2000-03-15 SM Exhibits .' \ \ County of New Hanover City of Wilmington INTRODUCED BY: Frank S. Conlon, Councilmember March 15, 2000 RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMP ACT FOR THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE WILMINGTON HARBOR PROJECT WHEREAS, the Wilmington Harbor Project will deepen the Cape Fear River navigation channel from 38 feet to 42 feet; and WHEREAS, the project has been modified to realign the entrance channel across the ocean bar, thereby eliminating the need to blast over two million cubic yards ofrock, saving over $40 million in project costs, and shortening the project duration; and WHEREAS, the United States Army Corps of Engineers has released a draft environmental assessment for a Finding of No Significant Impact for these pre- construction modifications to the project; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina State Ports Authority believes that the Wilmington Harbor Project will yield substantial benefits, environmental as well as economic, for the citizens of our state. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Wilmington City Council and the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby express their support of the Finding of No Significant Impact for the draft environmental assessment of the BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 CnF.STNUT STREET, WILMINGTON, NC 28401 (910)341-7149 WilIiaIDA.CaSler Chairman Robcl1G.Grecr Vice-Ch..irmao Buzzl)irzennjeks Commissioner Ted Oavis Jr. Commissioner CharlcsR.Howel1 Commissioner eny COUNCIL P.O. BOX. 1810, WIl.ML,,"GTON, NC 2s.ro2 (910)341-7815 David L. Joncs Mayor KatheriaeB.Monre Mayor-ProTem v' Frank S. Conlon.\r. Cowlcilmembcr \ J.C.Hcame,I1 Councilmc1llber SandraS.Hughcs COlmcihnember LauraW.f'adgett Councilm~~nber ehaflesH. Rivcllbarl..,Jr Councilmember I .. - 2 - Wilmington Harbor Project, and further do hereby urge the U.S.A.C.E. Wilmington District to determine that the Harbor Project can proceed on schedule under existing plans. ~ David L. Jones, City of Wilmington 'LJ.'J.t.~, .., Q. ~ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of Commissioners Adopted at a meeting on Joint March 15, ,2000 ~ill-dd' L cie F Harrell Cle to the Board COWlty of New Hanover City of Wilmington RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The University of North Carolina at Wilmington Men's Seahawks basketball team have successfully completed the first Colonial Athletic Association Championship in the University's history, winning 57-47 over the University of Richmond, and WHEREAS, Coach Jerry Wainwright has built the Men's Basketball Program into a nationally recognized program of athletic excellence; and WHEREAS, the UNCW Men's Seahawks have made four previous appearances in the CAA Tournament Championship and is the seventh different school in the past eight years to claim the CAA title, and in winning the title had to defeat the number one seed, and WHEREAS, Brett Blizzard is the first UNCW freshman to earn CAA Tournament Most Valuable Player honors and the league's Rookie of the Year Award, and with teammate Ramond Perine named to the CAA All-Tournament Team, and WHEREAS, the UNCW Men's Seahawks now proceed to the University's first-ever NCAA Championship Tournament; and WHEREAS, the citizens of the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County will continue to show their pride in the Seahawks by rooting for their victory in the NCAA Tournament. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and the Wilmington City Council congratulate the Colonial Athletic Association Championship-winning UNC Wilmington Men's Basketball Team and Coach Jerry Wainwright (; aff on a history-ma ing season. 1.;) ~ Q. ~ David L. Jon William A. Caster, Chairman City of Wilmin Board of Commissioners / Adopted at a meeting on Joint March 15, 2000 320 CIIESTNlJT STREET, WUMINGTON, NC 28401 (910)341_714' Wil.litmACuler Cbimw> RobcrtG.Grccr V~.irmm BuaBirz=:micu COmmis.l;iOlltt TcdDnisJr. COlllIIli$.siollCl" Chnles R. Howell COmmissiollC1" CITY COUNCIL P.O. BOX. 1810, WILMINGTON, NC UW02 (910)341-7815 DavidL.JOllCI Mayor KatherineB.Moorc Mayor-Pro Tem Funk S. CouIoll,Jr. COUllcilmember J.C.HUOIC,D Councilmember SandraS. Hughes CllUIIcilmanbcr L.ur.W.padgel:1 COllDcilmember CharlclH.Rivenblrk,Jr COWIcilmcmbcr County of New Hanover City of Wilmington RESOLUTION WHEREAS, homeowner's insurance is a critical component of owning a home in coastal North Carolina, and WHEREAS, due to repetitive losses from recent hurricanes, it has become increasingly difficult to purchase homeowners' insurance in North Carolina's 18 coastal counties; and WHEREAS, many insurers are reducing their exposures by not renewing policies, increasing premiums and deductibles, demanding collateral, or declining to write new business; and WHEREAS, HB 452, passed by the N C General Assembly in 1997, permitted companies to write policies while assigning wind and hail risk to the Wind Pool and extended the Beach Plan to include 18 coastal counties, has failed to render any significant change in the availability of homeowners' insurance; and WHEREAS, coastal North Carolina contributes substantially to the economic and cultural well- being of the state through our population and tax base, deep-water ports, tourism, educational, cultural, and recreational opportunities, and business and agricultural industries. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wilmington City Council and the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners encourage the LRC's Insurance Issues Committee to conduct a study, to include testimony from states having established reinsurance facilities, and draft legislation prior to the 2001 General Assembly Session identifying an alternative means of providing homeowner's insurance coverage and in particular wind coverage, to coastal residents. David L. Jones, a City of Wilmingto 'l.. JJ~ Q. G...k. William A. Caster, Chairman Board of Commissioners Adopted at a Joint eeting on March 15 , 2000 BOARO OF COl\tMISSION):RS 320CII);STNUf STREET, WILMINGTON, NC 28401 (910)341-7149 WilliamA.CaSler Chairman Robert G. Greer Vice-Chairman Buzz Binennieh Commissioner Ted Dni5Jr. Commissioner CbarlesR.llowell Commissioner em' COUNClL P.O. BOX. 1810, WILMINGTON. NC 28-102 (910)341-7815 DnidL.Jones Mayor KatherineB.Moore Mayor-ProTem FrankS. Cooloo, Jr. Councilmember J.C.Hcame,lI COUDcilmcmber Saodr. S. Hughes Councilmember LaUT1lW.Padgelt Coundlmember CharlesH. Rivenbark, Jr Councilmember