1994-12-19 Regular Meeting e e e ""I ~M~NUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE '4'1'9 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, December 19, 1994, at 9:00 A.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A. Caster; William E. Sisson, Jr., Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Greer called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. , , INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Reverend Bob Bardin, Pastor of st. Andrews Covenant Presbyterian Church, gave the invocation. commissioner Barone led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Greer inquired as to whether anyone from the general public would like to present an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or comment on an item listed on the Consent Agenda. The following comments were received. commissioner Caster, a resident of New Hanover County and a voter, reported on a letter sent to the Wilmington Star-News from a friend of his about a visit to New Hanover County that was erroneously reported by the newspaper last year. In order for this error to be corrected, he would like to read the following letter received from his friend: Dear Editor: Last year just about this time I was making a pre-Christmas visit to several world-wide sites. New Hanover County happened to be one of these sites. Kind of like the beach renourishment cycle of every three to four years, I like to get out and around prior to Christmas to personally check upon who has been naughty or nice. After my visit to the Board of Commissioners meeting, your newspaper erroneously reported that Commissioner Caster was Santa Claus. Tsk, tsk! I am disappointed in your reporting. Another reporter simply did not get the story straight. Mr. Caster could not HO, HO his way out of a wet paper bag. Besides anyone who gave his wife a waffle iron and a scale ( when she was pregnant) on their first Christmas just does not have the Christmas spirit. (He also gave her a softball glove on one Mother's Day). Wasn't it a newspaper editor that wrote, "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa C.1aus?" You better correct this egregious error before Christmas or there just might be a lump of coal (from Venezuela) iil'your sock! ,f ' Merry Christmas, Santa Claus Commissioner ~aster wished everyone a Merry Christmas! ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 420 APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Greer requested removal of Items 2, 3-B, 6, and 7 for further discussion. Motion: Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to remove Items 2, 3-B, 6, and 7 and approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA o Approval of Minutes The Commissioners approved the minutes of the Work Session held on December 1, 1994, as presented by the Clerk to the Board. Approval of Budget Amendment 95-0091 - Sheriff/Emergency Telephone Fund The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: Debit Credit Sheriff/Emerqencv Telephone Fund 911 Surcharge $496,000 Transfer to CAD Capital Project $496,000 Purpose: transfer Project. To budget the 911 Surcharge receipts for FY 1994-95 and these funds to the Computer Aided Dispatch Capital Approval of Budget Amendment #95-0093 - Project Assist - Health Department The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: 95-0093 Health/project Assist 0 Debit Credit Health/Proiect Assist Project Assist $1,000 Departmental Supplies $1,000 Purpose: To budget additional State funds for supplies needed in Project Assist. Approval of Budget Amendment 95-0094 - Child Health - Health Department The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment: 95-0094 - Health/Child Health Health/Child Health Childhood Lead poisoning State Grant Debit Credit $7,345 Salaries & Wages Departmental Supplies Capital Outlay $2,680 $1,978 $2,687 Purpose: To budget State funding for additional salary and supplies for childhood lead poisoning prevention. Acceptance of EEOC Grant fQr FY 1994-95 - The Human Relations Department The Commissioners accepted the FY 1994-95 EEOC grant in the amount of $58,250 for the Human Relations Department and authorized the County Manager to execute the necessary grant documents. o Authorization for the cape Fear Museum to Submit a Grant Application to the Institute of Museum Services The Commissioners authorized the cape Fear Museum to submit a grant application to the Institute of Museum Services in the amount of $112,500 for operating funds. The grant would be matched by the funds already expended in the 1993-94 Fiscal Year Operating Budget. '., "'I 'r;"~J;!;.j..j" r?l.-<~~ ",< oI:'h1"W:':"~'h ,J . '.~ :-.l'i~~' ' .} ; ':",.~~:;i ~l"",', ..,. ';~'*,':"'-{<'''l,;'~ ~r:::i"'~l$""..., MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 421 e No additional funds are needed. The grant funds will be used for the following purposes: (1) to pay for the consultants and temporary positions associated with accessioning, cataloguing, researching and appraising the artifact collection in accordance with the recommendation of the Conservation Assessment Program reports; (2) for consultants and temporary positions to develop teacher packets and printed materials for educational programs in concert with the school curriculum; and (3) for evaluating the long-term exhibition. The County Manager was authorized to execute the necessary grant documents. Release of Value - New Hanover County Tax Department The Commissioners released the following late penalties as the taxpayers certified they had mailed their during the regular listing period: listing listings American Geographic Data, Inc. Pediatric Center united Beach Vacations, Inc. $89.49 $ 9.41 $17.09 The Commissioners released the following certification penalty as this was the taxpayer's first offense: Donnally, Brian Clifford $100.00 Acceptance of Tax Collection Reports through November 30, 1994 The Commissioners accepted the following Tax Collection Reports through November 30, 1994, as presented by the Collector of Revenue: New Hanover County Tax Collections New Hanover County Fire District Tax Collections e Copies of the reports are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 25. Acceptance of Voter Registration Grant for the Elections Department and Approval of Budget Amendment '#95-0089 The Commissioners accepted the Voter Registration grant in the amount of $9,500 to implement the National Voters Registration Act and approved the following Budget Amendment. This is a one-time grant, and at the request of Staff, the Commissioners waived the 25% contribution to other County agencies with the entire grant award to be used by the Elections Department to purchase a Kardveyer for storing master files. No County funds are required. Commissioner Barone agreed with acceptance of the grant and approval of the Budget Amendment, but requested the County Manager to contact the Supervisor of Elections, Len Chamblee, to be sure that a procedure is in place to avoid duplicate registrations. For ex~mple, what type of calling mechanism is in place and what happens if someone registers under their initials and then registers under their full name? She requested that a report be forwarded to the Commissioners. Budget Amendment #95-0089 - Elections Debit Credit e Elections Voter Registration Grant $9,500 Elections Capital Outl'ay , $9,500 ,Purpose: To establish a budget for the Voter Registration grant 'awarded to the Elections Department. ,. "~ - ,,:' Ad~p~~on of Re.solution of Intent to Close a PUblic Road, Jeanelle Moore Blvd. (SR 1499) , The Commissioners adopted a Resolution of Intent to close Jeanelle Moore Blvd. (SR 1499) and schedule a Public Hearing on ....,j MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 42 2 February 6, 1995, to consider the road closing. A copy of the Resolution of Intent is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 25. ACTION DEFERRED ON CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 2, FUNDING REQUEST SUBMITTED BY KEYS, INC. Chairman Greer expressed concern for appropriating funds during the middle of the fiscal year and requested an explanation as to why this request should be considered at this time? o County Manager O'Neal reported Keys, Inc. was without an Executive Director during last year's budget review by the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee; therefore, the budget request was withdrawn. As to what would have been decided by the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee relative to the funding request is not known; however, in his opinion, funding for this program would have been recommended to the Board of County commissioners. After considering the request in the amount of $25,000, he felt funding the Adult Development Activities Sheltered Workshop Program for six months in the amount of $12,500 would be appropriate and would allow the 23 clients now being served to continue to receive services until the next budget year. Chairman Greer referenced a letter from the Budget Director on Page 134 of the agenda packet and reported in FY 1992-93, the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee recommended funding in the amount of $25,980 to assist the program with purchasing the necessary equipment to implement a recycling program that should help the program to become self-sufficient. Chairman Greer asked if the recycling program had been successful, and if this was the reason a funding request was not submitted last year? o County Manager O'Neal reported he could not respond to this question without additional information; however, he would be glad to check into the matter. commissioner Barone expressed concern for only 23 people being served by the program, which is $3,000 per person per year, and stated, in her opinion, this program should be privately funded. After further discussion, deferring action until further sufficiency of the program. commissioner Caster recommended information is received on self- Chairman Greer strongly objected to appointing a Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee to review funding requests for outside agencies each fiscal year, and then funding an agency during the middle of the year without going before this committee. County Manager O'Neal responded that Chairman Greer was correct; however, the clients being served would be without funds for the remainder of the fiscal year because the organization was without an Executive Director and a budget request was not submitted. Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to defer action on this funding request until additional information has been received relative to the functions of the program and its capability of becoming self-sufficient. o DISCUSSION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 3-B, BUDGET AMENDMENT #95-0092 TO BUDGET ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR ADDITIONAL OFFICE SPACE FOR THE ADULT PROBATION AND PAROLE OFFICE Chairman Greer inquired as to whether the effective date of the lease with Adult Probation and Parole is retro-active to March 1, 1994? ",.",i\~;;,#';ikit.1<""'i\tP>'.:M"";;.q':'" " l':~i':;l. ~\t' '!t;;>-";';:~rht.:-<"!~, ~"l;.'f:':} f, 1 ~ '. \ " " "l !'l'" '1'ii:";'i:':!~:~~! j',~"tw~',~;.)~:;- '1''7~-;'~'-'"'''' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 423 Deputy County Manager, Andrew J. Atkinson, responded effective date of the lease is March 1, 1995, instead of 1994, as incorrectly listed on the agenda cover sheet. that the March 1, Motion: approve Consent Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to the following Budget Amendment listed as Item 3-B on the Agenda. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. e Non-Departmental/outside Agencies/Human Services Debit Credit Non-Departmental Contingencies $3,840 Outside Aqencies/Human Services probation Monitoring Rent $3,840 Purpose: To budget a $960 per month increase in rent for additional office space for the Adult Probation and Parole office. DISCUSSION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 6, REVISED STATEMENT OF PURPOSE FOR THE CAPE FEAR MUSEUM Chairman Greer expressed concern for the revised Statement of Purpose indicating that the purpose of the Cape Fear Museum is to educate, the public, and stated, in his opinion, this wording should be changed to reflect that the Museum is there for educational purposes, but not to educate the public. e commissioner Barone expressed concern for the words, "cultural diversity" and stated if everyone continues to concentrate on cultural diversity this country will end up like Bosnia and Hl?r'zeg6vina. 'Everyone should concentrate on being "Americans" first. " commissioner Sisson disagreed with commissioner Barone's remarks about cultural diversit~ and reported most people do not understand how this country began. Just because Irish Americans or other diverse cultures celebrate various events in their community , does not mean the country will be divided. In his opinion, this is the rich tapestry of cultures that has come together to create the 'fabric of this great country; therefore, there is nothing wrong with the wording used in the statement of Purpose. commissioner Barone agreed with people having a knowledge of their backgrounds and the right to celebrate various holidays, but emphasized the fact that we are Americans first and that constant "talk about our differences will only divide people and ,create racial problems. In her opinion to focus on cultural diversity is a mistake because twenty years from now, people will be living in their own cultures and forget that we are all Americans. "/1:. Commissioner sisson reported before there was an America, there were separate cultures that were existing and, in his op'inion, there is nothing wrong with bringing out this fact. e Vice-Chairman Mathews read the previous statement of Purpose and inquired as to why the word, diversity, was added to the statement and'why the Museum Board of Trustees felt the document should be revised? , . I Museum Director, Janet Seapker, reported the previous 'statement of Purpose did cover everyone by inclusion, but this <',,",statement has: been criticized by persons reviewing grant applications for the Museum because the statement was being . interpreted as, exclusive instead of inclusive; therefore, the words, cultura:l diversity" were added to the statement. As to ,'~, concern for the purpose of the Museum being to educate the public, 'museums are truly educational facilities. At the Cape Fear Museum, . remarks;" are always presented that refer to the Museum as an , educational institution, not in the classroom setting, but through ...... MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 424 exhibits culture. the area and programs that utilize the tangible objects of our The history of the Cape Fear is based upon representing as a unit inclusive of all cultures. Consensus: After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to request the Museum Board of Directors to review the revised statement of Purpose noting the concerns that have been expressed by the Board of County Commissioners. o DISCUSSION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 7, RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO THE HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION Chairman Greer expressed concern for the request including the name of an applicant that is to be considered as a regular appointment to the Human Relations commission. Deputy County Manager, Andrew J. Atkinson, reported the agenda item was presented incorrectly and requested ratification of only one member, Carol Foltz as the YWCA representative. The other names should be removed from the list. Motion: Commissioner sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to ratify the appointment of Carol Foltz as the YWCA representative on the Human Relations Commission. PRESENTATION OF EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS County Manager O'Neal requested the following persons to step forward to receive service awards: Name Years of Service Kenneth R. Sholar - Health Department William D. Shiver - Tax Department William C. Clontz - MIS 5 5 5 o Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, to each County employee for their years County and presented them service awards. expressed appreciation service to New Hanover RESOLUTION PRESENTED TO SAM BURGESS FOR DIRECTING A RECORD BREAKING COUNTY GOVERNMENT UNITED WAY PROGRAM Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, read and presented a resolution to recognize Sam Burgess for his exemplary service and leadership of the New Hanover County Government United Way Campaign for 1994. RESOLUTION PRESENTED TO JANET SEAPKER, DIRECTOR OF THE CAPE FEAR MUSEUM, FOR RECEIVING THE YWCA'S CAPE FEAR WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT AWARD FOR GOVERNMENT Chairman Greer read and presented a resolution to recognize Ms. Janet K. Seapker, Director of the Cape Fear Museum, in honor of being selected to receive the YWCA Cape Fear Women of Achievement Award for Government. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH REQUESTING PROPOSALS FROM GROUNDWATER CONSULTANTS TO STUDY THE COUNTY'S GROUNDWATER Mr. Hank Lyon, Chairman of the Groundwater Task Force, reported after months of study, the New Hanover County Groundwater Task Force had reached a consensus regarding the need to conduct a groundwater study for the purpose of groundwater. resource characterization. At the December 1, 1994, meeting of the Task Force it was the consensus of the Task Force to recommend that the County Commissioners proceed with requesting proposals for the performance of a Groundwater Study. o The following Scope of Work was presented: The purpose of the ground water evaluation in the north and central portion of New Hanover County is to define the variables needed to predict the quantity of usable groundwater available for withdrawal in that area. Decision makers need the following \. , ..r~ :fi:t1}l('%%'~'~i'g}>i:~~+J~:~!("::~:j ~ o"~;r~: -I." 0 ',' OJ,...:,: ,'" ' .... " , . '...:' '~1~~~f~iii . t;wi:'ii:.l'o-:,!~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 425 information to evaluate the feasibility of such a well-field: (1) a reasonable estimate of the quantity of groundwater that can be safely withdrawn from the study area without permanently reducing available resources, including sinkhole collapse, or causing water quality to diminish; (2) a characterization of the existing water quality in the production zones of the Castle Hayne and Pee Dee units; and (3) scientific and land use data needed to input into the Well-head Protection Area model. e Work Elements: 1. within the study area, select up to five study sites that can best provide the information described above. 2. Drill a stratigraphic borehole to a maximum depth of 200 feet at each site to define the lithologic and hydrologic units. 3. Conduct hydraulic testing to define the characteristics of each production zone to include leakage, recharge, transmissivity, and storativity. This should include an evaluation of the capacity of the unconfined aquifer to recharge the semi-confined Castle Hayne unit and also the capacity of the semi-confined Castle Hayne unit to recharge the confined Pee Dee unit. 4. Characterize the water quality in each production unit. 5. Perform appropriate modeling to predict a safe yield, presumably using MODFLOW, and an appropriate model to predict saltwater intrusion. e 6. Develop a well-head protection plan to protect the groundwater resources within the well-field area. 7. Design a well-field to meet the water demands for the project area to the year 2020. 8. Prepare a report of findings that is understandable to its users. Coordination: Specific well-field planning will be coordinated with the New Hanover County Planning Department and the selected professional engineer to determine the feasibility of selected sites, distribution plans, proposed land uses, and otherwise unusable area. Time of Completion: e Phase I shall be an evaluation of all existing information, with a report defining an area of investigation. The model matrix shall be ,established based on preliminary information gathered from New'Hanover County, the N. C. Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), the Division of Water Resources and the U. S. Geological Survey. A letter report shall be submitted to the County for review before beginning Phase II. The time of completion for Phase I is 90 days. ., Phase II ~ill'be a field investigation to evaluate the Castle ~ayne and' Pee Dee Aquifers in the area of investigation. Prior to construction, well construction permits will be obtained from the N. C. Division of Environmental Management. Water samples will be collected' to det'ermine characteristics. The four-inch diameter wells will be sampled for chlorides, fluorides, manganese, iron, color, :' turbidity, Ph, semi-volatile organics, total dissolved solids ,and -hydrogen sulfides. All field testing shall be completed wifJ:lin j,80days. 'n1. '. ,J,L ..... MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 426 Phase III, using the coefficients and water quality data collected in Phase II, will be the formation of a development and management plan. A strategy of groundwater development shall include necessary computer modeling relative to well spacing, recharge conditions, aquifer interdependence, and water quality projections. Specific model application shall include MODFLOW to determine hydrogeologic relationships and SWGUAM to determine the fate of the fresh-water salt-water interface. A management plan shall be based on all of the factors modeled; the water resource needs of New Hanover County, wastewater management, conjunctive use and well- head protection. A discussion of possible engineered solutions to limitations such as recharge, salt-water intrusion, water quality problems, well maintenance, and seasonal demand/supply fluctuations will be included. Well~head protection and capacity use control management of the groundwater sources of New Hanover County shall be investigated as an option for the County. This analysis should be completed in 90 days. In summary, the Task Force would like to request the Board of County Commissioners to proceed with requesting proposals for performance of a groundwater study. Chairman Greer inquired as to the cost of the proposed groundwater study? Mr. Lyon reported approximately $120,000, which is much less than the U. S. Geological Survey estimate at $500,000 a few years ago. Motion: After discussion of the Task Force working for one and one-half years and the need to identify the quality of groundwater in New Hanover County, Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by commissioner Sisson to authorize Staff to proceed with a request for proposals for performance of a Groundwater Study in New Hanover County. The floor was opened for discussion. Chairman Greer inquired as to how the study will be funded and if this should item should be included in the motion? Vice-Chairman Mathews stressed the importance of performing the Groundwater Study and stated, in his opinion, funds will have to be found for this project. He inquired as to whether grant funds are available for a study of this nature? Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver, reported are presently available; however, the City at interested in funding a portion of the study. no grant funds one time was Commissioner Sisson requested Vice-Chairman Mathews to amend the motion to state the study will not exceed $120,000. County Manager O'Neal commented on funding and recommended amending the motion to request the City to participate in funding the study. Also, the funds should come from the Water &.Sewer District with a Budget Amendment prepared to allocate the funds for the project, or the Board may wish to wait and budget the project in the. next budget cycle. city Councilman, Hamilton E. Hicks, Jr., a member of the New Hanover County Groundwater Task Force Committee, reported the city is very supportive of this effort. As a member of the Task Force, he is quite concerned about the future safety of the surface water that is coming down the river because of the development occurring upstream with industry. Any type of major upset could hamper the safety of the water; therefore, the study is needed and should be performed as soon as possible. In his opinion, the city and county should jointly support the study, and he feels the City will do its fair part. \. o o o e e e .". f~~4(;r';li:~;ll'jHlfi~~i.1;1t'~ii;re :'f(",_ "l '~:'i!1'!J'~~~; ",\4~.l:,"" MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 427 Chairman Greer inquired as to whether this statement should be considered a joint effort between the City and County? Councilman Hicks concurred with a joint effort and stated the Task Force is the responsibility of the County Commissioners; therefore, the County should take the lead role. The city should be willing to participate in whatever manner is determined to be necessary to achieve this study. Chairman Greer recommended that the MOTION BE AMENDED to include the City's participation. Amended Motion: Vice-Chairman Mathews AMENDED THE MOTION, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to authorize Staff to proceed with a request for proposals to hire a firm to perform a Groundwater Study in New Hanover County and work jointly with the city of Wilmington to find funding resources for the study not to exceed $120,000. This action is to be recorded in the minutes of the regular meeting of the New Hanover County Water & Sewer District to be held on .December 19, 1994, since District funds will be involved. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Commissioner Barone commented on the hard work and effort given by the members of the New Hanover County Groundwater Task .,Force and requested each member to stand. , A round of applause was given in appreciation for these efforts. commissioner Sisson commented on an error in the agenda packet and reported he was listed as an at-large member of the Task Force instead of a County Commissioner. ,I", _r ~~;' commissioner Barone reported this was not an error because she was appointed to serve on the Task Force as a County Commissioner representative. When Commissioner Sisson expressed a desire to serve on to the Task Force, Commissioner Caster appointed commissioner Sisson to serve in the at-large category. commissioner Sisson reported, for the record, he stands corrected. PRESENTATION OF ANNUAL REPORT BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mr. Edward V. Grace, Chairman of the New Hanover County Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee presented the Annual Report on the activities of the Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee. The following topics were presented: There are five Nursing Homes with 549 beds visited by the Nursing Home community Advisory Committee as mandated on a quarterly basis. In November, a single 100 bed facility was opened to bring the total to six nursing facilities in New Hanover county with a total of 649 beds. All of these facilities are served by the Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee. The Committee focused on the quarterly visits and the sharing of information to insure compliance to the patient Bill of Rights as defined and established in the North Carolina General Statutes. The shortage of Committee members during the past year restricted many educational efforts. with the addition of two committee members at the end of the year, the Committee was able to expand off icial visits to bi-monthly. ' The following strengths were found through Committee visits: A. The facilities were able to correct long-term appearance questions. ..oil MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 42 8 B. Resident programs have become more active. C. Administrator responses. resulted in positive changes have D. visitors have a positive impact on the patients and should occur more frequently. E. New facilities and personnel are willing to improve current operations. The following weaknesses were found through committee visits: A. A general lack of visitors at facilities. B. The need to have more volunteers to serve on the New Hanover County Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee. C. The inability of facilities to keep staffing at satisfactory levels. D. Even with improved facilities, the workload presented ,housekeeping deficiencies. E. A lack of training for both paid staff and volunteers at the facilities. The Nursing Home Advisory Committee received excellent support from the Ombudsman. Program of the Cape Fear Council of Governments, Area Agency on Aging, and Region o. without this support, this committee would have a difficult time accomplishing its mandate. Discussion was held on the need to recruit volunteers to serve on the Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee. Further discussion was held on the importance of at least six weeks of training for new members to enable them to enforce the Patient Bill of Rights. vice-Chairman Mathews inquired as to whether the new home has been opened? Mr. Grace reported the new nursing home is called Liberty Commons and is located on Racine Drive. It is not fully operational, but patients are being accepted each day. By the end of February, 1995, an eighth member will be needed to serve on the Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee. Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Mr. Grace and the members of the Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee for the report and the time given to serve on this Committee. STATUS REPORT ON THE SOUTHEASTERN CENTER Dr. Arthur Costantini, the newly hired Director of the Southeastern center, commented on the extreme difficulties experienced by the Center in the past and presented the following goals that have been established for the coming year: 1. Implement a Management Information System with an organized data base that can be used to make financial and other critical decisions. The current system has not been used effectively, and the Center is in the process of correcting this problem as well as recruiting for a Systems Manager. 2. Operate in a sound financial condition. The Center has operated in a deficit condition for one and one-half years. This deficit operation will be changed, and the Center will operate in a solvent condition with implementation of sound business practices that will generate the revenue needed to provide services. \. o o o ~\~.. ..,~t '-"~;:"':"ptNt'f.i:~-"'I;':";"'! I: t ; "'I :d{>,<~.i(l}fr." ~..r~~,.;,~ t .-;--..,,,,. . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 429 3. with increased revenues, the Center will provide the critical services needed to meet specific community needs. The Center is working with other community agencies to provide a high quality of service to the clients of the Southeastern Center. e 4. Develop a happy, competent, competitively paid staff. Currently, salaries are 25% less than similar positions in New Hanover County and other areas, which has created morale problems and a high turnover rate. In summary, Dr. Costantini reported the Southeastern Center Board and Staff have made a commitment to accomplish these goals and move this agency forward in a positive manner. commissioner Sisson requested Dr. Costantini to explain the 50% productivity salary policy. e Dr. Costantini reported in order to improve the Center, the Center must provide quality services, bill for the services, and collect the billings; therefore, a 50% productivity schedule has been developed. This means that Staff members working 40 hours per week with 20 of these hours used to see clients, will break even on their salaries because the 20 hours are billable. Therefore, the 50% productivity rate has been met and the remaining time can be used to perform paperwork. If staff members see clients more than 20 hours a week, they are more than earning their salaries. Each .staff member will be individually plotted in terms of the percentage of billable hours so that the Center will know where funds are being generated and the productivity of each staff member. A 50% productivity rate is minimum and Staff members under this level will be in trouble. It is felt that the first step must be a high productivity rate in order to improve the quality of services. The billing and collection systems should improve with implementation of the Management Information System. coinmissioner sisson commented on recent media reports and stated, in his opinion, Dr. Costantini and the Staff Members are making outstanding efforts to correct the problems that have been experienc~d in the past and will move forward with a productive and "responsi ve agency. Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation for the informative report. FIRST READING OF AMENDMENT TO THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 6, ARTICLE IX, MONTHLY 911 CHARGE County Attorney Copley commented on problems being experienced with the col'lection of the monthly 911 charge and reported to require persons to go to court to collect fifty cents is time consuming and costly for the County. After a review by the Legal Department, it is felt that a civil citation issued for non-payment of the 9'11 charge will serve as a deterrent and reduce the cost of legal action. She requested approval of the following ordinance: Add Section 6-171, Penalties e Pursuant to G. S. 153A-123, New Hanover County may issue a civil citation in the amount of fifty dollars to any subscriber who, in violation of this Article, refuses to pay the 911 charge billed to them. This citation may be issued once a subscriber has failed to pay for a total of three months. Each month's continuing violation "following the initial three'-month period shall constitute a separate offense under this article. These penalties may be recovered by the County in a civil action in the nature of debt if the offender does not'pay'the penalty within twenty (20) days after being cited. ' " ..... MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 430 Motion: Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, Sisson to adopt the proposed amendment New Hanover County Code as presented by floor was opened for discussion. SECONDED by Commissioner to the 911 section of the the Legal Department. The Chairman Greer inquired as to whether $50 is a sufficient penalty? County Attorney Copley reported after three months of non- payment, the subscriber is notified that he or she will have to appear in court. If payment is not received, each month of non- payment after the initial three months is considered a separate offense and the subscriber will be charged $50 per month until payment is received. o Discussion was held on how long the County would continue to charge the 911 charge. county Manager O'Neal reported the 911 charge will no longer be required to fund the 911 Computer Aided Dispatch System after January 1996; however, eliminating this charge will require County funding for on-going maintenance and upgrades to the system, which will come from the ad valorem tax or grants. commissioner Caster reported he would like to thoroughly review the 911 charge during the budget process for FY 1995-96. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Caster commissioner Sisson Vice-Chairman Mathews Voting Nay: Commissioner Barone Chairman Greer o commissioner Barone reported, for the record, she voted no because she feels the public should be given another opportunity to comment on the proposed ordinance. Since the ordinance did not receive a majority vote, a second reading of the ordinance will be held on January 3, 1995. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF INSTALLMENT FINANCING WITH FIRST CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST AS REQUIRED BY N. C. GENERAL STATUTES, SECTION 160A-20 FOR THE PURCHASE OF 700 FRONT STREET ASSOCIATES PROPERTY FOR CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE County Attorney. Copley requested approval of an installment financing contract with First citizens Bank and Trust to purchase the 700 Front Street Associates property for Cape Fear community College. Chairman Greer inquired as to whether the resolution should be amended under Paragraph 2 on the first page of the document to reflect that the proj ect total should not exceed $465,000 as referenced in the last Paragraph on this page. Assistant County Attorney, Kemp Burpeau, reported this document was prepared from language submitted by First citizens Bank and Trust; therefore, he will need to contact the bank to be sure that changing the language will not create a problem. o Motion: commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to open the Public Hearing. Upon vote, the. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . , Chairman Greer opened the Public Hearing and inquired as to whether anyone from the general public would like to comment. Dr. Eric MCKeithan, President of Cape Fear Community College, presented a sketch and map of the proposed expansion of the College i ! ~ l"t"",... ;~~" ,'t',.." ,. , '" ~~~'>'~'f -i~,:.-..\.:.":.~, MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 431 that reflected the use of the 700 North Front street property. He expressed appreciation to the Board of Commissioners and County Staff for the cooperation shown in moving forward with this purchase. Motion: Commissioner Barone, MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to close the Public Hearing. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. e Chairman Greer closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to adopt the resolution for the installment financing contract with First citizens Bank and Trust in an amount not to exceed $465,000 for the purchase of 700 Front Street Associates Property for expansion of Cape Fear Community College. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. .',' A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 25. , , BREAK Chairman Greer called a break from 10:11 A.M. until 10:31 A.M. APPROVAL OF RATE INCREASES FOR MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION SPECIALISTS, INC. AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES .' Financ~ Director, Bruce Shell, presented rate increases for Medical Transportation Specialists, Inc. (MTS) and the New Hanover co~nty ,Emergency.~edical Services (EMS). MTS has operated a non- emergency ambulance transportation service for the County since 199\1 without a rate increase. After a complete review of the ,icui::rent rates, Staff feels the rates should be increased and 'reco~ends approval of the following rates due to changes that have occurred in Medicare regulations: e (1) The MTS rate would increase from $100 to $135. (2) The EMS rate would increase from $200 to $225 for basic life support and $250 for advanced life support. currently, one rate is charged for all transports. The rate for non-transports would remain unchanged at $100. Discussion was held on the history of contracting with MTS and the value of this service to New Hanover County. Deputy County Manager, Andrew J. Atkinson, reported there is a $40,000 cap that is paid to MTS as a supplement to cover indigent costs. At one time, the funds necessary to provide this service were much higher t~an the $40,000 cap. commissioner Barone inquired as to the amount paid by private fnsurance companies for non-emergency transports? e Mr. Paul Hubbard, owner of MTS, reported the payment for non- emergency ambulance service varies among private insurance companies depending on the type of plan and coverage. Blue crqss/Blue Shield pays based upon the Medicare rates; whereas, a few private companies pay 100% of the cost. The bulk of non- emergency transports are Medicare and Medicaid patients. Many clients have Medicare and co-insurance which will sometimes pay 100% of the bill. If not, the remaining amount due is written off. The ambulance industry as a whole collects approximately 50 cents on" the dollar; however, New Hanover County has an exceptional collection rate of 54%. .' Motion: Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to approve the rate increases as presented by the Finance Dii'ector to become effective January 1, 1995. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. .... ,MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE '4'-32 COMMISSION SISSON EXCUSED FROM THE MEETING Commissioner sisson was excused from meeting at 10:40 A.M. due to not feeling well. DISCUSSION OF COUNTY UTILIZATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL Assistant to the County Manager, Pat Melvin, reported the County has an opportunity to increase public awareness of Board meetings, agendas, and upcoming bid opportunities through use of the Government Access Channel. The cost of utilizing this service is $10 per hour for technician services. The city of Wilmington pays approximately $30 for each agenda placed on the network. staff recommends considering the use of the local Government Access Channel. o Discussion was held on the cost of publishing the agenda in the Neighbors section of the Star-News and the cost that would be involved with placing the agenda on the Government Access Channel. The Clerk to the Board reported the cost for publishing the agenda in the Star-News is approximately $150 per agenda. Chairman Greer reported since the agenda is being published as a public service, he cannot support using both services. County Manager O'Neal reported using both the newspaper and local Government Access Channel would be ideal; however, if a choice had to be made, he would publish the agenda in the newspaper because many residents of the County do not have access to cable television. commissioner Barone inquired as to whether the agenda can be keyed into the Government Access Channel when being typed in the Manager's Office? County Manager O'Neal reported Staff will be glad to see if the scroll can be prepared in-house and forward a report to the Board. o Consensus: After further discussion of cost involved with publishing the agenda in the newspaper and the fact that all County residents do not have accessibility to cable television, it was the consensus of the Board not to use the local Government Access Channel at this time. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION TO CHANGE SECTION II OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ACCOUNTING MANUAL Finance Director, Bruce Shell, reported under the current purchasing, policy, a purchase order is required on all purchases and services that amount to $150 or more, and an item-is classified' as a fixed asset if the cost is more than $500. Staff recommends increasing these limits to require a purchase order for an item or service that. is $500 or more and classify an item as a fixed asset if the cost is $1,000 or more. Raising these limits will save a great deal of time for Staff and reduce the -postage expenditure. After checking with other counties, the proposed figures are appropriate and would be a positive move for the county in saving time and money. Discussion was held on the security of the purchasing system with the proposed increase in limits. County Manager O'Neal reported all Department Heads are held responsible for adhering to the purchasing policy and the established limits for purchase orders and fixed assets. o Motion: commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to adopt the resolution increasing the $150 limit for purchase orders to $500 and increasing the $500 limit on fixed assets to $1,000 to become effective January 1, 1995. The floor was opened for discussion. ~ 'W'JA."'~,''" ._ "'I !V,~,j :" ,,"'... MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE :&33 Chairman Greer agreed with increasing the limit for fixed assets, but disagreed with increasing the purchasing limit from $150 to $500, which, in his opinion, would encourage people to spend more money. e Substitute Motion: After further discussion, Chairman Greer made a SUBSTITUTE MOTION, SECONDED by Commissioner Barone to increase the limit for purchase orders from $150 to $250 and increase the fixed asset limit from $500 to $1,000 to become effective January 1, 1995. Upon vote, the SUBSTITUTE MOTION RECEIVED A TIE VOTE and no action was taken. Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Chairman Greer voting Nay: Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Excused: Commissioner Sisson Further discussion was held on the purchase order procedure and the security of this policy. Finance Director Shell reported the purchasing approval process will still be in place through a payment voucher or purchase order; therefore, raising the limit should not encourage unnecessary spending. Chairman Greer reported the item has been purchased, created by the $150 rate unnecessary items. payment vouchers are presented after and in his opinion, the paper trail will deter people from purchasing e County Manager O'Neal reported the Department Heads must work within the constraints of their budgets and cannot overspend the amount appropriated during the fiscal year. Deputy County Manager, Andrew J. Atkinson, reported while serving as Finance Director for 15 years, only one department has over spent on its budget, which was because of salaries. In his opinion, the current purchase order limit of $150 has created a real burden on the employees in the Finance Department. Increasing this limit will save both time and money for the County. Commissioner Barone reported after hearing this explanation she would change her vote to support the original motion to approve an increase in the limits since employee time and money will be saved. Chairman Greer called for a vote on the original MOTION to adopt the resolution presented which will increase the limits for purchase orders to $500 and fixed assets to $1,000 to become effective January 1, 1995. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews e voting Nay: Chairman Greer Excused: commissioner Sisson A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 25. , . MEETING CONVENED FROM REGULAR SESSION TO HOLD A REGULAR MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER , SEWER DISTRICT I" Chairman Greer convened from Regular Session to hold a meeting of the New Hanover county Water & Sewer District from 11:09 A.M. .-. . ... uj1eil 11:12 A.M. .... /' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE .434' APPOINTMENTS OF COMMISSIONERS TO SERVE ON VARIOUS BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Motion: After discussion, Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to allow the Commissioners to continue to serve on the same boards and committees. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer Excused: Commissioner Sisson commissioner Barone requested that the Water & Sewer Strategic Planning Task Force be removed from the list since its mission has been completed. It was agreed to remove this committee from the list. The following commissioners were reappointed to serve on the following boards: Bellamy Mansion Board of Directors Cape Fear River Program Advisory Board Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau Council of Governments COG/Aging Advisory Council COG/Executive Committee COG/Region "0" EMS COG/Solid Waste Task Force COG/Water Quality Task Force Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Bd. Dare Board of Directors DSS Building Committee Fire Commission Groundwater Task Force Health Board Hospital Board of Trustees Human Services Transportation Advisory Bd. Human Relations Commission Keep America Beautiful Military Affairs Committee NHC Alcohol & Drug Task Force Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Port, Waterway & Beach Commission Southeastern Center Transportation Advisory Committee WASTEC commission Wilmington Industrial Commission Vice-Chairman Mathews Commissioner Caster Chairman Greer Commissioner Barone commissioner Sisson Vice-Chairman Mathews Vice-Chairman Mathews Commissioner Caster commissioner Barone Commissioner Barone Commissioner Barone Vice-Chairman Mathews Commissioner Sisson commissioner Barone Commissioner Sisson Chairman Greer commissioner Caster commissioner Sisson commissioner Sisson Chairman Greer Vice-Chairman Mathews Commissioner Caster Chairman Greer commissioner Caster commissioner Sisson commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews DISCUSSION OF ALTERNATE MEMBERS ATTENDING THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETINGS Commissioner Barone reported on it being unreasonable to expect alternate members to attend all the meetings of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, and she requested the Board to reconsider the consensus that was taken at the November 21, 1994, meeting, particularly when she thought this matter was discussed and not approved by consensus. Chairman Greer reported the action was by consensus and the minutes were correctly recorded; however, he feels this item should be reconsidered. Discussion was held on the training provided to new and alternate members appointed to serve on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Assistant County Attorney, Kemp Burpeau, reported periodically the Planning Department and Legal Department invite \ o o o e e e "t"" 'I~ ""I --v MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, .DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 435 representatives from the Institute of Government to conduct Workshops on the functions of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Also, an informational pamphlet is provided to each new member and the Legal Department is available at all times to assist members if they do not understand an issue. Alternate members are notified in advance when they are needed to fill in for a regular member; however, most of the alternate members attend various meetings throughout the year to become more familiar with the process. Motion: After further discussion, commissioner Barone, MOVED, ,SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to allow the policy to remain unchanged prior to the regular meeting of November 21, 1994, which did not require alternates to attend all meetings of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer Excused: Commissioner Sisson COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Reappointment of Mary King Dean, Mary Lou Alford, and W. Keith Elmore to Serve on the New Hanover County Board of Health and Appointment of Estelle Grady Whitted to Fill the Unexpired Term of Laura pitts Maness Chairman Greer announced that four vacancies exist on the Board of Health: (1) two vacancies in the general public category with one 3-year term and one unexpired term. Seven applications have been received and Mary K. Dean desires to be reappointed; (2) one 3-year term in the nursing category with eight applications received and Mary Lou Alford desires to be reappointed; and (3) one 3-year term in the pharmacist category with only one application recei ved in the name of W. Keith Elmore, who desires to be reappointed. Motion: Barone to the Board Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner reappoint the following persons to serve 3-year terms on of Health to expire December 31, 1997: Mary King Dean, Mary Lou Alford, W. Keith Elmore, representing the general public representing the nurs~ng category representing the pharmacist category Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer Excused: Commissioner Sisson Chairman Greer opened the floor to receive nominations to fill the unexpired term of Laura pitts Maness. commissioner Barone nominated Alonzo M. Layton to fill the u~expired term. NO SECOND WAS RECEIVED. vice~Chairman Mathews nominated Estelle Grady Whitted. The nomination was seconded by Chairman Greer. There being no further nominations, Chairman Greer declared the nominations closed. ,vote: Upon vote, Estelle Grady Whitted was appointed to fill the 'unexpired term of Laura pitts Maness in the general public category 'to expire December 31, 1995, by the following vote: ..... MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 436 voting Aye: Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer voting Nay: Commissioner Barone Excused: Commissioner sisson Appointment of Archie Shaw and Reappointment of John J. Manock to Serve on the Human Relations Commission Chairman Greer reported two vacancies exist on the Human Relations Commission and that 12 applications have been received with John J. Manock and James C. Moore desiring to be reappointed. o Chairman Greer opened the floor to receive nominations. Chairman Greer nominated Archie Shaw. seconded by Commissioner Barone. The nomination was Vice-Chairman Mathews nominated John Manock for reappointment. commissioner Caster seconded the nomination. There being no further nominations, Chairman Greer declared the nominations closed. Vote: Upon vote, Archie Shaw was appointed to serve a 3-year term on the Human Relations Commission to expire December 31, 1997, by the following vote: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer Excused: commissioner Sisson o Vote: Upon vote, John Manock was reappointed to serve a 3-year term on the Human Relations Commission to expire December 31, 1997, by the following vote: Voting Aye: Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer ,Voting Nay: Commissioner Barone Excused: Commissioner Sisson Appointment of Helena J. Lee to Serve as an At-Large Member on the Southeastern Center Board of Directors Chairman Greer .reported that one at-large vacancy exists on the Southeastern Center Board of Directors with two applications received. Commissioner Barone inquired as to whether Commissioner Sisson, the County's representative on the Southeastern Center Board, had recommended anyone for appointment. Chairman Greer reported Commissioner Sisson had recommended Helena J. Lee. o Chairman Greer opened the floor to receive nominations. Chairman Greer nominated Helena J. Lee. Vice-Chairman Mathews seconded the nomination. There being no further nominations, Chairman Greer declared the nominations closed. ~._;<:-,,,,. ~ S'!,~~;1.~ i~1 ' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 43 7 Vote: Upon vote, Helena J. Lee was appointed to serve a 3-year term on the Southeastern Center Board of Directors as an at-large member with the term to expire December 31, 1997, by the following vote: voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer e Excused: commissioner Sisson DISCUSSION OF LEGISLATIVE GOALS AS PROPOSED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Caster reported on the importance of these goals and requested the Chairman to present background information on the proposed goals since he had co-chaired the Legislative Goals Committee during the past year. Chairman Greer expressed concern for the entire legislative goals process because he thought that Commissioners throughout the state would present legislative concerns about education, public health, general government, etc., but instead the goals were prepared by the various associations, such as the N. C. Association of Public Health. If the General Assembly adopted all of the goals submitted, the cost for implementing these goals would be in excess of $100 million. As a Co-Chairman of this committee, he is opposed to many of the recommended goals; therefore, he would like for each Commissioner to thoroughly review each goal and inform the County's voting delegate, Vice-Chairman Mathews, which goals should' or should not be supported so he can vote accordingly at the Legislativ.e Goals Conference to be held on January 5-6, 1995. e Vice-Chairman Mathews expressed concern for the Commissioners throughout the state not having more input into the process and requested Chairman Greer to express these concerns at the conference. ,., commissioner Caster referred to the Health Care Reform goal which states that a reformed health care system must guarantee every citizen quality comprehensive health care services that emphasize disease prevention, health promotion and improved health 'status., He stated this goal is totally unrealistic. He also expressed concern for not seeing any goals pertaining to allowing residents to vote on annexation or the need for local governments to implement flow control ordinances. County Attorney Copley reported that flow control is regulated by the federal government; however, it would not be inappropriate to let the ,state Legislators know the need for counties to have authority to implement a flow control ordinance. As to annexation, these regulations are governed by the N. C. Legislature. Commissioner Barone inquired as to whether a brief Work Session,should be scheduled to discuss these goals before attending the conference. , ' e Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to hold a brief Work Session after the staff Meeting on Thursday, December 29, 1994, to discuss the proposed Legisl'ative Goals. t, ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY MANAGER " " ,-" .~ Announcement of~Meetlnq to be Held by the Board of Education to .- ...., Pr~~ent a Status Report on Activities Related to the School Bond Issue County Manager O'Neal announced the Board of Education will '" ho!? a meeting on ",Tuesday, December 20, 1994, at 12:00 Noon to , present a status report on activities related to the school bond )issue. sincejhe w~ll be out-of-town, the Deputy County Manager, , '''~:. ,~ "'" 'i " .... /~ I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 438 Andrew J. Atkinson, will be attending the meeting. County commissioners are invited to attend. All of the Discussion of Retreat County Manager O'Neal commented on trying to find a place to hold the retreat scheduled for January 26, 1995, and reported the Blockade Runner and Holiday Inn at Wrightsville Beach were not available. After further contacts, it appears the retreat will be held in the Coast Line Inn. Once a final decision is made, the Board will be informed. Discussion of County Tour Scheduled for January 18, 1994 County Manager O'Neal reported the Chairman of the Board of Education and Superintendent of Schools will not be able to join the Commissioners on the County tour scheduled for January 18, 1995. Annual Conference of the School Board Association, county Commissioners, county Managers, and Superintendents of Schools to be held on January 23-24, 1995 County Manager O'Neal announced the annual meeting of the School Board Association, County Commissioners, County Managers, and Superintendents of Schools will be held at the Research Triangle on January 23-24, 1995, in Raleigh, N. C. ~ Discussion of Revisions to the Subdivision Ordinance County Manager O'Neal reported the Planning Board held a Public Hearing to receive public input on the proposed revisions to the Subdivision Ordinance with very few comments received. The P~anning Board would like to schedule a Work Session with the Board of County Commissioners and the Fire Commission to discuss the proposed revisions. He informed the Board that since commissioner sisson was not present, he would discuss this item at the regular meeting scheduled for January 3, 1995. Chairman Greer inquired as to why the Fire Commission is involved with the revisions to the Subdivision Ordinance? County Manager O'Neal reported the members of the Fire Commission are concerned about the location of fire hydrants, the required turn around radius, and other technical issues that need to be addressed to prepare new development for adequate fire protection. Chairman Greer reported the commissioners did not ask for the Subdivision Ordinance to be revised and stated, in his opinion, this entire process is out of hand. It appears that someone wants the County to require fire hydrants; however, the Board of County Commissioners directed the Planning Board to work out a plan and bring it back to the Commissioners for Board action. Now, the Fire Commission wants to become involved again, and the entire process will begin allover. Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver commented on attending the Public Hearing held by the Planning Board and reported there was agreement on most of the revisions to the Subdivision Ordinance; however, some concerns were expressed about fire protection and fire hydrants. The Planning Board felt that specifications should be required for fire hydrants, but did not know to what extent the County would be willing to commit to the drinking water business. For example, when a subdivider installs a drinking water system, should the County require the water system to be constructed to certain specifications so that future fire hydrants can be installed in the subdivision? The Planning Board did not know how to address this issue without knowing how the Board of county Commissioners felt about the matter. Chairman Greer reported drinking water and water used to fight fires are two different types of water. The County's water systems are for drinking purposes without the capability of putting out ~ o o o e e e ~..;. .,....~. ~ >i.~~, \.~~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 43'9 fires. The County does regulations in place, and in any regulations are needed. not currently have any rules and his opinion, he does not know whether Assistant County Manager Weaver reported there are not two different kinds of drinking water. Basically, the criteria to determine if a drinking water system can support fire hydrants depends upon the amount of pressure and water that can be delivered over a given period of time, which relates back to the size of the water mains installed in the subdivision and capacity of the water storage tank. After further discussion, it was agreed to discuss this matter on January 3, 1995. Status Report on WASTEC to be Scheduled at a Regular Meeting in January or February, 1995 County Manager O'Neal reported in January or February, he will request Mr. Peter Pattinson to present a status report on WASTEC and inform the Board of the positive things that are occurring at the plant. Discussion of Heating and Cooling of County Buildings Vice-Chairman Mathews expressed concern for Property Manage~ent turning off the heating and cooling units during weekends and reported County employees arrive on Monday mornings with no heat. He requested the County Manager to check into this matter and be sure that County buildings are comfortable for the employees. County Manager O'Neal reported there is a mech&nical problem with the heating unit in the Assembly Room; however, Staff has probably been over zealous with trying to save money and he will ~check into the matter. , , Discussion of Changes that Could Occur after the November 8, 1994, Election . , ~ Chairman Greer reported since the November election, he feels the people have spoken and that many things will change and not go on as usual. He urged the County Manager and Staff to be prepared for these changes, particularly with the possible elimination of grants and other monies. He also urged the Commissioners to be aware of this fact and be very frugal with County dollars and the expansion of government services. County Manager O'Neal agreed and reported the County will be prepared. He expressed concern for the elimination of revenues on the state and federal level with the local governments having to figure out how to provide funds for programs. Chairman Greer responded that programs will have to be cut. Many programs are funded by grants and if the grant funds are not ayailable" ;these programs will have to be eliminated. . ~:. .' Change in Meeting Room for Agenda Staff Meetings C~erk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell, requested authorization to schedule future Staff Meetings in Room 501 of the County Adminis~ration Building instead of Room 318. e<'. It'" was'\~agi~'ed to meet in Room 501 of the County Administration \for all, future Agenda Staff Meetings. ~ .;:. '. ti; . ~'';.j;.'.. '" ADJOURNMENT"',~ ,0, . .N;;), ~." Chairman Gre'er adjourned everyon~a Merry Christmas. ,~ .~ , k. , the meeting at 12:00 noon and wished ~es ectfully submitted, .~/~. Lu' F. Harrell Clerk to the Board .....