1998-11-05 Work Session NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 26 WORK SESSION, NOVEMBER 5, 1998PAGE 757 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Work Session on Thursday, November 5, 1998, at 10:15 a.m. in the New Hanover County Administration Building, Room 501, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioner Buzz Birzenieks; Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; Commissioner Charles R. Howell; Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; Chairman William A. Caster; County Manager, Allen O’Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Caster called the Work Session to order and welcomed everyone present. He announced that the purpose of the Work Session was to hear a report from Dr. William Harris, a UNCW Geology Professor, on the findings of a ground water monitoring study for the Porters Neck and Figure Eight Island areas performed from February 1995 to December 1997. REPORT ON GROUND WATER MONITORING STUDY OF PORTERS NECK AND FIGURE EIGHT ISLAND AREAS Dr. Harris reported because of concerns over future land use and its impact on the quality and quantity of ground water in the Porters Neck and Figure Eight Island areas of northeastern New Hanover County, discussion occurred between homeowners in the area, the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (DEHNR), and the University of North Carolina at Wilmington(UNCW). The result was development of a cooperative project between UNCW, the Northeast New Hanover Conservancy, and DEHNR to monitor ground water in the area. Six ground water monitoring wells, three shallow and three deep, were constructed along Bald Eagle Lane by Skipper Well Drilling and Pump Service in late 1994 and early 1995. The wells were located in the center, southern end and northern end of Bald Eagle Lane. The wells were constructed in accordance with specifications determined by DEHNR, Division of Environmental Management, with minor modifications. All wells were finished open-holed rather than cased. In July 1995, one deep well, previously constructed, was added to the study for monitoring water quality on Figure Eight Island. The method of construction for this well is unknown; therefore, the data collected is questionable. Between February 1995 and December 1997, the seven wells were monitored monthly with ground water samples collected and analyzed for total chlorides. Monthly reports indicating these values were submitted to the Northeast New Hanover Conservancy. Shallow wells between 36 to 54 feet were placed in the surficial aquifer. Deeper wells between 160 to 180 feet were placed in the Castle Hayne aquifer, known in geology terms as a peedee formation. The well located on Figure Eight Island has a depth of 100 feet, but since it was already in place there is no way to know exactly where it falls within the aquifer system. In summary, the report produced the following findings: Shallow Wells: (1)High levels of chloride were found in the shallow well located on the northern end of Bald Eagle Lane. The chlorides exceeded environmental standards for drinking water. All tests indicated that the quality of water was not good. The other shallow wells located in the center and south of Bald Eagle Lane had levels of chlorides that met environmental standards. In comparing summer versus winter months, there was no correlation between water usage and chloride contents in the shallow wells. Deep Wells: (2) The deep well located on the southern end of Bald Eagle Lane had good water with no high chloride contents. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 26 WORK SESSION, NOVEMBER 5, 1998PAGE 758 Deep wells in the center and northern end of Bald Eagle Lane and on Figure Eight Island had chloride contents that periodically exceeded the state standards for drinking water. In some cases, the chloride levels were so high that salt could be tasted in the drinking water. After further study of why the high levels of chloride exist, it was found that when chloride contents are high, the water table is low. This means when the water table is low, water is drawn in from another location. In the northeastern part of the county, it is felt that salt water is being drawn from the down dip with high levels of chlorides. When comparing the pump data from Porters Neck Plantation and Figure Eight Island, it was found there was a correlation between summer and winter months. During the summer months, the water table falls and chloride contents rise. In closing, Dr. Harris informed the Board that New Hanover County has a major problem with the high chloride concentrations in the northeastern part of the county. Since the monitoring process included only a small part of the county, it is felt that the same problem will be found along all portions of the waterway. With continued growth in population and a greater demand being placed on the Castle Hayne aquifer, water monitoring should be performed in the eastern part of the county. The study indicates that New Hanover County will be facing future water problems. A lengthy discussion followed on what steps should be taken by New Hanover County to avoid future water problems. Dr. Harris advised that the best solution would be for the County to develop a well system west of the waterway in the northeastern part of the county. Further discussion was held on the year around quality of water. Dr. Harris reported that chloride contents are not as bad during the winter months and would probably fall within state standards; however, if the population continues to increase, this could change. Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver, asked Dr. Harris if one large well would be better than numerous small wells. Dr. Harris responded that a decision would have to be made by the Board as to whether the County wants numerous small wells along the coast where the water is not drinkable, or does the County want one large wellfield west of the waterway to distribute water to county residents. After discussion of the possibility of the County purchasing property in Greenview Ranches, Commissioner Davis asked if this property would a good location for a wellfield. Dr. Harris advised that any site located west of U. S. Highway 17 in this area should be an acceptable location. Assistant County Manager Weaver said the Andrews & Associates Study recommended placement of the wellfield northwest of Greenview Ranches. Discussion was held on the quality of water on Figure Eight Island. Mr. Arthur Poineau, representing the Figure Eight Island Homeowners Association, advised that six wells were located on Figure Eight Island with two new wells on the causeway. The chloride contents normally comply to State standards, but during the summer months, it is becoming more difficult to maintain them at an acceptable level. With continued growth, it is felt the chloride contents will not comply to State Standards. He requested the Board to move forward with providing water to this section of New Hanover County. Vice-Chairman Greer requested Dr. Harris to explain why the well located on the southern end of Bald Eagle Lane had good water. Dr. Harris noted that after studying land use in the Porters Neck area, based upon information provided by the Planning Department, more development has occurred on the northern end of Bald Eagle Lane than on the southern end, which could explain why chloride contents are higher; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 26 WORK SESSION, NOVEMBER 5, 1998PAGE 759 however, no direct correlation has been made to connect the two. The aquifer in the Porters Neck area is limestone, which fractures and develops caverns. It is difficult to determine if there are major fractures in the central and northern end of Bald Eagle Lane that have caused salt water intrusion into drinking water wells. These are unpredictable factors. More in-depth studies of the subsurface water would provide the needed data to better predict the reasons for high chloride contents. Mr. John Canada, representing the Porter Neck Quality of Life Association, advised that 100 residents living on Bald Eagle Lane and Futch Creek Road, had a study performed five years ago because of concern for the quality of drinking water. The results of the study indicated that 25% of the wells had chloride contents greater than the State level of 250 parts per million and 50% were in a high range of chloride contents. The drinking water in the area is so bad that many residents are using bottled water. Mr. Canada urged the Board to provide a water system to this area of New Hanover County. After further discussion of the findings indicating current and future water quality problems, Vice-Chairman Greer suggested placing a wellfield on the west side of U. S. Highway 17, particularly since the County is in the process of constructing a large water tank between Ogden and Porters Neck. The County would benefit by developing a wellfield in this area and connecting it to the water tank so a line could be run from the tank to the Porters Neck area and Figure Eight Island. Some type of fee or assessment would have to be charged to property owners receiving water in this part of the county. County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, informed the Board that a petition had been filed by a developer to construct a new subdivision in the Porters Neck area. If the subdivision petition and water system are approved by the Board of County Commissioners, a water line will be constructed up to Porters Neck Road. After discussion of the new Eagle Point Golf Course placing a greater demand on water usage when it is completed, Chairman Caster asked if the idea of water reuse for golf courses had been explored. County Engineer Blanchard responded that water reuse for the golf courses in this area would greatly benefit the County; however, the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion must be completed before this option can be considered. Discussion followed on the need to develop a plan to provide water to the Porters Neck and Figure Eight Island areas that would include time frames. County Manager O’Neal advised that staff would be glad to develop a plan of action that could be discussed at the regular meeting scheduled for December 21, 1998. The Board agreed and requested County Manager O’Neal to develop a plan to be presented on December 21, 1998. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Caster expressed appreciation to the residents of the Porters Neck and Figure Eight Island for attending the meeting and providing input on the water quality problems. He adjourned the meeting at 11:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board