09/15/1948 ~..... 285 r PcV'F!,\~l ).'1 'tJTI-!LY MEETINli BOARD OF HJ;,ilJ/l'H HELD IN OFFI(;E OF BOARD SEPTEMBER 15, 1%8 Present: ~r. Addison Hewlett, Chairman, Dr. J. C. Knox, Dr. J. C. Wessell, Dr. Janes H. Smith and Mr. H. M. Roland. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Health Officer presented the monthly reports. Mr. Roland read a resolution of regret at the death of Dr. W. Houston Moore after which it was moved by Dr. Wessell, seconded by Dr. Smith, that the resolution be adopted as read. Carried. The Health Officer read to the Board members a letter from Mrs. Peter Browne Ruffin dated September 6, 1948, urging that the opening of schools be deferred until October 1. He also read a letter from Rev. G. Carl Lewis, pastor of the Slillset Park Baptist church, reqnesting that the ban be removed effective Sunday, September 19, instead of Monday, September 20, so that children could go to Sunday school. The Health Ufficer also reported several re~uests by telephone from persons interested in Sunday schoclR to the effect that the ban be removed ef- fective on the 19 instead of 20 so that the children could attend Sunday scho"ls. However, the Board felt that no exception should be made and that the effective date of lifting the ban should remain September 20. With the consent and approval of all Board members present, the Board meeting date was changed from the second Thursday to the second Wednesday of each month. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. I Approved ~ .J f 191.8 f/-,lff~ Clerk WllEREAS, the Wilmington end New Hano1rer County Board of Health reallzing 1n4:l.viduall.T am co11ectivel7 the great 1088 of their beloved triencl am vall.l8d member, end WHEREAS, his Te17 high type of service to thtt individual and cO/lOll\l,,'\ty IIlIts an example worthy of emulation by hi. co-workers, am successors, BE IT REroLVED, that this Board. put themselves on record. as expressing the highest tribute to Dr. W. Houston Y.oore for the contribu- tion he has IlIII.de to the health and happiness of his co1llllllll1ity. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of these resolutions be inscribed. upon the permanent record.s of the Board. of Health, a copy sent to the family, and a copy to the press. COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTIOUS Dr. J. C. Wessell H. M. Roland RESOLUTION Dr. W. Houston Moore 1880 - 1948 The New Hanover County Board of Health has received a great lOBS in the death of Dr. Houston Moore on July 23, 1948. For 14 ;yu&rs Dr. Moore has been a lIl8IIIber of the Board of Health. In no 8Ill&ll degree the present excellent health eondit1ons of Wilmington and vicinity can be attributed to his wise counsel and tactful aWa1nistration. His thinking and. actions were alw~s based. on an exceptionally thorough knowledge of human nature sncl Ii heart warming love for his fellow man. Dr. Moore's love for hiB town extended. into eve17 phase of c01llllllll1ity lite. He had to an unusual degree the happy faculty of blend1ne word.s in such an appealing setting that they pulled. at one's heartstrings. His genial countenance not only softened the pain and lessened the worry of t afflicted, but inspired his fellow citizens with a spirit of progress anc a desire for civic improvllll18nt all too rare in an era of world turmoU. He loved his town, with its sunshine and flowers, its 1aIce, its river, B its sounu and ocean. His nlllllll became a synonym for the "town beautiful' He has erected to himllll1f' a living monument in trees, shrubs, flowers, ' love in the hearts of friencis and. patients. He led. a rich life, a fulJ life, a joyous life and renciered. a degree of service outstanding in it and quality. 297 CALLED MEETING BOARD OF HF.ALTH HELD IN OFFICE OF BOARD SF.PTr14BER 30, 1945 \. Present: Mr. Addison Hewlett, Chairman, Dr. J. C. Knox and Mr. H. M. Roland. The meeting was called for the purpose of hearing a group of mothers from the Sunset Park School regarding the possibility of closing the school because of the Polio sitl~tion. Mrs. LeRay,acting as spokesman for the group, requested that the Board members consider the advisability of closing the school until two weeks after cold weather and until two wp,eks after there had been no cases of Polio. One other susgestion was the closing of school for at least two weeks to see what might develop foUowine the case that had re~ently occurred in Sunset Park School. Dr. Knox expressed to the group of mothers that he felt that cases would be occurring regardless of the opening of schools and that there would be occasional cases probably until Christmas or possibly through the winter. He further expressed that it "'as his opinion that the epidemic would decline rapidly from now on and that inasmuch as school had already been open for two weeks closing them now would not appreciably reduce the total number of cases occurring this fall and winter. , After answering many questions, Dr. Knox asked to be excused to return to his waiting patients. After a number of the interested mothers had expressed their views of the situation, Mrs. Birmineham made a motion that the matter be left open until the opinion of each member of the local medical society on whether or not the schools should be closed could be secured. Following that motion the meeting adjourned. APproved~194S _Wa4 Clerk