1998-03-05 Work Session NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 26 WORK SESSION, MARCH 5, 1998PAGE 339 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Work Session on Thursday, March 5, 1998, at 10:30 a.m. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Buzz Birzenieks; Ted Davis, Jr.; Charles R. Howell; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Chairman William A. Caster; County Manager, Allen O’Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Caster called the meeting to order and stated the purpose of the Work Session was to discuss project applications for the $1.8 million HUD Disaster Recovery Initiative grant so the County can develop an Action Plan for Disaster Recovery. Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver, reported the following projects had been approved by the Board: ? Purchase of land at the south of Wrightsville Beach $300,000 ? Construction of new Fire/Police Building at Carolina Beach $250,000 ? Snag and Drag Project for Storm Debris Removal $250,000 Assistant County Manager Weaver advised the Board has tentatively approved the following project: ? Sewer assistance of low/moderate income households in the $288,000 Wilmington/Hanby Beach area* ? Total Cost of the Wilmington/Hanby Beach project is $1.6 million. Payment will come from the General Fund with reimbursement from property assessments. *Assumes 90 households will be low/moderate owner-occupied. Household Assessment $2,000 Collection Line 800 Plumbing Rehabilitation 400 Total Cost Per Household $3,200 HUD regulations require that 50% of funds must be for projects that benefit at least 50% of low to moderate income households, and no more than 50% of the funds can be used for projects meeting urgent needs, or used to eliminate slums or blight. The total HUD grant was $1,853,170 with $638,586 remaining if the Wilmington/Hanby Beach sewer project and the approved projects are submitted. After meeting with representatives from Environmental Health, the following projects have been prioritized based upon the need for sewer, and staff feels these areas will meet HUD requirements: Asst. for Sewer Sewer System Connection Other Costs Total Myrtle Gardens $1,062,000 $104,000 $427,037 $1,593,037 Castle Hayne - I 640,800 90,000 70,000 800,800 Castle Hayne - II 573,606 52,000 91,740 717,346 Castle Hayne - III 1,187,994 65,000 66,000 2,008.004 Heritage Park 1,189,800 140,000 240,000 1,569,800 Wood Haven 901,800 42,000 161,000 1,104,800 Other projects that can be considered are as follows: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 26 WORK SESSION, MARCH 5, 1998PAGE 340 Project Sewer System Weaver Acres $ 864,000 Glynwood/Brookfield $2,400,000 Brierwood Marquis Hills $1,190,400 Maplewood $ 409,800 Discussion followed on the Wilmington/Hanby Beach sewer project and the need to move forward with the project. It was agreed that this project should be included in the Action Plan. A lengthy discussion followed on whether to consider the Myrtle Gardens project or the Castle Hayne projects. Assistant County Manager Weaver noted that Myrtle Gardens was in dire need of sewer and other improvements such as paving and drainage. He stated without some assistance, this area could become a slum. Commissioner Davis spoke in favor of including the Castle Hayne projects in the Action Plan because the citizens in this area have waited a long time to receive sewer. Discussion was held on the need to remove hurricane debris from the ditches. Vice-Chairman Greer suggested using any remaining funds to supplement the snag and drag projects. After a lengthy discussion of the HUD requirements and the projects presented, the Board requested staff to prepare project applications for the following projects: Castle Hayne I, Castle Hayne II, and Castle Hayne III with any remaining funds used for snag and drag projects. County Manager O’Neal advised that staff will come back with a project program that will follow the directions of the Board and meet the HUD requirements. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Caster adjourned the Work Session at 11:24 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board