11/10/1948 1 ..~ ... m,GULIIR HONTIlLY HEETING Bl'HHlJ OF HEALTH m,w IN Cl"l'ICE OF !3CiU\D NOVEHBIIR 10, 194R Present.: Hr. A :dison H","let1., ChaJr'p\an, Dr. J. C. \Vessell, Dr. ,T. C. KnoK, Dr. James H. Smith and Mr. H. H. Roland. The T'linuJ,ps of t.he last I!lpetinc were rF'lad and arrroverl. The Hpalth Of~i CfT pr8fent.f'd t.he monthl,' r8ports. 1':1'. Roland discnssed 'dith th8 Board "'.embers (as t.o) ,.rhether or not t.here !.muld be any public health involwoment in spe-r.'ial arraneements for t.each- ing convalescpnt Polio caRes. No oPficial acti on 'das t.aken, but it. ,"as th8 Board 1 s feeli ng t.hat. an,' children anle to take part in a t8aching proSram at. thp hospit.al ',~uld necessarily have passed the stare of con- tagion and ",ere li"81y to be out. of isolation. ~ Th8re beine no furt.ber business, t.he ffi8etine adjonrned. ~ AT'nroved ~. ,-, 9- u 1948 -flier; i:l-,/. C LEH.K ... .... V !J q