2000-04-03 RM Exhibits .,.z t::.: Ie" .;<.. New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Earth Day 2000 ResoR1Ultion WHEREAS, nearly thirty years ago, more than twenty million Americans joined together on the first Earth Day in a demonstration of concern for the environment; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County recognizes the importance and special quality of our coastal environment to our community; and our responsibility for the preservation, protection, and enhancement of our natural resources as stewards for future generations; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has a vision of and commitment to the quality of life and the future of our community; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County desires to ensure sustainable coastal communities, providing for the needs of the present without compromising our ability to meet the needs of future generations; and WHEREAS, the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Earth Day will further these objectives by increasing awareness and appreciation of our natural resources; and WHEREAS, the Lower Cape Fear Earth Day 2000 activities and events will educate all citizens on the importance of acting in an environmentally sensitive manner by protecting water quality, recycling, conserving energy and water, using efficient transportation, and adopting a more ecologically sound and sustainable lifestyle; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOES HEREBY OFFICIALLY PROCLAIM SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2000 AS "EARTH DAY"AND THAT DAY SHALL BE SET ASIDE FOR PUBLIC ACTIVITIES. , This the 3rd day of April, 2000. "D~~~ 0. ~ William A Caster, Chairman ~~;/ y;/~ Clerk to the Board "'".. ,.., "''t',._,w~,.~,...,.,,~.'.i . . o(.~. 0.3 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE PRIORITIZATION PLAN FOR VOLUNTARY ACQUISITION ACTIVITIES HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM (HMGP) NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, the County of New Hanover intends to apply for HMGP funds to conduct a voluntary property acquisition program, to remove households from the threat of flooding which endangers health and safety, and. WHEREAS, the Robert T Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act that requires each HMGP project be cost-effective (see U.S.C.517c) and; WHEREAS, it is the finding of the State and New Hanover County that exposure to the risk of future flooding is directly related to cost-effectiveness. THEREFORE, the County of New Hanover has established the following method to prioritize property owners who have expressed an interest in participating in the proposed voluntary HMGP acquisition program in the County METHODOLOGY Projects must meet the basic requirements as set forth by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the North Carolina Department of Emergency Management. Each structure is then evaluated based on its exposure to the risk of future flooding and the likely benefit a buyout would incur The following criteria were considered in prioritizing quantifying properties: 1 Amount of Damage to Structure 2. Repetitive Nature of Flood Events Property Occupancy (Owner/RenterNacant) 4 Contiguous to Buyout area , ~ Acquisition offers will be made in chronological order based upon the above priority ranking. Homeowners will have thirty (30) days to accept or reject an offer. If the homeowner does not respond within thirty (30) days, funds will no longer be reserved for their acquisition and the offer will be invalid. Offers will be made until available funds are exhausted. Adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners this 3rd day of April, 2000 E w-dtL.". _ a Oe _~~ Bill Caster, Chairman " ""'1m'''"~I.';f--Q$~ft%l;w''''('''%''it'~'g,;'ff~'''!%'~~ fW>,J;,"A :Y;;l'lit~M"':;t~,&,*",ff . i"'~~11'''i'''''1'i~~( ;;z. G:;I''''''~'''r4$,~ ,'~'- :":-'fJ~/~::'",~ r ;"~'J%':-" J;:.~~t"~': '~"<!:'1f"'" ,<',j ~;', ~,:':; "I. ~1~~1~, " _ _ ~. WHEREAS,~the.entire.corrifuunit"i'canieffe'Ct': ositive change with any volunteer action no matter how,big or s'$:m;r~~dh~}~' --'-:~t_$, .f~. , ~ .<{;.. -"\~ 'I'?"'" /. >rfJ, '<<4- WHEREAS, volunteers:li;rv~' d~iJ1ihs,tr<lt~d,;bihllr~\!gh their work in schools, public and private non~profits, COI1)~~t4~;~jl~lJfatioffs;aniliff!!(~~jjW~~~f#Jl;~ter arena; and '~,,.. , _ ,I "'t\ <,,~'"' WHEREAS, volunteers can corinect with loe;al;community;service'opportunities through hun,dre of communit service organi~atioris like V ohjn!~.~r Centers;\nd ", -' .. ,- ~""'.;, jl~'., "tm~. <'~" -~,'-, . .,. , _ . '. ~\ ,'if'i, '.!I"r;N,d;w __ ",' _ . . WIf~~ .~;~~:e tha.n1,Q,.OOO v~Ii:int,~ers working in :his com~llD},T, and (O~l~iIIii:it:ifn,atlOnwia~~A offer.thelr time ani:! talent dady to make areal difference In the hves'ofchddren, adults and the elderly;".: ari""" "".,>:>-- j' __,li;<;",:'," ". :.,r,()i,(l" '" .. ">1 ,", ,.if '.",~.., , .,. ~' 0b;."tr2}{;~", "/~i-;:~. ti'<1,~.( <;~ '1:." A,~,:.s , '1!' (,d,', WHEREAS, during t~i~i.:'eek, all ~ver t'he ~tion, servic~ ;;:~jects will' be p~ff~rmed th~oug the!.' '", '. j,g{ ",:"{?I-" ,~..._, ..... .... ,:"7" ?~' '" ,,,-,t y,~,' Uilite4J ~ay's, pays ofC,\~& an~.,~}herdopportunities" and :vo[\lnt~~.rs will be r~::.gniz~tfor-theit4fI;~ commltments.to!commumty.servlcei'an ' ,'"'''cr''' j;1!.' , ,1' "",'l!ri.~,"4,r.,;< 'iA!>li1j;>f+i';",' ,. ! ,'.<1l'r,'^" "--",.~"" ", '_..,v~' ',".'A t',. w, "","',r".'i>'k,../'J1J1'#'x7~'f~/.,~ t lFi;' .- -I 'l", '''''''-'~ '.'~\ 11 ",.,It"';",: . ~"h",,,.i>,Jf ,,;O-f"~"f ' "'-:-%' ~~.J">~~!P~_,,:..~,":'" i"':/~,,'" '1' . , f,&;."'t'G'~),'<\"<'~.;-~";r-'~ki''''~,', ~.,:O<~<-"-- ,,' , f WHEREAS, volunteers have the power to make our community a',15etier place to,live, to~h~erp defeai1~" . , the pervasive fee.ling of social disconn,ection e?,<perienc~d{~y;81 % oi5A~eri2'ah~~h:&6's" e7!f~i1 ,.f ;. , . , '.' , --", >;,~,-' "" ""':,"-" "",' "- people; and . ~~j~, '::j; ~ ._' ::dJ.? 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'. /Il ~ c2.k>,~, 5' ~roclamation N eID Jlanouer QtOlUlttl 1Boarll of (!fomminniontrn Fair Housing Month April 2000 Whereas, the New Hanover Human Relations Commission and the Friends of Human R~lations are sponsoring Fair Housing Month; and Whereas, the New Hanover Human Relations Commission seeks the elimination of housing discrimination through public awareness and housing community education and understanding of Fair Housing Laws; and Whereas, we encourage all citizens to respect, work, and support the establishment of fair and equitable housing for all persons regardless of race, religion, sex, color, disability, and familial status; and Whereas, through personal commitment to the value of justice and Civil Rights, specifically as they pertain to housing each of us can help to preserve, protect, and perpetuate the rights of others to freedom, liberty, and justice, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the month April 2000, be declared Fair Housing Month in New Hanover County We call upon all citizens to join forces in creating and practicing a mutual bond of recognizing and respecting differences, and resolve to accept a personal challenge to provide fair housing opportunities to all citizens of New Hanover County Adopted this 3cd day of April 2000 ATTEST ~~j\/~~ VjJ~O~, L 'e F Harrell William A. Caster, Chairman ;&~l.~~~o~~ o~~~. ~~~~.......... 0.............. 0.................. on ~~~~~~o~s~::~~~o~~~~........ ~