03/15/1945 205 R..SGUkR MONTHLY MeETING BOARD OF HEALTH HELD IN OFFICE OF BOARD MARCH 15, 1945 Present: Mr. Addison Hewlett, Chairman, Mayor W. Ronald Lane, Dr. W. Houston Moore, Mr. H. M. Roland and Dr. J. C. Wessell. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Health Officer presented the monthly reports. The Board members discussed the possibility of securing the services of Dr. H. W. Stevens as Assistant Health Officer. The Chairman appointed a committee consisting of Dr. Wessell, Mayor Lane and Dr. Elliot to confer with Dr. Stevens and find out whether or not he waS available and for what salary. The possibility of securing a laboratory technician to help Mr. Lassiter in the water plant so that he could give part of his time to directing the sanitary inspectors in their work was discussed. It WaS moved by Dr. Wessell, seconded by Mayor Lane, that the Health Officer proceed in an effort to secure such a technician for the water plant. At the request of the Health Officer, it was moved by Dr. Wessell, seconded by Mayor Lane, that the buildings at 122 Market Street, Custom House Alley and the store room for the cafeteria back of 120, 122 and 124 Princess Street be rat proofed and the cost be charged against the buildings as the owners had persistently declined to sign up for this work. Carried. Mr. Edwards presented the application of Mr. Frank Collier to operate and retail raw milk dairy (formerly owned by Mr. H. L. Horne). After a general discussion as to the desirability of having all milk pasteu- rized, it was decided that the Board would decline to issue a permit to retail raw milk and that a properly worded regulation be presented to the Board at a subsequent meeting for official adoption prohibiting the retail sale of raw milk within the incorporate limits of any city or town within New Hanover County. It was then moved by Dr. Wessell, seconded by Mayor Lane, that the above procedure be followed. Carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. APproved ~ /"JJ 1945 :fit!!: ~ Clerk