2000-11-13 RM Exhibits RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, in North Carolina the Council of Governments (COGs), or Lead Regional Organizations, as designated by the NC General Assembly, serve both municipal and County Government, and have established productive working relationships with the cities and counties across the state; and WHEREAS, in 2000 the NC General Assembly recognized th",se existing working relationships and the continuing need oflocal governments for assistance and support through the appropriation of$990,000 to help each of the eighteen COGs assist local government with activities as deemed appropriate by their area local governments; and WHEREAS, these funds are stipulated by the NC General Assembly as not intended to be used for payment of member dues or assessments to COGs and will not supplant or replace funds designated for the COG by the member governments; and WHEREAS, in the event that this resolution is not passed by the local government by June 30, 2001, for release ofa portion of these funds to our COG, the available funds will revert to the State's General Fund; and WHEREAS, in Region 0, funds in the amount of$55,000 will be used to provide technical assistance to local government; NOW THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County requests the release of its share of these funds, in the amount of $13,898.83, to the Cape Fear Council of Governments at the earliest possible time in accordance with the Provis~ Law Witnessed this the Is.J1..., day of ..J , ~ Signed: Attest: dJJ;~~ Q. Ce~ Chairman ~v ~L~L CI rk RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the County is currently utilizing software products licensed by the American Management Systems, Inc. and such licenses are considered proprietary; AND WHEREAS, it has been determined that the existing Financial, Budget, and Human Resources systems need to be upgraded; AND WHEREAS, the software and architecture needed is proprietary to American Management Systems, Inc. and therefore a sole source procurement; AND WHEREAS, General Statue 143-129(1) allows an exemption from formal bidding for purchase contracts when a needed product is available from only one source of supply; AND WHEREAS, the Information Technology Director, the Finance Director, the Budge Director, the Human Resources Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to American Management Systems, Inc., the sole source for these products, amount for upgrade totals six hundred ninety-six thousand ($696,000.00) and consisting of software and implementation services; and the first year's maintenance totals one hundred fifteen thousand ($ I 15,000.00) dollars; AND WHEREAS, this is a project was approved in the adopted budget as a project to be financed for a three (3) year period and adequate funds for payments due during this fiscal year have been appropriated and are now in Account No. 110-420-4256-7000-5940 to cover this contract; and funds for the maintenance agreement have been budgeted in account 110-410-4132-3700; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract # 01-0171 for an upgrade to the existing Financial, Budget, and Human Resources systems be awarded to American Management Systems, Inc., the sole source for these products amount for upgrade totals six hundred ninety-six thousand ($696,000.00) and consisting of software and implementation services; and the first year's maintenance totals one hundred fifteen thousand ($115,000.00) dollars; and that the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract # 01-0171, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney This 13'" day of November, 2000. 'W.~~D,L~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners A RESOLUTION OF THE ~EW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, a delegation of authority to the Capital Projects Engineer, or such other comparably titled professional engineer employed by New Hanover Engineering, authorizing him or her to execute permit applications and associated documents on behalf of New Hanover County capital projects will expedite construction activity; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the Capital Projects Engineer, or such other comparably titled professional engineer employed by New Hanover County Engineering, be and is hereby authorized to sign capital project permit applications, permits, and associated requisite documents for and on behalf of New Hanover County ~ This the/.5' 4 day of~r, 2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY "tJ -li-.:.-- C Cc~ William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST ~(o~~ RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance have available grant funds for recycling of Construction and Demolition debris; and WHEREAS, Construction and Demolition debris, constitutes approximately 40,000 tons per year of the New Hanover County waste stream, WHEREAS, Drywall constitutes 20 % of the Construction and Demolition waste stream and the landfill gas is high in Hydrogen Sulfide, a by-product of the anaerobic decomposition of drywall that causes odors and must be removed if landfill gas is to be used as a fuel source; and WHEREAS, a drywall-recycling program is a much-needed component of the program and staff has applied for a grant of $40,000 to fund the project; WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Department of Environmental Management and the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners have agreed to the grant match in the amount of $8,000 and that these funds are available in the landfill budget; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby approve the submission of the grant application for the recycling of drywall Adopted this, the 13th day of November 2000. New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ATTEST ~v~ 'l.) .J!~ c Cewb- Lucie F Harrell, Clerk to the Board NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description: EMERALD CHASE SUBDIVISION DIV FILE NO 936-N WHERE4S, the attached petition has beenjiled with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondarv Road System; and WHERE4S, the Board of Co un tv Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved bv the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), alld to take over the road(s) for maintenance if/hey meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 13th day of November, 2000 WITNESS my hand and official seal this the /i':lL day of ~dP'V 2000 ~V~~ Cle k to the Board New anover County Board of Commissioners Form SR-2 Please Note: Forward directly to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. resolute.wp NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road( s) Description: WILLOWBROOK SUBDIVISION DIV FILE NO 934-N WHEREAS, the at/ached petition has been flied with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s}, the location of which has been indicated in red on the at/ached map, be added to the Secondarv Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of Coun/v Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s} should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s} meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Jfighways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOII~ TH!!.7{EFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the Coun/v of New Hanover that the Division of Highwavs is herebv requested to review the above described road(.,}, and to take over the road(s} for maintenance ifthev meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICA TE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 13th day of November. 2000 WITNESS my hand and official seal this the /.fA., day of ~ 2000 ~~/ ~-I Cle to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Form SR-2 Please Note: Forward directly to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. resolute.wp r;"",,~=r:.'="=-"n.~.~=t~ li' -!/" ,j I New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Resolution Supporting a Redesign of the Drainage System Proposed for the U.S. 17 By-Pass and Impacting the Futch Creek Watershed in Northeast New Hanover County WHEREAS, New Hanover County has initiated numerous studies of its Tidal Creeks and Estuarine Watersheds because of growing community concerns about declining water quality in our creeks and sounds; and WHEREAS, many of our prime shellfishing areas throughout the County are fully or partially closed; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County since 1993 has established and funded an ongoing Estuarine Watershed Management P,ogram as a collaborative effort between the County, the Northeast New Hanover Conservancy, and the Center for Marine Science Research at UNCW; and WHEREAS, the Tidal Creek Program has funded Scientists at UNCW to gather baseline data on the physical, chemical, and biotic aspects of water quality that has resulted in unique research and demonstration projects and land use implementation measures; and WHEREAS, the most significant achievement to date has been the Futch Creek Clean Water Demonstration Project which resulted in the reopening of Futch Creek to shellfishing in May, 1996; and , i I i .1 I 1 :1 I I " i j 1 I :1 I , I j I I i I i , ,I , 1 ~'a.__~~:;-:.::-.::r.-::O!;.:~.;."","-,=,~~cr..!:;;=,,",,,,,,,,,..:;;r.:,~"'=""~c:r""'"";:;."'"="'''''''''''''':4'''''==->.t~~.:::'=~~-==II WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners appointed a Community Steering Committee to complete a Watershed plan for Futch Creek in 1996 which calls for a comprehensive strategy for environmental protection and sustainable coastal development within the watershed; and WHEREAS, six years of research by UNCW scientists has established that Futch Creek, especially the Fay Branch, has the best water quality of any tidal creek in New Hanover County; and WHEREA$, the Board of Commissioners have authorized additional Drainage Studies of Estuarine Creeks at considerable costs; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has recently adopted Comprehensive Drainage Regulations requiring the detention of storm-water for the two, ten, and twenty-five year stonns; and --~..~,\.,...::.o;c:- WHEREAS, New Hanover County is the recipient of a $6,000,000 Clean Water Management Trust Fund Grant that will match a $11,580,000 commitment from the County for water quality enhancement projects in our Tidal Creeks through the year 2003; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County is considering the acquisition of conservation easements and riparian buffers along our estuarine shorelines that would be impacted by poorly designed drainage systems; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has appointed the New Hanover County Tidal Creeks Watershed Management Advisory Board to make recommendations for the implementation of the Tidal Creeks Program and with formulating and prioritizing water quality enhancement projects; and WHEREAS, research in many locales has established that untreated (straight-piped) urban and suburban runoff contains high levels of pollutants, including fecal coliform bacteria, nutrients, heavy metals, and petrochemicals, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners accepts the recommendation of the Tidal Creeks Watershed Management Advisory Board and does hereby request that the North Carolina Board of Transportation take all necessary actions to require the redesign of the proposed storm-water discharge system for the Highway 17 Bypass so that the resulting system when constructed will include water quality features and enhancements that will not result in any degradation of the Water Quality in Futch Creek. Adopted this the 13th day of November 2000 1-JJt;-. Q ~~ Chairman 0.Ril, Attested by: ~h~d~ ~ I j j I I I 'j 1 ,I I ,~~_.=~""=,..".".".,..... J",~.~::;:<.::. ,.,;."....,.<;::r-=~~~=.=ci.~~~_~ ===;".~ )c. " ...~ ,r ~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County has possession of a number of items of personal property which are surplus to its needs and desires to dispose of same; and WHEREAS, the items to be disposed are listed and submitted as an attachment to this resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Finance Director's designated representative, pursuant to the provisions of G,S. l60A-270, is hereby authorized to dispose of all of the personal property as listed for cash or check at an auction, and that said representative be further authorized and directed to execute necessary documents, transfer title, add items to or delete items from the auction list, and perform all necessary functions associated with this auction, to be held Saturday, December 2, 2000 at 9'00 a.m. at the Property Management Maintenance Facility, Division Drive" Wilmington, North Carolina. Adopted this 13th day of November, 2000 (SEAL) ~ J.',jLv~ Q. Q~ Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~v/y~ rk to the Board ., ~. . . /' -- ~ --. 8 C() Project No 8.2250108 Parcel No 909A New Hanover County ---- EB Taken Remaining Total 3 45 Ac. 2.93 Ac. 6.38 Ac. ..2.00' r ~ " '" Q. .. ~ eJ.cl~'r ..... ,~"^~...... ~ -~~C' v-- ~..p. ~ ~~~ ~... .. ~,' I I ",<' ~...I~ . , RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County has possession of a number of items of personal property which are surplus to its needs and desires'to dispose of same; and WHEREAS, the items to be disposed are listed and submitted as an attachment to this resolution, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Finance Director's designated representative, pursuant to the provisions of O.S. l60A-270, is hereby authorized to dispose of all of the personal property as listed for cash or check at an auction, and that said representative be further authorized and directed to execute necessary documents, transfer title, add items to or delete items from the auction list, and perform all necessary functions associated with this auction, to be held Saturday, December 2, 2000 at 9'00 a,m. at the Property Management Maintenance Facility, Division Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Adopted this 13th day of November, 2000 u .Jtv~ Q CdG-. Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST ~h~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 12/02/00 AUCTION TAG # 1 2A 2B 2C 20 2E 2F 2G 2H 21 2J 2K 2L 2M 2N 20 2P 20 2R 25 3A 3B 3C 30 4A 4B 5A 5B 5C 50 6A 6B 6C 60 7A 7B 7C 70 8A 8B 8C 80 9A 9B 9C 90 10A 10B 10C 100 11A 11B 11C 110 11E 11F 11G FIXED ASSET # 05161 DESCRIPTION Assortment of Mise Bench Seats Chair w/o Arms Chair w/o Arms Chair w/o Arms Chair w/o Arms Chair w/o Arms ! Chair w/o Arms I Chair w/o Arms Chair w/o Arms Chair w/o Arms Chair w/o Arms Chair w/o Arms Chair w/o Arms Chair w/o Arms Chair w/o Arms Chair w/o Arms Chair w/o Arms Chair w/o Arms Chair w/o Arms Chair w/o Arms Chair w/Arms Chair w/Arms Chair w/Arms Chair w/Arms I Chair w/o Arms Chair w/o Arms Keyboard, Monitor, Hard Drive Keyboard, Monitor, Hard Drive Keyboard, Monitor, Hard Drive Keyboard, Monitor, Hard Drive Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor I Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor j Printer I Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Microfilm Camera Microfiche Monitor Monitor Monjtor I Monitor jMonitor 521157 LIBEVERL YlAUCTWKSWK4 SERIAL # I I MOOEL # ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I ] 11/07/2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 12102/00 AUCTION I FIXED ASS ET DESCRIPTION I SERIAL I MODEL I TAG # # # # I 11H Monitor 111 Monitor 11J Monitor 11K Monitor 11L Monitor 11M Monitor 11N Monitor 110 Monitor 11P Monitor 110 Monitor 11R jMonitor 12A Monitor 126 I Monitor 12C Monitor 120 Monitor I -j 12E Monitor 12F I Monitor 12G I Monitor 12H Monitor 121 Monitor 12J Monitor 12K Monitor 12L I Monitor 12M Monitor 12N 1 Monitor 120 Monitor 12P Monitor 120 Monitor 12R Monitor I 12S Hard Disk Drive & Monitor 13A Developer 0175563 136 000000000008715 Duplicator 1379550 13C Camera 521157 130 05161-01 Feeder 686279 13E Reader 4301429 14E Power Supply 146 TYNCR Combo I 15 Zenith 19" Color TY 16 09257 IBM Printer 111083881 17 000000000007604 Swintex 1146CM Typewriter 18 16M XL24E Printer 112101565 19 011827 16M PS2 Computer 23CGGT6 19A AST Monitor 500783001 196 AEC 13" Monitor 19C 116M 8513 Monitor 23-APOW4 20 Sharp Compact CS1181 Calculator 15011061 21A Hematofluorometer 185 216 Panasonic Typewriter 22 HematofJuorometer 184 23A Hard Disk Drive 236 Hard Disk Drive 23C Hard Disk Drive j 230 Hard Disk Drive I 23E I Monitor I 23F 1 Monitor I 23G Printer 23H I Printer 24A i Hard Disk Drive L:\BEVERL YlAUCTWKS. WK4 2 11/07/2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 12/02/00 AUCTION FIXED ASSET 1 DESCRIPTION SERIAL I MODEL -( TAG # # I # I # 24B I Hard Disk Drive 24C -rHard Disk Drive 240 I Printer 24E Printer 24F I Monitor I I 25 05992 Panasonic Typewriter 26 000000000002014 IBM Selectric Typewriter 27A 011953 Sharp F0225 Fax Machine 37108631 27B Dictaphone 28A Hewlett Packard Laserjet Printer 28B IBM Printer 28C IBM Printer 280 Hard Disk Drive 29 000000000006942 Labline Waterbath 2496 30A I Hard Disk Drive 1 30B Hard Disk Drive I 30C Hard Disk Drive I 300 010661 IBM XL Printer 11-3067562 30E I Monitor 30F Monitor I 31 00000000007070 IBM Selectric II Typewriter 2665544730 I 32 Eberbach Rotator I 33A 000000000006993 Waterbath I 33B 1 Hard Disk Drive I 33C 1 Monitor I 330 Monitor I I 33E Monitor I 33F Monitor 33G Metal Finder 33H Water Jacketed Incubator 34A 000000000002493 Radial Saw 34C I WeUOry Vacuum 35A I 011588 Windsor Clipper Carpet Extractor 35B 011602 Windsor Admiral Carpet Extractor I 35C Grinder Bench I ~ 36A-C 07252 JVC Video Cassette Recorder wI Case and Attachment 37 000000000007168 IBM Selectric II Typewriter 276705935334311 38A Monitor 38B Monitor 38C Monitor 380 Monitor 38E Monitor 38F Monitor I I 38G I Hard Disk Drive I 39A IBM Terminal 39B IBM Terminal I 39C IBM Terminal 40A IBM Terminal 40B I IBM Terminal 41A ,- 011126 IBM PS/2 Computer 23-F9922 41B I 010350 Northgate 386 Computer 42A 1000000000001529 IBM Terminal A5715 42B IBM Monitor 72-4122185 I 42C IBM Monitor 23-KFT95 420 IBM Monitor I 42E IBM Monitor 23-15087 I 42F IBM Monitor I 42G IBM Printer I LIBEVERL YlAUCTWKSWK4 3 11107/2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 12/02/00 AUCTION FIXED ASSET DESCRIPTION SERIAL MODEL TAG # # # # 43A Brothers Electric Typewriter 436 Gas Guard 43C Lexmark Printer 43D I Set of Gauges I 44A I IBM Monitor 23-V4071 446 , IBM Monitor 23-CM616 ! 44C IBM Monitor 23-ZXA03 44D IBM Monitor 88-P7469 44E IBM Monitor 72-1415339 44F 16M ASCII Terminal 88-HHDR5 44G I 012757 16M PS/2 Computer I 23-4L91V I 44H 011468 IBM Terminal 23-HRR12 45A I HP Computer 3208F04769 456 HP Monitor KR20691940 45C 010345-01 Monitor 23-WAK79 45D Terminal I 45E & 45F Keyboard/Monitor I 45G & 45H Keyboard/Monitor 451 Keyboard/Monitor 23-31248 45J 011477 IBM Terminal 23-34XC78 45K & 45L Keyboard/Monitor 45M 010597 Terminal 23-RT004 45N Monitor 450 & 45P 011349 IBM Terminal/Keyboard 23-FXZ72 45Q & 45R 011452 IBM Terminal/Keyboard 23-FCX05 45S & 45T IBM Monitor/Keyboard I 45U 010591 IBM Terminal 88-6L535 - 45V 010582 IBM Terminal 88-6L464 46A I Keyboards 466 Manual Olivetti Typewriter I 46C Sharp FO-550 Fax Machine ! 47A I Sears Craftsman Rooter I~ 47C 8m Bench Drill Press 48A Dayton Air Compressor 486 Router 48C Mudd Pump 49A I Humidifier 496 Minute Master Microwave 50A 011339 IBM Terminal 23-FYW63 506 011496 IBM Terminal 23-HWD19 50C 011481 IBM Terminal 23-HVH52 50D & 50E Keyboard/Monitor 50F & 50G 012533 Terminal/Keyboard 23-D9462 50H & 501 010581 & 011581 Terminal/Keyboard 23-DXP53, 23-RP570 50J & 50K 010590 IBM Terminal 23-RT016 50L & 50M I 011650 16M Terminal/Keyboard 88-KN646 SON & 500 011316 IBM Terminal/Keyboard 23-FXZ31 I 50P Keyboard 500 Monitor 23-N1124 50R & 50S Monitor/Keyboard 50T & 50U 010598 Monitor/Keyboard 23-RT012 50V & 50W Monitor/Keyboard 51A I F0330 Fax Machine 516 I F0330 Fax Machine ~ 51C I Panasonic Fax Machine 52A 010397 Hard Disk Drive 526 010345 Hard Disk Drive 52C 011962 Hard Disk Drive I L:\BEVERL YlAUCTWKS.WK4 4 11/07/2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 12/02/00 AUCTION I FIXED ASSET DESCRIPTION I SERIAL I MODEL I TAG # # # # I 53A IBM Proprinter XL24 111-0086449 536 16M PS/2 Computer 53C UPS Protector 54A & 546 Monitor/Keyboard 54C & 540 Monitor/Keyboard 55A 1 Metal Desk 556 Metal Bookcase 55C Computer Table 550 Wood Desk 1 56A Metal Desk I 57A & 576 Series 6800 Intergraph I H12YH2 58A Computer/Utility Table I 586 05147 Panasonic Copier 59A 2 Card Catalog & 2 Drawer Boxes 596 1 600kcase Top 60 011144 Minolta EP317Q Copier 3615790 61 Keyboards I 62 1000000000005952 Microfiche Reader/Printer 63A 1 Card Catalog 636 I Card Catalog 63C Card Catalog 630 Card Catalog 63E Card Catalog 63F Card Catalog 63G I Card Catalog 64A Desk 646 Desk 64C Desk 640 Desk 64E Desk 64F 1 Desk 64G I Desk 65 Storage Cabinet I 66 000000000000176 A6 Dick Offset Press 67 000000000007238 Exam Table 68A Desk 686 I Desk 68C I Table 680 Computer Table I 69A Metal Cabinet I 69B Metal Desk I 696 I Computer Desk 70 000000000006938 Precision Thelco Incubator 71 000000000002491 Sears Craftsman Ban Saw I 72 I Telephone wI Equipment 73A Coin Holder 736 I Coin Holder 73C File Cabinet I 730 Bookends 73E Slide Protector 74A Cabinet 1 746 Cabinet 74C Bookcase 740 Paper Shredder 74E 1 Metal Bin 75A I Computer Table 756 I Metal Desk I 175C Metal Desk I L:\BEVERL YlAUCTWKSWK4 5 11/07/2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 12/02/00 AUCTION FIXED ASSET DESCRIPTION SERIAL I MODEL I TAG # # # I # 75D Wood Desk I I 75E 000000000007240 Exam Table 76A Transit Level Stand Wash 768 Shop Vac I 77A I File Cabinet.2 Drawer I I 1778 I File Cabinet~2 Drawer I I I File Cabinet~3 Drawer I 77C 78A Computer Desk I 788 Computer Desk 78C Computer Desk I 78D Computer Desk 78E Computer Desk I 78F Computer Desk 78G Computer Desk 78H Computer Desk 781 Computer Desk 78J Computer Desk 78K Computer Desk 78L Computer Desk 78M Asst Desk 78N Metal File Cabinets 79A Electric Range I 798 Electric Range I 79C Mail Sorter I I 80A Drop Ceiling Lights I 808 Drop Ceiling Lights I 80C Metal Desk I 80D Cabinet I 80E , Assortment Partitions I I 81A Desk I I I 818 Desk I 81e Desk 810 Desk 81E Desk 81F Desk 81G Desk 81H Desk 811 Vest I 82A Pool Table 828 Desk I 82C Desk 82D Desk 83E Desk 82F Cabinet I 82G Cabinet 82H Cabinet I 83A Magazine Shelving I I 838 Magazine Shelving 83C Desk 830 Desk 83E Desk 83F Desk 83G Desk 83H Desk 831 I Desk I 83J Desk 183K Metal Desk 83L Metal Desk I LIBEVERL YlAUCTWKSWK4 6 11107/2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 12102/00 AUCTION TAG # 83M 183N 830 84A 848 84C 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92A 928 92C 920 92E 92F 92G 92H 921 92J 92K 93A 938 93C 930 93E 93F 93G 93H 931 93J 193K 193L 93M 93N 930 93P 93Q 93R 935 93T 93U 94A 948 94C 940 94E 94F 94G 194H 941 94J 94K 94L 94M FIXED ASSET # DESCRIPTION SERIAL # Metal Desk Metal Desk Metal Desk Metal Desk Metal Desk Metal Desk 011431 IBM Controller 011296 A8 Dick Offset Press Kodak Imagemaker Processor Storage Table 000000000000182 1250 Multilith Offset Press 000000000000410 Nuarc Flip-Top Plate Maker 010144 IWE 1481 Vertical Camera Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair 23-CG037 LIBEVERL YIAUCTWKS WK4 7 MODEL # -l I I I ~ l~~li I I 11107/2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 12/02/00 AUCTION I FIXED ASSET DESCRIPTION SERIAL MODEL ] TAG # I # # # I 94N Chair I 940 Chair I 94P Chair I 94Q Chair I 94R I Chair I 94S I Chair I 94T I Chair I I 96A Metal Storage Rack 968 Metal Storage Rack 96C Doors 97A Truck Tool Box 978 Truck Tool Box I 97C I 8aby Seat I I 970 Carpet 97E Table 98A 8aby Scales 988 I Smoking Urns 99 06385 Dictaphone 100A Calculator I . 100A Calculator 1008 Calculator I 100C Calculator I 101A Bulletin Board I I 1018 Box Screen I I t01C Spiral Stairs I I 102A Clarke Vacuum Cleaner I I 1028 Clarke Vacuum Cleaner I 102C Clarke Vacuum Cleaner 1020 Clarke Vacuum Cleaner 102E Sensor Vacuum Cleaner 102F I Buzzer Vacuum Cleaner I I 102G Buzzer Vacuum Cleaner I 102H JBL Speakers 103A Desk wi Hutch 1038 Computer Table 103C 1==== Computer Table 1030 Typing Stand I 103E File Cabinet 104A Mise Plumbing 1048 Mise Electrical 104C Mise Drill Bits I j 1040 Mise Nut Drivers 104E Dusk/Dawn Light 105A Computer Table 1058 Desk I j 105C Chair I 105D Chair I 105E Overhead Projector 106A File Cabinet I 1068 Exercise Machine I I 107A rBM Selectric Typewriter I I 1078 IBM Selectric Typewriter I I 107C Olivetti Typewriter 108A, 8, C Smith Corona Typewriter 109A Mise Parts 1098 Mise Parts 109C Mise Parts I 109D Misc Parts I LIBEVERL YlAUCTWKSWK4 8 11/07/2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 12/02/00 AUCTION FIXED ASSET I DESCRIPTION SERIAL MODEL TAG # # I # # 109E I Mise Parts 109F Mise Parts I 110A Mise Exhaust Hose I 110B Mise Exhaust Hose 111A Metal Bins wI Shelves 111B Metal Locker 112 Evinrude Boat Motor 113 Grease Pump I 114A Chair I I 114B Chair 114C Chair 1 11140 Chair 114E Chair 115 05421 Sun Diagnostic Analyzer 116A Metal Tool Box 116B Metal Tool Box 116C Plastic Tool Box 1160 Food Warmer 117 000000000005400 Ammco Tire Machine 118 Micro Wheel Balancer 119A 000000000002346 Battery Charger I 119B Battery Charger 1119C Battery CheckerfTester 120A 000000000002371 Hobart Welder 120B Cart 121 Transmission Jack 1122 SR8000 Winch 123A & 123B Parts Washer 124 Auto Jacks 125 Metal File Cabinet I I 126 Chevrolet Truck Door Panel i 127 010161 Audiometer i 128A Circular Saw 128B Cordless Drill 128C Cordless Drill I 1280 Cordless Drill 128E 1/2" Drill 128F 1/2" Drill 129A Electric Heater 1129B Oscilating Fan 129C Microwave 1290 TV 130A Canon Copier 130B 010068 Fax Machine 130C TVNCR 131A Microwave Oven 131B Microwave Oven I 131C TV 132A 000000000007118 IBM Selectric Typewriter I 132B Brother Electric Typewriter I -- 133A 012222 Thermo-Flo Recovery Unit 133B Thermo-Flo Recovery Unit 133C Vacuum Pump I 1330 Battery Tester 134A 01847 Olympia Typewriter 134B IBM Printer 135A IBM Printer I 1135B Paper Shredder I L:lBEVERL YlAUCTWKSWK4 9 11/07/2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 12/02/00 AUCTION FIXED ASSET DESCRIPTION SERIAL MODEL I TAG # # # # I 136A Compressor I 136B ToolBox 137A Kenmore Washer I I I 137B Kenmore Dryer 137C Coleman Stove 138A I HOlpoint AlC Unit 138B Easel Board 139 Xerox Copier I 140A Towing Bar 140B Towing Bar 141A Pump Sprayer I 141B Pump Sprayer 142A Opaque Projector 142B Mise Shure Microphone 142C Audio Speakers 142D Utility Cart I 142E 25 Anic I 143A Stool 143B Stool ~ 144A Mise Tubing 144B Headli9ht Adjuster 145 Chrome Stand 146 Epson Printer 147A TV Wall Mount ~ 147B Mise AC Units 147C Heat Pump 1470 Heat Pump 147E Rudd Unit I 147F Janitrol I I 148A Chair 148B . Chair 148C Chair 1480 Chair 148E Chair 148F Chair 148G Chair 148H I Chair 1481 I Chair 1148J I Chair I ----r 148K Chair 148L Chair 148M Chair 148N Chair 1480 Chair 148P Chair 1480 Chair 148R Chair I I .1485 Chair 148T Chair I 148U Chair I I I 148V Chair 148W Chair 148X Chair I 148Y Chair I 1 1149A Desk I 149B Credenza I 149C 000000000004129 Safe 1490 Dolly I I , LIBEVERL YlAUCTWKSWK4 10 11/07/2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 12/02/00 AUCTION FIXED ASSET DESCRIPTION SERIAL MODEL -i TAG # # # # 149E Metal Bins I 149F Metal Bins I 149G Texas Instrument Omnilaser I 150A Microdesign Microfilm Reader i 1508 Microdesign Microfilm Reader I 150C I Microdesign Microfilm Reader I 1500 I Microdesign Microfilm Reader 150E Microdesign Microfilm Reader 1150F I Microdesign Microfilm Reader 150G Microdesign Microfilm Reader I 150H Microdesign Microfilm Reader 1501 I Microdesign Microfilm Reader 1 150J Microdesign Microfilm Reader 150K Microimage Display Microfilm Reader 1150L Boxes of Microfilm Supplies 1151A Chair 11518 IChair 151C Chair 1510 Microfilm Cabinet 152A Table 1528 Table 1153C Mise Chairs 11530 Mise Chairs 153E Computer Desk 153F Metal Desk I I Postage Scale I Executive Chair I Desk 1 Desk, I Desk 1 Desk' I Desk I Desk Desk Desk Typewriter Table Typewriter I, I Typewriter Typewriter Typewriter Terminal I I Terminal I Terminal I I Terminal I Terminal 1 Terminal I I Table I Table Table I I I Table I I Table - Table Table Table Chair I Chair, I Chair [ Chair L:lBEVERL YIAUCTWKS, WK4 11 11/07/2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST for 12/02/00 AUCTION FIXED ASSET DESCRIPTION SERIAL I MODEL TAG # # # I # Chair" I I Chair I I Chair I I Chair I Chair I Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair 000000000002374 1972 Ford Truck F37BCN12107 001701 1973 Ford Truck F60DVQ21986 000000000002421 1982 Ford Bronco 1FMDU15E7CLA07168 001677 1984 Ford Truck 1 FTBR10A7EUD116811 1985 Ford Truck 1 FTEF14Y5GNA275901 07253 1986 Ford Truck 1 FTCF15Y9GNA280701 004989 1986 Ford Crown Victoria 2FABP43G4GX1690381 01360 1987 Ford Truck 1FTCF15Y2HNA591141 I 01363 1987 Ford Truck 1 FDNF70HOHVA295581 I 010000 1990 Ford Truck 1 FDJF37H1 LNA53423 I I 000000000007154 1983 Chevrolet Truck 1GCEK14D6DF3302011 I 010226 1983 Chevrolet Truck 1 GBHC34M5DV132791 I 004981 1986 Chevrolet Truck 2GCCC14H1G1198905. I 01362 1987 Chevrolet Truck 1 GCFR24H1 HF3729981 I 03979 1988 Chevrolet Caprice 1 G1 BN81Y7JR161237 I 03959 1988 Chevrolet Caprice 1G1 BL5165JA153056 I I 05344 1988 Chevrolet Truck 1GBHR34K4JJ129302 I 07558 1989 Chevrolet Caprice 1G1BN81YXKA130922 010322 1 990 Chevrolet Lumina i2G1WL54T8L9116441I I 010191 1990 Chevrolet Caprice 11G1BL5472LA137145 I I 010143 1990 Chevrolet Truck '''W'''''~~O~I~I 011780 1992 Chevrolet Lumina 1G1WP14X7N91191'11 012647 1995 Chevrolet Caprice 1 G1 BL52P9SR135587 011893 1980 Dodge Motor Home F44CA9V702177 010306 1990 Dodge Ram Van 010908 1990 Dodge Dynasty (Salvage Vehicle) 1B3XC5639LD715071 011897 1993 Dodge Dynasty (salvage Vehicle) 1 B3XC4630PD157742 011898 1993 Dodge Dynasty 1 B3XC4638PD201 079 000000000003335 1973 GMC Van TPY353F501737 ~ 000000000007165 1983 GMC Truck 1GTBT14YXD2516284 011055 1990 Isuzu Trooper JACCH58R3L8912681 I 013330 1992 Isuzu Trooper JACDH58W1 N790090 I I 07675 1988 Oldsmobile Cutlass 1 G3WH 14W3J 0315473 I ~ 011590 1988 Oldsmobile Delta 88 1 G3HN54C3JW399362, 011108 1991 Mercury Cougar 1 MEPM6042MH62599 1953 Blue Checker Cab Trailer 8054 I 07680 1989 Ford Bronco 1 FMCU14T1 KUA6088 L:lBEVERL YIAUCTWKS WK4 12 11/07/2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the 12 and under Supper Optimist club Girls All Star softball Team finished as l,t Runner-up in the Babe Ruth World Series on August 19,2000; and WHEREAS, the 2000 team accomplishments include District Tournament Champions, on June 26th, First Runner-Ur in North Carolina State Tournament, on July 16'h and Southeast Regional Champions, July 30' , and Second place - Babe Ruth World Series, August 19th; and WHEREAS, the members of the team are Kim Johnston, Ashley LaCock, Kristin Lee, Krista Leeuwenberg, Jenna Marcum, Morgan Mathis, Beth Meechum, Kelly Musselwhite, Katie Nolan, Amber Randall, Eryn Teague, Amanda Webb, C.J White, Lisa White, and Ashley Williams; and WHEREAS, Krista Leeuwenberg and Kim Johnston achieved an Individual Record for First No-Hitter in World Series History; and WHEREAS, Ashley Williams, J enna Marcum and Eryn Teague were awarded 2000 world Series All-Defensive Team; and WHEREAS, Krista Leeuwenberg and Lisa White were awarded 2000 World Series All World Series Team; and WHEREAS, Lisa White was awarded 2000 World Series most Valuable player, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners congratulates the Supper Optimist club All Star Softball Team for its accomplishments in the 2000 Babe Ruth World Series. Adopted this the 13th day of November, 2000. ~'~~1~g.'_:.." . ,.." ". ~!.u._ 4 -::_" r:~(:i1~ J .\. !~~2 . :\__ ~ (~~'" "~"'~;' ~t'-'t';. ';':. .J ,h::",~l ('\~~I~,~.(t:J{i.';'Ert-.'! ~ \;.,-r\\ F- ,I l. i!&},o )"i'/j'fjlk~~ ;;:.~ n:J.i'=-l H ,~ . I .:!,'I..lr.7.h -'.';i_'lj~':!_ ~I "1 \: :",;177,,,,.. ~~~~' I \,~t<;\..r;":":I. "~-:::L~';::".3t.':' i'~;';~~~~~;f'~/ ~, "K~_ tJ~ {] ~ William A Caster, Chairman ATTEST ~ (/~'-fA_ L ie F Harrell, Clerk,to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, in 1999, thirty-nine Westfield Malls nationwide generated over one million dollars for over one thousand different non-profit organizations; and WHEREAS, in 1999, over forty-five local charities participated and more than fifty thousand dollars was generated for non-profit organizations in the Wilmington area, and WHEREAS, on November 19,2000, from 6:00 p.m. to 9'00 p.m., Westfield Shoppingtown Independence Mall will host Westfield Works Wonders, an annual corporate charity event; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County is pleased to endorse Westfield Works Wonders as a charity extravaganza that will support over fifty local non-profit organizations; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to designate November 19, 2000 as Westfield Works Wonders day in New Hanover County, and salute the non-profit groups who actively participate to enhance their services to the entire community Adopted the thirteenth day,ofNovember, 2000. D~c.~ William A. Caster, Chairman ~'Z/~.a _ Luc F. Harrell, Clerk to the "JJ'O(ird 'i~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMA nON WHEREAS, all children need love, support, security, and a place to call home; WHEREAS, in the County of New Hanover, 495 children live away from their families in substitute care; WHEREAS, many of these children cannot return to their birth families and need the security and nurturing that a permanent family can provide; WHEREAS, adoption is the plan for permanency for 178 of these children; WHEREAS, nearly all of these children have special needs because of physical or mental or emotional disabilities, because they must be placed as a sibling group, because they are minorities, or because they are older; WHEREAS, between July I, 1999 and June 30, 2000, thirty six New Hanover County children with special needs were permanently placed into adoptive homes; WHEREAS, there are families able and willing to adopt children with special needs; and WHEREAS, children waiting for adoptive parents, and families who have adopted these children require and deserve community and public agency support; NOW, THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, does hereby proclaim November 2000 as "ADOPTION AWARENESS MONTH IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY." In honor of this event, we encourage citizens, community agencies, religious organizations, businesses, and others to celebrate adoption, honor the families that grow through adoption, and focus attention on those children who live with the burden of an uncertain future while they await permanent families. Adopted this the 13th of November 2000 1..) IJiJ C (J J . '" A..kV~.~ ,~ William A. Caster Chairman oard Attest: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 A-303, 10/00 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN Section 1 That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6,1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: Section 50.5 Table of Permitted Uses Indoor & Outdoor Recreation Establishments Commecially Operated (2114/83) AI S Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 4 This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption Adopted the 13th day of November 2000 1:J~ {]. ~ William A. Caster, Chairman Attest: