erience ire Total Qualit~► Management wi#h a focus on: Changing Garporeie Oulture ~ S#rategic Planr~ng ~ Pral~em Satvirtg ~ Managing E#tiaen# and ~ffe~i~re Meetings I"arrnirrg and barraging Teams ~ developing Personnel Potiaes ~ Managing Re#ationships at dark ~ Conducting Periorrnance Appraisals ~ 9upe<vising D~e~retoprnenl Training x Leadership Devetaprnent. 7'R.AINl~C G~URSE5 T~otaT ~ual~ty ~a~na~nnt GENC4~ Decision Malci~ ~aurse Total duality Furrdarnenfals INorlcsl~op Managing Meetings Making Things Better, TQ 1~ Managing Relationships at Wank Making Things BetterlETl~ Quality Teams and Pt~;~ci ~luali~ Tearrrs Orientation Appl~ri ~tatisti~ Oualit~+ Management Assoc,,lnc. Marragernenl of duality a# Jurar~ lnst~ie, NY Statistioal Qua1i#y Control 5eminaf Upper Management as C~uaiity 2t Duran Institute, NY Teamwork ~forkshvp Nfaking Things Better, i=AaE ~Focu~Analyx~e-bevelvp-Executed . Making Things ~ter'i~farksl~p Problem Solving Tod#srTet~niques~ Total Qr.,alit~r Management Tra~rring with F[arida Power and Light In Tolcya and Osaka, ,Japan Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-52 Aug 2~ ~g.~7a p.4 ir~ternatf~nal C~nventi~n of t~uality Gmcie$- Tck~, Japan JUSE ~~apanese Union ~f Saence ar~d Ent,~'neers~ Tofat ~uaiity control ~ead~h~per'rrlston Southern industnaf R~a~rms LeadeX,sl~ip Conference ~©pi~tg ~ritlt Problem Employees, UNC V1f ilmington Pubiic Utility Guide Co~,rses Ad~retsary Interview Training, Ra~igh ~ffecfi~re Managerial L~dership Effective I~ana~eriaf f.eadership, Raieigf~ Worl~shop ~r Managers t='err~nnar~ce Evaluation Training Empowered to J.ead Effective Report v4lriting Effec#iYe Performance rnar~gernent for Managers "Adrnintst~.tive Assistant Ta" Seminar, Neer Fork f=eedbaci~, C~achin$ ~ Derrelopmerri P!~an ddb ~escript€on Seminar, Southern Pines Managing ~r Praductivityy, Raleigh Te~trtiques in CanferenCe Leadership Management ~]b~ectiues, Ufrl~-~Imir~~ton Acticm ~aun~e ire Pra~ical Pali#Jcs, Raleigh Group ayr~ami~s, StelO Into Leadership conference, Burlington, l~fC Modem Organ~ation Seminar, Levinson lr~stitute, Raleigh Cnunse~rtg Techni~~ces for Managers, Ulwifrnin~n Human Relations Seminar, Fla~nce ~harrrber of ~ornreerce SEE (5outheastorn Electric Exttga, Public ~ilikt~ Mar~agarnenf Course, Decatur, ~A C~prrtttr~rtF~afian$ Professionally Speaking Seminar, Raf~gh E~'ecltve Report~lfr~ing Speed Reading Toas#masters fnternak}or~lW ~r►reekly meetings 4 years Presentation Sf~ls Communicators 1~ark~hop, l~,5. Ch~rtber ~ ~arnmefce,lll~ashir~gton, f~C Skii[s for fnterpersonaf ~anrnunications- Step into Leadership Canfenence, Burlington, N~ Dale Carnegie Course, Effet~iue Speaking and Human Relatrons (Named a Graduate Assistant ~~m~ters Mana~~ing fn~rmation Technofo~y 1f~iridcws Introduction Intraluction tv PC Video Profiessor- ~ompuber Trairwnt~ AlS ~afa Syskern Cus#~ni~ed ~'ra~ing ~+It,~oeflarrevu~ VI{ork~ h~easurernem ~ Management System ~stumer Satisfacr~ ~orksh❑p Ec~r~amic ~valuati~on Con~p~ Total Cyst l~lanagement~- 3 Courses aiversi~ "raining Dale Caxr~egie Cc~stome~' Relations Course Amerins V~1i~ Disa6ilitias Act ADA 5upenrisar Training Safes ~arke#~r~ Haw to Design and implement the Annual Marl~eting Plan, East Garolir~a Unive~'sity, Raleigh, ~C !Marketing Seminars (8~, ~ar~du~ted by ar. Jay KipmpmaJter{t1NC), Raleigh, NC ~"EA~I~IINC SDT - Jnstructor fiar Supe~iso~r Developn~ont Training ~t Sartdl~ills Carnrrtunity ~opege in Southern Pines at f~lor~gorne~r Community College in Mt. G~ead, NC, and Anson Technical lnsti~ute at Ans4nwill'e, hlD. Served as instructs teaching Fundamentals of Supervision and The Ark of Nkotivat~r~ People, Marra~ng Relatian~ipa at'~ork Cer~hed Instructor by khe #~'tlanka Cansulti ng Group ~ Adjunct ln5truc#or for CPS,L fo{several years. 5tephe~ Minister L~da~lJnru~vr~-Training for weeks its Drtartdo, FL, and sarv~d as Leaderflnstru~or fior ~ years plus at St. Andrus Cv~rer~ant Presbyterian lurch En ~!ilmingtan, NC. ~ Cor~ducCed Mar~agerrnent information meetings ~r managers ar~d Supe~isars at DP~t., • Presented Guidelines far Effcier~i and Effe~ive ~ings to a fecal industry bade numerous presentations to business, induy, civic, steal, governrr~nt, educatEon and other pro#essianak group irtval~ring electric~,ttiliiy issues as wets as community related issues, Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-53 Aug a~ aa:a~~ RRGFESSiDNAL SOClE'I"1C ME~IBERSWIP~S tnternatianai Society tar duality Cantral,198fi Association of energy Engineers, 1985 American Socie#y for duality Control,198~i North Carolina Re#aii I~erahar~ts~ 19~-85 American Pnaducduity Center, X985-$5 Raleigh Sales I~adCe#irr~ Executi~ Assoc., ~~8~-8~ 1Alake County Energy Advisory Commission,19S5 Na#ignal Fond ~ Energy Council,l~2-$5 • Association of Prafessionai Energy managers,1984~85 + Electric Pawar Research lnstittite, Enemy Managerrrent ~ Utili~~on Division Cvmmittee,l9~-85 • Edison Electric Institute Costumer Relations, ConsQrva#ion ar~d Energy Management i]ivisiQn Executive Advisa~ Committee, Costtirner Service aruf Market#ng Management,1982-85 • Southeastern EleCtnC Exch~ge Energy Management Services lJi~is~n Exeau#i~s Camm~tee, Marke#ir~g CanlestTas~ ~►rce, '!~$~-B5 ~~vIC ~tND VlMUNfTY ACTlY~TIES ~ Caalitian for EconamlcAdvanc~rner~t~201~8-Present • ~1ioe Prresiderrt of the IBC Commtmky Association Institute-2l~g6-D7' and Chair of the Strategic Planning Cammi~ee, + Bradley Oafs Community Associa#ion-F¢rmer Presxder~t and ctxrerrt Board Member + Master Gardner Vnlunteerw 59 hours to be senre~# as volunteer irrtem * ACbaretum Faundatian Member • Neer Hanover Master Gardner As~vcia~vn Member New Hanover County Charaoter Education Task Farce w W~ming#an, NC, 1999-Pre~nt • Chamber Education Council Member, V~lmington, NC 1997-Present • New Hanorrer Courriy School Board Campaign Cha~an ~inclu~lvct Cape Fear Community College, I~lilmingtar~, NC,1997 + New Fiar~over Schaal Qu~lty Caunal Ad~risor, Wilmington, NC 199 New Hanover Cain Schaal Bortid Carnpaigrt Ad~risor & Fund Raiser, W~mingfan, NC ~ 993 United Vl~ay Vroe Chairrrran of Planning DiuisiQn,198$-89 ~ UNC~t Foundafion Board Member, 1988-89 + Salvation Army Board of directors, Raleigh, NC,1~J8~-86 Greater Raleigh Chamber of Camrnetoe,198~-86 I~aice Counly l~nited Warr, Vice Chairman in 195 and 1983, Chairman of CPL Campaign in 198, Raleigh, NC,198~-&I + Azalea Festival, Grant Patrons Cornmiitee Chairman, Wilmington, NC,1991 New l~arto~ver County Srrhaals Hearing Board,lllf~imingt~n, NC,1~8a~81 ~ Carpe Fear Area, Beard of Directvr~, Gen~l Campaign Chairman, Wilmington, NC 1989~8~ • Salvation Army, Board of £}ir~tors, ldldiln~ington, NC, 998a-B1 Wilmington Rotary Club, Beard of Dire ors, Chairman ~4cc~apational Information Crx~mittee, i~resider~t,1979 ~ Empiayer-l~mpfoyee Relations Cbmmiiiee Chairman, Health and Happiness Committee, ~ 977. 1 • Planters National Bank and Trust Ca., Board, 1981 • U~fln~ington Exutiwes' Club, Board,'i~~-81 ~ Uovrntawn A~ R~ritali~ation Effort, Board, l9?8.89 ■ ~i rtingtan Taastmastera Club, VP,197~'-81 • ~rlrr~ington Chamber of Commerce, Advisor to Free Enterprise Task Forte, Member of Ci~►ic Center Task Fdrr,~, Board of directors, Evanonuc Caunal VP,1977 81 + Garner Clvitan Club, M~nber, Board [~rectars, Raleigh, NC, '1973-15 1Nal~e County United ARpesl, Meter "B~ Divisiar~ ~airrnan, Ra~igh, ~1C,1973 * Anson County United Appeal, Ca~rpaign {3irector, Prosident Beard at=t]irectars! 1l~ades~ro, N~, 19~D-7~ • Wadesbaro Rotary Chia, VP 1971 and 1~7~, Cha'rmran of Community Servicas, War~es#~ra, ~1C, 19fi9-~~ • Anson County Young flan of the'~ear 1971 ~ladesbora-~4nson Dl~arnlaer of Cornmert;e, VI~Pt~sident, president; Attended l~atiana! chamber of Commerce Convention in Washington, DC, X968-f9 Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-54 Aug D9;~8a p.~ ~ Sanr~ills C~ambervf Comrner~, 5outhem Pines, X96&-~ Raokingharn i.ivns flub, ~I'~ce President, Roc~ingharn, NC,1~ t~anover Liens Club, Secretary, l..ian afihe Year, Ul~iimington, ~G,196~-~6 SEAL + Bradle~r f~ks Communi~r A~~vaatian President, ~~2 ~cum~r~r a Raaral Member • Carpe Fear Country Club, Wilmingtar~, l~l~C, ~~9~-2~Qa + Vlfaaduke Caunir~ club, Vass, ~98~~' Capi#al City Club, Raleigh, NC,198~-8G; ~~9~-96 Greater~7~rningtQn~'ennis Ass~.t 1-Si Echo i~arms golf & Country Club, Nlemher, President of Residents' Assaciatic~n, ~~~~-S~ ~ gape Fear Club, Mernhershfp Commi~ee, ~I11~~mington, IdC,19~7-8~ • darner Gauntry Club, Ra~igh, NC,19-~~ Twin'Valley Ca~rttry Club, ~i~ Presidenf in 1g~~, Chairman of member Relations Corrtrnittee, 'Uldadesbara, NC,1g~'0-7~ RELtGE~US E~P'ERI~NCE ~ Fib Presbyterian Churr►b of 1~n~tington-Elder, I*png Range Punning Camrr~~tee ~~rair farmer), Member Forum Adult Sunday Sal~oal Class and Chair of Educai~n ~ammiliee end Projects Carnmittee.{Current} Presbytery a~Cua~l Catalina-~-Moderator in 2~~7 {189 chunches and aver ~(},C~O members}. Chair o€ Strategic Planning and Steering Cornrnitue ~~l~i ~a3~.. Member o€ t#~e Imple+rnarr~~an Task Porte, ~ler~ber ol'the Plar~nit~ and 4rgareixatior~ Carr~mitfee. 5ub~amrnittee Chair of Cricrr~vn and Education committee. ~ St. Andrews Presk~+terian Cfyurch, Eder, Chairman of Chdstian Edu~tiorr & Nurture Camrn.; Sunday School Teacher; S#ephen's Leader, tVew Faundatiar~ Campaign Chairman, Personnel Camm~ee Ct~irmari, V~lmingtan, l+~C, ~t~~~'~Pre~ent a First Presbyterian Chum, Desaar~, Chairrr~an of Stewardship Committee, Sunday Schoa~i Superintendent, lengthening of the Church Comrnt#tee, QCE S~ectian C~ar~ide►e, Raleigh, ~ Saint AndreCaven~t Pryterian Chu~h, Sunday School Teacher far Co~ege Class, Deaoan, Chairman of Stewardship Cnrnrrrittee, IWl~le~r, Served on Evangelism and Commifrnent Committee, Campaign L~xecutiue Comm~tee, Pal's arxd Relic~iDrr Task Force, WilrnfrMgt4n, I~C,1~~~-$~ • Silly CraJ~arn Crusade CounseiQr,lg7~ ~ l=irsi Presk~6erien Church, Raleigh; Su~r~da~r School Teaaherfar College Class,l~re President of Mea of the Ci~rarch Program; loon Seared an Evarx~elism Committee, Stre~ngtf~enir~g Qf the Churc#~ Crxr~mittee, Stewardship C~amrn~e~e, Vim P~Sidertt of Men ol" the Church, Raleigh, l+iC,1~~3~~'~ • Paua Vtlorr~err S~evuerdship Faurtd8tion, Charter Member, Monireat, NC,197~.72 • First Presbyterian Church of I~adesbaro, acvr~, Chairman ~ the ward, Prey#dent o€ Chen of the Chum, Youth ~irec~~ar, Sunday Sct~a! Teaser, Naminatir~g Carnmitue, ig7~-~~ • Brownson ~Ilernariai isbyter Chum Ceasxm, Chairrna~ of the Bo2~rd, President of Men of the Church, Pastor Search Committee, Sauthem i~nes, l'~C, ~~9 * V1l'inter Park Presbyterian Chu,~h, Deacran, +Chairr~an of S~een~g Cor~rnittee for Capi<tat Pund Carr~paigr~, U~ilrnington, IVC, i ~S5 F~LI~"#Ce0.l ~~PERIENCE ~ Campaign Manager for ~eerry of Labor-William p~if~'Creel--~D~rnacr~t ~Ea~riy ~~s'} • Sup~vrt~r for bo#h ~mvcrat and Republi~r~ ~r~didates ak various #irnes E~ce~tive Direofiar far Nei i"tanouer Caa~ CCP 2aC~ tc~ present. St~tegic Planning Cemmittee Chair far NHC C~P~--~~D'~ to pent • Member of the leadership ~euetapment Committee, the FinancelFund Rafsi~ Comm~tkee, the Cammuairati'ar~slPubiic Relations Commif#e~, the .Events ~ammittee, khe Prear~at Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-55 Aug 25 09 ~J,QSa p.7 Orgar~izafion CAmne~ the ~ Search Tsrs~c l~~nroe, tMe Budget Committee and the Researc#~ Cvmmi~ee of the NHC GOP. • Mernher 4f the nth Gvngressiattal District Exeautiva Committee and Chair of the Est prac#iCes bask Farce. Member of the ~lorth Caro~rrd Co~n~r Ghamnan`s Association's Executive Carnmr~ee representing The nth Dis#riof, Chair of the hest Rradices Taste Fates ~ Mentor to eigP~t o~iege and huh schQai in#ems Partidpatir~g ~ the 2GD$ etecti~ns. Prouided assignrnenls and adhrice. ~ Cvnd~ted ~~1a~ee P~I~ical lnfvrmativn meetings aver ~Q years ~ Amended and Partic~ated in numerous Po~ikicai Training 1Nvrksh~, Cv~erenoes and Con~entians * Currently Precinct OI~'tr far HQ-3 at Bradie~ Creek Eiemert~ary Scho41 Qn Oreenvi~e Loop i~toe~d ~D~ Tl~'LES ~ara!!na Anwar artd ~ig1r# Camparryl Pmg~s~ ~Er►y ~ Ccmbinatian Sales l~eprrttative ~Resident~al~omrneraat)1g~1; Raxbara, ~C + Residem`iaz Sales Representafirre #9~-54; Florence, SC • Corr~rnercial Sales RepresentaC~ ~ 4-~6G; imington, NC Assistant to Qistric~ ivlamager 19fiG-~~; Ashebafl and Rockingham, l~C * District Sates Manager ~ gfi~-b~; Southern pines, NC - ~ i,aoai Manager 19B~-1~; ~Iadesb4ro, NC ~ Administra#ive As~stat7t ~ Chairman 8f the Eoard ar~d i~resider~t 19?'~-'7"~; Raleigh, NC District lVianager 197~~; ~~Imir~gton, NC * ~artment Head ~ Ct~rtserva~an ar~d [.and Management 19$~-84; Raleigh, NC ~ D~artrnent Head far Total G~uality ~9&>~SS; Raleigh, NC ~rce- Fresidertt of Eastern Region 1~1~~-~9~~; iAliimingtan, NC Vice~P~sider~t of Special Prajer~ 1ggZ~95; Raleigh, NC 1~1~78S1ES: Gfllfi n~, boating, snow skiing, dower gardening Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-56 101638694 D1I09l2009 x9.31 #393 P.D0~100~ Marshall W~ii~ams 3rd i=ioor ~ ~3U 13n~~ernn~ent Gea►1ei• I~~~i~~z New Hanover County sv►+r , _ 5 's~~Qners ~~N~N~ITTFE APPL'~~AT~HN l~'~ImuEktar~;'~~C ~saoz ~oa~~d of Cumn~u ~rtl~~h~~~ i91 i~) ~~~-,1,1~~ Fax i91t~) "98-'la5 ,New Sanover Regional Medical Center $aard of Trustees BoardlCommittee. dame: Ronald 8. ~loodruff Hnme tour NC 28403 Address; 40fi West Renovah Circle Wi,lm~.ng (Cott) (Z ip C ad r} (street) Mailiu~ Address if dil'fercnt: __.w.._.~_w_.-w E-Mail Address: rhwL~mwq~.aw .cam .343-8fiD4 ~ Bus~nesS: 763-~ag1 Home Phone: ~ 63 6236 fax, Ce[[: fears Li~ria~ inn Caucasian A e:~ 3D♦ ~~tlc; ~ Female: Race: ~ Ne~c~ Hanati~er Co~int~: (Information 1'nr t~~~ gurpoSc at',~ssur•ing a crosx scctiou o1'the canim~aitp) ,Marshall Williams & Gorham, attorneys Fmpla~ cr. erson currrnli - e~nplo7ed by the u~cuc}' or departtnEnt for ~hicl► thi9,~p(tticAtioa ix enudc. mil Policvn ~isl~er posiN~n w'i!h Nrr~' If anuvor a~un ( p y upon appoiniarent, in xceordancc witl~ Art4cle ~'i, 5rrtir►n 4 of tl~c 'dew Iiarso~cr t:'au~nt~~ Pcrsonne , attorney 4ccupartiau: NHC Bar Assoc; NC Bar Assoc; NC Assoc. of Defense Attorneys Prarfessi~}gal Activities. NBC Risk Management Board Wilmington Parks ~ Res Hoard; Cage Fear Museum; Vo{unteer Activities: ...w..~.- To promote the best passible health care in the Wh~~ cio you Nish to ser~~e un this haardlcommitte~.._._ financial responsible xpannex for the citizens o •North Carolina most caring and ~ sl. 1(a board member betieves he /she has a cv~ff~ct or po[en~iai c4r~fffct of in ~eresf on a particutader~s ~ ' hat hel he has a seps~ate,bprrve~te or mane ry Cvnf~lct of inters members of his / he► respectn~e board during a pubt~c se ettagon7hT►re membeh shl u d lhenhexcuse homself ~ herself from voting on the molter, interest, either director ir+drrect, in the issue under co d drL~secl h~~ this ccrmmittec'? Reasonable and cost ®~f icient r what areas vt' concern `~auld you like to see ad of the facility that hest serves the citizens of SE North Carolina w~ operatiion - racticing attorney; past experience with public agencies t~Tilm~ Quaii~catians for ser~~n~: p cousin Authority and NHCRMC) ; personal commi.tutent to this cornm>.nity q NBC Ri n i C Other mut~icipai or co~int~~ baardsicammittecs can which yt►u are ser~~in~: ~ ~ - w..~_ g zoos U t numbers. JUG I~R5t three local Personal rCftren~es and lahon 1 Jahn Wes sell 7 63 - 7 47 6 NEW ~~~~~D~~ER . 7~a-saga. BD. bf C~?~~'~~~1~Sib~dE.~S W . Robert Cherry, Jr . 3. A. Dumas Gorham 763-9891 - _ p ~ 2 ~w~ 1 ~ Signature: DiltC: ~ Usr ~ sc side for additionyi con~ments ,applications arc kept vn flc t'nr t8 months Board of Commissioners Meeting (19/21 /2(19 15-1-57