2000-05-22 RM Exhibits AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 6, Business Regulations, Article V, Privilege License Tax, Section 6-90, Schedule B licenses, of the New Hanover County Code, be amended as follows. Section 6-90. Schedule B Licenses. ADD' (7) Check Cashing Businesses (G S 105-88) .$10000 DELETE. (13) Laundries (G S 105-85) $ 12.50 DELETE. (14) Linen Supply Companies (G S 105-85) $ 12.50 CHANGE. (20) Pawnbrokers (G.S 105-88) .change from $275 00 to $100 00 Except as specifically amended above, all of Chapter 6, included but not limited to Section 6-90, shall remain in full force and effect. This the 22nd day of May, 2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY v~c.~ William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST ~\~ ;yI~ rk to the Board "~'~.~.:.:='''.:; . RESOLUTION NO. 2000 - A RESOLUTION GRANTING THE CONSENT OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY TO THE TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF A CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE FROM TIME WARNER, INC, TO AOL TIME WARNER, INC, AND A TRANSFER OF CONTROL FROM MEDIA ONE GROUP, INC, TO AT&T CORPORATION WHEREAS, Time Warner Entertairunent-AdvancelNewhousePartnership ("TWEAN") holds a valid, non-exclusive franchise to operate a cable television system in New Hanover County, North Carolina (the "Franchising Authority"); and WHEREAS, TWEAN is a subsidiary of Time Warner, Inc. ("TWI"); and WHEREAS, Media One Group, Inc., ("Media One") holds a 25 51 % interest in Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P., ("TWE") which in turn owns a 66 66% interest in TWEAN, and WHEREAS, a wholly-owned subsidiary of AT&T Corporation ("AT&T") is acquiring all of the shares of Media One pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of Merger dated May 6, 1999, ("Transaction No 1 ") so that following closing of the transaction, AT&T will control an approximate 17% interest in TWEAN, and WHEREAS, TWI and America Online, Inc., ("AOL") have entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger dated January 10, 2000 ("Transaction No 2"); and WHEREAS, the merger agreement will result in a stock to stock merger ("Transaction No 2") in which TWI and AOL will merge with subsidiaries ofa newly formed holding company; and WHEREAS, as a result of Transaction No 2, both TWI and AOL will become wholly owned subsidiaries of the new company, AOL-Time Warner, Inc. ("AOL-TW"); and WHEREAS, the franchisee, TWEAN, and TWl, AOL-TW, Media One, and AT&T, have requested the consent of the Franchising Authority, if it determines consent is necessary, to the aforementioned change of control and Transaction Nos. 1 and 2; and WHEREAS, on or about February 10, 2000, TWI, as transferor, and AOL- TW, as transferee, filed an FCC Form 394 seeking the consent of the Franchising Authority to Transaction No 2; and WHEREAS, Media One, transferor, and AT&T, transferee, seek the consent of the Franchising Authority to Transaction No 1, and WHEREAS, the Franchising Authority has conducted a thorough review of the legal, technical and financial qualifications ofthe applicants and the transferees to own and operate the cable system; and ~--~ ~~ ' V' WHEREAS, the Franchising Authority has received and reviewed the report of its cable television consultant concerning the legal, technical and financial qualifications of the transferees and provided an opportunity for public comments; and WHEREAS, AT&T and TWI are the two largest cable television operators in the United States and AOL is the largest provider of Internet services; and WHEREAS, the Franchising Authority is concerned that cable television operators through the use of their broadband platforms offer a technically superior method of providing Internet services to customers and therefore, there is a risk that Transaction Nos I and 2 may have an anti-competitive impact on the provision of Internet services and cable programming to the public; and WHEREAS, following further review and an investigation, the Franchising Authority has concluded that the transferees have established that they meet the technical, legal and financial criteria to operate the cable system and have satisfied all criteria set forth in and/or under all applicable or required local government and federal documents, laws, rules and regulations, including FCC Form 394 and contingent upon applicants meeting all of the requirements set forth below; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in consideration of the foregoing and the promises set forth herein, the Franchising Authority and the transferees agree to the following: I The Franchising Authority consents to Transaction Nos. I and 2, effective immediately upon the closing of the transactions contemplated by the agreements, provided that said closings take place prior to July I, 2001 2. The Franchising Authority confirms that: (a) the franchise held by the franchisee is valid and in full force and effect. (b) the franchisee will be in material compliance with the franchise if the other conditions set forth in this Resolution are met. 3 TWEAN (a) agrees to be bound by the franchise and perform all duties and obligations thereunder; (b) represents and warrants that it is able to provide and agrees to provide all services required under said franchise; ( c) acknowledges and agrees that TWEAN is subject to the regulatory authority of the grantor as provided by state and federal law; 2 " '--.1"';' ..... ' (d) agrees to cooperate fully with the Franchising Authority and to obtain from any governmental agency having jurisdiction, all licenses, permits and other authority necessary for lawful operation and maintenance of the cable system. 4 The past performance ofTWEAN under the control ofTWI pursuant to the franchise is not waived by the Franchising Authority' consent to this transfer and adoption of this Resolution. TWEAN agrees to be responsible for and bound by the breaches and non-performance, if any, ofTWEAN prior to this transfer The Franchising Authority may, after consummation of the Transaction Nos. 1 and 2, consider in any ongoing renewal proceeding, the past performance ofTWEAN to the extent permitted under 47 U S C ~546, as ifit were the past performance ofTWEAN 5 TWEAN agrees that the revaluation of the cable system assets, if any, resulting from Transaction Nos. 1 and 2 shall not be the basis for any future rate increases for any regulated cable servIce, mcluding, but not limited to, basIc cable service, equipment rentals and installation costs. 6 This Resolution shall become effective on the date of its passage but shall be automatically rescinded if not accepted by TWEAN, within thirty (30) days of passage. 7 TWEAN agrees that it intends to afford its customers a chOlce ofISP's on the cable television system. TWEAN shall report periodically, at the request of the Franchising Authority on its progress towards accomplishing that goal. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, TWEAN agrees to comply with all lawful federal, state and local requirements with respect to nondiscriminatory access to TWEAN's cable system for ISPs; provided, however, that prior to the enactment of any such requirement by the Franchising Authority, TWEAN shall be given reasonable notice as defined in the Franchise Agreement and an opportunity to be heard, including the right to present evidence on any findings made by the Franchising Authonty with respect to such a requirement. The Franchising Authority and TWEAN have not waived any rights, obligations, claims, defenses or remedies regarding the Franchising Authority's authority to impose such conditIOns. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 22'd day of May 2000 THE NEW HANOVER BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By 1J~ Q ~ William Caster, Chairman 3 '",,:'[L-,. ....... ATTEST WE CONSENT TO AND ACCEPT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION DATE OF ACCEPTANCE G / Z ()/2000 4 TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENT ADVANCE NE OUSE PARTNE HIP By 'J' .' '. NEW HANOVER COUNTY PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE RESIDENTIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION ~LL FEES INCLUDE BLDG. ELECT. MECH. PLBG AND ZONING PERMITS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 5/02/00 Total fee Cost for Project = Permit Fccs + Inspection fees A - RESIDENTIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION: Single-family, Duplexes &Townhouses (Includes attached garages, panelized and non pre-wired etc. modular building components) Permit Fees are based on the following scale. Up to 1400 square feet $35 00* From 1401 to 1800 sq. ft. AcId $.25 per sq. ft. (over 1400)* From 180110 2200 sq ft. Add $.26 per sq. ft. (over 1400)* From 2201 to 2600 sq ft. Add $.27 per sq ft. (over 1400)* ['rom 2601 to 3000 54. n. Add $.28 per sq. ft. (over 14(0)* From 3001 to 3600 sq. ft. Add $.29 per sq. ft. (over 1400)* From 3601 to 4000 sq ft. Add $.30'per sq. Ii. (over 14(0)* 4000 sq ft. & up Add $.3\ per sq. Ii. (over \400)* *Square Feet Includes All Area Under Roof Heated or Unheated * Plus Inspection Fees B - Additions: Use Schedule A above C - Modular Homes: Pre-wired. Pre-plumbed. Pre-finished) $35 00 + ll1Spectlon fees D - Mobile Homes: 535 00 + Inspection fees E - Travel Trailer Park Fee: $75 00 + inspection fees F - Detachcd Garages: \\, ithout trade work - With trade work - $0 + inspection fees $35 00 + inspection fees G - Accessory Structures. Includes decks. porches. storage buildll1gs. pools. etc. < 12 Ii. am dimenSion - Zoning Permit Req $0 + II1Spectlon fees ) 12 Ii. an) dimension - without trade work $0 + inspection fees > 12ft. an) dimension with trade work $35 00 + inspection fees H - Trade Permits: (If purchased separately from Schedule A above) Elec, Mech. Plbg. & Zoning Up to 1400 sq. ft. Over 1400 sq ft. $35 00 + inspection fees $45 00 + inspection fees I - Prior Cut-Ons: See Schedule H (Elec) above + inspection fees + a 5100000 Bond per project required or S5000 00 for unlimited Pnor Cut-Ons ./ - Homeowners Recovery Fund 55 00 h. - Minimum Permit Fee (unless otherwise noted) L - Residential Inspection Fcc $3500 $25 00 per inspection Note: (Max 2 hour inspection per charge) , NEW HANOVER COUNTY PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE 5/U2/UO RESIDENTIAL EXISTING CONSTRUCTION .\LL FEES INCLUDE BLDG. ELEe. MECH. PLBG. & ZONING PERMITS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Total Fee Cost for Project = Permit Fees + Inspection Fees '-\ - RESIDENTIAL EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: (Substantial) Alterations - Renovations - Repairs Up to 1400 square feet $3500' From 1401 to 1800 sq ft. Add $.25 per sq fl. (over 1400)* From 18Ul to 2200 sq ft. Add $.26 per sq It. (over 140U)* From nUl to 2600 sq. ft Add $.27 per sq. ft (over 1400)' From 260 I to 3000 sq ft. "-dd $.28 per sq. ft. (over 1400)' From 3UUI to 3600 sq ft. Add $.29 per sq. ft. (over 1400)' From 3601 to 4000 sq ft. Add $.30 per sq ft. (over 14UU)* I',."m 4000 sq n. & up Add $.31 per sq It. (o\er 14UO)* "':,quare Feet Includes All Area Under Roof Heated or Unheated "Plus InspectIon Fees B - Elee, Meeh, or Plhg "System" Replacement: <1400 sq. ft. > 1400 sq ft. $35 00 + inspection fees Add $.03 per sq. ft. + inspection fees C - Elee, Meeh, or Plbg "Component" Replaeement/Chngeout: $0 UO + inspection fees 0- l"lohile Home' $3500 + inspection let,s E - Building Relocation: Includes new foundation & single point hook-up of utilities $35 00 + inspection fees F - Demolition $3500 + ll1Spectlon fees G - Trade Permits: Bldg(structural work >$5000). Elee. Mcch. Plbg & ZOl1lng I Includes T-poles $3500 + inspection fees H - Prior Cut-Ons: "ee Schedule G (Elec) above + ll1spection fees + a $1 UOU UU Bond per proJecl req ur $5(J0(J 00 for unlimited Prior Cut-OIlS I - Minimum Permit Fcc: (unless othenvise noted) $35 00 + inspection fees .J - Residential Inspection Fcc $25 00 per inspection Notc: (Max 2 hr inspection per charge) 2 , NEW HANOVER COUNTY PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE COMMERCiAL NEW CONSTRUCTION Total Fcc Cost for Projcct = Permit Fccs + Inspcction Fces 5/02/00 .\ - Pcrmit Fces for Commercial New Construction shall be bascd on the following computations. a = Total gross building tlom arca of construction b = Fcc per square foot (li.Otll table belclll I Total Gross Building Floor Area of Construction 0- 5 000 sq ft. a", b = Permit Fee 5J)OI-15000sq. ft. (axbx 75)+(1.250xb)=PermltFee Ovcr 15000 sq ft. (a", b", .50) + IS 000 x b) = Permit Fee Fee Per Sq. Ft. of Buildin~ Arca Occupancv T"pc Buildin!! Electrical Plumbin!! Hcatin~ Air/Cond Residential 0095 0053 0053 0019 0019 "tl'rage 0 044 0034 0026 0022 0022 '\ssembly 0094 005 0 042 0022 0 022 Institutional 0 156 0085 0085 0044 0044 Business 0 087 0059 0042 0028 0028 Mercanti Ie 0 069 0 042 0 034 0 019 0 019 Hazardous (J052 (J028 0028 (J019 0019 Factorv/lndustrial 0052 0028 0028 0019 0019 Educational 0 105 0059 0042 0 028 0028 Notc: All refrigeration permits not to exceed $600.00 max fee per building project. B - Additions. Use Schedule .\ above (Minllnum $4500) whichever is greater + insp fees C - Uptits (Bldg Permit & No Trade Work Needed)' U pfi t Trade Penni ts Notc: Plans must be submitted with app!. for all Uptits [) - Shcll Pcrmits. (Bldg Permit Only) Shell Trade Permits: E - Tradc Permits (not listed above) (gas piping. comm hoods. tanks. underground work. etc.) F - Mobilc Buildings. 1- Construction Trailer $35 00 + inspection fees 2- Sales Office TraIler $100 00 + inspection fees 3- Modular Classrooms $1 (JO (JO + inspection fees C. - Acccssory Structures: Includes decks. porches. storage bldgs <600 sq. ft..pools, etc. < 12 ft. any dimension - Zoning Permit req $45 00 + inspection fees > 12 n. any dimension - without trade work $45 00 + inspection fees > 12 n. any dimension - with trade work $90 00 + inspection fees H - Signs: toundation included $0 (JO + inspection fees Note' A permit is not required if a sign is not over 15 sq n. Refri!!eratinn () 021 0021 0021 o O~ I 0021 0021 (J 021 0021 0021 Use ~eheduk A above '( 75 = permit ke Use Schedule A above Use Schedule A above x Use Schedule A above $45 00 + II1spectlon fees I - Prior Cut-ons. $lOOO 00 Bond is required 90 = permit tee $3500 per trade w/o tinal + inspection fees J - Minimum Permit Fee: K - Commercial Inspection Fee: $45 O(J unless otherwise noted + Insp. tees $4000 per inspection (Maximum 2 hrs per insp) 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE COMMERCIAL EXISTING CONSTRUCTION Total Fcc Cost for Project = Permit Fees -+- Inspection Fees 5/02/00 .\ - Permit Fees for Alterations, Renovations, and/or Gen. Repairs shall be based on the following computations. a = Total gross building tloor area of construction b = Fee per square foot (from table below) Total (.ross Building Floor Area of Construction 0- 5.000 sq. ft. a '( b = Permit Fee 5001 - 15000 sq. n. (a \ b x 75) -+- (1,250 '( b)".5 = PermIt Fee Over 1 5000 sq ft. (a x b x .50) -+- (5000 x b) x .5 = Pen11lt Fee Fcc Per Sq. Ft. of Buildin!! Area Occupancv Tvoe Buildinl! Electrical Plumbin!! HeMin!,! Air/Cond ReSIdentIal 0095 0053 0053 0019 0019 Storage 0 044 0034 0 026 0 022 0022 -\ssembl\ 0 094 005 0 042 0 022 0022 [nstituIiunal 0 156 0 0~5 0 0~5 0044 0044 Busll1cSS 0 0~7 0 059 0042 0028 0 028 ~v[ercantIle 0 069 0 042 0 034 0019 0 019 Hazardous 0052 0 02~ 0028 0019 0019 FactorvlIndustnal 0 052 0028 0 028 0 019 0019 Educational 0 105 0059 0 042 0 028 0 02~ Note: <'\11 relrigeratIon pennits not to exceed $600 00 max fee per building project. B - Plbg, Mech, & Elect "System" Replaeement/Installatioll" !Includes Boiler Chiller & Water Cooling Towers) Note' Calculate totallluor area served by the system. ( - Plbg, Mcch, & Elect "Component" Replacement/Chngeout (Dues nut include BoIler. Chiller. & Water Cooling Towers) Refril!eration 0.21 0.21 021 0.21 0.21 021 0.21 0.21 0.21 $45 00 min. fee or use Schedule A above (whichever is greater) $0 00 -+- inspection fees o - Mobile Buildings: 1- ConsIruction Trai ler $35 00 -+- inspection fees E - Building Relocation. $4500 -+- inspection fees (Includes new foundation & single point existing utility huok-ups) Note: for any ILlrthcr buIlding improvements use (Schedule A) above F - Demolition. $4500 -+- ll1spection fees G - Commercial Change of Use: $25 00 per trade -+- inspccriun kes Note: If any construction work is to be done use (Schedule A) above H - Commercial No Work Permit: $2500 -+-inspection fees (Sldg/Elee I (Requires Bldg & Elec permits) I - Minimum Permit Fcc: $45 00 unless otherwise noted -+- insp fees $40 00 per inspection (Maximum 2 hrs per inspectIon) .J - Commercial Inspection Fcc: 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PERMIT FEE SCHEDl1LE 5/02/1)0 , . ADMINISTRATIVE FEE POLICIES ,\ - I'lan Rcvicw Fcc: Plan review lees are assessed and paid when plans are submitted with.the appllc:llion Clnd for resubmission of disapproved plans. These lees are non-refundable hut will be appl[ed to the total permit and inspectIOn tees assessed. 1 - Residential Plan Review: $3500 2 - Commercial Plan Review' Up to 4J100 sq n. 4JJO 1 to 15,000 sq. n. 15,001 to 40 000 sq. n. Over 40,000 sq n. $75 00 $150 00 $50000 $1.20000 3 - Rc-review of Disapproved Plans: (Paid at time of resubmit tal) (Not applied to permit tee) $35 00 per trade Note: To restamp lost approved plans $10 00 per plan set 4 - Re-rcview of incomplete or failed Landscape Plans: $3500 B - Comm Fast Track Applications: Regular permit fee x 1.25 $10000 min fee over permit tee l - (omm ~hell Applications: Regular permIt fee x 0 90 D - Uptit Applications: Use Commercial New ConstructIOn Schedule A '( 75 on page 3 Note: Uptits are only issued upon completion of a new Commercial Shell project. E - Cancellations, Refunds, Revocations, Expired Permits, Permit Extensions: 1 - Permits may be canceled but are non-refundable "if work has commenced" 2 - Refunds: 25% or the minimum permit tee l whichever is greater) will be retained when requested to cancel a permit "if work has not commenced" 3- Permits are subject to revocatIon without am retimd lfany part of the application [s fraudulent. 4c ,\11 permits which have expIred are non-re!lll1dable. If. at the time of expiration ut a commercial permll all rough-in inspections were approved a new permit may be obtained to complete the work at a rate l,f 50% cost of a new permit. If all rough-ins have not been approved for a commercwl pen11lt a nell permit will be required at the rate of 75% cost of a new permit. 5- An active permit which may soon expire and construction has not commenced mal be extended. For Residential projects the extension tee is 50% of the cost of a new permit tee (min.$35 (0). Not tu exceed $250 00 For Commercial projects the extension tee will be at the rate of 50% of the cost of a new permit tee. F - (ontractor Changes / Takeover Permits: (l 1nles5 Permit Expired) NlHe Together one fee /Separately - charged per each trade changed. Res: $3500 Comm: $45 00 F - Prior Cut-on Bonds: are forfeited if. after the power is released, the building is occupied before" cenilic:[te of occupancy is granted by the inspections department. In addition, prior cLltcon privileges may be suspended by the Inspectiuns Director indefinitely 5 ;j.., I r; .. . . (, - All Scrviccs: <: or = to $35 00 will be collected up Ii'ont, H - Cash Customcrs: must settle outstanding charges prior to receiving any addiuonal services or a Lertilicatl "j' Occupancy Note: The permit and rcquired mll1imum number of inspections j'ees will be collected at the time oj' permit Issuance. 1- Inspectioll Fees Resldenual Commercial '525 00 per Inspeeli,'" S40 00 per inspection Notc' Because commercial inspections can take several hours due to the complexity of the project the lI1spection fee will be hmited to the first 2 (two) hours. If the inspection requires additional time over 2 (\\\0) hours the lI1spection fee will be assessed for each additional 2 (two) hour time segment. .J - Weekend & Holiday Inspections: (Inspector '\vailabilin I (mimmum charge per trade) SI20 00 (Iirst 2 hI'S) $6000 (each additional hI') h. - Facility Licensing Pcrmit & Related Inspections: $3500 +inspectlon fees L - Document Research Control: SO lOpeI' page Note: $20 00 deposit required when requesting document copies. It research IS determined "substantial", fees to hire "temporary help" wi II be calculated and payment made prior to research. 1'1'1 - Duplicatc Inspection Card. $600 \ - -\11 Other \'lisc. Permits. '535 OIJ +Inspcet]on Ices 0- Certificates of Occupancy' S I 000 ea. (After I" copy is issued) P - Failure to Obtain a Final Inspection: S I 0000 (,\ Final Inspection must be requested upon completion of work) Q - Working Without a Permit: 1- fee t"r starting work Without a permit: S I 0000 2- Fcc for starting and substantially completing work without a permit: $25000 (First offense in a 12 month penod) 3- Fee for starting and substantially completing work without a permit. $50000 (Second offense & each offense thereafter in a 12 month period) R - Shcll Initial Occupancy Rate: When a "Shell" Building is built the occupancy type suhmitted at application shall not be changed to a different occupancy for the "Uptit" unless the fees paid for the "Shell" permit are equal tl' or less than the OCCUP,lIK\ type selected for the "Uptit" If so the difference in thosc tees will be collected upon ''1)plieatlllll Il'" thc "Upl!t" 6 RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT U.S. Highway 17 Bypass Completion Whereas, the undersigned, being duly elected officials of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and members of the Cape Fear Regional Council of Governments Region "0" , and Whereas, it is hereby expressly considered to be in the best interest of this jurisdiction and the region as a whole to advocate the prompt completion of the proposed U.S. Highway 17 Bypass to Brunswick County, North Carolina; said project being identified as Project # R2633 and R2405-A on the North Carolina Transportation Improvement Program (T.I.P) and locally referred to as the "U.S. Highway 17 Bypass" ; and, Whereas, this jurisdiction has met with and allies itself with other Cape Fear Regional COG members to emphasize the urgency and highest priority of this project to the citizens they serve, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby respectfully petition the North Carolina Department of Transportation Board take appropriate and immediate action to expedite the "U.S. Highway 17 Bypass" completion date, and to amend the NC T.I.P to initiate these changes. Signed this the 22nd day of May 2000. -0~Q~ William A. Caster, Chairman ~~~s':f.4 Buzz Bi enieks, mmissioner Attest: '.,",_"'(I'".~~"_ 'T.. ~nr....... .. NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description: BOUNDARY STREET IN N. KERR INDUSTRIAL PARK WHEREAS, the aI/ached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated in red on the aI/ached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NO/V, TIfDiEFORE, be it resolved bv the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of flighways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the road(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFIGA TE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 22nd day of Mav. 2000 WITNESS my hand and official seal this the ~~ d" of ~ 2000 ~J<< Y/~ Cl to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Form SR-2 Please Note: Forward directly to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. resolute. wp NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, hurricanes are common weather occurrences June through November endangering coastal New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has been effected by Hurricane Bertha, July 12, 1996, Hurricane Fran September 5,1996, Hurricane Bonnie August 25, 26 & 27,1998, Hurricane Dennis August 29, 1999, Hurricane Floyd September 16, 1999 and Hurricane Irene October 18, 1999, creating billions of dollars in damage in New Hanover County and across the State of North Carolina and changing the lives of North Carolinians in incalculable ways; and WHEREAS, on September 21-22, 1989, Hurricane Hugo swept through South and North Carolina, killing two people and leaving in its path more than one billion dollars in damaged property and forest. Hugo did not make landfall on the North Carolina coast, but still caused more destruction than any storm in the State's history; and WHEREAS, damages from Hurricane Diana in 1984 and Hurricane Gloria in 1985 totaled 74.2 million dollars, but were minor compared to Hurricane Hazel, the most destructive storm ever to hit the New Hanover County coast; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has been recognized as on of seven pilot communities nation- wide by the Federal Emergency Management Agency The FEMA Project Impact Community initiative is designed to help communities break the damage repair cycle of recent disasters. New Hanover County and the Department of Emergency Management have been recognized as national leaders in building disaster resistant communities; NOW, THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners proclaims the week of May 28 through June 3, 2000 as HURRICANE AWARENESS WEEK In New Hanover County and encourages all citizens to assume personal responsibility by availing themselves of hurricane safety information and be prepared to protect property and save lives. The News Media and other Public Service and Safety Agencies are urged to participate in the "Awareness Week" activities. Signed this _ day of May, 2000. 'l)J,l~a &~ William A. Caster NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE ACQUISITION OF THE NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE LEGION STADIUM SPORTS COMPLEX WHEREAS, the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, through the Legion Stadium Commission, have approved a Master Plan to improve the Legion Stadium Sports Complex; and WHEREAS, the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County have expended approximately $1.5 million since 1998 toward the estimated total cost of$6.9 million for the planned improvements; and WHEREAS, the National Guard Armory was identified as an integral part of the Master Plan due to its close proximity to the Stadium property and its great potential for collateral uses; and WHEREAS, the deed conveying the Armory from New Hanover County to the National Guard requires the property to revert to the County when no longer needed for use by the National Guard and WHEREAS, the National Guard desires to consolidate its local operations to its North Kerr Avenue facility, thereby vacating the Armory, whenever funding is available to do so. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners commits to actively pursue the necessary funding from the North Carolina General Assembly for the National Guard's relocation, and further do hereby pledge to strongly support Congressman McIntyre's efforts to secure federal funding for this project. Signed this the 22nd day of May, 2000. w~Q.~ William A. Caster, Chairman NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF HOSTING THE GOVERNOR'S CONFERENCE ON TRAVEL AND TOURISM IN BRUNSWICK COUNTY IN 2003 WHEREAS, travel and tourism have ]ongplayed arole in the land ofthe ]ongleafpine, contributing to the economy of North Carolina an estimated $] 2 billion in ] 999; and WHEREAS, an estimated] 7],000 jobs are directly supported by the travel and tourism business with an estimated $2.9 billion in wages and salaries in North Carolina; and WHEREAS, spending by travelers and tourists in North Carolina last year generated $] 6 billion in tax receipts ($81 ] million federal, $526 million state, and $293 million local), which supplemented the economy of the State and Brunswick County; and' WHEREAS, forty-three million visitors came to North Carolina last year, and Brunswick County shared in the economic impact that those tourists had on this State; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, in order to share with the rest of the State the allure and attractiveness of Southeastern North Carolina and to boast of the beauty of this earthly destination, supports the hosting of the Governor's Conference on Travel and Tourism in Brunswick County in the Year 2003, and directs that this resolution be dispatched to its elected delegation in the State Legislature, the U.S. Congress and the Office of the Governor Adopted this the twenty-second day of May, 2000. Attest: V~~Q ~ William A. Caster, Chairman \//1 F Harrell, Clerk to the Board .' ,- .. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3'00 p.m., on the 27th day of April, 2000, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for furnishings for the Northeast Library, Bid # 00-0358. Interior Systems, Southern Office BroRoy Carswell Inc. Furniture Dist., Corporation Business Inc. d/b/a d/b/a The Office Systems Mac Thrift Showcase Office Furniture Group 1 $30,505.00 $29,891.00 No Bid $28,885.00 Group 2 $6,450 00 $6,331.00 No Bid $5,796.00 Group 3 $2,185.00 $2,233 00 No Bid $2,268.44 Group 4 $6,370.00 No Bid $6,406.96 $6,990 00 Group 5 $4,265.00 $3,347.70 No Bid No Bid Group 6 $2,340.00 No Bid No Bid No Bid Group 7 ++$31,500.00 +$33,566.60 +$33,14373 +$33,649.00 Group 8 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid Group 9 No Bid No Bid $14,638.17 No Bid Group 10 $3,350.00 $3,918.60 No Bid $3,240.00 Group 11 **$14,480.00 *$14,16900 **$13,148.24 **$15,036.00 + 17 dollies ++ 12 dollies * 3 table trucks * * 4 table trucks AND WHEREAS, because of the diversity of the furnishings required, the bid request was divided into groupings allowing awards to be made by group and not as a sum total purchase to one vendor; AND WHEREAS, the bid request allowed for addition or deletion of units and the low bidder for group 7, proposed twelve (12) dollies and the County desires seventeen (17) and therefore the award amount is being increased by the cost of five (5) additional dollies; AND WHEREAS, based on the award by lowest responsible bidder for each group the Library Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contracts be award to the lowest responsible bidder of each grouping as follows: Interior Systems, Inc. located in West End, North Carolina: Group 3 $2,185.00 Group 4 $6,370 00 Group 6 $2,340.00 Group 7 *$32,125.00 Total $43,020.00 * Amount revised to reflect 17 dollies Southern Office Furniture Dist., Inc. d/b/a Mac Thrift Office Furniture located in Greensboro, North Carolina: Group 5 Total $3,34770 $3,347.70 BroRoy Corporation d/b/a The Office Showcase located in Wilmington, North Carolina: Group 9 $14,638.17 Group 11 $13,148.24 Total $27,786.41 Carswell Business Systems of Wilmington, Inc. located in Wilmington, North Carolina: Group 1 $28,885 00 Group 2 $5,796.00 Group 10 $3,240 00 Total $37,921.00 AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 322-611-8515-7300-6000 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contracts for a furnishings for the Northeast Branch Library, Bid # 00-0358 be awarded to Interior Systems, Inc., contract # 00-0358A in the amount of forty-three thousand twenty dollars and no cents ($43,020.00); Southern Office Furniture Dist., Inc. d/b/a MacThrift Office Furniture, contract # 00-0358B in the amount of three thousand three hundred forty-seven dollars and seventy cents ($3,347 70); BroRoy Corporation d/b/a The Office Showcase, contract # 00-0358C in the amount of twenty-seven thousand seven hundred eighty-six dollars and forty-one cents ($27,786.41); Carswell Business Systems of Wilmington, Inc., contract # 00-0358D in the amount of thirty- seven thousand nine hundred twenty-one dollars and no cents ($37,921 00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contracts, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney This 22nd day of May, 2000 (SEAL) v~~ Q ~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ()2~ J "/~..0( ___ "-./&:k to the Board RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 4:00 p.m., on the] 8th day of April, 2000, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for hurricane protection services for the Emergency Management Department, Bid # 00-0339' Aggreko Inc.. Availability Fee: Rental based on delivery of units with 8 hour run at $]2,74000 80% Availability Fee: Rental based on delivery of units with 24 hour run at $13,470.00 80% AND WHEREAS, the contract will ensure that pre-selected generator units will be avai]able to County on an as needed basis and if generators are needed, contract establishes weekly rental rates for each type of unit; County will pay a yearly availability fee to have the pre-selected generators available during hurricane season; AND WHEREAS, the bid requested pricing based on the an initial run time after delivery of eight (8) hours and twenty-four (24) hours; AND WHEREAS, after review, it has been determined that the twenty-four (24) hour run time pricing is the pricing staff recommends for award consideration; AND WHEREAS, the Emergency Management Director, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Aggreko, ]nc., a foreign corporation organized under the laws ofthe state of Louisiana, the only responsible bidder, rental proposal availability fee of thirteen thousand four hundred seventy dollars and no cents ($13,470 00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. ] 10-433-4330-3700 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for a hurricane protection services for the Emergency Management Department, Bid # 00-0339 be awarded to Aggreko, Inc., availability fee ofthirteen thousand four hundred seventy dollars and no cents ($13,470.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute contract # 00-0339A, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney This 22nd day of May, 2000. (SEAL) " 't I!/J. Q Il d /..V~ . ~ Chairman, Board of County CommISSIOners , ~... RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3 '00 p.m., on the 3rd day of May, 2000, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for shelving for the Northeast Library, Bid # 00-0338: Interior Systems $103,000.00 Boroughs Corporation Incomplete Bid Package (Nonresponsive) CBA Charlotte (alternate bid with alternate end panels) $119,370.07 RDS $120,485.00 CBA Charlotte (items as per specifications) $154,053.07 AND WHEREAS, the Library Director, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract be award to Interior Systems, Inc. the lowest responsible bidder; AND WHEREAS, after reviewing the color selections of the lowest bidder, the paint is being changed from the standard grade to the premium grade, resulting in an increase charge of two thousand two hundred eighty-two dollars and fifty cents ($2,282.50) AND WHEREAS, the final award amount, including the upgrade of the paint color from standard to premium, is one hundred five thousand two hundred eighty-two dollars and fifty cents ($105,282.50); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 322-61 I -85 I 5-7300-6000 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for shelving for the Northeast Branch Library, Bid # 00-0338 be awarded to Interior Systems, Inc., in the amount of one hundred five thousand two hundred eighty-two dollars and fifty cents ($105,282.50); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute contract # 00- 0338, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney This 22nd day of May, 2000 (SEAL) w~Q~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 04/30/00 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1999 ----------------------- ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDEO LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED CLEANING LIENS CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE DUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES ---------- REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES AODED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS AO VALOREM --------------- $ 77,390,208.16 3,569,254. n 389,439.84- --------------- $ 80,570,023.05 12,537.50 58,045.47 8,730.00 --------------- $ 80,649,336.02 78,801,767.21- --------------- $ 1,847,568.81 97.71%* $ 2,824,866.85 6,142.29 151,785.35- --------------- $ 2,679,223.79 987,658.49- --------------- $ 1,691,565.30 36.86% APR 2000 -------------- 125,883.41 306.25 CONSENT AGENDA DATE=..:.:._______ ITEM NO.______ MOTOR VEHICLE --------------- $ 6,773,612.53 25,842.53 83,409.47- --------------- $ 6,716,045.59 .00 .00 .00 --------------- $ 6,716,045.59 5,235,624.17- --------------- $ 1,480,421.42 77.96%* FISCAL YTD -------------- 1,971,118.00 14,326.19 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTONt WRIdHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE 8EACH TO DATE - $IL8,815,840.59. THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR 8EGINNING JULY 1'~ 199. RE~CT~ULLY SUBMITTED, -VCl\-V\,;", ~. A ~J"'OV PATRICIA J. R Y OR ~ COLLECTOR OF R VENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 96.19% CONSENT-AGENDA DATE:_________ ITEM ND. NEw HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 04/30/00 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1999 ----------------------- ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES AODED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES ---------- REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL. TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING R~CTFULLY SUBMITTEO, -}lCLrn"",~. iA. ~}"'1CV PATRICIA J. Y OR ~ COLLECTOR OF VENUE --------------- AD VALOREM $ 2,060,293.51 116,338.14 48,715.23- --------------- $ 2,127,916.42 1,676.24 --------------- $ 2,129,592.66 2,083,124.62- --------------- $ 46,468.04 97.82%* 55,058.13 170.26 4,249.00- --------------- $ 50,979.99 19,400.70- $ --------------- * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 96.10% MOTOR VEHICLE --------------- $ 188,298.13 918.94 2,081.50- --------------- $ 187,135.57 .00 --------------- $ 187,135.57 143,364.40- --------------- $ 43,771.17 76.61%* 31,579.29 38.06% '"" ',~ ,. . . )l~~:;\ ~::. .....:~:..:. .. :'~~ .. , ~ ". - , ~:' . >:' : '. ~..: ~ ~~~.~;;~,0~:' 9\&w :J{anover County 13oa~a of,Cotjtmissi01!~f{~t 1?jso{ution '. . ", '~.,- >;p;~t;c . . ;':.~;:' "sf~:~t '. ., .~n~~,~'~2- ~_. .J ,~". _ ~~ ~.~:rgl~~'~ -. ,.... ;. h ,", -:' -:;":' ~'~;~'__ __:'.. '. ......., 0'" - -_ ::~~\ ..".... ,,<,.::~<~c,:..:<.'s;;~t ..-; c' WHEREAS, the New Hariover County Board of Commissioners .is committeci~o' . c' " promoting viable coriununities ~iby providing 'decent ho~sing ~d ~ s~itabre.living .::~::.: \ .';,'.. environment and expanding eco~omic opportUnities, espeCially for persons oflow and:; '.~ . ~~. ~~derate in~om~:'~~~:'<~,,;i;-,.' .~: .:,,': ',; . ,. .<":':~:,~r - ~\;'~j: ...;\.~:.. ."'....~;~~;:~.~N ' .' <l~ WHEREAS, approximately ;me-half of the. Comity's existing hoilsing stock is' ;." f< . .~ .~. connected to the countywide'sewer system :. ,'" ':' ;,y' c...... ",.,'. '. '.. . . 'P''.:;;',: . ~~'-. . '." '""".,";:-::*, _..~:- ",~. . ....,.c.::.. ....~/':.: ~~.,.~~'~. .;.-:'~.-~i~~~t> WHEREAS, fifty- eight (58) 'structUres' in the Wrightsboro CO~Uniiy are. in~ri~el: .. 'ofwater and sewer improvements and; ., '.. . """: .,....'.... .,. ;~. <:.~:.t;....~.~~;, , '.. = " ~7~ t '''h'." ,~~'r.J~r"', WHEREAS, the County is committed itself to constructing the sev;:e'r system"\vh(':u:'" . ~ I _. ~ .~ . . funds are available and; ',.::0::, ... . .... !.'. ::;... \,,:},':";' ~. .." " ... ::"..., ',' 'r' . '-,.1" ... - ..~,~ . .;. ~.; ~,-~:-~,:. .r,_;...:~" ";~,~~.;{.Je-~:'~~<:::': '.... . . WHEREAS, the County is committe-d to providing loc~l funds'.~h~n necess;;Jy~:iilid ~ . . ~- - . . ....~ . .~-. .... .' ..will continue to apply for Gommunity Development'B.lock .Grant funds to _!lelp IA~~ffite ",. needs oflow and moderate income person~;, '1 .....~., "i-:_~., ,'f.' '_~ ;.'<;'/;'?".. -i .. -:;.... ." -- -.. :\ .:--' '..'0 \. _ .. ..~- ." ~'7" ;';1.~..:'i-~. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, iliat the New Han'over County Boaid~f ,.. Commissioners hereby al!thorizes the submi~sion to the NOl'!h Cm:qlin~ Dep~rttnent'9( Commerce, Division qf COmmunity Assistance, an Infrastructure' Grant Application'for .- ~'~: the purpose of water and sewer construc~ion in the amount of $850,000. . . ;:?::~ r~:"'" ; . .. '- d~-"'- -.;. .. -..,..... ,. .". ..:..;~.:.:~.~;:t,~..~ ":.. Adopted this the 22~ .~ay ?fMay, 2000 .- ~. '~f"=-i" , -..",,,::,~ . ~ ..-' ,:. ." ..~:~;. :~~: -. .'- :: . '_.. r 0- .. , . .' .' '." ~ .,: '. ., ". ., ,.. -...... ~ -; :~~l~t;.;- > : ~\" ..'~~., > 0.',; '" .~ . .;- ~)~~~~~>.. ruLJAffi<-u~. .., ~".;" '";'.;.~, .. William A. Ca~ier '''' ,~. ;.~, _~.:~;i ,,. ." ~~. t. ,':. . .~ Chairman r .~ .,:c.:< ... ,-- ..,>;",."., ~.~" ~;",. iS~~:~~~~~:" -' .. :.- ';]-;, , ~"" '. ~;:/~~. _ ::;;, .. -; .;;{~~ ~;~~~~ '".. '.,_' t, '. ....:... b_ ~""': ., ,~,' f.., -, '-:'; .' r' , ." :; ~.-' : <~\,'-~ ~. :::c. ::-'~ -: .,:, .-:~;..~, , . " .. 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