11/15/1940 95 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING, BOARD OF HEALTH HELD IN OFFICE OF BOARD NOVEMBER 15, 1940 Present: Mayor T. E. Cooper, Mr. H. M. Roland, Dr. J. C. Wessell, Dr. B. R. Morrison, Dr. W. H. Moore. Mr. Roland acted as chairman. 10.... Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Health Officer presented the monthly reports. On the Health Officer's recommendation it was moved by Dr. Morrison and seconded by Dr. Moore that Miss MIriam Neal by elected as secretary at the rate of $1000.00 per year. This election to be subject to a probation period of 90 days and that Miss Virginia Nesbitt be raised from $65.00 to $75.00 per month this being the linit for this position. The Health Officer was instructed to request the City and County attorneys to give a ruling on the Oleander septic tank effluent problem; that is, to rule wether this condition is a health hazard within the jurisdiction of the Board of Health or whether the problem is properly a civil action between the interested parties. There being no futher business, the Board adjourned Approved ~. /~ 1940 g4L~~ Clerk ......