1994-06-06 Water & Sewer NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND DISTRICT BOARDBOOK 2 REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 6, 1994PAGE 162 ASSEMBLY The District Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water & Sewer District met in Regular Session on Monday, June 6, 1994, at 10:56 P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: District Commissioners William A. Caster; Robert G. Greer; William E. Sisson, Jr.; Vice-Chairman Sandra Barone; Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Mathews called the meeting to order. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Mathews inquired as to whether anyone from the General Public would like to present an item not listed on the Regular Agenda. No items were presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: District Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Caster to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 16, 1994, as presented by the Clerk to the District Board. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADOPTION OF FY 1994-95 BUDGET ORDINANCE FOR THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT Motion: After discussion of transfers and the use of the one-half cent sales tax, District Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Sisson to adopt the FY 1994-95 Budget Ordinance for the New Hanover County Water & Sewer District. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Budget Ordinance is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in W&S Exhibit Book II, Page 15. POSTPONEMENT OF ITEM #3, PRESENTATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY SEWER TASK FORCE Chairman Mathews reported due to the lengthy agenda for the Board of County Commissioners, this item has been postponed and will be rescheduled at a later date. County Manager O'Neal reported this item will be scheduled for the first meeting in July in order to better accommodate the members of the Sewer Task Force who work during the day. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND DISTRICT BOARDBOOK 2 REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 6, 1994PAGE 163 APPROVAL OF SEWER CONNECTION VARIANCE REQUEST TO THE OGDEN BRANCH OF COOPERATIVE BANK FOR SAVINGS County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, reported Cooperative Bank for Savings has requested a variance for connection of a new branch building to the District Sewer System in the Ogden area by a method that does not comply with the standard policy. The standard policy of the Sewer District, as outlined in Section 15-31 of the New Hanover County Water & Sewer Ordinance, requires a minimum sewer line size of eight (8) inches with the applicant paying all costs for the extension. The attorney representing Cooperative Bank for Savings has prepared the following options: 1. Grinder Pump Station: Install a small grinder pump station to be privately owned and operated with a 1.5 inch force main approximately 400 feet southwest to an existing manhole. Cost of this system is estimated at $7,900 and will not require a permit from the N. C. Department of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources. 2. Gravity Service: Install a 6-inch and 4-inch sewer service approximately 370 feet southwest to an existing manhole to be publicly or privately owned. The cost of this system is estimated at $7,650 and will not require a permit from the N. C. Department of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources. 3. Gravity Sewer Extension: Bore and jack a 16-inch casing beneath Market Street to the northeast and install an 8-inch sewer line approximately 325 feet to the site. Cost of this system is estimated at $19,560 and will require a permit from the N. C. Department of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources, if not already approved. Cooperative Bank for Savings has requested permission to use Option 2, which does not comply with District requirements for sewer extensions. Option 3 does comply with District requirements but is more expensive. After a review, staff recommends denial of the variance request with the District requiring the sewer extension to be in compliance with the Water & Sewer Ordinance. County Engineer Blanchard reported the engineer for the project is present and would like to comment. Mr. Larry Sneeden, an engineer representing Cooperative Bank for Savings, reported the site is located on the northeast corner of Gordon Road and its intersection with Market Street. Unfortunately, this site is not adjacent to a District sewer line. There is a District sewer line located 250 feet south; a manhole 275 feet south on the east side of Market Street; and a District sewer line located 250 feet north, but on the other side of Market NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND DISTRICT BOARDBOOK 2 REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 6, 1994PAGE 164 Street. In order to connect to the sewer line north of Market Street, which complies with the Water & Sewer District Ordinance, a 250 foot line would have to be run down Market Street with the boring of a 16-inch casing under Market Street and installing an 8- inch line into the manhole. The other two options require extending a private line that would be owned by Cooperative Bank for Savings along Market Street and connecting to the manhole on the other side of McDonald's. The N. C. Department of Transportation requires that permission must be obtained from adjacent property owners when installing a private utility line within the right-of-way. Approval for use of the rights-of-way have been received from the Camerons, who own the shopping center, and from McDonald's. The District Board is being requested to grant a variance from the standard policy. No substandard work or materials will be used for installing the private line. Costs for extending the line and maintenance of the line will be paid entirely by Cooperative Bank for Savings. Due to the difference in cost for a branch bank with only five employees, Cooperative Bank for Savings would prefer using Option 1 or Option 2 at an approximate cost of $7,900 instead of Option 3, which will cost approximately $20,000. As to actual choice, the bank prefers Option 2; however, since the N. C. Department of Transportation has to approve the project, the bank is requesting that both options remain open to allow for more flexibility in presenting the request. Vice-Chairman Barone inquired as to why Option 2 does not comply with the ordinance if right-of-way approval has received from adjacent property owners and the sewer line will be built to District standards? County Engineer Blanchard reported any sewer line extension under the ordinance must be extended to District specifications. In this case, an 8-inch or larger line must be installed up to the property line of the site. The 6-inch line being proposed is a service line and will not be compatible with the 8-inch line used by the District. Commissioner Sisson requested the County Attorney to explain why procedures for a variance are not included in the Water & Sewer District Ordinance? County Attorney Copley reported there is no provision in the ordinance for granting a variance. If the District Board decides to grant the variance, the Legal Department will have to prepare an amendment to the Water & Sewer Ordinance. Commissioner Caster asked to be excused from voting on this matter since he owns stock with Cooperative Bank for Savings. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND DISTRICT BOARDBOOK 2 REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 6, 1994PAGE 165 County Attorney Copley reported Board action is needed in order for District Commissioner Caster to be excused from voting. Motion: District Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Vice- Chairman Barone to excuse District Commissioner Caster from voting on this matter because of a potential conflict of interest. Motion: After discussion of variances not being granted in the past, District Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Greer to deny the variance request and allow Cooperative Bank for Savings to proceed with Option 3 that is in compliance with the Water & Sewer Ordinance. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: District Commissioner Greer District Commissioner Sisson Vice-Chairman Barone Chairman Mathews Excused: District Commissioner Caster ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AWARDING BID #94-0346 (CONTRACT #94-0346) TO MOTOROLA COMMUNICATIONS AND ELECTRONICS, INC. FOR REMOTE TELEMETRY UNITS FOR THE WATER & SEWER DISTRICT County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, reported only one bid was received for the purchase of Remote Telemetry units for the Water & Sewer District. This bid was from Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc. in the amount of $59,674.95. The original bid exceeded the budget estimate and as provided in N.C.G.S. 143-129, staff has negotiated with the only bidder to bring this contract within the funds available. District Commissioner Greer inquired as to why the sales tax and $7,000 hook up fee was not included in the bid? County Engineer Blanchard reported the $7,000 was included in the negotiated price which was reduced from $68,005.00 to $59,674.95. The sales tax was not required to be a part of the bid specifications. County Manager O'Neal reported he will be glad to check with the Purchasing Agent to see why the sales tax was not included. Motion: District Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Vice- Chairman Barone to adopt the resolution awarding the bid to Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc. at the negotiated price of $59,674.95 for 15 units to be hooked up and installed including all costs except the sales tax. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in W&S Exhibit Book II, Page 15. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND DISTRICT BOARDBOOK 2 REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 6, 1994PAGE 166 A copy of the contract is on file in the Legal Department. APPROVAL OF AMENDED ENGINEERING CONTRACT #94-0348 WITH HOBBS UPCHURCH AND ANDREW & KUSKE FOR THE NORTHSIDE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, reported the firm of Andrew and Kuske has been included in the contract with Hobbs Upchurch as requested by the District Board. He requested final approval of the contract for the following fee proposal as presented at the last meeting: Design and Bidding - $507,247 Construction & Post Construction - $287,160 201 Facility Plan Update (if necessary) - $150,985 *Based upon an estimated construction cost of $11,000,000, the design percentage will be 4.61%, which is a reasonable fee. Motion: District Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Sisson to approve the amended contract. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: District Commissioner Caster District Commissioner Greer District Commissioner Sisson Chairman Mathews Voting Nay: Vice-Chairman Barone Vice-Chairman Barone stated, for the record, she voted in opposition to the contract not because the firm is not capable of performing the work, but because, in her opinion, the District Commissioners were locked out of the selection process. A copy of the contract is on file in the Legal Department. APPROVAL OF CAPITAL PROJECT ORDINANCE AND BUDGET AMENDMENT #94-044 FOR THE NORTHSIDE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT CAPITAL PROJECT ORDINANCE Finance Director, Bruce Shell, requested approval of the Capital Project Ordinance and associated Budget Amendment to establish the budget for the construction of the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant. District Commissioner Greer expressed concern for approving the design contract with Hobbs Church/Andrew & Kuske and the Capital Project Ordinance, and then suddenly having a construction firm involved in the process without any input by the District Board. County Manager O'Neal reported this will not occur. The District Board must approve all construction contracts. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND DISTRICT BOARDBOOK 2 REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 6, 1994PAGE 167 Chairman Mathews requested a motion for approval of the Capital Project Ordinance and associated Budget Amendment. Motion: District Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Vice- Chairman Barone to approve the Capital Project Ordinance for the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant and following Budget Amendment. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Budget Amendment #94-044 - Northside Wastewater Treatment Capital Project Ordinance Debit Credit Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant Transfer from Fund 801 $794,407 Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant Capital Project Expense $794,407 A copy of the Capital Project Ordinance is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in W&S Exhibit Book II, Page 15. ADJOURNMENT Motion: District Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Sisson to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Mathews adjourned the meeting at 11:54 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the District Board