1997-01-21 Special Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 25 JOINT MEETING WITH TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACHPAGE 797 JANUARY 21, 1997 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a joint Work Session with the Carolina Beach Town Council on Tuesday, January 21, 1997, at 5:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Carolina Beach Town Hall, 1121 North Lake Park Boulevard, Carolina Beach, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Buzz Birzenieks; Ted Davis, Jr.; Charles R. Howell; Vice-Chairman William A. Caster; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Members present from the Carolina Beach Town Council were: Councilman Rick Burroughs; Councilman Joel A. Macon; Mayor Pro Tem, Kim Roberts; Mayor Tony Loreti; Town Manager, George Rose; and Carolina Beach Town Clerk, Lona Thompson. Chairman Greer called the Board of County Commissioners to order. Mayor Loreti called the Carolina Beach Town Council to order and advised the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the problems being experienced with water and sewer services in the Hanby/Wilmington Beach area. After Hurricane Fran, this area was inspected by the Health Department and it was found that high levels of fecal coliform existed in the ditches. The Carolina Beach Town Council has been concerned about this problem because it has a vested interest in maintaining a clean island. Mayor Loreti reported after discussion with the County Finance Director, Bruce Shell, the projected cost for providing water and sewer services to the Hanby/Wilmington Beach area was $4,000,000 to $5,000,000. Due to the recent annexation of the northern end of the beach, the town is paying over $600,000 in debt service and cannot afford to provide these services; however, the health problems must be addressed. Mayor Loreti advised that at the Health Department meeting, he proposed a thorough testing of the Hanby/Wilmington Beach area to identify failing septic tanks. Once the septic tanks have been identified, lines can be laid to pipe the sewerage from the contaminated area to the Carolina Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant. This option would relieve the potential health problems that can occur with malfunctioning septic tanks. He advised the Hanby/Wilmington Beach area should be annexed; however, water and sewer services under forced annexation would have to be provided within eighteen months, which was not financially feasible for the Town of Carolina Beach. Chairman Greer reported the Board of County Commissioners had been informed about the problems being experienced in the Hanby/Wilmington Beach area. He advised the Board was interested in resolving this matter and stated the following options could be considered: (1)Construction of Sewer Lines by the County: The County could extend the District boundaries to this area; however, the location within the island necessitates utilization of the Carolina and Kure Beach wastewater treatment plants and water systems. The cost of the sewer is estimated at $4,000,000 and water is estimated between $1,000,000 and $1,500,000. The County could finance the construction and impose a special assessment per parcel. (2)Annexation: Either the Town of Carolina Beach or the Town of Kure Beach could annex the area. Financing could be obtained by the municipality, or the County could assist with financing the project through an interlocal agreement. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 25 JOINT MEETING WITH TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACHPAGE 798 JANUARY 21, 1997 (3)Extra-territorial Jurisdiction: Since Carolina Beach and Kure Beach have the ability to provide water and sewer to this area under the General Statutes, the County could serve as the financial impetus while the municipalities could contract to do the work. The beach municipality would operate and maintain the utility and its customers. Discussion was held on annexation. Mayor Pro Tem Roberts reported friendly annexation could occur through petitions on an individual basis. The Carolina Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant has available capacity to accept petitions on a case-by case basis until the new Wastewater Treatment Plant is on line in September. Friendly annexation requires the property owner to file the petition, survey the property, and request to be annexed by the Town of Carolina Beach. Mayor Loreti emphasized the importance of everyone understanding that friendly annexation does not have an established time frame for the provision of water and sewer services. However, the person petitioning to be annexed by the Town of Carolina Beach would be required to pay the total cost of placing the pipes in the ground plus the length of pipe to the trunk line, which is a costly process. The following figures were presented on the number of lots in Wilmington and Hanby beaches: Town Developed Undeveloped Total Lots Lots Town of Wilmington Beach 468 700 1,168 Town of Hanby Beach 102 27 129 Mayor Loreti advised the health problems could be addressed if the specific areas of coliform bacteria were identified and New Hanover County was willing to pipe the area. The Carolina Beach Town Council would not be opposed to treating the sewer and accepting these customers through the normal billing process. Further discussion was held on the sewer capacity available at the Carolina Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant. Mayor Loreti reported in September the capacity of the Carolina Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant would increase by three million gallons per day. The northern area recently annexed by the Town is not fully developed and is not expected to develop for a few years; therefore, sufficient capacity is available to provide sewer to the Hanby/Wilmington Beach area. The Town of Carolina Beach needs some financial assistance from the County. Ms. Betty Medlin, the Mayor of Kure Beach, reported Kure Beach had considered the possibility of annexing Hanby Beach and the southern area of Wilmington Beach; however, the beach was not financially able to provide the services. She advised that Kure Beach had a continuing interest in annexation and would work with New Hanover County to find a solution for these communities. County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, advised that providing sewer service to a large area would be more cost effective than trying to piece-meal the area. Discussion was held on extending the boundaries of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District to include the entire unincorporated county. County Attorney Copley advised the County could not immediately extend the boundaries of the Water and Sewer District to include the beaches. According to North Carolina General Statutes, an area to be added to the District must be contiguous to the existing boundary unless 100% of the owners to be added make a request by petition. Although the District can NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 25 JOINT MEETING WITH TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACHPAGE 799 JANUARY 21, 1997 provide water and/or sewer outside its boundaries, logistical consideration would complicate the provision of services. County Attorney Copley advised the most expeditious method for the County to assist in providing sewer to the unincorporated beaches was to make funds available to the beach town. This action would allow the Town of Carolina Beach to provide extraterritorial services within one mile of its boundaries pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-193 and 160A-360. Discussion was held on the application filed by the County under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. Finance Director, Bruce Shell, advised the County had applied for sewer relief under the program and stated hopefully a response will be received in the near future. The following comments were received from the public: (1)A majority of the residents living in the Hanby/Wilmington Beach area are in favor of receiving water and sewer services either through annexation or through assistance from New Hanover County. (2)Concern for the public health of the citizens living on Hanby and Wilmington beaches with failing septic tanks and unsafe drinking water. (3)Concern for the lack of services to residents living in this part of the unincorporated County. (4)Concern for no assistance being received from the Hazard Mitigation Program. (5)A request for the Health Department to thoroughly check the area for pollution in order to protect the public health. (6)Concern for the payment of County taxes with no return on this investment by the citizens living in the Hanby/Wilmington Beach area. Chairman Greer expressed appreciation to the citizens for their remarks and reported the Commissioners were willing to assist them with resolving the water and sewer problems. He recommended requesting the County Staff to pursue the following items: (1)Contact the Health Department to identify the problem areas. (2)Prepare a cost estimate for providing water and sewer services to the Hanby/Wilmington Beach area in phases. (3)Investigate the legal requirements for expanding the Water and Sewer District boundaries. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Mayor Loreti and the Carolina Beach Town Council for calling the Work Session and advised the County would work with the Town of Carolina Beach and Kure Beach in providing services to the Hanby/Wilmington Beach area. The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board