1994-06-02 Budget Work Session e e e "'lIIl MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION, JUNE 2, 1994 PAGE 107 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Budget Work Session on Thursday, June 2, 1994, at 12:50 P.M. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A. Caster; William E. Sisson, Jr.; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen 0' Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Greer called the Budget Work Session to order. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED FY 1994-95 FIRE DISTRICT BUDGET commissioner Sisson reported on the following increases and decreases in the Fire District Budget: (1) winter Park Volunteer Fire Department: $5,000 increase,to upgrade worn out equipment. (2) Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department: $5,010 increase for modifications to a pick-up truck used as a"water point truck. (3) Ogden Volunteer Fire Department: $10,000 decrease due to equipment payments that were paid in advance during last year. (4) Federal Point Volunteer Fire Department: $2,400 increase to retire debt service on equipment. (5) Seagate Volunteer Fire Department: $10,995 for purchase of a water tanker. Discussion was held on the generation of revenues versus expenses in the Fire District account. Budget Director, Cam Griffin, reported an administrative reserve is being established because current expenditures are more than current revenues. commissioner Sisson reported discussion has been held on increasing fire inspection fees to cover the cost; however, because of the various types of inspections, this cost cannot be fully recovered. Also, the tower for the 800 mhz system is coming out of Fire District funds. Commissioner Barone inquired as to why the budget request for the Castle Hayne Volunteer Fire Department was not cut by $1,500 when the Director of Emergency Management had recommended this reduction? . commissioner Sisson reported Castle Hayne does not have a water tanker and at the present time a tanker can be purchased at a reasonable price. Since this Volunteer Fire Department provides coverage to areas with very few water sources, it was the opinion of the Fire Commission that funds. should be budgeted to purchase the tanker. After further discussion, commissioner Sisson complimented the Board of Fire Commissioners for the preparation of the proposed budget. One member of the Fire Commission, Dennis PinhO, has recommended moving from a line item budget for the Volunteer Fire Departments to a category budget. This will allow the departments to shift money back and forth within the categories without budget amendments.. It was generally agreed that a category budget would be more appropriate for the Fire District. j / r MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION,.JUNE 2, 1994 PAGE 108 DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED FY 1994-95 COUNTY BUDGET Chairman Greer announced this is an opportunity for the Commissioners to address items of concern before adoption of the FY 1994-95 County Budget. After a lengthy discussion on the various items of concern the Board agreed to modify the proposed budget as follows: (1) Transfer $15,000 from the Department of Aging to the Food Bank of Coastal Carolina. (2) Fund the Community Penalties Program by $10,000. (3) Fund Soil & Water Conservation by $1,000. (4) Add funds in the amount of $30,031 to the Department of Aging for increasing two half-time temporary positions to two full-time permanent positions. (5) Move funds budgeted as a contribution to the Airport to "rent" in the Sheriff's Department. (6) Move $2,500 for fireworks from Riverfest to the N. C. Battleship Commission for a VJ Day fireworks display during Riverfest. (7) Add $7,166 to the Museum to move two temporary part-time positions to full-time temporary positions with no benefits. Discussion was held on the recommendations submitted by the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee. Chairman Greer expressed concern for some- outside agencies receiving more funds than requested and other agencies, who have received funding in the past, not being recommended to receive any funding. Budget Director Griffin reported the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee worked with the same of amount of funds as budgeted in FY 1993-94. The Committee reviewed each agency and allocated funds based upon the services rendered and the benefit of these services to the community. The Commissioners may wish to use the Human Services Allocation Advisory Comm.ittee for preparing funding recommendations for CBA agencies only, not for the outside agencies that receive funding from the county's general fund. County Manager O'Neal reported the funding of outside agencies could become a "pork barrel" issue and stated utilizing the services of the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee allows a review of these agencies in a completely objective manner. In his opinion, the Committee performs an excellent job and relieves the commissioners from a very time consuming process. Discussion was held on the additional position requested for the Register of D~ds Office. It was generally agreed to allow the Human Resources Director and MIS Director to review the complete functions of the office before approvi~g an additional position. Once the review is completed, a recommendation will be presented to the Board. Discussion was held on the proposed budget for New Hanover County Schools. Commissioner Sisson stressed the importance of ensuring that monies allocated for renovations a~d maintenance in th~ School Budget are spent on these items. The general public is quite concerned about the condition of schools and would like some form of assurance that maintenance will be performed on current and future burldings. He requested County Manager O'Neal to present a recommendation. County Manager O'Neal reported under North carolina General Statutes the County can allocate funds by purpose, function or project as defined in the uniform budget format of the schools. o o o e e - """"IIIl ~41.;'::t~ i".' <., MINUTES OF BUDGET WORK SESSION, JUNE 2, 1994 PAGE 109 The Commissioners can request the Board of Education to forward written monthly reports on certain expenditures in order for the County to review and monitor these expenditures. The Commissioners would have to decide the amount to be allocated for maintenance and specify in the County's Budget Ordinance that any decrease or increase above 10% percent would have to be approved by the Board of County commissioners. The monthly reports would have to be monitored each month to keep up with expenditures. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed to adopt the School Budget as proposed and request the Board of Education, in accordance with N. C. General Statutes 115C-429(b) to furnish a monthly report on the physical maintenance of the buildings and the renovations that are not included in the bond issue. This will allow the County to build a track record on how funds are being expended for maintenance and renovations. COMMISSIONER WILLIAM A. SISSON, JR. EXCUSED FROM THE MEETING Commissioner Sisson was excused from the meeting at 2:30 P.M. Discussion was held on the request by the Veterans Council for hiring a full-time County employee as the Veterans Service Officer. commissioner Barone reported that Mr. Harold Davis did not realize that Mr. Townsend has not requested a full-time County employee as the Veterans Services Officer. Budget Director with Mr. Townsend, aJ;'rangement. Griffin reported this matter was discussed and he was satisfied with the present It was agreed for the appropriation to remain as budgeted last year. County Manager O'Neal reported the County has allocated $200,000 to the schools for a special pension fund. The schools can go another year without using these funds for this purpose and the $200,000 can be given to the schools to assist them with continuing the newly implemented programs, such as year around schools. After further discussion, it was agreed for the County to fund the pension plan by $100,000 and allow the schools to use the remaining $100,000 as they so desire. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Greer adjourned the meeting at 2:59 P.M. Respectfully submitted, rA2'v~/~ ~::::. 'H~n.=ell Clerk to the Board j