2000-03-13 RM Exhibits '.' . ,~i~.,o';!ffV:?"iJ;l:.~.'~. ~ .~"~!~t~ - " ~'~~:;m~ . {rn";"F'v,,/!lfiAv . I,~,.. -;, l'1!;ijfWi,fjR';y '. 'l'l..."....~" " ~ .\:~'{;:;:-~~ ' NEW HANOvER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMATION' <t ~~ ~ ~:~:~.: .. - . .' , : !(?' WHEREAS, the American Red Cross Cape Fear Chapter enters the 21" centwy ;i.~'f building on a tradition of 91 years of faithful serVice to' Wilmington and surrohnding .~:. ,areas by reaching out to tI:ose whose ~ves have been touch~~ by adversity and ~e1ping ~':; thousands of others to prepare for cnses yet to come; and ~. I ~>Z;' "I ;"~;': ;; ~, ~l_"~~"~~'~:;'i:.r~,~~i';;, :.' . ";,' , WHEREAS, President Franklin D Rooseveit'f~stproClaimed March as Red , Cross Month in 1943; imd 'chapters across the coUhiTYhaye :tr~ditionally used this time "/ ' to remind people of th,e' great good that is b~ing dOIl~ ~?th~f.3 niijho~l1. ,::~JlIJlte~rs.lI}l~.>':; ~:;',,'. 4.5 million blood d01,1ors and respondirig t(ho,00P.~i{~~t~tjpcideii.ts1,ii,S~y.~.~~~0#~}Iii i\\'W~ ;j~\aiding some 106,0.QO faritilies, and conduc~~ in~~a?R~,~,"{~;,c~g~1~f~j;:Oii:~Jj~ }'~> ,n~tJtan 13~000 occasl~~~~S, part 0;' ~e ~,}~;~ R~1g~l:~:J;~,~~~t~i;,lfort;'and -,' ,.~;:,' ",.....r:t ~' , ~ :,J}':t.f>.?~:" .~'~. ,....~~~,' ..~:_ . <'~~:~~;"'~~f..t~_-.,;;:?);.~ ~i " ":;11';2';1' ,'f\S;:'~:#;, WHEREAS:':'tlutR'ed 605S is the'n~tion;s;p~tiili~;-churnanitarian organization ~i'!' and assi~ts milliqn~'o(peppllon- a daily ,J:l..asis in'~~;e than 3,000 hospitals ~d 145" ~~~X military installations ar9.!lld ~e globe'lls we~1 as provide 12 million people instrUctions ~ '", in lifesaving techniqu~,5,rapgingl.romfirst aid and CPR to water safety and safe boat handling; and ;~ . ,'..', :-" c " . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners proclaims the month of March 2000, as AMERICAN RED CROSS MONTH in New Hanover County, and urge our citizens to demonstrate support for the local Red Cross Chapter and to become actively involved in furthering the humanitarian mission of our American Red Cross ;",2'J: .._ : '~~~~~~f;!Tf~l <' "'.. ~,,:,,:.-... -' I <( t. I ,;.;.,.".,.1'.... I D~(). ~ Wilham A. Caster;~c;:,haini}an I ~!~<$." I . \!""f. ;~!~:;~~:, : ,ll)m1 ' .i : :.t.,b;,"t,~<.~.~.._ ,! t~~~~~ , ;, i;.3!"'~J 'I~~' r;~~ .:.' 'i~!;>~I~;~~:~;~t~i~l:~. , . ~~ , " ~~~l~~~~fT;' ., "~iJ:\>~~, '~.i.i:f0~~', ' I<ill:';"",,,,!;;;,/,,;,, J,,\>; Tn"'~" ~"w ,iI' 1;,- nj']ii~"f',i!i1.:., F,' I '~'~~$~?-I~ ~~,~~ /' , .2...~, q.; '"' RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY I WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Sheriffs Department proposes to exchange the six 1998 Harley-Davidson motorcycles currently issued to the Sheriffs Department f~r six new 2000 Harley-Davidson motorcycles through an exchange procedure pursuant to General Statute 160A-271, and ! WHEREAS, this exchange is believed to be of value due to the age and use' of current motorcycles as compared to new motorcycles; and , WHEREAS, staff has followed the required procedures in the General Statutes including a public advertisement notifying the public of this item; and : WHEREAS, the proposed exchange consists of the following: : County to dispose of the following 1998 Harley-Davidson motorcycles by exchange with Carolina Coast Harley-Davidson: ; I i , , I IHDlFHRI5WY604990 $13,335.00 IHDlFHRII WY604999 $13,335,00 I HD I FHRI8WY604868 $13,335.00 IHDIFHRIOWY604878 $13,335.00 IHDIFHRI8WY604935 $13,335.00 IHDIFHRIXWY605018 $13,335.00 TOTAL $80,010.00 I County to acquire the following items by exchange with Carolina Coast I' Harley-Davidson: , I I Six 2000 Harley-Davidson Motorcycles $80,010.00 , I TOTAL $80,010.00 J .i"'~ -""J ' i -" WHEREAS, the Sheriff, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recomlnend approving the exchange in the amount of eighty thousand ten ($80,010.00) dollars; and: I ~ .. WHEREAS, budget amendments have been prepared to record the transaction;: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the exchange for the Sheriffs Department, be approved, budget amendments # 00-0126 and 2000-25 are approved, and staff is directed to handle the tr~saction. This 13th day of March, 2000. , i I I , I , I , ; , " -I) rr n Cc, - 0 . i. 1,}c~t ~ William A. Caster, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners , I , ATTEST , , I I I I ! . , , I , , I I I , , I , I , . , : i I I , I I '- , / , c:?/P, L.j, 3 EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONims I i I , I A meeting of the Board of CommIssIoners of the County of New Hanover, North CarolIna, was held in the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North ThIrd Street, Room 301) WilmIngton, North Carolina, at 6.30 PM on March 13,2000 , I I Present William A. Caster, Chairman, Robert G Greer, Vice Cha;rman, Buzz Blrzenieks, Commissioner; Ted Davis, Ir, CommissIOner; Charles R. Howell, C~m~lssloner Absent None Also present: Allen O'Neal, County Manager; Wanda M. F Harrell, Clerk to the Board I , I Copley, County- Attorney; LucIe I I I I * * * i The bond order entItled "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUAt"-fCE OF , I , $45,000,000 OPEN SPACE, PARK At"-fD RECREATION BONDS OF THE COUN"fY OF NEW I HANOVER", Introduced on February 21, 2000, has been publIshed, with notIce th~t the Board I would hold a public hearing on March 13, 2000 The County's Finance Officer ha; filed In the I Clerk's office a statement of debt complYIng with the provisions of The Local Goverhment Bond I I , Act and such statement shows the net indebtedness of the County to be 2 09% 'of the assessed , I valuatIOn of property in the County subject to taxation. ! C-6373S6vOl_ 1370~ OOOl~ PUBLIC HEARING Motion and Second to hold PublIc Hearing to Request Public Comment. , 1 I ; i i Commissioner Blrzenleks moved that the Board proceed to hold a public heanng on the I above-mentioned bond order The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman, Greer and was , I I unanimously adopted. , i At 7 13 PM., the Chairman of the Board announced that the Board would hear anyone who I wished to be heard on the questions of the validity of the bond order and the advisability of IssUIng , , , the bonds. I 2. Motion and Second to close PublIc Heanng. I I I , I After the Board had heard all persons who requested to be heard, Commissioner Blrzenleks I I I moved that the public heanng be closed. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Greer and , I was unanimously adopted. I I I * * * I' I I , " I " I, , I i' C-637396vOl 137C4 OOO~5 2 I- I- " , ADOPTION OF BOND ORDER Adoption of $45,000,000 Open Space, Park And Recreation Bond Order I' fi Commissioner Blrzemeks moved that the Board adopt and direct the Clerk to publIsh the H 1 bond order entitled, "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $45,000,000 OPEN 1'1 .1 SPACE, PARK AND RECREATION BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER" I; introduced at the meetlOg of the Board of Commissioners held on February 21, 20p.o The motion was seconded by Commissioner DavIs and was adopted by the following vote' I: A YES WillIam A. Caster, Chairman; Robert G Greer, Vice Chairman, Buzz Birzemeks, Commissioner; Ted Davis, Jr., Commissioner; Charles R Howell, Commlssionbr I ~ NAYES. None Vice Chairman Greer moved the Board consider a resolution respectlOg thl\ required bond I, 1 referendum, the motion was seconded by Commissioner Birzenieks, which states: I ! t WHEREAS, the Board has adopted the bond order hereinafter described authorizing the I; I Issuance of $45,000,000 open space, park and recreation bonds, and that bond lorder and the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of those bonds and the tax to be levied kr the payment of those bonds should be submitted to the voters of the County of New Hanover fJ:th1eir approval 14 ., or disapproval in order to comply with the Constitution and laws of North Carolina, I! II II II '1 C-bJ7J9Gvllc_ 137'-i~ D001S 3 'I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board as follows: I (I) The questions whether the qualIfied voters of the County of New Hanover shall : I approve or disapprove (a) the Indebtedness to be incurred by the Issuance of the bonds of the I' I County authonzed by that bond order, which Indebtedness shall be secured by!a ,Iedge of the County's faith and credit, (b) the levy of a tax for the payment thereof, and (c) that bonp order, shall I: I be submitted to the qualIfied voters of the County at an election to be held In the County on May 2, 'I I 2000 : I \, (2) The Clerk IS hereby authorIzed and directed to publish a notice of the special bond " , election. THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOND ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a speCial bond electIon will be held in th'e County of New Hanover, North CarolIna, on May 2, 2000, for the purpose of submitting to the qullified voters of the County the questions whether they shall approve or disapprove (I) the inde~Jdness to be , , I Incurred by the Issuance of bonds of the County of the maximum prIncipal amount of $45,000,000, , I which indebtedness shall be secured by a pledge of the County's faith and credit, and(2~ the levy of , I a tax for the payment of those bonds, and (3) the bond order enl1tled, "BOND ORDER , I AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $45,000,000 OPEN SPACE, PARK AND RE€REATION BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER," adopted by the Board of co~Jssioners to , I authorize the issuance of those bonds and the levy of that tax. ' I The $45,000,000 open space, park and recreation bonds are authorIzed to pay capital costs j 1 of providing open space and park and recreation facilities, including the acquisition :ofl Interests In , C 63"/3%vOl_ 13704 00015 4 real property and the acquIsItIon, construction, expansion, Improvement and equipping of new and I eXistIng facilities for such purposes. The ballots to be used at the election shall contaIn the words, "SHALL the order authorizIng $45,000,000 of bonds secured by a pledge of the faith and credit of the County ofNel Hanover to pay capital costs of providIng open space and park and recreation facilities, including tt acquiSition of Interests In real property and the acquisition, construction, expanSIOn, ImpJvement and equippIng of new and eXistIng facilities for such purposes; and a tax to be leVied for the payment thereof, be approved?" with squares labeled "YES" and "NO" beneath or beside those words, In which squares the voter may record his choice. In the event a maJonty of the qualified voters voting at that election vote to approve the I order, the incurnng of Indebtedness and the levy of a tax related thereto, those bonds shall be Issued and taxes shall be leVied for the payment of the bonds The polls for the election will open at the hour of 6.30 AM. I and will close at the hour of ! I 7.30 P M. The election will be held at the following precIncts and pollIng places: PRECINCT CF-I CF-3 FP-2 FP-4 H-l H-3** H-5* I I I i Castle Hayne Fire Dept. I Jct.117&132 I I I Kure Beach Town Hall I 117 No. Sixth i Car Bch Council Chambels 1121 N. Lake Park Blvd. CB I I I I I Emmanuel Presb'1erian Church - I 1402 No. College Rd. I I I I POLLING PLACE PRECINCT CF-2 POLLING PLACE Wrightsboro School 2716 Castle Hayne Rd. Laney High School 2700 No. College Rd. Municipal Complex Recreation Building 1121 N. Lake Park Blvd. Mvrtle Grove School 90 I Piner Road Spring View Church 80 I No. College Rd. FP-I Bellamy School 70 Sanders Road FP-3 CB FP-5 H-2* The Center For Marine Science Research 7205 Wrightsville Ave. College Park School 500 I Oriole Dr. Bradley Creek School 6211 Greenville Lp Rd. Noble Middle School 6620 Markel St. H-4* H-6 C~n31J ",,,'11_ l370~. one> 15 5 I I I I I I Voters may register to vote by submitting in person or by mail a properly completed and sIgned voter regIstration applicatlOn form to the New Hanover County Board of Ele1ctions at 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, NC 2840 I Except In certaIn limited situations, suchl forms must PRECINCT POLLING PLACE H-7 Eaton Elemcntary School 670 I Gordon Rd. PRECINCT H-8 H-9 Porters Neck Fire Station 907 Porters Neck Rd. M-2 Masonboro Baptist Ch. ISO I Beasley Rd. M-4** United Advent Church 4912 So. College Rd. W -I * Johnson School llOO McRae St. WB M-3 M-S W-2* W-3* Solomon Towers IS Castle Street W-S* VFW Building 2722 Car Beach Rd. W-4* W-6* W-7* Williston Middle School 401 So. 10U,St. W-9* Annie B. Snipes School 21S0 Chestnut St. W-II * Firc Station (Empic Pk) 3403 Park Avc. W -13 * Winter Park Presbyterian Church 4S01 Wrightsville Avc. W-IS** William Blount School 3702 Princess Place Dr. W-17* Holly Tree Elementary Sch. 2030 WEB Trace W-8* W-lO* W-t2* W-t4* W-16* W-18* W-19* Sunset Park School 613 Alabama Ave. W-21 * Codington School 4321 Carolina Beach Rd. W-20* W-22* W-23* Winter Park School 204 So. McMillan Ave. W-24* *Wilmington Precinct **Split City/County :-6J7J96v\JL_ 13704 on015 6 POLLING PLACE Ogden School 3637 Middle Sound Rd. Wrightsville Bch School 220 Coral Dr. Moose Lodge 4610 Car. Beach Rd. Myrtle Grove Bapt. Ch. SS24 Myrtle Grove Rd. Community Art Center 120 So. 2"d Street National Guard Armory 2221 Car. Beach Rd. Brogden Hall (New Hanover High Sch) 1221 Market St. Lake Forest, Inc. 2S0 Pinecrest Parkwav Vesta Village Rec. Bldg. 1902 Manhatten Dr Forcst Hills School 410 Colonial Drive Roland Grise Sch 4412 Lake Ave. Pinc Valley School 440 John S. Mosby Dr Fire Station (Muni Golf Course) 310 S. Wallace Av #S Fire Station I t S02 Wellington Ave. I First Church of the Nazarene 4017 Wilshire Blvd. Trask Coliseum 60 I So. College Rd. (1) if submitted In person (or by a person delegated by the applIcant), be receIved bY1 the Board of Elections by 500 PM on April 7, 2000 (2) if submItted by mail, be postmarked no later than April 7, 2000 RegIstration to vote may also be accomplIshed at offices of the DepartJent of Motor I VehIcles In connection wIth certain applIcations relatIng to drivers' lIcenses, or at the offices of certaIn state servIce agencIes designated by law as voter regIstration agencies. votlr regIstratIOn forms may be available at public libraries and public high schools Certain persons who become qualified to register and vote between the deadlIne to regIster and the electIon day may apply in the manner provided by law to register on the election day Certain persons In the armL forces and their spouses, certaIn veterans, certaIn civilIans workIng wIth the armed forces, and mlmbers of the Peace Corps may register by mail at any tIme pnor to the election In the manner proLded by law I and In person at any tIme, includIng the day of the election. For details on the above matters (including deadlines), contact the New Hanover County Board of ElectIons at 24 North ThIrd Street, WilmIngton, NC 2840 I Any qualified voter who (1) expects to be absent from the County dUrIng the entire period I that the polls are open on the electIOn day, or (2) because of sickness or other phYSIcal disability will be unable to vote in person on that day, or (3) is Incarcerated and otherwise entItled tb vote In the election or (4) because of the observance ofa religious holIday will be unable to vote in person or (5) IS an employee of the New Hanover County Board of Elections and his assIgned dutIes on the day of electIon will cause him to be unable to vote In person, may apply for an absentJ ballot to be I I used in voting at the electIOn. Information concerning the tIme and manner for app,lying for an absentee ballot, including the last day for making an application, can be obtaIned frlm the New I Hanover County Board of Elections at the Board's office at 24 North Third Street, Wilrpington, NC , I I 28401 C-6J7J96vC!_ 13704 0001S 7 By order of the Board of CommIssIoners of the County of New Hanover Lucie F Harrell Clerk to the Board of CommissIoners County of New Hanover, North Carolina End of NotIce of Special Bond Election C-6J7396vOl_ 1370. 0001S 8 (3) That notIce of specIal election shall be publIshed at least twice. The first publIcation shall be not less than 14 days and the second publicatIon shall be not less than 7 days Jiefore the last day on whIch voters may regIster for the specIal election. (4) The New Hanover County Board of ElectIons IS hereby I requested to print and distribute the necessary ballots, to provide the eqUIpment for the holdmg of the ele'ctlOn and to conduct and to supervIse the electIon. (5) The Clerk to the Board of CommIssioners shall mail or deliver a certified copy of II thIS resolutIon to the New Hanover County Board of ElectIOns wlthm three days after the resolution , is adopted. The motIon was adopted by the following vote A YES Wilham A. Caster, Chairman, Robert G Greer, Vice Chairman, Buzz Blrzemeks, CommIssIoner; Ted DavIs, Jr., CommIssioner; Charles !IK Howell, CommIssIoner ! NAYS None * * * C-637396vOc_ lJ70~ 080!5 9 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA) COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ) I, LUCIE F HARRELL, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the Hanover, DO HEREBY CERTIFY as follows: , I County of New I I , , i A meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, located in the State of North Carolina, was duly held March 13, 2000, such meeting having Len notIced, held and conducted in accordance wIth all requirements of law (including opL meetings II requirements), and mInutes of that meetIng have been duly recorded In the Minute Book kept by me in accordance wIth law for the purpose of recording the mInutes of the Board. 2. I have compared the attached extract with the mInutes so recorded and the extract IS I a true copy of those mInutes and of the whole thereof insofar as those mInutes relate to matters referred to in the extract. 3 Those mInutes correctly state the tIme when the meeting was convened rd the place where the meetIng was held and the members of the Board of CommissIOners who attended the meetIng. i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have hereunto affixed the i seal of said County on March ~ 2000 C-637J9;;vO,_ i370~ OGO~5 10 AFFIDA VIT OF PUBLICA TION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER Section 4. A roYOrn sta1emenl 01 U. Cowrly'. debt ,,*_,b8en _Ued~ wilhtIM_Clettbthe"Boan:f..nct". _~~~,~~n,. ~~,~", j ':'B.ctio~6. -Thiib6rido~~;; take..rteol wtlen .pproyecfbv.1he YO~ oIl,the County"aI",rS8I'8n= I d!t'~ :~. : : ~ -- ! 'too io~oing booo order wall adopted 01) the 13th day of.March, 2000 'and 18 hereby published this : 20th day of March, 2000. Any action' or procoeding qlJ88lioning the valid- ! iIy aI the order must b6 begun "I with!" 30~. mter the date of pub- llcationofthl8nobCfl.: . . ... .. . I Lucie F. Haller aforegomg affidavit with the advertisement thereto annexed It IS adjudged by the COUft. that the said CIMk Itithe Board I 01 Comminiollltl"l .roperly made, and that the summons has been duly and legally served on the defendant(s). N_ Hanover,county, Norlh Caronna .... .~,t $4; '.BOND ORDER AUTHORIZlNO THE ISSUANCE OF $45,000,000 'OPEN SPACE, PARK AND. RECREATION BONDS OF THE COUNTY Of NEW HANOVER" NOTICE OF ADOPTK>N OF BOND ORDEA WHEREAS, lhe Board' of Com- mis8ioners 01 the CoUnly of New Hanovor deems It advisable to make 1M improv81Tl6nhl hereinafter de-- 8Crj~;and WHEREAS, the Board has caused to ba filod with lhe Secrotary 01 the Local GOYernmenl. Commission 01 North Caro~na an application for Commiaion approval of the bonds hereir.after described as required by The local Government Fmanoo Act al'ld lhe Sectetary 01 tho Corrmi:s: lion hae notified the Board that the application ,has been f~ed and.eo- c:opled tor eubrrilil8ion to the Com- rriMion: ~ . ., NOw. THEREFORE. BE it '00- D~EDbr~BoardlJllfolloWa: " Section 1. The'Board delerminlMi, thalli ..neoanary 10 pro~de open IIpaoe and parK and recreation f~~ c1li1le1, including the acquisition of inlenm. ir1 ,real PlOperty ,and tho llOqulailbn,' construction, eXJlGl'liion; Irnpfovemonl and equipping of new and ~ing facili~ for.such,purc ~.nd to pay :apital-~~~ '~'.'j:o:ve~. "("IX 1'.~n2. Tciraiaethern)~-~ quifed to pay capital com. 01 pm- ; viding.tM.rmprovem8ms described; , .b?..... in, .oc:Idition to any I f~ : wtrich may be made available lor that ,purpose 'Irom any other . ~, bonds of the County" are hOreby.lIuthorized and shall.be ifl-.I sued pu...uant to; The local GoY- emlTlllnt Fill8noo Act: The ,rOOxi-1 mum lIggregl.lte principall.lmount of Mid bonds authorized by this bond ?rctllr 8hall bo $45,000,000.'~' I Section 3. Twcee 8ufficient k> pay the principel of and interlMil on thoee = Q:e~r~~~an be ann~1Iy This day of MAIL TO' Before the undersigned. a Notary Public of Said County and State, JULIE JONES Who, being duly sworn or affirmed, according to the law, says that he/she is CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MANAGER , of THE WILMINGTON STAR-NEWS. INC.. a corporation organized and :doing business under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, and publishing a newspaper known as WILMINGTON MORNING STAR & SUNDAY STAR-NEWS in the City of Wilmington Ii NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF BOND ORDER BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING TIlE ISSUANCE OF $45,000,000 OPEN SPACE, PARK AND RECREATION BONDS OF TIlE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER WHEREAS, the Board oJCommissionerI oJthe County oj New Hanover deems it advisable to make the impro was inserted in the aforesaid newspaper in space, and on dates as follows: 3/20/00,Ix And at the time of such publication Wilmington Star-News was a newspaper keeting all the requirements and qualifications prescribed by Sec. No. 1-597 G.S. of N.C. ' 9111, /, """~ n :(j \... .'."tU). v'.... r"l' ~'~'.'- l,../' I ,..... ~ 111 .. ~ ~ liOvr~ Title: CLASSIFIED ADVER. MGR Sworn or affirmed to, and subscribed before me this Ii t 11 da~of APRIL ,A.D.,2000 I In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seaf. the day and year aforesaid. k~n (h~ Notary Public My commission expires day of. nr:: ,20--03 1 c::d" CI~rk of Superior Court COUN' \' OF NEW HANOVER THE COUNTY OF NE~OVER., NORTH CAROUNA .;. i" /J!I-' IJ!j ~'P'!.Jl'\ NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOND ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai a special bond election will be held in the County 01 New Hanover, North Carolina, on May 2, 2000, lor the purpose of submlt1lng to the qualified voters of the County Ihe questions whether they shall approve.or disapprove (1}the indebtedness 10 be incurred by Ihe issuance of bonds of Ihe County of the maximum pnncipal amount of $45,000,000, which indebtedness shall be secured by a pledge 01 the __County's faith and credit, and (2) the levy oj a lax lor the payment of those bonds, and (3) the bond order entitled, "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $45,000,000 OPEN SPACE, PARK AND RECREATION BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER: adopted by the Board oj .. ,Commissioners to authorize the issuance o/those bonds and the levy ot that ta.><... , . "~The,$4S,ooo,OOO open space" park and recreallon bonds are authorized to 'pilY capltill costs of prOvjdin~ open space and pork and recreation -faCilities, including the acquiSition of interests In real property and the acquiSItion, construction, expansion, Improvement and equipping at new and existing facilities for such purposes. The ballots to be used at the election Shall contain the words, 'SHALLthe order authorizing $4S,OOO,OOO of bonds secured bya pledge of the faith and credit of the County of New Hanover,to pay capital costs of prOViding open space and park .and recreation facilities, Including the acquisition of interests In real property and the acquisition, construction, expansion, irnprovement and equipping of,new and existing faCilities for such purposes, and a tax to be leVied lor the paymentthereol, be approved? with squares labeled "YES' and 'NO' beneath or beside those words,"in which squares the voter may record his choice. In the event a majority ot the qualified voters voting at that election vote to approve the order, the incurring of indebtedness and the levy of a tax related thereto, those bonds shall be issued and taxes shall be levied for the payment of the bonds. .The polls tor the election will open at the hour of 6:30 A.M. and ~III close at the hour of 7:30 P.M The election Will be held at the following precincts 'and polling places: "' .,,' PRECINCT CF-t ,.~f' CF3 '" '" ,-, " H.3'* "", dE;)" Jnlaw :',l'o'l' 'flf1~ , ,,,',," .' H.S' M4" W-1' W.3' W-~' W-7. W.g' W-11' W-13' W-1S" W17' W-19' W-21 , W.23* ,.i" "I,. '~"*Wilmington Precinct *"Split City/County FP.2 POLLING PLACE PRECINCT POLLING PLACE Wrightsboro School CF-2 Castle Hayne Fire Dept. 2716 Castle Hayne Rd. Jct.1U& 132 laney High School FP, Bellamy School 2700 No. College Rd. 70 Sanders Road Municipal Complex FP-3 Kure Beach Town Hall Rec.realionBUlldlrlg 1121 N. Lake Park Blvd. CB 117No. Sixth Myrtle Grove School FP5 Car Bch Council Chilmbers 901 Piner Road 1121 N. Lake Park Blvd. CB Spring View Church H-2' The Center For Marine Science Research 801 No. College Rd. 720S Wrightsville Ave. Bradl(t Creek School H.4* COllebParkSchool 6211 reenVllle Lp Rd. 5001 no1e D~. Noble Middle School H.6 EmmanuelPresbylerianChurch 6620 MarketSI. 1402 No, College Rd Eaton Elementary School H.8 Ogden School 6701 Gordon Rd. 3637 Middle Sound Rd. Porters Neck Fire Station W8 Wrightsville Bch Schoo! 907 Porters Neck Rd. 220C?ral Dr. Masonboro B~tist Ch. M~ Moose Lodge 1501 Beasley d. 4610 Car. Beach Rd. United Advent Church M.5 Myrtle Grove Bapl. Ch. 4912 So. College Rd. 5524 Myrtle Grove Rd. Johnson School W.2' Community Art Center 1100 McRae SI. 120 So. 2nd Street Solomon Towers W.4' National Guard Armory 1S Castle Street 2221 Car. BeachRd VFW Building W-6' Brogden Hall 2722G,ar.Beach Rd. (New Hanover High Sch) 1221 MarketSI. Williston Middle School W.8. Lake Forest, Inc. 401 SO.,101hSI. 2S0 Pinecrest Parkway Annie B. Snipes School W-l0' Vesta Village Rcc. Bldg. 2150 Chestnut St. 1902 Manhatten Dr. Fire Station (EmpicPk) W12* Forest Hills School 3403 Park Ave 410 Colonial Drive Winter Park Presb~erian Church W.14' Roland Grise Sch 4S01 Wrightsvllle ve. 4412 Lake Ave. William Blount School W.16* PineVaJleySchool 3702 Princess Place Dr. 440 John S. Mosby Dr. Holly Tree Elementary Sch. W.18' Fire Station 2030 WEB Trace (Muni Golf Course) 310S.WallaceAv. Sunset Park School W.20* #S Fire Station 613 Alabama Ave 1S02 Wellington Ave. ~~~;n8~~~II~~h~~~Ch Rd W.22' First Church of the Nazarene 4017 Wilshire Blvd Winter Park School W.24' Trask Coliseum 204 So. McMillan Ave. 601 So CollegeRd FP~ H.' H.7 H.9 M.2 'I'CVO!ers may register to vot~ by submitting in person or by mall a properly completed and signed voter rej:Jistration application form to the New ,~no~er G.ounty Board of Elections at 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, NC 28401. Except in certall1limlted sltualions, such forms must (1) if ,,',%.~bmllled 111 person (or by 11 person delegated by the applicant), be received by the Board of Elections by s:oo P.M. on April 7 2000 (2) If submitted __tiY_mall, be postmarked no later than Apn) 7 2000. .Registratlon to VOle may also be accomp.lished at offices at the Department of Motor.Yehicles in 'w~o~nection With certain apphcatro!'is relating to drlversi licenses. or at the at/Ices ot certaIn state service agencies deSignated by law as voter 'p.~lstratlon agencies. Voter registration torms may be available at public l,braries and public high schools Certain persons who become qualified to,reQlster and vote between the deadline to register and the election day may apply In the manner prOVided by law to register on the election day. -C6rtaln persons In the armed forces and their spouses, certain veterans, certain c'vlllans working With the armed forces. and members of the Peace ""Corp,s moy register by mall at any time prior to the eleclion 111 the manner provided by law and In person at any time, Including thl:! day of the ,..electlon. For details on the above matlers (including deadlines). contact the New Hanover County Board oj Elections at 24 North Third Street, W~mlngton. NC 28401, ' . Any, qualified voter who (1) expects .10 be absent from the County during the entire penod that the polls are open on the election day, or {2} because - of SICKness or other phySical disability Will be unable to vote 111 person on that day, or (3) is incarcerated and otherwise entitled to vote in the electiol1 "~Or'(4l because at the observance of a religious holiday will be unable to vote 111 person or (S) is an employee of the New Hanover County Board ot v:Electlons and hIS assigned duties on the day of election Will cause him to be unable to vote In person, may apply for an absentee ballot to be used In VOlin!;! at the elecllon, Information concerning the time and manner tor applying tor an absentee ballot, including the last.day lor making an application, can be ob!;;lmed trom the New Hanover County Board of Elections at the Boardis ot/lce at 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, NC 28401. By order ot the Board ~ COmmissioners of the County of New Hanover . IloI"0,310 , nd State, , '"" ",',",,' organized and doing business under wspaper kno'wn as WILMINGTON Wilmington as follows; lS a newspaper meeting all the G.S. of N,C, (7~}j~ () FlED ADVER. MGR I 6 t h day of l .nixed my official seal, the day and y...~.U~ ,~ / I ~.".! z'" Notary Public ed by the coJt that the said I n the defendant(s), dlerk of Superior COLlrt " AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 A-301,01/00 oZb '-f tf THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN I Section 1 That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows. Add Section 23-104 Neighborhood Drugstore - A retail store whose primary function is to sell or dispense medicines and related medical prbducts. A neighborhood drugstore cannot exceed 4,000 square feet. Revised Table of Permitted Uses 0&1 Dru" Store Nei"hborhood Dru"store P Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4 This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption Adopted the 13'h day of March 2000 'L:)~ Q. ~ William A. Caster, Chairman Attest: ~"'\/ ~~'JL- C k to the Board STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE BOARD OF , COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN THE MATTER OF ASSIGNING STREET HOUSE NUMBERS ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that consideration has been given to the assignment of house numbers on Prince George A venhe, located in the Cape Fear Township, numerical range 3300-3999; Sandy Lane and Teresa Drive, 'Cape Fear Township, numerical range 2000-2299 WHEREAS, ready and accurate identification of developed property is important for the delivery of general County services, for the operation of commercial enterprises, for the r~sponse of emergency and public safety vehicles, and for the convenience of the general public; an\:! WHEREAS, a comprehensive and systematic property numbering system is Jl efficient means of identifying property within the County; and WHEREAS, such a system will promote the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of New Hanover County THEREFORE. it further appearing that a public hearing was held on the 13th day of March, 2000, at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not assigning house numbers would be in the public interest, and it further appearing that notice of said helaring was prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said street, that notice of the time,lplace and subject matter of the hearing was prominently posted at the County Courthouse and published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County NOW THEREFORE, it is ordained and decreed that the above house number assignments be made. It is further ordered that a copy of this ordinance be transmitted to the Postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, to the Board of Transportation, Sherin's 911 Dispatcher and t6 any city within five miles of said road in accordance with N C. General Statute 153A-240 qjJ~O ~ William A. Caster, Chairmah , , ci)..t,. "1-. c::, CENSUS 2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMA nON WHEREAS, elected leaders nationwide have joined the U.S. Census Bureau and its 50,000 community, corporate and congressional partners in a campaign, How America I Knows What America Needs, to motivate communities to participate in Census 2000, jd WHEREAS, Census 2000 IS the first census of the new century and the cornerstone of knowledge about our nation and community, and WHEREAS, data collected from Census 2000 will be the cornerstone of knowledge about our nation for the next 10 years-the basis for our system of political representati6n, for distributing public funds and for making business investments, and WHEREAS, the national percentage of residents who completed and mailed back their census form has declined from 75 percent in 1980 to just 65 percent in I 990-a trdubling indicator of growing civic disengagement, and WHEREAS, the mailback response rate for our area in 1990 was just 60 percent, and WHEREAS, the '90 Plus Five challenge of the U.S. Census Bureau is seeks to improve communities mailback response rate by at least five percentage points over the response rate in 1990 and renew America's sense of civic engagement NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover COlmty Board of Commissioners does hereby encourage New Hanover County citizens to help start the new century with an accurate and complete statistical portrait of our community Adopted this, the 13"> day of March, 2000. [Attest] New Hanover County Board of Commissioners I D:J-Q~~ [L C-€.~ William A. Caster, chlirman ~d/~ Lucie F Harrell, Clerk to the Board I >