09/01/2004 ." NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT August 26, 2004 To: New Hanover County Board of Health From: Cynthia W Hewett,MSIS fJ.'I- Business Manger Subject: Revenue and Expenditure Report for Month Ending July 31, 2004 The Revenue and Expenditure Report was not finalized at the time the NHC BOH packet was ready for distribution. A copy of this report will be distributed to each of you at the Board of Health Meeting on Wednesday, September 1,2004. Thank you. . . 9 "Healthy People, Healthy Environment, Healthy Community" . . . NHCHD BOARD OF HEALTH APPROVED GRANT APPLICATION STATUS FY 04-05 Date (BOH) Grant Renu8sted Pending Received Denied Office of the State Fire Marshal- Ne Department of Insurance- Risk Watch continuation funding 8/412004 (3years) $ 25.000 $ 25.000 NC Physical Activity and Nutrition Branch-Eat Smart Move More North Carolina $ 20.000 $ 20.000 Ne March of Dimes Community Grant Program- 71712004 Smoking Cessation $ 50.000 $ 50.000 Wolfe.NCPHA Prenatal Grant- Diabetic Supplies for Prenatal Patients $ 5,000 $ 5,000 6/212004 No activity to report for June 2004. Kate B. Reynolds Foundatlon- Transportable 5/5/2004 Dental Unit Grant $375.000 $375,000 Cape Fear Memorial Foundation- Dental Grant $185,000 $185.000 Cape Fear Memorial Foundatlon- School Health 41712004 Emergency Dental Services Grant $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Safe Kids Coalltlon- Govemo~s Highway Safety program- (Coalition Vehicle Request) $ 16.000 $ 16.000 Safe Kids Coalitlon- Safe Kids Buckle Up 3/3/2004 Program- Child Safety Seat Grant $3,500 $3.500 2/4/2004 No activity to report for February 2004. Cape Fear Memorial Foundation- Funds needed to enhance health education in 4 areas other than Diabetes 11712004 (an enhancement to Diabetes TocIay Grant). (Living Well) $20.000 $18,500 $1.500 12/3/2003 No activity to report for December 2003. Cape Fear Memorial Foundation- Funds needed to cover dental services for needy children as identified by 11/512003 School Health Nurses. $3.000 $3.000 NC Medical Foundation - Through the Good Shephard Ministries for nursing services to the population frequenting the shelter. $25.000 $25.000 Duke Unlverstty. To provide 10 hours of nursing services for TB Outreach. $10.388 $10.700 -$312 NC Tobacco and Control Branch, DHHS- Continuation of Tobacco Prevention Program. $100.000 $64.093 $35.907 10/1/2003 No activity to report for October 2003. New Hanover County Safe Schools- Uniting for Youth "U4Youth"(funding will be received over a 3 9/3/2003 year grant period) $49,000 $ 12.702 $36.298 Safe Kids Coalitlon- Fire Prevention (Please note this grant was pulled- coalition not able to meet deadline for request) $2,500 $2,500 8/6/2003 HC DHHS- OPH Preparedness and Response $82.350 $31,950 $50.400 Smart Start- Partnership for Children (Grant 7/3/2003 Increase for Part Time Nurse Position) $5,523 $5,523 Cape Fear Memorial Foundation. Diabetes Today (two-year request; $42,740 annually) (Received $25,00 year 1 and $20,000 year 2) $85.480 $45.000 $40.480 Duke University Nicholas School of the Envlronment-Geographic Information Systems Grant (Env Health) $10.000 $10.000 Safe Kids Coalltlon- Safe Kids Mobile Car Seat Check up Van $50,000 $50.000 Totals $1,137,741 $675,000 $224,445 $238,296 59.33% 19.73% 20.94% Pending Grants 7 33% Funded Total Request 5 24% Partiallv Funded 5 24% Denied Total Request 4 19% Numbers of Grants Applied For 21 100% As of 8/24/2004 . NOTE: Notification received since last report. 10 " , . . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Request for Board Action Agenda:D Consent Meeting Date: 09/07/04 Agenda: [8J Department: Health Presenter' Cindy Hewett, Business Manager Contact: Cindy Hewett, Business Manager, ext 6680 Subject: Additional funds received from the Office of the State Fire Marshal, NC Department of Insurance: $2,500 Brief Summary' The New Hanover County Health Department has received $2,500 from the Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM - NC Department of Insurance (NCDOI) for use in the existing Risk Watch ProlU'am. Recommended Motion and Requested Actions: To accept and approve the additional $2,500 funds received from the OSFM-NCDOI to be used in the existing Risk Watch Pro ram and the associated bud et amendment. I Funding Source: OSFM-NCDOI Will above action result in. DNew Position Number ofPosition(s) DPosition(s) Modification or change [8JNo Chan e in Position s Explanation: The New Hanover County Health Department has been awarded $2,500 additional funding from the OSFM-NCDOI for use in the existing Risk Watch Program. These funds were unsolicited by the health department. No local match is required. The county is under no obligation to continue the Risk Watch Program upon expiration of rant funds. I Attachments: Copy of Check and budget amendment. 11 ."'" <~ :'\~ :;:~::,::;,-'q:~ ":- .^ h'i. ^ '4~ t < ~~ 1 ~ ?t', ~.,- SrATE OEtN0RTI:I.e~'ROLlNA'}'0YH . ,.f,1to~.,\~f'i ~ DEPARTMENT OF,lN$URANCE..;J,~' . _0,$, . ..N. (hi, -1004..87'J~' ~':'......, 430" N. SAL:'I"'SS'^,' URY"STRE~. _.:",<-.,.,.,:::t:... 'w;, ~'l<~;,.'~ ~"# ''''~':~' ~,''i;i;,~'" ',.' ~'_~. .~~, '1'1 'iT ";{ ,:i ~h ,HALEIGH,.NORTHCAROUNA:27\l11 . 'd. P.,.... "!~.(:h,..- ~~ . .. "E:eJ .....,. S_~~~ROIel"'~,~:,.""'y~~ 0r ~ "; ~, ,.! :,;E, ,.J 12F1l:., < " ," .,'" ~> ,,:y." " ,'_ -!;,: ,c",:' PAY [Viothousand:jive'hundred afl~ 001100 DolIll,[s lOTHE OHDER OF . 0' NEW HANOVER COUNTY SAFE KIDS NEW HANOVER CO HEALTH DEPT 2029 S 17TH ST WILMINGTON NC 28401-4946 ,) f}'. o^-<d ~u~ ~...l AUTHORIZED SIG TURE'" " II" .oo...a? . 211" .:OS:l..O 5 "l"": .....'000..'0. ?II" 12PE STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE 430 N. SALISBURY STREET. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611 NO. 10048712 . DATE INVOICElCREDIT MEMO TYPE OESCAJPllON INVOICE AMOUNT DEDUCTIONS OR NET AMOUNT DISCOUNT CI7130104 RISK WATCHlGRANT 080204.5015 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 SUPPL ~ENTAL RISK WATCH 3RANT TOTALS ~2 500.00 ~? 5OO.M . 12 . ~ e en Q) ., 'c .... w " Z ::; E W <( E z 0 :E ~ u 0 ~ ~ Z '" W w en :E ~ < z .... w W <!l 0 <( ~ Cl It) 0 ::l 0 al z ::> W u. 0 ~ effi ~ ~ 0.. X .... W w Bit ::> cc ~ ::; <!l z -0 ....0 z_ ::>0: Ow uo. u <( .... Zo: Ww ::;cc ::>::; u::> OZ 0 >- u z w ~ <!l <( '" cc ~ e W w e Z ~ 0 0 ~ Bw ~ ~ <(0 . ~ (1)0 ~ zu e D! z e .... e ....w- 0 0 Z ...Jl" LO ::l 0 0: N O"'S ;S:-J :E Z8 <C + ... I + 0 Clf-I- UJUJZ en"::l -00 Cii::l:; O::COc{ 1-1-1- ZUJZ UJ"::l 0::00 O::::l:; i3coc{ I- en w U ::::; w Cl. ..... Cl. co 0 ::l en -' j:; Z w :; I- 0:: ~ UJ 0 0 ~ '" ~ ~ :> ti 0 0 <( 0 '" u. ,z 000 ~a::i= _0.<( zo.- :J<g: ..lz Zo <(- ~~ '" co ~ It) Z Cl. 0 >= -' UJ u :r <( 01- wW cnCl -0 >:J ~1O -J ;!: o I- ~ ~ .S:!Q,)Q) ",-- ~"'''' ~OO ~~j! ~t=t= E~~J!i t'Oco co co ZZzO ro' .:....:m > CO,., '" > o > 0 "-"00"- ~Q)"'Q. Q.:>,c..c. c{ Q) c.c{ -~c{c: '" . 0 1: 0 'en Q) . en E CO'- t: E '" E c. 0 Q) U .s "0 Q) en " 1l .s It) o >- u. ~ ,g Q) o c: ~ " en .5 '0 C Q) E t: '" c. 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':Z ':>-- ~ 220> ",,,,- OO~ Jl:!Q)W .~;::;- ......- := 1-1- E Gl Q) .. ",EE$ Z",,,,,,, ZzO (ij >..:....: "ffi ~ co ~ €i ... "C 0 '- 0.4)'" a. D.>.o.Q. c{ Gl c.c{ lii~c{C: 1: o,Q OJ . ~ ~ CO'E '" E c. 0 Q) U .s ""0 Gl en :J Gl .c .s It) o >- u. ~ .g Q) o c: ~ :J en c: - o C Q) E t: '" c. Q) o U Z o 1ii .s:;; en ~ '" :; l!! i:i: $ .l!! en Gl .s:;; - - o ~ IE o Q) :5 E e - c: .Q 19 c: Gl E :J o o ""0 01 c: 'E o 5 E c. :=cog. ""O~en ""001 CD 2 .. _0.. Z Q).s:;; 0 010- ""0_1- ""'< ~~:E 1-.><0:: .!Il 0 .. 0:: u. Z O1Z O.E :i <i= ]i < xZ zGlo <[t:- .Jo!::: 0.. c. C >< g. 0 ""0 Gl > 'w ~ en ""0 c: :J - Iii 14 .f , } . . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Request for Board Action Agenda:U . Consent Meeting Date: 09/07/04 Agenda: ~ Department: Health Presenter Cindy Hewett, Business Manager Contact: Cindy Hewett, Business Manager, ext 6680 '. Subject: Additional Aid-to-County funding received for New Hanover County Health Department for FY05. $8,333 Brief Summary: The New Hanover County Health Department has been awarded $8,333 additional Aid-to-County funding to be used to support quality assurance activities within the health department. These funds can be used to support such items as the quality improvement structure and process, to develop and ensure compliance with the agency's quality improvement plan, to develop critical incident reporting and management plans and to assist with the accreditation process. Recommended Motion and Requested Actions: To accept and approve the $8,333 additional Aid-to-County state grant funding for FY05 and the associated budget amendment. Funding Source: NC Division of Public Health, Administrative, Local and Community Su ort Section, Local Technical Assistance and Trainin Branch. Will above action result in. ONew Position Number ofPosition(s) OPosition(s) Modification or change ~No Chan e in Position(s Explanation: NC Division of Public Health, Administrative, Local and Community Support Section, Local Technical Assistance and Training Branch has awarded the New Hanover County Health Department $8,333 additional Aid-to-County state grant funding. These funds are to be used to support quality assurance efforts within the health de artment and are to be ex ended in FY05. I Attachments: State documentation and budget amendment. 15 . " DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH AGREEMENT ADDENDA . New Hanover County Health Department Contractor Name Administrative, Local, and Community Support Section Local Technical Assistance and TraininE Branch 4110 General Aid to Counties Activity Number and Title Unit 07/01/04 - 06/30/05 Effective Period (Beginning and Ending Date) 3 Revision # 8/16/04 Date Program Objectives and Instructions: A IT ACHED YOU WILL FIND A REVISED CHART SHOWING FY 04-05 BUDGETARY ESTIMATE FOR YOUR COUNTY IN THE GENERAL AID TO COUNTIES ACTIVITY THESE FUNDS ARE FOR USE IN ANY PUBLIC HEALTH PROGRAM AS DETERMINED BY LOCAL NEED. IN ADDITION, $8,333 OF THESE FUNDS MUST BE USED FOR ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES: (I) . (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) To facilitate the creation of Quality Officers in each agency to oversee the quality improvement structure and process, develop and ensure compliance with the agency's quality improvement plan against internal and external requirements, develop critical incident reporting and management plans, assess organizational and workforce development gaps and oversee the accreditation process. To facilitate the development of private or public partnerships through contracts, interlocal agreements, memoranda of understanding, and community grants. To provide incentives to agencies to collaborate and partner with other counties in the development of regional public health incubators to improve service delivery, organization and preparedness. To enable accredited agencies to assist other counties in their efforts to achieve public health accreditation To promote partnerships between local agencies and universities through development of academic health departments To provide incentives to develop local and regional business plans to create hybrid health departments, including public health authorities and public health districts, and identify new sources of public health revenue To create community health plans to improve community health and reduce health disparities, including the creation of a Community Wellness Index To strengthen the role ofJocal boards of health through training, technical assistance and consultation To create public internships at the local level To support new insights and innovative solutions to health problems that will result in improved quality, great accountability, improved health outcomes, and the elimination of health disparities . Page _1_ of _1_ 11/01 A /$;ftI{/? County Health Director Signature and Date 16 . . . . . . N.C. Division or Public Health Budgetary Estimate to Local Health Departments, SFY 04-05 Originsl _ Revision#_3_ Activity # 4110 Activity Name: General Aid-to-Counties ROW 1 FundIRCCIf'RC FundIRCClFRC FundlRCClfRC fundIRCClFRC FuncllRCClFRC 1410....110.00 Total or All Payment Period 07/04-06105 Payment Period. Payment Period . Pavment Period . Payment Period . Service Period 06/o.-G5/CU Service Period . Service Period . Service Period - Service Period . COUNlY Sources 01 ALAMANCE 50.00 202 ALBEMARLE REG so.oo 02 ALEXANDER 50.00 CU ANSON SO.DO 201 APPALACHIAN $8,333.00 58.333.00 07 BEAUFORT 50.00 09 BLADEN 50.00 10 BRUNSWICK 50.00 11 BUNCOMBE $8.333.00 58.333.00 12 BURKE 50.00 13 CABARRUS S8,333.00 58.333.00 14 CALDWEll $0.00 16 CARTERET 50.00 17 CASWEll $0.00 18 CATAWBA $0.00 19 CHATHAM S8,333.00 $8.333.00 20 CHEROKEE $0.00 22 CLAY $0.00 23 CLEVELAND $0.00 24 COLUMBUS 50.00 25 CRAVEN $0.00 26 CUMBERLAND $0.00 26 DARE $8,333.00 $8.333.00 29 DAVlOSON $0.00 30 DAVIE $0.00 31 DUPLIN $0.00 32 DURHAM $0.00 33 EDGECOMBE $0.00 34 FORSYTH 50.00 35 FRANKLIN $0.00 38 GASTON SO.OO 37 GATES $0.00 38 GRAHAM $0.00 203 GRAN-VANCE $0.00 40 GREENE $0.00 41 GUILFORD 50.00 42 HALIFAX $0.00 43 HARNETT $0.00 44 HAYWOOD $0.00 45 HENDERSON $0.00 46 HERTFORD $0.00 209 HERT-GATES $0.00 47 HOKE $0.00 48 HYDE 50.00 49 IREDEll $0.00 17 .J . 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C. .. 0 z <( ., 9-<( Z l!::., - -:.,:... c: 0 ...J ~ c::i"2i=a<( (]J .~c(+'z E m"E-z.l90 t: :j'6i= [ 5Q.~c ., U x l:l c ~ ":i c: o "" '" - c: ., E ::l U o " Ol c: 1:: o 0. 0. ::l Ul 19 ~ '. . I~( . . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Request for Board Action Agenda: Consent Meeting Date: A enda: ~ .. Department: Health Presenter: Cindy Hewett, Business Mana er Contact: Cindy Hewett, Business Mana er, ext 6680 Subiect: Part Time Interpreter Brief Summary: The New Hanover County Health Department is requesting approval to hire a part-time (20 hours per week) Spanish Interpreter with existing funds budgeted in FY05 Recommended Motion and Requested Actions: To approve request to hire part-time Spanish Interpreter (position with no benefits) for FY05 and associated budget amendment. I Funding Source: Existing funds in FY05 Adopted Budget Will above action result in: ~New Position .5 Number ofPosition(s) Dposition(s) Modification or change DNo Chan e in Position s Explanation: New Hanover County Health Department is requesting approval to hire a second Spanish interpreter, who would be halftime and no benefits, for the remainder of FY05. This would be a trial position, to determine the full extent of the need. Our one FT interpreter is serving the OAS Clinic daily and stays busy Additionally, we are using contract interpreters for all home visits, and for the busier days in clinic, as well as for relief for the one regular interpreter when she is unavailable. After reviewing the usage of contract interpreters, the anticipated continued increase in Hispanic WIC clients, and the best use of dollars, we believe we could hire a 20 hour/week interpreter as a temporary, with no benefits. Points to Consider: WIC alone has increased services to Hispanics by 41% in the last year (02-03'418 clients; 03-04 590 clients). Contract interpreters are being paid $23.50 per hour and we can hire a temporary county employee as an Administrative Support Technician to serve as the part-time Spanish Iterpreter with a lower salary WIC has $12,000 budgeted for contract services for interpreting for this FY; Child Service Coordination (CSC) has $4000 budgeted for interpreters. These are the fund that would be used to fund the art-time osition. We are re uestin a roval to transfer the 20 remaining contract services money in these two budgets to temporary salaries and recruit a PT interpreter (20 hours/week, no benefits). This position would provide Spanish Interpreting coverage for WIC and CSC home visits. New Hanover County Human Resources has a roved this re uest, rovided it is a roved b the NHC BOH. I Attachments: Supporting documentation . . , ~ . . . 21 ~ . . . . , <: . .,. Janet McCumbee : ;~t;~ 08/20/200402:46 PM ~e4:, To: BettyJo McCorkle/NHC@NHC, Nancy Nail/NHC@NHC, Juanita Richardson/NHC@NHC cc: chewett@co,new-hanover,nc.us. (bcc: archive) Subject: Re: Request for PT interpreter FYI, we have to process through SOH, but this is good news, I think the plan will be to hire a 20 hour interpreter to serve WIC no more than 16 hours. then use the other 4 hours for CSC home visits. This would free up Jessie to work only the main clinic, Cindy, if this passes the SOH, please remember when recruiting, we will need to have Nancy determine the days she needs this person, and Juanita to figure out the best half day for CSC, The person hired may need to be very flexible (if possible), Thanks, ----- Forwarded by Janet McCumbee/NHC on 0812012004 02:43 PM --- I /J1A. _ Andre Mallette 'ifI.H.- 08/20/200401:31 PM To: David E Rice/NHC@NHC cc: jmccumbee@nhcgov,com, (bcc: archive) Subject: Re: Request for PT interpreterEj I have no problem with this request Please get budget to move the appropriate funds and provide HR with a requisition for recruitment once the SOH approves, Andre' R Mallette, Director Human Resources Department New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street, Suite 405 Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 341-7178 David E Rice David E Rice 08120/2004 12:02 PM To: Andre Mallette/NHC@NHC ee: jmeeumbee@nhcgov,com, (bee: archive) Subject: Request for PT interpreter Please approve our request to hire a part-time interpreter We currently have monies budgeted for contractual interpreters, ----- Forwarded by David E Rice/NHC on 08120/2004 12:00 PM --- " ": "..j. Janet McCumbee .. c.~~". 08/20/200411:55AM ..U'~.1 To: David E Rice/NHC@NHC ee: (bee: archive) Subject: Request for PT interpreter I would like to request that HR consider approval of a request to hire a second Spanish interpreter, who would be half time and no benefits, for the rest of this fiscal year This would be a trial position, to determine the full extent of the need, Our one FT interpreter is serving the OAS clinic daily and is busy We are using contract interpreters for all home visits, and for the busier days in clinic, as well as for relief for the one regular interpreter when she is out Looking at the usage of contract interpreters, the anticipated continued increase in Hispanic WIC clients, and the best use of dollars, we feel we could hire a 20 houriweek interpreter as temporary, no benefits, Important points . WIC alone has increased services to Hispanics by 41% in the last year (02-03:418 clients; 03-04: 590 clients), . Contract interpreters are being paid $23,50 per hour and we can pay a temp county employee in the 22 AST class less. . WIC has $12,000 budgeted for contract services for interpreting for this FY; CSC has $4000 budgeted for interpreters We would like to transfer the remaining contract money in these two budgets to salaries and recruit a PT interpreter, who would cover WIC and CSC home visits. I realize we would need to take this to the SOH, but wanted the advise/blessing of HR first, as you recommended. Thanks. ... I I . . . 23 - i - C :I 0 ::!: E 0 III Gl t/) C 0 ~ 0 0 ~ - ~ .5 0 CII - CI 3: III III II) ~ .~ - II) to (/) 0 ::!: (,) 0 'tl C ... III Q) (,) - 9 f ;: &l Q. CIl III ... u. Gl Q) C - :c c E - 0 9 (,) c: - to .., .' . . ~ 0 (/) I- 0 Q. + 0 Q) Cl 3: . l!I .., ~ z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 g 0 0 0 ~ 0 g 0 0 It) 0 o. i. ,..; ,..; N N ~ ~ ~ ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 c: ::l .., .., ~ c ;g o 5:J l:::! co ~ ~ 24 .; . . . (,) (/) (,) 011 (,) ;: .! III o (,) .. S !! CI. .. 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Change in the name of Quality Assurance to Health Planning, and 2. Relocation of the Public Health Regional Surveillance Team (PHRST) to Health Programs Administration. These changes will allow for better coordination of Health Planning and PHRST. Both programs are funded by bioterrorism monies. Recommended Motion and Requested Actions: Requested that the NHCBH approve the revisions to the NHCHD Organizational Chart. . I Funding Source: N/A Will above action result in: DNew Position Number of Position(s) DPosition(s) Modification or change [8jNo Change in Position(s) I Explanation: Attachments: 1. September 9, 2003 NHCHD Organizational Chart 2. September 1, 2004 NHCHD Organizational Chart - Draft . 28 l .. . Ol Ee ~..g f:P~ .t.i e ~.- ",E Ill" 01<( J: ~g> -.- me Ole J:.!!! a. e ..c.2 ~o mE J:O ~ a. 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New Hanover County Health Department Revenue and Expenditure Summaries for July 2004 Cumulative: 8.33% Month 1 of 12 Revenues Cumulative % 8.33% Month Reported Mon 1 012 Jul-04 Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Revenue Balance % BUdgeted Revenue Balance % Revenue Amount Earned Remalnln Amount Earned Remalnln Federal & State $1,780,890 $ 181,646 $1,599,244 $ 130,371 $1,529,249 7.86% AC Fee. $ 570,161 $ 39,142 $ 531,019 $ 46,348 $ 523,813 8.13% Medicaid $1,138,039 $ $1,138,039 $1,044,080 $ $1,044,080 0.00% Medicaid Max $ 151,600 $ $ $ EH Fee. $ 300,212 $ 31,506 $ 268,706 $ 300,212 $ 17,304 $ 282,908 5.76% Health Fee. $ 113,545 $ 14,297 $ 99,248 $ 113,850 $ 13,303 $ 100,547 11.68% Other $2,390,519 1.79% Expenditures Type of Ex endlture Current Year Prior Year Budgeted Expended Balance % " Budgeted Expended Balance % Amount Amount Remalnln Amount Amount Remalnln . .~ 342,794 $ 964,585 19,823 $ 78,893 $ Summary Budgeted Actual FY 04-05 FY 04-05 Expenditures: Salaries & Fringe $10,383,157 $342,794 Operating Expenses $1,517,904 $19,823 Capital Outlay $86,633 $0 Total Expenditures $11,987,694 $362,617 Revenue: $6,444,966 $269,613 Net County $$ $5,542,728 $93,004 % 3.02% 4.18% 1.67% Revenue and Expenditure Summary For the Month of July 2004 ~ ., New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY REVENUE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 . . Summary for the New Hanover County Health Department Cumulative % 8.33% Current Year Type of Budgeted Revenue Balance Revenue Amount Earned Remaining Federal & State $ 1,780,890 $ 181,646 $ 1,599,244 AC Fee. $ 570,161 $ 39,142 $ 531,019 Medicaid $ 1,138,039 $ $ 1,138,039 Medicaid Max $ 151,600 $ EH Fee. $ 300,212 $ 31,506 $ 268,706 Health Fees $ 113,545 $ 14,297 $ 99,248 Other $ 2,390,519 $ 3,022 $ 2,387,497 Month Reported Mon 1 of 12 Jul-04 Prior Year % > , Budgeted Revenue Balance % ~::' Amount Earned Remaining $ 1,659,620 $ 130,371 $ 1,529,249 7.86% $ 570,161 $ 46,348 $ 523,813 8.13% $ 1,044,080 $ $ 1,044,080 0,00% $ $ $ 300,212 $ 17 ,304 $ 282,908 5.76% $ 113,850 $ 13,303 $ 100,547 11,68% $ 2,123,669 $ 38,075 $ 2,085,594 1.79% . . Revenue Summary For Month of July 2004 Type of Budgeted Revenue Amount . Federal & State $ 12,779 $ Other $ 135,000 $ . I . . New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY REVENUE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 Cumulative % 8.33% Month Reported Mon10f12 Jul-04 Program: 5111 Environmental Health Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Revenue Balance % ;.;,. Budgeted Revenue Balance % Revenue Amount Earned Remaining i Amount Earned Remaining 15,973 15,973 16,473 16,473 300,212 31,506 268,706 300,212 17,304 282,908 Program: 5112 Vector Control Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining Prlor Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining % J~;,: ,.~ % $ 12,779 $ 135,000 12,779 $ 135,000 $ $ $ 12,779 135,000 0.00% 0.00% Program: 5114 Animal Control Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Revenue Balance % ',0'\ BUdgeted Revenue Balance % t,!. Revenue Amount Earned Remaining t~ Amount Earned Remaining .w AC Fees $ 570,161 $ 39,142 $ 531,019 6.87% ; $ 570,161 $ 46,348 $ 523,813 8.13% >,. other $ $ 0.00% ~ $ $ 0.00% Note; County Appropriation is not figured on the individual program report. The County appropriation in each program is the difference between the total amounts on the program expenditure report and the totals on the program revenue report. For Month of July 2004 Cumulative % Program: Type of Revenue Budgeted Amount Heallh Fees $ Fed & Slate $ Med Max $ Totals $ 1,000 $ $ $ $ 4,600 5,600 Program: Type of Revenue Budgeted Amount Program: Program: . New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY REVENUE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 8.33% 5121 Laboralory Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining $ 1,000 $ $ $ 4,600 5,600 5122 I . Month Reported Mon10f12 Jul-D4 Prior Year % ~ B:~~~~: R::;::: R:~:~~~g O'OO%I"~ $ 1,500 $ $ 1,500 0.00%. . 0.00% 0.00% ,: $ % 0.00% Public Health Bioterrorism Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining $ 195,996 $ 31,000 3,154 % Prior Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining $ 296,161 % 5123 Care Coordination Current Year Type of Budgeted Revenue Balance Revenue Amount Earned Remaining Fed & Slate $ 66,160 $ $ 66,160 0.00% TXIX $ 1,039,039 $ $ 1,039,039 0.00% Med Max $ $ $ 0.00% Totals $ 1,105,199 $ $1,105,199 0.00% Ii ~ $1,041,167 1,041,167 0.00% Note: Comprised of Child Service Coordination (5133), Maternity Care Coordination (5159), Maternal Outreach Workers (5157) end Navl9ator (5154) Budgets Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining 91,646 $ 350,084 5124 Budgeted Amount % Prior Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining $ 99.405 $ 941,762 . Budgeted Amount % Women's Preventive Health Type of Revenue Budgeted Amount Prior Year % ,1'1 Budgeted Revenue Balance % ;{' Amount Earned Remaining 0.00% 1;- 200,955 $ 2,758 $ 198,197 1.37% 0.00% ~. '1 31,000 $ 31,000 0.00% "'::1';. 22,500 2,716 $ 19,784 12.07% . $ j~ .":e'" ," '.; ~./~," f.~>,,: 5,474 $ 229,197 2.15% Note:County Appropriation is not figured on the individual program report. The County appropriation in each program is the difference between the total amounts on the program expenditure report and the totals on the program revenue report. . For Month of July 2004 . Cumulative % Program: Type of Revenue Program: Budgeted Amount Program: Type of Revenue Budgetad Amount . Program: Type of Revenue Budgated Amount Program: Type of Revenue Budgeted Amount . New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY REVENUE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 8.33% Month Reported Monlof12 Jul-Q4 5125 Community HeaUh Revenue Earned Balance Remaining % BUdgeted Amount Revenue Earned Balance Remaining % 5126 Health Promotions Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining Prior Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining % Budgeted Amount % 5131 Administration Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining Prior Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining % Budgeted Amount % 5134 Navigator-Partnership Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining Prior Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining % Budgeted Amount % Note: County Appropriation is not figured on the individual program report. The County appropriation in each program is the difference between the total amounts on the program expenditure report and the totals on the program revenue report. For Month of July 2004 1 New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY REVENUE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 . Cumulative % 8.33% Month Reported Man 1 of12 Jul-<l4 Program: 5141 Women Infants and Children (WIC) Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Revenue Balance % Budgeted Revenue Balance % Revenue Amount Earned Remaining Amount Earned Remaining Federal & State 17,870 $ 430,873 355,261 $ 2,028 $ 353,233 0.57% Program: 5142 Nutrition Type of Revenue Budgeted Amount Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining % Budgeted Amount Prior Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining % . Program: 5151 Epidemiology Type of Revenue Federal & State Medicaid Health Fees Med Max Other Budgeted Amount $ 73,140 $ 35,000 $ 69,545 $ 27,000 $ 36,500 Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining $ 11,722 $ 61,418 $ $ 35,000 $ 8,316 $ 61,229 $ $ 27,000 $ $ 36,500 % Prior Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining $ 10,367 $ 62,988 $ $ 35,000 $ 7,702 $ 61,648 % 14.14% 0.00% 11.11% Note: County Appropriation is not figured on the individual program report. The County appropriation in each program is the difference between the total amounts on the program expenditure report and the totals on the program revenue report. . For Month of July 2004 . Cumulative % Program: Type of Revenue Federal & State Medicaid Health Fees Budgeted Amount Program: BUdgeted Amount Program: . Program: Type of Revenue Budgeted Amount Program: Type of Revenue Other . New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY REVENUE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 8.33% Month Reported Mon 1 of 12 Jul-ll4 5152 TB Revenue Earned Balance Remaining $ 79,249 $ 7,500 $ 13,305 % Budgeted Amount Revenue Earned Balance Remaining $ 77,218 $ 7,500 $ 13,641 % 5155 Child Care Health Consultant Current Year Revenue Balance % Earned Remaining $ 62,800 Prior Year Balance Remaining $ 60,630 % 5160 Health Check Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining $ $ 41,747 Prior Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining $ $ 41,035 % % 5162 Matemal Health Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining Prior Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining % BUdgeted Amount % 5166 Partnership for Children Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining $ $ 172,500 Prior Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining $ 171,977 % % 0.00% $ Note: County Appropriation is not flgured on the individual program report. The County appropriation in each program is the difference between the total amounts on the program expenditure report and the totals on the program revenue report. For Month of July 2004 New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY REVENUE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 . Cumulative % 8.33% Program: 5167 Child Health Current Year Type of Budgeted Revenue Balance Revenue Amount Earned Remaining Federal & State $ 90,028 $ $ 90,028 Health Fees $ 1,000 $ 132 $ 868 Medicaid $ 10,000 $ $ 10,000 Month Reported Monlof12 Jul-04 Prior Year '10 ~~. Budgeted Revenue Balance % ;{,:." 1 Amount Earned Remaining 90,153 $ $ 90,153 0.00% 1,000 $ $ 1,000 0.00% 10,000 $ $ 10,000 0.00% Program 5169 School Hea~h Type of Revenue Other Budgeted Amount $ 1,673,200 $ Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining $1,673,200 % l:.., ';;: Budgeted Amount $ 1,452,133 $ Prior Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining $ 1,452,133 % 0.00% . Program 5170 NC Wisewoman Type of Revenue Budgeted Amount Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining % '~~: Budgeted Amount Prior Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining % Federal & State $ 20,328 $ 3,755 $ 16,573 $ 27,104 $ $ 27,104 0.00% . For Month of July 2004 . . . New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY REVENUE REPORT As of July 31,2004 Cumulative % 8.33% Month Reported Mon 1 0112 Jul-04 Program: 5181 Project Assist Type 01 Revenue Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining % Prior Vear Revenue Balance Earned Remainl" Budgeted Amount % Budgeted Amount Program: 5183 Safe Communities Type 01 Revenue Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining % Prior Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining Budgeted Amount % Budgeted Amount Program: 5187 Project Stop Type 01 Revenue Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining % Prior Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining Budgeted Amount % Other s s s 0.00% Note: County Appropriation is not figured on the individual program report. The County appropriation in each program is the difference between the total amounts on the program expenditure report and the totals on the program revenue report. For Month of July 2004 New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY REVENUE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 . Cumulative % 8.33% Month Reported Mon 1 0112 Jul-04 Program: 5188 TB Outrech Current Vear Revenue Balance Earned Remaining 10,700 % Budgeted Amount Prior Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining $ % Program: 5189 Safe Schools Type of Revenue Budgeted Amount Current Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining $ 51,900 % Budgeted Amount Prior Year Revenue Balance Earned Remaining $ % Totals 51,900 $ 51,900 0.00% $ - $ - $ Note:County Appropriation is not figured on the individual program report. The County appropriation in each program is the difference between the total amounts on the program expenditure report and the totals on the program revenue report. . . For Month of July 2004 . . . Type of Expenditure Salary & Fringe Operating Capital Outlay New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY EXPENDITURE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 Summary lor the New Hanover County Health Department Cumulative % 8.33% Month Reported Mon1of12 Jul-04 Current Year Prior Year Budgeted Expended Balance % BUdgeted Expended Balance % Amount Amount Remaining Amount Amount Remaining $ 10,383,157 $ $ 1,517,904 $ $ 86,633 $ 342,794 $ 10,040,363 19,823 $ 1,498,081 $ 86,633 3.30% $ 1.31% $ 0.00% $ 9,699,406 $ 1,366,405 $ 35,000 $ 964,585 $8,734,821 78,893 $1,287,512 $ 35,000 9.94% 5.77% 0.00% Expenditure Summary For Month of July 2004 New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY EXPENDITURE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 Program: Cumulative % 5111 Environmental Health 8.33% . Month Reported Mon 1 0112 Jul-04 Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance % ~ Budgeted Expended Balance % Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining Amount Amount Remaining Salary & Fringe $ 1,011,926 $ 47,563 $ 964,363 $ 849,242 $ 83,820 $ 765,422 9.87% Operating $ 69,992 $ 4,689 $ 65,303 $ 69,901 $ 8,026 $ 61,875 11.48% Capital Outlay $ $ $ $ $ $ Program: 5112 Vector Control Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance % ~ Budgeted Expended 13alance % ~ Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining %f; Amount Amount Remaining Salary & Fringe $ 329,389 $ 22,713 $ 306,676 $ 318,648 $ 49,262 $ 269,286 15.46% Operating $ 124,463 $ $ 124,463 124,463 $ 792 $ 123,671 0.64% Capttal Outlay $ $ $ $ $ 0.00% . Program: 5114 Animal Control Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance % r;;,.. Budgeted Expended Balance % . Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining Amount Amount Remaining Salary & Fringe $ 766,164 $ 48,962 $ 717,202 $ 756,520 $ 88,996 $ 667,524 11.76% Operating $ 179,293 $ 819 $ 178,474 $ 179,293 $ 2,237 $ 177,056 1.25% Capitai Outlay $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.00% Program: 5121 Laboratory Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance % .." Budgeted Expended Balance % Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining ~ Amount Amount Remaining Salary & Fringe 291,165 16,693 $ 274,472 296,531 33,970 $ 262,561 Operating 74,483 1,058 $ 73.425 74,483 1,532 $ 72,951 Capital Outlay $ $ . For Month of July 2004 . New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY EXPENDITURE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 Program: 5122 Public Health Bioterrorism Cumulative % 8.33% Current Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining Month Reported Budgeted Amount Men 1 of12 Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining Type of Expenditure Budgeted Amount % Salary & Fringe $ Operating $ Capital Outlay $ 318,091 $ 122,937 $ $ 18,315 $ 299,776 3,770 $ 119,167 $ $ 314,506 $ $ 55,344 $ $ $ 33,298 $ 8,542 $ $ 281,208 46,702 Program: 5131 Administration Current Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining Salary & Fringe $ 688,546 $ 39,876 $ 648,670 Operating $ 204,941 $ 1,922 $ 203,019 Capital Outlay $ 85,833 $ $ 85,833 $ 41,798 . Program: 5132 Board Members Current Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining Operating $ 3,900 $ 595 $ 3,305 % Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining ~: B:~~:t~: 5.79% f $ 619,332 $ 0.94%~. $ 191,841 $ 0.00% ,~, $ 35,000 $ .,~.~ 4.27% ~'\' $ 62,136 $ 44,873 $ $ 557,196 146,968 35,000 Jul-04 % 10.59% 15.62% 0.00% % 10.03% 23.39% 0.00% % Budgeted Amount Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining v;. $ 3,900 $ $ 3,900 % 0.00% Program: 5123 Care Coordination Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance % ~; BUdgeted Expended Balance % Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining ~~' Amount Amount Remaining Salary & Fringe $ 1,052,795 $ 14,015 $ 1,038,780 $ 980,294 $ 110,247 $ 870,047 11.25% Operating $ 43,060 $ 641 $ 42.419 60,873 $ 2,075 $ 58,798 3.41% Capital Outlay $ $ $ $ $ 0.00% . For Month of July 2004 1 I New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY EXPENDITURE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 . Program: 5134 Navigator Partnership b Cumulative % 8.33% Month Reported Type of Expenditure Budgeted Amount Current Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % ~ Budgeted Amount Mon1of12 Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining Jul-04 % 135,934 13,489 128,683 13,091 162,078 16,629 142.002 16,257 Program: Type of Expenditure Budgeted Amount 5141 Women, Infants and Children Current Year Expended Balance % Amount Remaining Budgeted Amount Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % Program: 5142 Nutrition . Type of Expenditure Budgeted Amount Current Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % Budgeted Amount Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % Program: 5151 Communicable Disease (Epidemiology) Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance % I Budgeted Expended Balance % Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining Amount Amount Remaining Salary & Fringe 1,098,821 60,662 $ 1,038,159 5.52% I $ 1,143,164 131,845 $ 1,011,319 Operating 154,523 1,290 $ 153,233 0.83% .il $ 116,Q63 1,029 $ 115,034 Capital OuUay $ . $ $ . For Month of July 2004 . New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY EXPENDITURE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 Program: 5152 Tuberculosis Cumulative % Month Reported Type of Expenditure Budgeted Amount % I Budgeted Amount Mon1of12 Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining Jul-04 % 276,667 38,886 261,113 38,429 240,817 38,886 215,762 38,267 Program: Type of Expenditure Budgeted Amount 5154 Navigator Current Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % Budgeted Amount Prior Vear Expended Balance Amount RemainIng % 5,292 . Program: 5124 Women's Preventive Health Type of Expenditure BUdgeted Amount Current Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % BUdgeted Amount Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % 593,449 188,600 574,204 188,394 564,142 137,690 505,451 131,097 Program: 5155 Child Care Health Consultant Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance % ~ Budgeted Expended Balance % Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining '..,' Amount Amount Remaining Salary & Fringe $ 57,376 $ 3,994 $ 53,382 $ 58,599 $ 1,578 $ 57,021 2.69% Operating $ 5.033 $ 79 $ 4,954 $ 3,938 $ 20 $ 3,918 0.51% Capital $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.00% . For Month of July 2004 New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY EXPENDITURE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 . Program: 5156 Komen Grant Cumulative % 8.33% Month Reported Mon1of12 Jul.Q4 Type of Expenditure Budgeted Amount Current Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % Budgeted Amount Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remalnln % $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.00% Program: 5126 Health Promotions Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance % ;....,: Budgeted Expended Balance % Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining ~: Amount Amount Remaining Salary & Fringe $ 151,359 $ 5,037 $ 146,322 139,685 $ 16,031 $ 123,654 11.48% Operating $ 11,821 $ 66 $ 11,755 11,821 $ 291 $ 11,530 2.46% . For Month of July 2004 Program 5163 Family Planning Type of Expenditure Salary & Fringe Operating Capital Outlay Budgeted Amount Current Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining (28,544) $ 28,544 $ $ % Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining $ $ $ % 0.00% 0.00% . For Month of July 2004 New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY EXPENDITURE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 . Cumulative % 8.33% Month Reported Mon1of12 Jul-Q4 Program: Type of Expenditure Budgeted Amount 5161 Personal Health Current Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % I,';;" Budgeted ;;jt' "';~':::' Amount Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % (26,454) 26,454 Program: 5166 Partnership for Children Current Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance % Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining Salary & Fringe $ 166,875 $ 9,467 $ 157,408 Operating $ 4,824 $ 126 $ 4,698 Capital $ 800 $ $ 800 Totals $ 172,499 $ 9,593 $ 162,106 Budgeted Amount Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % . Program: 5167 Child Health Type of Expenditure Budgeted Amount Current Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % (j '~'i: " Budgeted Amount Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % Salary & Fringe Operating Capital Outlay $ 332,107 $ 40,380 18,954 1,489 313,153 38,891 $ 327,069 $ 40,505 34,191 712 292,878 39,793 10.45% 1.76% . For Month of July 2004 . New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY EXPENDITURE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 Program: 5168 Dental Health Cumulative % 8.33% Month Reported Mon 1 of12 Jul.()4 Type of Expenditure Budgeted Amount Current Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % r;~~ !iii, Budgeted ~ Amount Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % Salary & Fringe Operating $ $ 42,377 $ 5,200 $ 1,340 $ $ 41,037 5,200 42,110 $ 5,200 $ 4,002 $ $ 38,108 5,200 9.50% 0.00% Program: 5169 School Health Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance % Ii Budgeted Expended Balance % f, '~ Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining ; ,~ Amount Amount Remaining 1,599,761 17,804 $ 1,581,957 20,268 1,380,604 59,582 33 $ 59,549 20 51,241 $ . Program: 5170 Wise Woman Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance % ..-~' Budgeted Expended Balance % Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining ~}~ Amount Amount Remaining Operating $ 20,328 $ 737 $ 19,591 $ 27,104 $ $ 27,104 v Program: Type of Expenditure Budgeted Amount Current Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % ~~~~ B~:~:~: Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % $ $ - $ $ $ $ 0.00% . For Month of July 2004 New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY EXPENDITURE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 . Program: 5174 Jail Health Cumulative % 8.33% Month Reported Mon1of12 Jul-04 Type of Expenditure BUdgeted Amount Current Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % ~~";'.i Budgeted ,"'~ i~~ Amount Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % 21,787 (21,787) Program: 5178 Children Special Health Services Type of Expenditure Budgeted Amount Current Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % Budgeted Amount Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % . Program: 5180 Risk Reduction Type of Expenditure Budgeted Amount Current Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % Budgeted Amount Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % . For Month of July 2004 . Program: 5181 Project Assist Cumulative % 8.33% Current Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance % Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining 45,609 2,441 43,168 18,210 39 18,171 New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY EXPENDITURE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 Month Reported Mon1of12 Jul.()4 Budgeted Amount Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining % 5,482 143 Program: 5182 Health Education Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance % I Budgeted Expended Balance % Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining Amount Amount Remaining (5,311) 5,311 0.00% I $ 0.00% 0.00% '$ 0.00% $ . Program: 5183 Safe Communities Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance % I Budgeted Expended Balance '10 Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining Amount Amount Remaining Salary & Fringe $ $ $ $ $ Operating $ 10,000 $ $ 10,000 10,000 $ $ 0.00% Program: 5186 Smart Start for Asthma Type of Expenditure Salary & Fringe Operating Budgeted Amount Current Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining $ $ % Ii BUdgeted )!-" Amount ~ Prior Year Expended Balance Amount Remaining $ $ % . For Month of July 2004 New Hanover County Health Department FY 04-05 MONTHLY EXPENDITURE REPORT As of July 31, 2004 " Program: 5187 Project Stop Cumulative % 8.33% Month Reported Mon1of12 Jul-04 Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance % > BUdgeted Expended Balance % Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining Amount Amount Remaining Salary & Fringe $ 33,049 $ 414 $ 32,635 $ 45,062 $ $ 45,062 0.00% Operating $ 500 $ 54 $ 446 $ 3,218 $ $ 3,218 0.00% Capital Outlay $ $ $ $ $ $ . Program: 5188 TB Outreach Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance % A'" Budgeted Expended Balance % Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining 1': Amount Amount Remaining ,,; Salary & Fringe $ 10,700 $ $ 10,700 $ $ $ Operating $ $ $ $ $ $ Capnal Outlay $ $ $ $ $ $ ;:t ~j 4~~ ~:X.. "" ' 'ti" . 10,700 $ Program: 5189 Unned 4 Youth Current Year Prior Year Type of Budgeted Expended Balance % ,., Budgeted Expended Balance % : " Expenditure Amount Amount Remaining ?~ Amount Amount Remaining ;""<J ';<' 49,124 905 48,219 1.84% ;,-~ 2,776 28 2,748 1.01% i~~ ~;i\ . For Month of July 2004 f ," . Sign Here ~ . . New Hanover County Health Department Last Name First Name MI Patient SS#: PERMISSION TO USE AND DISCLOSE PATIENT HEALTH INFORMATION Date of Birth: ~----! I hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of the "Notice of Privacy Practices" for New Hanover. County Health Department and understand that I may contact the New Hanover County Privacy Officer if! have questions about the content of the notice. Signature of Patient/Parentl Authorized Representative Representative's Address: Date Relationship of Authorized Representative Reason Patient is unable to sign: Please provide us with a code word or phrase (no more than 10 characters). This will be used to verify your identity if you call us on the phone or to verify the identity of someone with whom you have authorized us to share your protected health information. If you forget your code or phrase, you may be asked to present identification to receive it from us. CODE WORD or PHRASE. If you would like for us to leave medical information regarding your care or appointments on an answering machine or other device (such as a text pager), please complete the following. o New Hanover County Health Department may leave a message regarding my medical information or appointments on the device at the following number L) NHCHD 08/31/04 r ~~f Inicial del SegundoNombre New Hanover County Health Department Apellido Primer Nombre .# del SS del paciente: Fecha de Nacimiento: --.!--.! PERMISO PARA USAR Y COMPARTlR INFORMACION DE LA SALUD DEL PACIENTE (Permission to Use and Disclose Patient Health Information) Por medio de la presente reconozco que he recibido una copia del formulario "Aviso de las Pnicticas de Privacidad " del Departamento de Salud en el Condado de New Hanover y entiendo que puedo contactar al Oficial de la Privacidad del Condado de New Hanover si ten go preguntas acerca del contenido de este aviso. Finna del PacientelPadre/Representante Autorizado Fecha Relaci6n del Representate Autorizado Direcci6n del Representante: Raz6n por la cual el paciente no puede firmar . Porfavor denos una clave de palabras 0 frase (no mas de 10 letras). Esto va ser usado para verificar su identidad si usted nos llama por telefono 0 para verificar la identidad de la persona que usted ha autorizado para que nosotros podamos compartir la informaci6n de su salud. Si ha usted se Ie olvida la clave 0 frase, se Ie va ha pedir que presente identificaci6n para poder darsela nosotros. P ALABRA CLA VE 0 FRASE Si usted desea que nosotros Ie dejemos informaci6n medica acerca de su cuidado y citas en su maquina contestadora u otro aparato (como el celular), porfavor complete 10 siguiente. EI Departamento de Salud de New Hanover puede dejar un mensaje respecto a mi informaci6n medica 0 citas en la maquina al siguiente numero ( ) .~ NHCHD 08/31/04 Hepatitis A Reported cases, New Hanover County By month and year of onset . MTH ONSET YR ONSET I 01 02 03 O. 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 I Total -----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------ 1988 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1989 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 1990 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1992 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 1993 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1994 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 6 1995 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 1996 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 1997 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 . 1998 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 1999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2000 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 2001 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 2002 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 5 2003 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 -----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------ Total I . 1 1 3 2 1 . . 7 5 2 . I 38 . . Number of Cases . ~ '" w ~ C ~ 0 c C Do". C ~ ~ Do". ~ ~ lb'17 ~ ? ~ Do". Z ~ ~ J: ?~ 0 DI :I Do". :I 0 III < III J: III 0 - III .. .. S,'CO - ~ CD DI 0 0 % cn=C ... 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