08/04/2004 , , New Hanover County Health Department Revenue and Expenditure Summaries for June 2004 Cumulative: 100.00% Month 12 of 12 . Revenues Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Revenue Balance Budgeted Revenue Balance % Revenue Amount Earned Remalnln Amount Earned Remalnln Federal & State $2,205,090 $1,675.068 $ 350,022 $1,592,432 $ 129.406 92.48% AC Fees $ 583,661 $ 671,321 $ (87,660) $ 635,702 $ (47.758) 108.12% Medicaid $1.044,080 $ 793,737 $ 250,343 $ 939.594 $ 95,792 90.75% Medicaid Max $ 273,333 $ 337,717 $ (64,384) $ 273.333 EH Fees $ 300,212 $ 278,678 $ 21,534 $ 282,963 $ 29,937 90.43% Health Fees $ 127,450 $ 173,172 $ (45,722) $ 165,308 $ (52,458) 146.48% Expenditures Type of Ex endlture Budgeted Amount Current Year Expended Balance Amount Remain!" % Budgeted Amount Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remalnln % . 175,478 98.07% 113,410 94.67% 159,997 49.28% Summary Budgeted Actual % FY 03-04 FY 03-04 Expenditures: Salaries & Fringe $ 10,016,261 $ 8,994,518 Operating Expenses $ 1,853,204 $ 1,521,259 Capital Outlay $ 351,870 $ 240,933 Total Expenditures $ 11,526,905 $ 10,756,710 88.02% Revenue: $ 6,746,231 $ 6,370,389 94.43% Net County $$ $ 4,780,674 $ 4,386,321 92.00% . Revenue and Expenditure Summary For the Month of June 2004 8 . . . NHCHD BOARD OF HEALTH APPROVED GRANT APPUCATlON STATUS FY 04-05 Date (BOH) Grant Reauested Pendlna Recalved Denied NC March of Dimes Community Grant Program- 7(712004 Smokina Cessation $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Wolfa.NCPHA Prenatal Grant- Diabetic Supplies for Prenatal Patients $ 5,000 $ 5,000 61212004 No ecttvlty to report for June 2004. Kate B. Reynolda Foundation- Transportable 5/512004 Dental Unit Grent $375,000 $375,000 Caoe Fear Memorial Foundatlon- Dental Grant $185,000 $185,000 Cape Fear Memorial Foundatlon- School Health 4f712004 Emergencv Dental Services Grant $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Safe Klda Coalnlon- Govemo~s Highway Safety Program- (Coalition Vehicle Request) $ 16,000 $ 16,000 Safe Klda Coalition- Sate Kids Buckle Up 31312004 program- Child Safelv Seat Grant $3,500 $3,500 21412004 No actlvltv to report for February 2004. Cape Fear Memorial Foundation- Funds needed to enhance health education in 4 areas other than Diabetes 1(712004 (an enhancement to Diabetes Today Grant). (living Well) $20,000 $18,500 $1,500 12J312003 No acttvtty to report for October 2003. Cape Fear Memorial Foundlltion- Funds needed to cover dental services for needy children as identified by 11/512003 School Health Nurses. $3,000 $3,000 HC Medical Foundation - Through the Good Shephard Ministries for nursing services to the population frequenting the shetter. $25,000 $25,000 Duke University- To provide 10 hours of nursing services for T8 Outreach. $10,388 $10,700 -$312 NC Tobacco and Control Branch, DHHS- Continuation of Tobacco Prevention Program. $100,000 $64,093 $35,907 10/112003 No activity to report for October 2003. New Hanover County Safe Schools- Uniting for Youth "U4Youth"(funding will be received over a 3 91312003 year grant ""liod) $49,000 $ 12,702 $36,298 Safe Kids Coalition. Fire Prevention (Please note this grant was pulled- coalition not able to meet deadline tor request) $2,500 $2,500 8/612003 NC DHHS- OPH Preoaredness and Response $82,350 $31,950 $50,400 Smart Start- Partnerehlp for Children (Grant 71312003 Increase for Part Time Nurse Position) $5,523 $5,523 Cape Fear Memorial Foundation. Diabetes Today (two-year requast; $42,740 annually) (Received $25,00 year 1 and $20,000 year 2) $85,480 $45,000 $40,480 Duka Unlval1llty Nicholas School of the Envlronment~eographic Information Systems Grant (Env Health) $10,000 $10,000 Safe Klda Coalition- Safe Kids Mobile Car Seat Chack up VBn $50,000 $50,000 Totela $1,092741 $630,000 $224,445 $238,296 57.65% 20.54% 21.81% Pending Grants 5 26% Funded Total RROUest 5 26% Paltiallv Funded 5 26% Denied Total Raauest 4 21% Numbers of Grants AoDlied For 19 100% 9 As of 712012004 . NOTE. Notification rec:eived since last report. . . . , . . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Request for Board Action Agenda: Consent Meeting Date: enda: Presenter: Elisabeth Constandy, Health Education Su ervisor Department: Health; Health Programs Administration Contact: Elisabeth Constand 343-6658 Subiect: Eat Smart Move More North Carolina (Communitv Grants Prollfam) Brief Summary: Eat Smart Move More (ESMM) is a state health promotion initiative to promote physical activity and healthy nutrition, in accordance with following Healthy Carolinians 2010 goals to reduce chronic disease. NHCHD, UNCW, and NHC Schools (NHCS) Office of Nutrition are requesting funds for a Health Education Practicum class to provide health education student interns to NHCS Summer Food Service Program and YMCA activity sites. These interns will provide education on health, nutrition, physical activity, and injury prevention. They will also educate the children about individual and group opportunities to be physically active. Currently there are approximately 750 children enrolled in the summer program, and all qualify for free or reduced lunch. Statistics show that children in lower income families are at greater risk for obesity and inactivity, and therefore at a higher risk for chronic disease later in life. Funds are requested to purchase program supplies and educational materials. Program will become self-sustaining after one year, as student tuition fees will cover associated expenses. NHCHD Health educators, in partnership with other area agencies, will train and monitor the UNCW student interns for the first vear. Recommended Motion and Requested Actions: Approve grant application for $20,000 and bud et amendment if fundin is received. I Funding Source: NC Physical Activity and Nutrition Brach Will above action result in: DNew Position Number of Position(s) DPosition(s) Modification or change I8INo Chan~e in Position(s) I Explanation: I Attachments: grant application 10 r . . . . , RFA # AD64 PAN Community Grants Eat Smart, Move MoremNorth Carolina & NC Healthy Weight Initiative Community Grants Program for SFY 04/05 MOYINCi OUR CHILDREN TOWARD A HWTKY WEJGKT Physical Activity and Nutrition Branch Chronic Disease and Injury SectIon Division of Public Health, NC DHHS RFA # A064 Application Form Deadline for Applications: 5:00 p.m., Friday, August 13, 2004 Cover Sheet Local Health Department: New Hanover County (NHCHD) Federal Tax ID #: 566000324 Name 8r. Title of Primary Contact: Elisabeth K. Constandy Address: 2029 South 17th Street Telephone: (910) 343-6658 FAX: (910) 341-4146 Email: econstandy@nhcgov.com Brief Description of Proposed Intervention (no more that 50 words): NHCHD and partner agencies in local LPAN propose to develop Health Education Practicum for UNCW students. Students would provide education at sites including the NHC School Summer Nutrition sites and the YMCA. Students would be trained and precepted by NHCHD. Education would include nutrition, activity, sports, and general health information. Area Served 8r. Target Audience of Proposed Project: Children in New Hanover County who are eligible for free and reduced lunch through USDA Summer Food Service Program (41% of NHC students). Currently they are served at 21 sites in NHC during the summer months. Also, the YMCA serves a local population of lower income children for their summer activity programs. Total Funds Requested: $ 20,000.00 Health Director's Signature Project Coordinator's Signature Title: 11 . . RFA # AD64 PAN Community Grants ~ Application Narrative 1. Project Description: What do you plan to do with these funds? (20 points) . A. The key recommendatlon(s) from one or more of the following documents that the project will address: From the document "Moving Our Children Toward a Healthy Weighf: . Ensure that all children and youth participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. . Provide more community-based opportunities for recreational physical activity for all children and youth. . Create an environment that makes healthy eating and active lifestyles the norm rather than the exception. From the documents "NC Blueprint for Increased Physical Activity", and "NC Blueprint for Healthy Eating": . Increase awareness of the importance of healthy eating and physical activity and the need for supportive policies and environments. (Goal 1 ) . Increase yearly the number of facilities and/or environments that promote healthy eating and physical activity. (Goal 2, Objective 1) B. The specific target population. The proposed program seeks to target those children who are participating in the . USDA Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). The SFSP was established to ensure that children in low-income families continue to receive nutritious meals during the summer months when school is not in session. Free meals, that meet federal nutrition guidelines, are provided to all children at SFSP sites in areas with high concentrations of low-income families. Children who are enrolled in SFSP meet the guidelines for free/reduced lunch during the academic year. Currently, 41 % of NHC school children meet these guidelines, and 13% of NHC children live below the poverty line. During the 2003 SFSP program, there were 16 sites, serving an average of 600 children each day (Mon-Fri). More sites have been added for 2004 (n=20), with an estimated 750 participants each day. Current trends in NHC indicate that there are increasing numbers of Hispanic families moving into the area. The NHCHD Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program has seen an increase of 41 % in Hispanic clients over the past year. (These are non-duplicated clients). Many of these children, if not all, will qualify for the free/reduced lunch program. It is a goal of NHC School Nutrition to establish more SFSP sites in future years to reach more of the population in need. Additionally, the YMCA of Wilmington provides summer activity programs for children in a low-income area of the county. It is the goal of this program to establish the YMCA as a practicum site for the UNCW Health Education students, and to provide the same array of educational sessions to the enrolled children. An . added benefit of the YMCA is the potential for more family involvement, as many of their summer programs specifically reach out to the parents and family. 12 , . . . . . RFA # A064 PAN Community Grants C. A clear and concise narrative description of the proposed project. The proposed project seeks to provide structured physical activity education and health education during the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) feeding times, at feeding sites in New Hanover County. Additionally, students will provide education in conjunction with the YMCA of Wilmington during their summer activity program series for children. Upper-level Health Education students at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington will enroll in a summer practicum class (HEA 347, Practicum in Health Education, 3 cr.), to receive college credit to provide the education at the feeding/activity sites. They will serve as educators and role models to the SFSP participants, and will endeavor to reach out to the parents/caregivers of the children through educational materials or planned activities. Specific goals of the project are as follows: · To recruit a minimum of 15 students who will plan daily activities for project sites. These students will have already received instruction in some of the following concentrations: exercise physiology, health education, therapeutic recreation, and physical education. · Faculty and staff from NHCHD Health Education Team, UNCW Health and Applied Human Sciences, NHC School Nutrition Office, and other LPAN partners will provide intense training for UNCW students in a variety of curricula appropriate for the target audience. · NHCHD will serve as the precepting agency for UNCW students, and will provide materials and support for their daily activities at the program sites. · UNCW students will provide activities at program sites at a minimum of 3 hours per week during the summer months. (This goal is dependent on number of students recruited for practicum class). D. The expected outcome(s) of the Intervention. Expected outcomes must be realistic, measurable, and time framed. 1. A minimum of 15 UNCW Health Education students will be recruited to enroll in HEA 347 by May 1, 2005. 2. UNCW will receive additional educational instruction from NHCHD Health Education staff, UNCW Health and Applied Human Sciences, NHC School Nutrition Office, and other LPAN partners prior to May 30, 2005. Topics will include nutrition, injury prevention, oral hygiene, hand washing, body image, self-esteem, and increased education about group and individual opportunities for physical activity. 3. Lesson plans for program sites will be completed prior to May 30, 2005. 4. UNCW students will provide programming at summer feeding/activity sites for a minimum of 3 hours per week during the summer months. Programming will include preparing healthy snacks, individual and group physical activity (both with and without specific equipment), and specific health education classes/activities to address the topics listed in Objective 3. Dates for provision of programming will 13 RFA # A064 PAN Community Grants .. coincide with NHC Schools SFSP feeding schedule, (usually June 1-July 30, depending on school calendar). 5. Physical Fitness Assessments will be completed using guidelines established by the President's Council on Physical Fitness. Assessments will be conducted prior to the implementation of summer activities, and at the conclusion of summer activities. . 6. Knowledge of health education topics will be assessed prior to the summer programs, and at the conclusion of the summer programs. A variety of assessment methods will be utilized, including written and verbal strategies. 7. Age-appropriate educational materials will be purchased and/or developed prior to May 1, 2005. Materials will be stored by NHC School Nutrition program and NHCHD Health Education staff. 8. Once developed, the HEA 347 Practicum in Health Education will support itself through student tuition and fees. Minimal funding will be required to maintain the class in subseq~ent summers. At the culmination of the summer programs, children who have received education will be more physically active and will have the knowledge to maintain that level of activity. They will also have increased knowledge about a variety of health education topics that will enable them to make better choices about foods they eat, . and activities in which they choose to participate. Children will be exposed to activities in future years of the SFSP program, as it is a goal for this project to become self-sustaining through UNCW student tuition. 2. Statement of Need: How do you know this Intervention Is needed In your community? (10 points) In addition to local statistics regarding low levels of physical activity and poor dietary habits, New Hanover County (NHC) has some alarming community demographics that are affecting the health of the community. The Southeast Region of North Carolina is within the boundaries of the .Stroke Belt", which has the highest reported morbidity and mortality in the nation. As a tourist and college town, NHC has a disproportionately high number of fast food restaurants and "quick stops", especially in regard to the geographic size ofthe county. As the second smallest county (geographically), the vast number of food service establishments are packed into an extremely densely populated area. Despite the abundance of natural resources in the region, they are virtually unused by children in low-income families due to transportation needs. This is an area of extreme division between the socio-economic groups, as far as services that are available for physical activity and healthy eating. On the positive side, the UNCW Health Education program is growing every year . with numbers of students enrolled. While this is a benefit to the area, there are not many structured opportunities for these students to experience practical internships at this time. Creating an ongoing partnership to provide education to 14 . . . . , RFA # A064 PAN Community Grants the children enrolled in the SFSP program through NHC Schools will not only provide educational opportunities for the children, it will also provide much needed practical application of health and physical education skills for the college students. 3. Collaboration and Capacity: Does your community have the capacity and commitment to implement the proposed Intervention? How do you plan to sustain your efforts beyond the grant period? (20 points) The New Hanover County Health Department maintains an excellent working relationship with UNC Wilmington, and has been providing internship opportunities for the past 4 years for students in Health and Applied Human Sciences degree programs. Additionally, New Hanover County Schools are very actively pursuing opportunities to increase physical activity and healthy nutrition choices through the School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC). The SHAC Action Plan that is currently being developed has had input from NHCHD, UNCW, School Nutrition, local hospitals and healthcare providers, in addition to other agencies and community members. There is a Local Physical Activity and Nutrition Council that has been actively pursuing grant funds to provide permanent opportunities for physical activity, and was recently awarded funding to reconstruct a walking trail to meet Universal Accessibility guideline form Americans with Disabilities. For the initial year of the proposed program, New Hanover County Health Department will serve as the precepting agency for the UNCW students. This goal is on the FY 04/05 Health Promotion Action Plan. In subsequent years, student tuition fees will continue to fund the Health Education Practicum class. Funding will be needed for expendable program supplies only. Materials will be purchased out of Year 1 funding for materials that will be re-useable in future years. 4. Action Plan: How will you Implement the Intervention? (30 points) Use the attached Community Action Plan. doc form (also available at www.EatSmartMoveMoreNC.coml for each of your one or more measurable local objectives for your project. A printed copy of objective(s) must be submitted with your application. Funded projects will be asked to resubmit electronically their 04/05 NC Statewide Health Promotion Community Action Plan with the PAN Community Grant's objective(s) added. 5. Budget & Budget Justification (20 Points). Provide a detailed itemized budget and justification consistent with planned activities of the project. If a given category will be provided in-kind, you mav describe the in-kind contribution and provide the estimated value of the contribution in the justification, but do NOT add the value of in-kind contributions to your budget. This budget plan will remain separate from the health departments' NC Statewide Health Promotion Program budget plan. . 15 RFA # A064 PAN Community Grants , A. Salaries and Fringe Benefits Amount: $ . B. Sub-contracts Amount: $ C. Equipment Amount: $ D. Staff Development Amount: $ 3,000.00 Travel expenses for NHCHD Health Department and UNCW faculty to attend applicable training opportunities and/or conferences during FY 04/05, to better train and prepare UNCW students to provide education to children. Examples include: Healthy Carolinians, Eat Smart Move More opportunities, Teaming Up for School Nutrition, etc. Expenses include mileage, hotel, per diem, ad conference registration as applicable. E. Training Amount: $ 2,000.00 Training of UNCW students enrolled in HEA 347 Practicum. Training will be a minimum of 1 full day. Includes cost of food for participants and trainers, small incentives, and cost of materials to be developed and disseminated to students (e.g. Training Manual). F. Educational Materials Amount: $ 5,000.00 Educational materials and aids to support activities at all NHC School Summer Food . Service Program feeding sites, and at the YMCA (approximately 20 sites, with an average of 750+ children served each day). Materials will include age-appropriate learning materials such as activity books, physical activity and nutrition curricula, and teaching aids to support active learning. Will also include language specific printed materials for parents, including pamphlets and newsletters. Examples include: laminated health education posters, pre-developed curricula for using pedometers (walking guides/charts, interactive maps to chart number of steps walked, re-useable program guides for youth fitness and nutrition. G. Travel Amount: $ 900.00 Local Mileage for NHCHD Health Education staff to visit program sites during summer months for monitoring progress, and to attend meetings to support activities. Approximately 125 miles per week x 12 weeks @ .375 per mile = $560. Travel for two (either two NHCHD staff, or one NHCHD and one UNCW faculty) to attend state meeting for grantees. Mileage + per diem + hotel = $340. H. Supplies Amount: $ 8000.00 ** Program supplies will be for children participating in summer activities (approximately 750 children). Supplies for UNCW students are based on recruiting at least 15. Supplies will include durable equipment such as jump ropes, hula-hoops, soccer and basketballs, and pedometer kits. Approximately 7-10 sets of equipment will be . 16 I , i . , , . . . .' - . RFA # A064 PAN Community Grants purchased and rotated to different program sites according to lesson plan activities. A set of equipment will serve 35-40 children. 40 soccer balls @ $7.50 each = $300 40 outdoor basketballs @ $10.00 each = $400 200 7' jump-ropes (for people under 5' tall) @ $8.00 each = $1600 50 Double-Dutch jump-ropes @ $16.95 each = $850 150 hula-hoops (variety of sizes for different age groups) @$6.00 each = $900 10 pedometer kits (30-35 pedometers per kit), or 300 separate pedometers (step counters) @ $6.50 each = $1950. 10 boom-boxes @ $35 each = $350 5 black-light hand washing kits @ $50 each = $250 Incentive items such as toothbrushes, pens/pencils, erasers, water bottles = $750 45 logo polo-shirts for UNCW students (3 each) = $650 I. Other Amount: $ 1,100.00 Office supplies, paper, printing for UNCW students to create educational materials for children and parents: Total Funds Requested: Amount $ 20,000 17 r;,. _ .. . RFA # A064 PAN Community Grants '- 6. Statement of Assurances . If awarded funds by the Physical Activity and Nutrition Branch to implement community- based interventions to promote healthy eating and physical activity in children, their families. and their communities. the local health department agrees to: Use funds for community-based, multi-level interventions that focus on implementation of the recommendations. goals and objectives put forth by Eat Smart, Move More...North Carolina and the NC Healthy Weight Initiative. Partner with appropriate community organization(s) to plan and implement the project. Implement the proposed activities according to the time frame outlined in the application. Submit information on activities conducted with grant funds through the PAN Progress Check System. If appropriate for the local intervention. grantees are encouraged to use the Physical Activity and Nutrition (PAN) Behaviors Monitoring Form for collecting and reporting data on heights weights. and physical activity and eating behaviors. As of July 1,2004, this form will be available as a screen in HSIS to record this data on health . department clients over two years of age. Counties that do not use HSIS can add the new form to their system or they can log into HSIS to access the form. A free- standing system should be available in the fall of 2004 to allow non-health department settings to use the form. Provide a written Summary of activities and outcomes by August 2. 2005 using the very brief format provided by the Community Change Success Stories.doc. This form will be sent to funded applications. Share experiences, challenges and successes with other communities through presentations. newsletters. community change chronicles and other media as needed. Name of Health Department: Health Director's Signature! Date Project Coordinator's Signature! Date . 18 I. .fI 4 ~ ~ . . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Request for Board Action A~nda:U Consent Meeting Date: Al!enda: 0 Department: Health; Health Promotion Presenter: Geoff Zuckerman, Injury Prevention Health Educator Contact:Geoff Zuckerman, 343-6636; Elisabeth Constandy 343-6658 (Health Education Suoervisor) Subject: Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM)- NC Department of Insurance NCDOI rant re uest for continuation fundin for Risk Watch Brief Summary: Requesting grant money from OSFM/NCDOI for continuation and expansion funding for our Risk Watch program. The funding would allow us to expand the program into at least 3 more schools in NHC for the 2004-2005 school year. The amount we are a I in for is $25,000. Recommended Motion and Requested Actions: Approve grant application for $25,000 and bud\!et amendment if fundin\! is received. I Funding Source: Office of the State Fire Marshal/NC Dept of Insurance Will above action result in: DNew Position Number of Position(s) Dposition(s) Modification or change [gJNo Chan e in Position s Explanation: The funds will be used to purchase Risk Watch curriculum and supportive materials. Funds will be used as follows: Teacher workbooks Student workbooks (printing) Scantron sheets 825E Shipping & Postage Pamphlets Totes flashlight Batterries (AA) Bike Helmet Phone PFD Smoke Alarm Slip guard material Outlet covers Teacher Trainin su $11369.30 $5213.60 $444.00 $579.60 $1000.00 $693.00 $140.00 $70.00 $770.00 $700.00 $595.00 $667.80 $73.40 $10.00 $400.00 19 Teacher gifts/incentives Eddie Eagle Instructor Guide Eddie Eagle Video $2,100.00 $35.00 $139.30 Grant tota1:$25,Ooo.oo I Attachments: Draft of RFP . , ~ . '" . . . 20 r ". ~ 1 , ~oVe,. '.safekids "\ coalition "~1*1 New Hanover County Safe Communities/SAFE KIDS 2029 South 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Geoff Zuckerman, Coordinator (910) 343-6750 Hotline (910) 343-6636 Office (910) 341-4146 Fax gzuckerman@nhcgov.com )jri COmmUnitii) 2004-2005 Risk Watch Continuation and Expansion Grant Cover Letter This is a grant request for the monies up to $25,000 for continuation and expansion of our Risk Watch Program. New Hanover County continues to grow and develop. In Light of this growth, we are experiencing some serious "growing pains" in the form of injuries. Unintentional injury (trauma) is the leading cause of death in children ages 1-14. This is one of the most pressing health problems in the US but more specifically in New Hanover County. Despite this fact, the problem continues to go unrecognized. A more comprehensive injury prevention program with more available resources could help to make dramatic and positive changes in our county. A safe and healthy lifestyle is what we want for everyone in our community. The ability to provide the Risk Watch curriculum to more children will help us reach this goal. We have found that with this program not only do we teach and reinforce skills; we provide the tools for the students to be able to apply them and make safe decisions. Not only does this helps make a positive lifestyle change for that child by empowering them to integrate new skills into everything they do. In addition, they tell their friends, their siblings and their parents. It is hard to measure the impact that the children have on others. During the 2003-2004 school year, we had three public elementary schools and one private (K-8) school involved in the Risk Watch Program. As you will see from our letters of commitment, interest in Risk Watch is spreading throughout the county. The attached proposal will show that there is a tremendous need for more of the Risk Watch program and that there is a very strong and driven group committed to implement and evaluate the program. . . "Protecting Your Children is Our Priority" 21 , . 2004-2005 Risk Watch Continuation and Expansion Grant Proposal Table of Contents .- Risk Watch Champion Team................. ........................ ....2 Partnership with Schools... .... ......... ........ ...... ...... ............ 3 Action Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5 Evaluation.......................................................... ........6 Proposed Budget..........................................................7 . "over ; ~at:~~fli!~ U~*' . ~ . As a member of National SAFE KIDS Campaigne . .. . . . "J{' W "J{' ~ "J{' 22 " . Risk Watch Champion Team Gooff Zuckerman 2029 S 17th Street New Hanover County Health Department/SAFE KIDS Coordinator 910-343-6636 gzuckerman(a)l!hcgov.com Jennifer Smith New Hanover County Fire Rescue 230 Marketplace Dr Suite 130 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-798-7420 iesmithlalnhcgov.com Kevin McDonald Myrtle Grove Fire Volunteer Fire Department 5636 Carolina Beach Road Wilmington, NC 28412 910-791-5000 kkmmcdlalhotmail.com . Frank Blackley Wilmington Fire Department 801 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 910-343-3939 frank.blacklevlalci. wilmington.nc.us Sarah Chapman Community Fire and Life Safety Educator 801 Market St Wilmington, NC 28401 910-343-4784 sarah.chaomanlalci.wilmington.nc.us Tina Poole 2131 S 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Trauma Services, New Hanover Health Network 910-343-2565 tooole(q2nhhn.org . 23 ... Joe Sigmon 20 N 4th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 New Hanover County Sheriff's Department 910-341-4294 isigman(a)JJhcgov.com . Cynthia Shields 6410 Carolina Beach Road Wilmington, NC 28412 New Hanover County Schools 910-254-4289 Cshiledslalnhcs.k 12.nc.us All of the people represented here are very committed to injury prevention and are passionate about what they do. Partnership with Schools New Hanover County has twenty-four (24) public elementary schools and seven (7) public middle schools. There are also approximately nine (9) private schools within the county. During the 2003-2004 school year, the following schools participated in Risk Watch: . Eaton Elementary Principal Heather Byers 6701 Gordon Road Wilmington, NC 28405 910-397-1544 Eaton Elementary is a year round school with kindergarten through 5th grade. There are a total of twenty-four (24) classes in the school. Ogden Elementary Principal Cindy Talbert 3637 Middle Sound Rd Wilmington, NC 28405 910-686-6464 Ogden Elementary is kindergarten through 5th grade. This year Ogden has a new principal. The Assistant Principal was interested in continuing the program but would not commit to it until their new principal had a chance to talk it over with the faculty. Ogden . has a total of twenty-three (23) classes in the school. 24 ./ . Forest Hills Elementary Principal Margaret Dickens 602 Colonial Dr Wilmington, NC 28403 910-251-6190 Forest Hills Elementary is kindergarten through 5th grade. There are a total of twenty-one (21) classes in the school. Saint Mary Catholic Church and School 412 Ann Street Wilmington, NC 28401 910-762-5491 Saint Mary's is a private school with grades kindergarten through 8th grade. There are a total of nine (9) classes at the school. New schools for 2004-2005 . Mary C. Williams Elementary School Principal Dr. Susan Hahn 801 Silver Lake Dr Wilmington, NC 28412 910-350-2150 Williams Elementary is kindergarten through 5th grade. There are a total of23 classes at the school. Bellamy Elementary School Principal Bennie Bryant 70 Sanders Rd Wilmington, NC 28412 910-350-2039 Bellamy is kindergarten through 5th grade. There are a total of24 classes in the school. . 25 '" Pine Valley Elementary School Principal Cindy Talbert 440 John Mosby Dr Wilmington, NC 28412 910-350-2121 Pine Valley is kindergarten through 5th grade. There are a total of 28 classes in the school. . *For the 2005-2006 school year we would like to add four additional schools to the seven we have for the 2004-2005 school year. Action Plan Lessons learned from last year have taught us to plan more meeting with our schools to try to gain more teacher feedback. The summer months are a difficult time to set up dates and times. The following is a list of scheduled teacher meetings (brief introduction of Risk Watch) and teach trainings (in depth coverage of curriculum): August 5th-Pine Valley Elementary- Teacher meeting- 9:00 a.m. August 9th_Mary C. Williams Elementary- Teacher meeting- 8:30 a.m. August lOth-Bellamy Elementary- Teacher Meeting- 2:30 p.m. August I 8th_ Mary C. Williams Elementary- Teacher Training- 3:00 p.m. September 1 st_ Pine Valley Elementary- Teacher Training- 3:00 p.m. . Ogden has a new principle and is working with us on a date for a Teacher Meeting Eaton has started back to school and we are looking at some dates for a Teacher Meeting August 3n1 or 5th are the possible dates for Forest Hills St. Mary's is working on a date for their teacher training The Champion Management Tearn will plan to meet with teachers at least once each quarter to see how the lessons are going, get feedback from the teachers, help solve any problems, encourage them to report any "saves" from their students and to encourage communication. Last year we held a Risk Watch Kickoff Event at Forest Hills Elementary where Fire Marshal, Jim Long, attended and shared his Fire Prevention message. The Carolina Fire Crew sang and danced while the students and teachers did the same. This year we plan to hold another kickoff event. We will meet with our schools and decide where the most appropriate location and time will be during the week of October 4th_9th. Team member Geoff Zuckerman coordinates our local SAFE KIDS Coalition and all other team members are active members on the coalition. The mission of the Risk Watch Program goes hand-in-hand with outreach efforts of SAFE KIDS. Our CMT meets . at least monthly and the planned meeting always follows our monthly SAFE KIDS meeting. Materials that are secured through our SAFE KIDS Coalition can be used to 26 . supplement the Risk Watch curriculum. Our SAFE KIDS events (Car Seat Check, Bike Rodeos, etc) will be advertised in our schools and the children will be encourage to attend. . The Risk Watch Program will continue to be a part our area schools after the grant cycle is over. The program sells itself, it is fun to work with and we have support from the superintendent and the schools. For the up-coming year (2004-05), we were able to secure funding from various sources to expand the program into three new schools. Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Department agreed to adopt Bellamy Elementary and to purchase the materials for the school for at least the next year. Additionally, we have secured funding from the North Carolina Jaycee Bum Center to provide teacher manuals for Mary C. Williams Elementary. Also, the Winter Park Optimist has agreed to purchase teacher manuals and pay for the printing of the student workbooks for Pine Valley Elementary and will continue for at least the next year. David Gordon with "I'm Safe" Productions has brainstormed another way to receive financial support and will consider donating also. Weare constantly 100kingtQ. bJjng on new partners and seek new funders for our outreach efforts. Plan to secure evaluation materials and workbooks . Printing has been secured through Kinko's for all of our pre/posttests, evaluation forms, and student workbooks. We have researched Alphagraphics prices for printing and Kinko' s will allow us to receive a much larger quantity of printing for a significantly more affordable price. Scantrons for the pre/posttest will be purchased from www.scantronforms.com The scantrons for grades 2nd _8th will be sent to OSFM to be graded and our CMT will be responsible for hand grading Pre K through 1" grade. . " 27 " Proposed Budget* . Item Cost per unit/amount Amount Total per unit Teacher workbooks $55 46 205 $11369.30 Student workbooks $ I .33/36pages 3920 $5213.60 (printing) Scantron sheets 825E $37.00/500 sheets 12 $444.00 Shipping & Postage $579.60 Pamphlets $1000.00 Totes $4.95/tote 140 $693.00 FlasWight $ I .00/flasWight 140 $140.00 Batteries (AA) $1.00/4 batteries 70 $70.00 Bike Helmet $5.50/helmet 140 $770.00 Phone $5.00/phone 140 $700.00 PFD $4.25/PFD 140 $595.00 Smoke Alarm $4.77/alarm 140 $667.80 Slip guard material $3.67 per roll 20 $73.40 Outlet covers $1.00/18 10 $10.00 Teacher Training $100/training 4 $400.00 supplies Teacher gifts $10/ gift card 140 $1400.00 . Teacher Incentive $100/school 7 $700.00 Eddie Eagle $2.50/guide 14 $35.00 Instructor Guide Eddie Eagle Video $9.95/video 14 $139.30 Grand Total $25,000.00 *We have secured funding from the North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center to provide teacher manuals for Mary C Williams. Also, Winter Park Optimist has agreed to purchase teacher manuals and student workbooks for Pine Valley. Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Depart has offered to adopt and purchase teacher manuals for Bellamy. Our budget show what we will spend for the 2004-05 school year and will include the purchasing of teacher workbooks and Risky Business Totes for the 4 additional schools for the 2005-06 school year. . 28 ~ ,], . . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Request for Board Action Agenda:O Consent Meeting Date: 08/02/04 Agenda: ~ Department: Health Presenter: Cindy Hewett, Business Manager Contact: Cindy Hewett, Business Manager, ext 6680 Sub'ect: Chan es in the New Hanover Count Health De artment Fee Polic Brief Summary: The New Hanover County Health Department is proposing fee changes to its current fee policy. These changes relate specifically to services provided by our Licensed Clinical Social Worker throu h the Personal Health Services Division. Recommended Motion and Requested Actions: To accept and approve changes to the New Hanover Coun Health De artment Fee Polic as resented. I Funding Source: Medicaid reimbursement Will above action result in: DNew Position Number ofPosition(s) Dposition(s) Modification or change ~No Chan e in Position s Explanation: The New Hanover County Health Department is requesting to adjust its current Fee Policy based on changes in services provided within its clinic and outreach ro rams. Fee ad'ustrnents are based on chan es in Medicaid reimbursement rates. I Attachments: Letter to the Board of Health. 29 1, ,. - . . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2029 SOUTH 17111 STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401-4946 TELEPHONE (910) 343-6500 FAX (910) 341-4146 July 20, 2004 To: New Hanover County Board of Health From. Cynthia W. Hewett, MSIS Business Manager Subject: Changes in the New Hanover County Health Department Fee Policy 1 We are requesting approval for the following additions to our CPT codes and fees. Change CPT Code Current Proposed Justification Needed Fee Fee Add Fee 90801 NA $140.00 Psychiatric Diagnostic Interview Exam Add Fee 90802 NA $150.00 INTAC PSy Dx Interview Add Fee 90804 NA $60.00 PsVtX, Office 20-30 min Add Fee 90806 NA $91.00 PSVtX, Office 45-50 min Add Fee 90808 NA $135.00 PsvlX, Office 75-80 rnin Add Fee 90810 NA $65.00 Intac Psvtx, Office 20-30 min Add Fee 90812 NA $ 98.00 Intac Psvtx, Office 45-50 rnin Add Fee 90814 NA $ 142.00 Intac Psvtx, Office 75-80 min Add Fee 90846 NA $ 88.00 Familv Psvtx w/o natient Add Fee 90847 NA $ 107.00 Familv Psvtx w/natient Add Fee 90853 NA $ 30.00 Groun Psvchotherany As of 07/20/04 30 , ~ ,I . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Request for Board Action Agenda: 0 Consent Meeting Date: 8/16/04 Agenda: [gI Denartment: Health Presenter: David Rice Contact:David Rice - 343-6591 Sub'ect: Resolution Promotin Health D artment Accreditation in North Carolina BriefSurnmary: New Hanover County Health Department was accredited on May 28, 2004. If progress toward a statewide accreditation system is to continue, strategies must be developed and implemented to address the concerns currently being raised. The North Carolina Association of Local Health Directors approved the attached resolution at its Jul 22, 2004 meetin . Recommended Motion and Requested Actions: Approve the resolution to promote health denartment accreditation in North Carolina I Funding Source: NC Department of Health and Human Services . Will above action result in: DNew Position Number ofPosition(s) Dposition(s) Modification or change I8JNo Change in Position(s) I Explanation: I Attachments: Resolution Promoting Health Department Accreditation in North Carolina . 31 , ,~ j . . RESOLUTION PROMOTING HEALTH DEPARTMENT ACCREDITATION IN NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, the North Carolina Public Health Task Force 2004 was established in mid-2003 to study public health in North Carolina and to devise an action plan to strengthen public health infrastructure, improve health outcomes, and eliminate health disparities; and WHEREAS, the six committees of the Task Force reflect the Task Force's six focus areas: accreditation of state and local health departments; public health structure and organization; public health funding; workforce development and training; improving public health planning, resources and health outcomes; and quality improvement and accountability; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Public Health Task Force 2004 recommendations on accreditation are to establish state-level support for a mandatory system of accreditation and to fund local health departments for the accreditation process; and . WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Health Department was one of six North Carolina health departments to be accredited on May 28, 2004 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Health supports the legislative enacted pilot accreditation process for local health departments and the continuing effort to revise accreditation standards, the self- assessment process and the site-review process. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Health supports the statewide effort to accredit local health departments. The Board of Health recommends that $50,000 per year of ongoing state funding is provided to each health department to support accreditation and continuous quality improvement. Melody C. Speck, DVM, Chairman Adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Health August 4, 2004 . 32 , . ~ . . . t 4 ~y...., 41 4,~~ \.'\.} ,. . ......, ,r I ~... ('~...... 'i""'\ , , \ ,1 ~ "P' "':.. .....: f'\ . ~I~ <;~~~, ,,""- {........ OAK.. ...What is it???? Open Access Scheduling lit __n _, 1hidIJ.1~~IJ!fIIA1~s.Jdtyc-117 , :(Jpen Access'Scheduling -:;,' ,., See Every. Patieilt.. _ Everyday' - F,,~Eveiytllii)g.," S.",,4 F_Ilku... -t,; ',' ..J:' ." " .NCPubUe Heliltb Motto: - ,""_.', Eve&wbe,,": EverYday, Everybody ,Let's'Do Ttiday's'Work Today~ ';'()pen Acce~s Scheduling ;'1. . ~~.~ ~ ' ,-c,,,"(<_ IplplementatiollDate: I '\ ;" , A 'tII.J<il' ")' ',', ..,.....t. :-.. / ", f. ~'"J F -' , /j-,....-:.. r" '\ July l;~004 ,,' 1 , . . # . . . ~. _! ,'J .?"',..; . " . IC,. , , Opeh Access.$cheduling' , ::tt~,~~y,~~';~:~~~?!c{ :' r-\"" :::To.~!'aii'1!!(WIii\Tinie ,. " ' ~, .(, -'To~ve'~~,~~w ,<.,'i ~ ,~': _ ~:::'r:, ; -, T'1 E~,tetb~~eed'forOv~kjng~,. ~r\'1', ~'T~QecreaselIi~ons .' . "'", , \ .' _'To:ln~ ApPoiritnieot Avaiiability ,fi . . ..' . :::;::] , " " "\ ., '.. " e .i" *,,,ope;/ A'cpessS~ij.idu1in~~ . .~,~ .,...; ~' h";' . :J, '" *WhyMake~e Change?;, . ''',. .1',' - To Increaaetlie CapacitY;'; Diagriosetbe" , . Commuili)y ", '-' ; ~--' ~! . The CommuDity wU1 bc'8ble to tell ~ Wtmt they _ =:; \.,\", nceil-Whcnlhcynecdit~ofthcIJealth: ": J - \ Deporbnenlleuiliilll1cm w!>at we will provide and . : .!. }wbCn~,will~~dc~it!j'" ~~_;; _ .' .. ~ ~ ' ~';'\..).""; A.;'''': - {O'\ , 2 , . . . . . " .open A~cess Sched1flin~' ' '~'L ,i, "'" ",,' ; ,'~:t:':*What ~ it look-like? 'i'V ':'Au~ ofJlatient. will be'eCnevi:ryday I 1 -F ..If,yOu(;pcnit.theyw.ilcouieiL ' .)y, ~Appoiotnientsscbeduled everYday ~~ ~..- Same Day Appoinbnent&-'Phones oPeD at 7:30am '.. ,,-~en dai!yappci;';bnenl .Iots ~filled for the '~:/f, )e. 4:Y. pa~~iSiriS"""ted'lo call back IOnlotiow ~P"" ", ,...for appombnenl . . , . '(,' ',:, '.,' , " :;'t:< , ri', .j..;:,i; ,,)"P:C,.' ,i~ :"", ;\., ',t i " .lh ", < "'" <"~P'J_ ?""';,.l",',' '! ! " t. \A, '1,; .-, ~,'f"';.[~"- ~r " , '') [ ~,','k:,.',':; 4('( -If , ',II \ ,.",~' .):':,N ,'- _~,J. Ie , "Open:Access'SCheduling . -'., F - - . .'. ,',,_ <.... . - "1,,' ",.What does it'look.like? f" ',. ,~,.. :' '." " - - .~, , Will;,1n ~es, \ViII continue . ? -fNo-tppOiri~tnecessary.foi-:' , '. ',-Imrtlimi!atioris. TB SkmT.... Blood Pressure (;hccb,Physi~lnjcctioos, , ", PregnaDi;y T_s. Birth CoiIUOllnjcctioos, "MedicatiilnR.611. (fur EmpIoyoes.TB ; 'PitieiitS.N~logy,Pati'?!l~) - - ,,{3pi3nAccess Scheduling ;r-*~~\,YhatdOes ifloo~.liKe'l ~T\VCI~ Exam'Rooms (pfeviously,6) -c:'-TIuee CtiniCill Suites . -Led-byN~~"P"and~RoIcNunc ~..Climc Staff~'~Trained .~.~",i11~~1Uitet _ CUstoi1Ierau.Staff(R.gi_onandAppOi11linents) aic'cra.Tmined.-- : I " __ ..j~bey~~;pliiCntsfi:liallC~icaervices 3 . ". .,'- "~O$~n 4qc:e~~:Sclu!duling _.';.... ,I * H.ow: winW.cKnowifitWlirks? ,~~lid8ta." ." , · ~.'tIW>ini~Jincdalaihn>ugbQA'CommitteC ~ €<)nducting TimeSl\Idies ,~ EValuation, ~!_oatly I WceklymonilOriniof.PWcess -7,'~..;~", o~rltSinadeas~~f'- . '-.,~ . ,~'" . fi ,,~ .'-" .. 'J"'. ."'{"',t'- :tOpi!i1:4c.2esJ:S.chedit!i1?g " :'.','? "L :~_: _ };":i:. r '."., . -1:r '*,!:IO\\)viil ~~:Si>iell(l'th;,\v~r ,\ ... '.. A'tlveitbmg(NCWSpaper""d'RBdio)' ~;;~;:::;8~;:~~el"', \j ':,', - ~IY CatODdais.. , ~> ~ "1 ButtO~. Buttons. Buttons! I ',:::1"--'. ' . <, ' ~f.. '",} + ~"' '" . ~,~i """'f"'i .~~:",!:~' Opeil ACges~ Sch~ditliiig . .. .- ~" HhitlgSwe,hllVe dOhe".. -.,;. ", .. ~:.NeW~tiooUi1ier Fonns - New Appoinbnenl~files ~Ne>>:j>bOl1~,S~tem . ,- New Triage NUrse ;i:":~;,~ ~ Ii~~ Ori',~~:...; "" '.. .. 'f.. 4 . . . Open Access Schediiliilg ~. ,f ~I " ~_.l -: NC'I! Work-Up . ...... " aNn Acces~ Scheduling Open A:ccess Sc/tedu ling ~ , ~,j< ~""..." X ,I ,,,..., (-.....:::... f '" ~.~ " '.- ;f ~ * New SigD.laProcess .....y.. .-!/ ~i :--... ;'\ 5 . . . \1 'ot,:~V-rP" '{'.>-" }~ , .... n .},t,- .Ar\~ . I i ''"<P' #..:..... T'l" Open Access Scheduling ~ . .- ~"-j!"~h _,l' . ,~ 'l~ l . 0.. ,t, . * New Reglsti-aliol . . , WlDdowel) \.! ,ol'j' "- .... '1 ,~ "'~' . 'OperiAccess Schediiling., ~. , ,- " co-,.. ,.: ',. <'->. ~~New;'Cbeck-Out-Cubldf:" *. Ope!! A ccess Sche4.~li[!i' \A,.,.' .... ;-........ /",\ : \. " I......r..:' A~.~' 1 \ ,1 >y "'H"'" ; " ""-' , ;fHr~ O.:<E\ ~ .~~,W~~' ~~!,,:~_'!i!~ .0;:: E: r! ~,~:,~,_~~,~~:';E}:l~_IUN!2': t- ~ j ~:~~..K AB~T s,.~i:;;PO:~T'~:E-N~~~, ! : ....... ,-- --"- : * OA5....N~ YOU KDcnr! 6 1 . . .'1 I . OAS Q & A Open Access Scheduling WHAT IS OAS??? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?? See every patient, everyday, for everything - sound familiar? (Remember the theme of NC Public Health? "EveryWhere, EveryDay, EveryBody"!) Do Today's Work TODAY! WHY ARE WE MAKING THE CHANGE? . . <to <to .. + ... .. .. + .. + .. To improve customer service/access - and increase capacity, To maximize staff capacity, To improve efficiency, To increase revenue, To improve clinic flow. - Goals: Decrease lulls, increase pace, To decrease patient wait time, To improve show rates, To eliminate the need for over booking and work-ins, To decrease interruptions, To increase appointment availability, To increase capacity to diagnose the community, - Community will be able to tell us what they need - when they need it, instead of the HD telling them what we will provide and when we will provide it. WHAT WILL IT LOOK LIKE? + .. ;\ ! .. All types of patients will be seen every day - If you open it, they will come! Appointments will be scheduled every day - first come, first served, - Same Day Appointments - NOT a walk-in clinic. When daily appointment slots are filled for the day, patients will be instructed to call back tomorrow for an appointment. Exam rooms will be expanded from six (6) to twelve (12). Clinical Suites (3) will be lead by Nurse Practitioner, PA, and Expanded Role Nurse staff, ... + .. .. .. ... , , . I .. . Walk-In services will continue without an appointment (ex: immunizations, TB skin testing, BP checks, physician-ordered injections, pregnancy testing, birth control injections, medication refills, employee, TB, Neuro patients, etc.). Changes can easily be made on a day-to-day basis. - Process is on-going. All clinic staff are cross-trained to work in all clinics - will rotate among suites/sites. Customer Care staff are cross-trained to register all patients for all clinics. ... .. .. HOW WILL WE KNOW IF IT WORKS? ... Comparison data (before and after). + Time studies in the month of June - baseline data. .. Evaluation with information to staff - will publish data, graphs, progress. ... Daily/weekly monitoring of process. +- QA team involvement - periodic time studies, evaluation of data, sharing of data w/staff HOW WILL WE GET THE WORD OUT? . ... ... .. .. + ... Roll-Out of Advertising to begin in June (Staff Meeting: June 3, 2004). Bulletin board in general clinic. Banner in general clinic hallway Government Access Channel. Customer Handout - "Preview of Coming Attractions: OAS - July 1, 2004!" Community word - Housing Authority - WIC Vendor Sites - DSS - HOLA - Tileston Clinic WAAV Radio interview Star News advertising Buttons TV - Community Calendars , II., .... .~ ~'lil i:"",,'':'''-#,,/' ~? . r ~L1NIC SERVICES ENCOUNTER FORM JQatient Name: " . Service Date: Site Code: l-Cllnlc r:lnsotrfoTVIlfIl. New Hanover County Health Department 2029 South 17'" Street Wilmington, Ne 28401 Phone: (910) 3'43.eSOO Fex: (910) 341-4148 FaxJMed Recorda: (910) n2-7805 lex ID: 56-6000324 Vls.5eltIng: O1-Cllnlo -e18g-e_~ I I - I . . _I..&. WM:.tt WiiW~~.W# %liif#~l @itS ~~t1HUjiii1nMtfi~r~MtW~fi ~:.iflW~ MliM ~Wii# eM It3I1 EP Age 0.1 CH JJift #Mii#4 ~tiM f.fi.~;~:.@lttMMln -, EP ...., - EP "'-4 - EP .~11 ..... .1.,7 ..... .. ..... ..... ..- -' .. ... CH -- EP .,.. CH CH ..... EP ""'5-11 CH ..... Age 12-17 ..... .. ..... ..... ..- .. ... _...>,wE,,~1 : "r .tW.~~JF_1. -' ~l_m _i%M~~~~ ~~Iit: ~jj_~1iti.If.~tw$ljl ..... 0 [_1~~~ [Bii@~ ~W: ~_~tlt;ti:irt_~1[~~~Ii.@: ~~W;;%]~ .!t *l#f~W OY PraIII... fOCUMCI ..." 0 av_ ..... 0 ..... 0 _0 av__.... av......-_ av__ ..... 0 av__ ..... 0 OY IExpMcIed PrCIb FOCUMCI ..... 0 all DeWIecf./IIod ,.. I . mil), HIV CounHIIng & T..... KIV '-' Tut CounHIIn8 8TO AN ........ . , aI UNta: ST DIipo Proww. 150 l1li ... Ortho ew. P...., GInn: ... I ~..tcJ CanIr....... ... -... ... NorpI'" lnMrtIan ... --.. ... 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QIUCOM, quantiblttwt O_.b__olrtp ~ tLD)tLDH) enzyme HDL (WiN Women) ,...., A1kall"'__ 8GOTIABT SGOT/ALT Hemoglobin eou..........otoIogy w/1llll Coulter hem8tOlogy wlo clift RBC SED ....., non MIlo 84n>IoaY. quol__ 84ro1oaY, q-- Thl'CNll Cunure/Slnp GC Culture <<811 eItea) W.._.... Gnan stain 00300 _ 00300 00300 00300 00300 00300 00300 00300 00300 00300 00300 00300 _ 00300 00300 00300 00300 00300 00300 00300 00300 00300 00300 00300 00300 00300 NC .,... N U~... 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Nluro 18 Next ~F ab.bllent: _Typo: (01_) _ Tralltmlnt 0I1h0 22 WeIght: Thoropy Rolum .. 01: Plllo Dloph....m 08: NFP -.. 14: No m.uaodlPngunt 02: Foam/COndOm. os: IUD 10: None 11: -....... 17: Emergency ContI'KlpU",* _Typo: (oln:Io) - Rolum NC NC NC He NC He NC He NC He He NC -- He He He He NC NC NC NC NC ~"'::::$=~". } :::: ~....' . ll! w}~~'." ~ . 12: Dope 20: PIle . New Hanover county Health Doparlmont iNALK-IN/LAB SERVICES ENCOUNTER FORM 2029 South 17'" Street WIlmington, NC 28401 Phone: (910) 30-.6500 ; Paf'ont Name: Fax: (91D) 341-4146 a. D~ FaxiMed Recorda : (910) 772-7805 Tax ID: n tID00324 sate: ... Code: ..aIoIe VisIt ....... ...aIoIe Re.-on tar VI~ I ....~, .. I .. I.. 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(See criteria tor eliglblUty) V068 80700 52 .806S8 52- .-FlufAQe 3.18 yra.-(See crttelie for eligibility) DtoP :V0481 V068 00702 52 V064 00707 52 VOIO 10713 52 V054 10711 52 VOla 10718 52 Y0382 VOSB 80732 52 107.. 52 VOSB 80744 51 V0382 ..... 52 80471 EP 00471 00472 DT MIIR (See crttelie for eligibility for .dults) IPV V.rtcell. Td Pneumonlll (See crtterta for eligibility) Hep ElIPedlntc Hep BlAdult!Contact to Hep B pCy.7 (VFC muM. II, U, orN to be eligible torvaeelne) Immunlzetlon VlaItIMedlcald (Age 0.20) Admin F../MedlCllkl wal... dON Admin F..fMedICllkf.. HcIltlo....1 doaea.' 01 clo8n: EP III ISO-. NO HAS He ABN He ACH NC F5B NC FLS NC DTA NC DT He MMR NC IPV He VM NC TO He PHS NO HBV:Chlldhood HCA: Contact He HBC . PCV 8Q471EP .0471 1M 1M '" III III 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M iliA IMA 00472 [fll~1~~~: :*SIti: ~IJ: 1:.~I{i.~~~WI._t.r$t~rtt11rt.~~w%ttit~~t#.[~~1~~~ ~Wf!~lr.. ;r_~[I l~~lt;.~jf~j~~~w.w1fllr~f.tWft}rM~t_..,~~~.. <<- .... >~1t ~.. ,"\.:: V05B - V05I 10633 V053 ..... VO:U1 IOIS7 V04Bl IlO8S8 V04Bl N:F V04B 1IOI7S 1/064 00707 1/064 1lO71. V03B2 00732 V03B2 Pile V03B1l I07U V05I 007... t:::::;.~r::::~~..~:::=.;:..~::...::>>.tX~::::.",.::: .. Hep AlAdult H.p A/AdoI.K8nt (Don not meet criteria for State VIlCCIne) Hop A/&/Adull Flu CO'" mOL) Flu (3 yn. +) F1U/MedlCllre Adml"""" Fee _......m R._III MMR (Dooa not meel _ far _ vaccine) v._ -- Pneumonla/Medlcere Admlnlslntlve Fee ......ng-a::: rl >':.~:;;~;;;.J#W#J%.fJ.hrt~lNd COntracepllvo Typo: (_ m~ 04: Diop/lragm 01: Pin 06: NFP 02: Foem/CctncloN 10: NoM 11: NoopIant 12, Dopo-" 14: No methocllPngnant P_ Typo: (01_....) 03: IUD 17: EmetpllCy Contraceptlwl 20: Patch - Roblm :;>>: III HAV-fI.y HAF-Food H.ncllertcontr.cl HAE-Employee HAC ABP-Pey ABE-Emp 1M FLB FLU-Pay FLtf.W.lver FUI.....CON FIIE.....cakI FLE<mp IMA N:F PRP-Poy PRR-No eMfII' RAE-Emp MMP.f>ay MME-Emp VRP-hy VRE-Emp PNE-f'IIy PNN-W.1ver PH......'CII... PIIE....'cald PEII-Emp IliA Pile MEN-Poy MEE-Emp HBP-Pav HBO-Contract HBH-N :~iir". r. ~"t:;:~:~:.:::-~:;{;:~tr~::~::~~':~~::::':::~:::~~::~3:1w4JIWJ.Wm~4 Holghl: Clinic Code: 18 PotIonl Typo: (01_....) Wolgllt: - Roblm T..-.... -Typo:_) -.... r '- PublishedJor Members oj Local Boards oj Heallh Second Quarter, 2004 ,-- President's Message Connie Tatton Public Health's Guiding Principles Public health in the United States is guided by a set of three principles known as the Core Functions of Public Health. The three Core Functions (assessment, policy development and assurance) define the roles of federal, state and local public health systems. All public health agencies are responsible for assessing the status of public health in their communities, developing policies to address public health needs, and assuring that public health needs are met. C' While the three Core Functions guide public health systems as to what they should be doing, the 10 Essential Public Health Services describe how these agencies should perform them. The 10 Essential Services are the actions that the public health system should take to guarantee that community health needs are met. ~t.,~* ':,;.;\: Local boards of health are guided by these principles regardless of their legal authority. A state's ., . constitution or legal code grants boards of health in that state its specific responsibilities and .. authorities. For example, in one state, a board's authority may be to advise or make recommendations about public health activities; while in another, the law permits the board to pass , public health rules and regulations and to enforce them. Common public health principles standardize the way public health officials work to improve community health. While each community has specific health concerns and population needs, the . public health principles provide a uniform framework for response. The 10 Essential Pubiic Health Services detail a list of activities associated with the assessment, policy development, and assurance functions of public health systems. Continued on page 2 Turning Point: Collaborating for a New Century in Public Health, Model State Public Health Act, A Tool for Assessing Public Health Laws Lee K. Allen, NALBOH, Southeast Regional Director There is an old saying among public health professionals "If you have seen one health department, you have seen one health department." One would think that since the beginning of organized public health, someone would have come up with the idea that there should be some uniformity on a national level because by definition, public health is' the same everywhere. Everybody- Everywhere - Everyday, is a common slogan and it describes what we are talking about when we say public health. r The question is "Why do we need to modernize public health law?" Law has always played an important role in the protection and promotion of the public's health. The Institute of Medicine, in its 1988 report on the future of public health, found that "State publiC health laws are in many cases seriously outdated." The Institute expressed concern that inadequate or outdated laws could hamper a public health agency's ability to carry out its health promotion and protection mission, and recommended that states review their publiC health statutes and make revisions necessary to: 1) clearly delineate the basic authority and responsibility of public health agencies, and 2) support a set of modern disease control measures that address contemporary health problems and incorporate due process safeguards. 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N ~ NALBOHNewsBrief Second Quarter, 20041 National Association of Local Boards of Health Boards of Health: Prevention, Preparedness & Power July 28-31, 2004 Omni Interlocken Resort Denver, Colorado Continue to visit <www.nalboh.org> for conference updates or to view hotel information visit <www.omnihotels.comjhotelsjdefault.asp?h_id=48> For more information visit<www.nalboh.org> or call the NALBOH office at (419) 353-7714. National Association of Local Boards of Health 1840 East Gypsy Lane Boad Bowling Green, OH 43402 E-mail: <nalboh@nalboh.org> Website: <www.nalboh.org> NON PROFIT ORG. u.s. Postage PAID Bowling Green, OH Permit No. 47 ~) .....,..