1998-09-03 Emergency Meeting (Bonnie) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 26 EMERGENCY MEETING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1998PAGE 671 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held an Emergency Work Session pursuant to the State of Emergency Declared on August 25, 1998, on Thursday, September 3, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. in the New Hanover County Administration Building, Room 501, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioner Buzz Birzenieks; Commissioner Charles R. Howell; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Chairman William A. Caster; County Manager, Allen O’Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr. was absent. Chairman Caster called the meeting to order and reported the purpose of the Emergency Work Session was to award a contract for the collection of debris after Hurricane Bonnie. AWARD OF CONTRACT TO PHILLIPS AND JORDAN FOR COUNTY AND CITY DEBRIS REMOVAL AFTER HURRICANE BONNIE Director of Environmental Management, Ray Church, reported that six bids were received and opened at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 1, 1998. The bid submitted by Charles Blythe Equipment Company, Inc. was not considered because the bid bond was not submitted as required. The bid submitted by Johnny Smith was withdrawn After reviewing the proposals, Staff recommends award of a turn-key bid contract to Phillips and Jordan at $80.40 per ton. Solid Waste Planner, Geoffrey H. Little, presented background information on the firm of Phillips and Jordan (P&J) and reported that Dade County, Florida awarded a contract to P&J to provide debris removal after Hurricane Andrew in August 1992. The firm was assigned Area III, which was one of the most devastated of six areas. In less than 90 days, P&J employed 1,650 people and moved 1/3 of the total debris. After Hurricane Fran, P&J was hired for debris removal and within 36 hours of the initial contact by the U. S. Corps of Engineers, the removal operation began in the City of Raleigh. P&J employed over 1,300 people, serviced over 1,000 miles of city streets, and removed 6.7 million cubic yards of debris in 92 days with only one lost time claim. Motion: After discussion of the firm being well qualified, Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Howell to award a turn-key contract to Phillips and Jordan at $80.40 per ton for removal of County and City debris after Hurricane Bonnie. The Chairman was authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED by a 4 to 0 vote. Director Church presented a resolution to allow the debris contractor to enter private property to remove construction and demolition debris. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Howell to adopt a resolution to allow the County’s contractors to enter private property and roadways within New Hanover County for the purpose of removing construction and demolition debris. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIV, Page 29. Director Church informed the Board that the waste stream was over 1,200 tons per day because of the peak tourist season. With a scheduled outage for Boiler 3 at WASTEC and the pressure being placed on the Landfill at 1,000 tons of debris per day, authorization is needed to submit a request for proposals to Waste Industries, Waste Management, and MCO to determine the cost of carrying the waste to the BFI Landfill in Sampson County. This action would greatly relieve the situation at the Landfill. This cost should be reimbursed by FEMA. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 26 EMERGENCY MEETING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1998PAGE 672 Motion: After a lengthy discussion on trying to dispose of wet waste, Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Howell to authorize Staff to submit the request for proposals and proceed with the plan to carry approximately 6,000 tons of waste to the BFI Landfill in Sampson County. The County Manager was authorized to execute the contract documents. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED by a 4 to 0 vote. Director Church explained that removal of debris consisted of two parts: vegetative debris removal and construction and demolition debris removal. The Commissioners were requested to authorize the preparation of a change order to the contract with Phillips and Jordan to allow this firm to pick up construction and demolition debris. Consensus: It was the consensus of the Board to authorize the preparation of a change order for Phillips and Jordan to pick up construction and demolition debris. Chairman Caster, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Director Church and Staff for the excellent job performed in addressing the waste and debris removal process after Hurricane Fran. UPDATE ON HURRICANE BONNIE Director of Emergency Management, Dan Summers, reported the Emergency Operations Center was in the process of shifting its priorities from response to recovery. FEMA Community Relations staff are on the ground working in affected areas visiting homeowners and answering questions regarding recovery. The FEMA team has been making contact with churches and groups to ensure the community understands the individual and family recovery process. Over 1,600 New Hanover County residents have applied for assistance through FEMA’s individual and family grant assistance. Approximately 5,000 individuals have applied statewide. New Hanover County Emergency Management is assisting the Small Business Administration (SBA) with opening a temporary office. The SBA office will open this afternoon at 2nd and Grace Street in the old Print Shop location. A news release will be prepared once phone numbers are available. Calls to the Emergency Operations and Emergency Management office remain high with numerous requests for tree removal for individuals with special needs. Temporary staffing is being used to assist with the telephone, documentation, and supply recovery demands. FEMA’s film crew and representatives from the Mitigation Directorate will be at Wrightsville Beach and Carolina Beach to interview local officials and beach residents regarding the value of mitigation activities such as elevating structures, beach renourishment, and improved building and safety codes. In closing, Director Summers expressed appreciation to the Commissioners for their cooperation and support during the hurricane event. Chairman Caster, on behalf of the Board, congratulated Director Summers and Staff for the excellent job performed with evacuating the beach communities and beginning the recovery process. Discussion followed on the lack of electrical power in some of the shelters. Director Summers reported that funding was secured to assess the schools to determine the size of generators that would be needed for the shelters. The rental contract was in place for the generators, but the interface between the generators and the school buildings had not been addressed. The Engineering Department has been instructed to develop a request for proposals to purchase transfer switches. Once the switches are installed, the generators can be connected to the schools. Further discussion was held on the importance of providing sturdy shelters in the schools being constructed. Commissioner Birzenieks suggested involving Director Summers in the design NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 26 EMERGENCY MEETING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1998PAGE 673 process so the type of shelters needed will be constructed to provide a safe place for occupants having to evacuate their homes. After further discussion, the County Manager was requested to be sure that Director Summers becomes involved in the design process for new school buildings. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Caster adjourned the meeting at 10:50 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board