1994-05-02 Regular Meeting "'lIIl '," 'MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1994 '39 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, May 2, 1994, at 6:30 P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third street, Wilmington, North Carolina. ~ e Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A. Caster; William E. Sisson" Jr.; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; Assistant County Attorney, Kemp Burpeau; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Greer called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Reverend Mike Meshaw, Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, gave the invocation. commissioner Caster led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Greer inquired as to whether anyone from the general public would like to present an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or comment on an item listed on the Consent Agenda. He requested that all remarks be limited to three minutes. The following items were presented: e Report on the Success of Earth Day in New Hanover county Ms. Nancy Pritchett, Director of the Keep America Beautiful System of New Hanover County, commented on the activities held throughout the County in celebration of Earth Day and presented a packet detailing the various projects as well as an Earth Day tee- shirt to each County Commissioner. Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to the Keep America Beautiful Board and Ms. Pritchett for the excellent job performed in the promotion of Earth Day. He also expressed appreciation to the following County employees who wrote articles in the supplement to the Star News: Jennifer Edwards, Paralegal, Legal Department Tim Cole, Manager, Recycling Phil Ricks, Director, N. C. Cooperative Extension Service Thomas stitch, Health Department David Barkley, Agent, N. C. Cooperative Extension Service John Hubbard, WASTEC Sgt. Linda K. Dowdy, Sheriff's Department e National Tourism Week in New Hanover county Commissioner Barone commented on the Convention and Visitors Bureau celebrating "National Tourism Week" in New Hanover County from May 1-7, 1994, and presented a facsimile check to the Chairman in the amount of $200 million representing the amount of funds generated in the local economy from tourism. All persons were requested to participate in the activities of the week. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion: Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by commissioner Caster to approve the items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes The Commissioners approved the minutes of the following meetings: j / MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1994 4'0" Special Joint Meeting with the Wilmington City Council - March 21, 1994 Budget Work Session and Special Joint Meeting with the wilmington City Council - April 13, 1994 Regular Meetings - April 5, 1994 April 18, 1994 Approval 1994-95 Home and community Care Block Grant (HCCBG) for the Department of Aging The Commissioners approved the 1994-95 Home and Community Care Block Grant in the amount of $277,114 to the Department of Aging. The funds will be spent as outlined below, which includes the increase of $36,734 to be used for transportation and coordination of a Care Management Program. Transportation Congregate Nutrition Home Delivered Meals Senior Center Case Assisted Care Management $ 41,000 83,778 65,502 24,185 31,702 30.947 $277 .114 Total Adoption of Resolutions Requesting Addition of Roads to the State Highway system The Commissioners adopted resolutions requesting the addition of Elmhurst Road in Brickst,one Estates and roads in Whispering pines Subdivision, Section 1-5, to the State Highway system. Copies of the resolutions are hereby incorporated as a part of the 'minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 8. Renewal of Lease Agreement (Contract #94-0337) with the Town of Carolina Beach for operation of the Carolina Beach Library The Commissioners approved the renewal of the lease agreement with the Town of Carolina Beach for operation of the Carolina Beach Library. The lease is for a period of five years and under the terms of the lease the County pays no rent and is only responsible for special maintenance, such as painting and pest control. The Chairman was authorized to execute the contract documents. A copy of the lease is on file in the Legal Department. Designation of the Department of Aging to Act as the Focal Point for Aging Services in New Hanover county . The Commissioners designated the Department of Aging to act ,as, the Focal Point for Aging Services in New Hanover County. This designation will require the Department of Aging to provide at least five (5) of the Title III programs by serving as the central entry point for information and ~elivery of services. In addition, the designation states the Department of Aging will assist the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) with the implementation of the Regional Aging, Plan. Approval of Budget Amendment #94-0202 - Sheriff's Department The commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment to budget additional revenue received in FY 1993-94 from Controlled Substance Tax funds: 94-0202 Sheriff's Department - Controlled Substance Tax Debit Credit Sheriff's Dept. Controlled Substance Tax Controlled Substance Tax $13,473 ~. Sheriff's Dept. controlled Substance Tax Capital'Outlay ~ '''$13(473'' o o o e e e ( .nt}(i.:~t ":"'9i,::!.l,~'((\Wil~ t ~~~;:~!~~;r\ >: "!. " "IIIl " ~;..... : ,-"",.i.'::,," 1"""'- ~.! ~ itr:r\.lr'~::.,," ~'l}':';''1l;.~.' , .. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1994 ',' ~ 41 Note: Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. Approval of Budget Amendment #94-0203 - Sheriff's Department - Federal Forfeited property The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment to budget additional revenue received from Federal Forfeited Property: 94-0203 - Sheriff's Department - Federal Forfeited property Debit Credit Sheriff's Dept. - Federal Forfeited Property Federal Forfeited Property $11,467 Sheriff's Dept. - Federal Forfeited Property Maintenance & Repair - Equipment Supplies ,Capital Outlay $ 500 $5,000 $5,967 Note: Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. Approval of Budget Amendment #94-0205 - Vehicle Management The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment to budget $100,000 additional revenue/garage charges to offset the greater than anticipated repairs.required on County vehicles this fiscal year: 94-0205 - Vehicle Management Debit Credit' Vehicle Manaaement Garage Charges $100,000 Purchases for Inventory $100,000 ~RESENTATION OF PROPOSED FY 1994-95 COUNTY BUDGET County Manager O'Neal presented the proposed FY 1994-95 County Budget and reported the proposed budget is recommended with the current tax rate of 61.5 cents. While there is no tax increase, it is necessary to appropriate $4,624,920 in fund balance to offset the shortfall 1n the Environmental Management Fund. This transfer from the General Fund balance will allow the tipping fee to be set at $30 per ton. If the tipping fee is increased to more than $30 per ton, the private haulers may have an incentive to dispose of their waste outside of the County. This reduction in waste would lead to a decrease in the revenue and efficiency'of WASTEC. For the past two years, funds from the One-Half Cent Sales Tax Fund have been transferred to the Environmental Management Fund. This budget does not recommend such a transfer. The portion of the One-Half Cent Sales Tax Fund not designated for education will be 'transferred to the Water & Sewer District, which will help" to continue to fund construction of the County's sewer'system. Other than the transfer to the Environmental Management Fund, the major increase in the budget is for education in the amount of $1,451,771. Following are the major issues in the FY 1994-95 Recommended Budget: GENERAL FUND , Public.Schools: The total request from the Board of Education for local funds is $24,944,949 (current operating expenses of j /~ ( , MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1994 42 $22,309,019 plus capital outlay of $2,635,930), an increase of 16% over FY 1993-94. The requested increase is to provide the following items: (1) a 5% salary increase and other salary adjustments totalling $392,000; (2) additional funds in the amount of $1,000,000 for the maintenance of buildings; (3) roof replacements and basic renovations in the amount of $1,050,000; and (4) school furniture in the amount of $500,000. The County Manager's recommended budget request for schools is $22,866,307 which will include $859,075 from the One-Half Cent Sales Tax Fund and $22,007,232 from the General Fund. An amount of $605,837 is estimated for debt service on the general obligation bonds approved by the voters in March for New Hanover County Schools. In FY 1995-96, the debt service for bonds will be $2,420,995. Chairman Greer inquired as to whether the 16% is the requested increase by the schools? ,County Manager O'Neal reported that 16% has been requested by the schools; however, he is recommending an increase of 6.2%. . Cape Fear community college: An increase of $160,204 (16%) is recommended for Cape Fear Community College. The requested amount of $1,553,395 is $550,204 over the current year contribution of $1,003,191. The requested increase is to fund the college's compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and to fund additional faculty for the .Health Occupational Science Program. The State funding does not co~er the cost of delivering these programs. For example, the State funding formula generates one teaching position per twenty-one students; however, clinical requirements dictate a 1: 10 teacher-to-student ratio (or less). This is another example of state traditional costs being shifted to local government. In future years, the county will have additional operating and maintenance costs related to building the College's expanded facilities. An amount of $224,384 is estimated for debt service on the general obligation bonds approved by the voters in March for Cape Fear Community College. In FY 1995-96, the College's debt service for these bonds is estimated to be $1,391,904. Personnel Issues: Of the 63 new positions requested, 30 are recommended, and 19 of these are expected to generate revenue or be funded at least partially from grant funds or savings they produce. The remaining 11 positions consist of 9 dispatchers required in the 911 Center for the merger of the 'city of wilmington dispatch fun~tions, a groundskeeper in the Parks Department for the County's additional park acreage, and an. additional position in the Environmental Management Department to assist with compliance to environmental regulations. An amount of $1,400,000 is recommended for continuation of the merit program and a pay plan adjustment for deserving employees. A 2%. merit plan and 3% market adj,!stment have been recommended., The current budget includes ~ 5% merit plan and' no market adjustment. The County has eliminated automatic across the board, cost-of-living increases. An amount of $477,092 is recommended to fund the increased cost of the County's medical insurance plan. Due to cost wise, changes in the plan, the cost' has remained constant for the past three years. Staff continues to analyze ways in which to lessen the expected 15% increase in cost. Human Services: The increase in County dollars required for human services programs is not as significant as in the past. There is an actual decrease in the Cbunty dollars in all human services p'rograms, excep~ for the Departm~n~ of Social Services' where the increase is' $582,396 or 7%: . County dollars - are' calculated by " .' o o o lt~:7,t;.~~'~: "';~~,;;f~'*'j,H,\"""'~~~;"~~i' ',;<;: '~\' ;.~.,:.; , "'Ill It, .r!l. ~~ ",o.i'it:...l'it~ '''-'';;., k ;':i-:t! , . ~i;"y:;r:.. I'. fl l MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1994 ~ 43 subtracting the estimated revenue from the estimated expenditures. The primary sources of revenue for human services programs are intergovernmental transfers from the federal and state governments. The declining rate partially a result of streamlining operations. of the increase County's in DSS expenditures automation efforts is and e Eight new DSS positions are recommended for the Foster Care Program, JOBS Program, and Community Alternatives Program. The decrease in County dollars for the Health Department is $167,290. The Health Department continues to review its fees, which helps to reduce the County dollars required. The decrease in County dollars for the Department of Aging is $17,398, a result of increased revenue. No additional positions are recommended although positions are requested to staff a gift shop, provide clerical support, and coordinate volunteers. The expanded facility continues to strain the staff and additional positions may be needed in the near future so the facility can be more fully utilized by the County's senior citizens. There was no increase requested or recommended for the Southeastern Mental Health Center. e Public Safety: The Sheriff has agreed to assume the dispatching function for the city of Wilmington with the addition of nine positions. This number is considerably less than currently employed by the city. If the Sheriff finds that this will not adequately staff the 911 Center, he may request additional positions. Funds in the amount of $100,000 are also included for additional operating expenses related to the dispatch consolidation. The County will fund the entire cost of the expanded 911 Center, which currently provides dispatch services for Kure Beach, the city of Wilmington Fire Department, the Carolina Beach Fire Department, Sheriff's Department, Department of Emergency Medical Services and the volunteer fire departments. Inspection fees will remain the same except for three minor .changes. These changes will not impact overall inspection revenue receipts. Fees will more closely correlate with the cost of providing the service. There will be an increase in the square footage charge for houses over 3,000 square feet and a decrease in the charge for pre-engineered metal buildings and swimming pools. The Inspections Department, with the exception of the Fire Code Division, is fully funded through the fees it generates. Planning for future computerization of the department has begun. The 'increase in the budget for Emergency Medical Services is due to expenses related to OSHA requirements including disposable safety' equipment and personal/protective equipment. Expenses related to OSHA requirements will probably continue to increase. Funds were requested, but not included for a fourth shift, of service. - e commissioner Sisson reported the Director of Inspections is in the process of reviewing the charges for fire code inspections to see if this fee can be adjusted to help defray the cost. It will be impossible to fully cover the cost, but an adjustment to the fee would be helpful. outside Agencies: The Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee formulated the recommendations for the outside human service agencies. The recommendations are within the total dollar amount allocated to these. agencies in the current year, although there may be changes. among individual agencies. The County" Manager' nas recommended that the $15,000 allocated for the Food Bank be . j ~ / MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1994 44 reallocated to the Department of Aging to provide additional home- delivered meals and medical transportation. Both of these programs have waiting list for these services. All outside agency contributions remain the same with the exception of an increase of $17,500 for the Greater Wilmington Film Office. This will provide for a full year of funding. There is a contribution of $8,100 to the city of Wilmington for the Unified Planning Work Program for transportation planning. An amount of $299,000 is budgeted for the County's share of the clean-up cost for the Airport Burn pit site for this fiscal year. o commissioner Caster recommended for the burn Fear Community college? inquired as to whether the funds pit clean-up include the share for Cape county Manager O'Neal reported the $299,000 represents the County's share. Cape Fear community college's share will come from the County's FY 1994-95 Budget Allocation. An amount of $150,000 is budgeted as a contribution to New Hanover Regional Medical Center for indigent care. This amount was agreed upon by the Board of County Commissioners as part of the newly adopted .iease agreement. REVENUE The increase in the ad valorem taxes (based on the .increased tax base) will produce an increase of $2,427,970 or 5.3%. The increase in sales tax revenue is $1,061,500 or 10.7%. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT FUND o . , . ,On April 4, 1994, the Board of County Commissioners voted to allow the private haulers to continue to provide residential and commercial trash collection in the County with no change in the system other than to increase the tipping fee from $25 to $30. Most of the remaining cost for waste disposal will come from a $5,293,-347 transfer from the. General Fund/fund balance. No transfer from the One-Half Cent Sales Tax Fund will be made for the cost of, waste disposal. While the one-time transfer of General Fund/fund balance for the shortfall in the Environmental Management Fund revenues will not. hurt .the financial health of the County, this is a one-time transfer to help address an emergency situation which cannot be repeated. Staff was directed to" prepare a plan. for a County collection system to be implemented by July 1, 1995, if the County's Flow Control Ordinance fails in the courts .and no congressional action is taken. CAPITAL PROJECTS An amount of $300,000 is .budgeted to establish a 'capital reserve fund for future capital projects. Numerous capital needs are not funded in the current budget. Some of these are the expansion Qr improvements to the Judicial Building, .the Emergency Operations 'Center, a county-wide communications system" and the County/cape Fear community College library merger which may impac~ future budgets. . . o FIRE SERVICE DISTRICT The recommended budget for-the'Fire Service District maintains the current tax rate of 2.5 cents. The cost of the Fire Code Division of.,the-Inspections Department, the contract with the N. c. Forestry service to provide fire protection,' and clerical--support , - I 1~;(,.1 "l"~ '''!!i.?i'';ll''f!~~J;' ... :"'11''1',., , ., '.1 l\' ';0. ~'.:/~ft~' ~>i \ ~\'",~, ~i,U~: MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1994 45 for the Board of Fire commissioners are funded through this fund. Funds are set aside in an administrative reserve account to address a portion of the capital needs of the volunteer fire departments. FUTURE CONCERNS e The County Manager presented the following concerns: (1) While services have not been severely impacted during the past several years, continuation of departmental budgets at a no-increase or decrease mode will seriously affect services and reduce the efficiency of County operations. Hopefully, this was evident to you as we worked through the review process of County operations that took place last fall and winter. (2) There are also capital needs that will impact future budgets. While $300,000 has been set aside in this budget for capital projects, the capital needs of the County far exceed this amount. (3) The impact of the strategic planning process on future budgets has not been fully determined. (4) The County will be impacted by national health care " reform not only through the departments that provide and fund health services, but also the health benefits that are offered to County employees. (5) The City of Wilmington's actions relating to annexation may affect future budgets. e (6) The N. C. General Assembly is considering several pieces of legislation which may impact the County financially. (7) The critical problem of resolving the County's waste disposal needs must be addressed and resolved during the next fiscal year. (8) The County must continue to pay debt service on bonds the voters approved in recent referendums for the Museum, Senior Center, Parks, Cape Fear Community College, and School system. (9) The mandates and regulations that are passed by other levels of government will continue to impact future County budgets. (10) The budget, as proposed: does not include implementation of any of the recommendations by the consultant for fire services to the North Wilmington 421 'industrial corridor. All of the recommendations include paid staff and additional equipment. While there is a significant fund balance, funding a paid staff will almost certainly impact the tax rate for the Fire District and future budgets. e pie charts of revenues and expenditures were presented. The County Manager reported he and staff will be glad to answer any questions about the proposed FY 1994-95 Budget. Vice-Chairman Mathews expressed concern for the Board of Education asking for additional funds in the amount of $1,000,.000 for the maintenance of buildings. Further concern was expressed for the amount of County funds appropriated to the schools during the 'past several years with none of these funds being used for maintenance. He emphasized the importance of knowing how County funds are being us~d and stated, if necessary, the. Board should earmark funds for maintenance. , .Commissioner . Sisson commented on about the county Property Management previous discussion:s held Department assuming the j /~ f MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1994 46 maintenance of schools and inquired as to whether staff has pursued this idea? J County Manager O'Neal reported this is a possibility that can be pursued; however, only one county in the state is assuming maintenance responsibilities, which is Tyrrell County, a small county with,very few schools. He, feels this would probably work better in a small county and stated if New Hanover County goes to year around schools, this logistically could create a problem for the county maintenance of school buildings. o After discussion, the County Manager was requested to prepare a recommendation on the possibility of the Property Manag,ement Department performing maintenance for the County school buildings. Commissioner Barone commented on the 30 recommended new positions instead of 29 and asked if this figure was correct? County Manager O'Neal reported after the last Budget Work Session staff performed another review of the Department of Environmental Management and felt one position should be added to deal with compliance to environmental regulations. Vice-Chairman Mathews commented on increased funding for Cape Fear Community College in the amount $160,204 and asked if this entire- amount. will be used for compliance to the Americans Disabilities Act? county Manager O'Neal reported the increased funding will be used to renovate the existing buildings to comply with the Americans Disabilities Act, and also fund additional faculty positions for the Health occupational'science Program. No state or federal funds, will be received to assist with the renovation of buildings and all structures must be in compliance by January 1, 1995. o .~ commissioner Barone expressed concern for this being another unfunded mandate. . '. Commissioner Caster reported New Hanover county has been exceptionally fortunate to have a growing local economy; however, this could change in the future, and he would recommend that staff and the Board of County Commissioners begin to review the needs for additional space and new construction. County Manager O'Neal agreed and reported the Judicial Building 1S 1n desperate need for space and the Emergency Operations Center does not have adequate space to function during an emergency., Eventually more Jail space will be needed', and discussion is occurring with the development of a one-stop permitting station for build~rs as City moves toward annexation. Commissioner sisson commented on specific space needs for the Health Department and Southeastern Center and stated without proper planning for additional space, ~hese agencies will not be able to continue to provide services. After further discussion of the proposed budget, Chairman Greer requested each commissioner to thoroughly review the recommended budget and contact the County Manager about any items of concern since the budget will be placed on the June 6 agenda for adoption. County Manager O'Neal stated he will be glad to discuss and furnish any additional informat~on on items of concern. o , . ' APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO SERVE ON THE KIRKLAND PROGRAM AREA COMMITTEE ' .,- , staff Planner, Wanda coston, requested the Commissioners to appoirt m~~oers'to serve on the Kirkland'program, Area 'committee" ~''':~;.:'''''' c ""'C, .\j<~!"'{~fi;!t' 'f'i"""':"'" ""11II .;:". ~:'/;'..';.-:"1?"'.' ':{" r1(;.<,,,'~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1994 '" 47 including a representative of the .Planning Board. Commissioner Barone was appointed to serve as the Commissioners' representative at the meeting of April 18, 1994. The following persons from the Kirkland Community have volunteered to serve on this committee: e James Wolle, Planning Board Representative Joe Ann Johnson, Kirkland Community Representative Mamie Carlos, Kirkland Community Representative Maeola M. McDuffie, Kirkland Community Representative Daniel Green, Kirkland Community Representative Karen Worth, Kirkland Community Representative Bessie Nixon, Kirkland Community Representative Glenda L. Simon, Kirkland Community Representative. Motion: Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to appoint the list of persons who have volunteered to serve. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Staff Planner Coston introduced Ms. Carlos and Ms. Johnson. Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Ms. Carlos and Ms. Johnson for volunteering to serve on this committee. e FIRST READING OF PROPOSED ABANDONED STRUCTURES ORDINANCE Assistant County Attorney, Kemp Burpeau, reported presently there is aN. C. General statute pertaining to unsafe buildings and the necessary procedures for condemning these structures; however, the proposed County Ordinance goes beyond the State statute and addresses not only structural problems in an unsafe building but also abandoned structures and other types of associated nuisances. Since the Director of Inspections was not aware of the proposed ordinance being placed on the agenda, which would require additional work by the Inspections Department, and there are a few clerical errors that need to be corrected, the Board may wish to defer final action on the proposed ordinance until the Director of Inspections has reviewed the ordinance and its impact on the Inspections Department. Motion: Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED to continue this item until the Director of Inspections can completely review the proposed ordinance. The floor was opened for discussion. Chairman Greer inquired as to how this ordinance was presented without the Director of Inspections being involved and was this ordinance presented because of public demand? Commissioner Sisson reported he and Commissioner Barone had been contacted about the need for an ordinance to address abandoned structures, and in response to this request, he asked the Assistant County Attorney to prepare an ordinance. As to why the Director of Inspections did not receive a copy of the ordinance, he cannot answer; however, he does not mind allowing time for the Director of Inspections to review the document. He would be opposed to an indefinite postponement of the ordinance, which he feels is very much needed in New Hanover County. e . Assistant County Attorney Burpeau apologized for not calling the Director of Inspections and properly following up on the proposed ordinance. commissioner Barone reported several citizens groups have reviewed the ordinance and some people are present who would like to comment on the proposed ordinance. Chairman Greer inquired as to whether anyone present would like to comment. The following remarks were received: - Mrs.. Carolyn Bordeaux, a local resident of New Hanover County, reported she did contact Commissioner Barone about the proposed ~ / , ( MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1994 48 ordinance. There is an abandoned house across the street ,from her home, and for the past four years she has contacted the County Inspections Department, the Planning Department, and public safety agencies to see if anything can be done about the abandoned structure. As of this d~te, no relief has been provided. This structure is a public eyepore, a health and safety hazard as well as detrimental to the value of properties in the community. The weeds are shoulder high, which encourages rats and snakes, and in her opinion, is an unsafe site for children playing in the neighborhood. After reading the proposed ordinance, she feels the regulations stipulated address abandoned structures in a manner that is fair to the homeowner, property owner, and surrounding communi ty. The Commissioners were urged to move as quickly as possible in adopting an ordinance to address abandoned structures, not only for her community, but for the entire County. I commissioner sisson reported Dr. H. B. sissel, a concerned citizen who could not attend the meeting, has furnished pictures of an abandoned structure in his neighborhood. He would like for the Commissioners to know that he is very supportive of the proposed ordinance. Also, as to the height of weeds around the abandoned structure as referenced' by Ms. Bordeaux" there is a county Ordinance that addresses this issue, and Ms. Bordeaux should pursue the enforcement of this ordinance. " Ms. Bordeaux reported she has contacted the Sheriff's Department about the weeds, but has'found that enforcement is the problem. i , Chairman Greer requested the county Manager to work with the Sheriff in trying to help Ms. Bordeaux address the weed problem and any other nuisances being 'experienced in the neighborhood from the abandoned structure. commissioner Sisson recommended proceeding with the first reading of the ordinance.! Motion Seconded: Chairman Greer SECONDED THE MOTION made by Vice- Chairman Mathews for continuance of this item. The floor was opened for discussion. , County Manager O'Neal reported the Board may wish to hold the first reading of the ordinance which will allow time for the Director of Inspections to review the ordinance and place this item on the next agenda. I Vote: Chairman Greer called for a vote on the motion to delay action until the Director of Inspections has, reviewed the ordinance. Upon vote, the MOTION DID NOT CARRY AS FOLLOWS: voting Aye: I Mathews Greer voting NaY1 Barone Caster. siss'on Motion: Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barone to adopt the proposed ordinance'with the corrections as referenced by the Assistant County Attorney. Upon vote, the MOTION DID NOT CARRY AS FOLLOWS: voting Aye: , Barone Sisson ", voting Nay: Greer Mathews Caster I l o o : " o i>;i'*~Y;-""'. .~E 'I' , "'IIIIl Sf!. (' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1994 49 e CONSIDERATION OF RENT WAIVER TO CAPE FEAR CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU (CVB) County Manager O'Neal reported the Convention and visitors Bureau (CVB) pays $12,000 per year for rent to the County for office space in the New Hanover County Courthouse. The Commissioners have been requested to waive the rent and allow CVB to use these funds to increase the agency's advertising expenditures. Through a tracking system, the records clearly show that advertising does bri~g more tourists to New Hanover County. commissioner Barone commented on the CVB being a non-profit agency and requested the Deputy County Manager, Andrew J. Atkinson, to address the problems associated with non-profit agencies obtaining funds from other sources. Deputy County Manager Atkinson reported the County must be careful not to violate the non-profit status. Ad sales are appropriate but membership fees and things of this nature would not be appropriate. Discussion was held on the appropriated fund balance. Deputy County Manager Atkinson reported in FY 1990-91 no fund balance was used because revenues exceeded expenditures. In FY 1991-92 and FY 1992-93, the revenues were not enough to offset actual expenditures; therefore, the fund balance has been used for two years. In the current year, approximately $40,000 was appropriated from the fund balance. In FY 1994-95, at least $40,000 will have to be appropriated from the fund balance. The revenues from the Room Occupancy Tax have not grown enough to offset the expenditures that are necessary to promote tourism in the area. e Chairman Greer inquired as to whether this is the County's fund balance? Deputy County Manager Atkinson responded this is the CVB's fund balance. Each year the 25% earmarked for tourism from the Room Occupancy Tax is forwarded directly to the CVB. The fund balance was established and as expenditures increased over revenues, a portion of the fund balance has been used to balance the budget. There is approximately $78,000 with $40,000 budgeted this year. Presently, there is concern for the fund balance decreasing instead of increasing. If there is no additional revenue source, a cut back in expenditures will be required in order for the CVB to continue to operate. Chairman Greer commented on the $12,000 being helpful in the upcoming year, but asked in three years will the County be willing to fund $40,000 for the CVB? with the current demand for space, ,particularly for courtrooms, the County many have no choice but to move the CVB. If this should happen, the County would then have to incur the cost of rent for this agency. Motion: Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson .to waive the $12,000 annual rent- payment with those funds being directly applied to the CVB adve~tising budget. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: e Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Commissioner Sisson Voting Nay: Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer BREAK Chairman Greer called a break from 8:05 P.M. until 8:20 P.M. j -- MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1994 ~. 50 PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REZONING 1.22 ACRES ON THE WEST SIDE OF MILITARY CUT-OFF ROAD APPROXIMATELY 600 FEET NORTH OF WRIGHTSVILLE AVENUE TO O-I OFFICE AND INSTITUTION FROM R-15 RESIDENTIAL (Z-492, 4/94) Chairman Greer opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, reported the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the rezoning request feeling that Office and Institution zoning would be a good transitional use between residential uses to the west and east of the Military Cut-Off Road. There was no opposition present.at the Planning Board meeting. . o Chairman Greer inquired as to whether anyone from the general public would like to comment. The following remarks were received: Mr. Gene strader, the petitioner, requested the Commissioners to approve the Office and Institution zoning in order to provide the most appropriate transition for this parcel of land. Chairman Greer closed the Public Hearing. commissioner sisson commented on security lighting inquired as to whether there is a provision for shielding lighting in. order to protect the surrounding properties? Planning Director Hayes reported the parking requirements specifically state that lights must be shown directly on the parking area and not be visible from surrounding properties. Also, office uses have less lighting than retail uses. and this Motion: Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to approve the rezoning request as recommended by the Planning Board. The floor was opened for discussion. o commissioner sisson expressed concern for increasing the number of driveway cuts in this congested area of the Military cut- Off Road. and stated another driveway cut this close to the intersection will create a major traffic problem. , ,Planning Director Hayes reported the N. C. Department of Transportation will have to approve the driveway permits at which time consideration should be given to the widening of Military cut- Off Road and the intersection realignment when issuing the permits. However, the County does not have any conditional control without a site plan approval. . . Commissioner sisson recommended developing some mechanism in the future to enable the County to have more control over site design with general rezoning issues. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . A copy of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF ~EW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. 6 OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED AUGUST 18, 1971" is hereby incorporated as.a part of the minutes and is contained in Zoning Book I, section 6, Page 24. o PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A THOROUGHFARE CLASSIFICATION PLAN AMENDMENT FOR THE ADDITION OF LENNON DRIVE BETWEEN MARKET STREET AND HUNTER'S TRAIL'TO THE COLLECTOR'ROAD LIST RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING BOARD " ,. Ch~irman Greer ,opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, reported the Planning'Board voted unanimously to recommend that Lennon Drive be added"to the county's .Thoroughfare Classification Plan as a collector 'road. ,),'.(. . ~':f:';lF"S' ,1 ""III :\ ~.:i j,Jt.. . t l I~, MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1994 "'" 5'1 e This recommendation is being presented as a result of public comments during a rezoning petition for several properties fronting this road. The County's Zoning Ordinance does not allow for commercial uses to have direct access on a residential street unless the residential street is classified as a collector in the County's Thoroughfare Classification Plan. Lennon Drive has not been designated as a collector, but the functions of Lennon Drive have changed considerably over the years. It serves as a cut through between Market street to College Road. with the new postal facility and recently approved 128 mUlti-family unit project by the City, which will require the widening of Lennon Drive, dramatic changes have occurred on this road. The Planning Board felt because of these changes it would be appropriate to reclassify Lennon Drive to a collector road which would make it eligible for commercial uses. Chairman Greer inquired as to whether Hunter's Trail Road is a thoroughfare classification? Planning Director Hayes responded that Hunter's Trail Road has not been recommended for reclassification; however, the Planning Board has requested staff to study the other roads to se.e if some reclassification changes should be made. One of the County's projects in the TIP is the preparation of a collector study, which the city did a few years ago, and hopefully the County can latch on to this in order to merge both of the collector road studies as well as the thoroughfare classification collector status plan. These recommendations will be presented to the Board at a later date. Chairman Greer inquired as to whether anyone present would like to comment. e No remarks were received. Chairman Greer closed the Public Hearing. Motion: commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED, by Commissioner Caster to approve the Thoroughfare Classification Plan Amendment to add Lennon Drive to the Collector Road List as recommended by the Planning Board. The floor was opened for discussion. commissioner Sisson expressed concern for Lennon Drive being between two jurisdictions, the City on one side of the street and the County being located on the other side of the street. If Lennon Drive is designated as a collector and the persons owning R- 15 lots petition for commercial rezonings in the County this will create an apparent conflict of land uses between the two jurisdictions. He recommended adding a statement to the motion that will keep the County from setting up incompatible land use patterns between the two jurisdictions when approving future rezoning requests. commissioner Barone reported she is not comfortable with adding this type of statement to the motion. e Commissioner Sisson reported if the motion is not amended a potential for conflict will be opened. He stated simply having a road at a certain designation is not a reason for granting wholesale rezoning requests. Vote: Chairman Greer called for a vote on the motion to amend the Thoroughfare Classification plan by designating Lennon Drive as a Collector Road. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY A copy of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE THOROUGHFARE CLASSIFICATION PLAN OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH ,CAROLINA ADOPTED JUNE 4, 1979" is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit 'Book XXII, Page 8. . . .' ~ ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1994 : 52 PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REZONING 6.37 ACRES ON THE WEST SIDE OF MARKET STREET SOUTH OF LENNON DRIVE TO B-2 BUSINESS FROM R-15 RESIDENTIAL (Z-493, 4/94) Chairman Greer opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, reported the majority of the Planning Board members voted to rezone the property from R-15 to B- 2 with the exception of a small strip north of Parcel K to remain residentially zoned contingent upon Lennon Drive being designated as a collector road. The Planning Board felt the property was better suited for commercial development because of its proximity to existing commercial uses and other undeveloped lands already zoned for commercial opportunities. staff Planner, Pete Avery, presented slides on the site and surrounding properties. Chairman Greer inquired as to whether anyone present would like to comment. The following remarks were received: Mr. Mike Prevatte, representing the surrounding property owners, reported the original petition requested the entire 6.37 acres be rezoned to B-2 Business; however, the Planning Board recommended the line be drawn from the end of Parcel Kover to.C which is acceptable to the property owners. This is a transition area and changing the classification to B-2 would be consistent to that area. Mr. Gordon Bordeaux, representing the Rights-of-Way Division with the N. C. Department of Transportation (DOT), reported DOT purchased Parcel B in 1957 and the materials from that site were used during the construction of the Highway 132 Overpass going over Market street. DOT sees no adverse impact from the proposed rezoning, and as an individual, he would support the request. Mr., Jim Hall, owner of winter Park Preschool, reported he has operated this school since 1980 and has entered into the petition with the Prevatte's feeling that the proposed rezoning is' the most appropriate use of the property. He requested the commissioners to approve the rezoning request. commissioner sisson asked Mr. Hall if he owned the property where the preschool is located? Mr. Hall responded that he did own the property. Chairman Greer closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to approve the rezoning request as recommended by the Planning Board. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. 9A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1972" is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Zoning Book II, section 9A, Page 36. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REZONING 2.3 ACRES ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF OLEANDER DRIVE 170 FEET EAST OF DOGWOOD LANE TO B-2 BUSINESS FROM R-15 RESIDENTIAL (Z-494, 4/94) Chairman Greer opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, reported initially the petition consisted of a request to rezone a parcel consisting of one acre located 170 feet east of Dogwood Lane. At the Planning Board meeting, 'the petitioner requested adding ~he, adjoining:'lot at the corner of DogWood Lane and Oleander Drive since'both' parcels o o o . - . ". ~.., 'Y'f' "IIIl ~JtJff. J. . "MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, HAY 2,. 1994 .~ ',53 were owned by the same party and it would be prudent to rezone both tracts of land at the same time. The Planning Board agreed to allow the amendment to the petition with the understanding-that the location map would be revised and the list of adjoining property owners would be updated before the Regular Meeting of the New Hanover county Board of Commissioners. During discussion of the revised petition, the Planning Board considered several possible locations for extending the B-2 District. After review, the Planning Board voted unanimously to accept staff's recommendation which is to extend the commercial zoning to the frontage along Oleander Drive. The southern portion of the property along Camellia Lane would not be rezoned. There was no opposition present. staff Planner, Pete Avery, presented slides of the site and surrounding properties. Chairman Greer inquired as to whether anyone from the general public would like to comment. The following remarks were received: Mr. George Bordeaux, representing the Rights-of-Way Division with the N. C. Department of Transportation (DOT) reported Parcel L is owned by DOT and was acquired three years ago as a sight and/or view distance on this corner when Oleander. Drive was improved near the Bradley Creek Bridge. DOT has no intention of releasing this property which serves as a sight distance on the corner. Mr. John Adams, the petitioner representing George E. Saunders, the property owner, reported the property owner is willing to accept the Planning Board's recommendation feeling residential properties on Camellia Lane should be protected. Chairman Greer closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to approve the B-2 Business rezoning as recommended by the Planning Board. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. 9B OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1972" is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Zoning Book II, Section 9B, Page 76. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST TO REZONE 3.6 ACRES ON THE EAST SIDE OF MARKET STREET 1,300 FEET SOUTH OF PORTERS NECK ROAD TO B-2 BUSINESS FROM R-15 RESIDENTIAL . Chairman Greer opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, reported the Planning Board voted unanimously to approve the rezoning request. The Planning Board felt the presence of adjacent B-2 zoning, coupled with the site's proximity to Market.street with its commercial uses, limits the appeal for residential use of this property. There was no opposition "present. The Planning Staff recommended denial based upon the following reasons even though the site is practically surrounded by commercial zoning: (1) Staff does not feel the previous historical use of the property should be the basis for further expansion of basically misplaced commercial districts. (2) Staff Land Use following the commercial node concept promoted in would be significantly diluted with adopted policies: the the feels Plan newly ...4 / ( M~NUTES OF REGULAR MEETING,. MAY 2, 1994 " . 544: 3.3(1) Commercial development projects shall be encouraged to locate in designated commercial nodes which already contain public services, including " transportation, required by the projects, or in areas in which the needed services are readily available. 3.3(2) The redevelopment of existing commercial nodes shall be encouraged through the use of flexible development standards and evaluation. This shall be the preferred method of commercial expansion. o 3.3(3) Uncontrolled strip commercial development shall be avoided. (3) Staff feels the proposed rezoning is inconsistent with the Porters Neck Neighborhood Plan. The plan strongly encourages the orderly development of shopping and similar facilities along Market Street, provided that it does not result in strip commercial development or encroachment into residential areas. Chairman Greer inquired as to whether anyone from the general public would like to comment. Attorney Alton Y. Lennon, representing the property owner, James Balkum, reported historically this property has been used a~ a non-residential use for 40 years. The Planning Staff is to be commended for their efforts in presenting the best planning scenario possible for New Hanover County; however, this property is surrounded by non-residentially zoned property and the surrounding uses are commercial. It would not be fair to the property owner to isolate a piece of property .surrounded by non-residential uses. The Commissioners were requested to rezone the property to bring this site into conformity with surrounding properties. Also, there is a CP&L transmission easement that cuts through the front of the property. o Chairman Greer closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Based on the information presented and knowing the history of the property, Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to accept the Planning Board's recommendation. The floor was opened for discussion. Commissioner Sisson commented on poor zoning decisions made in the past and stated the Commissioners should take a stand opposing any form of strip commercial development. The zoning around Porters Neck Road was originally requested as B-2 Business, but wa~ reduced to B-1 Business because of the nature of the node in this area. The site in question has historically been used for, commercial use, but two-thirds of the property behind this site is zoned R-15 Residential and also the property to the north is zoned R-15 Residential.> After the long deliberations held in adopting a Land Use Plan for orderly growth in the county, these policies should be followed. Also, is additional commercial property needed in this area? with the change of property ownership, more commercial zoning is going to be requested, and it is imperative that the Commissioners follow the Land Use Plan and not compound the errors of the past. Possibly, the commissioners should consider defining zoning in terms of the actual impact of the use instead o~ a broad category. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: o Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman 'Mathews Chairman Greer . , " . voting Nay: 'commissioner Sisson e e e r,'" "':>,.'." .,~, "IIIIl ";Jf'iJ'~~'. ~ 1~' 'f.' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1994 .~. .,- '55 A copy of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. 5 OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 6, 1971" is hereby incorporated asa part of the minutes and is contained in Zoning Book I, section 5, Page 24. BREAK Chairman Greer called a break from 9:28 P.M. until 9:44 P.M. MEETING CONVENED-FROM REGULAR SESSION TO HOLD A MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT Chairman Greer convened from Regular Session at 9:45 P.M. to hold a Regular Meeting of the Water & Sewer District. Chairman Greer reconvened to Regular Session at 9:49 P.M. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY MANAGER APPROVAL FOR THE RELEASE OF FUNDS FROM THE ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX FUND TO THE TOWN OF KURE BEACH FOR A BEACH RENOURISHMENT PROJECT County Manager O'Neal reported the Town of Kure Beach has requested release of $1,380,000 from the Room Occupancy Tax Fund for a beach renourishment project. The total project is estimated at $17,162,000 with the Federal share covering $11,162,000. The local share is $6,000,000. Kure Beach is funding $120,000 and requesting the State to fund $4,500,000 wi~h the remaining $1,380,000 from the Room Occupancy Tax Fund. commissioner Caster reported the Wilmington-New Hanover Port, Waterway & Beach Commission voted unanimously to release these funds from the Room Occupancy Tax Fund to the Town of Kure Beach for the beach renourishment project. Motion: Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to approve the release of $1,380,000 from the Room Occupancy Tax Fund to the Town of Kure Beach for a beach renourishment project. I Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. : ~ ,. Kure Beach Mayor, Betty Lou Medlin, expressed appreciation to the Board for approval of the renourishment funds. The Commissioners were invited to visit Kure Beach at any time. commissioner Barone requested the Deputy County Manager to comment on the fund balance of the Room Occupancy Tax Fund and how projects of this size could impact these funds in the future since, in her opinion, this will not be a one-time request. Deputy County Manager Atkinson reported since the fund was started in 1984, funds in the amount of $2.5 million have been expended for erosion control projects. The remaining funds collected through the Room Occupancy Tax have been placed in a fund with a current balance of approximately $7 million to be used in case of an emergency, such as a hurricane. The $i.4 million appropriated to the Town of Kure Beach will come from this fund. This is the largest request for anyone project; however, cost estimates by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers are very conservative and in the past, funds have always been returned on the beach renourishment projects. Hopefully, this will occur with this project. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO CONTACT THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS FOR ENACTMENT OF FEDERAL LEGISLATION AUTHORIZING LOCAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF THE FLOW OF SOLID WASTE . County Manager O'Neal reported on the problems experienced at WASTEC relative to flow control and requested the Commissioners to adopt a resolution requesting the N. C. General Assembly to urge theU. S. Congress :to enact flow control legislation that will allow local governments to control the flow of solid waste. The resolution also requests the N. C. General Assembly to provide for j / MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1994 56 alternative revenue mechanisms for the funding of solid waste management programs. Motion: Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to adopt the resolution as presented by staff. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ., A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 8. o MEETING SCHEDULED ON JUNE 2, 1994, TO REVIEW CONSULTANT'S REPORT ON FIRE PROTECTION FOR THE NORTH WILMINGTON FIRE DISTRICT County Manager O'Neal reported the consultant's draft report on the North Wilmington Fire District has been received. The three recommendations presented involve paid staff, and it is felt a Work Session should be scheduled for discussion of this report. . commissioner Sisson recommended holding a Work Session with the consultant for presentation of the study and then scheduling a joint Work Session with the Board of Fire Commissioners. He complimented the consultant on the manner in which the report was prepared and stated the document is very clearly outlined and easily read. Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to schedule a Work Session on Thursday, June 2, 1994, at 10:15 A.M. with the consultant for a presentation of the report on fire protection for.the North wilmington Fire District. Commissioner Sisson recommended requesting a joint meeting with the Board of Fire Commissioners at one of their r,egular meetings. County Manager O'Neal reported he will check into the date of the Fire Commission's June meeting and report back to the Board. o ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Adoption of Proclamation Designating May 14, 1994, as "Letter, Carriers' Food Drive Day" in New Hanover county Chairman Greer reported the Food Bank has requested adoption of a proclamation designating May 14, 1994, as "Letter Carriers' Food Drive Day" in New Hanover County. , '1 Motion: After discussion, commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to adopt the proclamation. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the proclamation is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 8. Authorization for the Chairman to write a Letter to the N.C. High School Athletic Association Requesting that the New Hanover High School Baseball Team be Allowed to Participate in the 1995 Upper Declt Classic Chairman Greer reported the commissioners. have been asked to' write 'a letter to the N. C. High School Athletic Association requesting an exemption from a state ruling to allow the New. Hanover High School Baseball Team to play in the 1995 Upper Deck Classic. The State has a rule that prohibits high school ball players from playing more than three games in a seven day'perioa. Because of this rUling, the New Hanover High School Baseball Team cannot participate in the 1995 Upper Deck Classic in California. He requested direction from the Board. o l Motion: commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner cast.er to authorize the Chairman to write a letter as requested. upon , , . ~ . . ,_.", ,... vote, the MOTION'CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . . ...1 ., 'l'\.;l' """"Ill ~~:..~ 'Y. 'J MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1994 . 57 e Request from the New Hanover Schools for Use of an Existing Task Force for the Intervention/prevention Grant Program " Chairman Greer reported a letter has been received from Dr. Marc sosne, the Interim Superintendent of Schools, requesting the Commissioners to consider allowing the schools to use an existing Task Force as the committee for the Intervention/Prevention Grant Program in lieu of this Task Force being appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. He stated, personally, he is not in favor of this idea and would recommend that names of interested persons be submitted to the Commissioners with appointments being ma~e by the Board. County Manager O'Neal reported he will place this item on the agenda for May 16, 1994. Request from Governor James B. Hunt, Jr. for Submission of Nominees to Serve on the Coastal Resources commission Chairman Greer requested each Commissioner to read the letter from Governor Hunt and forward nominees to him so applications can be returned to the Office of the Governor by May 31, 1994, for appointments to the Coastal Resources Commission. e Announcement of Legislative Briefing Sponsored by the N. C. Association of County commissioners on June 8, 1994, in Raleigh, North Carolina Chairman Greer requested each Commissioner to inform the Clerk if they wish to attend the Legislative Briefing to be held on June 8, 1994, in Raleigh, N. C. The Board will meet with the local Legislative Delegation that evening. Discussion of Fire Protection for the North Wilmington Fire District Commissioner .Sisson reported meetings have been held with the representatives of the various industries located on Highway 421 North before the consultant was hired. During these meetings, he made it very clear that providing this level of fire service would not be cheap and that the industries would be expected to contribute. Also, discussion was held on the possibility of an assessment. Commissioner Sisson explained he was notifying the Commissioners of these discussions in case these topics 'should surface during the Work Sessions on fire coverage fGr the North Wilmington Fire District and someone indicated otherwise. Status Report on the Hiring of an Interim Director for the Southeastern Center Commissioner Sisson reported the Executive Committee of the Southeastern Center Board of Directors will meet Wednesday night to hire an interim director. Applications for a full-time director will be closed on April 30, 1994. Once this process is completed, the Center will be ready to move forward and provide the level of services needed in our area. e Request for a Review of the Zoning Ordinance Commissioner Sisson commented on providing more flexibility in dealing with specific uses when considering rezoning requests in terms of site design and requested t~e Board to consider a review of the Zoning Ordinance. If this review is not performed, the County will go into the 21st Century with an outdated zoning structure. Discussion of Slide Presentation and Maps for ~lanning Items Vice-Chairman Mathews reported the slides presented by "the Planning Department were excellent and most beneficial. He expressed concern for map presented in the agenda packet on Page 35 and stated it is impossible to read. He commented on this matter being discussed several times in the past and requested staff to present maps that are readable. ~ / ( MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY.2, 1994 rr/'" ~ 58 Chairman Greer recommended providing identification markers on the maps clearly indicating where the site is located. For example, identification of a well know store in an area would be most beneficial in locating the exact site. County Manager O'Neal recommended having one map in each agenda packet that will clearly identify all the zoning requests for that agenda. After further discussion, the County Manager was requested to provide some form of identification on the maps when presented in the agenda packet. o t upcoming Taxation and Finance steering Committee Meeting Commissioner Barone reported she and the Deputy County Manager will be attending the Taxation & Finance Steering Committee next week where discussion will be held on the intangibles tax. The North Carolina Association of county Commissioners is opposing the removal of the tax. commissioner sisson reported he is in favor of removing the intangibles tax with use of the sales tax or income tax to replace the loss revenue. In his opinion, the wrong message ,is sent out when people are taxed for food and the money they save. , Commissioner Barone reported there is proposal in the State House which recommends removing the intangibles tax with use of the sales tax to replace loss revenue. Announcement of Welfare Reform and Poverty Reduction Seminar sponsored by. the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation Commissioner Caster announced he will be attending one day of the Welfare Reform and poverty Reduction Seminar sponsored by the z. Smith Reynolds Foundation on May 5, 1994. Announcement of open House at the East Carolina vocation Center on May 18, 1994 Commissioner Caster commented on the memorandum forwarded to the Commissioners relative to using KEYS for a MURF Center. He announced there will be an Open House at the East Carolina Vocation Center on May 18, 1994,. to demonstrate the project proposed at KEYS. Since he has a prior commitment, the Director of Environmental Management, Ray Church, or a member of his staff will be attending the event. . o ADJOURNMENT Chairman Greer adjourned the meeting at 10:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~~~~ Clerk to the Board '- o """ .. ..~....