2001-09-04 Regular Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 28 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 PAGE 759 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Tuesday, September 4, 2001, at 5:30 P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Commissioner Julia Boseman; Commissioner William A. Caster; Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; County Manager, Allen O’Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Deputy County Manager Andrew J. Atkinson gave the invocation. Vice-Chairman Greer led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Davis asked if any member of the Board would like to discuss or remove a Consent Agenda Item. Commissioner Pritchett requested that Item 7 be removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion. Vice-Chairman Greer requested that Items 6, 8.1, and 8.5 be removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion. County Attorney Copley requested the Board to remove Consent Agenda Item 5 for further discussion. After hearing no further comments, Chairman Davis called for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion: Commissioner Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster, to remove Items 5, 6, 7, 8.1 and 8.5 from the Consent Agenda and approve the remaining items. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes The Commissioners approved the minutes of the following meetings as presented by the Clerk to the Board: Regular MeetingAugust 6, 2001 Regular MeetingAugust 20, 2001 Adoption of Draft Agreement Conditions for Special Events to be Held at Airlie Gardens The Commissioners adopted an agreement specifying conditions that must be met by anyone requesting the use of Airlie Gardens for a special event. The draft agreement was prepared and approved by the Airlie Foundation, and it is modeled closely after the existing wedding policy. Section 24 was added to allow persons to appeal permit decisions to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. The Policy Committee of the Airlie Foundation will have the right to waive any of the Agreement conditions provided the waiver will be in accordance with the intent of the Agreement. A copy of the agreement is on file in the Airlie Gardens Office at the Cooperative Extension Service. Adoption of Resolution for Projects Proposed by the N. C. Department of Transportation The Commissioners adopted a resolution supporting a request by the N. C. Department of NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 28 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 PAGE 760 Transportation to upgrade the US Highway 17 Bypass to Interstate Standards, and to construct a new interchange on the proposed US Highway 17 Bypass at the intersection with Blue Clay Road. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXVII, Page 6. Adoption of Resolution Awarding Contract #02-0101 To Triad Fire, Inc. for the Purchase of a Fire Truck - New Hanover County Fire Services The Commissioners adopted a resolution awarding Contract # 02-0101 to Triad Fire, Inc. in the amount of $263,542 to purchase a fire truck for the New Hanover County Fire Services Department. This award was made pursuant to NCGS 143-129(g), to allow the County to “piggy back” on another government’s contract if the vendor is willing to provide the item at the same or better price. The Town of Selma, N. C. formally bid a fire truck and awarded the contract to Triad Fire, Inc. on November 14, 2000. Triad Fire, Inc. has extended the same pricing and allowed New Hanover County to remove some of the options to secure a price of $263,542. Approval of Budget Amendment #02-0041-Various The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: ADJUSTMENTDEBITCREDIT Health-Risk Reduction/TAP/Personal Health/Maternal CHIP-Handgun Grant$ 271 CFMF Grant (Teen Aids Prevention)$11,635 CHIP Grant (Dental)$ 8,254 March of Dimes Grant$ 1,913 Risk Reduction-Supplies$ 271 TAP-Salaries$ 9,210 TAP-FICA$ 700 TAP-Retirement$ 500 TAP-Medical Insurance$ 1,200 TAP-Disability$ 25 Personal-Contract Services$ 8,254 Maternal-Printing$ 1,000 Maternal-Supplies$ 820 Maternal-Training and Travel$ 93 Juvenile Crime Prevention CFMF Grant$11,888 Commissioners Appropriate Fund Balance$11,888 Human Services Transportation DOT Grant (Vans)$30,809 Motor Vehicles$35,624 Commissioners Appropriate Fund Balance$ 4,815 Cooperative Extension-Extended Accounts NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 28 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 PAGE 761 USDA Pesticide Recycling Grant$ 8,590 Cooperative Extension Expenses $ 8,590 DSS-Adoption Assistance/Hurricane Relief Special Children Adoption Grant$52,398 Floyd Relief$15,596 Adoption Assistance $52,398 Assistance Payments $15,596 Sheriff-Community Oriented Policing COPS Grant$461,124 Salaries$380,700 FICA$ 24,425 Medical Insurance$ 55,245 Disability Insurance$ 754 Supplies$ 7,062 Commissioners Appropriate Funds Balance$ 7,062 Airlie Gardens Public Beach Access Grant$ 56,250 Other Improvements$ 56,250 Museum-Grassroots Science Grant$299,881 Temporary Salaries$ 3,568 FICA$ 327 Medical Insurance$ 2,318 Disability Insurance$ 80 Advertising $ 6,573 Contract Services$ 11,555 Printing$ 75 Supplies$ 6,096 Automobile Allowance$ 260 Training and Travel$ 2,982 Insurance$ 800 G/R Science Adm. Fee$ 3,172 Capital Outlay$ 1,582 Dues and Subscriptions$ 5 Administrative Reserve $260,488 Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners Grant$5,122 Professional Services$ 5,122 Explanation: To rollover unexpended grants from FY 2000-2001 to FY 2001-2002. Approval of Budget Amendment #02-0042-Office of Juvenile Justice/Courts/Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: ADJUSTMENTDEBITCREDIT Office of Juvenile Justice$260,362 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 28 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 PAGE 762 Juvenile Psych. Services Program$ 94,862 Intensive Family Based Inter.$150,000 Miscellaneous$ 15,500 Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention$260,362 Juvenile Psych. Services Program$ 94,862 Intensive Family Based Inter.$150,000 Miscellaneous$ 15,500 Explanation: Due to the State's departmental reorganization, a transfer of State funds from the Office of Juvenile Justice organization to the Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention organization is necessary. This grant was approved by the Board of County Commissioners, and no additional funding is required. Approval of Budget Amendment #2002-10-Controlled Substance Tax The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: ADJUSTMENTDEBITCREDIT Controlled Substance Tax$4,575 Interest Earnings$2,059 Capital Project Expense$6,634 Explanation : To budget additional revenue received August 20, 2001and to budget interest earned in FY 2000-2001. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. DISCUSSION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 5, ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION TO HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION FOR FINANCING THE JAIL, PARKING DECK, RENOVATION OF THE LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER AND RENOVATION OF THE MAIN LIBRARY County Attorney Copley explained that this item should have been placed on the Regular Agenda to announce that a Public Hearing will be held on September 17, 2001, at the Regular Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners to consider the sale of Certificates of Participation. Motion: Chairman Davis MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster, to adopt a resolution setting the Public Hearing to consider the sale of Certificates of Participation for financing the Jail, Parking Deck, and renovations to the (downtown) Law Enforcement Center and Main Library. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXVII, Page 6. DISCUSSION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 6, AUTHORIZATION TO CIRCULATE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY MAPPING PROJECT Vice-Chairman Greer requested an explanation of why $200,000 was being removed from the 911 Surcharge Charge Account to fund a digital orthophotography mapping project when the County is in the process of expanding the 911 Center. Deputy County Manager Atkinson explained that 911 Surcharge funds are divided into two groups: (1) wireless funding; and (2) funding for other restricted uses. The wireless funds can be used for the orthophotography mapping project which will assist the Center in better responding to calls. There are sufficient funds in the 911 Surcharge account to pay for future equipment upgrades. Vote: Chairman Davis called for a vote on Consent Item 6, and the Board voted 4 to 1 to authorize Staff to proceed with an RFP for the digital orthophotography mapping project. Vice-Chairman Greer voted in opposition. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 28 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 PAGE 763 DISCUSSION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 7 - ESTABLISHMENT OF A USER FEE FOR USE OF FIRING RANGE Commissioner Boseman expressed concern for charging only $200 per year for unlimited use of the firing range by the City or other entities when a considerable amount of funding is being spent in developing the firing range. Deputy County Manager Atkinson explained that approximately $180,000 is being spent on the firing range and advised that when the City or other municipalities use the range, the entity provides its own ammunition and personnel at no cost to the County. The fee is being established to cover the cost of cleanup and removing lead from the firing range. Commissioner Pritchett asked if the County had to provide a Range Safety Officer. Deputy County Manager Atkinson advised that New Hanover County has a Range Safety Officer who works for the Sheriff’s Department during off hours to avoid overtime pay. If a municipality wants to use the County’s Range Safety Officer, the municipality will be required to pay for the service. He also noted that the fee will not offset the cost of operation, but it will serve as a token payment to let other entities know that use of the firing range is not free. Commissioner Boseman expressed concern for the fee being extremely low and stated that she felt other entities would abuse the use. County Manager O’Neal suggested that Staff monitor the cost of operating the range for one year and then determine if the fee should be increased or if the structure of operation should be changed. The Board agreed with monitoring the use of the range for the first year of operation. Vote: Chairman Davis called for a vote on Consent Agenda Item 7, and the Board voted 4 to 1 to establish the user fee of $200 annually for outside entities using the firing range. Commissioner Boseman voted in opposition. DISCUSSION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 8.1 - APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #02-0040-HUMAN SERVICES TRANSPORTATION Vice-Chairman Greer requested an explanation of why funds were being removed from the Commissioners’ Appropriated Fund Balance for transportation. Finance Director Bruce Shell explained that since the bid came in at $130,140 instead of the $140,514, a budget amendment had to be prepared to reimburse the Commissioners’ Appropriated Fund Balance by the $10,000. Vote: Chairman Davis called for a vote on Consent Agenda Item 8.1, and the Board voted unanimously to approve the Budget Amendment #02-0040 as listed below. ADJUSTMENTDEBITCREDIT DOT Grant-Vans$10,374 Motor Vehicles$6,188 Supplies$1,567 Commissioners-Appropriate Fund Balance$2,619 Explanation: To adjust budget to actual amount of grant award from NCDOT to purchase vans for FY 2001-2002 (actual award of $130,140; budgeted $140,514). DISCUSSION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 8.5 - BUDGET AMENDMENT #2002-11- FEDERAL FORFEITED PROPERTY Vice-Chairman Greer asked if Federal Forfeited Property funds could be used for capital projects. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 28 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 PAGE 764 Finance Director Shell explained that Federal Forfeited Property is set up as a Capital Project because this is a running balance that is not closed and rolled over at the end of each fiscal year. The expense side of the account is called a Capital Project expense to be reserved for specified uses. Vote: Chairman Davis called for a vote on Consent Agenda Item 8.5, and the Board voted unanimously to approve Budget Amendment #2002-11 as listed below. ADJUSTMENTDEBITCREDIT Federal Forfeited Property$21,687 Interest Earnings$ 3,581 Capital Project Expense$25,268 Explanation: To budget additional revenue received on July 13, 2001; August 3, 2001; and August 16, 2001, and budget interest earned in FY 2000-2001. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as deemed necessary by the Sheriff. RD PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION TO U.S. ARMY 1033 RESERVE TRAINING UNIT FOR SERVICE TO EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Director of Emergency Management, Dan Summers, reported that since the 1960s an army reserve training unit has been attached to the New Hanover County Civil Preparedness Agency, now known as the Department of Emergency Management. These men and women have assisted the Department of Emergency Management and New Hanover County with disaster planning, training and operational assistance since Hurricane Diana. Due to federal budget constraints, this unit is being retired. New Hanover County would like to recognize these men and women for their many years of volunteer service to New Hanover County. In closing, Director Summers requested Lieutenant Colonel Gregory M. Griffith to comment. Lieutenant Colonel Griffith expressed appreciation to the members of the Department of rd Army 1033 Reserve Training Unit for the support given to New Hanover County over the past 15 years. He also expressed appreciation to Director Dan Summers for the support, guidance, and provision of facilities during disaster events. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Davis presented a Certificate of Appreciation to the rd following members of the 1033 Reserve Training Unit: Lieutenant Colonel Gregory M. Griffith Lieutenant Colonel George F. Keenan Lieutenant Colonel William J. Flaman (accepted by Lt. Col. Griffith) Specialist 4 Delmar D. Jordan Sergeant William J. Simpson Major Leon D. Rooks, Jr. Sergeant First Class William A. Lee (accepted by Lt. Col. Griffith) Colonel William Oakley (accepted by Lt. Col. Griffith) Staff Sergeant Gloria L. Harris (accepted by Lt. Col. Griffith) Lieutenant Colonel Griffith accepted the Certificate of Appreciation for Colonel Jimmie Hoyt, rd deceased on behalf of his wife, and stated that Colonel Hoyt was the founding father of the 1033 Reserve Training Unit. In the 80s when he was Commander of the Unit, he worked with Emergency Director Dan Summers to be sure that the Unit became totally involved in community activities. Colonel Hoyt’s dedicated effort inspired each member of the Unit to continue to serve their community. Chairman Davis expressed appreciation to Lieutenant Colonel Griffith for the privilege and rd honor to present a small token of recognition to the members of the 1033 Reserve Training Unit who have assisted our citizens and families during hurricanes. Commissioner Caster referenced the August 27, 2001, memorandum from County Manager O’Neal regarding the hurricane policy and the lack of State and FEMA reimbursements if a hurricane NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 28 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 PAGE 765 should occur this season. He also referenced the Week In Review memorandum from County Manager O’Neal commenting on the future of Project Impact and stated that he felt New Hanover County should continue to be involved with this project. He requested Staff to keep the Board informed about these issues. PRESENTATION OF PUBLICATION LAWN CARE & WATER QUALITY BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES, A HOMEOWNERS GUIDE Director of Planning Dexter Hayes reported that when the New Hanover County Tidal Creeks Program was established in 1999 following a grant award of $6,000,000 from the Clean Water Management Trust Fund, several water quality enhancement strategies, including the acquisition of Airlie Gardens were developed as part of the Tidal Creeks Program. The educational component of the program was to provide strategies to educate the public about techniques to reduce non-point source run-off into the watersheds. To meet this requirement, the New Hanover Tidal Creeks Watershed Management Advisory Board decided to publish the, Lawn Care & Water Quality Best Management Practices, to provide lawn management and techniques to residents living along Futch Creek, Pages Creek, Howe Creek, Bradley Creek, Hewletts Creek, and Whiskey Creek to better protect the water quality in these creeks. In closing, Director Hayes referenced the amount of information in the publication and stated it will be distributed free of charge to the public through the Environmental Division of the Health Department, Cooperative Extension Services, and Planning Department. He also recognized the efforts of Dr. Bruce Williams, who authored the publication; Dr. Michael Mallin,Center for Marine Sciences, UNCW; Tracy Skrabal, N. C. Coastal Federation; Marlyn Stowell, New Hanover County Soil & Water Conservation; and the N. C. Cooperative Extension Office in Wilmington for the time and effort given to prepare the publication. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Davis expressed appreciation to Planning Director Hayes, members of the Tidal Creeks Watershed Management Advisory Board, Dr. Bruce Williams, Dr. Michael Mallin, Ms. Tracy Skrabal, Ms. Marlyn Stowell, and the Cooperative Extension Service for the effort given to prepare the publication. Commissioner Pritchett suggested placing copies of the publication in the public libraries. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH AN OPTIONAL COVERAGE RELOCATION PLAN FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY Planner Wanda Coston reported as a recipient of Community Development Block Grant funds and other federal and state funds relating to housing activities, New Hanover County is required to adopt an Optional Relocation Plan as outlined under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act. The purpose of this plan is to compensate individuals who may be permanently or temporarily displaced as the result of Community Development Block Grant activities or other housing activities. After discussion of the grant being federal funding with no required County match, Chairman Davis asked if any member of the Board would like to comment. Vice-Chairman Greer spoke on being confused because he thought that a plan had already been adopted. Planner Coston explained that when a Community Development Block Grant is awarded, the County has to adopt a relocation plan for each grant award. If the County does not adopt a plan, the guidelines under the Uniform Relocation Assistance Act will have to be followed which involves a more complicated plan. Vice-Chairman Greer referenced the County being required to provide transportation, maintain complete records, justify payments, etc., and asked if the grant award covered these expenses. Planner Coston responded that 10% of the grant award was for administration and planning activities with no funding required by the County. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 28 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 PAGE 766 After hearing no further comments, Chairman Davis called for a motion. Motion: Commissioner Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster, to adopt a resolution to design and prepare an Optional Coverage Relocation Plan for New Hanover County. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXVII, Page 6. MEETING RECESSED TO HOLD A REGULAR MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Chairman Davis convened from Regular Session at 5:59 P.M. to hold a meeting of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. Chairman Davis reconvened to Regular Session at 6:15 P.M. ADDITIONAL ITEMS Discussion of FEMA Project Impact Program Commissioner Caster emphasized the importance of New Hanover County remaining a part of the FEMA Project Impact Program and stated if corporate sponsorship was needed, this should be considered. County Manager O’Neal informed the Board that a meeting will be held with the managers of the municipalities to assess their interests in continuing the Project Impact Program. Regardless of what happens at the meeting, it will be necessary to solicit funds from the private sector if New Hanover County continues to participate in Project Impact. Use of Equipment in the Assembly Room Commissioner Caster requested all members of Staff to use the audio visual equipment when making presentations in the Assembly Room. County Manager O’Neal advised that he would remind all department heads about utilizing the equipment. Time Changed for the Work Session Scheduled on September 20, 2001 Chairman Davis referenced the Work Session scheduled on September 20, 2001, at 4:00 P.M. in Room 501of the County Administration Building to further discuss consolidation and he asked if the time could be changed to 4:30 P.M. since he had to attend a meeting of the Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees. Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to schedule the Work Session at 4:30 P.M. instead of 4:00 P.M. BREAK : Chairman Davis called a break from 6:15 P.M. until 6:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST BY JAMES WARD, JR. TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY .50 OF AN ACRE OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6006 AND 6008 CAROLINA BEACH ROAD, WEST SIDE, FROM R-15 RESIDENTIAL TO B-2 HIGHWAY BUSINESS (Z-727, 08/01) Chairman Davis opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director Dexter Hayes presented maps of the property and reported that the petitioner is requesting a rezoning from R-15 Residential to B-2 Highway Business. The subject property is adjacent and south of the Harmony Woods Mobile Home Park and has approximately 100' of frontage on the west side of Carolina Beach Road just south of Manassas Drive. The property is also adjacent to a mini-storage facility, which is part of a large B-2 commercial district established in 1983 and 1976. There is also a large commercial district developing at the Sanders Road intersection to the north, and NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 28 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 PAGE 767 the east side of Carolina Beach Road remains residential. The Land Use Plan discourages strip zoning on major corridors; however, the addition of this piece of property to the existing commercial area seems innocuous. The residential districts on the east side of Carolina Beach Road should be preserved. Planning Director Hayes reported that the Planning Board voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the rezoning and no one spoke in opposition at the meeting held on August 2, 2001. Chairman Davis asked if the rezoning request would be consistent with the Land Use Plan. Planning Director Hayes responded that the Land Use Plan does discourage the expansion of strip development along major corridors; however, this is a unique piece of property that is surrounded by commercial zoning. Staff does not have a problem with the rezoning. Chairman Davis asked if the petitioner would like to speak. Mr. James Ward, the petitioner, advised that he purchased a house located on the site to repair it for rental purposes. When realizing that the house could not be repaired, the property was cleared, and he is requesting B-2 Highway Business zoning because the site is not suitable for residential use. He requested the Board to approve the rezoning as petitioned. Chairman Davis asked if anyone from the public would like to speak in opposition of the petition. Hearing no comments, Chairman Davis closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer, to rezone approximately one-half of an acre located at 6006 and 6008 on the west side of Carolina Beach Road, south of Sanders Road to B-2 Highway Business from R-15 Residential as recommended by the Planning Board. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. 4 OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, ADOPTED APRIL 7, 1971, is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Zoning Book I, Section 4, Page 62. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST TO NAME A ROAD LOCATED IN THE 7100 BLOCK OF CAROLINA BEACH ROAD AND RE-ASSIGN MAILING ADDRESSES Chairman Davis opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director Dexter Hayes reported that an examination of the unnamed private road (30' easement) reveals a semi-improved access consisting of gravel and dirt approximately 1,750 feet in length extending from Carolina Beach Road east to the Intracoastal Waterway. Mr. Musselwhite and his brother, who live along the road, located in the7100 block of Carolina Beach Road, have requested naming of the road to Salient Point. Presently the road serves access to two (2) residential homes with a third home to be built in the near future. Both existing homes presently have a Carolina Beach Road mailing address. According to the applicant, Salient Point has been agreed upon by Mr. Musselwhite and his brother. The road name has been approved by Emergency 911, and the assignment of new mailing addresses will be needed to comply to the County's Address Grid System. If the Board approves the road name, the effective date of the change will be December 3, 2001. Planning Director Hayes reported that considering the importance of the enhanced 911 system and timely service delivery, the Planning Staff recommends naming the private road to Salient Point and reassignment of mailing addresses. Chairman Davis asked if anyone from the public would like to comment on the road name. Hearing no comments, Chairman Davis closed the Public Hearing. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 28 REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 PAGE 768 Motion: Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Pritchett, to rename the private road to Salient Point and reassign mailing addresses along the road in accordance with the County’s Comprehensive Address Grid System. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Copies of the orders are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXVII, Page 6. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Davis announced that time had been reserved to allow the public to present an item that was not listed on the Regular Agenda. He requested all persons speaking to limit their remarks to three minutes. No items were presented. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Davis called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion: Commissioner Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster, to adjourn the meeting. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Davis adjourned the meeting at 6:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board