2000-05-08 RM Exhibits ;z (". g, ( RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3'00 p.m. on the l!th day of April, 2000, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for NOxOUT Reagent for the W ASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 00-0240' First Year of Contract Second Year of Contract PCS Sales $ .98 per gallon $ .98 per gallon AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to PCS Sales, a foreign corporation organized under the laws of the state of Delaware, the lowest responsible bidder, at the per gallon price quoted in the proposal resulting in an estimated first year expenditure of Fifty-eight Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($58,800.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 700-485-4 194-4230 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for NOxOUT Reagent for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 00-0240 be awarded to PCS Sales at the per gallon price quoted in the proposal resulting in an estimated first year expenditure of Fifty-eight Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($58,800.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney This 8th day of May, 2000 . (SEAL) W~(].~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ~~.~.~ RESOLirtioN OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3'00 p.m. on the 18th day of April, 2000, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for a 3/4 ton carryall for the Emergency Management Department, Bid # 00-0315 Bob King Pontiac GMC, Inc. $35,438.00 AND WHEREAS, the Emergency Management Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Bob King Pontiac GMC, Inc., a North Carolina corporation, the only responsible bidder, at the price of Thirty -five Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-eight Dollars ($35,438.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 110-433-4330-3000-6450 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for a 3/4 ton carryall for the Emergency Management Department, Bid # 00-0315 be awarded to Bob King Pontiac GMC, Inc. at the price ofThirty-five Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-eight Dollars ($35,438.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney This 8th day of May, 2000 (SEAL) 'LJ~Q.~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ..:<.c... ~,..a RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 12:00 noon., on the 23rd day of April, 2000, at the County Administration Bui]ding, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for in-home aide services for the Aging Department, Bid # 00-0302. Bidder: Levell Level II Level III Wellcare & Nursing Services $14.00 $]5.0018 $17.2569 $14.50 $]6.4994 $]7.2521 $14.50 $16.6015 $17.2495 dMS Services, Inc. Home Health and Hospice Care, Inc. AND WHEREAS, bidders were informed that the award of any contract will be made based on evaluation of total proposal and low unit cost will not necessarily guarantee award and factors to be considered in addition to price were completeness of proposal and all forms, insurance requirements, license requirements, history and experience of company; . AND WHEREAS, the bids received were reviewed dMS Services, Inc. was selected to received recommendation for award; AND WHEREAS, the Director of Aging, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to dMS Services, ]nc., at the unit cost of $ I 4.00 for Levell care and $14.50 for Level II and Levellll care; AND WHEREAS, funds are in account 110-582-5830-3700 to satisfY the requirements of this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for in-home aide services for the Department of Aging, Bid # 00-0302 be awarded to dMS Services, Inc. at the unit cost of $14.00 for Level] care and $]4.50 for Level II and Level Ill, and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney This 8th day of May, 2000 '0~c.~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners <20,8. If Proclamation Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month WHEREAS, many families in our community are experiencing the adverse medical, financial and emotional expenses of children having children, and; WHEREAS, this is a problem in this community which should be of major concern, as statistical data for the year 1998 reveals 369 teenage pregnancies occurred in New Hanover County, which meant one girl below the age of 19 became pregnant every day in New Hanover County, and; WHEREAS, the Adolescent Health Council of New Hanover County is working with other organizations to heighten awareness that teenage pregnancies can be prevented through open communication between parents and their children and through sex education, community awareness and support, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners proclaim May, 2000 as Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month in New Hanover County, and encourage families to join in and support efforts of the New Hanover Adolescent Health Council in order that our children can be afforded every opportunity to reach adulthood before assuming the responsibilities of parenthood, Adopted this, the 8"' day of May, 2000 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners w~Q~ ~ ~ e i WHEREAS, ~ WHEREAS, . WHEREAS, . WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, r20.?,5' PROCLAMATION NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMATION HONORING FOSTER PARENTS Foster parents come in all shapes and sizes, races and colors; some foster parents are professionals and some are professional foster parents for our special needs children, and Some foster parents are motivated by religious principles, some by civic obligations, all by love of children and none by money, and We turn more and more to the family foster homes of New Hanover County to nurture the bodies and spirits of the children in our charge while our social workers guide the parents to overcome their problems and deficiencies to provide safe, permanent homes for their children to return, and The family foster homes are the backbone of the child welfare system allowing children to grow and develop in healthy environments while their families of origin resolve,problems of alcoholism, drug addiction and other plague, and While the number of children coming into care has decreased slightly, our need for these dedicated persons who open their homes and hearts to other people's children is as great as ever, and Many of our foster parents open their homes to provide safe, permanent, loving homes to children who can never go back to their family of origin and who need a forever home, and May is singled out as Foster Parent Appreciation Month to be the one month we publicly recognize the tremendous contribution made by our foster parents to the child welfare system and to the lives of the young somehow entangled in that system. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners in recognition ofF oster Parent Appreciation Month, thanks all the foster mothers and foster fathers for their commitment oftime and talents to these unfortunate ones. THISTHEy4DAYOF ~~ ,2000 w~o.~ Chairman Att~~7V~ Clerk to e Board EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, was held In the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Room 30 I, Wilmington, North Carolina, at 630 PM on May 8,2000 Present. William A. Caster, Chairman; Robert G. Greer, Vice-Chairman; Buzz Birzenieks, Commissioner; Ted Davis, Jr., Commissioner; Charles R Howell, ('rmlm; c::c::; nnpr Absent None Also present. Allen 0 'Neal, County Manaqer; Wanda M. Copl "y. C'ollnty AHnrney; Lucie F. Harrpl1. rlprk tn tn~ ~Qard . . . The Clerk to the Board of Commissioners placed before the Board of CommissIOners a Certificate of Canvass of the New Hanover County Board of Elections certifying to the Board of CommiSSIOners the results of the special election held for the County of New Hanover on May 2, 2000 The Certificate was considered by the Board. Resolution CertIfying Election Results Commissioner Howell moved the adoption of the following resolutIOn, the motion was seconded by Commissioner Birzenieks and the resolutIon was briefly described to the Board. WHEREAS, the Board of CommIssioners has considered the Certificate of Canvass of the New Hanover County Board of Elections canvassing the referendum held for the County of New Hanover on May 2, 2000 and certifYing the results thereof to the Board of Commissioners and has canvassed the results of that special election, C-642496\'OI_ JJ70.100015 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that It be and hereby IS certified and declared that the number of voters registered and qualified to vote at that special election was 113.437 FURTHER RESOLVED, that It be and hereby is certified and declared that the total number of voters who voted "YES" in answer to the question, "SHALL the order authonzing $45,000,000 of bonds secured by a pledge of the faith and credit of the County of New Hanover to pay capital costs of providIng open space and park and recreation facilities, Including the acquisition of interests in real property and the acquisition, construction, expansion, improvement and equippIng of new and existIng facilities for such purposes; and a tax to be leVIed for the payment thereof, be approved?", was 10,303 The total number of voters who voted "NO" in answer to such question was 15,071 FURTHER RESOLVED, that a statement substantially in the form hereInafter set forth declaring the result of the election shall be prepared and published In accordance with law. C-612.I<)!j,.OI_ 1370~OOOJ5 2 STATEMENT OF RESULT OF SPECIAL ELECTION HELD FOR THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER MA Y 2, 2000 WHEREAS, by direction of the Board ofComnllSsioners of the County of New Hanover, In the State of North Carolina, a special electIon was duly called and held for the County on May 2, 2000 for the purposes of submitting to the qualitied voters of the County the questlons hereinafter set forth, and that Board has received from the New Hanover County Board of Elections a certification of the results of the election, and has determined the results of the election to be as hereinafter stated; NOW, THEREFORE, The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover hereby makes the following statement of the result of the election pursuant to The Local Government Bond Act. (1) The total number of voters registered and qualified to vote at the election was 113.437 (2) The number of voters who voted "YES" In answer to the question, "SHALL the order authorizing $45,000,000 of bonds secured by a pledge of the faith and credit of the County of New Hanover to pay capital costs of providing open space and park and recreation facilities, Including the acquisition of interests in real property and the acquisition, construction, expansion, Improvement and equipping of new and existing facihtles for such purposes; and a tax to be levied for the payment thereof, be approved?", C-O-!!-N6vOl_ DiO~ O()()l~ 3 waslO,3J3. The total number of voters who voted "NO" In answer to that question wasl2,071. The question In the form submitted was rejected lapproved/rejected) by the vote of a majority of those who voted thereon at the election. Any action or proceeding challenging the regulanty of validity of thiS bond referendum must be begun within 30 days after May 10, 2000, the date of publication hereof Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North CarolIna [End of Statement of Result of Special Election] C-6.11~"tlV01_ IJiO~,OOOI ~ 4 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ) I, LUCIE I' HARRELL, Clerk to the Board of CommissIoners of the County of New Hanover, DO HEREBY CERTIFY as follows: A meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, located III the State of North Carolina, was duly held May 8, 2000, such meetlllg havIng been noticed, held and conducted In accordance wIth all reqUIrements of law (including open meetings requirements), and minutes of that meeting have been duly recorded III the Minute Book kept by me III accordance with law for the purpose of recording the minutes of the Board. 2. I have compared the attached extract WIth the minutes so recorded and the extract is a true copy of those minutes and of the whole thereof Illsofar as those mlllutes relate to matters referred to III the extract. 3 Those minutes correctly state the time when the meeting was convened and the place where the meeting was held and the members of the Board who attended the meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have hereunto affixed the seal of said County on May L, 2000 C.6-n~<lo,"OI 1370.1,00015 6 STATEMENT OF RESULT OF SPECIAL ELECTION HELD FOR THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER MA Y 2, 2000 WHEREAS, by direction of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, in the State of North Carolina, a special election was duly called and held for the County on May 2, 2000 for the purposes of submitting to the qualified voters of the County the questions hereinafter set forth, and that Board has received from the New Hanover County Board of ElectIOns a certification of the results of the election, and has determined the results of the election to be as hereinafter stated, NOW, THEREFORE, The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover hereby makes the following statement of the result of the election pursuant to The Local Government Bond Act. (1) The total number of voters registered and qualified to vote at the election was 113,437 (2) The number of voters who voted "YES" In answer to the question, "SHALL the order authonzing $45,000,000 of bonds secured by a pledge of the faith and credit of the County of New Hanover to pay capital costs of providing open space and park and recreation facilities, including the acquisition of Interests in real property and the acquisition, constructIon, expanSIOn, Improvement and equipping of new and existing facilities for such purposes; and a tax to be levied for the payment thereof, be approved?", C-(248)vOI_13704,OOOI5 was 10303The total number of voters who voted "NO" In answer to that question was 15071 The question 10 the form submitted was rej ected [approved/rejeeted] by the vote of a majority of those who voted ~hereon at the election. Any action or proceeding challenging the regularity of validity of this bond referendum must be begun wlth10 30 days after 5/10/00 . , the date of publicatlOn hereof Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina C 642483vOl 1370~OOO15 . CERTIFICA TE OF CANVASS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS FOR THE SPECIAL ELECTION OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ON THE 2ND DAY OF MAY, 2000 WE, the undersigned Chairman and Members of the New Hanover County Board of Elections, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that we met on May 5, 2000, at 11: 00 ~.M., to canvass the returns of the special election held in the County of New Hanover on May 2, 2000, and that the result of such canvass is as follows: The total number of voters who voted "YES" in answer to the question, "SHALL the order authorizing $45,000,000 of bonds secured by a pledge ?f the faith and credit of the County of New Hanover to pay capital costs of providing open space and park and recreation facilities, including the acquiSItion of mterests in real property and the acquisition, construction, expansion, improvement and equipping of new and eXIsting facilitIes for such purposes, and a tax to be levied for the payment thereof, be approved?" was 10303 voters who voted "NO" in answer to such questIOn was 15071 2. All persons voting at said election were required to use ballots or ballot labels setting forth the questions to be voted upon in the form prescribed by the Board of The total number of Commissioners of the County 3 Only the persons who had been duly registered were permitted to vote at said election. The total number of voters who were registered and qualified to vote at said election was 113,437 C-6_12.18IvOI_ 13;0,100015 . 4 The polls for said election were opened at the polling places in the County on May 2,2000 at the hour of6.30 AM. and were closed at the hour of7.30 P.M. on that day IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands for the purpose of certIfYIng the result of the specIal electIOn held for the County of New Hanover on May 2, 2000 to the Board -I"- of CommissIOners of the County, this S"" day of May, 2000 Ch a ove County Board of Elections Hanover County Board of Elections wiJv-- Member over County Board of Elections C.64248IvOl_1370.100015 )J.l,C\(" - AFFIDA VIT OF PUBLICA TION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER STATEMENT OF RESULT OF " SPECIAL,ELECTION HELD FOR THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER MAY 2, 2000 WHEREAS, by direction 01 the Board 01 Commissioners of the J County oj New Hanover, in the Slale , of North Garolmo, especial election r was duly called and held lor the County on May 2, 2000 lor the pur. poses of 8ubmlning 10 the qual~ied lIoter8 of the County the questiolUi hereinalter sellorth, and thai Board hag received 110m the New Hanover County Board of Elections a cerllfi. C.lllion 01 the results of the election, \ end hns determined the lesUItS 01 the election - 10 be as hereinafter staled; NOW, THEREFORE, The Board 01 Commissioners of the County of New Hanover hereby . makes the followmg' statement 01 ! IheresullollhoelectlOn pursLJanllo The LOCllI Government BOrld Act: (1) The total number of votels reg. Istered and qualified to vote at the eleclionwas 113,437 (2) The number of volers who voted 'YES. in answer to the question. 'SHALL the order authorizing $.45,000.000 of bonds secured by a pledge of the laith and credit of the County 01 New Hanover to pay C<lpitof costs 01 providing. open SpOC9 llnd pruk and recrealron-fa. crlrtiea, including the acquIsition of Interests in real property and the !lcquisition. construction, expansion. , Improvement and, eqUipping of r16W ! and existing faC1lltles tor such pur- , pOles; and a toxto be levied lor the paymenlthereot, beilpproved?" was 10303, The total number of voters who.voted "NO'"in answer to)' that question was 15071, The question in the lorm submitled was', j rejected by the vote of a majority 01 ; .,f thos~ who voted thereon at the IT electron, " Any action or proceeding chalteng. j ing the regulanty at valrdlty of thrs " bond referendum must be begun I' Within 30 days aiter May 10, 2000, 1 the dule 01 publication heraot. ~,,\ Board of Commissioner 01 the County 01 New Hanover, NorthCarolma '- Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of Said County and Siate, JULIE JONES Who, being duly sworn or affirmed, according to the law, says that helshe is J CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MANAGER of THE WILMINGTON STAR-NEWS, INC., a corporation organized and doing business under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, and publishing a newspaper known as WILMINGTON MORNING STAR & SUNDAY STAR-NEWS in the City of Wilmington STATEMENT OF RESULT OF SPECIAL ELECTION HELD FOR THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER MAY 2,2000 WHEREAS, by direction of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, in the State of North Carolina, a specml election was duly called and held for the C was inserted in the aforesaid newspaper in space, and on dates as follows: 5/IO/00,lx And at the time of such publication Wilmington Star-News was a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qualifications prescribed by Sec. No. 1-597 G.S. ofN,C. Cv.J;. C0v,u () (j~}{U/ aitle: CLASSIFIED ADf.!ER. MGR Sworn or affirmed to. and subscribed before me this 31 s t day of MlIY ,A.D2000 In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year aforesaid. My commission expires 27 cfJ7. ,t~/ht-'~A AlA ~ /?'YV/:l~;:~~~ ~~ : ~ ~ day of JULY, 2004 ' :- ~ Upon reading the aforegoing affidavit with the advertisement thereto annexed it is adjudged by the Court that the said publication was duly and properly made, and that the summons has been duly and legally served on the defendantCs). This day of MAIL TO: Clerk of Superior Court