07/12/1945 , 215 REGULn..'l. l,;QIlTHLY k ETING BOARD OF HE",r:rH HlLLD IN OFFICE OF DO&"'lD JULY 12, 1945 ." Present: IJr. "ddison Hewlett, Chairman, Dr. J. C. HesseU and Dr. ~"l. Houston tlOore. The minutes of the last meeting were read hnd tipproved. The Health Officer presented the monthly reports. The Health Officer explained to the Doard members that we had been unable to secure an Assistant Nurse Supervisor at :.1160.00 per month as set up in the budcet. The Health Officer Vias then au~horized to rearrange the salary so as to pay ~17".OO per month and up to .~40.00 per month travel; provided, we went long enough without securing such a person for the unused li.ppropriation to to.ke care of the increased monthly salo.ry and travel. There being no further business, too meeting o.djourned. APproved ~. 1 1945 #icf~. Clerk {