1995-02-20 Regular Meeting e e e "Ill MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1995 AND MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 1995 PAGE 536 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Staff Meeting on Thursday, February 16, 1995, at 8:45 A.M. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A. Caster; William E. Sisson, Jr.; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; county Attorney, . Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Greer announced he would be out-of-town on Monday, February 20, 1995, and he requested Vice-Chairman Mathews to chair Staff Meeting and Regular Meeting on the 20th. Vice-Chairman Mathews called the Staff Meeting to order. The Board discussed and reviewed all items listed on the Regular Agenda, Consent Agenda, and Water & Sewer District Agenda. No action was taken. ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairman Mathews adjourned the Staff Meeting at 11:00 A.M. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ Clerk to the Board ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, February 20, 1995, at 9:00 A.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A. Caster; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Members absent were: Chairman Robert G. Greer and William E. Sisson, Jr. Vice-Chairman Mathews called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Deputy County Manager, Andrew J. Atkinson, invocation. gave the commissioner Caster led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Vice-Chairman Mathews inquired as to whether anyone from the general public would like to pr.esen1; an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or comment on an item listed on the Consent Agenda. I The following items were presented: Discussion of Earthquakes in Eastern North Carolina Mr. Howard Greenebaum, a resident of Kure Beach, reported in December 1994, seismologists at UNC-Chapel Hill determined that , ...,.j MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1995 AND MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 1995 PAGE 537 North Carolina had experienced three recent earthquakes. In February, 1995, more tremors were felt in this area. Professor Chris Powell of UNC-Chapel Hill has recommended the purchase of a seismograph with connection to the closest seismology center in order to protect the citizens of the area. After study by Professor Powell, it appears that Carolina Power & Light Company's Brunswick County Nuclear Plant may be i located on the Cape Fear Fault. A serious nuclear accident at Brunswick could kill over 10,000 people and cause over $50 billion in property damages. Concern was expressed for the cracks revealed at the Nuclear Plant with an ex-engineer charging Carolina Power & Light Company with falsifying records and failing to disclose the cracks in 1984. It has also been found that Carolina Power & Light Company selected a GE economy model for the plant, which was poorly constructed with literally thousands of repairs ordered by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Unfortunately, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has a history of ignoring public safety and shielding power companies from costly ~repairs. Formal complaints have been made to various state legislators, governors,' and U. S. Congressmen with no response. Mr. Greenebaum presented the following proposals and urged the Commissioners to consider these actions in order to protect the families in this area and prevent another Chernobyl from happening in eastern North Carolina. 1. To ensure the public of neutrality, he would suggest that the Press publicize the County's past and future contribution records. He requested the Commissioners to make a public pledge to refuse acceptance of any future contributions from Carolina Power & Light Company. 2. I.' The Commissioners should vote to authorize the purchase of potassium iodide pills for every citizen in the county. The estimated cost is less than 10 cents per pill. Thousands of Russians at Chernobyl 'were saved from thyroid cancer by ingesting one of these pills. Most nations with nuclear power plants have distributed these pills to their citizens many years ago. The pills have not been authorized in the United states because of the National Regulatory Commission's concern for darkening the image of the ~tility companies. , . - . 3. New Hanover and Brunswick Counties should pool their funds and purchase a seismograph with a connection to the closest seismology center at an estimated cost of $10,000. 4. 5. v Both counties should create a citizens commission to monitor the Brunswick Nuclear Plant and inform the public on a regular basis of its findings. '.0., Both counties should demand access to Carolina Power & Light Company's seismograph and copies of past seismograph records. Carolina Power & Light Company informed Professor Powell that its machine was a strong motion detector; however, Professor Power failed to request to look at the machine anq its records. It is important to send an expert to examine the records. " Both counties should pool their funds and hire independent experts to examine the entire Brunswick Nuclear Plant, including the cracks in the shroud, to determine the risks to the public and whether this plant should!, be shut down permanently. 7. Both counties should send representatives to the Georgia 'power company to determine the application of its newly invented solar technology to see if this would meet both counties' needs. ~ .. 6. o o o . " I ~ '~"~\ ~~l:';~' ',. "~" '." ,;)"1;~,\':.:~'F,i': . !"t~~';"'I~i"t:;:i!h.~~>)ll!\f~J'..~~bj^'J~jt ' '~\,h '~i~':': F~~<";+.~~~~::it.f;l~.fP4'" ~ ~ .3,:~. ''', i l'~~~'{~!i.t~\t~;:. ~~~:*:,,,j~,;. MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1995 AND MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 1995 PAGE 538 Vice-Chairman Mathews reported, in his opinion, he does not feel the citizens of New Hanover County would have a problem with purchasing a seismograph. Mr. Greenebaum inquired as to when these proposals will be considered by the Board of County Commissioners? e Vice-Chairman Mathews reported this matter would be discussed at a future date. Discussion of space Needs for the Bridge Players at the Senior Center Mr. Dan Wagro, representing 30 senior bridge players, reported on the difficulty experienced in trying to schedule a time for the bridge club to play in the Game Room at the Senior Center. After three months, a time was scheduled and the members (some of which are handicapped) arrived to play and waited for 30 minutes before being placed in the Game Room. During the wait, there were three empty rooms, and when requesting to use a room, Staff informed the club that additional rooms could not to be used as card rooms. Once in the Game Room, within 30 minutes persons began to arrive for a ping pong tournament. The entire situation was most unsatisfactory. The Commissioners were requested to check into the use of rooms at the Senior Center. Ms. Eudie Roberts expressed concern for the pool table being near the bridge tables and reported she was almost hit in the head with a que stick. She requested the Commissioners to provide another room for game activities. e Vice-Chairman Mathews commented on calls received from the seniors regarding this concern and reported he had discussed this matter with the Director of Aging, Annette Crumpton, who will review the usage of rooms at the Senior Center. ,-, Request for Rescinding county Permit 2-9 Issued on January 24, 1995, to Landmark Developers, Inc. for the Blue clay Industrial Park Mr. William J. Funderburg, Sr., a resident of 4321 Blue Clay Road, presented a report and expressed concern for the overflowing of Pumpkin Creek which is the result of a local contractor clearing 188 acres of property that was rezoned from R-15 Residential to Conditional Use 1-1 on December 5, 1994. After trying to determine if the contractor had the necessary permits and was in compliance with County Grading Permit No. 2-95 and State stormwater regulations, it was found that these permits had been violated. The Commissioners were requested to check into this matter and take immediate legal action to revoke County Permit 2-9 issued on January 24, 1995, to Landmark Developers, Inc. for violation 'of the County and State permits for land disturbing acti vi ty. Mr. Funderburg stressed the importance of the Board moving forward with this matter in order to stop the flooding of surrounding properties in the area. Vice-Chairman Mathews requested the Staff to check into this matter. e APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Caster requested removal of Consent Agenda Items 2, 8, 10, and 15 for discussion in the regular meeting. Motion: commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by commissioner Barone to remove Consent Agenda Items 2, 8, 10, and 15, and approve the remaining items as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews .... MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1995 AND MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARYo20, 1995 PAGE 539 Absent: Chairman Greer Commissio~er sisson CONSENT AGENDA Approval The meetings of Minutes Commissioners approved the minutes of as presented by the Clerk to the Board: the following Regular Meeting Solid waste Work Session Retreat January 17, 1995 January 17, 1995 January 26, 1995 o Adoption of CDBG Kirkland Community Revitalization Program HUD section 3 Plan for Employment opportunities The Commissioners adopted thOe HUD "Section 3 Plan for Employment Opportunities for Businesses and Lower Income Persons" as set forth in the Funding Approval Grant Agreement executed on November 21, 1994. A copy of the plan is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 29. Adoption of New Hanover County citizen participation Plan and Resolution/Community Development Block Grant Program The Commissioners adopted the New Hanover County citizen Participation Plan and resolution in accordance with section .1002 citizen Participation of the North Carolina CDBG Regulations (4NCAC19L). This plan is necessary in order to comply with the terms and conditions set forth in the Funding Approval executed on November 21, 1994. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 29. o Approval and Ratification of Resolution supporting Sponsorship of the Masonboro Inlet Project The Commissioners approved and ratified the resolution of support for the local sponsorship of the Masonboro Inlet Project as authorized at the Regular Meeting of December 5, 1994. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained "in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 29. Approval of an Amendment to the Existing Rules, of Procedure for Public Hearings The Commissioners adopted an amendment to Rule 26 of the existing Rules of Procedure, initially adopted February 15, 1993. The Rules of Procedure will be amended to address sworn testimony, exhibit format, and procedures fo~ introduction of evidence. A copy of the Regulation, as presented by the Legal Department, is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 29. Adoption of Resolution Awarding Contract #95-0166 to Heath Construction company for the Castle Hayne Park project The Commissioners adopted a resolution awarding the low bid in the amount of $93,409 to Heath Construction Company for clearing, grading, and roadway construction at the Castle Hayne Park. The County Manager was authorized to execute the contract documents. o A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 29. A copy of the contract is on file in the Legal Department. e e e . , ,'i6jVji~r7~:;~li~i~Jlsj)t~\;t~ "'l v;. ,. ',.. ~ ._'" i?',"i,~:? I '':~1' '4"~:#L,,\~;l::,{ '.~*$',\'l...-_t....(;;. MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1995 AND MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 1995 PAGE 540 Approval of Advertisement of Tax Liens on Real property The Commissioners approved the advertisement of tax liens to be published on March 11, 1995 for all delinquent real estate accounts as of March 7, 1995. Release of Value - Tax Department The Commissioners released the following as the taxpayer listed on time in the county late listing penalty of his residence: Kehaya, whit $ 3.41 The Commissioners released the following charges as the taxpayers properly listed in another county: Deshields, Elaine Mitchell $ 100.00 (civil penalty) $ 7.11 Edens, Ronald James The Commissioners granted citizen/Disability Exclusion: following senior the Wendorf, Margaret H. $15,000.00 The Commissioners granted the following value adjustment on property for the current calendar year (1994): Chemserve Aviation $48,000.00 Adoption of Tax Collections Through January 31, 1995 The Commissioners adopted the following Tax Collection Reports through January 31, 1995, as submitted by the Collector of Revenue: New Hanover County Tax Collections New Hanover County Fire District Tax Collections Copies of the reports are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 29. Adoption of Resolutions to Request the Addition of Roads to the State Highway System The Commissioners adopted resolutions to request the addition of the following roads to the state Highway System: Crooked pine Road (Extension of Murrayville Rd.) Carter Avenue Copies of the resolutions are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 29. Ratification of the Appointment of Pamela Elliot to Serve on the Human Relations Commission The Commissioners ratified the appointment of Pamela Elliot to serve on the Human Relations Commission as the representative for the Lower Cape Fear Personnel Association. This appointment will fill the position vacated by Sandra Harkin, who was not eligible for reappointment. The term will expire December 31, 1997. Ratification of the Appointment of Rebecca Dunn Reinmann to Serve on the Human Relations Commission The Commissioners ratified the appointment of Rebecca Dunn Reinmann, to serve on the Human Relations commission as the representative for the League of Women Voters of New Hanover County. The term will expire December 31, 1997. .... MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1995 AND MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, F~BRUARY'20, 1995 Approval of Budget Amendment #95-0121 - Sheriff's Department PAGE 541 95-0121 - Sheriff's Department Debit Credit Sheriff's Department Other Revenue $4,150 Departmental Supplies $4,150 o Purpose: To increase the Sheriff's budget for contributions received for -the "Safe Summer program'" and "DARE" in- t_he amount of $3,650, and for additional expected contributions in the amount of $500 for these programs. Approval of Budget Amendment #95-0124 - Non-Departmental/outside Agencies/cultural & Recreational 95-0124 - Non-Departmental/outside Agencies/Cultural & Recreational Debit Credit Non-Departmental Contingencies $14,625 Outside Aqencies! Cultural & Recreational City of Wilmington $14,625 Purpose: To budget funds transferred from contingencies for WHET, Inc., toward construction of floating docks along the existing Riverwalk in front of the Hilton. This funding request was approved by the Board of Commissioners on January 17, 1995, contingent upon the City of wilmington approving the same funding request. o Approval of Budget Amendment #95-0125 - Health Department/Vector Control 95-0125 - Health Department/Vector Control Debit cre~it Health Department! Vector Control other $13,500 Motor Vehicle Purchases $13,500 Purpose: To budget an insurance check in the amount of $13,500 received for a stolen truck replacement. PRESENTATION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY RETIREMENT PLAQUES . Vice-Chairman Mathews, on behalf of the Board, presented retirement plaques of appreciation to the following former County employees and wished them a happy retirement: Name Years of Service Schuyler D. Conklin Joy H. Frauson william R. Jessup Alma Lawson James F. Moyer Jean C. White - Inspections - cooperative Extension - Human Relations - Health Dept. - Sheriff's Dept. - Elections . 13, 2 mos. 14, 6 mos. 14, 6 mos. 10, 5 mos. 12, 10 mos. 16, 4 mos. o PRESENTATION OF SERVICE AWARDS Vice-Chairman Mathews, on behalf of the Board, presented service awards to the following County employees and expressed appreciation of their years of service: e e e ~').:\ :'~~:r?;t?~t.-?T'i),~r~~>.t~;'~1F','~ ~ '.' '}f:~' ,~t~'J;if~;,,~~h i,):ii1:iil-:;:lt,;: MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1995 AND MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 1995 PAGE 542 , Five Years of Service Debra L. Alcon, Administration Art Gaither, Environmental Management Edith M. Hill, Social Services Jacqueline Nelson, Registrar of Deeds Wenda B. Rexroad, Social Services Lawrence E. Whitman, Environmental Management Ten Years of Service Linda G. Mitchell, Social Services Twentv-Five Years of Service Robert E. Spell, Sheriff's Department DISCUSSION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 2, A REQUEST TO CONSIDER THE CONVERSION OF PERSONAL LEAVE TO SICK LEAVE Sheriff Joe McQueen reported he requested the Board to consider the conversion of personal leave to sick leave because some employees at the Sheriff's Department do not have time to use the amount of personal leave accrued annually. In order to keep these employees from losing vacation time, the proposed conversion would allow the time to be transferred to sick leave which would be beneficial to the employees when retiring under the Local Government Employees Retirement System. commissioner Caster requested an explanation of how sick leave is used under the retirement system? County Manager O'Neal reported sick leave may be credited toward years of service at retirement up to a maximum, of 12 total sick leave days per year of service. commissioner Caster commented on the importance of employees taking vacation leave and explained this was the reason for questioning the policy. County Manager O'Neal reported the County policy is for employees to take vacation leave; however, frequently, it is difficult for long-term employees to take accrued personal leave. Vice-Chairman Mathews expressed appreciation to the Sheriff for explaining the purpose of the request and stated a decision will be rendered at the end of the meeting. PRESENTATION OF LONG RANGE PLAN FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS Dr. Dale Martin, Superintendent of New Hanover County Schools., presented an overview of the Long Range Plan for New Hanover County Schools through the year 2005. The following items were presented: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN New School Construction Northern Elementary School South Central Elementary School winter Park Elementary School Gregory Elementary School Wrightsbpro Elementary School $ 4,935,300 5,255,300 5,568,100 3,045,100 3.135.764 Total - 52% of the Bond Issue $21.939.564 Maior Additions Blair College Park Hoggard Laney to Existinq Facilities $ 275,000 100,000 2,629,545 2,115,084 ~ MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1995 AND MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 1995 PAGE 543 Ogden 140,000 pine Valley 120.000 Total - 12% of the Bond Issue $ 5.379.629 Renovations to Existinq Facilities Hoggard $ 750,000 Laney 650,000 Lakeside 1,000,000 0 New Hanover 2,550,000 williston 1,881,000 Other Schools (23) 2.432.236 Total - 21% of the Bond Issue $ 9.263.236 AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT (3% of Bond Issue) ASBESTOS ABATEMENT (3% of Bond Issue) TECHNOLOGY $ 1,293,000 $ 1,234,300 $ 400,000 TOTAL PROJECTS $43,109,729 BOND ISSUE CAPITAL BUILDING FUND TOTAL $39,909,729 3.200.000 $43,109,729 BOND FUND TECHNOLOGY IMPLEMENTATION PLAN PHASE I - 1994-95 Implementation Computers have been placed in all classrooms. Implement Level I Computer Competency requirements for all certified staff. Projected Cost: Actual Cost: $1,137,063 $1,116,734 o PHASE II - 1995-96 Implementation Install computer labs at the elementary schools th~t do not have labs. Install a second instructional lab at all four high schools. Projected Cost: $1,320,500 PHASE III ~ 1996-97 Implementation Install school-wide networks at all schools. Begin the implementation of Instructional Management Systems in all schools. Projected Cost $1,542,437 LONG RANGE PLAN: The long-range facility needs for New Hanover County Schools are roughly projected at $160 million because of growth which will require the construction of one elementary school per year. The following components of the plan were presented: . o PHASE I Construction of Five E~ementary Schools. Additions to Blair, College Park, Hoggard, Laney, ogden and pine valley. Renovations to New Hanover, williston and other schools. e e e H' -'::L.;Y' ~""if?::'::;:"-~''i~,;:,.:....~,r f ""II , ", . ~p~.J"'; .r, I MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1995 AND MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 1995 PAGE 544 PHASE II Construction of New High School continued Construction of Elementary School Renovations Financing would be through a $40 million bond referendum in 1996-1997. PHASE III Construction of Middle School continued Construction of Elementary School Renovations Financing would be through a $40 million bond referendum. In summary, Dr. Martin reported if this plan is carried out for the next ten years, the school facilities needs for New Hanover County Schools will have been met. He reported he would be glad to answer any questions. Discussion was held on whether the plan would include another alternative school. Dr. Martin responded that the plan would not include another alternative school. The plan would include New Hanover High School, Hoggard High School, Laney High School, a new High School, and the Lakeside Alternative School. Further discussion was held on whether alternative schools have proven to be successful. Vice-Chairman Mathews reported after attending a School Conference in Raleigh, there was a great deal of doubt as to whether these schools have been successful throughout, the state. Dr. Martin reported in New Hanover County the alternative school, Lakeside, is working. The school serves young students who have discipline problems and are disruptive in the classroom. These students are removed from regular classes and .trained at Lakeside, which keeps them off of the streets and hopefully out of crime. In his opinion, Lakeside is necessary and beneficial to both the community and school system. Commissioner Caster commented on concerns about the use of the bond issue monies and inquired as to whether changes have been made as to how the funds are to be expended for the building construction and renovations pro1ects? ---,. Dr. Martin reported changes have to be made in order to stay within the budget. Many projects impact each other, such as the Gregory/Williston/New Hanover site. For example, the replacement of" theftrack at the Gregory/Williston site is under the New Hanover High School budget because the tract is used by New Hanover as a practice facility. The bottom. line is that the costs cannot exceed the projected budget and in order to provide the necessary facilities, some changes will have to occur with funds allocated to the schools accordingly. commissioner Caster emphasized the importance of adhering to the original plan as presented to the public when voting on ~he bond issue in order to pass future bond issues. He inquired as to whether a combined library (Media Center) at Gregory was discussed at the beginning of the bond issue? Ms. Janice Cavenaugh, Chairman of the Board of Education, responded that preliminary drawings showed a combined library, and at no time was it shown differently when making the bond presentations throughout the community.' .... I ( MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1995 AND MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 1995 PAGE 545 commissioner Caster inquired as to the plan for checking out books? Ms. Cavenaugh responded that the managerial staff will develop policies to be followed by students when checking out books once the building is completed. The safety of all students will be a major priority in establishing this policy. Dr. Martin commented on the importance of receiving citizen input and stated this does not mean that the administration should always respond to the wishes of the public. The administration has the responsibility of rendering decisions that will provide the best facilities to New Hanover County students within the projected budget. There are 21 shared school facilities in the state that serve K-8 children without any problems. Commissioner Caster expressed appreciation for the explanation and agreed with Dr. Martin. He stated funds should be spent to meet the needs of all school children attending County schools. Discussion was held on the need to purchase property to house administrati ve and operational facilities. Dr. Martin reported the Board of Education held a meeting this morning and voted to request the County Commissioners to purchase the Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. property, located at 2814 Carolina Beach Road, at a cost of $1,065,000. commissioner Barone inquired as to how funds will be obtained for furniture and equipment? Mr. Roy Keith, Finance Officer for New Hanover County Schools, reported $200,000 is currently budgeted in the Capital outlay Budget to replace the maintenance facility. Also, $100,000 is budgeted in a renovation line item, which will provide a total of $300,000 for purchasing furniture and supplies. commissioner Barone inquired as to whether the Board of Education will be requesting more funds at a later date? Mr. Keith reported with the $300,000 and line item appropriation in next year's budget as well as existing office furniture that will be moved, the County will not be requested to provide additional funds. commissioner Barone commented on the importance of school maintenance and asked if the $200,000 would negatively impact funds for maintenance of the facilities? Mr. Keith reported the $200,000 will not negatively impact maintenance funds because the present facility is inadequate for storage. Once a larger facility is constructed, funds will be saved because space will be available for bulk purchasing. Ms. Cavenaugh reported all funds for the administrative and operational facilities will come from Capital Outlay, not the bond issue. Motion: After discussion of the need to move forward with the land purchase, Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barone to authorize the purchase of the Siemens property located at 2814 Carolina Beach Road contingent upon environmental, title, and other legal concerns being satisfactorily met. The purchase will be financed for 59 months with an annual debt service of $250,700. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews o o o e e e .~ ~ '~1:t~.(~~'f').V :vtA' f.: MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1995 AND MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 1995 PAGE 546 Absent: Chairman Greer commissioner sisson Vice-Chairman Mathews expressed appreciation to Dr. Martin for the informative presentation. BREAK Vice-Chairman Mathews called a break from 10:20 A.M. until 10:40 A.M. PRESENTATION OF THE FOOD STAMP EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING PERFORMANCE AWARD Mr. Bob Edmundson, Program Manager for the Food stamp Employment and Training Program with the N. C. Division of Social Services, congratulated Mr. Wayne Morris, the Director of Social Services, and Mr. Darryl D. Johnson, Manager of the local Employment Security Office, for being selected the second consecutive year to receive a 1994 Food Stamp Employment and Training Performance Award. The Managers and Staff in both of the agencies have accomplished a consistent high level of performance in this program as indicated by the recipients who have demonstrated a desire to become self-supporting. Ms. Jane Green, representing the N. C. Employment Security Commission, congratulated Mr. Morris and Mr. Johnson for the degree of excellence shown in the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program. Awards were presented to Mr. Morris and Mr. Johnson. Vice-Chairman Mathews, on behalf of the Board, congratulated Mr. Morris and Mr. Johnson for their outstanding achievement in administering the program. REQUEST FOR A STATEMENT OF ENDORSEMENT FOR THE NORTH CAROLINA ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Mr. George parides, Executive Director of the North Carolina Arts and Entertainment Center, presented an overview of a proposal outlining the organizations involved and programs that would be offered by Arts & Entertainment Center. He requested the Board to endorse the Arts and Entertainment Center for funding from the North Carolina General Assembly to establish a center to house non- profit theater companies in the Longleaf Park area. commissioner Barone reported on being very supportive of the Arts and Entertainment Center, but expressed concern for these types of programs not being funded from the private sector. She offered to assist with any type of fund raiser, but stated she could not request the members of the General Assembly to support this program over other infrastructure and human service needs. Vice-Chairman Mathews agreed with Commissioner Barone and encouraged Mr. parides to contact the legislators directly for funding from the General Assembly. No action was taken. DISCUSSION OF THE 1-40 ASSOCIATION NEW HANOVER COUNTY CHAPTER E~ECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mr. John B. Horne, a member of the 1-40 New Hanover County Executive Committee, reported, for the record, his concerns about thi~ committee have nothing to do with the people involved; however, in his opinion, this committee should be abolished. The Executive Committee of the New Hanover Branch of the 1-40 Association was created as required by the by-laws of the Association. The other nine counties have not created local committees; therefore, the New Hanover County Committee is unique. Concern was expressed for the manner in which the by-laws were written, the organizational structure, the lack of meeting notices, ...oiil MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1995 AND MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 1995 PAGE 547 and no real relationship with the 1-40 Board of Directors. If the local committee is to have a positive influence and promote economic development that is environmentally sound along the 1-40 Corr idor, the Association must provide a better structure to accomplish these goals. Two members of the New Hanover County Executive Committee have been appointed to Serve on the 1-40 Association Board of Directors with only one vote and no recognition. A majority of the members of the local Executive Committee feel the committee should be abolished because of the time required to attend meetings. o Mr. steve Woodard, a member of the local Executive Committee, reported on his desire to serve on this committee to provide direction for positive economic development along the 1-40 Corridor. However, he feels the only purpose of the local Executive Committee was to meet and appoint two members to serve on the 1-40 Association Board of Directors; therefore, there is no purpose for continuing the committee. Mr. Tom Cassell, a representative of the N. C. Division of Community Assistance, presented background information on the development of the 1-40 Association. He commented on the need to review the current policies and stated the 1-40 Association Board of Directors will be glad to make changes or improve the organizational structure. He commented on the difficulty in working with nine counties to establish local committees and reported he would be glad to present New Hanover County's concerns to the Board of Directors. Mr. Dana Pag'e, Chairman of the local Executive Committee, reported the 1-40 Association Board of Directors will be meeting at the Coast Line Convention Center in Aprii. Many of these concerns will be addressed, and in his opinion, the development of this corridor is important to New Hanover County; therefore, he feels the committee should remain intact. o Mr. Don Edlund, a member of the New Hanover County Executive Committee, presented background information on the first meeting held on Septembe,r 14, 1994, with no information received from former members, Jane Peterson or Toni Rivenbark. Mr. Dana Page and Mr. John Watkins were appointed to serve . on the 1-40 Board of Directors; therefore, he feels the local committee no longer has a purpose and should be abolished. commissioner Caster requested Mr. Page to call an organizational meeting of the local Executive Committee to see if these problems c~n be worked out. If not, the local committee should be abolished because volunteers should not be expected to give of their time to serve on a committee with no real purpose. commissioner Barone stressed the importance of the 1-40 corridor to the economic development of southeastern North Carolina and reported she feels the 1-40 Executive Committee should remain intact. She requested Mr. Cassell to work with the local committee to see if these concerns can be addressed. BREAK Vice-Chairman Mathews called a break from 11:28 A.M. until 11:35 A.M. o PRESENTATION OF REPORT BY UNC-WILMINGTON ON "WATER QUALITY IN,NEW HANOVER COUNTY TIDAL CREEKS" Dr. James Merritt, UNC-Wilmington Center for Marine Science Research, presented an overview on the results from the first, year of the New Hanover County Tidal Creeks Project water quality studies conducted by the Center for Marine Science Research at UNC- Wilmington. In the beginning, it was quickly realized that no'firm data had been collected on the tidal creeks. A plan was developed to implement a four-year project to investigate the current . e e e "<'lW'~~-~."''"' '1~'1''''V '-~;','~-' "m """"-"..;.~_ "'l '1i, ,;' MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1995 AND MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 1995 PAGE 548 environmental health of local tidal creeks; assess the sources and mechanisms of water pollution, particularly pollution leading to shellfishing closures; and use this knowledge to help mitigate present and future pollution. This first year of study has not identified the pollution source; however, the team will continue to collect data and try to resolve the source of pollution. Dr. Merritt requested Dr. Michael A. Ma'llin to present a slide presentation. Dr. Mallin presented slides on the tidal creeks in New Hanover COl,lnty. Emphasis was placed on Howe and Hewlett Creeks with additional sampling conducted on Bradley and Pages Creek. Salinities in the creeks ranged from seawater at the creek mouths to oligohaline in upstream regions, with these changes occurring over a distance of less than two miles. Nutrients were generally moderate in the mainstream section of the tidal creeks. In Howe Creek a station located below Graham Pond showed the highest levels of both nutrients, probably as a result of spillover from Graham Pond and runoff. No pesticides were detected in the sediment samples collected. Copper levels were low except for samples within a' marina on Pages Creek. Cadmium levels were low except for two stations bordering the golf course on the south shore of Howe Creek. Iron levels were variable, with elevated levels at a headwaters station in 'Page's Creek and several stations in ~owe Creek. Fecal coliform counts were found in Howe and Hewlett Creeks, which were increased in the mouth of the creek upstream area. The counts were lowest at high tide and exceeded the State standard for shellfishing waters. The lower reaches of the tidal creeks maintained overall good wat;er quality due to the flush~ng activity of the Intracoastal Waterway. Discussion was held on the importance of tidal flushing and the possibility of dredging out the mouths of some creeks to increase the tidal flow. Motion: SECONDED report. After further discussion, commissioner Barone MOVED , by Commissioner Caster to accept the 1993-94 Tidal Creeks Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Absent: Chairman Greer Commissioner Sisson Vice-Chairman Mathews expressed appreciation to Dr. Merritt and Dr. Mallin for an excellent report. commissioner Caster commented on the Cape Fear River Program and requested Dr. Me~ritt to make a presentation. County Manager O'Neal reported he would be glad to place this item on a future agenda. WITHDRAWAL OF THE MYRTLE GROVE COMMUNITY CENTER FUNDING REQUEST County Manager O'Neal reported Ms. Sheila Davis had requested withdrawal of the funding request in order to have more time to prepare the presentation. Consensus: It was the consensus of the Board to withdraw the Myrtle Grove community Center funding request. CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS FOR A ~ ( I I I 1 MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1995 AND MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEB~UARY 20, 1995 PAGE 549 DRAINAGE STUDY OF THE UPPER REACH AREA OF THE BIG GUM BRANCH WATERSHED Mr. James S. Craig, P.E., reported the County Eng:j.neering and Parks Departments have requested th~ Corps of Engineers to assist the County in the study of the Gum Branch Watershed. The study would be funded by the Corps of Engineers with in-kind services furnished by the County. If the study is successful, it will provide the best way to treat stormwater run-off. o Motion: Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to authorize staff to enter into an agreement with the Corps of Engineers to perform the study as recommended by the Engineering and Parks Departments. The Chairman was authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: ' Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Absent: Chairman Greer commissioner Sisson A copy of the agreement is on file in the Legal Department. MEETING CONVENED FROM REGULAR SESSION TO HOLD A MEETING OF ~HE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT Vice-Chairman Mathews convened from Regular Session at 12:10 P.M. until 12:20 P.M. to hold a 'regular meeting of the New Hanover County Water & Sewer District. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS o Appointments to the Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority Vice-Chairman Mathews announced three vacancies exist on the Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority. Two members, Daniel Biblin and W. Lee Williams are eligible for reappointment and desire to be reappointed. Four applications have been received. commissioner Barone expressed concern for the lack of applications and reported one applicant has been in New Hanover County for only six months and the other only two and one-half years. She recommended re-advertising to fill the vacancies. Motion: After discussion, comniissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barone to reappoint. Daniel Biblin and W. Lee Williams to serve 6-year terms on the Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority with the terms expiring February 22, 2001; and authorize the Clerk to re-advertise for the vacant position. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Absent: commissioner Sisson Chairman Greer o Appointment of Lawrence W. Saunders to Serve on the Wilmington/New Hanover Port, waterway & Beach Commission Vice-Chairman Mathews reported there was Qne vacancy in. the Category of Terminals & Industry on the Port, waterway & Beach Commission. The current member is not eligible for reappointment and three applications have been received. . Vice-Chairman Mathews opened the floor to receive nominations. 1\',;",">,\,1 , ", .... t '~~'U' . , 'J'-i MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY i6, 1995 AND MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 1995 PAGE 550 commissioner Caster nominated Lawrence W. Saunders. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Barone. Vice-Chairman Mathews nominated Walter Hickey. The nomination did not receive a second. e There being no further nominations, Vice-Chairman Mathews declared the nominations closed. ~ Vote: Upon vote, Lawrence W. Saunders was appointed to serve a three-year on the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission with the term to expire February 28, 1998, as follows: voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster voting Nay: Vice-Chairman Mathews Absent: Commissioner Sisson Chairman Greer Reappointment of Harry L. Mahl, Chester D. RUdolf, and James B. wright to Serve on the WASTEC Commission Vice-Chairman Mathews reported three vacancies exist on the WASTEC Commission. ThJ;"ee members, Harry L. Mahl, Chester D. Rudolf, and James B. Wright, are eligible for reappointment and desire to be reappointed., Five applications have been received. e Motion: Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to reappoint Harry L. Mahl, Chester D. Rudolf, and James B. Wright to serve three-year terms on 'the WASTEC Commission with the terms to expire March 1, 1998. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Absent: Commissioner Sisson Chairman Greer Appointment of Elizabeth A. weis to Serve on the Nursing Home Advisory Committee Vice-Chairman Mathews reported there was one vacancy on the Nursing Home Advisory Committee to increase the membership of the Board from 7 to 8 members since the Liberty Commons Nursing Home has become fully operational. Three applications have been received. A member of the Domiciliary Home Community Committee, Elizabeth A. Weis, desires to serve on the Nursing Home Advisory Committee. If the Commissioners should consider this request, the other two applicants, Bob Kingsbury and Pamela W. Wooddell, are willing to serve on the Domiciliary Home Community Committee. Vice-Chairman Mathews opened the floor to receive nominations to fill the vacant position. e commissioner Caster nominated Elizabeth A. Weis. nomination was seconded by Vice-Chairman Mathews. The There being no further nominations, Vice-Chairman Mathews declared the nominations closed. Vote: Upon vote, Elizabeth A. Weis was appointed to serve on the Nursing Home'Advisory Committee for an initial term of one year to expire February 28, 1996 as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews ~ MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1995 AND MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 1995 PAGE 551 Absent: commissioner sisson Chairman Greer Appointment of Bob Kingsbury and Pamela W. Wooddell to Serve on the Domiciliary Home community Advisory Committee Vice-Chairman Mathews reported three instead of two vacancies exist on the Domiciliary Home Community Advisory Committee with the appointment of Ms. Elizabeth,A. Weis to the Nursing Home Advisory Committee. Two applicatiol1s have been received in the names of Bob Kingsbury and Pam Wooddell. o Motion: Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barone to appoint Bob Kingsbury and Pam Wooddell to serve an initial term on the Domiciliary Home Community Advisory Committee to expire February 28, 1996, and request the Clerk to re-advertise for the vacant position. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Absent: Commissioner Sisson Chairman Greer ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE CONVERSION OF ANNUAL VACATION LEAVE TO SICK LEAVE - CONSENT AGENDA .ITEM 8 Commissioner Caster emphasized the importance of employees taking vacations for health reasons and reported, hopefully, approval of this policy will not discourage employees from taking vacation leave. County Manager O'Neal agreed and reported department heads are encouraged to take vacation leave; however, in a few instances it is almost impossible for employees with years of service to take annually accrued vacation leave. o Motion: Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Mathews to adopt the resolution authorizing the conversion of annual vacation leave to sick leave. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: '. . voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews . Absent: Commissioner Sisson Chairman Greer A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 29. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 10 AND ITEM 15 Commissioner Caster requested an explanation of why the taxes are written off? Deputy County Manager Atkinson reported under North Carolina General Statutes, local governments are authorized to write off taxes after trying to collect for ten years. o commissioner Caster inquired as to what will happen to the two part-time positions for the Health Department if Medicaiq is cut back? County, Manager O'Neal reported the positions will be terminated if state or federal funds are eliminated. Motion: Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barone to approve the following: (1) release taxes for 1984 as barred py G.' S. 105-378 (Consent Agenda Item 10); and approve Budget "" ..... ;,. , ',<., ,41 '.' MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY'16, 1995 AND .'Ie MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 1995 PAGE 552 Amendment #95-0119 to hire two part-time positions for the Health Department's Nutrition Program, a Clerical Specialist I/Grade III/WIC Program, and a General Nutrition III/Grade 120 (Consent Agenda Item 15). Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: e Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Absent: Commissioner Sisson Chairman Greer Budget Amendment 95-0119 - Health Dept./Nutrition Debit Credit Health Deot./Nutrition Title XIX Salaries & Wages FICA Retirement Medical Insurance Employee Reimbursement Training & Travel $7,954 $6,054 $ 460 $ 300 $ 890 $ 75 $ 175 ~;' Purpose: To budget additional revenue received from Medicaid reimbursement for high risk nutritional counseling and increase budget line items for new General Nutritionist III position. e APPROVAL OF NEW.HANOVER COUNTY PARKS DEPARTMENT USER FEE SCHEDULE, CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 8 Director of Parks, Neil Lewis, reported the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board voted to charge fees for'the use of New Hanover County Parks. The nominal fees will be useful as a control measure and contribute toward the payment of utilities for County parks. Discussion was held on the need for recreational outdoor facilities. Director Lewis reported once the four County parks are completed, he feels Staff should work with the School System in developing and designing schools eor public use of athletic fields after school hours . with the limited amount of space available for park land, this would be beneficial to the entire community. Further discussion was held on the importance of acquiring land for County parks. Commissioner Caster reported if the community desires to have more parks, a bond issue should be held before the land is no longer available. Motion: commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barone to adopt the proposed Fee Schedule for usage of County Parks. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews e Absent: Commissioner Sisson Chairman Greer A copy of the fee schedule is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 29. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY MANAGER Work'Session Scheduled for March 17, 1995 to Hear a Presentation on the 800 MHZ system County Manager O'Neal requested the Commissioners to schedule a Work Session to hear a presentation on the 800 MHZ System. ~ . MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING, FEBRUARY, 16, .1995 AND MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY,20, 1995 PAGE.553 Consensus: It was the consensus of,the Board to change the Staff Meeting from March 16, 1995, to Friday, March 17, 1995, at 8:45 A.M. followed by a Work Session at 10:00 A.M. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building to hear a presentation on the 800 MHZ System. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Caster announced he would not be able to attend the-Regular Meeting scheduled on March 9, 1995, because he would be on vacation. ADJOURNMENT . Vice-Chairman Mathews adjourned the meeting at 12:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~d~ LUC1e F. Harrell Clerk to the Board . I '. . ' " r . . o o o