1994-12-29 Special Meeting ~ MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, DECEMBER 29, 1994 NCACC LEGISLATIVE GOALS PAGE 440 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Work Session on Thursday, December 29, 1994, at 10:00 A.M. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 203 North Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. e Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A. Caster; William E. Sisson, Jr.; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; Assistant County Attorney, Kemp Burpeau; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Greer called the meeting to order and reported the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the 1995 Legislative Goals prepared by the Legislative Goals Committee, which he co-chaired during the past year. He informed the Board he was opposed to many of the goals; therefore, he would like to review the goals in order for the Voting Delegate, Vice-Chairman Mathews, to present a majority vote at the Legislative Goals Conference to be held in Fayetteville, N. C. ~n January 5-6, 1995. Discussion was held on the following goals: Consolidate Human Services: Seek legislation to repeal the population limitation of GS'153A-77 that prevents counties from choosing to consolidate human services programs. This would eliminate the need for a separate Board of Health and Board of Social Services. e After discussion, it was determined that eliminating these boards in New Hanover County would not be beneficial at the present time; however, smaller counties could greatly benefit from consolidating human services programs because of their limited resources. The Commissioners decided to support the proposed goal "only" if counties have an option to decide if they want to combine the human services programs. Funding for Public Health' Services: Support additional funds to provide comprehensive health services to disadvantaged children w~th the funds distributed in accordance with the public equity funding policy. commissioner Barone expressed opposition to the goal because she feels no additional programs are needed. e commissioner Sisson reported the question to answer is whether bringing health standards to children who would not receive these services otherwise is necessary? In his opinion, if the Health Directors across the State feel that additional funds are needed to provide more programs or services to disadvantaged children, there must be a gap in the services. He emphasized the importance of t~entifying problems in children at an early age, which is much l?sS costly than in the future. Commissioner Barone explained that being opposed to this goal does not mean she does not support children; however, the continued expansion of health services only expands the bureaucracy with Health Departments becoming larger in order to justify their existence thrpugh the hiring of more people, which ends up costing the taxpayers more money. She, again, reiterated that no .a'cidi tional pr;c;>grams are needed. , ., commissioner Sisson commented on the need to know the rationale behind this goal and recommended contacting the Health ,Director, Bob parker, to explain the needs before deciding on this g~al. Chairman Greer reported, in his opinion, this a question of philosophy. There is one group who feels that funds should be "" ,;- ':i- ~ ./ , MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, DECEMBER 29, 1994 NCACC LEGISLATIVE GOALS PAGE 441' appropriated to provide all the services needed to take care of children, and there is another group who feels that the government cannot provide all services. There is no right or wrong answer. Discussion was held on the legislative goals process. Commissioner Caster expressed concern for the various associations, such as the Health Directors, requesting legislation through the N. C. Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) and inquired as to whether there is a mechanism in place for these associations to present needs directly to the legislators? o Chairman Greer explained at the present time, all goals must be submitted to the N. C. Association of County Commissioners. commissioner Caster commented on the Health Care Reform goal and read the following portion: The important role of public health agencies as providers of care and public health services must be recognized and must be an integral part of the system. This should he acknowledged by funding public health functions and community-base prevention services with a set-aside equal to 6% of the total annual health services expenditures for North Carolina. ,. commissioner Caster reported there should be a sliding scale to change the percentage of funding for public health. In his opinion, a large percentage of funding goes to doctors, hospitals, and insurance companies instead of public health functions that have greatly improved the quality of health by immunization, cleanliness, sanitation, etc. He recommended increasing a larger percentage within the state Health Budget to public health functions to provide preventative services without an increase in the overall state budget. o commissioner sisson agreed with commissioner Caster and reported preventing health problems will avoid huge medical costs in the future. Vice-Chairman Mathews reminded everyone that the proposed goals were prepared before the November election and, in his opinion, there could be some significant changes in the upcoming session of the General Assembly. Further discussion was held on the lack of time to thoroughly review the 55 proposed goals. Vice-Chairman Mathews requested each Commissioner to review the goals and provide him with a list of support or opposition to the goals so he can cast a majority vote of the Board at the Conference to be held on January 5-6, 1995. .Chairman Greer commented on being opposed to many of the goals that were adopted by the Legislative Goals Committee and reported if all 55 goals should be adopted, the cost would be approximately $283 million. When serving on the committee, he was opposed to any goal that would require additional funds and place a heavier burden on the taxpayers. As to housekeeping goals and the shifting of funds within the state budget, he would not have a problem with these goals. o county Manager O'Neal commented on the automation of the human services programs and reported additional funds for this purpose will prevent the future hiring of employees to provide these services. In his opinion, there are goals that may require additional funds, but will greatly reduce funding in the future. commissioner Barone commented on trying to find out about the number of children on the waiting list for day care in New Hanover County and reported she never received an answer from the Department of Social Services. ,she, also, expressed concern for providing day care to persons who are not working and for there l , T- ""l fin- .~ MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, DECEMBER 29, 1994 NCACC LEGISLATIVE GOALS PAGE 442 being no system in place to purge the day care list, which frequently has the names of children who are beyond the day care age. Assistant to the County Manager, Pat Melvin, reported persons are not eligible to receive day care if they are not employed. e County Manager O'Neal reported he would be glad to forward a report to the Board on the number of children on the waiting list and the eligibility requirements. Chairman Greer commented on being in favor of the state tax for school capital needs and reported counties will have the option to enact a local option sales tax if desired. commissioner sisson reported if the General Assembly does allow counties to enact a local option sales tax for school capital needs, and if the County should enact a local option sales tax, a resolution should be prepared to provide for a sundown provision that would have to be reviewed and renewed at various periods of time. commissioner sisson also expressed concern for no proposed goal to eliminate the sales tax on food and stated, in his opinion, this is the most regressive and unfair tax on record. commissioner Barone responded that she presented the repeal of this tax to the Taxation and Finance Committee with no success. e Chairman Greer reported he is in favor of the sales tax on food because this is the one tax that everyone has to pay, and in his opinion, there should be no free rides. commissioner Barone asked if persons on the Food stamp Program pay the food sales tax? /- County Manager O'Neal reported the sales tax is exempt for the actual purchase of food; however, the exemption does not apply to any other products, such as paper towels, alcoholic beverages, detergents or prepared food. Discussion was held on seeking legislation to modify the procedures for resolving funding disputes between Boards of County Commissioners and Boards of Education. County Manager O'Neal reported the current procedure is for funding disputes between the boards to be forwarded to the Clerk of Superior Court. If the Crerk cannot negotiate a satisfactory arrangement between the boards, the cases will go to Superior Court. He expressed concern for the amount of money that can be expended during a lengthy litigation process and reported these funds could have been used to meet school needs. Discussion was held on the school bus replacement go~l. commissioner Caster inquired as to whether the state provides funds to replace school buses? e County Manager O'Neal reported the state provides the funds; however, some counties have not been satisfied with the number of buses and .this has become a major issue. New Hanover County has not had this proBlem. ~ '. COMMISSIONER SISSON AND VICE-CHAIRMAN MATHEWS LEFT THE MEETING BECAUSE OF .:PRIOR COMMITMENTS ;,;1 commissioner ,Sisson and Vice-Chairman Mathews left the meeting at 11:05 because of prior commitments. y, After 'a lengthy discussion of the proposed goals, Chairman Greer and. cominissioner Barone reported if the goals require additionalkfunds, 'they would be opposed to those goals. > ' ,.." ~ j I I I I 1 I I I 1 ~;r:~U?:'!ll~' OF SPECIAL MEETJ:NG, DECEMBER"29,."1994 NCACC LEGISLATIVE GOALS 'PAGE" 4'4"~1 Commissioner Caster reported on the need to support certain goals ,and reported he would like to see funds transferred among the various programs, who need increased funding, without an overall increase in the state budget. He also commented on the need to properly identify and correct the roles of the federal, state, and local governments. This must be corrected through the definition of state functions with the collection of monies to provide these services. For example, the school system is a local function, not a state function. Counties should be allowed to operate school systems through taxation authority on the local level and collection of these monies. o t ~ f' County Manager O'Neal reported education at the local level in North Carolina is the responsibility of the state Government as outlined in the state Constitution. The state is required to provide the education and all the services involved with providing education. The counties are responsible for providing the' facilities. During the years, many services have become intertwined and corrections need to be made. After further discussion of the legislative goals process and the need to focus on goals presented by the counties, not the various associations, the Board agreed for Chairman Greer to ~xpress the concerns of the Board about the entire process and the need to revise the process at the meeting to be held on January 5, 6, 1995, in Fayetteville, North Carolina. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Greer adjourned the meeting at 11:25 A.M. ~H' \', ~es ectfully submitted, v/~,.. Lu ie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board o . , 'I '.t' ~. ~ " , ; < ". ~ ,'" ~i . ~,"d" '; .~. .' '" ~'> ~ ~:. ... ~i:'l> o I' '.. :',-;-"1 ., ~",+ . L 11'. . ~ '........., '" ); .'r".