1995-02-24 Work Session "'l MINUTES OF WORK SESSION WITH THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY, FEBRUARY 24, 1995 PAGE 55'4 e ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met with the New Hanover County Airport Authority on Friday, February 24, 1995, at 7:30 A.M.- in the Conference Room of New Hanover International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North ~arolina. Members present were: Commissioner William A. Caster; Vice- Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. . Commissioner William E. Sisson, Jr. was absent. Commissioner Barone arrived at 8:30 A.M. Airport Authority Members present were: Chairman William Schwartz; John (Jack) G. Ashby; Paul E. Gregory; H. Thompson (Tommy) King III; and Airport Director, Robert J. Kemp. Ms. Shirley McQueen was absent. Chairman Greer called the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to order. Chairman Schwartz called the Airport Authority to order and reported the purpose of the Work Session was to provide a status report on Airport activities. He presented an overview of the activities and reported on the following percentage increases during the past year: (1) Aircraft Operations 12.6%; (2) US Customs Acti vi ty -8.1%; (3) Total Passengers Handled 14 %; and (4) Cargo Handled 18.3%. e County Manager O'Neal requested an explanation of the significant increase in the U.S. Customs activity, and inquired as to whether the Airport plans to advertise this service? Airport Director Kemp reported as the Airport becomes better known to private aircraft owners and pilots, the US Customs activity will continue to increase because it is cheaper to fly directly to Wilmington than to Florida. Also, the Airport Authority is in the process of advertising this service. Report on Capital Improvements Mr. Jack Ashby presented an overview of the Capital Improvements to the Airport in the amount of $9.4 million on land purchases; improvements and corrections to the Airport Terminal; additions to the rescue fire fighting unit; the new Airport Rescue Firefighting Building; renovations and improvements to the International Terminal; Airfield improvements; and other improvements such as vehicles, computer equipment and maintenance equipment. He reported the Authority had been able to accomplish these improvements because of support from Senator Jesse Helms; FAA Administrator, David Hinson; Elizabeth Dole, former Secretary of Transportation and many others. Also, a large percentage of funds had been FAA discretionary money, which is money the Airport would not have otherwise received. e Report from the Budget and Finance Committee Mr. Tommy King presented and reviewed the Revenue Report from Fiscal Years 1990-1995, a Cash Flow Analysis, and Statement of Revenues and Expenditures. The following account balances were presented as of January 31, 1994: Operating Accounts Blue Cross/Blue Shield Reserve Maintenance Development & Repairs Account Drug Seizure Funds Passenger Facility Charge Account TOTAL ACCOUNT BALANCE $1,693,211.13 22,623.00 253,430.79 1,250.54 213.237.23 $2.183.752.69 ~ ,/ %... MINUTES OF WORK SESSION WITH THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY, FEBRUARY 24, 1995 PAGE 555 Chairman Schwartz proudly announced that New Hanover International Airport was solvent with an excellent cash- balance and reported no County operating subsidy would be required for the next fiscal year. He complimented Staff and members of the Airport Authority for the outstanding job .performed in managing the operation of the Airport. Report from property Management Committee Mr. Paul Gregory presented a schedule explaining the cost, status, and anticipated completion date of on-going projects. He reported taxiway B has been postponed until spring. Also, the consultants hired for airport land acquisition, the Farbman Group, were in the process of negotiating with property owners on the Morris Road and Old Wrightsboro Road areas. Report on Airlines Providing Service to New Hanover International Airport Chairman Schwartz reported the primary air carriers at the Airport were US Air and the Delta Connection. After a review of the most frequented destinations, New York is the first priority with Atlanta being second. Discussion has occurred with US Air and Delta for non-stop flights to these areas; however, no response has been received. Also, it appears that continental Airlines will be providing official service to Greensboro, and Midway Airlines will be serving Raleigh. Both of these new services could be beneficial to the Airport. Discussion of Renting the Old Weather Building Chairman Schwartz reported the old Weather Building had been renovated and is now available for rent. He inquired as to whether the County was interested in renting the building? Chairman Greer informed the Airport Authority that discussion had been held about moving the Emergency operations Center (EOC) into the building; however, no decision has been reached. He stated, for the record, he was opposed to moving EOC to this location. After further discussion, it was agreed that the Airport should proceed to advertise and actively solicit a renter with the County having the first right of refusal. I 1 Personnel Report Chairman Schwartz reported the Airport is fully staffed with 34 employees who are excellent workers. There is very little turnover, and cross training has occurred with the Public Safety Officers and maintenance employees to serve as aircraft rescue firefighters. Report on Cash Analysis for Fiscal Years 1993-1999 Airport Director Kemp presented a Cash Analysis for Fiscal Years 1993-199'9 and emphasized the importance of the Airport maintaining an adequate cash reserve. Due to the finan7ial condition of the airlines, jet service could be eliminated and the loss of revenue would have to be sustained until a new service could be recruited, which requires approximately six to twelve months. Discussion of Land Acquisition Airport Director Kemp presented a map of primary land acquisitions needed to meet mandated clearances on either side of the runway, referred to as the "building restriction line". Currently, a small parcel on Morris Road is owned by the county and has not been included as part of the Airport lease. county Manag~r O'Neal reported he was not aware of this parcel being owned by the County and stated to th~ best of his knowledge, he did not feel the county would have any use for the property. o o o "III '~f,~j.'< '>4.';" MINUTES OF WORK SESSION WITH THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY, FEBRUARY 24, 1995 PAGE 556 e Discussion was held on the importance of land acquisition and zoning classifications for properties surrounding the Airport. Director Kemp reported land acquisition negotiations are p~esently occurring with property owners on Morris Road, and the FAA has informed the Airport that some trees must be removed from residential properties near the Runway 35 approach, which greatly upsets the property owners. commissioner Caster inquired as to whether the restricted area in runway approaches could be used for recreational purposes? Airport Director Kemp responded that recreational use was generally accepted as long as parks or field did not have night lighting that would interfere with runway approaches. Discussion of Eminent Domain Airport Director Kemp reported on the need to amend the Airport Charter to exercise the right of eminent domain when trying to purchase property. The Airport will attempt to purchase property on a voluntary basis; however, in some cases, the Airport may have to exercise the right of eminent domain. The Commissioners were requested to consider the sponsorship of a local bill to the N. C. General Assembly granting the Airport Authority the right of eminent domain. Discussion of Repairs to the Airport Terminal Discussion was held on how the County would like for the Airport to proceed with correction of the front canopy and floor tiles in the new terminal building. e County Attorney Copley reported the County had r~ceived $50,000 from the lawsuit with HNTB. Further discussion was held on the possibility of contacting the County's insurance company to see if more funds could be secured to cover the repairs. County Attorney Copley reported she would be glad to. check into this matter and" report back to the Board. After further discussion of the need to begin repairs, the Commissioners agreed to allocate the $50,000 received to the Airport Authority. Discussion of Filling Vacancies on the Airport Authority Discussion was held on the importance of hiring well qualified individuals to fill the positions that wil'l be vacated by Jack Ashby and Paul Gregory on July 1, 1995. The Commissioners were requested to authorize the Clerk to forward a copy of all applications received to the Airport Authority for review and comments. Chairman Greer reported he did not have a problem with the copies of the applications being forwarded to the Airport Authority for comments and recommendations as long as the Airport Authority understands that these persons mayor may not be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. e The Clerk to the Board was requested to forward all copies of applications received to the Airport Authority. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Greer expressed appreciation to the Airport Authority and staff for the informative presentation and commended them for the progress that has occurred at the Airport during the past five years. He adjourned the meeting at 9:05 A.M. ~~ct~Jy/~ ~ F. Harrell Clerk to the Board ~