2001-05-17 Special Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 28 JOINT MEETING WITH AIRPORT AUTHORITYPAGE 585 MAY 17, 2001 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a joint meeting with the New Hanover County Airport Authority on Wednesday, May 17, 2001, at Wilmington International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. Commissioners present were: Chairman Ted Davis, Jr; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Commissioner Julia Boseman; Commissioner William A. Caster; Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; County Manager, Allen O’Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. County Staff members in attendance were: Deputy County Manager Andrew J. Atkinson and Public Information Officer Mark Boyer. Authority members present were: Chairman Al Roseman; E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Parks Griffin; John Coble; and Carter Lambeth; Airport Director Jon Rosborough; Deputy Airport Director Julie Wilsey; and Executive Assistant Janie James. Authority Staff members in attendance were: Finance Director Jim Morton; PSO Manager Harold Miller; and Maintenance Manager Hayden Braye. Chairman Davis and Chairman Roseman called their respective boards to order. Chairman Roseman welcomed the County Commissioners and noted that the purpose of the meeting was to provide a brief status report on airport activities. He turned the meeting over to Mr. Mathews to provide his report. Mr. Mathews introduced members of the Airport Staff and explained the functions of each member. He then turned the meeting over to Airport Director Jon Rosborough to present a report on activities of the Airport. Director Rosborough provided a brief history of the Airport beginning in the early 1920's up to the current date. He advised that the Wilmington International Airport (ILM )is classified as a primary commercial service origin and destination airport and noted that it was the fourth busiest airport in North Carolina with over 500,000 enplanements in calendar year 2000. Passengers can travel between Wilmington and more than 141 cities nationally as well as 28 cities internationally with only one plane change. Currently, 44 commercial flights arrive and depart daily with 65% of passengers being business travelers. Fixed base operators handled 39,000 general aviation landings in calendar year 2000 and there were 3,667 military aviation operations in calendar year 2000. The international traffic has increased 14.3% over the same period in 2000, and Customs has cleared 4,520 passengers to date representing an increase of 23.2%. thrd Numbers from the 4 quarter of 1999 through the 3 quarter of 2000 listed the top 10 destinations from Wilmington as La Guardia, William B. Hartsfield (Atlanta), O’Hare International (Chicago), Baltimore Washington, Logan International (Boston), Newark International, Philadelphia International, Orlando International, Charlotte International, and Dulles International. Director Rosborough concluded his remarks by stating that he was pleased with the percentage of growth and financial stability of the Airport. He then turned the meeting over to Finance Director Jim Morton to present the financial report. Finance Director Morton presented the following reports on current reserves: Uncommitted Cash of $2,533,375; Operations Reserve of $600,000; and Maintenance/Development Reserve of $756,655 through May 2, 2001 for total reserves of $3,890,030. Federal and state funds received include PFC (Passenger Facility Charge) annual receipts of $701,534; a State Grant of $200,000; FAA Grants of $2,898,739 for a total of $3,800,273 received during FY 2000. Projected federal and state funds available: PFC estimated receipts in the amount of $700,000; a State Grant in the amount of $200,000; FAA Grants-Entitlements in the amount of NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 28 JOINT MEETING WITH AIRPORT AUTHORITYPAGE 586 MAY 17, 2001 $2,063,308; FAA Grants - Discretionary in the amount of $2,265,88 for total available funds in FY 2001 of $5,229,196. Upon concluding the report, Finance Director Morton requested Deputy Airport Director Julie Wilsey to report on capital projects and other activities of the Airport. Deputy Director Wilsey advised that the Airport established 31 Capital Projects for FY 2001 and stated as of this date, 21 projects have been completed with 10 in progress. She noted that the projects completed included 148 new parking spaces in the long-term parking lot; a new baggage carousel; a new terminal roof; the Blue Clay Drainage Study; Cable TV’s in the Terminal; airfield rd painting, upgrade of the CCTV system; installation of a traffic light at 23 Street; and an upgrade of the Flight Information Display System. In concluding the report, Deputy Director Wilsey presented a chart showing the cost of the projects and funding sources. She then requested Director Rosborough to conclude the status report. Director Rosborough stressed the importance of the Airport maintaining its mission, vision and values by continuing to improve the terminal and airfield as well as improve services by seeking additional routes, regional jets and another airline. The strategic plan includes expansion of the on- site industrial park; an update of the land acquisition plan; business partnerships with airlines and other tenants; exploring the feasibility of creating a multi-modal transportation center as well as develop a general aviation center; and increase military presence and operations at the Airport. Director Rosborough concluded the presentation and offered to answer any questions. Commissioner Caster spoke on being Chairman of the Regional Growth Team and offered to assist the Airport in any of its future plans. He also volunteered to appear in a forum to better educate the citizens in surrounding areas that Wilmington does have a good Airport with comparable airfares. Discussion followed on the need for the public to understand that if bookings are made in advance, good airfares can be purchased for flights originating in Wilmington. Concern was expressed for the number of people who drive to Raleigh or Myrtle Beach, when the same airfare can be secured through advance bookings and price variations. Chairman Davis expressed appreciation to the members of the Airport Authority for inviting the Commissioners to hear the informative report, and he complimented them for the smooth and efficient manner in which the Airport was being operated. He excused himself from the meeting at 6:18 P.M. due to a prior commitment Commissioner Pritchett, and County Manager O’Neal also left the meeting at 6:18 P.M. due to previous commitments. Mr. Coble reminded the Commissioners of the upcoming Air Show to be held on June 9 & 10, 2001, and he invited them to attend. There being no further business, Chairman Roseman and Vice-Chairman Greer adjourned their respective boards at 6:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board