10/06/1948 , , 299 l REGULAR MONTHLY Ml~ETING BOARD OF HEALTH HElD IN OFFICE OF BOARD OCTOBER 6, 1945 Present: Mr. Addison Hewlett, Chairman, Dr. J. C. Wessell, Dr. J. C. Knox, Dr. James H. Smith and Mr. H. M. Roland. The minutes of the last meetinb were read and approved. The Health Officer presented the monthly reports. After a brief discussion of the request of a group of parents (Sunset Park School) that the schools be closed until two weeks after no case of Polio occurred, it was moved by Dr. Wessell, seconded by Dr. Knox, that the Board adhere to their former ruling that the Polio ban be lifted September 20 and that this Board was not in favor of quaran- tining children in any room where a case of Polio had occurred or might occur. Carried. After the Health Officer had explained a request from Mr. John T. Still, Plumbing Inspector, Durham, North Carolina, that our Department and his Department reciprocate with each other on plumbing licenses, it was moved by Dr. Wessell, seconded by Mr. Roland, that our Department recognize plumbing licenses issued by recognized or well established Health Departments throughout the State. Carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Approved f\IfY". I P 1945 #c!~ Clerk ( l ~ \ \ . \ \ This ordinance to becoms effective on and after July I, 1938. From this date---until July I, 1938 the milk and milk products shall be graded according to the ordinance now in effect. This period of one year to be used by the dairy- men in meeting the requirements of the ordinance which is to become effective July I, 1938.