1994-06-02 Work Session e e e """"'III 'MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, JUNE 2, 1994 . PRESENTATION OF REPORT ON U. S. HIGHWAY 421 CORRIDOR PAGE 103 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Work Session on Thursday, June 2, 1994, at 10:30 A.M. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut street, Wilmington"N. C. Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A. Caster; William E. Sisson, Jr.; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr,; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley, and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Greer called the Work Session to order and reported the purpose of the meeting was to hear a presentation from the fire consultant on the U. S. Highway 421 Corrido~ Fire Protection study. PRESENTATION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY U.S HIGHWAY 421 CORRIDOR FIRE PROTECTION ASSESSMENT Director of Emergency Management, Dan Summers, commented on the excellent manner in which the report is prepared and introduced Mr. Dennis Moffett and Mark Scott with Emergency Response and Planning Management, Inc. Mr. Moffett reported ~he study is intended to offer viable alternative solutions for providing effective professional fire protection for the industrial and commercial facilities and residents located in the North Wilmington Fire District. Fire protection in this area was previously provided by the North Wilmington Volunteer Fire Department, which has since ceased to exist. As a result of an in-depth interview process involving representatives from eleven of the fire district's larger or more unique industrial and commercial facilities and fire officials from both the City and County, three options were prepared. This interview process was used to identify the fire loads, hazardous materials, and risks common to this area. The results indicate the need for full-time, professional fire fighters to service the Fire District's needs, and a County Fire Administrator to facilitate and coordinate the County's overall fire protection program. Based upon discussion with County and City fire officials, it was assumed that the current contract between the County and the City of Wilmington for the City to provide hazardous materials response in the County's unincorporated areas would continue to be renewed annually. The following options were presented: Option I - TWenty-one full-time fire fighters, working 4-man crews, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year: All fire fighters would be trained to the Fire Fighter II and Hazardous Materials Technician Level status and provide pre-planning and other tasks. Backup support personnel would be provided through mutual aid agreements with other fire departments. New Hanover County would retain the county-wide ha~ardous materials emergency response contract with the city of Wilmington. Salaries, training, personnel equipment, trucks, and all other minimal requirements would cost approximately $2.2 million over a three-year implementation period. option iI - Fourteen fire fighters, working 4-man crews during the day, with 2-man crews during the night and weekends, 365 days per year: All fire fighters. would be trai.ned to the Fire Fighter II and .Hazardous Materials Technician Level status and provide pre- planning and other tasks. Backup support personnel would be provided through mutual aid agreements with other fire departments. New Hanover County would retain the county-wide hazardous materials emergency response contract with the City of Wilmington. The .... /- ( MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, JUNE 2, 1994 PRESENTATION OF REPORT ON U. S. HIGHWAY 421 CORRIDOR PAGE 104 estimated cost for all salaries and minimal equipment would be approximately $1. 7 million over a three-year implementation period. I Option III - Eleven full-time fire fighters, working 2-man crews with backup volunteer support, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year: All fire fighters would be trained to the Fire Fighter II and Hazardous Materials Technician Level status and provide pre- planning and other tasks. Backup support personnel would be provided through mutual aid agreements with other fire departments. New Hanover County would retain the county-wide hazardous materials emergency response contract with the City of Wilmington. The estimated cost for implementation of this option over a three-year period would be $1.4 million. Each option varies primarily in the number of permanent personnel hired, and as a consequence, the degree of dependance upon support received from County volunteer fire departments to provide effective response in the North Wilmington Fire District. The success of implementing any of the three options is largely dependent upon the County hiring a Fire Administrator to coordinate and facilitate the County's fire service operations. . Charts reflecting the complete phasing of each option were presented. In summary, all the options call for the institution of-a County Fire Administrator to oversee the efforts of all volunteer fire depart~ents. Each option utilizes paid, professional fire fighters trained to the Fire Fighter II level and the Hazardous Materials Technician Level status. The options vary only in the number of paid fire fighters and range from 21 professional first responders to 11 fire fighters providing a level of fire protection acceptable to the industries, businesses, and homeowners located in the North Wilmington Fire District. Total three-year costs range from $2,207,755 for 21 fully trained and equipped personnel, to 1'1 professional fire fighters at a cost of $1,433,180. It is felt that for any option to succeed a Fire Administrator within County government must be established. Such an individual. would coordinate and facilitate county-wide fire services to include monitoring the effectiveness of the County's volunteer fire departments; maintaining training standards and standard operating procedures; initiating ISO requirements; developing ,grant proposals for government funding of the fire fighting equipment and training; maintaining stringent standards for the purpose of uniformity when new or used equipment is purchased; and otherwise insuring the coordination and sCheduling of volunteer support for each volunteer fire department in New Hanover County. . Discussion was held on ISO ratings. Mr. Mark Scott reported if a fire district meets certain ISO requirements, the property owners in that district would receive an insurance premium reduction in their, homeowner's insurance. For example" a district meeting the 9S requirements would give each homeowner in this district a reduction of approximately 10% in lieu of a class 10 rating. Presently, some volunteer fire departments have met the 9S requirements but do not have enough personnel to perform the paperwork required to change the classification. If the County hired a full-time Fire Administrator, this type of ,work would be completed and the homeowners in this district would receive a reduction in insurance premiums. ; Di~cussion was held ori the various types. of hazardous materials on the'U. S. Highway 421 Corridor. Mr:'Moffett reported there are' 160 different' hazardous materials in this 'area'; therefore, professional fire fighters with properly equipped fire trucks'are needed to provide adequate fire protection. " " . . ~ , ." . '. ' . Chairman Greer inquired as to whether the study considered the possibility of contracting with the city of Wilmington Fire l o o o """"'l1lI '!,~i!''I1j ~ '" MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, JUNE 2, 1994 PRESENTATION OF REPORT ON U. S. HIGHWAY 421 CORRIDOR PAGE 105 Department to cover the North Wilmington Fire District since they are equipped to handle hazardous w~ste incidents? e Mr. Scott reported discussion was held with the Wilmington Fire 'Chief, who was most cooperative, and stated the Wilmington Fire Department would consider providing protection for this area contingent upon the County paying upfront costs, manpower, and . equipment with a fee paid to the City for this protection. In other words, the City would require the County to purchase the equipment with placement of a substation on the site; pay the fire fighters; pay the administrative costs; and pay expenses based upon an annual contract. commissioner Sisson commented on the differences between the City Fire Code and the County Fire Code, which would have t9 be worked out before the city could assume this responsibility. Also, the equipment would have to be the same as the city's equipment, which is based on hydrant availability and a certain hydrant flow. Discussion was held on use of the existing building on property owned by Cape Industries. Director of Emergency Management, Dan Summers, reported this building was euilt by the Fire commission for the North Wilmington Volunteer Fire Department several years ago with lease of the land for $1. 00 'annually. Geographically, this site is a perfect location because it meets the 5-mile radius requirement and vacant land is available. The building is a prefabricated structure and was not designed for crew quarters; however, this type of building can be easily modified. e commissioner Sisson commented on the 4-person crew and inquired as to whether this size of crew will be adequate when the industrial area is completely developed along the 421 Corridor? Mr. Scott responded the 4-person crew will be adequate for the near future and will cover 90% of the calls received. The remaining 10% is an unknown factor. Regardless of the crew size, the county will have to rely on mutual aid agreements and response from the volunteer fire departments. Chairman Greer commented on New Hanover County' having volunteer fire departments funded by the Fire District and inquired as to whether this type of service district is being used by other local governments? Mr. Scott reported this is quite common throughout the State. In most counties, the Fire District submits a budget to the County Manager with a complete review of the budget. Based on the evaluation of the property within that district'the fire tax is established. county Manager O'Neal reported 'in Cumberland County, there are 22 fire districts with each district having its own budget and tax rate. New Hanover County has one Fire Service District with one tax rate for all the volunteer fire - departments which, in his opinion, is more equitable. e Chairman Greer inquired as to whether departments are trying to become paid departments the technician level of training? volunteer fire in order to reach Mr. Scott reported volunteer fire fighters are struggling to reach the technician level, which is very difficult, since most of them have full-time jobs. Also, there is a possibil'ity that volunteer fire services will not exist in ten years because of the additional training required to meet federal and state guidelines. Due to these changes, volunteer firemen and paid fire personnel are being used to provide fire services. ...oIIl ~ ( MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, JUNE 2, 1994 PRESENTATION OF REPORT ON U. S. HIGHWAY 421 CORRIDOR PAGE 106 Chairman Greer stressed the importance of deciding on what direction the County should proceed in before making a decision. Does the County want to work out a joint agreement with the city of Wilmington Fire Department; or does the County want to hire a Fire Administrator and establish a paid/volunteer fire service, which would be quite costly and in ten years may not adequately provide the qualify of fire protection needed in this area. He urged the Commissioners to review the study before deciding on this matter. o commissioner sisson agreed and recommended thoroughly exploring the possibility of working with the city of Wilmington in meeting the present and future needs for fire protection in this area. Director Summers reported working with the City is certainly a possibility; however, the city does not have reserve equipment or personnel to cover this area. The overhead and start-up for any of th~ options presented will not cost more than contracting with the City of Wilmington Fire Department. An advantage of the County being involved is the capability of having reserve public safety forces during a disaster, such as a hurricane, in lieu of a contracted service. After further discussion of the options presented, Commissioner sisson expressed appreciation to Mr. Moffett and Mr. Scott for an excellent report which provided a thorough assessment of the hazardous materials in this area. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Greer reported a meeting has been scheduled with the Board of Fire Commissioners on June 22, 1994, at 7:00 P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse. Chairman Greer adjourned the meeting at 11:45 A.M. o " Respectfully submitted, , ~V~. Lucie F. Harrell , Clerk. to the Board " .. .... ! " ,I: o " . - ~ , ..