01/07/2004 e e New Hanover County Health Department Revenue and Expenditure Summary November 2003 Cumulative: 41.66% Month 5 of 12 Revenues Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Revenue Balance % Budgeted Revenue Balance % Revenue Amount Earned Remalnln Amount Earned Remalnln Federal & State $ 1,691,857 $ 925,234 $ 766,623 $1,322,579 339,566 $ 983,013 25,67% nimal Control $ 570,161 $ 264,573 $ 305,588 $ 587,944 230,447 $ 357,497 39.20% Medicaid $ 1,046,080 $ 82,424 $ 963,656 $1,035,386 264,575 $ 770,811 25,55% t Medicaid Max $ 273,333 $ $ EH Fees $ 300,212 $ 83,503 $ $ 312,900 Health Fees $ 111,850 $ 65,128 $ 482,700 Other $ 2,336,580 $ 1,052,202 $1,670,644 Expenditures Typa of Ex ndlture Current Yea, Expended Amount % Prlo, Yea, Expanded Amount Budgeted Amount Balance Remalnln % Budgeted Amount Balance Remalnln 9,938,494 $ 3,339,266 1,532,820 $ 541,731 335 863 $ 68,834 9,184,41 $3,257,197 $5,927,216 35,46% 1,917,481 $ 678,122 $1,239,359 35,37% 183 746 $ 8,862 $174,884 4,82% Summary Budgeted Actual % FY 03-04 FY 03-04 Expenditures: Salaries & Fringe $9,938,494 $3,339,266 Operating Expenses $1,532,820 $541,731 Capital Outlay $335,863 $68,834 Total Expenditures $11,807,177 $3,949,831 33.45% Revenue: $6,330,073 $2,473,064 39.07% e Net County $$ $5,477,104 $1,476,767 26.96% - Revenue and Expenditure Summary Fiscal Year 04 As of November 30, 2003 10 e e ~ NHCHD BOARD OF HEALTH APPROVED GRANT APPLICATION STATUS FY 03-04 Date (BOH) Grant Reauested Pendlna Received' Denied 12/312003 No activity to report for December 2003. Cape Fear Memorial Foundation- Funds needed to cover dental services for needy children 8S identified by 11/512003 School Heatth Nurses. $3,000 $3,000 NC Medical Foundation - Through the Good Shephard Mlnl.tne. for nursing services to the population frequenting the .hetter. $25,000 $25,000 Duke University- To provide 10 hours of nursing services for TB Outreach. $10,388 $10,388 NC T abaeto and Control Branch, OHHS- &f:tfJB j..'fvkJ. Continuation of Tobacco Prevention Program. $100,000 $100,000 10/112003 No activity to report for October 2003. " New Hanover County Safe Schools- Uniting for Youth "U4Youth"(funding will be received over a 91312003 3 year grant period) $49,000 $49,000 Safe Kids Coalltlon- Fire Prevention (Please note this grant was pulled- coalition not able to meet deadline for request) $2,500 $2,500 8/612003 NC DHHS- OPH Preparedness and Response $82,350 $31,950 $50,400 Smart Start- Partnership for Children (Grant 7/312003 Increase for Part Time Nurse Position) $5,523 $5,523 Cape Fear Memorial Foundation - Diabetes Today (two-year request; $42,740 annually) (Received $25,00 year 1 and $20,000 year 2) $85,480 $45,000 $40,480 Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment-Geographic Information Systems Grant (Env Health) $10,000 $10,000 Safe Kids Coalltion- Safe Kids Mobile Car Seat Check up Van $50,000 $50,000 Safe Kids Coalition- Risk Watch Champian 6/412003 Team $10,000 $12,500 Smart Start- Partnership for Children: Child 5n 12003 Care Nursing Program (Preliminary Approval) $171,977 $172.500 Smart Start- Partnership for Children: Health Check (Preliminary Approval) $41,035 $41,747 UNC-CH: Child Care Health Consultant $62,849 $64,495 Cape Fear Memorial Foundation (through Partnership for Children): Naviaator Program $178,707 $180,000 4/3/2003 No activity to report for April 2003. 3/512003 No activity to report for March 2003. 2/5/2003 No activity to report for February 2003. 1/812003 NC DHHS- OPH Preparedness and Response $115,950 $33,600 $82,350 12/4/2002 No activity to report for December 2002. NC Health and Wellness Trust Fund-Teen Tobacco Use Prevention & Cessation Program 11/612002 ($100,000 per year for 3 years) $100,000 $100,000 Safe Kids Buckle Up Program-North Carolina 101212002 Safe Kids $5,000 $5,000 J~ro 35 A. of 12/1612003 . N<?TE: Notification received since last report. NHCHD BOARD OF HEALTH APPROVED GRANT APPLICATION STATUS FY 03-04 Developing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Capacity In Local Health Department In Eastern North Carolina-Duke University Nicholas School ofthe Environment and Earth Sciences (NSEES) $18,000 $18,000 1",4"UU' No actiVity to report lor september 2002. No activity to report lor August 2002. No activity to report for July 'UU4. I Totals $1,126,759 $187,388 $614,792 $331,253 16.63% 29.40% 54.56% Pending Grants 5 25% Funded Total Request 8 40% Partially Funded 3 t5% Denied Total Request 4 20% Numbers of Grants Applied For 20 tOO% As of 12/1612003 . NOTE: Notification received since last report. e e ~ 36 . . a....... ... NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2029 SOUTH 17TH STREET WILMINGTON. NC 28401-4946 TELEPHONE (910) 343-6500 FAX (910) 341-4146 December 10, 2003 TO: New Hanover County Board of Health FROM: David E. Rice, Health Director , SUBJECT: Reclassifications Attached please find the proposed reclassifications for: e Incumbent From To Nancy Nail Public Health Division Nutrition Services Manaaer - MG07 SUDervisor - PT09 Janet McCumbee Public Health Division Personal Health Services Manaoer - MG07 Manaoer - MG09 Jean McNeil Public Health Division Animal Control Manager Manaaer - MG07 - MG07 Dianne Harvell Public Health Division Environmental Health Manaoer - MG07 Manaoer - MG07 Elisabeth Constandy Senior Health Educator- Health Education PT04 SUDervisor - PT07 Diane Vosnock Medical Lab Supervisor - Medical Lab Supervisor- PT07 PT09 Betsy Summey Public Health Nurse - PTOa Physician Extender - PToa These changes are made necessary by recent changes to the New Hanover County Health Department organizational structure. Also attached is an organizational chart. - The recommendation from the New Hanover County Human Resources Department is for the Executive Committee to recommend approval of the reclassifications to the Board of Health and for the Board to submit the appropriate reclassifications to the New Hanover County Commissioners for their consideration. 37 "Healthy People, Healthy Environment, Healthy Community" ~ e NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM New Hanover Cou<ny NOt\'tH+tAAQL1N ,.. December 9, 2003 TO: David E. Rice, Health Director FROM: Catherine Morgan, Senior Human Resources Analyst THROUGH: Andre R. Mallette, Human Resources Director SUBJECT: Reclassifications Resuhing from Reorganization I have completed my reviews of several positions affected by the departmental reorganization and, based on my fmdings, make the following reclassification recommendations: . Reclassify the Public Health Division Manager over nutrition services and WIC (incumbent, Nancy Nail) at Moo7 to Nutrition Services Supervisor at PT09. This is, in effect, a downgrade as well as a reclassification. . Reclassify the Public Health Division Manager over personal health services (incumbent, Janet McCumbee) at Moo7 to Personal Health Services Manager at MG09. . Reclassify the Public Heahh Division Manager over animal control (incumbent, Jean McNeil) at Moo7 to Animal Control Manager at Moo7. This is simply a title change involving no pay grade change. . Reclassify the Public Health Division Manager over environmental heahh (incumbent, Dianne Harvell) at Moo7 to Environmental Heahh Manager at Moo7. This, too, is simply a title change involving no pay grade change. . Reclassify Senior Health Educator (incumbent, Elizabeth Constandy) at PT04 to Heahh Education Supervisor at PT07. You may use this memo as documentation to accompany your request to the Board of Health and to the Board of County Commissioners for approval of these reclassifications. According to our personnel policy, these particular reclassification requests must be approved by the Board of County Commissioners because the proposed classifications do not currently exist in our classification plan. These reclassifications were made necessary by the recent changes to your department's organi7J1tional structure. Three of these reclassifications represent significant changes in the position's placement in the structure; the other two are merely title changes, which reflect no changes to the position but facilitate _ changes to the classification structure. Fo1l9wing is a summary of the rationale for each reclassification: 38 2 . Reclassify the Public Health Division Manager over nutrition services and WIC (incumbent, Nancy Nail) at MG07 to Nutrition Services Supervisor at PT09. This is, in effect, a downgrade as well as a reclassification. e Prior to the reorganization, the nutrition (and WIe) services program was a division and the manager reported directly to the health director. In the reorganization, these services have become a part of the personal health services division. This manager no longer reports to the health director, but rather to the personal heahh services division manager (Janet McCumbee). This position no longer has supervisory responsibility for administrative support personnel (moved to the business manager's division). In the personal health services division, positions comparable to this position are the public heahh nurse supervisors who are at pay grade PT09. . Reclassify the Public Health Division Manager over personal health services (incumbent, Janet McCumbee) at MG07 to Personal Health Services Manager at MG09 Before the reorganization, there were four (4) nursing division managers. All of the nursing divisions were combined into one under this position. In addition, nutrition services and the lab were brought into this division, making it the "personal health services division." This division consists of over half of the hea1th department staB: including most of the department's professional positions. . Reclassify the Public Health Division Manager over animal control (Jean McNeil) at MG07 to Animal Control Manager at MG07. This is simply a title change involving no pay grade change. There is no change in the functions of this position, and it still reports directly to the heahh director. Therefore, there is no basis for a pay grade change. A title change is recommended, however, to e facilitate shaping the classification structure to the new organization structure. Before the reorganization, there were eight (8) positions in the generic classification, Public Heahh Division Manager. The reorganization recreated divisions with division managers which were evaluated at different pay grade levels, depending on the division. Therefore, because we cannot have positions in the same classification at different pay grades, it was necessary to create individual division manager classifications rather than continue having them all in one generic classification. If Janet's position is to be upgraded, it has to be reclassified to a separate classification, which would leave only two of the now five (5) managers in the generic manager classification. The logical next step is to do away with the generic classification and re- title the remaining two, the manager over animal control and the manager over environmental heahh. . Reclassify the Public Health Division Manager over environmental health (incumbent, Dianne Harvell) at MG07 to Environmental Health Manager at MG07. This, too, is simply a title change involving na pay grade change. The rationale for this reclassification is the same as for the animal control manager. . Reclassify Senior Health Educator (incumbent, Elizabeth Constandy) at PT04 to Health Education Supervisor at PT07. This position has full supervisory responsibility for all health educators and administrative accountability for health education programs, whereas when it was evaluated by the consultants it only had lead... responsibility over a couple of staff: '. New Hanover County Department of Human Resources Andre R. Mallette, Director 910-341-7178 FAX: 910-341-4293 39 e e - INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM NEW HANOVER COUNTY :'leI.v Hanover COUIl~Y NOI\'TH."^i\OL~!'t^ December 9, 2003 TO: Allen O'Neal, County Manager FROM: Catherine Morgan, Senior Human Resources Analyst THROUGH: Andre R Mallette, Human Resources Director SUBJECT: Salary Upgrade Request-Medical Lab Supervisor, Health Department Upon Health Director Dave Rice's request, I have reviewed the above-referenced position--along with several others-to determine if changes to the position brought about by the departmental reorganization warrant a reclassification or pay grade change. My recommendations on the other positions have been sent to Dave for him to put on the agenda ofa Board of Co missioners meeting. They must be approved by the Commissioners, as they do not currently exist in our classification plan. This position request differs in that it is not a reclassification but rather a pay upgrade, which you may approve. In the reorganization, the position of medical lab director (Public Heahh Division Manager, MOO?) was eliminated and reclassified to another classification elsewhere in the department. The lab was moved to be a unit under the newly created Personal Health Services Division (managed by Janet McCumbee). Diane assumed full responsibility for the lab. She reports directly to Janet. She still has direct supervision of all lab personnel including medical lab technologists and medical lab assistants and, in addition, has most of the administrative functions formerly performed by the lab director. Putting this position at PT09 would make it the same pay grade as the public heahh nursing supervisors under Janet's direction. . New Hanover County Department of Human Resources Andre R. Mallette, Director 910-341-717l1 FAX: 910-341-4293 40 NEW HANOVER COUNTY .- INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM :-Iew Hanover COUll~y NOR'tH+C,,""'QLS!'t1lt December 9, 2003 TO: Allen O'Neal, County Manager FROM: Catherine Morgan, Senior Human Resources Analyst THROUGH: Andre R Mallette, Human Resources Director SUBJECT: Reclassification Request-Public Health Nurse to Physician Extender, Health Department e This request is to restore Betsy Summey, who is a Physician Extender and is doing physician extender work, to the correct classification, Physician Extender. Prior to the Health Department reorganization, Betsy was a Senior Physician Extender. In the reorganization, her position was changed to a Physician Extender and she was transferred to the clinic to be the TB coordinator and community health Physician Extender there. The only vacancy there was in the clinic was the Public Heahh Nurse position she is in. They wanted keep the Physician Extender position where she was and fill it with another Physician Extender, which they did. They waited to request reclassification of the position Betsy is in to see if the arrangement worked out well. They have had enough time now to make the transition and evaluate the organization. There will be no monetary increase as the resuh of this reclassification. When Betsy was transferred, she suffered no monetary loss. The position she vacated was downgraded from Senior Physician Extender (PTIO) to Physician Extender (PT08). The position in the clinic which she is currently in would be upgraded, in effect, from PT06 to PT08. - New Hanover Conoty Department of Human Resources Andre R. Mallette, Director 910-341-71'll1 FAX: 910-341-4193 41 ft 1:: .. B - .. c: ~ .. !! c: .. g -C') ig .~ GIGI Q-Q fiE _.2 It ::J::CI) b c: ::s o U .. ~ o ~ t ~ ~ .. E c: l! 0 l!1: ~j 15~~ J~ ~;g ~d l:'!" ~. f: o.Wo 01 :E " 0.] a :E I I ~ ~ II ' \' l!!e I!! '" il 0> I!! ~H I!! ..... .S! II ~ h h .58 0>" u'll 1&::1i ;!!1: ~.!! ::Ill: 'n "Ell: ~f l!!,J; clii :;;0 ej Il:&l ".. ::I~ = -, El! o~ I-..g '" Il:" @! (/)}' =.!! _15 Ii ~f (/)", ~2: 10" ~I OI"'il 11> ~~ t:~ <~ .. ~ Z o' ~'" &,.E 0.. . ...0 ... 0.. ::I I I I I I I I (/) I <:> ~ 0 U1j ~Il: il Gl x rl f' .-+-- 'J\ = .. ! ~ Z J: ..,- (/)~ ->~ 1/)" ~~ oc CDg. x'" - 0 <II liil5~ wI!! (/)~ -, li ~~ .5 c is 15 0- '~I I ~c ~~ -= ~H Xli c:= 0" 00" C:!j !~ ~~ 0" I/):fi .- -,~ ::10 iEz 0.. Gl" oil: .Efo E.. '5g o"'i- ~~ :J um~ Eli!' .8 I!! ~e Ii 00.. ,5.!! z~ ~~~ ~! " 0 0 ::i!o.. w -, Gl.!j I I I I I I I 0. 42 ..... e e e- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Request for Board Action Agenda: Consent Meeting Date: 12116/03 Agenda: Department: Health Presenter: Betty 10 McCorkle Contact: Betty 10 McCorkle, Supervisor, Clinical Services Subject: Purchase ofFluMist Vaccine Brief Summary: Request approval to purchase and begin offering FluMist intranasal vaccine for the purchase price of $20 per dose (State Contract Price) and a totai of 500 doses - total expenditure of$IO,OOO Recommended Motion and Requested Actions: Approve $10,000 expenditure.to purchase FluMist Intranasal vaccine to address the shortage of the injectable flu vaccine I Funding Source: County Funds Will above action result in: []New Position Number ofPosition(s) DPosition(s) Modification or change lJNo Change in Position(s) I Explanation: " I Attachments: See Standing Order, Proposed Fee 43 ~ e. NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2029 SOUTH 17m STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401.4946 TELEPHONE (910) 343.6500 FAX (910) 341-4146 .' December 16, 2003 From: New Hanover County Board of Health Cynthia W. Hewett, Business Managerc.lIl~ To: Subject: Addition of New CPT Code and Fee We are requesting approval for the addition of the following CPT Codes and Fees as the result of the introduction of Flu Mist vaccine: e Change Needed CPT Code Fee Justification Addition 90660 $40.00 Establishing fee for Flu Mist intranasal flu vaccine Addition 90473 $20.00 Establishing fee for Administration of Flu Mist intranasal flu vaccine e 44 "Healthy People, Healthy Environment, Healthy Community" " e e e .. New Hanover County Health Department Standing Order Standing Order Coven: 2003-2004 Formula - Live Intranasal (FluMist) - live attenuated virus, trivalent-cold- adapted, Dasally administered vacCine Each O.sml dose ofFluMist contains thl'l flu strains recommended by the US Public Health Service for the 2003-2004 flu season: . AlNew Caledonial20/99 (HlNl), AlPanama/2007/99 (H3N2), AlMoscow/lO/OO-like), and B-Hong Kong/330/2001 viruses. Indications FluMist is-Indicated for active immunization for the prevention of disease caused by influenza A-'- and B vinises in healtl1y children and adolescents 5-17 years of age and healthy adults 18-49- years ofage. - FluMist is NOT indicated for immunization of individuals <Syears of age or 50 years of age Healthcare pr9viders only can administer this vaccine Healthy MediCaid recipients aged 5 to 49 who share a house with another Medieaid recipient who is at high-risk for flu complications: . _ children 6 to 23 months of age _ people who have chronic health conditions _ women in their second or third trimesters of pregnancy - seniors over 65 " EligibDity Healthy children and adults from age 5 to age 49 . High risk Medicaid recipients who are household contacts ofh~thy children and/or adults - ' Precautions Prior to administration ofFluMist. ~dividuals or their parent/guardian should be asked about their current health status, their personal medical history and the medical history ofhousehold and close contacts, iric1uding immune status, to determine the existence of any eontraindications to immunization with FluMist FluMist recipients should avoid close contact (i.e., within the same household) with immunocompromised individuals for at least 21 days. - Administration ofFluMist ~hould be postponed until after the acute phase (at least 72 hours) of febrile and/or respiratory illness. 45 .. Drug Interactions e Children or adolescents who are_ receiving aspirin therapy or aspirin-containing therapy should not receive FluMist FluMist should not be administered to persons on immunosuppressive therapy. ' The concurrent use ofFluMist with antiviral compounds that are active against inflUenza A and/orB viruses has not been evaluated. However, based upon the potential for interference between such compounds and FluMist, it is advisabie not to administer FluMist until 48 hours after the cessation of antiviral therapy and that antiviral agents not be administered until two (2) weeks after administration of FluMist unless medically indicated. There are no datuegarding co-administration ofFluMist with other intranasal preparations, including steroids. Concurrent Administration with Other Vaccines The safety and immunogenicity ofFluMist when administered concurrently with other vacCines haVe not been determined. Therefore, FluMist should not be administered concurrently with other vaceines. Warnings Persons who should NOT be vaccinated with FIuMist: - persons aged <S years of those aged ~ 50years; tit _ persons with asthma, reactive airWays disease or other chronic disorderll of the pulmonary or cardiovascUlar systems; persons with other underlying medical conditions, including such metabolic diseases as diabetes, renal dysfunction, and hemoglobinopathies; or persons with known or suspected immunodeficiency diseases or who are receiving immunosuppressive therapies; _ children or adolescents receiving aspirin or other saIicylates (because of the association ofReye syndrome with wild-type influenza inf!lCtion); - persons with a history of GuiUliin-Barre syndrome; - pregnant women; or _ persons with a history ofliyPersensitivity, including anaphylaxis, to any of the components ofFluMist or to eggs As with any vaccine, FluMist may not prptect 100% of individuals receiving the vaccine. ContralndicatioD8 Under no circumstances should FluMist be administered parenterally. I. Individuals with a history of hypersensitivity, especially anaphylactic reactions to any component of FluMist, incl,uding eggs or egg produ~, shouid not receive FluMist. FluMist is contraindicated in children and adolescents (15-1 i years of age) receiving aspirin therapy or aspirin-containing therapy, because of the association of Reye syndrome with aspirin a and wild-type influenza infection. . 46 e e e . FluMist should not be administered to individuals who have a: history of Quillian-Bane syndrome. As with other live virus vaccines, FluMist should not be administered to individuals with known or suspected immune deficiency diseases such as combined immunodeficiency, agammaglobulinemia, and thymic abnormalities and conditions such as hlll1Ull1 immunodeficiency virus infection, malignancy, leukemia, or immUnosuppressed or have altered or compromised immune status as a consequence of treatment with systemic corticosteroids, alkylating drugs, antimetabolites, radiation or other immunosuppressive therapies. 2. FluMist can be Administered to persons with minor acute illness (e.g., , diarrhesor mild upper respiratory tract infection with or without fever). However, ,if clinical judgement indicated nasal congestion is present that might impede delivery of the vaccine to the nasopharyngeal mucosa, deferral of the ad1"'ini!ltration should be considered until resolution of the itlne!J" 3. The effect on safety and efficacy ofFluMist COAdministration with influenza antiviral medications has not been studied. However, because influenza antivirals reduce the replication of influenza viruses, FluMist should not be Administered until 48 hours after cesSation of influenza antiviral therapy, and influenza antiviral medications should not be administered for 2 weeks after receipt of FluMist. ' 4. Whether con,<urrent adrninistrationofFluMist with other vaccine affects the safety or efficacy of either FluMist or the simultaneously administered vaccine is UnknoWn. In the absence of specific data indicating interference, following the ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immnni7J1tion Practice) for immunization is prudent. Inactivated vaccines do not interfere with the immune response to other inactivated vaccines or to live vaCcine. Two live virus vaccines not. adininistered qn the same day should be Administered four (4 ) weeks apart. Possible Side Effects 1. The most common signs and symptoms reported among children and adults included runny nose or nasal congestion and headache 2. In children, there were also reported signs and symptoms of fever, Vl1miting, abdominal pain and myalgia. 3. In adults, signs and symptoms included sore throat, chills and tiredness/weakness 4. Serious adverse reilction among healthy children aged 5-17 years or healthy adults 19-49 years occurred ata rate of <1 % 47 . ~ Dosage and Administration 1. FluMist is lldministered for nasal use only. Do not administer parenterally. 2. FluMist should be administered according to the following schedule: e Age Vaccination Statal Dosage 1# of Doses 5-8 years Not.previously vaccinated with FluMist O.5ml 2 doses (0.5 ml each, 60 days apart) 5-8 years Previously vaccinated with FluMist O.5ml 1 dose per season Children & adults 9-49 years Not Ilppli~le O.Sml 1 dose per seI1SOn' 3. FluMist musi be thawed immediately prior to administration. The vaccine should be administered immedil1tely thereafter. 4. Administration Instructions: , , lL ,FluMist shou1d be thawedimmedilltely prior to administration by holding the sprayer in the palm of the hand; supporting the plunger rod with the thumb. Do not roll the sprayer or depress a, the plunger. .. b. Remove rubber tip protector. c. While patient is in an upright position.with head tilted bllCk. place the tip just inside the nostril to ensure FluMist is delivered into the nose. Depress plunger to spmy Ilpproximately O.2Sml (i.e., half of the dose from a single FluMist spmyer) into the nostril. d. PinCh and remove dose-divider clip from plunger. e. Place the tip just inside the other nostril and depress plunger to deliver the JP.t\1Aining vaccine. f. If the vaccine recipient sneezes, after lldministration, the dose should NOT be repeI1ted. g. Once FluMist is administered, the used spmyer should be disposed of IlCCOrding to the standard procedures for biohazmdouS waste products. Fees The NHCHD Fee Policy will apply for FluMist vaccine. DI1te Medical Consultant e 12103 48 . e e e North Carolina Local Public Health Accrsdite#on Program Agency Self-Assessment BOARD OF HEALTH FUNCTION: ASSESSMENT ESSENTIAL SERVICE 1: Monitor health status to identify community health problems. ;';,,;"/'; Standard 1: The Board of Health(S quality ofcomlTlunity health status, lvelyinvoJ~ ina~~~ring, , , i ' ":\!. '1:~} ;/:. ACTIVITIES (EVIDENCE I EXPLANATION) MET NOT N1A CONFIRMED MET (sVY use Only) Activity 1.1: BOH identifies and facilitates appropriate resources (financial, technical, personnel) to support and improve community health status monitoring. Documentation: BOH minutes; evidence of support of grant applications and for additional public health funding; public health budget reflects pUblic health priorities and needs. Evidence / Explanation: Activity 1.2: BOH assures the development, implementation and review of policies designed to facilitate monitoring and progress toward meeting locally established health priorities. Documentation: BOH minutes; written policies established to guide data sharing among entities that supply public health services to the community. Evidence / Explanation: Board of Heelth BOH 1 North Carolina Local Public Health AccrsdiIB#on Program Agency Self-Assessment . , BOARD OF HEALTH - FUNCTION: ASSESSMENT ESSENTIAL SERVICE 1: Monitor health status to identify community health problems. ,,' I iJIilnlfflird1:(Continued). , REQUIREMENT I QUESTION MET NOT N1A CONFIRMED (EVIDENCE I EXPLANATION) MET (SVT USB Only) Activity 1.3: BOH promotes broad-based participation among all entities active In collecting, analyzing and disseminating community health status data. Documentation: BOH minutes; minutes from appointed task forces, work groups and/or advisory councils. Evidence / Explanation: COMMENTS (For evaluation purposes): e e Board of Health BOH 2 ~; e e e North Carolina Local Public HBBIth AccreditBUon Program Agency Self-Assessment BOARD OF HEALTH FUNCTION: ASSESSMENT ESSENTIAL SERVICE 2: Diagnose and investigate health hazards in the community. $tandafd2: ,The Board of Health assuresthatthe community Is adequately , se ' , 'apublichealth labor~tory, an Infectic>us'diseaseepldemlology " p nd,the teehnologlcalcapae<1ty 10 conduct appropriate epidemiological ~tty, .. ,. "j;;-:.','"., '';,' , , " . ~""~~~" _,,'; "i'''~;':::;;-' ',':.::.>:::;.-;' ,"'-' -::;-. , ....,.:..... ....... ,.,c .-.....:..-",.,..,."..,.".,,:'~':.::i.,':.:.':::.::.:.:,,::-.; . ]1:., . . ,-,-- --::i:;;:X:!:'.. ACTIVITIES (EVIDENCE I EXPLANATION) MET NOT N1A CONFIRMED MET (SVT USB Only) Activity 2.1: BOH assures the development, implementation and review of policies to ensure the diagnosis and investigation of health threats to the community. Documentation: BOH rules and BOH minutes. EvIdence / ExplanatIon: Activity 2.2: BOH assures the development, implementation and review of appropriate policies and procedures for public health emergencies. Documentation: BOH minutes. Evidence / Explanation: COMMENTS (For evaluation purposes): Board of HBBlth BOH 3 North Carolina Local Public Health Accreditation Program Agency Self-Assessment BOARD OF HEALTH FUNCTION: POLICY DEVELOPMENT ESSENTIAL SERVICE 3: Inform, educate and empower people about health issues. , Standard 3:. The Board of Health Is actively Involved in assuri!'lgthe adequate staff, resources and authority are available to Implement appropriate publlQ "',' . health policies and programs.; ACTIVITIES (EVIDENCE / EXPLANATION) MET NOT N1A CONFIRMED MET (SVT Use Only) Activity 3.1: BOH identifies and facilitates access to national, state and local resources. Documentation: BOH minutes; evidence of BOH members' participation In national, state, and local associations; evidence of support for staff participation In national, state, and local associations; evidence of support of grant applications and for additional public health funding; public health budget reflects public health priorities and needy. Evidence / Explanation: ,,, . Activity 3.2: BOH assures the development, implementation and review of written policies. Documentation: BOH rules; local ordinances; policy/procedures for creation and review of policies; BOH minutes, documents,. Evidence/Explanation: Board of Haalth SOH 4 I' e e e . .' e e e North Carolina Local Public Health Acr"'ditation Program Agency Self-Assessment BOARD OF HEALTH FUNCTION: POLICY DEVELOPMENT ESSENTIAL SERVICE 3: Inform, educate and empower people about health issues. Standard 3: (Continued). ACTIVITIES MET NOT N1A CONFIRMED (EVIDENCE / EXPLANATION) MET (SVT Use Only) Activity 3.3: BOH assures mechanism for community involvement representing all segments of the community in developing and reviewing policies. Documentation: BOH minutes; minutes from appointed task forces, workgroups, advisory councils; documentation of outreach mechanisms. Evidence / Explanation: COMMENTS (For evaluation purposes): Board of Health BOH 5 North Carolina Local Public Health Accreditation Program Agency Sell-Assessment BOARD OF HEALTH FUNCTION: POLICY DEVELOPMENT ESSENTIAL SERVICE 4: Mobilize community partnerships to identify and solve health problems. Standard 4: The Board of Health creates a supportive environment that assures traditional and nontraditional partners have meaningful opportunitie$.to identify and address public health problems. ACTIVITIES (EVIDENCE I EXPLANATION) MET NOT N/A CONFIRMED MET (SVT Use Only) Activity 4.1: BOH participates in activities to increase its members' awareness and capacity to engage diverse communities. Documentation: Evidence of training; BOH agendas/minutes; assessment of BOH development needs. Evidence / Explanation: Activity 4.2: BOH seeks opportunities to meet with community members and LPHA staff to gain increased understanding of public health needs and build relationships. Documentation: BOH minutes; communications to health director; evidence of attendance at community events. Evldence/Explanatlon: Board of Health BOH 6 . e e e e e e North Carolina Local Public Health Accreditation Program Agency Self-Assessment BOARD OF HEALTH FUNCTION: POLICY DEVELOPMENT ESSENTIAL SERVICE 4: Mobilize community partnerships to identify and solve health problems. Standard 4: (Continued). ... ACTIVITIES MET NOT N/A CONFIRMED (EVIDENCE I EXPLANATION) MET (SVT Use Only) Activity 4.3: BOH recognizes agency staff and community partners for their commitment and role in addressing public health goals. Documentation: Evidence of staff recognition (BOH agenda, minutes, special programs); evidence of recognition of community partners (awards program). Evidence / Explanation: COMMENTS (For evaluation purposes): Board of Health SOH 7 North Carolina Local Public Health Accreditation Program Agency Sell-Assessment BOARD OF HEALTH FUNCTION: POLICY DEVELOPMENT ESSENTIAL SERVICE 5: Develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts. Standard 5: The Board of Health reviews policies and procedures within the existing legal scope of authority. ACTIVITIES MET NOT NJA CONFIRMED (EVIDENCE I EXPLANATION) MET (SVT Use Only) Activity 5.1: BOH develops and/or adopts pOlicies regarding administration of the local agency, and administrative and programmatic policy manuals are available to staff. . Documentation: Written policies; policies manuals. Evidence / Explanation: Activity 5.2: BOH assures that elected officials and community boards are Informed of existing or revised policies. Documentation: BOH minutes, agendas, correspondence, fact sheets, etc. , -. Evidence / Explanation: "L..".. Board of Health BOH 8 e e e e e e North CslO/ins LocsJ Public Hsslth Accraditslion Program Agency Sell-Assessment BOARD OF HEALTH FUNCTION: POLICY DEVELOPMENT ESSENTIAL SERVICE 5: Develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts. Standard 5: (Continued). ACTIVITIES MET NOT N1A CONFIRMED (EVIDENCE I EXPLANATION) MET (SVT Use Only) Activity 5.3: BOH seeks legal consultation in drafting and adopting local ordinances and local BOH rules. Documentation: contract/memorandum of understanding with attorney, evidence of communication with attorney (legal correspondence, memos, emails). EvidencelExplanatlon: COMMENTS (For evaluation purposes): Board of He_ BOH 9 North CalOlina Local Public Health AccreditaVon Program Agency Se/f.Assessmsnt BOARD OF HEALTH FUNCTION: POLICY DEVELOPMENT ESSENTIAL SERVICE 5: Develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts. Standard 6: The Board of Healthpromo,tes federal, stateal'ld local l89illlrrtiql1 and regulations appropriate for implementing corepublicchea!tt!funl?tiomt.,' REQUIREMENT I QUESTION MET NOT N/A CONFIRMED (EVIDENCE I EXPLANATION) MET (l!lVT use Ol)ly) Activity 6.1 : BOH shares information relative to community health with elected officials in a timely manner. Documentation: BOH presentations, memos, emails; agendas for official meetings. Evidence / Explanation: Activity 6.2: BOH regularly evaluates the need for additional rules, regulations or ordinances to carry out public health protection. Documentation: Notes from public meetings, public hearings; ordinances. Evldence/Explanation: . Board of Health BOH 10 -- e e e e e North Carolina Local Public Health AccredilaYon Program Agency Seff-Assessment BOARD OF HEALTH FUNCTION: POLICY DEVELOPMENT ESSENTIAL SERVICE 5: Develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts. Sta!'l~.rcl6:(Continued). REQUIREMENT I QUESTION MET NOT N1A CONFIRMED (EVIDENCE I EXPLANATION) MET (SVT Use Only) Activity 6.3: BOH drafts and presents local ordinances and rules to elected officials as needed in order to implement or enforce local public health prevention and protection activities. Documentation: Items listed on addenda with elected officials; memos. Evidence/Explanation: COMMENTS (for evaluation purposes): Board of Health BOH 11 North Carolina Local Public Health Accradi/affon Program Agency Seff-Assessment BOARD OF HEALTH FUNCTION: POLICY DEVELOPMENT ESSENTIAL SERVICE 5: Develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts. (--~"" < . Sti<<\dard7: The Board of Healthu.ndel'stands, exercises and advocates for U. liIuthoritytoiinprove public healthandsl,lppgrtthecommunity health - Ul1provement process. .. ACTIVITIES MET NOT N1A CONFIRMED (EVIDENCE I EXPLANATION) MET (SVT Use Only) Activity 7.1 : BOH assures the annual availability of "Assess, Address, Assure" handbook for its members. Documentation: Evidence that handbook has been reviewed, updated and distributed to members. Evidence / Explanation: Activity 7.2: BOH assures new members receive orientation at the time of appointment and that all members receive appropriately updated training on an annual basis. Documentation: Review of consolidated agreement requirements; BOH minutes. Evidence / Explanation: Board of Health BOH 12 e e e e e e North Carolina Local Public Health Accrsdi/e#on Program Agency Self.Assessment BOARD OF HEALTH FUNCTION: POLICY DEVELOPMENT ESSENTIAL SERVICE 5: Develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts. Standard 7: (Contin\Jed). ACTIVITIES MET NOT N1A CONFIRMED (EVIDENCE I EXPLANATION) MET (SVT Use Only) Activity 7.3: BOH develops mission statement, bylaws, and other strategic planning documents to evaluate, set goals for, and monitor Improvement In community health status. Documentation: Evidence of mission statement, bylaws; other planning documents. Evldence/Explanation: Activity 7.4: BOH facilitates timely appointment of new members, holds meetings at least quarterly, and monitors regular attendance of members. Documentation: BOH minutes, agendas; updated membership list; attendance records; correspondence; public announcements. Evidence / Explanation: COMMENTS (For evaluation purposes): BosrrJ of Health BOH 13 North Caroline Local Public Heelth Accreditation progrem Agency Self-Assessment BOARD OF HEALTH FUNCTION: ASSURANCE ESSENTIAL SERVICE 8: Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and safety. Standard 8: The Board of Health assures that public health laws, rules and regulations designed to protect the health of the community are appropriately adopted, disseminated, evaluated, improved and enforced in a timely and cOJl"lplete manner. .- ACTIVITIES MET NOT N1A CONFIRMED (EVIDENCE I EXPLANATION) MET (SVT Use Only) Activity 8.1: BOH assures that appropriate legal authority exists to protect the health of the community. Documentation: BOH minutes; bylaws; manual and state statutes. Evidence I Explanation: Activity 8.2: BOH assures that Its bylaws; rules and procedures comply with local, state and federal statutes and regulations. Documentation: BOH bylaws. EvldencelExplanatlon: Board of Heefth BOH 14 L e e e e e e North Carolina Local Public Health Accraditaffon Program Agency Self-Assessment BOARD OF HEALTH FUNCTION: ASSURANCE ESSENTIAL SERVICE 6: Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and safety. ..~~~~~~..~;(CO!1ti!1I.1~). ACTIVITIES MET NOT NIA CONFIRMED (EVIDENCE I EXPLANATION) MET (SVT U$$ Only) Activity 8.3: BOH assures access to legal counsel. Documentation: Contract or memorandum of understanding with county attorney; evidence of communication with attorney (legal correspondence, memos, emall). Evidence/Explanation: Activity 8.4: BOH Identifies and advocates for the enactment and retention of beneficial laws, rules and regulation Documentation: BOH minutes; evidence of BOH member's participation In state and national boards of health, county managers and public health associations. Evidence / Explanation: .- COMMENTS (For evaluation purposes): Board of Health BOH 15 North Carolina Local Public Health Accreditation Program Agency Sell-Assessment BOARD OF HEALTH FUNCTION: ASSURANCE ESSENTIAL SERVICE 8: Assure a competent public and personal health care workforce. Standard 9: The Board of Health advocates for funding to assure initial competence of the pUblic health workforce; the availability of workforce training programs for both the workforce personnel and members of the boar~ of he,lth; an". the availability of leadership development programs fot those 9h1rgedlilfi1:h. .. . ~d"'istrative and executive. roles. . . . -.... . ... -:.. . .... X ACTIVITIES MET NOT N1A CONFIRMED (EVIDENCE I EXPLANATION) MET (SVT Use Only) Activity 9 1: BOH assures that the health director meets minimal statutory qualifications. DocumentatIon: Personnel records Evidence / ExplanatIon: Activity 9.2: BOH advocates for policies and funding to assure health department personnel have access to state, local or national training available for workforce instruction, leadership development and continuing education Documentation: BOH minutes. Evidence/Explanation: Board of Heaffh BOH 16 e e e e e e North Carolina Local Public Health Accreditation Program Agency Self.Assessment BOARD OF HEALTH FUNCTION: ASSURANCE ESSENTIAL SERVICE 8: Assure a competent public and personal health care workforce. Standard 9: The Board of Health advocates for funding to assure initial competence of the public health workforce; the availability of workforce training programs for both the workforce personnel and members oUhe board of helilllth; and the availability of leadership development programs fortholiSe charge". ~!tl1 administrative and executive roles. . _ 'd;t~[I"'!!',[i'~~~tF1:~,,;"i;., ACTIVITIES (EVIDENCE I EXPLANATION) MET NOT N1A CONFIRMED MET (aVT Use Only) Activity 9.3: BOH assures new member orientation at the time of appointment or on an annual basis. Documentation: Review of consolidated agreement requirements; BOH minutes. Evldence/Explanation: COMMENTS (For evaluation purposes): Board of Health BOH 17 North Carolina Local Public Health AccrsditaUon Program Agency Self-Assessment BOARD OF HEALTH FUNCTION: ASSURANCE ESSENTIAL SERVICE 9: Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and population-based health care services. Standard 10: The BOH is responsible for the overall quality of essential public health services provided to the community. , ACTIVITIES MET NOT N1A CONFIRMED (EVIDENCE I EXPLANATION) MET (SVT Use Only) Activity 10.1: SOH assures the development, Implementation and review of pOlicies supporting periodic evaluations of population-based and personal health services, including processes and outcomes of health improvement activities. Documentation: SOH minutes; mission statement; strategic plan. Evidence I Explanation: COMMENTS (For evaluation purposes): Board of Health BOH 18 e e e ." . I t. e e e INFLUENZA SENTINEL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM UPDATE #6 (December 31, 2003) In a joint effort with the State Laboratory of Public Health, the Gener!,1 Communicable Disease Control Branch has expanded its participation in the U.S. Influenza Sentinel Physicians Surveillance Network to more effectively monitor the status of statewide influenza activity Sentinel physicians, university health centers, and public health agencies report "influenza-like illness" (ILl) to CDC each week and collect representative samples for virus strain identification. [For purposes of this surveillance program, the ILl case definition is fever (100 degrees F or higher, oral or equivalent) and cough or sore throat.] This provides important epidemiologic data to the State Health Department for the monitoring of influenza activity in North Carolina and also supports CDC influenza surveillance throughout the U.S. Moreover, this effort can provide timely rec,ognition of new influenza strains with pandemic potential throughout the influenza season. This is the fifth consecutive year that the Division of Public Health has participated in this surveillance program. Each week the participants in this program report information to CDC, which is then consolidated by CDC into figures for the entire state. The information reported is as follows: . The total number of patient visits each week. . The number of patient visits for ILl each week, broken down into four age groups. During the 2001-2002 winter season 36 health providers throughout the state regularly reported ILl to CDC, and 39 actively participated in the surveillance program during last winter. This 2003-2004 winter season, 53 health providers in 36 counties are reporting influenza surveillance data to CDC. This group of sentinels consists of a wide variety of practice types (pediatrics, family practice, internal medicine, etc.) in 14 local health departments, 11 university student health centers, and 29 private practices. Consequently, physicians and health personnel throughout the state report ILl, while university health providers enable the Division of Public Health to monitor influenza in a very diverse student population that includes students from other states and countries. The influenza sentinel surveillance program began on September 28, 2003 and will conclude on May 22, 2004. This expansion of the influenza surveillance program helps public health personnel monitor the spread of influenza in the state more effectively than during previous years. In addition to helping detect new strains with pandemic potential, timely identification of circulating influenza virus strains also can help determine whether antiviral drugs might be useful in preventing or treating ILL Attached is the most current influenza surveillance information available from CDC and the State Laboratory of Public Health. [Last winter's sentinel-reported influenza activity throughout the state (shown as chart data) is provided in order to provide perspective at this early point of the 2003-2004 season.] This periodic report also is available on the N.C. Division of Public Health's Communicable Disease Control website at www.eoi.state.nc.us/eoi/2cdclflu.html. CDC information may be viewed on the CDC website, www.cdc.20v/ncidod/diseaseslfluiweeklv.htm. Additional information of a more general nature is available on the CDC's National Immunization Program flu web page, which is www.cdc.20v/niolfluidefault.htm. For questions about North Carolina's adult immunization program, contact Sandy Allen in the Immunization Branch at (919) 715-0080 or at Sandv.AlIen@ncmail.net. Additionally, I can be reached at (919) 733-1193 or by email at Torrev .McLean@ncmail.net. We are very grateful to the sentinels for their participation in this important surveillance program and their contribution to North Carolina's public health program. Torrey Mclean General Communicable Disease Control Branch, Epidemiology Section Division of Public Health, DHHS ATTACHMENT INFLUENZA-LIKE ILLNESSES REPORTED BY SENTINEL SITES, 2003-2004 ( Week No. - Ending No. ILl Patient Visits % ILl , . #40 - 10/04/03 30 11,088 0.27% e #41 - 10/11/03 52 12,675 0.41% #42 - 10/18/03 59 13,567 0.43% #43 - 10/25/03 71 12,964 0.54% #44 - 11/01/03 77 15,190 0.50% #45 - 11/08/03 111 13,913 0.79% #46 - 11/15/03 173 14,428 119% #47 - 11/22103 204 13,064 1.56% #48 - 11/29/03 241 9,869 2.44% #49 - 12/06/03 674 15,333 4.39% #50 - 12/13103 1,202 14,591 8.23% #51 - 12120103 500 9,114 5.48% #52 - 12/27103 238 4,191 5.67% NFLUENZA VIRUS ISOLATES IDENTIFIED DURING THE LAST TWO WEEKS BY THE STATE LABORATORY OF PUBLIC HEALTH Week No.lEndingf(Total Confirmed) #51 - 12120/03 - (75) Countv Alamance Buncombe Cabarrus Carteret Granville Guilford Halifax Henderson Hertford Iredell Macon Mecklenburg Pasquotank Pitt Sampson Wake Watauga Wilkes #52 - 12/27/03 - (26) Brunswick Buncombe Cabarrus Cherokee Forsyth New Hanover Pitt Rockingham Sampson Virus Tvoe A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 A1H3 No. Isolates of Same Virus 01 12 14 01 04 01 01 01 02 01 02 03 01 21 06 02 01 01 e 01 03 04 01 01 01 12 01 02 TOT AL ISOLATES IDENTIFIED TO DATE DURING THIS WINTER SEASON: AIHI A1H3 B o 322 ..J! 322 e ;~ t, - e - INFLUENZA LIKE ILLNESS IN SENTINEL SITE PATIENTS NORTH CAROLINA, 2003-2004 (Solid Line) (with comparative 2002-2003 data, Dashed Line) 10.0% 9.0% 8.0% 7.0% 6.0% ~ ~ 5.0% .. 4.0% 1 / 3.0% J /r "\ 2.0% . \ 7 I .. oJ 1.0% ./ .....' ...... .... 0.0% :..' ......-...................r ~.. .... ............... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tf 'II ~ <0 <0 ~ ~ :t ~ ~ ~ WEEK # For more information about comparable national data, visit www.cdc.Qov/ncidod/diseases/flulweeklv.htm and in particular, click on the link "View Chart Data" on the right of the "Percentage of Visits for Influenza-like Illness Reported by Sentinel Physicians National Summary, 2003-2004" graph. ",~j A ~ ~ _ _~~ . ~ ".lrrr. - -, '. -'- =--, .~ '.......--- ~---.., .....:- ~lIJr,r-~....... -- PublishedJor Members oJLocal Boards oj Health c r ""'-- November 2003 President's Message Connie ratton More than two centuries ago, Paul Revere chaired the first board of health meeting in Boston in 1799 to address the growing health concerns of the commonwealth. With no national or state public health system in place, cities and towns were largely responsible for local public health measures. In 1850, Lemeul Shattuck submitted a Report of the Sanitary Committee of Massachusetts to the state legislature. In the report, Shattuck called for the establishment of state and local boards of health and included the major concepts and activities of today's public health practices, Over the next half-century, state and local health departments and boards of health were established all across the country During the last half of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century, public health officials struggled against infectious diseases. Strategies included major sanitation measures, drugs, the development of effective vaccines and mass immunizations. That struggle was so successful, that today, only one percent of the people who die before age 75 in the United States die from infectious diseases. In 1900, the leading causes of death were influenza, pneumonia, diphtheria, tuberculosis, and gastrointestinal infections, a mortality rate of 580 per 100,000 people. Today, only 30 people per 100,000 die from these diseases each year These gains were achieved through improved sanitation, better nutrition, the pasteurization of milk, and the control of infectious diseases rather than treatment and curative medicine. Modern public health faces a different challenge. With the decline in the major acute infectious disease rates between 1900 and 1970, the proportion of mortality from major chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke increased by more than 25 percent. Cardiovascular disease Continued on page 2 November Means Think Membership By Ron Burger, NAL-BOH Membership Chair Is YOUR board of health a NAL80Hian? If so, congratulations, thanks, and please renew. If not, why not? We need YOU and your board as well as others of you who are not with a board of health or a governing/advisory/policy body of a health department. We need you if you are a member of state, territorial or tribal association of boards of health, if you are a retired board of health member, if you are a full time student or individual who is committed to NALBOH's goals and objectives. We also need any private organization, agency, or corporation committed to our mission. NALBOH's mission is to strengthen local boards of health, enabling them to promote and protect the health of their communities, through education, technical assistance and advocacy We need YOU' The bottom line is that if you are reading this, you need to be a member of NALBOH in 2004. It is so easy to become a member of one of the most exciting voluntary public health organizations representing America's public health system, Boards of health truly are the "Grass Roots of Public Health," They are the hub of the public health system. They help to keep our communities protected and our public health workers prepared. The application is included in this NewsBrief (see page 14) or go to our website at <www.nalboh.org> Renewal invoices will be sent out via postal mail beginning in November Con~nued on page 2 ~ " <0 " '" " " ~ " ... ::!. ~ ; S' [:;- " . ... Q.-. = :I g ;. Ci = I't> ~""I Z1;l"~ ,." " '"' 0 "'"~ 0.0 . :J: . 0 ~..., = ;; n 3Q.g n _. ... ~ :I I't> o . "0 ...; ~2:;r Q ~"a ~ g' ~ ;;l _. =-. ." 0' : g ri ..... c: ~ ~ O:g ::l ::l -.0 0- =. g ~ 9- g ~ 0.. q. (")~CT g i? E. a 5. g -. 0 .~~ ::l a .... 0..3 [ ~~ tp~ [~"'r1~~Ob ff^~gg:~~ ^ S ;..:.. ~ (JQ ~ OJ ~a:~~aa2 ~ g.-:B~g~ a b@~~P~~ ~S~VlOl""""" C:c:0\Y"::r:~::r: OoN-.l+::.Ro ?'::r-.l-.lw ~ oooo:;+::.::aEr cia ...... 00 v~ N ~ z o g'-g S g: -Vi' >"" . ~ ~ Q. n "" ~''< o' Er o ~ o ~ a::z'" "'''' 0'" "'" . ~ ~ "" - " 0 , " 0. , =..:=. . . 0 " 0;' t:rl 0 0., ~ . 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NALBOH NewsBrieJ November 20031 National Association of Local Boards of Health Boards of Health: Prevention, Preparedness & Power July 28-31, 2004 Omni Interlocken Resort Denver, Colorado Continue to visit <www.nalboh.org> for conference updates or to view hotel information visit < www.omnihotels.comjhotelsjdefault.asp?h_id=48> For more information visit<www.nalboh.org> or call the NALBOH office at (419) 353-7714. Photos courtesy of Denver Metro Convention and Visitors Bureau National Association of Local Boards of Health 1840 East Gypsy Lane Road Bowling Green, OH 43402 E-mail: <nalboh@nalboh.org> Website: <www.nalboh.org> NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. Postage PAlO Bowling Green, OH Permit No. 47 /-~ \ '<-'/ ~Page16- , " '. SANITATION TIPS FOR FOOD WORKERS Wint.r 2003 Also in this issue... Tampering 'news flash' Page 2 Hepatitis A outbreak Page 2 How to tell when it's cooked Page 2 Prevent cross-contamination C Page 2 Food safety training online Page 1 Raw or undercooked foods- who's most at risk Page 1 Test yourself on food safety Page 4 "That listeria, she really gels around:' Copyright 2003 Pike & Fischer, Inc. 1-800.255-8131 Dealing with a Tough Bug- Listeria monocytogenes Did you know that Listeria monocytogenes can grow on food even when irs stored in a refrigerator? This tough bug is found in soil, water, animals and birds and can even lurk in food processing plants-in such places as drains and ventilation systems-just waiting for a chance to get onto food. You can't see or smell Listeria, but you need to take precautions against it. The Food and Drug Administration recently released the results of a major assessment of the risks of Listeria monocytogenes and the agency is now using the results to develop an action plan to control the bug. FDA's 's researchers found that keeping ready-to-eat foods at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below throughout the food chain and using the foods as quickly as possible are the best ways to reduce listeriosis, the illness caused by Listeria infection. Although listeriosis is very rare and has been on the decline in recent years, it kills roughly one in five of its victims. Pregnant women, older adults and people with weakened immune systems are at higher risk of illness. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, meningitis (brain infections) and septi- cemia (bacteria in the bloodstream). L monocytogenes is found in a variety of raw foods, such as uncooked meats and vegetables, as well as processed foods that become contaminated after pro- cessing. It is also found in soft cheeses and cold cuts at the deli counter. Unpas- teurized (raw) milk or foods made from unpasteurized milk may contain the bug. Vegetables can become contaminated from soil or from manure used as fertilizer. A Iiey goal of FDA's risk assessment was to find the ready-to-eat foods most in need of Lm control measures. The assessment targeted 23 types of foods includ- ing seafood, produce, meats, dairy products and deli-type salads. According to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were an esti- mated 1,500 cases of listeriosis and 300 deaths in 2002. FDA officials are hoping to lower those numbers to 750 cases and 150 deaths by the end of 2005. Things You Can Do Food handlers play an important role in reducing contamination by Lm and other harmfull pathogens by' keeping precooked or ready-to-eat foods refrigerated at 40 degrees F or below; using ready-to-eat food by the "use by" expiration date on the label; thoroughly washing raw vegetables; keeping uncooked meats separate from vegetables, cooked foods and ready- to-eat foods; and washing hands, knives and cutting boards thoroughly after handling un- cooked foods. O~-n ~-onon~ ~3~~-~~ ~~OS' -o~O ,~ o~~~ ~_.Cm~mc mm-_ ~m~~~~~3~~~~giaW~'~383~~~a[~ C~'nmmro~m~~~_~ _.~ I'D -3 ~ n o~o~ ~~~ro-~.o~oro~o3~~~ ~~ ~~-~-~ ro'<ro~-~~~o3 ~~o~m- ~mo~Oo-~~ ~~n~m~~roro~m_~~~ :J 0" III 0 Q) C OQ 3 ;::;.." QI :J "< .-+ :J "'" ""t. 0 n 0.. 3 ~ 0.. I'D "'0 ~ -' q m e:!.~ III 0 :J 5" vi" 8 :S. ~ ~:r VI as ~ ----0 .... :::r ::r ::::!. OJ b' ..."T'l .... .,.:3 ~ E. ~~ 3 0 ~ .... .... 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'" Q - C'D -< ...- Q -. :::I -. :::I a:::a o :::I - -. :::I C'D ..,., g if c: SI .. :z ~ ..,., a- tit =c o :::I I: at 3 "'CII CD ::I. ::I = . . ... o o CI ;: ... ... :e z ..... ~ ... .... C> C> '" :e z ..... ~ ... .... C> C> '" ... o o CI ;: ... ... FOOD TALK WINTER 2003 ! -...., '.-/ Test Your Food Safety Know-How 1. Which of the following foods should not be rejected upon delivery? a. Fresh fish that has dull, sunken eyes and soft flesh b. Poultry with darkened wing tips and soft flesh c. (anned fruit with small amounts of surface rust on the lid of the can d. Fresh beef products that are delivered at 4SoF (70C) 2. What is the best way to thaw potentially hazardous foods? a. In the microwave oven b. At room temperature c. In the refrigerator d. Under 700F (210C) running water 3. All potentially hazardous foods that have been cooked and cooled need to be reheated to an internal temperature of within two hours to be safe, a. 1400F (60oC) b. 14SoF (630C) c. ISS0F (680C) d. 16S0F (740C) 4. All precooked and ready-to-eat foods that are to be held cold should be held at or below: a. 400F (soC) b. SOOF (lOoC) c. 700F (210C) d. QOF(_180() Sources: "Essentials of Food Safety and Sanitation: Prentice Hall, Food and Drug Administration S. According to the FDA Food (ode, foods that are cooked and then cooled must be cooled in which of the following ways? a. From 1400F to 410F (60'( to S'C) in 12 hours b. From 140'F to 41 'F (60'( to S'C) in 8 hours c. From 140'F to 70'F (60'( to 21 'C) in 2 hours, and from 70'F to 41 'F (21 '( to S'C) in another 4 hours. d. From 140'F to 70'F (60'( to 21'() in 4 hours, and from 70'F to 41 'F (21 '( to S'C) in an additional 2 hours. 6. According to the FDA Food (ode, aUpotentially_hazardous_ foods that are to be held hot must be held at or above: a. 70'F (10'C) b.o 98'F (37'C) c. 120'F (49'C) d. 13S'F (S7'C) 7. The best method for measuring the temperature of frozen food products is by' a. Inserting the sensing probe into the center of a frozen food package until the recorded temperature stabilizes b. Inserting the sensing probe between two packages of frozen foods until the recorded temperature stabilizes c. Measuring the ambient temperature of the frozen food compartment of the delivery vehicle d. Looking for signs of freezing and thawing, such as large ice crystals and frozen juices in the bottom of the box ..../ q 'L :(apo) poo~ tOOL a41 olluawalddns \fa~ mOL ldas e 01 8u!pJOJJe) p '9 :J 'S :e 'v :p .~ :J 'l:J I :SJaMSU\f lUOUljllldoO ljl\IlOH lOP01!O ljll110H 00!1I PlAllO .~;VIiioo~~ 10tU )N 'N019NIWlIM mll1s Hlll HlnOS 6Z0Z NOISIAIO HI1Y3H lYlN3WNOIWH IN3WI1Yd30 HI1Y3H JJNnO) 13AONYH M3N