1994-09-19 Regular Meeting e e e "'III 'M~NUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE '29'2 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, September 19, 1994, at 9:00 A.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A. Caster; William E. Sisson, Jr.; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Robert G. Greer; Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Greer called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Health Director, Robert Parker, gave the invocation. Vice-Chairman Mathews led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Greer inquired as to whether anyone from the general public would like to comment on an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or an item listed on the Consent Agenda. Comments on the proposed Revisions to the Animal Control Ordinance Ms. Ramona Doris, a resident of 4825 Long Branch Drive, expressed concern for the spread of rabies. She commented on being a pet owner and a lover of animals but expressed concern for domestic animals, particularly cats, coming in contact with wild animals carrying this dreadful disease. She also expressed concern for the use of chains or ropes to control dogs, which creates a more aggressive behavior in the pet, and increases the chance of someone being bitten by that animal. The Commissioners were urged to'adopt the proposed revisions to encourage more responsible pet owners and at the same time protect the general pUblic. ,~ 'Ms. Mary Ann Waldron, representing the Kennel Club, Humane Society, other animal protection groups and the public, requested the Commissioners to endorse the proposed revisions to the Animal Control Ordinanc;e. Emphasis was placed on the fact that 5,000 domestic animals were destroyed in New Hanover County during the past year with 50% of these animals turned in by their owners because they. no longer wanted the pets. During the past year, rabies, has spread to surrounding counties, and rabies will come to N~w:l Hanoyer cou,nty unless there is a change in the current ,regulations. The proposed revisions to the Animal Control Ordinance will tighten the loopholes to counter irresponsible pet owners as well as provide a mechanism to the Animal Control Division to encourage people to take better care of their pets and protect the pub;ic. with the new Animal Control Facility under construction, the proposed revision will provide the necessary regulations f,or' the Animal Control Division to do the best job pbssible and, make the best use of this new facility. ',' Ms:, 'Donna -, Neal, representing Dennis veterInarian andjmember of the Board of Health, re~ort since heicdtild not attend the meeting. Jackson, a local read the following .J~.; , '\ The following problems must be resolved: (1) Approximately 5,000 animals are destroyed annually between the Humane Society and the Animal Control Division. ~his figure represents 50% cats and 50% dogs. with{' no changes in the current regulations and the continued increase in urbanization of New Hanover County, the ",number of animals will increase. According to ..., ~ ~ current 'state records, there are approximately 52,000 .'l€' ,;,. !, j I / MINUTES. OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 293" dogs and cats in the county. This means that more animals will have to be destroyed. For every human baby born in the united states, there are 15 dogs born and almost 15 cats. In the united states 33,000 animals are destroyed each day representing a cost of six to eight million dollars to the taxpayers. The Animal Control Division receives negative publicity about destroying animals; however, 50% of the animals destroyed are turned in by their owners. . (2) Rabies is a real threat. It is not like polio, measles or mumps that have almost been eradicated. The disease is here and along the eastern seaboard. If a person is bitten and the inoculations are not given and the symptoms develop, medical science cannot offer any assistance. Cats are the biggest vector of rabies because they roam in the woods. Just because a cat or dog is wearing a rabies tag does not mean the animal has antibodies against rabies because of the FDA requirement of only 86% efficacy in the inoculations for the rabies vaccine. For every 100 dogs or cats vaccinated only 86% have to show antibodies for that vaccine to be approved by the FDA. Therefore, 14% of vaccinated pets that have a tag may not have the antibodies, and this is the reason why all animals have to be quarantined if they have bitten a human. The proposed revisions address this issue, and the current ordinance, which is 20 years old, needs to be amended to meet today's needs. Acceptance of FAA and N. C. Department of Transportation (N.C. DOT) Grants for New Hanover International Airport Mr. Robert J. Kemp, Director of the New Hanover International Airport, reported the Airport has been advised by the FAA that grant applications are being processed relative to the extension of Taxiway B. The Airport expects to receive grant funds in the amount of $1,594,075 in federal funds and other grant discretionary monies. In order to be eligibl~ to receive the grant awards, the Board of County Commissioners must adopt a resolution accepting the FAA and N. C. DOT grant offers. I I Motion: Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner sisson to accept the FAA and N.C. DOT grant offers, if and when they are offered, and authorize execution of the grants subject to concurrence by the County Attorney. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. commissioner Barone commented on the information faxed last week listing the total project at $1.7 million and inquired as to why the bid summary reflects the total project at $1.6 million? Airport Director Kemp reported the difference in the total project cost is for engineering fees and $3,000 for administrative costs at the Airport. The bids are only one component of the overall project. POSTPONEMENT OF ITEM 4 ON THE REGULAR AGENDA Chairman Greer announced that Dr. Dale Martin, superintendent of the New Hanover County Schools, could not be present due to a conflict in his schedule and has requested postponing the presentation on Total Quality 'Education for New Hanover county students until October 3, 1994. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Greer reported staff has requested removal of Budget Amendment #95-0046 listed as Item 11 (b) on the Consent Agenda because more time is needed to study the renovation of the county owned building at the corner of Fourth and Chestnut Streets. o o o ~.rq~.t~~:' :l:'.;~'~'~r,#i"'~~~~:~~?W~~~~~~~~ ~~;: ., "'Ill " -: "i ~?$~~i\i~d;.~l,~ ....~~.i\'~.;..";~:" MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 29:& Motion: Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to remove Budget Amendment #95-0046 listed under Item 11(b) on the Consent Agenda and approve the remaining items as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA e Approval of Minutes The Commissioners approved the minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 22, 1994, as presented by the Clerk to the Board. Adoption of Resolutions Requesting Addition of Roads to the State Maintained system The Commissioners adopted resolutions requesting the addition of roads in the Grove Point Subdivision, sections 1-2, and Wood Duck Forest Subdivision to the state Highway System. Copies of the resolutions are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 19. Adoption of Resolution Awarding Bid #95-0071 and Contract #95-0071 to Southchem, Inc. for Caustic Soda Liquid - WASTEC The Commissioners adopted a resolution awarding the bid to Southchem, Inc., the only responsible bidder, in the amount of $1.167 per gallon (price firm for only 30 days) for the provision of caustic soda liquid to the WASTEC Facility. Due to the high demand for caustic soda liquid and the price being unstable, Staff recommends approval of the contract even though the price is not fixed. The Chairman was authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. e ,. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 19. A copy of the contract is on file in the Legal Department. Adoption of Resolution Awarding the Travel Contract (#95-0072) to ~, Travel Agency .,i' .' The Commissioners adopted a resolution awarding the travel .>f... F , . . . . contract to AAA Travel Agency for the prov~s~on of travel serv~ces to New Hanover'County. The Chairman was authorized to execute the necessary coritract documents. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of tne minu~es and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 19. A copy of the contract is on file in the Legal Department. e Approval of Contract #95-0101 Between cape Fear Museum Associates, Inc. and New Hanover County Regarding Revenue-Sharing and Audit Requirements -cape Fear Museum The Commissioners approved a contract with Cape Fear Museum Associates, Inc. to allow this group to recoup one-third of the admission fees and,one-sixth of the program fees from the County. In 'exchange for the payback, Cape Fear Museum Associates, Inc. will coritinue to emp'loy-individuals to manage programming and volunteer recruitment asiwell as placement for the Cape Fear Museum. Also, the contract wilL allow Cape Fear Museum Associates, Inc. to be audited every two years rather than annually, since the expense of an annual audit is approximately $5,000. The Chairman was authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. A copy of the contract is on file in the Legal Department. ~,. - ,', !O;j\k ~do~tion of Res;iution to Authorize the Donation of surplus Office 'Items to the'New Hanover community Health Center It,. ""The Commissioners adopted a resolution authorizing the donation of: surplus miscellaneous office items at the Health Department to the~New Hanover Community Health Center ( a non- profi,t\,organization') at a market value of $738. j / / MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 295 A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 19. Tax Appeal on a 1991 Discovery for a 1982 Mazda owned by Albert Franklin Stevens III The Commissioners released the 1991 discovery charge for a 1982 Mazda owned by Albert F. stevens III as recommended by the Tax Administrator based upon communication of verbal and written information provided by Mr. stevens. The information pertaining to the tax appeal is on file in the Tax Office. o Release of Value - Tax Department The Commissioners released the following late listing penalties as recommended by the Tax Administrator as the taxpayers certified they were sick or had a death in the family during the listing period: Chatfield, Margaret M. Ford, Virginia B. Johnson, James N. $ 6.66 $16.18 $83.03 The Commissioners granted Senior citizen/Disability exclusions to the following persons: Jordan, Evelena Pecora, Margaret w. $15,000 $15,000 Applications and letters concerning the late filing are available upon request in the Tax office. Approval of Tax Collection Reports Through August 31, 1994 The Commissioners approved the following Tax Collection Reports through August 31, 1994: o New Hanover County Tax Collections New Hanover county Fire District Tax Collections Copies of the reports are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 19. Approval of Budget Amendment #95-0040 - Non-Departmental/outside Agencies/Economic & Physical Development/Airport The Commissioners approved the fOllowing Budget Amendment: 95-0040 Non-Departmental/Outside Agencies/Economic & Physical Development/Airport Debit Credit '\ Non-Departmental Contingencies $4,367 Outside Aqencies/Economic & Phvsical Development/Airport $4,367 Purpose: To transfer funds from contingencies for attorney professional services related to Leader Construction Company. Approval of Budget Amendment #94-0048 - Health Department/Risk Reduction/Injury Prevention The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: 94-0048 - Health Department/Risk Reduction/Injury Prevention o Debit Credit Health Dept./Risk Reduction/lniurv Prevention Risk Reduction/Accident Prevention Grant $2,500 Departmental Supplies $2,500 ; r~1~:f;,~1" ,,'fljF~.t~~~\ r~:'~:'>;;i:';; ~~'> : "'Ill \~'i. "'l~\,'Xi{.~;. 'A1<;, ;''';~' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 29>6 Purpose: To budget additional state grant funds for the Bicycle Helmet Safety Program. No county funds are required. RECOGNITION OF NEW EMPLOYEES Assistant County Manager Weaver introduced and recognized the following new County employees: e Beth Easley victoria Reid Jackie Oakes Julie Miller Barbara McInnes Jackie Watson Harriet Graves Carole Young Kathleen McLaren Gloria Williams Lori Gabardine Weslee McCaw Engineering Department Department of Aging Department of Aging New Hanover County Library New Hanover County Library Register of Deeds The Cape Fear Museum Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Health Department Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, welcomed the employees to New Hanover County and wished them well in their new positions. PRESENTATION OF Assistant persons to step SERVICE AWARDS County Manager Weaver requested forward to receive service awards: the following e Name Stanley G. Wardrip, Jr. Carl M. Willey James Derseraux, Jr. Barbara L. Rowe Sherry E. Brown Thelma L. Cade Phyllis A. Calder Mary M. Coulson Peggy W. Foose Diane S. Holmes LaWanda F. Jenkins Angela R. Lewis Judy A. 'Martin Tammi K. Jordan Norman H. Hanchey James B. Byrd Tracey C. Trusler Page S. Tootoo Gregory W, Dion Shirley S. Iiloyd Kim R. Evans'.: Vickey D. Jacobs Beverly L. V,ann B~rbara C. T~?c~ey S~na C. Vereen 5 Years of Service Emergency Medical Services Emergency Medical Services Property Management Cape Fear Museum Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Environmental Management Engineering Department Health Department Health Department Health Department Health Department Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Health Department Finance Department ~ Name Myron G.' Brown William A. Bullard "'i' Bettie J. Tindall Janis D. Wildemann Bettejean An~Jrson Wanda E. .Berl' oU via T.. 'La'i:"-,. l: . ,!!".-.. ,,"~; Raymond'L, 'Church Thurman D : Newkirk Trianna W, K~~~land R'onald T. CUl:'rie' Vonzella s."Jones Walter Avery/'fJr, Sam Burgtass j,' JC R:oland G'.,~'Regi!>t~r y': ,~*, , 10 Years of Service Property Management Property Management Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Department of Social Services Environmental Management Environmental Management Inspections Health Department Sheriff's Department Planning Department Planning Department Tax Department ~ / / I I I I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 297. Name Nancy S. Nelson 15 Years of Service Registrar of Deeds Name Orethia K. Brown 20 Years of Service Department of Social Services Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to these employees for their years of dedicated service to New Hanover County. PRESENTATION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY RETIREMENT PLAQUES Assistant County Manager Weaver requested the following employees to step forward to receive retirement plaques: Walter Williams, Inspections John Roggina, Sheriff's Department 9 months 2 months 10 years 23 years Mr. John Harvey, accepted a retirement plaque posthumously for his wife, Betsy C. Harvey, who retired after 13 years of service at the New Hanover County Library. Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to these employees for their dedicated years of loyal service to New Hanover County and wished them a happy retirement. PRESENTATION ON ESTABLISHMENT OF A FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER Mr. Jack Dunn, President of Crossroads North Carolina and representing Teams Southside, requested the Board of County Commissioners to endorse a grant application for establishment of a Family Resource Center to focus on the full needs of the family in a non-threatening environment. He reported Teams Souths ide is a collaboration of Wilmington; New Hanover County; North Carolina non-profit agencies; and the residents of the following public housing projects in souths ide wilmington: Hillcrest, Houston Moore, Jervay Place and Nesbitt Courts. The primary participants are the families of said housing projects, through their representatives; Cape Fear Community College; Center for Development and Learning, UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine; Crossroads of North Carolina, Inc; Department of Social Services; Employment Security commission; Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce; Methodist Home for Children; New Hanover County Schools; Wilmington Housing Authority; and the Wilmington Police Department. Teams Souths ide is designed to reach each child of souths ide public housing and their families by age three with focus on 75 families in the first year, growing to 300 by 1997. There will be five areas of focus: (1) transportation; (2) education, both child and adult; (3) occupation; (4) medical services; and (5) safety. The mission is to see that each child reached at an early age has the same opportunity for adult success as the most fortunate child in New Hanover County. A recent Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation study identified the following categories of major barriers that make it difficult for welfare dependent families to move toward economic independence: (1) a lack of jobs that pay a living wage; (2) regulatory barriers that deter poor families from taking the initiative to work, save and accumulate assets; and (3) a lack of access to integrated services that help poor families compete for and retain jobs that pay a living wage to include but not limited to education, job t~aining, day care, transportation, and positive role models. New Hanover county is fortunate to have a coalition that is uniquely equipped to overcome these barriers with the following assets: (1) Alan Jones, Executive Director of the wilmington Housing Authority, a person considered by HUD to be the foremost authority in the southeast in regard to self-sufficiency from the public housing point of view; 'and (2) the local Department of Social Services who administers the only program in a state-wide pilot designed to bring efficiency and common sense to the achievement of self- sufficiency. The N. C. Department of Human Resources had assured o o o e , I e e .. "IIIl <~.f''' '~~.~i'4t;;,'~~'i .7W'" -:),.N.j MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 298 the coalition that waivers will be granted from regulations that would stand in the way of reaching the local goal, which is to turn the souths ide public housing into a model of self-sufficiency for the state. Through the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, the private sector has become involved in ~n unprecedented manner. In summary, the Commissioners are being requested to endorse the grant application for establishment of the Family Resource Center. This project will coordinate nicely with a Family Investment Center competition grant through HUD ~ubmitted by the Wilmington Housing Authority. Also, the Commissioners are being asked to allow the County Manager to serve on th~ coalition group. Vice-Chairman Mathews asked if Teams souths ide refers only to New Hanover County, and if the statement by the Governor's Crime Commission is correct as referenced on Page 18, "that New Hanover County has the most violent two square miles in the state"? Mr. Dunn responded that Teams .Southside refers only to New Hanover County. As to the two most violent square miles in the state, the area has been identified as'running from Third street to Thirteenth street and from Greenfield street to Dawson street. Hopefully, this program will help to reduce crime in these areas. commissioner sisson commended the coalition for bringing numerous groups together around a central goal and focusing on a central effort. He requested that the group consider appointing a representative from the Southeastern Mental Health Center to serve on the coalition since a new Executive Director has been hired. Mr. Dunn responded he would like to meet with the new Executive Director and discuss this matter. Motion: Commissioner sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to endorse the grant application for establishment of a Family Resource Center as submitted by Teams Sou.thside. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER CABLE TELEVISION BASIC AND TIER SERVICE (FCC FORM 1200); EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION RATES (FCC FORM 1205) AND A-LA-CARTE SERVICES (FCC-FORM 1215) , Chairman Greer opened the Public Hearing. County Attorney Copley commented on the report prepared by Robert F. Sepe, the consultant, and requested the Commissioners to consider adopting the following orders for cable television rates: Falcon Cable Media's Basic'Tier, A-la-Carte Program, Equipment and Installation Rates: service: Basic $21.94 Equipment: Remote Control Addressable Converter $ .22 $ 2.11 Installation: Hourly Service Charge $45.31 Vision Cable Equipm!3nt .and is: of wilmington's Basic, Installation Rates: , Tier, A-la-Carte Program, service: Basic Tier $ 5.68 $13.64 j MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 299 Equipment: Remote Control $ Addressable Converter $ Non-Addressable Converter $ .19 1.84 .97 Installation: Hourly Service charge Unwired Home Pre-Wired Home Add'l Outlet at install. Add'l Outlet w/truck roll $15.31 $14.03 $12.76 $ 5.10 $ 7.65 o Chairman Greer inquired as to whether anyone from the general public would like comment. No remarks were received. Chairman Greer closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to adopt the orders reflecting the rates for Falcon Cable and Vision Cable. The Chairman was authorized to execute the necessary documents. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. commissioner Sisson commented on the complexity of federal regulations governing cable television and explained that New Hanover County is forced to rely on a qualified consultant to decipher these guidelines to ensure the County's compliance to the law. For the record, this should be noted in case an error should occur in the future. Copies of the orders are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 19. CONSIDERATION OF REVISIONS TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY ANIMALS AND FOWL ORDINANCE Heal th Director, Robert Parker, representing the Board of Health, requested the Board of County Commissioners to adopt the proposed revisions to the New Hanover County Animals and Fowls Ordinance. Every day in "New Hanover County, 14 animals are destroyed by the Humane society or the Animal Control Center because of irresponsible pet owners who allow animals to run freely and breed. The proposed revisions have been extensively reviewed by the Animal Control Advisory Committee and the Board of Health. Both boards recommend adoption of the proposed revisions. o The following items were discussed: I. Total Leash Law When Off Property: A total leash law for cats and dogs when off of the owner's property to provide a 'better method of control because of the following reasons: -Cats are to be included as part of the leash laws because cats are the most popular house pets and cats are the biggest threat to humans from rabies. Cats are allowed to roam and can be bitten by raccoons, squirrels, and other rabid animals in the woods. -The County is becoming more urbanized. o -A total leash law will reduce dog bites. A large percentage of bites are from dogs that are not on leashes. -A provision for "free zones" to be established if a municipality wishes to provide a zone. In these zones dogs or cats will not have to be on leashes, but the owners will be held totally responsible for the actions of their pets. -New Hanover County citizens will feel more secure when walking and jogging. e e e . '":i.f :'/,'\~:' ,7 '';-:$~'IL1'~' I~Yfj"~ 1'~} :: ;t.t ;,1" ~ """III ~..' i~)Ji.td-':-.{ ~4!f.-;~'h\;' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 300 II. securing Animals on Property: Dogs must be contained on the pet owner's property. Ropes and chains will not be legal. The containment can be a house, garage, fence, pen, or invisible fence. The report from the Center for Disease Control establishes scientifically that ropes and chains make a dog more aggressive and that a majority of dog bites are to children from a dog on a rope or chain. III. Breeding Permits: Pets owners will be required to a $5 breeding permit. The purpose of the permit is indiscriminate breeding of dogs and cats in the community. are not the responsibility of Animal Control or the Humane If the owner does not purchase a permit, a $100 fine charged. purchase to stop Puppies Society. will be IV. Revision to Dangerous Dog Law: If the pet owner and dog violate the provision after a dog has been declared dangerous, the dog can be destroyed after a hearing before the Animal Control Advisory Committee. In Hanover bitten. summary, without better control of domestic animals in New County, rabies will become a reality and some one will be Hopefully, the infected animal can be caught. commissioner Sisson commented on the leash law and requested an explanation of exactly what would happen under the proposed revisions if a cat or dog was caught off of the owner's property without a leash? Director Parker reported if the cat or dog was caught by Animal Control the owner would automatically be issued a $25 citation., Currently, a complaint has to be received before a ,citation can be issued. . :.. Vice-Chair~an Mathews referenced section 311 pertaining to barking dogs being a public nuisance and asked if this section should be changed to state "...it would be unlawful for "anv doq, cat or other pet to create a public nuisance"? He expressed concern' f.or requiring all pets to be on a leash, particularly a cat. . . Director Parker reported the main purpose of animals from running freely is to control rabies. continued 'growth of the County, animals must be better controlling With the controlled. , Commissioner Sisson stated, in his opinion, a leash is the oniyway tp control a domestic pet. with the lack of woodlands, a raccoon or'opossum will come into residential areas to get food and dan come in contact with domestic animals running freely. Cats are knowry to roam and are major carriers of rabies. Discussion was held on Director Parker reported the annually in New Hanover County. the cost cost of of destroying euthanasia is animals. $450,000 Chairman Greer inquired as to whether there is enough money in the budget to handle the extra animals that will be destroyed with the proposed revisions? Mr. Ron Currie, the Director of Animal Control, reported the manner in which animals are controlled will determine the cost of the program. The proposed revisions will provide a better management program and allow Staff to review how costs can be cut in. the future. .The proposed changes are not prohibiting people from having pets, but the revisions are informing pet owners if they are not responsible, fines will be issued. The present system is not working and with the threat of rabies a better form of control is needed in order to avoid tremendous costs in the future. j / MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 301 commissioner Caster inquired as to the effectiveness of the 86% FDA rabies vaccine? Dr. Sue Holland, a local veterinarian from the Animal Emergency Clinic, explained that changes occur in any virus which create different strains; therefore, no vaccine can be 100% proof. In her opinion, the FDA rabies vaccine is much more effective than 86%. Drug companies constantly reformulate the vaccines. In New Hanover County, most veterinarians use the newest forms of the vaccine. o Director Parker reported on the extensive study of the proposed revisions by the Board of Health and stated this board would not adopt an unreasonable set of procedures. He urged the Commissioners to schedule a Work Session to hear from the members of the Animal Control Advisory Committee and the Board of Health before voting against the proposed revisions. As to the cat leash law, Charlotte/Mecklenburg has adopted this law as well as other areas throughout the state and across the nation. Chairman Greer commented on the proposed revisions and made the following recommendations: (1) At the present time the ordinance reads as follows: "It shall be unlawful for any owner of a dog to permit said dog to run at large off the premises of its owner and not under the restraint of a competent person." Chairman Greer reported, in his opinion, this statement means the pet should be on a leash and recommended adding the word "cat" throughout the ordinance. (2) On Page 4 3, Paragraph 2, the present ordinance requires a valid vaccination certificate from a veterinarian when an animal is carried to the Animal Control Center. If the owner does not have the proper documentation, the owner is required to take the animal to a veterinarian or the Director of the New Hanover County Animal Control Center. Chairman Greer expressed concern for a person vacationing in the county with a dog accidentally getting loose from the hotel being required to contact a veterinarian or the Director of the Animal Control Center. He recommended changing this section to contact an Animal Control Officer or some one that would be more accessible. o (3) Chairman Greer expressed concern for Paragraph (q) on Page 44, relative to the persons redeeming or adopting a dog being required to purchase a County license tag within 72 hours and stated under this section a person could receive two citations, which does not seem fair. He recommended rewording the entire section. Director Currie reported the lack of a County license tag is an automatic citation. The problem being experienced is that after the first citation is issued, people are not purchasing the County license tag; therefore, 72 hours is granted to purchase the license. If not purchased within this time, another citation can be issued. It would be ideal if persons would immediately inform the Animal Control Division that the license tag had been purchased. commissioner Barone commented prior discussion about persons moving in from another state and being immediately required to show a vaccination certificate, and asked if some form of a grace period has been established to address this unreasonable requirement? . o Director Currie reported the State Law mandates that persons moving from another state have three working days to produce a vaccination certificate. The county allows thirty days for the person to purchase a county license tag without the issuance of a citation. The Animal Control Division has" never removed an animal from the owner if they do not have a vaccination certificate because of the State Law mandate. . e e e ,;;" ~'r~<..' \, " '.f~"<\',r': ~ '/ "Ill ,. " , . ~1~A~~~>\::M:-'~ "1~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 302 commissioner Barone commented on an incident that occurred Christmas Day and reported the dog was removed from the owner that day, which was outrageous. Director currie reported this incident was a dog bite which falls under a different state law. (4) Chairman Greer commented on the usage of him/her in Section 3- 6, Keeping Stray Dogs, on Page 59 and recommended using him/her throughout the entire ordinance. He also expressed concern for the following statement: "It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to surrender any stray dog to an authorized representative of the Animal Control Division upon demand of such representative." He reported this sentence could lead people to believe that if the p~oper procedures are followed when a stray pet is found the animal can still be taken away. In his opinion, this type of statement will discourage people from adopting and providing homes for stray pets. He recommended a complete review of this section. Director Currie reported he will be glad to review this section; however, Animal Control is trying to reduce the number of animals that have to be destroyed and at the same time protect the general public. Staff is trying to cut the County's cost and allow time for the person who has found the animal to see if the owner car be found or go through the necessary procedures to legally keep the animal. commissioner Barone expressed concern for the regulation and stated when she finds a stray animal she tries to 'find the owner or a home for the animal. entire always Chairman Greer commented on the fact that 50% of the animals destroyed have been turned in by their owners and recommended that a provision be placed in the ordinance that will require the owner to be present when the animal is destroyed. Director Currie agreed and stated he would be glad to in~orpo~ate this as part of the ordinance. commissioner Barone expressed concern for the number of tags that must be placed on an animal: a rabies tag, a County tag, and an identification tag and stated this is ridiculous. Director Currie agreed and reported if the tag portion of the ordinance is approv~d, the number of tags will be reduced to one mandatory. tag, the 'County rabies tag. A personal identification t,ag is'.beneficial but is not required under the ordinance. Animal Control' is working with MIS to purchase two lap top computers to assist'the Animal Control Officers working in the field to find the owner' "f,rom the -tag' number on the pet. Eventually the rabies certIficate. numbers will be available through the computer. ~. .: " ~, ,commissioner Caster requested an explanation of the breeding perm~t. . . ~,. " Director Currie reported many states throughout the country are ~requiring breeding permits, and it was the opinion of Staff tKat in order to control and plan for breeding, permits should be required. When planning to breed an animal, the owner will be "i-equired to obtairi a breeding permit from the Animal Control Center.. In cas~s where a litter is born with the owner being unaware of the breeding, a, permit must be obtained in three days. Ift.a'.permit is .not obtained in three days, the Animal Control Offic~r will issue..a citation to the owner. Once the citation is written, and the owner desires to have the pet spayed or neutered, the Animal control' Director will have authority to reduce the citation or drop the entire fine in lieu of sterilization. The intent. is to reduce the number of unwanted animals. , ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, ~EPTEMBE~ 19, 1994 PAGE 303 Ms. Donna Neal, Chairman of the Animal Control Advisory Committee, reported the breeding permit is a responsibility issue. The mother dog is to be taken care of during pregnancy and the owner is to be responsible for the puppies. Puppies are not the responsibility of the Humane society or the Animal Control Center. If the owner cannot find homes for the puppies, then the owner is responsible for destroying the pet. commissioner Caster inquired as to whether the breeding permit deals with only dogs? o Ms. Neal reported this provision deals only with dogs. The Animal Control Advisory Committee would like for cats to be included. Vice-Chairman Mathews reported on the amount of information in the proposed revisions and requested more time to study the issue before voting on the proposed revisions. He recommended scheduling a Work Session to discuss and better understand the changes. Motion: Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to schedule a Work Session before adoption of the proposed revisions to the Animal Control Ordinance. The floor was opened for discussion. Chairman Greer requested Staff to prepare a document that will clearly show the current ordinance and proposed revisions in a systematic manner. He recommended scheduling a date that will be convenient with the Board of County Commissioners, members of the Board of Health and Animal Control Committee. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY to schedule a Work Session. o Chairman Greer directed the Clerk to the Board to work with the Commissioners, the Board of Health, and Animal Control Advisory Committee to select a convenient date for the Work Session. BREAK Chairman Greer called a break from 10:25 A.M. until 10:40 A.M. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF PAST RESPONSE COSTS AND INTEREST TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE County Attorney Copley requested adoption of a resolution to authorize payment of past response costs and interest to the Environmental Protection Agency for New Hanover County and Cape Fear Community college and authorization for the county Attorney to sign the Consent Decree. Chairman Greer inquired as to whether Cape Fear Community College has been notified of this action? County Attorney Copley reported Lonnie Williams, Jr., the attorney representing Cape Fear Community College, has been notified of this action. Before the State will release funds in the amount of $100,000 to Cape Fear community College, a copy of the executed Cost Recovery Agreement must forwarded to the State. Also, Community College is still in negotiations with the insurance company that has offered to pay $100,000 to see if more funds can be obtained. Once the funds are received by cape Fear Community College, the money will be forwarded to the County. Motion: Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barone to adopt the resolution as presented by the County Attorney and authorize the county Attorney to execute the Consent Decree'. upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. o A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 19. ....,.... .... :~W~,,""':\r' ~, ,'1' """'Ill ';i~~,:~f;. to;. $"....'.;,c,kf MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 304 e ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION TO ALLOW THE COUNTY MANAGER OR COUNTY ATTORNEY TO OBTAIN OPTIONS FOR REAL PROPERTY County Attorney Copley requested adoption of a resolution to allow the County Manager or County Attorney to obtain options for real property. This procedure would avoid delays in obtaining property on behalf of New Hanover County, particularly with park lands. After obtaining an option, final approval of the purchase would be required by the Board of County Commissioners in an open meeting. This type of situation should not occur frequently. Motion: Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to adopt the resolution as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 19. REQUEST TO HIRE A 4-H EXTENSION AGENT FOR THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE Assistant County Manager Weaver reported the proposed position for the 4-H Agent was a full-time position, but after the budget review, it became a vacant position and has not been filled for the past year. During the review process, it was found that New Hanover County receives less State funds than any county in the thirteen-county region. Staff feels this is an inequity, and if the State is willing to fully fund the position, it would help to alleviate this funding inequity. e Director of the New Hanover County Cooperative Extension Service, Phillip R. Ricks, introduced Dr. Mike Davis, Coordinator 6f 4-H Youth Offices in the State; and Dr. Everette Prosise, Distr ict Extension Director. He requested Dr. Davis and Dr. Prosise to make presentations on the 4-H Programs being rendered to urban areas. Dr. Davis reported the 4-H Program is an educational program and focuses on helping boys and girls to grow into coping, competent, contributing citizens of a global society. An example of a 4-H Program in New Hanover County is the School Age Child Care grant that was awarded to the Dorothy B. Johnson Elementary School. The program is underway and will be expanded to another community next year. Last year, the LegiSlature funded a program called "Peer Athlete Helpers" to assist the N. C. High School Athletic Association to use athletes as peer helpers and peer mediators in local programs. This program was implemented by the local 4-H Extension Agent in collaboration with the guidance counselor at Hoggard High School. The curriculum developed for this program wilt be used on a state-wide basis next year. In summary, 4-H is a program with positive outcomes. In order to make a difference in boys and girls lives, you must develop programs that will create self-esteem; assist with developing a long-term relationship with a positive caring adult role model; and provide success with some community institution. It is felt this institution is the 4-H Program. The Cooperative Extension Service needs the support of the New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners. e Director Ricks read a note from the Principal of the Dorothy B. Johnson Elementary School requesting the Commissioners to approve the 4-H Agent position in order to continue the School Age Child Care Program this year. Dr. Everette Prosise reported the 4-H Agent position is being requested based on the following factors: (1) Is there a need for the position? (2) Are funds available? and (3) will the position will be a good investment for public funds? Both the County Commissioners and N. C. Cooperative Extension Service have the r~sponsibility of being sure that public funds are used appropr~ately. The Cooperative Extension Service feels the funds j MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 305 needed for the 4-H Agent position will be a good investment in programs specifically tailored for the needs of urban youth living in New Hanover County. As to the equity funding issue, Dr. Prosise reported this issue is determined on conclusions drawn from figures. In the figures provided to the Assistant County Manager, the numbers did indicate that New Hanover County-pays more than the average county in the district. However, figures are based on a broader perspective than just the district. Similar counties with similar situations are compared. For example, Durham, Forsyth, Guilford, Mecklenburg, New Hanover, Orange, Pitt, and Wake counties have strong urban programs with an average County contribution of 52%. The cost share for New Hanover County is 49%, which is an equitable contribution. The 4-H Program is a mandated program; therefore, if the 4-H Agent position is not filled, Staff responsibilities at the New Hanover Cooperative Extension Service will have to be redirected and changed to make a 4-H assignment to an existing employee, or when a vacancy occurs, this position would have to be redirected into the 4-H Program area. The decision to make is how much money the County is willing to spend, and the type of programs that will be purchased. These programs will include 4-H,. Environmental and Natural Resources, and Home Economics. Discussion was held on the funding inequity. Assistant County Manager Weaver reported in a phone conversation with Dr. Prosise, he indicated that the State might consider funding 75% of the position instead of a 50-50 split. Dr. Prosise reported if there is an inequity, the State would be willing to negotiate; however, with the information presented today, he is not sure there is an inequity in the funding contribution. The main concern is having a competent person to continue programs that have already'been implemented in New Hanover County to ensure access to grant funding. commissioner Barone asked Dr. Prosise if he feels there is a funding inequity? Dr. Prosise reported he does not feel there is an inequity when comparing New Hanover County to other similar counties. commissioner Barone reported funding is of utmost importance and stated this question must be answered before she will vote to fill the position. commissioner Sisson inquired as to the total salary figure? Dr. Prosise reported the salary would be $32,000 plus benefits. The county would fund approximately $18,000. Discussion was held on the possibility of receiving more grant funds if the position is approved. Commissioner Sisson expressed concern for missing an opportunity to receive additional funds.' Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to postpone a decision until the Assistant County Manager and Staff can work with Dr. Prosise to negotiate a funding arrangement that will be equitable to the County and agreeable to all parties involved. commissioner sisson requested Chairman Greer to serve as the Board's representative in these negotiations. Chairman Greer reported he will be glad to participate .in the discussions. o o o e e e " p:".i},'if.! ""III ",~.,i'\.~"" ~.;. ';l':, MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 306 ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AWARDING BID #95-0062 TO J. A. WALDER, INC. AND APPROVAL OF CONTRACT #95-0062 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER Assistant County Manager Weaver reported on the County's plans to construct a communication tower. After review by Staff, the job has been bid in two components: (1) award of a bid for the tower erection and construction; and (2) award of a bid for materials. Funds have been included in the current fiscal year for installment payments. Discussion was held on the reason for awarding two separate bids. Chief Project Engineer, George Shaw, reported staff felt a considerable amount of money could be saved under two separate contracts. Motion: Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED BY Commissioner Sisson to adopt a resolution to award the bid to J. A. Walder, Inc. in the amount of $125,550 for erection and construction of the tower. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 18. >( ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AWARDING BID #95-0036 TO FWT, INC. AND APPROVAL OF CONTRACT #95-0036 FOR PURCHASE OF MATERIALS FOR THE RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER Motion: Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to award the bid to FWT, Inc. in the amount of $69,890 for the purchase of materials for the radio communication tower. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 19. Chairman Greer expressed appreciation to Chief Project Engineer, George Shaw, for the amount of money that has been saved during his tenure with the county. MEETING CONVENED FROM REGULAR SESSION TO HOLD ~ MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER , SEWER DISTRICT Chairman Greer convened from Regular Session at 11:45 A.M. to hold a regular meeting of the New Hanover County Water & Sewer District. Chairman Greer reconvened to Regular Session at 11:57 A.M~ COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Appointment of Miriam G. Holt to Serve on the Domiciliary Home community Advisory Committee Chairman Greer reported three vacancies exist on the Domiciliary Home Community Advisory Committee and only one application has been received in the name of Miriam G. Holt. He expressed concern for the lack of applications received from persons desiring to serve on this committee and requested the Clerk to the Board to re-advertise the vacancies. Motion: Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to appoint Miriam G. Holt to serve a one~year initial term on the Domiciliary Home Community Advisory Committee. The term w~ll expire on september 30, 1995. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ;~. Appointment of MiChael zentmeyer to Serve on the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee .... Chairman Greer reported due to the resignation of Dr. Clarice Sue Combs, an unexpired term exists on the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee. Two applications have been received froom John P. Nasuti and Michael Zentmeyer. .""."'. ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBE~ 19, 1994 PAGE 3l!7, Chairman Greer opened the floor to receive nominations. commissioner Caster nominated Michael Zentmeyer. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner sisson. There being no further nominations, Chairman Greer declared the nominations closed. Call for Vote: Chairman Greer called for a vote on appointment of Michael Zentmeyer to fill the unexpired term on the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee. The term will expire on June 30, 1995. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. o Appointment of Members to Serve on the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees Chairman Greer reported five vacancies, four 3-year terms and one unexpired term exist on the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees. Nineteen applications have been received from the following persons: Cheri H. Allen James C. Ballantine Luther Brown Daniel E. Dawson Elbert V., Kring Barbara L. Maisenhelder Thomas J. O'Connell Dennis James Pinho Regis C. Serene Royce N. Angel David B. Benford Harold B. Cloud Richard Alan Engdahl Gary V. Longordo Owen E. Metts Dana Eugene Page Fred Retchin Doretha Stone william C. Taylor Chairman Greer opened the floor to receive nominations. commissioner three-year term. Mathews. Barone nominated Daniel E. Dawson to serve a The nomination was. seconded by Vice-Chairman o commissioner Caster nominated James C. Ballantine. NO SECOND WAS RECEIVED; therefore, this applicant cannot not be considered. commissioner unexpired term. Mathews. Sisson nominated Fred Retchin to fill the The nomination was seconded by Vice-Chairman commissioner Caster nominated David B. Benford for a three- year term. The nomination was seconded by Vice-Chairman Mathews. Vice-Chairman Mathews nominated william C. Taylor. The nomination was seconded by Chairman Greer. Chairman Greer nominated Doretha Stone. seconded by Commissioner sisson. ' The nomination was commissioner Caster nominated Barbara L. Maisenhelder. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Barone. commissioner Caster nominated Luther Browri. The nomination was seconded by Chairman Greer. o commissioner Caster nominated Owen E. Metts. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner sisson. Vice-Chairman Mathews nomination was seconded by nominated Royce Chairman Greer. N. Angel. The commissioner Barone nominated Elbert V.' Kring to fill the unexpired term. NO SECOND WAS RECEIVED; therefore, this applicant cannot ,be considered. e e e .'",'po,,,\, "l1li I(.!:*" '. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 308 commissioner unexpired term. Caster. Barone nominated Gary V. Longordo to fill the The nomination was seconded by Commissioner There being no further nominations, Chairman Greer closed the nominations. Chairman Greer commented on the unexpired term and inquired as to whether this should make a difference since this term is for a period of three years. Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell, reported technically the unexpired term should be filled. Chairman Greer requested the Clerk to the Board to read the list of nominations as presented with the first five nominees receiving a majority vote being the persons appointed to serve on the Regional Medical center Board of Trustees. The first appointment will be to fill the unexpired term. Call for Vote: Chairman Greer called for a vote on the appointment of Fred Retchin to fill the unexpired term on the Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees. The term will expire on September 30, 1997. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Sisson Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer Voting Nay: Commissioner Barone commissioner Caster . Call for Vote: Chairman Greer called for a vote on the appointment of Daniel E. Dawson to serve a three-year term on the Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees. The term will expire on September 30, 1997. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: , Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer . Voting Nay: Commissioner Sisson Call for Vote: Chairman Greer called for a vote on the appointment of David B. Benford to serve a three-year term on the Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees. The term will expire on September 30, 1997. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer Voting Nay: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Sisson Call for Vote: Chairman Greer called for a vote on the appointment of William C. Taylor to serve a three-year term on the Regional Medical center Board of Trustees. Upon vote, the MOTION DID NOT CARRY AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer Voting Nay: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster commissioner Sisson J MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 309 Call for Vote: Chairman Greer called for a vote on the appointment of Doretha B. stone to serve a three-year term on the Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees. Upon vote, the MOTION DID NOT CARRY AS FOLLOWS: voting Aye: Commissioner sisson Chairman Greer Voting Nay: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews o Call for Vote: Chairman Greer called for a vote on the appointment of Barbara L. Maisenhelder to serve a three-year term on the Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees. The term will expire on September 30, 1997. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster commissioner sisson Chairman Greer ," Voting Nay: Vice-Chairman Mathews Call for Vote: Chairman Greer called for a vote on the appointment of Luther Brown to serve a three-year term on the Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees. The term will expire on June 30, 1997. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Chairman Greer Voting Nay: Commissioner sisson Vice-Chairman Mathews o Chairman Greer reported Fred Retchin has been appointed to fill the unexpired term; Daniel E. Dawson, David B. Benford, Barbara L. Maisenhelder, and Luther Brown have been appointed to serve three-year terms on the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees. Appointment of Marc S. Giroux to Serve on the WASTEC Commission Chairman Greer reported one vacancy, the unexpired term of R. Daniel Latta, exists on the WASTEC Commission. The following applications have been received: D. Bouton Baldridge Robert M. Deacy Irving E. Fogler Marc S. Giroux William H. Millick III Dana E. Page Roger Spur beck John Watkins, Sr. Ralph L. Harding Chairman Greer opened the floor to receive nominations. commissioner Sisson nominated William H. Millick III. The nomination was seconded by commissioner Barone. commissioner Caster nomina~ed Marc S. Giroux. The nomination was seconded by Chairman Greer. o There being no further nominations, Chairman Greer declared the nominations closed. Call for Vote: Chairman Greer called for a vote on the appointment of William H. Millick III to fill the unexpired term on the WASTEC Commission. Upon vote, the MOTION DID NOT CARRY AS FOLLOWS: ""IIIl 17 \:< .... ,\ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 31.0 voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner sisson voting Nay: Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer e Call for Vote: Chairman Greer called .for a vote on of Marc S. Giroux to fill the unexpired term commission. The term will expire on March 1, 1997. MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: the appointment - on the WASTEC Upon vote, the Voting Aye: CommiSsioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer voting Nay: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Sisson ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CHAIRMAN TO WRITE A LETTER TO THE CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION REQUESTING SUPPORT OF THE SOLID WASTE FLOW CONTROL LEGISLATION Assistant County Manager Weaver reported on receiving a fax from the National Association of Counties requesting the Board to write a letter to the Congressional Delegation requesting support of the solid waste flow control legislation now being considered in Congress. -, Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to authorize the Chairman to write a letter to the Congressional Delegation requesting support of solid waste flow control legislation being considered by Congress. Also, the Assistant County Manager was requested to obtain a list of key Senators and Representatives that have been supportive of this effort from Ed Reiigan with the N. C. Association of County Commissioners so a letter can be forwarded to these members of Congress. _ AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE THE RELEASE AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND HOWARD NEEDLES TAMMEN , BERGENDOFF (HNTB) - NEW HANOVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT County Attorney Copley reported a release and settlement agreement has been negotiated with HNTB, the engineering and architectural firm that designed the Airport, in the amount of $50,000. She requested the Commissioners to authorize the Chairman to execute the agreement so the money can be forwarded to New ~ano'ver County. Motion: Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to authorize the Chairman to execute the release and settlement agreement between New Hanover County and HNTB as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ;< DISCUSSION OF COMMITTEE APPLICATIONS Commissioner Sisson commented on the new application form which requires an applicant to list if he or she serves on another committee, and he requested the. Clerk to place this information on the agenda cover Sheet if an applicant has used the old form. Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell, reported she would be gl~d to furnish this information. ,"-,", Commissioner Sisson commented on the need to thoroughly review and. objectively appoint applicants to serve on the various boards and committees. He recommended establishing a committee composed of' two County Commissioners to review and contact all applicants with a. list of recommendations presented to the Board of County Commissioners as' part of the agenda packet. The members of the .,' j !!1NU1'!l.~ OF REGULAR MEE_,!,ING, SEP'l'EMBER 19" ,1994 PAGE ,3'~1 committee would rotate and the recommendations could be either accepted or rejected by the Commissioners. Chairman Greer stated, in his opinion, this procedure is not necessary. He very carefully reviews all applications received for each appointment. commissioner Barone agreed. Vice-Chairman Mathews Commissioner Sisson's concern partisan commi ttee to make appointments. reported he could understand on the need to establish a by- recommendations for committee o Chairman Greer reported if Vice-Chairman Mathews and Commissioner Sisson would like to serve on the committee ,he, has no problem with the procedure; however, he does not wish to serve on the committee. After further discussion, no action was taken. ROAD SIGNS PERTAINING TO ENTERING AND LEAVING THE GLOBAL TRANS PARK Vice-Chairman Mathews reported when driving into Pender County from Onslow County, he noticed a large green and white sign stating, You are now leaving the Global TransPark Economic Development Zone. Also, there was a sign going from Pender County into Onslow County stating, You are now entering the Global TransPark Economic Development Zone. He expressed concern for the signs because of the impression that might be created about New Hanover County not being supportive of economic development. He stated, in his opinion, this is a low blow to both counties and the Committee of 100. . ADJOURNMENT Chairman Greer adjourned the meeting at 12:28 P.M. . o Respectfully submitted, ~Y/~ .,. Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board o "I ,I l ~~