1997-03-06 Work Session MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, MARCH 6, 1997 .v.-. ~ PAGE 858 . ~'. ASSEMBLY . The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Work Session on Thursday, March 6,1997, at 10:50 A.M. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Buzz Birzenieks, Charles R. Howell, Vice-Chairman William A. Caster; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal, and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F HarrelL e Commissioner Ted Davis was absent. Members present from the New Hanover Transportation Services Advisory Board were: Annette Crumpton, Department of Aging; Richard Gerrish, Department of Social Services; Gayle Ginsberg, Department of Aging; and Ophelia Brown, Department of Social Services. Chairman Greer called the meeting to order and reported the purpose of the Work Session was to hear a presentation on the New Hanover Transportation Services System. REPORT ON NEW HANOVER TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Ms. Pat Melvin reported the goal of the New Hanover Transportation Services was to provide county-wide access to transportation. The service was established in 1990 as a coordinated Human Service Transportation System. The system is operated by a private operator through a contract with New Hanover County The original fleet of vans was donated by participating agencies in order to have enough vehicles to begin the system. e The last Transportation Plan Update was adopted on' January 3, 1995 The coordinated transportation system allows human service agencies to purchase transportation services for their clients through a ride-sharing program. The system has allowed human service agencies to eliminate the need for staff to be responsible for delivering clients to various appointments. The following agencies participate in the program. ! -." Association for Retarded Children Britthaven Convalescent Center Cape Fear Boy SCO)lts Girls Incorporated New Hanover County Health Department New Hanover County Department of Aging '" .. New Hanover County Department of Social Services New Hanover CountY Manager's Office (Disabled Trarisportation Assistance Program) Southeastern Djalysis' Center . . . '" Veterans CoUncil ", ' '"';''';,, Vocational Rehabiiiiation'" ,II"'" ;.. l "~..11!. '. '. I ..:. Well Care Program I ';.'~. 'I'i, _..' ". Discussion was held' on 'why the' Southeastern Ce~ter:'was' no(participating in the transportatio'n service. Ms. Melvin advised the Southeast,ern', tenth witIidrew from'the system approximately four years ago'due to financial problems; however; the Center is in the process of deciding w\1ether to purchase tran,spdrtation services for the next fiscal year:' - . . I..: ,;.. ~ -.~. , e The New Hanover Transportation Services is funded as follows: . ; ; \ :. .'0'<'" 1! ;,~ :,~ ,,' . ;"". - Medicaid Title XIX:' Federal 'f~ding is received through the Department of Social Services. , , . . ~ Older Americans Act and Title III: Federal funding is received through the Department of Aging. r. '. , " Section 5311 Funding (formerly Section 18): FUnding is received,from the State to provide capital assistance and funding for eIderly aD.d~isabled persoris through~e N C. Department of . ,. '" , I '! ~_h,.. ,., .; i: ,f :! 1 I; >, '} !' " , I ! l il \ ~, . ~,~ , MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, MARCH 6, 1997 PAGE 859 Transportation and from the Department of Human Resources to the Department of Aging and Department of Social Services. Veterans Services Administration: To support the cost of transportation for carrying veterans to the Veterans Hospital in Fayetteville or to a hospital in Wilmington. A $15 fee is provided for each veteran utilizing the New Hanover Human Services Transportation System. Discussion was held on the number of trips made to the Veterans Hospital in Fayetteville, the Duke Medical Center, and the University of North Carolina Hospital at Chapel Hill. Ms. Melvin advised that Mr E. T Townsend, an active veteran, would use a van to transport veterans to out-of-town hospitals. He has generously donated money to defer the cost of the transportation service. o Commissioner Birzenieks questioned why clients were carried to the Duke Medical Center instead of New Hanover Regional Medical Center? Mr. Gerrish responded that clients were referred to out-of-town hospitals by physicians. He reported approximately twenty trips per month were made to the Duke Medical Center and University of North Carolina Hospital at Chapel Hill. Commissioner Birzenieks requested the Director of Aging to provide a report listing the diagnosis of the clients that were being carried to out-of-town medical centers. Director Crumpton responded that she would be glad to furnish the figures. The following statistics were presented for FY 1995-96: Fleet Vehicles Number of Clients Total Miles Total Operating Days Total Trips o 19 6,100 319,305 308 107,356 Average Fully Allocated Cost Per Mile ($1 04 per mile charged by contractor) $1.81* Average Cost Per Trip ($5.00 paid by the contractor) $5.38* *Based on fully allocated cost of providing service. Revenues received are generated from the following sources: (1) 51.9% federal funding; (2) 17.9% state funding; (3) 25.5% local funding; and (4) 4 7% other The following revenue figures were presented: Federal Funding $561,565 NHTS $119,088 DSS 353,528 Dept. Of Aging 38.949 State Funding 98,977 NHTS $ 69,871 DSS 13,528 Dept. Of Aging 2.050 o ~ ~,.', to 'It;:o ~'.ll" . MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, MARCH 6, 1997 PAGE 860 Local Government Funding NHTS $ 26,336 DSS 97,661 Dept. Of Aging 75.427 193,476 Other Agencies 18,881 e Donations/Fares 6,608 Surcharge Total 21.441 $872.899* *Fully allocated cost of providing service A chart was presented on expenditures reflecting the following expenses: Transportation Service Administration Operations 68:5% 20.6% 10.9% Charts were presented on revenues and expenses from July' I, 1996, through December 31, 1996. County Manager O'Neal reported in most counties an agency is established with a staff of three or four employees to operate the transportation system. New Hanover County chose to operate a coordinated transportation program with each agency assuming certain responsibilities and paying for the transportatiori services used. Ms. Melvin serves as the transportation coordinator and has performed an excellent job in developing a cost-effective and, cost-efficient human services transportation system. e Discussion of Private Operator Contract for July I, 1997, through June 30, 1999 Ms. Melvin reported that requests for proposals had been submitted with three bids received. Interviews have been conducted with two finalists, and the clJ1T~.nt service provider was not one of the finalists. One firm projected a cost of $1.I 0 per mile with the other firm projecting a cost of $1 15 per mile. Both figures were presented without a surcharge which will create an increase in the mileage cost. In order to obt'.lin more revenue, additional agencies.'~pl be needed to participate in the program. The Southeastern Center, Head Start, and the YWCA will be joining the program this summer The YWCA will provide three vehicles and Head Start J:ili' provide two vehicles for the service. The vehicles will be turned over to the private operator through a lease agreement for $1.00 per year with the operator being responsible for maintaining the ''vehicles; purchasing fuel, and providing the cost for liability insurance. . Discussion was held oil why 'the County was reqilire~.tiiriJ;;rchase vehiCles. Ms. Melvin advised the State requires the County to' pUrchase the' neces~ary'yehicles. 'The'Department of Transportation purchaSes the' vehiCles' thfough state contract; 'and 'the County pays approximately 10% of the purchase price'. If a 'vehicle is purchased by ihe'Statt(for $34,000, the County p~ys approximately $3,000 with the vehicle being owned by New Bano'vet County and the State of North Carolina. . e Discu~sion was held 'on the' projecte'd growth of the tiah~i"bitation ~ei-vice. Ms. Melvin advised more servicbs will be needeo because of elderly' peison~: moving into the community and the initiation of the' Work'First Program. S,!1~'reported(juni\g:;tpe pa,si five years, the system had grown 20o/~ annually" ' . , ' ,," ".' ,', ,. , , '. . .: ,.a. 'Commissioner ~ir~e'iiieks reque~ted'an ~x~liiriatioi\.'of'th{tr~~poriaii6ri. services'required under federal mandates.( ,."~' ;, .~.:H~;. :1. t. .\. . .\}H:,ll "I.)"~: ,f ,'11,,_ ,.1 \, .. I ;":~ '1 :, ;i.'~, "'"t.t;~' ,; I... " .. 'l' ' , ., . I, \", MINUTES OF WORK SESSION, MARCH 6, 1997 PAGE 861 Ms. Melvin reported the Executive Order of the Governor requires the coordination of transportation services for human services. The rural general public transportation service (the route provided to the WrightsborolRockhill/Castie Hayne community) is required because the County receives federal and state administrative funds in the amount of $54,000. These funds are used to hire a transportation coordinator in addition to Gayle Ginsberg, who works with the Department of Aging, to handle scheduling and other transportation needs. A small portion of the funds are placed in the New Hanover Transportation Services account to meet other needs. County Manager O'Neal reported the County is not mandated by law to provide the services performed by the Department of Aging. If the County accepts federal and state funds to provide certain programs, the funds are required to be used for certain purposes. ADJOURNMENT After further discussion of the transportation system, Chairman Greer expressed appreciation to Ms. Melvin for the excellent report, and he thanked the members of the New Hanover Transportation Services Advisory Board for giving of their time and effort to serve on this board. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ Clerk to the Board i i i ! , o o o