1994-07-14 Work Session e e e ""11II .MINUTES OF STRATEGIC PLANNING WORK SESSION JULY 14, 1994 PAGE 190 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Work Session with the New Hanover County strategic Planning Council on Thursday, July 14, 1994, at 10:45 A.M. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Chairman Greer called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. He announced the purpose of the Work Session is to discuss the strategic Plan for New Hanover County with the members of the Strategic Planning Council before accepting this plan as an official document. He commented on the valuable information contained in the plan, but stated, in his opinion, he feels the' Commissioners will not agree with all of the recommendations presented. Mr. Jonathan Alper, Chairman of the strategic Planning Council, reported the members of the Council are present and will be glad to answer any questions. All five committees worked separately and prepared reports with the entire Council reading and re-reading each report before the final draft was completed. The following items were discussed: Solid Waste Disposal: Commissioner sisson commented on the recommendation of the Council for development of a comprehensive plan for a mandatory, County managed trash collection system and requested an explanation of the rationale behind this recommendation as opposed to other options. Mr. Fred Retchin, a member of the strategic Planning Council, reported .after analyzing solid waste disposal, it was concluded that a mandatory trash collection system would be the most efficient, effective, and cheapest way to manage trash collection in New Hanover County. Mr. Jonathan Alper reported the taxpayers will pay the additional funds needed to operate the incinerator if trash is carried out of New Hanover County; therefore, in order to provide the volume of trash needed, a County managed mandatory system is needed. This would be accomplished by contracting with one contractor, selected through the open bid process with the bid awarded to the contractor offering the best service at the lowest possible cost. Chairman Greer commented on the misunderstandings and complexity of solid waste disposal and reported most people are not aware that residential collection represents only 30% of the waste stream. The remaining 70% of the waste stream is commercial disposal. A lengthy discussion was held on using revenue generated through the property tax as the funding source for disposal of both residential and commercial wastes. commissioner Barone expressed concern for asking the residential taxpayers to pay for disposal of commercial waste and stated, in her opinion, she does not feel this is fair. . Mr. Retchin reported using the property tax revenue may be the cheapest method of disposal for the taxpayer. The key issue to consider is the most efficient manner in which to dispose of solid waste. If the property tax rate was increased to generate enough revenue to cover disposal of solid waste, both commercial and residential, the cost per property owner may not be any more than what property owners are currently paying. Perhaps, this figure should be analyzed. Chairman Greer commented on raising taxes as the easiest solution to funding shortfalls and strongly objected to resolving ~ MINUTES OF STRATEGIC PLANNING WORK, SESSION JULY 14, 1994 PAGE 19J: this issue by increasing the tax rate by eight or nine cents. In summary, it was generally concluded that solid waste disposal is a major problem that New Hanover County will have to address by July 1, 1995, if federal legislation is not enacted to allow the county to implement a flow control ordinance. Chairman Greer reported the incinerator is operating very efficiently and revenues have increased. Due to the outstanding management of the County Manager and the Environmental Management Staff, the loss of revenue from the reduction of the tip fee from $60 to $30, which had to be taken from the undesignated fund balance, has not decreased as much as anticipated. There is a possibility that this balance has increased. o Consolidation: commissioner sisson commented on the number of times that consolidation was mentioned in the plan and asked if this issue should be re-visited from ground zero, or should the previous study be used as a beginning point? Mr. Alper reported consolidation was never discussed as a separate issue by the strategic Planning Council; however, when reports were received from the four committees, three of the four committees recommended some form of consolidation. These recommendations were received before the City announced the proposed annexation; therefore, the time could be right to re-visit this issue. Mr. Retchin recommended using the previous consolidation study with a review of the former charter. The charter can be modified as needed, and the fact that the City may annex 50% of the remaining unincorporated County will generate more interest and support from County residents. o Mr. Frank Conlon reported in 1991, a survey showed that 39.4% of registered voters were opposed to consolidation. In 1993, 56.6% agreed with consolidation which is a fairly significant difference. Also, the 1993 survey was taken before the city announced its anne~ation plans. commissioner Caster inquired as to whether consolidation should include_Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach? Mr. Retchin reported the former charter did not include the other municipalities because the beaches did not want to be included at that time; however, it was assumed these municipalities would join at a later date. The strategic Planning Council has recommended that a new committee be formed to re-draft the legislation. The former charter could be used for the re-drafting process. A key item pushing consolidation is the merger of law enforcement, which was not clearly define in the former charter. commissioner ~aster inquired as to why consolidation of the Police Department would be so difficult? Mr. Retchin reported the Sheriff is well respected in New Hanover County and there is no reason not to consider the Sheriff as the lead officer. This position would be elected with the people making the decision. Also, the charter did not include district representation, which should be studied and considered in the review process. o Further discussion was held on district representation in'a county no larger than New Hanover county. Mr. Retchin reported on a county-wide basis district representation should be considered. For example, if the consolidated board was composed of nine elected officials, four of the members should be elected by districts or chosen by districts and elected at-large. . e e e ""Ill ~~:", MINUTES' OF STRATEGIC PLANNING WORK SESSION JULY 14, 1994 PAGE 192 Ms.. Janice Cavenaugh reported district representation was not the opinion of all the members of the strategic Planning Council. Chairman Greer inquired as to the recommendation for increasing the number of County commissioners, regardless of whether consolidation is considered, and requested an explanation of this suggestion. Mr. Retchin reported this recommendation was the result of a low minority representation on governirig boards which could result in bad feelings. In his opinion, there will be increasing pressure for district elections in the future. Mr. Rippy inquired as to why districts should be established? In his opinion, due to rapid growth in the County the representation per person has decreased; therefore, the number of Commissioners may need to be expanded. When the strategic Planning Council discussed this recommendation, he felt this was the reason for increasing the membership of the board. As to districts, it would not be beneficial for in-fighting to occur among the various sections of the County. This has been experienced in other counties with district elections. Mr. Alper reported New Hanover County has annexation by the city. the next two years may be the last chance to control its destiny with the proposed In his opinion, this is a major issue. After further discussion, it was agreed that consolidation is a major issue that should be discussed. Chairman Greer reported the Board may wish to use the members of the strategic Planning Council t~ study this important issue. Canon Edwin Smith, a member of the strategic Planning Council, reported he would be glad to serve on a committee appointed to study consolidation. Cooperation Between the New Hanover county Board of Education and Cape Fear Coliununity college Board of Trustees: Commissioner sisson commented on this recommendation and inquired as to how the County Commissioners can assist in this area. Mr. Buzz Birzenieks, a member of the Strategic Advisory Council, reported there are some recommendations that cannot be addressed by the Board of County Commissioners but can be supported by the Board. The Committee felt it was very important to develop a cooperative program of vocational education to provide a skilled work force for local industry. Mr. Frank Conlon reported in order to recruit industry, a well trained, educated; and skilled workforce must be provided locally. During the time that discussion was occurring for development of a cooperative program of vocational education, the Board of Education and Cape Fear Community College did not follow.through with this plan. The Economic Committee felt this should be a recommendation to provide the quality workforce needed in New Hanover County.. Ms. Janice Cavenaugh, Chairman of the Board of Education and a member oL the Education Committee, reported there is a cooperative agreement with Cape Fear Community College; however, the Education Committee felt this effort should be strengthened. She expressed concern for hearing there is no cooperative relationship between the two boards. Presently, both boards. are working on a stronger cooperative agreement to ensure that the workforce is well trained and skilled. Ms. L'inda pea;ce, a member of the strategic Planning Council,. stressed the importance of the public schools providing trade courses to children beginning at an early age. Many children will ..oIIIl MINUTES OF STRATEGIC PLANNIN~ WORK SESSION JULY 14, 1994 . PAGE 193 not be attending college and need to learn a trade that will provide good paying jobs. In summary, it was agreed that a vocational training center should be established and businesses should be asked to participate in the training programs through intern training. . Discussion of Room Occupancy Tax Distribution Formula Commissioner Barone reported the revenue collected from the 3% Room Occupancy Tax is currently distributed as follows: (1) 75% for beach renourishment; and 25% for tourism which is used to operate the New Hanover County Convention and visitors Bureau (CVB) . As a Board Member of CVB, an attempt is being made to change the percentage of distribution as follows: 40% for Tourism 60% for Beach Renourishment or 50% for Tourism 50% for Beach Renourishment The county's Finance Director, Bruce Shell, prepared figures on the additional funds that will be received by CVB if the distribution, formula is changed. The figures show that if the additional funds are used for advertising, tourism will increase, which will increase the overall amount of revenue generated ,by the Room Occup~ncy Tax and allow for the same amount of money to be appropriated to the Beach Renourishment Fund. These figures were presented to the Carolina Beach Town Council and the Council voted to approve a change in the formula with 60% for beach renourishment and 40% for tourism. The Town of Kure Beach will probably support ~he same formula change; however, the Wrightsville Beach Mayor is not supportive of a formula change. The CVB will continue to work toward changing the distribution formula. Mr. Alper reported the Strategic Planning council discussed changing the percentage distribut;,ion as long as a certain fund balance is maintained in the Beach Renourishment Fund. Any additional funds would be used py CVB for advertising. If the Beach Renourishment Fund should have to be used for a project and the balance of the account fell below a certain level, the formula would revert back to 75% for beach renourishment and 25% for tourism until the fund balance was restored. commissioner Barone reported changing the formula requires state legislation; therefore, constantly changing the formula would be rather awkward and inconvenient. Mr. Frank Conlon stressed the importance of spending more money for advertising in New Hanover County. wi th the present competition for tourism, CVB has only $316,000 annually to spend on advertising. The City of Fayetteville spends $500,000 annually for advertising; High Point $570,000 annually; Carteret County $650,000 annually; Pinehurst $650,000 annually; Winston-Salem $1,000,000 annually; Raleigh $1,100,000 annually; Greensboro $1,250,000 annually; Durham $1,400,000; Dare County $1,600,000 annually; Asheville $1,700,000 annually; and Charlotte/Mecklenburg $2,750,000 annually. It is difficult for New Hanover County to compete with these other areas with the small amount of funds appropriated for advertising. Large ads placed in leading publications, such as Southern Living, are expensive. The commissioners were urged to support a change in the distribution formula. commissioner Barone reported CVB does not advertise for summer tourism. All funds are spent to advertise the shoulder season, which is from March through November. No funds are spent to bring more people to the beach during the summer. o o o e e e ...... ~~' :<'i ! MINUTES OF STRATEGIC PLANNING WORK SESSION JULY 14, 1994 PAGE 194 Other Items of Concern Ms. Linda Pearce expressed concern for the and urged the commissione~s to move forward with items: following issues addressing these (1) The County must begin to fund preventive programs to reduce the amount of services now being provided by the Depa~tment of Social Services. (2) The County must recognize the rapid growth in the elderly population and the costs involved with providing services for these individuals. Discussion of Accepting the strategic Plan Discussion was held on acceptance of the report by the Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Greer reported he does nO.t agree with all of the recommendations in the report, but he would be in favor of using this plan as a guide for the future. commissioner Sisson commented on information contained in the report and urged the Commissioners to use the plan and not let it sit on a shelf. Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED to accept the report. The MOTION WAS WITHDRAWN because no official actign can be taken at a Work Session. Vice-Chairman Mathews reported 'he will move to accept the document as a guide at the meeting to be held on July ~8, 1994. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to the members of the Strategic Planning Council .for the excellent job performed in the preparing the Strategic Plan for New Hanover County. Chairman Greer adjourned the meeting at 12:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ Clerk to the Board ~ ....